コード例 #1
ファイル: uiwidget.cpp プロジェクト: Cadyan/otclient
void UIWidget::updateState(Fw::WidgetState state)

    bool newStatus = true;
    bool oldStatus = hasState(state);
    bool updateChildren = false;

    switch(state) {
        case Fw::ActiveState: {
            UIWidgetPtr widget = static_self_cast<UIWidget>();
            UIWidgetPtr parent;
            do {
                parent = widget->getParent();
                if(!widget->isExplicitlyEnabled() ||
                   ((parent && parent->getFocusedChild() != widget))) {
                    newStatus = false;
            } while((widget = parent));

            updateChildren = newStatus != oldStatus;
        case Fw::FocusState: {
            newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getFocusedChild() == static_self_cast<UIWidget>());
        case Fw::HoverState: {
            newStatus = (g_ui.getHoveredWidget() == static_self_cast<UIWidget>() && isEnabled());
        case Fw::PressedState: {
            newStatus = (g_ui.getPressedWidget() == static_self_cast<UIWidget>());
        case Fw::DraggingState: {
            newStatus = (g_ui.getDraggingWidget() == static_self_cast<UIWidget>());
        case Fw::DisabledState: {
            bool enabled = true;
            UIWidgetPtr widget = static_self_cast<UIWidget>();
            do {
                if(!widget->isExplicitlyEnabled()) {
                    enabled = false;
            } while((widget = widget->getParent()));
            newStatus = !enabled;
            updateChildren = newStatus != oldStatus;
        case Fw::FirstState: {
            newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getFirstChild() == static_self_cast<UIWidget>());
        case Fw::MiddleState: {
            newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getFirstChild() != static_self_cast<UIWidget>() && getParent()->getLastChild() != static_self_cast<UIWidget>());
        case Fw::LastState: {
            newStatus = (getParent() && getParent()->getLastChild() == static_self_cast<UIWidget>());
        case Fw::AlternateState: {
            newStatus = (getParent() && (getParent()->getChildIndex(static_self_cast<UIWidget>()) % 2) == 1);
        case Fw::HiddenState: {
            bool visible = true;
            UIWidgetPtr widget = static_self_cast<UIWidget>();
            do {
                if(!widget->isExplicitlyVisible()) {
                    visible = false;
            } while((widget = widget->getParent()));
            newStatus = !visible;
            updateChildren = newStatus != oldStatus;

    if(updateChildren) {
        // do a backup of children list, because it may change while looping it
        UIWidgetList children = m_children;
        for(const UIWidgetPtr& child : children)

    if(setState(state, newStatus)) {
        // disabled widgets cannot have hover state
        if(state == Fw::DisabledState && !newStatus && isHovered()) {
        } else if(state == Fw::HiddenState) {
コード例 #2
bool RenderThemeApollo::paintButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
    RefPtr<Image> image = Image::loadPlatformResource( "htmlButtonStates" );
    IntSize stateOffset( 0, 0 );
    if ( !isEnabled( o ) )
        stateOffset = IntSize( 0, 66 ); 
    else if ( isPressed( o ) )
        stateOffset = IntSize( 0, 44 ); 
    else if ( isHovered( o ) )
        stateOffset = IntSize( 0, 22 ); 
    IntSize focusOffset = IntSize( 0, 88 );
    const bool nodeIsFocused = isFocused( o );

    IntRect destRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    IntRect srcRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    IntRect focusRingSrcRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    int cornerDestWidth        = 6;
    int cornerDestHeight    = 5;

    // top left
    srcRect = IntRect( 0, 0, 6, 5 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x(), r.y(), cornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // top right
    srcRect = IntRect( 18, 0, 6, 5 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + (r.width() - cornerDestWidth), r.y(), cornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // bottom left
    srcRect = IntRect( 0, 17, 6, 5 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x(), r.y() + (r.height() - cornerDestHeight), cornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // bottom right
    srcRect = IntRect( 18, 17, 6, 5 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + (r.width() - cornerDestWidth), r.y() + (r.height() - cornerDestHeight), cornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // top edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 7, 0, 8, 5 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + cornerDestWidth, r.y(), (r.width() - (2 * cornerDestWidth)), cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // bottom edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 7, 17, 8, 5 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + cornerDestWidth, r.y() + (r.height() - cornerDestHeight), (r.width() - (2 * cornerDestWidth)), cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // left edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 0, 6, 6, 8 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x(), r.y() + cornerDestHeight, cornerDestWidth, (r.height() - (2 * cornerDestHeight)) );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // right edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 18, 6, 6, 8 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + (r.width() - cornerDestWidth), r.y() + cornerDestHeight , cornerDestWidth, (r.height() - (2 * cornerDestHeight)) );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // center
    srcRect = IntRect( 7, 6, 8, 8 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + cornerDestWidth, r.y() + cornerDestHeight , r.width() - (2 * cornerDestWidth), (r.height() - (2 * cornerDestHeight)) );
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    i.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 

    return false;
コード例 #3
bool RenderThemeApollo::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject * o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r) 

#if 0 // old "move-to" "line-to" code
    IntRect bounds = IntRect(r.x() + o->style()->borderLeftWidth(),
                             r.y() + o->style()->borderTopWidth(),
                             r.width() - o->style()->borderLeftWidth() - o->style()->borderRightWidth(),
                             r.height() - o->style()->borderTopWidth() - o->style()->borderBottomWidth());

    float fontScale = o->style()->fontSize() / baseFontSize;
    float centerY = bounds.y() + bounds.height() / 2.0;
    float arrowHeight = baseArrowHeight * fontScale;
    float arrowWidth = baseArrowWidth * fontScale;
    float leftEdge = bounds.right() - arrowPaddingRight - arrowWidth;
    float spaceBetweenArrows = baseSpaceBetweenArrows * fontScale;

    Color buttonColor = o->style()->color();
    if ( o->node()->hovered() )
        buttonColor = Color( 0xff, 0xb5, 0x31 );

    FloatPoint arrow1[3];
    arrow1[0] = FloatPoint(leftEdge, centerY - spaceBetweenArrows / 2.0);
    arrow1[1] = FloatPoint(leftEdge + arrowWidth, centerY - spaceBetweenArrows / 2.0);
    arrow1[2] = FloatPoint(leftEdge + arrowWidth / 2.0, centerY - spaceBetweenArrows / 2.0 - arrowHeight);

    // Draw the top arrow
    paintInfo.context->drawConvexPolygon(3, arrow1, true);

    FloatPoint arrow2[3];
    arrow2[0] = FloatPoint(leftEdge, centerY + spaceBetweenArrows / 2.0);
    arrow2[1] = FloatPoint(leftEdge + arrowWidth, centerY + spaceBetweenArrows / 2.0);
    arrow2[2] = FloatPoint(leftEdge + arrowWidth / 2.0, centerY + spaceBetweenArrows / 2.0 + arrowHeight);

    // Draw the bottom arrow
    paintInfo.context->drawConvexPolygon(3, arrow2, true);

    Color leftSeparatorColor(0, 0, 0, 40);
    Color rightSeparatorColor(255, 255, 255, 40);
    int separatorSpace = 2;
    int leftEdgeOfSeparator = static_cast<int>(leftEdge - arrowPaddingLeft); // FIXME: Round?

    // Draw the separator to the left of the arrows
    paintInfo.context->drawLine(IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator, bounds.y()),
                                IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator, bounds.bottom()));

    paintInfo.context->drawLine(IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator + separatorSpace, bounds.y()),
                                IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator + separatorSpace, bounds.bottom()));

// Debug
//    paintInfo.context->fillRect( r, Color( 0xff, 0x00, 0xff ) );

    RefPtr<Image> image = Image::loadPlatformResource( "popupStates" );
    IntSize stateOffset( 0, 0 );
    if ( !isEnabled( o ) )
        stateOffset = IntSize( 0, 66 ); 
    else if ( isPressed( o ) )
        stateOffset = IntSize( 0, 44 ); 
    else if ( isHovered( o ) )
        stateOffset = IntSize( 0, 22 ); 
    IntSize focusOffset = IntSize( 0, 88 );
    const bool nodeIsFocused = isFocused( o );

    IntRect destRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    IntRect srcRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    IntRect focusRingSrcRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    int leftSideCornerDestWidth        = 5;
    int rightSideCornerDestWidth    = 22;
    int cornerDestHeight            = 4;

    // top left
    srcRect = IntRect( 0, 0, 5, 4 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x(), r.y(), leftSideCornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // top right
    srcRect = IntRect( 22, 0, 22, 4 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + (r.width() - rightSideCornerDestWidth), r.y(), rightSideCornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // bottom left
    srcRect = IntRect( 0, 18, 5, 4 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x(), r.y() + (r.height() - cornerDestHeight), leftSideCornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // bottom right
    srcRect = IntRect( 22, 18, 22, 4 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + (r.width() - rightSideCornerDestWidth), r.y() + (r.height() - cornerDestHeight), rightSideCornerDestWidth, cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // top edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 6, 0, 14, 4 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + leftSideCornerDestWidth, r.y(), (r.width() - (leftSideCornerDestWidth + rightSideCornerDestWidth)), cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // bottom edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 6, 18, 14, 4 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + leftSideCornerDestWidth, r.y() + (r.height() - cornerDestHeight), (r.width() - (leftSideCornerDestWidth + rightSideCornerDestWidth)), cornerDestHeight );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // left edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 0, 6, 5, 11 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x(), r.y() + cornerDestHeight , leftSideCornerDestWidth, (r.height() - (2 * cornerDestHeight)) );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // right edge
    srcRect = IntRect( 22, 6, 22, 11 );
    focusRingSrcRect = getFocusRingSrcRect( srcRect, focusOffset );    
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + (r.width() - rightSideCornerDestWidth), r.y() + cornerDestHeight , rightSideCornerDestWidth, (r.height() - (2 * cornerDestHeight)) );
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 
    if ( nodeIsFocused ) 
        paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, focusRingSrcRect ); 

    // center
    srcRect = IntRect( 6, 6, 11, 11 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + leftSideCornerDestWidth, r.y() + cornerDestHeight , r.width() - (leftSideCornerDestWidth + rightSideCornerDestWidth), (r.height() - (2 * cornerDestHeight)) );
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 

    // down arrow
    srcRect = IntRect( 45, 5, 5, 12 );
    destRect = IntRect( r.x() + (r.width() - 13), r.y() + ((r.height() / 2) - ( 12/2 )), 5, 12 );
    srcRect.move( stateOffset );
    paintInfo.context->drawImage( image.get(), DeviceColorSpace, destRect, srcRect ); 

    return true; 
コード例 #4
	void Dropdown::draw(void) {


		if (isEnabled()) {
		} else {
		ofRect(boundingBox.x + edgeWidth, boundingBox.y + edgeWidth, boundingBox.width - (edgeWidth * 2), boundingBox.height - (edgeWidth * 2));

		if (isActive()) {

			ofRect(_dropdownBoxPosition.x + edgeWidth, _dropdownBoxPosition.y + edgeWidth,
				   _dropdownBoxPosition.width - (edgeWidth * 2), _dropdownBoxPosition.height - (edgeWidth * 2)

			//Draw the highlight.
			if (_highlightedSelectionIndex != NOTHING_SELECTED) {
				ofRect(_dropdownBoxPosition.x + edgeWidth,
					   _dropdownBoxPosition.y + edgeWidth + (_highlightedSelectionIndex * _selectionLineHeight),
					   _dropdownBoxPosition.width - (edgeWidth * 2),

			//Draw each selection in the dropdown
			for (int i = 0; i < _selectionOptions.size(); ++i) {
								 _dropdownBoxPosition.x + edgeWidth + TEXT_HORIZ_SPACING,
								 _dropdownBoxPosition.y + ((i + 1) * _selectionLineHeight)

		} else {
			//Draw the text that is shown in the dropdown box.
							 boundingBox.x + edgeWidth + TEXT_HORIZ_SPACING,
							 boundingBox.y + _selectionLineHeight*.8


		if (isHovered()) {
		} else {
		ofRect(_dropdownArrowPosition.x + edgeWidth, _dropdownArrowPosition.y + edgeWidth,
			   _dropdownArrowPosition.width - (2 * edgeWidth), _dropdownArrowPosition.height - (2 * edgeWidth));

		ofPoint arrowCenter = _dropdownArrowPosition.getCenter();
		ofLine(arrowCenter.x, arrowCenter.y + 2, arrowCenter.x - 5, arrowCenter.y - 3);
		ofLine(arrowCenter.x, arrowCenter.y + 2, arrowCenter.x + 5, arrowCenter.y - 3);
