ControlStates RenderTheme::controlStatesForRenderer(const RenderObject* o) const { ControlStates result = 0; if (isHovered(o)) { result |= HoverState; if (isSpinUpButtonPartHovered(o)) result |= SpinUpState; } if (isPressed(o)) { result |= PressedState; if (isSpinUpButtonPartPressed(o)) result |= SpinUpState; } if (isFocused(o) && o->style()->outlineStyleIsAuto()) result |= FocusState; if (isEnabled(o)) result |= EnabledState; if (isChecked(o)) result |= CheckedState; if (isReadOnlyControl(o)) result |= ReadOnlyState; if (isDefault(o)) result |= DefaultState; if (!isActive(o)) result |= WindowInactiveState; if (isIndeterminate(o)) result |= IndeterminateState; return result; }
ControlStates::States RenderTheme::extractControlStatesForRenderer(const RenderObject& o) const { ControlStates::States states = 0; if (isHovered(o)) { states |= ControlStates::HoverState; if (isSpinUpButtonPartHovered(o)) states |= ControlStates::SpinUpState; } if (isPressed(o)) { states |= ControlStates::PressedState; if (isSpinUpButtonPartPressed(o)) states |= ControlStates::SpinUpState; } if (isFocused(o) && states |= ControlStates::FocusState; if (isEnabled(o)) states |= ControlStates::EnabledState; if (isChecked(o)) states |= ControlStates::CheckedState; if (isDefault(o)) states |= ControlStates::DefaultState; if (!isActive(o)) states |= ControlStates::WindowInactiveState; if (isIndeterminate(o)) states |= ControlStates::IndeterminateState; return states; }
unsigned RenderThemeChromiumWin::determineState(RenderObject* o, ControlSubPart subPart) { unsigned result = TS_NORMAL; ControlPart appearance = o->style()->appearance(); if (!isEnabled(o)) result = TS_DISABLED; else if (isReadOnlyControl(o)) result = (appearance == TextFieldPart || appearance == TextAreaPart || appearance == SearchFieldPart) ? ETS_READONLY : TS_DISABLED; // Active overrides hover and focused. else if (isPressed(o) && (subPart == SpinButtonUp) == isSpinUpButtonPartPressed(o)) result = TS_PRESSED; else if (supportsFocus(appearance) && isFocused(o)) result = ETS_FOCUSED; else if (isHovered(o) && (subPart == SpinButtonUp) == isSpinUpButtonPartHovered(o)) result = TS_HOT; // CBS_UNCHECKED*: 1-4 // CBS_CHECKED*: 5-8 // CBS_MIXED*: 9-12 if (isIndeterminate(o)) result += 8; else if (isChecked(o)) result += 4; return result; }
ControlStates LayoutTheme::controlStatesForLayoutObject(const LayoutObject& o) { ControlStates result = 0; if (isHovered(o)) { result |= HoverControlState; if (isSpinUpButtonPartHovered(o)) result |= SpinUpControlState; } if (isPressed(o)) { result |= PressedControlState; if (isSpinUpButtonPartPressed(o)) result |= SpinUpControlState; } if (isFocused(o) &&>outlineStyleIsAuto()) result |= FocusControlState; if (isEnabled(o)) result |= EnabledControlState; if (isChecked(o)) result |= CheckedControlState; if (isReadOnlyControl(o)) result |= ReadOnlyControlState; if (!isActive(o)) result |= WindowInactiveControlState; if (isIndeterminate(o)) result |= IndeterminateControlState; return result; }
bool RenderThemeChromiumLinux::paintCheckbox(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect) { PlatformSupport::ThemePaintExtraParams extraParams; extraParams.button.checked = isChecked(o); extraParams.button.indeterminate = isIndeterminate(o); PlatformSupport::paintThemePart(i.context, PlatformSupport::PartCheckbox, getWebThemeState(this, o), rect, &extraParams); return false; }
bool RenderThemeNix::paintRadio(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect) { WebKit::WebThemeEngine::ButtonExtraParams extraParams; extraParams.checked = isChecked(o); extraParams.indeterminate = isIndeterminate(o); themeEngine()->paintRadio(webCanvas(i), getWebThemeState(this, o), WebKit::WebRect(rect), extraParams); return false; }
bool RenderThemeChromiumDefault::paintCheckbox(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect) { WebKit::WebThemeEngine::ExtraParams extraParams; WebKit::WebCanvas* canvas = i.context->canvas(); extraParams.button.checked = isChecked(o); extraParams.button.indeterminate = isIndeterminate(o); float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom(); GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*i.context); IntRect unzoomedRect = rect; if (zoomLevel != 1) { unzoomedRect.setWidth(unzoomedRect.width() / zoomLevel); unzoomedRect.setHeight(unzoomedRect.height() / zoomLevel); i.context->translate(unzoomedRect.x(), unzoomedRect.y()); i.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel)); i.context->translate(-unzoomedRect.x(), -unzoomedRect.y()); } WebKit::Platform::current()->themeEngine()->paint(canvas, WebKit::WebThemeEngine::PartCheckbox, getWebThemeState(this, o), WebKit::WebRect(unzoomedRect), &extraParams); return false; }
unsigned RenderThemeChromiumWin::determineClassicState(RenderObject* o, ControlSubPart subPart) { unsigned result = 0; ControlPart part = o->style()->appearance(); // Sliders are always in the normal state. if (part == SliderHorizontalPart || part == SliderVerticalPart) return result; // So are readonly text fields. if (isReadOnlyControl(o) && (part == TextFieldPart || part == TextAreaPart || part == SearchFieldPart)) return result; if (part == SliderThumbHorizontalPart || part == SliderThumbVerticalPart) { if (!isEnabled(o->parent())) result = DFCS_INACTIVE; else if (toRenderSlider(o->parent())->inDragMode()) // Active supersedes hover result = DFCS_PUSHED; else if (isHovered(o)) result = DFCS_HOT; } else { if (!isEnabled(o) || isReadOnlyControl(o)) result = DFCS_INACTIVE; // Active supersedes hover else if (isPressed(o) && (subPart == SpinButtonUp) == isSpinUpButtonPartPressed(o)) result = DFCS_PUSHED; else if (supportsFocus(part) && isFocused(o)) // So does focused result = 0; else if (isHovered(o) && (subPart == SpinButtonUp) == isSpinUpButtonPartHovered(o)) result = DFCS_HOT; // Classic theme can't represent indeterminate states. Use unchecked appearance. if (isChecked(o) && !isIndeterminate(o)) result |= DFCS_CHECKED; } return result; }