コード例 #1
ファイル: pqueue.c プロジェクト: evasnyder/CPU
//to delete an element, first check whether the Queue is empty. If it isn't, declare a temp Node and save the head Node to it
//declare an int variable and save head's data to it
//set the second Node in the Queue (the one after the head) as the head and free temp's memory to get rid of the previous head in memory
//return the data of the deleted head
struct Event* deletePQ() {
   struct Event *temp = malloc(sizeof(struct Event));
   if(isEmptyPQ()) printf("EMPTY\n");
   { temp = head;
     head = head->next;
   return temp;
コード例 #2
	* change priority queue implementation
Graph shortestPathPQ(Graph g, Vertex v)
	Graph mst = newGraph(g->nV);
	int *dist = malloc(sizeof(int) * g->nV); // create the distance array
	int *pred = malloc(sizeof(int) * g->nV); // create the predecessor array, stores vertices passed through
	PQueue q = newPQueue(); // create a new priority queue
	Vertex currentVertex = 0, w = 0;
	int i = 0;
	int total = 0;

	assert(dist != NULL && pred != NULL);
	// clear all the memory blocks
	setArray(dist, INF, g->nV);
	setArray(pred, -1, g->nV);

	dist[v] = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++){
		joinPQueue(q, i, dist[i]);
	reorder(q, NO_UPDATE, NO_UPDATE);
	while ( !isEmptyPQ(q) ){ // while priority queue is not empty
		currentVertex = leavePQueue(q);
		for (w = 0; w < getnV(g); w++){
			if (g->wt[currentVertex][w] == NO_WEIGHT) continue;
			if (g->wt[currentVertex][w] + dist[currentVertex] < dist[w]){
				dist[w] = g->wt[currentVertex][w] + dist[currentVertex];
				pred[w] = currentVertex;
				reorder(q, w, dist[w]); // updates the priority of vertex w as well
		reorder(q, NO_UPDATE, NO_UPDATE);

	// construct the mst graph
	for (i = 0; i < getnV(g); i++){
		if (pred[i] != NOT_ASSIGNED){
			addEdge(mst, pred[i], i);		
			total += dist[i];

	printf("Total = %d.\n", total);
	return mst;
コード例 #3
ファイル: pqueue.c プロジェクト: evasnyder/CPU
//to print the Queue, first check whether it's empty. If it isn't, then traverse through the Queue and print out each
//Node's data and priority in the Queue
void printPQ() {
	struct Event* temp;
	temp = head;

	if (isEmptyPQ())

	else {
		while (temp != NULL)
			temp = temp->next;
コード例 #4
ファイル: pqueue.c プロジェクト: evasnyder/CPU
//insert into the Queue by giving the element and it's priority as the parameters
//declare two temp Nodes, temp1 and temp2
//allocate memory to temp1 and set it's data and priority to be the same as the element to be inserted
//if the Queue is empty or if the priority of the element to be inserted is higher, add temp1 before the head and set it as the head
//if the Queue is not empty and the priority of the new element is lower than the head's, then traverse through the Queue until the correct position for its priority is found
void add(struct Event* newEvent)
    //int newElement;
    //int eventPriority  hy;
	struct Event* temp1;
	struct Event* temp2;

	temp1 = (struct Event*)malloc(sizeof(struct Event));

	//newEvent->type = newElement;
	//newEvent->timeStamp = eventPriority          ;

	//if the Queue is empty of if the element that is being inserted has a higher priority
	if (isEmptyPQ() || newEvent->timeStamp < head->timeStamp)

		temp1 = head;
		head = newEvent;
		head -> next = temp1;
        size = size +1;

	else {
		temp1 = head;

		while (temp1->next != NULL && temp1->next->timeStamp <= newEvent->timeStamp)
			temp1 = temp1->next;

		temp2 = temp1->next;
		temp1->next = newEvent;
		newEvent -> next = temp2;
        size = size +1;