Real SolutionAux::computeValue() { // The value to output Real output; // _direct=true, extract the values using the dof if (_direct) { if (isNodal()) output = _solution_object.directValue(_current_node, _var_name); else output = _solution_object.directValue(_current_elem, _var_name); } // _direct=false, extract the values using time and point else { if (isNodal()) output = _solution_object.pointValue(_t, *_current_node, _var_name); else output = _solution_object.pointValue(_t, _current_elem->centroid(), _var_name); } // Apply factors and return the value return _scale_factor*output + _add_factor; }
GlobalDisplacementAux::GlobalDisplacementAux(const InputParameters & parameters) : AuxKernel(parameters), _scalar_global_strain(coupledScalarValue("scalar_global_strain")), _component(getParam<unsigned int>("component")), _output_global_disp(getParam<bool>("output_global_displacement")), _pst(getUserObject<GlobalStrainUserObjectInterface>("global_strain_uo")), _periodic_dir(_pst.getPeriodicDirections()), _dim(_mesh.dimension()), _ndisp(coupledComponents("displacements")), _disp(_ndisp) { if (!isNodal()) paramError("variable", "GlobalDisplacementAux must be used on a nodal auxiliary variable"); if (_component >= _dim) paramError("component", "The component ", _component, " does not exist for ", _dim, " dimensional problems"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ndisp; ++i) _disp[i] = &coupledValue("displacements", i); }
void EulerAngleProvider2RGBAux::precalculateValue() { // ID of unique grain at current point const int grain_id = _grain_tracker.getEntityValue((isNodal() ? _current_node->id() : _current_elem->id()), FeatureFloodCount::FieldType::UNIQUE_REGION, 0); // Recover euler angles for current grain RealVectorValue angles; if (grain_id >= 0) angles = _euler.getEulerAngles(grain_id); // Assign correct RGB value either from euler2RGB or from _no_grain_color Point RGB; if (grain_id < 0) //If not in a grain, return _no_grain_color RGB = _no_grain_color; else RGB = euler2RGB(_sd, angles(0) / 180.0 * libMesh::pi, angles(1) / 180.0 * libMesh::pi, angles(2) / 180.0 * libMesh::pi, 1.0, _xtal_class); // Create correct scalar output if (_output_type < 3) _value = RGB(_output_type); else if (_output_type == 3) { Real RGBint = 0.0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) RGBint = 256 * RGBint + (RGB(i) >= 1 ? 255 : std::floor(RGB(i) * 256.0)); _value = RGBint; } else mooseError("Incorrect value for output_type in EulerAngleProvider2RGBAux"); }
Real NodalFloodCountAux::computeValue() { switch (_field_display) { case 0: // UNIQUE_REGION case 1: // VARIABLE_COLORING return _flood_counter.getNodalValue(_current_node->id(), _var_idx, _var_coloring); case 2: // ACTIVE_BOUNDS if (isNodal()) return _flood_counter.getNodalValues(_current_node->id()).size(); else { size_t size=0; std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > > values = _flood_counter.getElementalValues(_current_elem->id()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) size += values[i].size(); return size; } case 3: // CENTROID return _flood_counter.getElementalValue(_current_elem->id()); } return 0; }
void FeatureFloodCountAux::precalculateValue() { switch (_field_display) { case 0: // UNIQUE_REGION case 1: // VARIABLE_COLORING case 2: // GHOSTED_ENTITIES case 3: // HALOS case 4: // CENTROID _value = _flood_counter.getEntityValue((isNodal() ? _current_node->id() : _current_elem->id()), _field_type, _var_idx); break; case 5: // ACTIVE_BOUNDS if (_grain_tracker_ptr) { const auto & op_to_grains = _grain_tracker_ptr->getOpToGrainsVector(_current_elem->id()); _value = std::count_if(op_to_grains.begin(), op_to_grains.end(), [](unsigned int grain_id) { return grain_id != libMesh::invalid_uint; }); } else _value = 0; break; default: mooseError("Unimplemented \"field_display\" type"); } }
Real NewmarkVelAux::computeValue() { Real vel_old = _u_old[_qp]; if (!isNodal()) mooseError("must run on a nodal variable"); return vel_old + (_dt*(1-_gamma))*_accel_old[_qp] + _gamma*_dt*_accel[_qp]; }
Real ProcessorIDAux::computeValue() { if (isNodal()) return _current_node->processor_id(); else return _current_elem->processor_id(); }
Real AccumulateAux::computeValue() { if (isNodal()) return _var.nodalSln()[_qp] + _accumulate_from[_qp]; else return _var.nodalSln()[0] + _accumulate_from[_qp]; }
Real Position::computeValue() { if (isNodal()) return (*_current_node)(0) / _r_units; else return _q_point[_qp](0) / _r_units; }
Real FunctionAux::computeValue() { if (isNodal()) return _func.value(_t, *_current_node); else return _func.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]); }
Real FunctionOfVariableAux::computeValue() { Real t_val = _t_variable[_qp]; if (isNodal()) return _func.value(t_val, *_current_node); else return _func.value(t_val, _current_elem->centroid()); }
Real NewmarkVelAux::computeValue() { Real vel_old = _u_old[_qp]; if (!isNodal()) mooseError("must run on a nodal variable"); // Calculates Velocity using Newmark time integration scheme return vel_old + (_dt * (1 - _gamma)) * _accel_old[_qp] + _gamma * _dt * _accel[_qp]; }
Real TestNewmarkTI::computeValue() { if (!isNodal()) mooseError("must run on a nodal variable"); // assigns the first/second time derivative of displacement to the provided auxvariable return _value[_qp]; }
Real FissionRateAux::computeValue() { //Aux to calcu the fission rate.Axial and radical power function are defined as function1 and 2. if (isNodal()) return _Function1->value(_t,*_current_node)*_Function2->value(_t,*_current_node)/_energy_per_fission; else return _Function1->value(_t,_q_point[_qp])*_Function2->value(_t,_q_point[_qp])/_energy_per_fission; }
VectorVariableComponentAux::VectorVariableComponentAux(const InputParameters & parameters) : AuxKernel(parameters), _vector_variable_value(coupledNodalValue<RealVectorValue>("vector_variable")), _component(getParam<MooseEnum>("component")) { if (!isNodal()) mooseError( "VectorVariableComponentAux is meant to be used with LAGRANGE_VEC variables and so the " "auxiliary variable should be nodal"); }
void AuxKernel::compute() { precalculateValue(); if (isNodal()) /* nodal variables */ { if (_var.isNodalDefined()) { _qp = 0; Real value = computeValue(); // update variable data, which is referenced by other kernels, so the value is up-to-date _var.setNodalValue(value); } } else /* elemental variables */ { _n_local_dofs = _var.numberOfDofs(); if (_n_local_dofs == 1) /* p0 */ { Real value = 0; for (_qp = 0; _qp < _qrule->n_points(); _qp++) value += _JxW[_qp] * _coord[_qp] * computeValue(); value /= (_bnd ? _current_side_volume : _current_elem_volume); // update the variable data refernced by other kernels. // Note that this will update the values at the quadrature points too // (because this is an Elemental variable) _var.setNodalValue(value); } else /* high-order */ { _local_re.resize(_n_local_dofs);; _local_ke.resize(_n_local_dofs, _n_local_dofs);; // assemble the local mass matrix and the load for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _test.size(); i++) for (_qp = 0; _qp < _qrule->n_points(); _qp++) { Real t = _JxW[_qp] * _coord[_qp] * _test[i][_qp]; _local_re(i) += t * computeValue(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _test.size(); j++) _local_ke(i, j) += t * _test[j][_qp]; } // mass matrix is always SPD _local_sol.resize(_n_local_dofs); _local_ke.cholesky_solve(_local_re, _local_sol); _var.setNodalValue(_local_sol); } } }
Real NewmarkAccelAux::computeValue() { if (!isNodal()) mooseError("must run on a nodal variable"); Real accel_old = _u_old[_qp]; if (_dt == 0) return accel_old; return 1/_beta*(((_disp[_qp]-_disp_old[_qp])/(_dt*_dt)) - _vel_old[_qp]/_dt - accel_old*(0.5-_beta)); }
MultipleUpdateElemAux::MultipleUpdateElemAux(const InputParameters & parameters) : AuxKernel(parameters), _n_vars(coupledComponents("vars")) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_n_vars; i++) { _vars.push_back(getVar("vars", i)); if (_vars[i]->isNodal()) mooseError("variables have to be elemental"); } if (isNodal()) mooseError("variable have to be elemental"); }
void MooseVariable::computeIncrementAtNode(const NumericVector<Number> & increment_vec) { if (!isNodal()) mooseError("computeIncrementAtNode can only be called for nodal variables"); _increment.resize(1); // Compute the increment for the current DOF _increment[0] = increment_vec(_dof_indices[0]); }
void MooseVariable::setNodalValueNeighbor(Number value) { _nodal_u_neighbor[0] = value; // update variable nodal value _has_nodal_value_neighbor = true; if (!isNodal()) // If this is an elemental variable, then update the qp values as well { for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<_u_neighbor.size(); qp++) _u_neighbor[qp] = value; } }
Real OutputEulerAngles::computeValue() { // ID of unique grain at current point const unsigned int grain_id = _grain_tracker.getEntityValue((isNodal() ? _current_node->id() : _current_elem->id()), 0, false); // Recover euler angles for current grain const RealVectorValue angles = _euler.getEulerAngles(grain_id); // Return specific euler angle return angles(_output_euler_angle); }
Real AxialBurnupAux::computeValue() { Real Pi=3.14159265; Real temp=(_Density*_Fuel_Percentage*238/270.0)*Pi*pow(_Pellet_Diameter,2)/4.0; //Aux to calcu the fission rate.Axial and radical power function are defined as function1 and 2. if (isNodal()) return _AxialPowerDis->value(_t,*_current_node)*_dt/temp; else return (_AxialPowerDis->value(_t,_q_point[_qp])+_AxialPowerDis->value(_t+_dt,_q_point[_qp]))/2*_dt/temp*1.0e-6+_u_old[_qp];//error NOT *_q_point[_qp] //Average burnup can be cal by post.. }
void MooseVariable::setNodalValue(Number value, unsigned int idx/* = 0*/) { _nodal_u[idx] = value; // update variable nodal value _has_nodal_value = true; if (!isNodal()) // If this is an elemental variable, then update the qp values as well { for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<_u.size(); qp++) _u[qp] = value; } }
const VariableValue & MooseVariable::nodalValuePreviousNL() { if (isNodal()) { _need_nodal_u_previous_nl = true; return _nodal_u_previous_nl; } else mooseError("Nodal values can be requested only on nodal variables, variable '", name(), "' is not nodal."); }
const VariableValue & MooseVariable::nodalValueDotNeighbor() { if (isNodal()) { _need_nodal_u_dot_neighbor = true; return _nodal_u_dot_neighbor; } else mooseError("Nodal values can be requested only on nodal variables, variable '", name(), "' is not nodal."); }
FeatureFloodCountAux::FeatureFloodCountAux(const InputParameters & parameters) : AuxKernel(parameters), _flood_counter(getUserObject<FeatureFloodCount>("flood_counter")), _grain_tracker_ptr(dynamic_cast<const GrainTrackerInterface *>(&_flood_counter)), _var_idx(isParamValid("map_index") ? getParam<unsigned int>("map_index") : std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()), _field_display(getParam<MooseEnum>("field_display")), _var_coloring(_field_display == "VARIABLE_COLORING"), _field_type(_field_display.getEnum<FeatureFloodCount::FieldType>()) { if (_flood_counter.isElemental() == isNodal() && (_field_display == "UNIQUE_REGION" || _field_display == "VARIABLE_COLORING" || _field_display == "GHOSTED_ENTITIES" || _field_display == "HALOS")) mooseError("UNIQUE_REGION, VARIABLE_COLORING, GHOSTED_ENTITIES and HALOS must be on variable types that match the entity mode of the FeatureFloodCounter"); if (isNodal()) { if (_field_display == "ACTIVE_BOUNDS") mooseError("ACTIVE_BOUNDS is only available for elemental aux variables"); if (_field_display == "CENTROID") mooseError("CENTROID is only available for elemental aux variables"); } }
/** * Auxiliary Kernels override computeValue() instead of computeQpResidual(). Aux Variables * are calculated either one per elemenet or one per node depending on whether we declare * them as "Elemental (Constant Monomial)" or "Nodal (First Lagrange)". No changes to the * source are necessary to switch from one type or the other. */ Real CoolantChannelAux::computeValue() { //integral power distribution function value std::vector<Real> axial_height(_axial_layeredvalue+1); std::vector<Real> function_value(_axial_layeredvalue); std::vector<Real> integral_value(_axial_layeredvalue+1); Point p1; p1(0)=0.0; p1(1)=0.0; p1(2)=0.0; /* 0----1----2----3 axial_height 0----1---2 function_value */ axial_height[0] = 0.0; integral_value[0] = 0.0; axial_height[_axial_layeredvalue] = _total_pellet_height; double step=_total_pellet_height/_axial_layeredvalue; p1(2)=0.5*step; function_value[0]=_Axial_Power_Dis.value(_t,p1); p1(2)=0.0; function_value[0]=_Axial_Power_Dis.value(_t,p1); // for(unsigned int i=1;i<=_axial_layeredvalue-1;++i) { axial_height[i]=axial_height[i-1]+step; p1(2)=p1(2)+step; function_value[i]=_Axial_Power_Dis.value(_t,p1); integral_value[i] = integral_value[i-1]+function_value[i-1]*step; } integral_value[_axial_layeredvalue]=integral_value[_axial_layeredvalue-1]+function_value[_axial_layeredvalue-1]*step; _coolant_temp.setData(axial_height,integral_value); if (isNodal()) mooseError("error!NOT nodal,should be monomial and constant "); else if(_dimension=="2D") //2D default axial direction is Y. return _coolant_temp.sample(_q_point[_qp](1))/_coef/_coolant_heatcapacity[_qp]/_coolant_density[_qp]+_inlet_temp; else //3D default axial direction is Z. return _coolant_temp.sample(_q_point[_qp](2))/_coef/_coolant_heatcapacity[_qp]/_coolant_density[_qp]+_inlet_temp; }
Real EBSDReaderAvgDataAux::computeValue() { // get the dominant grain for the current element/node const int grain_id = _grain_tracker.getEntityValue(isNodal() ? _current_node->id() : _current_elem->id(), FeatureFloodCount::FieldType::UNIQUE_REGION, 0); // no grain found if (grain_id < 0) return _invalid; // get the data for the grain return (*_val)(_ebsd_reader.getAvgData(grain_id)); }
XFEMCutPlaneAux::XFEMCutPlaneAux(const InputParameters & parameters) : AuxKernel(parameters), _quantity(Xfem::XFEM_CUTPLANE_QUANTITY(int(getParam<MooseEnum>("quantity")))), _plane_id(getParam<unsigned int>("plane_id")) { FEProblem * fe_problem = dynamic_cast<FEProblem *>(&_subproblem); if (fe_problem == NULL) mooseError("Problem casting _subproblem to FEProblem in XFEMCutPlaneAux"); _xfem = MooseSharedNamespace::dynamic_pointer_cast<XFEM>(fe_problem->getXFEM()); if (_xfem == NULL) mooseError("Problem casting to XFEM in XFEMCutPlaneAux"); if (isNodal()) mooseError("XFEMCutPlaneAux can only be run on an element variable"); }
Real NewmarkAccelAux::computeValue() { if (!isNodal()) mooseError("must run on a nodal variable"); Real accel_old = _u_old[_qp]; if (_dt == 0) return accel_old; // Calculates acceeleration using Newmark time integration method return 1.0 / _beta * ((_disp[_qp] - _disp_old[_qp]) / (_dt * _dt) - _vel_old[_qp] / _dt - accel_old * (0.5 - _beta)); }