コード例 #1
ファイル: read.cpp プロジェクト: RFDaemoniac/sc2-map-analyzer
u8 SC2Map::getHeightCell( point* c ) {

  if( !isPlayableCell( c ) )
    printError( "Attempt to access data from unplayable cell (%d, %d)\n",
                c->pcy );
    exit( -1 );
  if( c->pcx == point::pcNaN ) {
    printError( "Expected a cell point.\n" );
    exit( -1 );

  point t_ur;  t_ur.ptSet( c->pcx + 1, c->pcy + 1 );
  point t_lr;  t_lr.ptSet( c->pcx + 1, c->pcy     );
  point t_ll;  t_ll.ptSet( c->pcx,     c->pcy     );
  point t_ul;  t_ul.ptSet( c->pcx,     c->pcy + 1 );

  // this isn't a well-defined concept for cells with
  // a bunch of neighboring heights, which is ok because
  // those kinds of cells don't usually render any interesting
  // game info because they are unpathable
  return (getHeight( &t_ur ) +
          getHeight( &t_lr ) +
          getHeight( &t_ll ) +
          getHeight( &t_ul )) / 4;
コード例 #2
float SC2Map::getShortestPathDistance( point* src, point* dst, PathType t )
  if( !isPlayableCell( src ) || !isPlayableCell( dst ) )
    return infinity;

  Node* u = getPathNode( src, t );
  Node* v = getPathNode( dst, t );

  if( u == NULL || v == NULL )
    return infinity;

  return getShortestPathDistance( u, v, t );
コード例 #3
bool SC2Map::checkHasOpennessLastPass( point* c, PathType t )
  if( !isPlayableCell( c ) )
    return false;

    mapOpennessPrev[NUM_PATH_TYPES*(c->pcy*cxDimPlayable + c->pcx) + t] > -0.5f;
コード例 #4
float SC2Map::getOpennessLastPass( point* c, PathType t )
  if( !isPlayableCell( c ) )
    printError( "Attempt to access data from unplayable cell (%d, %d)\n.",
                c->pcy );
    exit( -1 );
  return mapOpennessPrev[NUM_PATH_TYPES*(c->pcy*cxDimPlayable + c->pcx) + t];
コード例 #5
bool SC2Map::checkHasOpenness( point* c, PathType t )
  if( !isPlayableCell( c ) )
    printError( "Attempt to access data from unplayable cell (%d, %d)\n.",
                c->pcy );
    exit( -1 );
  return mapOpenness[NUM_PATH_TYPES*(c->pcy*cxDimPlayable + c->pcx) + t] > -0.5f;
コード例 #6
void SC2Map::setOpenness( point* c, PathType t, float o )
  if( !isPlayableCell( c ) )
    printError( "Attempt to access data from unplayable cell (%d, %d).\n",
                c->pcy );
    exit( -1 );
  mapOpenness[NUM_PATH_TYPES*(c->pcy*cxDimPlayable + c->pcx) + t] = o;
コード例 #7
void SC2Map::setPathNode( point* c, PathType t, Node* u )
  if( !isPlayableCell( c ) )
    printError( "Attempt to access data from unplayable cell (%d, %d).\n",
                c->pcy );
    exit( -1 );
  mapPathNodes[NUM_PATH_TYPES*(c->pcy*cxDimPlayable + c->pcx) + t] = u;
コード例 #8
Node* SC2Map::getPathNode( point* c, PathType t )
  if( !isPlayableCell( c ) )
    // allow the "getter" of nodes to simply return NULL when
    // access is out of bounds to simplify logic of algorithms
    // that start at a given cell and try to inspect the neighbors
    return NULL;

  return mapPathNodes[NUM_PATH_TYPES*(c->pcy*cxDimPlayable + c->pcx) + t];
コード例 #9
float SC2Map::getShortestPathDistance( point* p, Base* b, PathType t )
  if( !isPlayableCell( p ) )
    return infinity;

  Node* u = getPathNode( p, t );
  if( u == NULL )
    return infinity;

  return getShortestPathDistance( u, b, t );
コード例 #10
float SC2Map::calculateAverageOpennessInNeighborhood( point*   p,
                                                      float    radius,
                                                      PathType t )
  float oTotal       = 0.0f;
  int   cellsSampled = 0;

  int r = (int)(radius + 1.0f);

  for( int pci = -r; pci < r; ++pci )
    for( int pcj = -r; pcj < r; ++pcj )
      // only sample openness in circle
      // around the base
      float xsq = (float)(pci*pci);
      float ysq = (float)(pcj*pcj);
      if( sqrt( xsq + ysq ) > radius )


      point c;
      c.pcSet( p->pcx + pci,
               p->pcy + pcj );

      if( isPlayableCell( &c ) &&
          checkHasOpenness( &c, t ) )
        oTotal += getOpenness( &c, t );

  return oTotal / (float)cellsSampled;
コード例 #11
ファイル: read.cpp プロジェクト: RFDaemoniac/sc2-map-analyzer
int SC2Map::readPaintedPathingLayer( const HANDLE archive )
  char strFilename[] = "PaintedPathingLayer";

  int bufferSize;
  u8* bufferFreeAfterUse;

  if( readArchiveFile( archive, strFilename, &bufferSize, &bufferFreeAfterUse ) < 0 )
    return -1;

  bool continueProcessing = true;

  int expectedSize = 16 + 8*256*256;
  if( bufferSize < expectedSize )
    printWarning( "%s is invalid.\n", strFilename );
    continueProcessing = false;

  // position in the data buffer, skip opening words
  int buffpos = 16;

  for( int i = 0; i < 8*256*256; ++i )
    bool breakFromLoop = false;

    u8 type;
    memcpy( (void*) &type, (void*) &(bufferFreeAfterUse[buffpos]), 1 ); buffpos += 1;

    point c;

    int mcy = i / (8*256);
    int rmn = i % (4*256);
    int mcx = rmn / 4;

    c.mcSet( mcx, mcy );

    if( !isPlayableCell( &c ) )
      continue; // just skip

    switch( type )
      case 0x80: // no painted pathing

      case 0x00: // no ground/cwalk/build pathing!
        for( int t = 0; t < NUM_PATH_TYPES; ++t )
          setPathing( &c, (PathType)t, false );

      case 0x01: // YES ground (overrides!)
        for( int t = 0; t < NUM_PATH_TYPES; ++t )
          setPathing( &c, (PathType)t, true );

      case 0x81: // no building
        setPathing( &c, PATH_BUILDABLE,      false );
        setPathing( &c, PATH_BUILDABLE_MAIN, false );

        printError( "Unknown triangle type in %s.\n", strFilename );
        breakFromLoop = true;

    if( breakFromLoop )
      continueProcessing = false;

  delete bufferFreeAfterUse;

  if( continueProcessing )
    // if we processed to the end with no problem,
    // report no problem
    return 0;

  // otherwise report error
  return -1;