コード例 #1
ファイル: quadTree.hpp プロジェクト: makuto/horizon
        bool insert(T newData, float x, float y)
            //std::cout << "["<< depth <<"] " << newData << " at " << x << " , " << y << " \n";
            //Make sure point is within the bounds of this node
            if (!isPointInRange(x, y, bounds))
                //std::cout << "point not in bounds\n";
                //Point is not within bounds
                return false;
            //Node isn't full yet, so add data to this node
            if (!tL && data.size() < maxCapacity)
                QuadPoint<T> newPoint;
                newPoint.x = x;
                newPoint.y = y;
                newPoint.data = newData;
                return true;

            //Safety max depth
            if (depth >= MAX_TREE_DEPTH)
                std::cout << "\033[31mWARNING: Max tree depth (" << MAX_TREE_DEPTH << ") reached!\033[0m\n";
                //return false;
            //Node is full; subdivide (if not already subdivided)
            if (!tL)
                /*if (tL->subdivideInsert(newData, x, y)) return true;
                if (tR->subdivideInsert(newData, x, y)) return true;
                if (bL->subdivideInsert(newData, x, y)) return true;
                if (bR->subdivideInsert(newData, x, y)) return true;
                //Point wouldn't be accepted by any nodes
                //std::cout <<"point rejected; keeping\n";
                QuadPoint<T> newPoint;
                newPoint.x = x;
                newPoint.y = y;
                newPoint.data = newData;
                return true;*/

            //If already subdivided, try inserting into child nodes
            if (tL->insert(newData, x, y)) return true;
            if (tR->insert(newData, x, y)) return true;
            if (bL->insert(newData, x, y)) return true;
            if (bR->insert(newData, x, y)) return true;
            //Shouldn't ever happen
            //std::cout << "This shouldn't happen\n";
            return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: quadTree.hpp プロジェクト: makuto/horizon
        //Fills the provided vector with resultant points (points
        //contained in the specified range). Returns total results
        unsigned int queryRange(aabb& range, std::vector<T>& results)
            //std::cout << bounds.x << " , " << bounds.y << " w " << bounds.w << " h " << bounds.h << " \n";
            unsigned int totalResults = 0;
            //Make sure range is touching this node
            if (!isColliding(&range, &bounds))
                return 0;
            //Add points in this node to results if contained in range
            for (typename std::list<QuadPoint<T> >::iterator it = data.begin(); it!=data.end(); ++it)
                //std::cout << "has point\n";
                if (isPointInRange((*it).x, (*it).y, range))

            //Let all child nodes (if any) add points
            if (!tL)
                return totalResults;
            totalResults += tL->queryRange(range, results);
            totalResults += tR->queryRange(range, results);
            totalResults += bL->queryRange(range, results);
            totalResults += bR->queryRange(range, results);
            return totalResults;
コード例 #3
ファイル: quadTree.hpp プロジェクト: makuto/horizon
        //Fills the provided array with resultant points (points
        //contained in the specified range). Returns total results
        //Pass in the maximum for the array as well as the index
        //this function should start at (usually 0)
        unsigned int queryRange(aabb& range, T* results, int& currentIndex, int maxPoints)
            //std::cout << bounds.x << " , " << bounds.y << " w " << bounds.w << " h " << bounds.h << " \n";
            unsigned int totalResults = 0;
            //Make sure the array isn't full
            if (currentIndex >= maxPoints)
                std::cout << "WARNING: queryPoints(): Results array full! (Max points = "<< maxPoints<< ")\n";
                return totalResults;
            //Make sure range is touching this node
            if (!isColliding(&range, &bounds))
                return 0;
            //Add points in this node to results if contained in range
            for (typename std::list<QuadPoint<T> >::iterator it = data.begin(); it!=data.end(); ++it)
                if (isPointInRange((*it).x, (*it).y, range))
                    if (currentIndex < maxPoints)
                        results[currentIndex] = (*it).data;
                        std::cout << "WARNING: queryPoints(): Results array full! (Max points = "<< maxPoints<< ")\n";
                        return totalResults;

            //Let all child nodes (if any) add points
            if (!tL)
                return totalResults;
            totalResults += tL->queryRange(range, results, currentIndex, maxPoints);
            totalResults += tR->queryRange(range, results, currentIndex, maxPoints);
            totalResults += bL->queryRange(range, results, currentIndex, maxPoints);
            totalResults += bR->queryRange(range, results, currentIndex, maxPoints);
            return totalResults;
コード例 #4
ファイル: quadTree.hpp プロジェクト: makuto/horizon
        //Returns false if the point could not be removed (it doesn't exist)
        //data is used to make sure it is the point requested
        //NOTE: X and Y are not used when comparing the point, just for walking the tree,
        //so if you have two of the same data, it might not remove the one
        //at the position specified (the system assumes you are using pointers)
        bool remove(T searchData, float x, float y)
            //Point will not be in this node's bounds
            if(!isPointInRange(x, y, bounds)) return false;
            //Search through points for the data
            for (typename std::list<QuadPoint<T> >::iterator it = data.begin(); it!= data.end(); ++it)
                //Found the data point; erase it (inefficient only in large vectors)
                //TODO: Replace vector with list or something?
                if ((*it).data==searchData)
                    return true;
            //Search children (if any)
            if (!tL) return false;
            if (tL->remove(searchData, x, y) || tR->remove(searchData, x, y)
            || bL->remove(searchData, x, y) || bR->remove(searchData, x, y))
                //All children are empty; delete them
                if (isEmpty())
                    //TODO: Should this be a pool?
                    delete tL;
                    delete tR;
                    delete bL;
                    delete bR;
                    tL = NULL;
                return true;

            //Data point not in quadtree
            return false;
コード例 #5
void LslidarN301Decoder::packetCallback(
    const lslidar_n301_msgs::LslidarN301PacketConstPtr& msg) {
//  ROS_WARN("packetCallBack");
  // Convert the msg to the raw packet type.
  const RawPacket* raw_packet = (const RawPacket*) (&(msg->data[0]));

  // Check if the packet is valid
  if (!checkPacketValidity(raw_packet)) return;

  // Decode the packet

  // Find the start of a new revolution
  //    If there is one, new_sweep_start will be the index of the start firing,
  //    otherwise, new_sweep_start will be FIRINGS_PER_PACKET.
  size_t new_sweep_start = 0;
  do {
//    if (firings[new_sweep_start].firing_azimuth < last_azimuth) break;
    if (fabs(firings[new_sweep_start].firing_azimuth - last_azimuth) > M_PI) break;
    else {
      last_azimuth = firings[new_sweep_start].firing_azimuth;
  } while (new_sweep_start < FIRINGS_PER_PACKET);
//  ROS_WARN("new_sweep_start %d", new_sweep_start);

  // The first sweep may not be complete. So, the firings with
  // the first sweep will be discarded. We will wait for the
  // second sweep in order to find the 0 azimuth angle.
  size_t start_fir_idx = 0;
  size_t end_fir_idx = new_sweep_start;
  if (is_first_sweep &&
      new_sweep_start == FIRINGS_PER_PACKET) {
    // The first sweep has not ended yet.
  } else {
    if (is_first_sweep) {
      is_first_sweep = false;
      start_fir_idx = new_sweep_start;
      end_fir_idx = FIRINGS_PER_PACKET;
      sweep_start_time = msg->stamp.toSec() + 
        FIRING_TOFFSET * (end_fir_idx-start_fir_idx) * 1e-6;

  for (size_t fir_idx = start_fir_idx; fir_idx < end_fir_idx; ++fir_idx) {
    for (size_t scan_idx = 0; scan_idx < SCANS_PER_FIRING; ++scan_idx) {
      // Check if the point is valid.
      if (!isPointInRange(firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx])) continue;

      // Convert the point to xyz coordinate
      size_t table_idx = floor(firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx]*1000.0+0.5);
      //cout << table_idx << endl;
      double cos_azimuth = cos_azimuth_table[table_idx];
      double sin_azimuth = sin_azimuth_table[table_idx];

      //double x = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
      //  cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * sin(firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx]);
      //double y = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
      //  cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * cos(firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx]);
      //double z = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
      //  sin_scan_altitude[scan_idx];

      double x = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
        cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * sin_azimuth;
      double y = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
        cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * cos_azimuth;
      double z = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *

      double x_coord = y;
      double y_coord = -x;
      double z_coord = z;

      // Compute the time of the point
      double time = packet_start_time +
        FIRING_TOFFSET*fir_idx + DSR_TOFFSET*scan_idx;

      // Remap the index of the scan
      int remapped_scan_idx = scan_idx%2 == 0 ? scan_idx/2 : scan_idx/2+8;

      lslidar_n301_msgs::LslidarN301Point& new_point =		// new_point 为push_back最后一个的引用

      // Pack the data into point msg
      new_point.time = time;
      new_point.x = x_coord;
      new_point.y = y_coord;
      new_point.z = z_coord;
      new_point.azimuth = firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx];
      new_point.distance = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx];
      new_point.intensity = firings[fir_idx].intensity[scan_idx];

  packet_start_time += FIRING_TOFFSET * (end_fir_idx-start_fir_idx);

  // A new sweep begins
  if (end_fir_idx != FIRINGS_PER_PACKET) {	
//	ROS_WARN("A new sweep begins");
    // Publish the last revolution
    //sweep_data->header.stamp = ros::Time(sweep_start_time);
    sweep_data->header.stamp = ros::Time();    
    if (publish_point_cloud) publishPointCloud();
    sweep_data = lslidar_n301_msgs::LslidarN301SweepPtr(
        new lslidar_n301_msgs::LslidarN301Sweep());

    // Prepare the next revolution
    sweep_start_time = msg->stamp.toSec() + 
      FIRING_TOFFSET * (end_fir_idx-start_fir_idx) * 1e-6;
    packet_start_time = 0.0;
    last_azimuth = firings[FIRINGS_PER_PACKET-1].firing_azimuth;

    start_fir_idx = end_fir_idx;
    end_fir_idx = FIRINGS_PER_PACKET;

    for (size_t fir_idx = start_fir_idx; fir_idx < end_fir_idx; ++fir_idx) {
      for (size_t scan_idx = 0; scan_idx < SCANS_PER_FIRING; ++scan_idx) {
        // Check if the point is valid.
        if (!isPointInRange(firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx])) continue;

        // Convert the point to xyz coordinate
        size_t table_idx = floor(firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx]*1000.0+0.5);
        //cout << table_idx << endl;
        double cos_azimuth = cos_azimuth_table[table_idx];
        double sin_azimuth = sin_azimuth_table[table_idx];

        //double x = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
        //  cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * sin(firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx]);
        //double y = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
        //  cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * cos(firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx]);
        //double z = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
        //  sin_scan_altitude[scan_idx];

        double x = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
          cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * sin_azimuth;
        double y = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *
          cos_scan_altitude[scan_idx] * cos_azimuth;
        double z = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx] *

        double x_coord = y;
        double y_coord = -x;
        double z_coord = z;

        // Compute the time of the point
        double time = packet_start_time + 
          FIRING_TOFFSET*(fir_idx-start_fir_idx) + DSR_TOFFSET*scan_idx;

        // Remap the index of the scan
        int remapped_scan_idx = scan_idx%2 == 0 ? scan_idx/2 : scan_idx/2+8;
        lslidar_n301_msgs::LslidarN301Point& new_point =

        // Pack the data into point msg
        new_point.time = time;
        new_point.x = x_coord;
        new_point.y = y_coord;
        new_point.z = z_coord;
        new_point.azimuth = firings[fir_idx].azimuth[scan_idx];
        new_point.distance = firings[fir_idx].distance[scan_idx];
        new_point.intensity = firings[fir_idx].intensity[scan_idx];

    packet_start_time += FIRING_TOFFSET * (end_fir_idx-start_fir_idx);
//  ROS_WARN("pack end");