bool CWizDatabaseManager::openWithInfo(const QString& strKbGUID, const WIZDATABASEINFO* pInfo) { Q_ASSERT(!m_strUserId.isEmpty()); if (isOpened(strKbGUID)) return true; CWizDatabase* db = new CWizDatabase(); if (!db->Open(m_strUserId, strKbGUID)) { delete db; return false; } // if (pInfo) { db->InitDatabaseInfo(*pInfo); } if (strKbGUID.isEmpty()) { m_dbPrivate = db; // take ownership immediately connect(db, SIGNAL(databaseOpened(CWizDatabase*, const QString&)), SLOT(on_groupDatabaseOpened(CWizDatabase*, const QString&)), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); } else { m_mapGroups[strKbGUID] = db; } initSignals(db); Q_EMIT databaseOpened(strKbGUID); return true; }
void write(const User* pUser, const std::string& content) { if (!isOpened())//если файл не открыт { log_.emplace_back("File not opened"); throw ClosedException(name_); } if (pUser != pOwner_) //если пользователь не владеет файлом { log_.emplace_back("File belongs to '" + pOwner_->name() + "' but '" + pUser->name() + "' wants to modify it"); throw OwnerException(pOwner_->name()); } if (readOnly_) //файл только для чтения { log_.emplace_back("File is read only"); throw ReadOnlyException(name_); } log_.emplace_back("File was modified by user '" + pUser_->name() + "'"); content_ = content; }
bool rspfDirectoryTree::getFirst(rspfFilename &filename, int flags) { bool result = false; theFlags = flags | rspfDirectory::RSPF_DIR_DIRS; if(theCurrentDirectoryData && isOpened()) { result = theCurrentDirectoryData->theDirectory->getFirst(filename, flags); while(result&&filename.isDir()) { checkToPushDirectory(filename); result = theCurrentDirectoryData->theDirectory->getNext(filename); } if(!result) { if(!theDirectoryQueue.empty()) { rspfFilename newDir = theDirectoryQueue.front(); theDirectoryQueue.pop(); theCurrentDirectoryData->theDirectory->open(newDir); return getFirst(filename, flags); } } } return result; }
// Close OpenNI2 device int Oni2Grabber::close() { // (1) Check if(!isOpened()) return 1; // (2) Close camera try { if(enable_depth_) stopAndDestroyStream_(depth_stream_); if(enable_infrared_) stopAndDestroyStream_(infrared_stream_); if(enable_color_) stopAndDestroyStream_(color_stream_); streams_.clear(); device_.close(); } catch(std::exception &) { std::cerr << openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError() << std::endl; } // (3) Set parameters if(isDebugMode()) std::cout << " Successfully closed." << std::endl; setClosed_(); return 0; }
void raw_serial::clearDTR() { if ( !isOpened() ) return; uint32_t dtr_bit = TIOCM_DTR; ioctl(serial_fd, TIOCMBIC, &dtr_bit); }
bool FileHandle::open(const sys::fs::Path& pPath, FileHandle::OpenMode pMode, FileHandle::Permission pPerm) { if (isOpened() || Unknown == pMode) { setState(BadBit); return false; } m_OpenMode = pMode; if (System == pPerm) m_Handler = sys::fs::detail::open(pPath, oflag(pMode)); else m_Handler = sys::fs::detail::open(pPath, oflag(pMode), static_cast<int>(pPerm)); m_Path = pPath; if (m_Handler == -1) { m_OpenMode = OpenMode(NotOpen); setState(FailBit); return false; } if (!get_size(m_Handler, m_Size)) { setState(FailBit); return false; } return true; }
void Door::interact(const Entity *interactor) { DoorState target; if(isOpened()) target = DoorState::closed; else { if(!m_key.isDummy()) { const Actor *actor = dynamic_cast<const Actor*>(interactor); if(!actor || actor->inventory().find(m_key) == -1) { printf("Key required!\n"); return; } } target = classId() == DoorClassId::rotating_out? DoorState::opened_out : DoorState::opened_in; if(classId() == DoorClassId::rotating && interactor) { float3 interactor_pos = interactor->boundingBox().center(); float3 dir = boundingBox().center() - interactor_pos; if(dot(dir.xz(), m_open_in_dir) < 0.0f) target = DoorState::opened_out; } } changeState(target); //TODO: open direction should depend on interactor's position }
int raw_serial::waitforrecv(_u32 timeout, size_t * returned_size) { if (!isOpened() ) return -1; if (returned_size) *returned_size = required_rx_cnt; return 0; }
/** @brief close stream */ void ofxKinectNui::close(){ if(isOpened()){ kinect.Shutdown(); bIsOpened = false; bIsFrameNew = false; } }
bool StXDisplay::open() { hDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); // get first display on server from DISPLAY in env //hDisplay = XOpenDisplay(":0.0"); //hDisplay = XOpenDisplay("somehost:0.0"); //hDisplay = XOpenDisplay(""); if(isOpened()) { initAtoms(); hInputMethod = XOpenIM(hDisplay, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(hInputMethod == NULL) { return true; } XIMStyles* anIMStyles = NULL; char* anIMValues = XGetIMValues(hInputMethod, XNQueryInputStyle, &anIMStyles, NULL); if(anIMValues != NULL || anIMStyles == NULL || anIMStyles->count_styles <= 0) { // input method doesn't support any styles if(anIMStyles != NULL) { XFree(anIMStyles); } return true; } const XIMStyle anIMStyle = anIMStyles->supported_styles[0]; XFree(anIMStyles); hInputCtx = XCreateIC(hInputMethod, XNInputStyle, anIMStyle, NULL); return true; } return false; }
bool VideoCapture::open(const String& filename, int apiPreference) { CV_TRACE_FUNCTION(); if (isOpened()) release(); const std::vector<VideoBackendInfo> backends = cv::videoio_registry::getAvailableBackends_CaptureByFilename(); for (size_t i = 0; i < backends.size(); i++) { const VideoBackendInfo& info = backends[i]; if (apiPreference == CAP_ANY || apiPreference == { CvCapture* capture = NULL; VideoCapture_create(capture, icap,, filename); if (!icap.empty()) { if (icap->isOpened()) return true; icap.release(); } if (capture) { cap.reset(capture); // assume it is opened return true; } } } return false; }
/** @brief open stream */ bool ofxKinectNui::open(bool nearmode /*= false */){ if(kinect.IsConnected() && !isOpened()){ bIsNearmode = nearmode; if(isInited()){ if(!kinect.IsInited()){ init(bGrabsVideo, bGrabsDepth, bGrabsLabel, bGrabsSkeleton, mVideoResolution, mDepthResolution); } } if(bGrabsVideo){ kinect.VideoStream().Open(NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR, mVideoResolution); } if(bGrabsDepth){ if(bGrabsLabel || bGrabsLabelCv){ kinect.DepthStream().Open(NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH_AND_PLAYER_INDEX, mDepthResolution, nearmode); }else{ kinect.DepthStream().Open(NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH, mDepthResolution, nearmode); } } if(bGrabsAudio){ kinect.AudioStream().Open(); } bIsOpened = true; return true; } ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "ofxKinectNui: Cannot open stream."); return false; }
bool SerialPort::waitForReadyRead(int ms) { if (!isOpened()) { return false; } #ifndef _WINDOWS fd_set fileSet; FD_ZERO(&fileSet); FD_SET(fd_, &fileSet); struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = ms * 1000; int n = select(fd_ + 1, &fileSet, NULL, &fileSet, &timeout); if (!n) { qDebug("select timeout."); return false; } int queue = 0; if (n==-1 || ioctl(fd_, FIONREAD, &queue)==-1) { qDebug("no queue."); return false; } #endif return true; }
bool Dl::open( const char_type *path, bool global, bool resolve ) { // Библиотека уже открыта if( isOpened() ) { return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD dwFlags = 0; global = global; if( !resolve ) dwFlags |= DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES; m_handle = LoadLibraryEx(path, NULL, dwFlags); if( !m_handle ) { // report error ... } else { // use the result in a call to GetProcAddress } #else ::dlerror(); // clear error m_handle = ::dlopen( path, (global ? RTLD_GLOBAL : RTLD_LOCAL) | ( resolve ? RTLD_NOW : RTLD_LAZY ) ); if( !m_handle ) { JQ_ERROR( ::dlerror() ); //DlFactory::instance()->setError(-1, ::dlerror()); } #endif return !isDlHandleInvalid(); }
void DBConn::close() { if (isOpened()) { mysql_close(m_conn); m_conn = nullptr; m_server.reset(); } }
bool raw_serial::open(const char * portname, _u32 baudrate, _u32 flags) { if (isOpened()) close(); _serial_handle = CreateFile( portname, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL ); if (_serial_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; if (!SetupComm(_serial_handle, SERIAL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE, SERIAL_TX_BUFFER_SIZE)) { close(); return false; } _dcb.BaudRate = baudrate; _dcb.ByteSize = 8; _dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; _dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; _dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; if (!SetCommState(_serial_handle, &_dcb)) { close(); return false; } //Clear the DTR bit to let the motor spin EscapeCommFunction(_serial_handle, CLRDTR); if (!SetCommTimeouts(_serial_handle, &_co)) { close(); return false; } if (!SetCommMask(_serial_handle, EV_RXCHAR | EV_ERR )) { close(); return false; } if (!PurgeComm(_serial_handle, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR )) { close(); return false; } Sleep(30); _is_serial_opened = true; return true; }
bool DBClass::nonSelectSql( QString sqlStr ) { isOpened (); QSqlQuery query ( sqlStr ); return query.exec(); }
int CRhoFile::readData(void* buffer, int bufOffset, int bytesToRead) { if ( !isOpened() ) return -1; int nSize = fread(((char*)buffer)+bufOffset, 1, bytesToRead, m_file); return nSize > 0 ? nSize : -1; }
void AudioDecoderOgg::close() { if (isOpened()) { ov_clear(&_vf); _isOpened = false; } }
void raw_serial::setDTR() { if(!isOpened()) return; uint32_t status; ioctl(serial_fd, TIOCMGET, &status); status |= TIOCM_DTR; ioctl(serial_fd, TIOCMSET, &status); }
void P2pEndpoint::read() { if (! isOpened()) { return; } (void)handle_input(0); }
_word_size_t raw_serial::rxqueue_count() { if ( !isOpened() ) return 0; size_t remaining; if (::ioctl(serial_fd, FIONREAD, &remaining) == -1) return 0; return remaining; }
void Private_Impl::setRotation ( int rotation ) { while ( rotation < 0 ) rotation += 360; if ( rotation >= 360 ) rotation = rotation % 360; State.rotation = rotation; if ( isOpened() ) commitRotation(); }
// Copy raw data of infrared int StructureGrabber::copyInfraredDataTo(unsigned short* infrared_data) const { if(!isOpened()) return 1; if(!isInfraredAvailable()) return 2; std::memcpy(infrared_data, getInfraredDataPtr(), getSize() * sizeof(unsigned short)); return 0; }
// Copy raw data of depth int StructureGrabber::copyDepthDataTo(unsigned short* depth_data) const { if(!isOpened()) return 1; if(!isDepthDataAvailable()) return 2; std::memcpy(depth_data, getDepthDataPtr(), getSize() * sizeof(unsigned short)); return 0; }
bool raw_serial::open(const char * portname, uint32_t baudrate, uint32_t flags) { if (isOpened()) close(); serial_fd = ::open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); if (serial_fd == -1) return false; struct termios options, oldopt; tcgetattr(serial_fd, &oldopt); bzero(&options,sizeof(struct termios)); _u32 termbaud = getTermBaudBitmap(baudrate); if (termbaud == (_u32)-1) { close(); return false; } cfsetispeed(&options, termbaud); cfsetospeed(&options, termbaud); // enable rx and tx options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); options.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; //no checkbit options.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; //1bit stop bit options.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; options.c_cflag |= CS8; /* Select 8 data bits */ #ifdef CNEW_RTSCTS options.c_cflag &= ~CNEW_RTSCTS; // no hw flow control #endif options.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); // no sw flow control // raw input mode options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); // raw output mode options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; tcflush(serial_fd,TCIFLUSH); if (fcntl(serial_fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY)) { close(); return false; } if (tcsetattr(serial_fd, TCSANOW, &options)) { close(); return false; } _is_serial_opened = true; return true; }
void DBConn::open(ServerDataPtr server, int connectTimeout /* = -1 */, int readTimeout /* = -1 */) { if (isOpened()) { close(); } if (connectTimeout <= 0) connectTimeout = DefaultConnectTimeout; if (readTimeout <= 0) readTimeout = DefaultReadTimeout; m_conn = mysql_init(nullptr); MySQLUtil::set_mysql_timeout(m_conn, MySQLUtil::ConnectTimeout, connectTimeout); MySQLUtil::set_mysql_timeout(m_conn, MySQLUtil::ReadTimeout, readTimeout); MYSQL *ret = mysql_real_connect(m_conn, server->getIP().c_str(), server->getUserName().c_str(), server->getPassword().c_str(), server->getDatabase().c_str(), server->getPort(), nullptr, 0); if (!ret) { int code = mysql_errno(m_conn); const char *msg = mysql_error(m_conn); string smsg = msg ? msg : ""; mysql_close(m_conn); m_conn = nullptr; throw DBConnectionException(code, server->getIP().c_str(), server->getDatabase().c_str(), smsg.c_str()); } // Setting session variables if (server->getSessionVariables().size()) { string sessionCmd = string("SET "); for (SessionVariableVec::const_iterator iter = server->getSessionVariables().begin(); iter != server->getSessionVariables().end(); iter++) { if (iter != server->getSessionVariables().begin()) { sessionCmd += ", "; } sessionCmd += string("SESSION ") + iter->first + string("=") + iter->second; } char *sessionVarSQL = (char*)Util::safe_malloc(sessionCmd.length() * 2 + 1); mysql_real_escape_string(m_conn, sessionVarSQL, sessionCmd.c_str(), sessionCmd.length()); bool failure = mysql_query(m_conn, sessionVarSQL); Util::safe_free(sessionVarSQL); if (failure) { int code = mysql_errno(m_conn); throw DatabaseException(code, "Failed to execute SQL '%s': %s (%d)", sessionCmd.c_str(), mysql_error(m_conn), code); } } m_server = server; m_connectTimeout = connectTimeout; m_readTimeout = readTimeout; }
PtrLen<char> PrintFile::do_provide(ulen) { if( !isOpened() ) { Printf(Exception,"CCore::PrintFile::do_provide(...) : file is not opened"); } return Range(buf); }
int RawSocketDevice::sendPackets(const RawPacketVector& packetVec) { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(WINx64) || defined(PCAPPP_MINGW_ENV) LOG_ERROR("Sending packets with raw socket are not supported on Windows"); return false; #elif LINUX if (!isOpened()) { LOG_ERROR("Device is not open"); return 0; } int fd = ((SocketContainer*)m_Socket)->fd; sockaddr_ll addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll)); addr.sll_family = htons(PF_PACKET); addr.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL); addr.sll_halen = 6; addr.sll_ifindex = ((SocketContainer*)m_Socket)->interfaceIndex; int sendCount = 0; for (RawPacketVector::ConstVectorIterator iter = packetVec.begin(); iter != packetVec.end(); iter++) { Packet packet(*iter, OsiModelDataLinkLayer); if (!packet.isPacketOfType(pcpp::Ethernet)) { LOG_DEBUG("Can't send non-Ethernet packets"); continue; } EthLayer* ethLayer = packet.getLayerOfType<EthLayer>(); MacAddress dstMac = ethLayer->getDestMac(); dstMac.copyTo((uint8_t*)&(addr.sll_addr)); if (::sendto(fd, (*iter)->getRawData(), (*iter)->getRawDataLen(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) { LOG_DEBUG("Failed to send packet. Error was: '%s'", strerror(errno)); continue; } sendCount++; } return sendCount; #else LOG_ERROR("Raw socket are not supported on this platform"); return false; #endif }
void CRhoFile::readString(String& strData){ if ( !isOpened() ) return; int nSize = size(); strData.resize(nSize); nSize = fread(&strData[0], 1, nSize, m_file); strData[nSize] = 0; }