int statusBarHeight() { if (sys::isIRTouch()) { if(isHD()) { return 60; } return 45; } return 35; }
void XEMStrategy::setStrategyInit(XEMStrategyInitName initName, XEMData *& data, int64_t nbNbCluster, int64_t * tabNbCluster, XEMModelType ** tabModelType){ int64_t nbSample = data->_nbSample; int64_t pbDimension = data->_pbDimension; string fileName = ""; XEMParameter ** tabInitParameter = NULL; XEMPartition ** tabInitPartition = NULL; switch (initName){ case RANDOM : case CEM_INIT : case SEM_MAX : case SMALL_EM : _strategyInit->setStrategyInitName(initName); break; case USER : _strategyInit->setStrategyInitName(initName); tabInitParameter = new XEMParameter * [nbNbCluster]; for (int64_t k=0; k<nbNbCluster; k++){ if (isEDDA(tabModelType[0]->_nameModel)){ tabInitParameter[k] = new XEMGaussianGeneralParameter(tabNbCluster[k], pbDimension, tabModelType[0], fileName); } else if (isBinary(tabModelType[0]->_nameModel)){ int64_t * tabNbModality = ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality(); tabInitParameter[k] = new XEMBinaryEkjhParameter(tabNbCluster[k], pbDimension, tabModelType[0], tabNbModality, fileName); } else if (isHD(tabModelType[0]->_nameModel)){ tabInitParameter[k] = new XEMGaussianHDDAParameter(tabNbCluster[k], pbDimension, tabModelType[0], fileName); } else throw internalMixmodError; } _strategyInit->setTabInitParameter(tabInitParameter, nbNbCluster); break; case USER_PARTITION : _strategyInit->setStrategyInitName(initName); tabInitPartition = new XEMPartition * [nbNbCluster]; for (int64_t k=0; k<nbNbCluster; k++){ XEMNumericPartitionFile partitionFile; partitionFile._fileName = fileName; partitionFile._format = FormatNumeric::defaultFormatNumericFile; partitionFile._type = TypePartition::defaultTypePartition; tabInitPartition[k] = new XEMPartition(nbSample, tabNbCluster[k], partitionFile); } _strategyInit->setTabPartition(tabInitPartition, nbNbCluster); break; } }
//------------ // Constructor //------------ XEMModel::XEMModel(XEMModelType * modelType, int64_t nbCluster, XEMData *& data, XEMPartition *& knownPartition) { int64_t k; int64_t i; _deleteData = false; _nbCluster = nbCluster; _data = data; _nbSample = _data->_nbSample; _algoName = UNKNOWN_ALGO_NAME; _tabFik = new double*[_nbSample]; _tabCik = new double*[_nbSample]; _tabSumF = new double[_nbSample]; _tabTik = new double*[_nbSample]; _tabZikKnown = new int64_t *[_nbSample]; _tabZiKnown = new bool[_nbSample]; _tabNk = new double[_nbCluster]; for (i=0; i<_nbSample; i++) { _tabFik[i] = new double[_nbCluster]; _tabTik[i] = new double[_nbCluster]; _tabZikKnown[i] = new int64_t [_nbCluster]; _tabCik[i] = new double[_nbCluster]; for (k=0; k<_nbCluster; k++) { _tabFik[i][k] = 0.0; _tabTik[i][k] = 0.0; _tabZikKnown[i][k] = 0; _tabCik[i][k] = 0.0; } _tabZiKnown[i] = false; _tabSumF[i] = 0.0; } // _tabNk[k] = 0 even if knownPartition because this partition could be partial for (k=0; k<_nbCluster; k++) { _tabNk[k] = 0.0; } FixKnownPartition(knownPartition); XEMModelName modelName = modelType->_nameModel; // create Param if (isSpherical(modelName)) { _parameter = new XEMGaussianSphericalParameter(this, modelType); } if (isDiagonal(modelName)) { _parameter = new XEMGaussianDiagParameter(this, modelType); } if (isGeneral(modelName)) { _parameter = new XEMGaussianGeneralParameter(this, modelType); } //HDDA models if (isHD(modelName)) { _parameter = new XEMGaussianHDDAParameter(this, modelType); } switch(modelName) { // Binary models // case (Binary_p_E): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_p_Ek): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEkParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_p_Ej): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEjParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_p_Ekj): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEkjParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_p_Ekjh): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEkjhParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_pk_E): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_pk_Ek): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEkParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_pk_Ej): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEjParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_pk_Ekj): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEkjParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; case (Binary_pk_Ekjh): _parameter = new XEMBinaryEkjhParameter(this, modelType, ((XEMBinaryData*)data)->getTabNbModality()); break; } }
/* FileSave: Handles a request to save the currently open file. Parameters: HWND sheet: Handle to the property sheet. bool as: Save or Save As? */ void FileSave(HWND sheet, bool as, bool write) { int error; //error value from Scenario::save() HWND cpage; //the current property page HCURSOR previous; //the mouse cursor before/after save operation OPENFILENAME ofn; char titleBuffer[100]; Game startver; Game conv = NOCONV; SaveFlags::Value flags = SaveFlags::NONE; char w1[] = {84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 115, 99, 101, 110, 97, 114, 105, 111, 32, 105, 115, 32, 112, 114, 111, 116, 101, 99, 116, 101, 100, 0}; char w2[] = {83, 99, 101, 110, 97, 114, 105, 111, 32, 105, 115, 32, 112, 114, 111, 116, 101, 99, 116, 101, 100, 0}; if (setts.disabletips) { MessageBox(sheet, w1, w2, MB_ICONWARNING); return; } //init cpage = PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd(sheet); //Save As: Ask for filename. if (as || *setts.ScenPath == '\0') { char dir[_MAX_PATH]; strcpy(dir, setts.BasePath); strcat(dir, "Scenario"); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = sheet; ofn.lpstrFilter = extSave; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.lpstrFile = setts.ScenPath; ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = dir; ofn.lpstrTitle = NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; startver =; if (scen.header.header_type == HT_AOE2SCENARIO) { ofn.nFilterIndex = 6; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "aoe2scenario"; } else { switch ( { case AOK: ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scn"; break; case AOC: ofn.nFilterIndex = 2; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx"; break; case UP: ofn.nFilterIndex = 3; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx"; break; case AOHD: case AOHD4: ofn.nFilterIndex = 4; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx"; break; case AOF: case AOF4: ofn.nFilterIndex = 5; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx2"; break; case SWGB: ofn.nFilterIndex = 7; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx"; break; case SWGBCC: ofn.nFilterIndex = 8; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "sc1"; break; case AOHD6: ofn.nFilterIndex = 9; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx"; break; case AOF6: ofn.nFilterIndex = 10; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx2"; break; } } if (!GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) return; switch (ofn.nFilterIndex) { case 1: conv = AOK; break; case 2: conv = AOC; break; case 3: conv = UP; break; case 4: conv = AOHD4; break; case 5: conv = AOF4; break; case 6: scen.header.header_type = HT_AOE2SCENARIO; conv = startver; break; case 7: conv = SWGB; break; case 8: conv = SWGBCC; break; case 9: conv = AOHD6; break; case 10: conv = AOF6; break; } if (!*scen.origname) strcpy(scen.origname, setts.ScenPath + ofn.nFileOffset); /* Update window title since filename has probably changed */ _snprintf(titleBuffer, sizeof(titleBuffer), "%s - %s", szTitle, setts.ScenPath + ofn.nFileOffset); SetWindowText(sheet, titleBuffer); } else { conv =; } if (isHD(startver) && conv == UP) { if (setts.asktoconverteffects && MessageBox(sheet, "Also convert HD effects to UserPatch?", "Convert", MB_YESNOCANCEL) == IDYES) { flags = (SaveFlags::Value)(flags | SaveFlags::CONVERT_EFFECTS); } } if (startver == UP && isHD(conv)) { if (setts.asktoconverteffects && MessageBox(sheet, "Also convert UserPatch effects to HD?", "Convert", MB_YESNOCANCEL) == IDYES) { flags = (SaveFlags::Value)(flags | SaveFlags::CONVERT_EFFECTS); } } //update scenario data SendMessage(cpage, AOKTS_Saving, 0, 0); //perform before-saving operations previous = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); // Pretend we're "closing" the scenario because it may change during the // save. SendMessage(cpage, AOKTS_Closing, 0, 0); scen.clean_triggers(); //save the scenario try { error =, setts.TempPath, write, conv, flags); SetCursor(previous); struct RecentFile *file = NULL; //the file info will be stored here one way or another struct RecentFile *r_parse; /* Now check if file is already on recent list. */ r_parse = setts.recent_first; while (r_parse) { if (!strcmp(r_parse->path, setts.ScenPath)) { file = r_parse; break; } r_parse = r_parse->next; } if (file) { file->game = (int)conv; } else { file = setts.recent_getnext(); strcpy(file->path, setts.ScenPath); strcpy(file->display, PathFindFileName(setts.ScenPath)); file->game = (int)conv; setts.recent_push(file); } UpdateRecentMenu(; } catch (std::exception &ex) { // TODO: better atomic cursor handling? SetCursor(previous); MessageBox(sheet, ex.what(), "Scenario Save Error", MB_ICONWARNING); } //perform after-saving operations SendMessage(cpage, AOKTS_Loading, 0, 0); //report any errors if (error) { SetWindowText(propdata.statusbar, scen.msg); //MessageBox(sheet, scen.msg, "Save Error", MB_OK); } }
BOOL fillTVStruct (xmlNodePtr parentTag) { xmlNode *seekChild, *curNode, *airNode; char *tmpString; char *toFree; /* clear Structs */ if (curTV->actors) free (curTV->actors); if (curTV->plot) free (curTV->plot); if (curTV->tagline) free (curTV->tagline); bzero (curTV, sizeof(struct ST_tv)); if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "title")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = encNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { strncat(curTV->seriesname, tmpString, 255); free (tmpString); printD ("Stored Title:%s\n", curTV->seriesname); } } else { printD("Something went wrong while reading title...\n"); return (FALSE); } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "language")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = encNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { strncat(curTV->language, tmpString, 255); free (tmpString); printD ("Stored Language:%s\n", curTV->language); } } else { printD("Something went wrong while reading language...\n"); return (FALSE); } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "container")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = encNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { strncat(curTV->mediatype, tmpString, 255); xmlFree (tmpString); printD ("Stored MediaType:%s\n", curTV->mediatype); } } else { printD("Something went wrong while reading container(mediatype)...\n"); return (FALSE); } if ( (toFree = getIDs(parentTag)) != NULL ) { sprintf (curTV->imdblink, "\n", toFree); free (toFree); } else sprintf (curTV->imdblink, "", curMovie->moviename); printD ("Stored IMDBLink:%s\n", curTV->imdblink); if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "videoOutput")) != NULL) { if ( (tmpString = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent (seekChild)) != NULL) { curMovie->isHD = isHD(tmpString); xmlFree ((xmlChar*)tmpString); } } else curMovie->isHD = FALSE; if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "directors")) != NULL ) { if ( childTextToString(seekChild, curTV->directors, "director") == 0 ) strcat (curTV->directors, "UNKNOWN"); printD ("Stored Directors:%s\n", curTV->directors); } else { printD("Something went wrong while reading directors...\n"); } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "writers")) != NULL ) { if ( childTextToString(seekChild, curTV->writers, "writer") == 0 ) strcat (curTV->writers, "UNKNOWN"); printD ("Stored Writers:%s\n", curTV->writers); } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "genres")) != NULL ) { if ( childTextToString(seekChild, curTV->genres, "genre") == 0 ) strcat (curTV->genres, "UNKNOWN"); printD ("Stored Genres:%s\n", curTV->genres); } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "cast")) != NULL ) { if ( childTextToString_m(seekChild, &curTV->actors, "actor") == 0 ) curTV->actors = strdup ("UNKNOWN"); printD ("Stored Actors:%s\n", curTV->actors); } else curTV->actors = strdup ("UNKNOWN"); if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "tagline")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = encNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { curTV->tagline=tmpString; printD ("Stored Outline:%s\n", curTV->tagline); } } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "plot")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = encNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { curTV->plot=tmpString; printD ("Stored Plot:%s\n", curTV->plot); } } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "releaseDate")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = encNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { strncat (curTV->year, tmpString, 63); xmlFree (tmpString); printD ("Stored Releasedate:%s\n", curTV->year); } } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "posterFile")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = encNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { strncat (curTV->imglink, tmpString, 255); free (tmpString); printD ("Stored Imagelink:%s\n", curTV->imglink); } } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "rating")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { if (atoi((char*)tmpString) < 0) curTV->rating=0; else curTV->rating=atoi((char*)tmpString); xmlFree (tmpString); printD ("Stored Rating:%i\n", curTV->rating); } } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "season")) != NULL ) { if ( ( tmpString = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(seekChild)) != NULL ) { if (atoi((char*)tmpString) < 0) curTV->season=0; else curTV->season=atoi((char*)tmpString); xmlFree (tmpString); printD ("Stored Season:%i\n", curTV->season); } } if ( (seekChild = getChildNodeByName(parentTag, "files")) != NULL) { if (seekChild->children) { curNode = seekChild->children; while (curNode) { if (curNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (strcasecmp((char*)curNode->name, "file") == 0) { if ( (airNode = getChildNodeByName(curNode, "fileTitle")) != NULL) { if ( (tmpString = (char*)xmlGetProp(airNode, (xmlChar*)"part")) != NULL ) { if (atoi((char*)tmpString) < 0 ) curTV->episode=0; else curTV->episode=atoi((char*)tmpString); xmlFree (tmpString); } if ( (tmpString = encNodeGetContent(airNode)) != NULL ) { strncat (curTV->episodename, tmpString, 255); free(tmpString); } } if ( (airNode = getChildNodeByName(curNode, "fileLocation")) != NULL) { tmpString = (char*)xmlNodeGetContent(airNode); strncat (curTV->filename, tmpString ? tmpString : "*UNAVAILABLE*", 255); if (tmpString) free (tmpString); } } if (!writeToDB(TRUE)) fprintf (stderr, "%s could not be stored in DB:%s\n", curTV->filename, mysql_error(mysql_conn)); bzero(curTV->episodename, 255); bzero(curTV->filename, 255); } /* should all be filled by now, pump it in the DB */ curNode=curNode->next; } } } return (TRUE); }