コード例 #1
void Countdown::select_timeout(Handler * s, int timeout)
	iterator & pos = s->m_iter_timo;
	if (timeout < 0) // remove
		if (isRegister(pos))
			pos = null_iter();

	size_t newidx = find_fall_idx(timeout);
	timeout += m_falls[newidx].m_elasped;

	if (!isRegister(pos)) // not register, first time
		pos = m_falls[newidx].insert(Timeout((int)newidx, s, timeout));
		if (size_t(pos->fallidx) != newidx)
			m_falls[newidx].splice(m_falls[pos->fallidx].m_list, pos);
			pos->fallidx = (int)newidx;
		pos->count = timeout;
コード例 #2
ファイル: codeGen_i386.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
void CodeGen::move(Location dest, Location src, Location tempReg, bool setcc) {
  Location b;  int32 d; OperandType t;    
  if (dest == src) {
    if (setcc) {
      reg_disp_type_of_loc(&b, &d, &t, src);
      a.testl(AllBits, NumberOperand, b, d, t);
  else if (isRegister(dest)) {
    reg_disp_type_of_loc(&b, &d, &t, src);
    a.movl(b,d, t, dest);
    if (setcc)  a.testl(dest, dest);
  else if (isRegister(src)) {
    reg_disp_type_of_loc(&b, &d, &t, dest);
    if (setcc)  a.testl(src, src);
    a.movl(src, b,d, t);
  else if (!isRegister(tempReg)) {
    reg_disp_type_of_loc(&b, &d, &t, src);
    a.pushl(b, d, t);
    reg_disp_type_of_loc(&b, &d, &t, dest);
    a.popl(b, d, t);
    if (setcc) a.testl(AllBits, NumberOperand, b, d, t);
  else {
    reg_disp_type_of_loc(&b, &d, &t, src);
    a.movl(b, d, t, tempReg);
    reg_disp_type_of_loc(&b, &d, &t, dest);
    if (setcc) a.testl(tempReg, tempReg);
    a.movl(tempReg, b, d, t);
コード例 #3
ファイル: codeGen_i386.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
void CodeGen::loadOop(Location dest, Location src, slotDesc* s) {
  int32 offset = smiOop(s->data)->byte_count() - Mem_Tag;
  Location t  = isRegister(src)  ? src  :  dest != Temp1 ? Temp1 : Temp2;
  Location tt = isRegister(dest) ? dest :  src  != Temp1 ? Temp1 : Temp2;
  move(t, src);
  a.movl(t, offset, NumberOperand, tt);
  move(dest, tt);
コード例 #4
ファイル: node_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void AbstractArrayAtNode::gen() {
   Label* argFail = NULL;          // if arg isn't a smi
   Label* indexFail = NULL;        // if arg is out of bounds
   Assembler* a = theAssembler;
   Location arr = genHelper->moveToReg(_src, Temp2);
   Location index = genHelper->moveToReg(arg, Temp1);
   Location size = Temp3;
   // load array size now (avoids load interlock for range check)
   a->LoadI(arr, sizeOffset, size);  
   if (!intArg) {
     // CP may have propagated a constant into arg
     intArg = arg->isConstPReg() && ((ConstPReg*)arg)->constant->is_smi();
   if (!intArg) {
     // test arg for smiOop
     if (SICCountTypeTests) {
       a->startTypeTest(1, false, true);
     if (SICCountIntTagTests) a->markTagTest(1);
     a->AndCCI(index, Tag_Mask, G0);
     argFail = argFail->unify(a->BneForward(false));
     if (SICCountTypeTests) a->endTypeTest();
   argFail = argFail->unify(testArg2());
   a->SubCCR(index, size, G0);
   indexFail = a->BgeuForward(false);
   Location res = isRegister(_dest->loc) ? _dest->loc : Temp1;
   bool needDestStore = genAccess(arr, index, res);
   if (needDestStore && !isRegister(_dest->loc)) {
     genHelper->moveRegToLoc(res, _dest->loc);
   Label* done = a->BraForward(true);
   MergeNode* failMerge = (MergeNode*)next1();
   if (argFail) {
     if (error) {
       Location err = isRegister(error->loc) ? error->loc : Temp1;
       genHelper->loadImmediateOop(VMString[BADTYPEERROR], err);
       if (err != error->loc) genHelper->moveRegToLoc(err, error->loc);
     if (failMerge) // test added by dmu 4/27/96
       failMerge->l = failMerge->l->unify(a->BraForward(true));
   if (error) {
     Location err = isRegister(error->loc) ? error->loc : Temp1;
     genHelper->loadImmediateOop(VMString[BADINDEXERROR], err);
     if (err != error->loc) genHelper->moveRegToLoc(err, error->loc);
   if (failMerge) // test added by dmu 4/27/96
     failMerge->l = failMerge->l->unify(a->BraForward(true));
コード例 #5
ファイル: codeGen_i386.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
void CodeGen::assignment(Location receiver, slotDesc* s, Location val) {
  // this one called for impl self, arg on stack
  a.Comment("Begin Simple Assignment");
  assert(!isRegister(receiver) && !isRegister(val), 
    "called from genReceiverDataAccess, rcvr is self, val is arg or local, check this so I can use Temp[12]");
  move(Temp2, receiver);
  int32 offset = smiOop(s->data)->byte_count() - Mem_Tag;
  a.leal(Temp2, offset, NumberOperand, Temp2); // store object data slot contents
  move(Temp1, val);
  a.movl(Temp1, Temp2, 0, NumberOperand); // store object data slot contents
  recordStore(Temp2); // NB: recordStore will clobber Temp2 till I put in ByteMapBaseReg
  a.Comment("End Simple Assignment");
コード例 #6
ファイル: node_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void LoadIntNode::gen() {
   if (isRegister(_dest->loc) && isImmediate(smiOop(value))) {
     theAssembler->OrI(G0, value, _dest->loc); // common case
   else if (isRegister(_dest->loc)) {
     theAssembler->SetHiI(value, _dest->loc);
     theAssembler->AddI(_dest->loc, value, _dest->loc);
   else {
     theAssembler->SetHiI(value, Temp1);
     theAssembler->AddI(Temp1, value, Temp1);
     theAssembler->StoreI(SP, spOffset(_dest->loc), Temp1);
コード例 #7
RegisterString registerMaskBit(Location l, fint stackLocs, fint nonRegisterArgs) {
  if (isRegister(l)) {
    if (l >= I0 && l < I0 + NumInRegisters) {
      // an in register
      return nthBit(l - I0 + NumLocalRegisters);
    } else {
      assert(l >= L0 && l < L0 + NumLocalRegisters, "unexpected register");
      return nthBit(l - L0);
  } else if (isStackRegister(l)) {
    l = Location(l - StackLocations);
    if (l < BitsPerWord - (NumInRegisters + NumLocalRegisters)) {
      return nthBit(l + NumInRegisters + NumLocalRegisters);
  } else if (isExtraArgRegister(l)) {
    fint which = ExtraArgLocations - l;
    assert(which <= nonRegisterArgs, "nonRegisterArgs too small");
    which = stackLocs + (nonRegisterArgs - which);  // translate into stack temp
    assert(which >= 0, "should be non-negative");
    if (which < BitsPerWord - (NumInRegisters + NumLocalRegisters)) {
      return nthBit(which + NumInRegisters + NumLocalRegisters);
  return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void CodeGen::loadOop(Location dest, Location src_register, slotDesc* s) {
   Location t = isRegister(dest) ? dest : Temp1;
   int32 offset = smiOop(s->data)->byte_count() - Mem_Tag;
   a.LoadI(src_register, offset, t);
   if (dest != t)
     move(dest, t);
コード例 #9
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void CodeGen::assignment(Location receiver,
                          realSlotRef* path, Location val,
                          bool isMem) {
   // <move arg, t>
   // <loadPath rr, path, receiver>
   // store receiver/rr, offset - Mem_Tag, arg/t
   // <check_store>
   a.Comment("Begin Assignment");
   Location t;
   if (isRegister(val) && val != CReceiverReg) {
     t = val;
   } else {
     t = Temp1;
     move(t, val);    // load argument
   assert(t != Temp2, "register conflict");
   int32 offset = smiOop(path->desc->data)->byte_count() - Mem_Tag;
   if (path->holder->is_object_or_map()) {
     Location t1 = loadPath(CReceiverReg, path->holder, receiver, Temp1);
     a.StoreI(t1, offset, t);    // store object data slot contents
     if (isMem) {
       a.AddI(t1, offset, Temp1);    // compute store address
   } else {
     fatal("don't support vframe lookups yet");
   a.Comment("End Assignment");
コード例 #10
ファイル: node_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
  void ArithRCNode::gen() {
    Location src  = genHelper->moveToReg(_src, Temp1);
    Location dest = isRegister(_dest->loc) ? _dest->loc : Temp2;
    switch (op) {
     case AddArithOp:   theAssembler->AddI(src, oper, dest);    break;
     case SubArithOp:   theAssembler->SubI(src, oper, dest);    break;
     case AndArithOp:   theAssembler->AndI(src, oper, dest);    break;
     case OrArithOp:    theAssembler->OrI (src, oper, dest);    break;
     case XOrArithOp:   theAssembler->XorI(src, oper, dest);    break;
     case ArithmeticLeftShiftArithOp:
     case LogicalLeftShiftArithOp:
                        theAssembler->SllI(src, oper, dest);    break;
     case ArithmeticRightShiftArithOp:
                        theAssembler->SraI(src, oper, dest);    break;
     case LogicalRightShiftArithOp:
                        theAssembler->SrlI(src, oper, dest);    break;

     case AddCCArithOp: theAssembler->AddCCI(src, oper, dest);  break;
     case SubCCArithOp: theAssembler->SubCCI(src, oper, dest);  break;
     case AndCCArithOp: theAssembler->AndCCI(src, oper, dest);  break;
     case OrCCArithOp:  theAssembler->OrCCI (src, oper, dest);  break;

     default:           ShouldNotReachHere(); // unexpected arith type
    if (dest != _dest->loc) {
      theAssembler->StoreI(SP, spOffset(_dest->loc), dest);
コード例 #11
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void CodeGen::loadImmediate(Location dest, int32 value) {
   // *if p is 0...
   //   <move g0, dest>
   // *else...
   //   *if p is small...
   //      or g0, value, t/dest
   //   *else...
   //      sethi value, t/dest
   //      add t/dest, value, t/dest
   //   *end
   //   <move t, dest>
   // *end
   Location t;
   if (isRegister(dest)) {
     t = dest;
   } else {
     t = Temp1;
   if (value == 0) {
     t = G0;
   } else if (value < maxImmediate &&
              value > -maxImmediate) {
     a.OrI(G0, value, t);
   } else {
     if (value & LOWMASK) {
       a.SetHiI(value, t);     // load high part of value
       a.AddI(t, value, t);    // add low part if nonzero
     } else {
       a.SetHiI2(value, t);    // low 10 bits are zero
   move(dest, t);
コード例 #12
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void CodeGen::zapBlock(Location block, bool memoized) {
   // <move block, t>
   // *if memoized
   //    subcc block/t, 0, g0
   //    bne,a _done           // do work in delay slot
   // *end
   // store block/t, scopeOffset, G0
   // _done: ...
   Location t;
   a.Comment("zap block");
   if (isRegister(block)) {
     t = block;
   } else {
     t = NLRTempReg;
     move(t, block);
   Label* done;
   if (memoized) {
     a.SubCCI(t, 0, G0);               // was block generated?
     done = a.BneForward(true);        // branch and zap if yes
   a.StoreI(t, scope_offset(), G0);    // zap the block
   if (memoized) done->define();
コード例 #13
ファイル: codeGen_i386.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
void CodeGen::recordStore(Location dst) {
  // NB: when fixed to use register revisit call sites
  assert(isRegister(dst), "receiver to check_store must be in a register");
  a.shrl(card_shift, NumberOperand, dst); // shift target addr
  a.addl(no_reg, (int32)&byte_map_base, VMAddressOperand, dst); // add start of map to dst
  a.movb(0, dst, 0, VMAddressOperand);
コード例 #14
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void CodeGen::checkOop(Label& general, oop what, Location reg) {
   // test for inline cache hit (selector, delegatee)
   assert(Temp1 !=   PerformSelectorLoc   && Temp1 !=    PerformDelegateeLoc
       && isRegister(PerformSelectorLoc)  &&  isRegister(PerformDelegateeLoc),
          "wrong register setup");
   loadOop(Temp1, what);                       // load hard-wired value
   a.SubCCR(reg, Temp1, G0);                   // compare against actual value
   if (general.isDefined()) {
     a.Bne(&general, false);                   // reuse miss handler
   } else {
     Label* hit = a.BeqForward(false);
     jumpTo(Memory->code->trapdoors->SendMessage_stub_td(), Temp1, G0);
コード例 #15
ファイル: codeGen_i386.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
void CodeGen::loadSaved(Location dest, Location src,
                        Location frames_bp, compiled_vframe* src_vf) {
  // Load location from a frame on the stack; sp is that frame's 
  // block home (BP on Intel) and frameSz its size.
  assert(isRegister(frames_bp), "???");
  fint frameSz = src_vf->code->frameSize();
  Location r; int32 d; OperandType t;
  reg_disp_type_of_loc(&r, &d, &t, src);
  assert(t == NumberOperand, "???");
  Location tr = isRegister(dest) ? dest : Temp1;
  // I don't think the following untested case would ever happen, but put the code in anyway. -- dmu 5/06
    if (r != ebp  &&  CheckAssertions) warning("untested loadSaved from outgoing arg");
  # endif
  a.movl(frames_bp, d - (r == ebp ? 0 : (frameSz - linkage_area_size) * oopSize), NumberOperand,  tr);
  move(dest, tr);
コード例 #16
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void CodeGen::recordStore(Location dst) {
   // srl dst, card_shift, dst
   // stb g0, [dst + byte_map_base]
   assert(isRegister(dst), "receiver to check_store must be in a register");
   a.SrlI(dst, card_shift, dst);    // shift target addr 
   a.StoreBR(dst, ByteMapBaseReg, G0);    // set byte in map
コード例 #17
ファイル: longRegString.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void LongRegisterString::deallocate(Location l) {
   if (isRegister(l)) {
   } else {
     assert(isStackRegister(l), "should be stack reg");
     fint i = tempToIndex(l);
コード例 #18
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 Location CodeGen::flushToStack(Location reg, RegisterState*) {
   // flush register to its corresponding location on the stack
   if (isRegister(reg)) {
     Location breg;
     fint offset = getOffset(reg, breg);
     assert(breg == SP, "should be SP-relative");
     a.StoreI(SP, offset, reg);                // flush reg to stack
   return reg; // just the same on SPARC, different when we have a machine where there is no fixed mapping
コード例 #19
ファイル: longRegString.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void LongRegisterString::doAllocate(Location l) {
   if (isRegister(l)) {
   } else {
     assert(isStackRegister(l), "should be stack reg");
     fint i = tempToIndex(l);
     if (i >= bv->length) grow(i);
コード例 #20
ファイル: codeGen_i386.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
void CodeGen::storeSaved(Location         dst,    Location frames_bp,
                              compiled_vframe* dst_vf, Location src) {
  assert(isRegister(frames_bp), "???");
  fint frameSz = dst_vf->code->frameSize();
  Location r;  int32 d;  OperandType t;
  reg_disp_type_of_loc(&r, &d, &t, dst);
  assert(t == NumberOperand, "???");
  Location tr = isRegister(src) ? src 
             :  isRegister(dst) ? dst
             : frames_bp == Temp1 ? Temp2 : Temp1;
  if (tr == src) a.Untested("storeSaved1");
  move(tr, src);
  // I don't think the following untested case would ever happen, but put the code in anyway. -- dmu 5/06
    if (r != ebp  &&  CheckAssertions) warning("untested loadSaved from outgoing arg");
  # endif
  a.movl(tr, frames_bp,  r == ebp ?  d  :  d - (frameSz - linkage_area_size) * oopSize, NumberOperand);
コード例 #21
ファイル: codeGen_i386.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
inline Location CodeGen::moveToReg(Location what, Location reg) {
  Location t;
  if (isRegister(what)) {
    t = what;
  } else {
    t = reg;
    move(t, what);
  return t;
コード例 #22
ファイル: genHelper_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: AaronNGray/self
 void SICGenHelper::loadImmediateOop(oop p, Location dest, bool isInt) {
   assert(isRegister(dest), "must be a register");
   if (p == 0) {
     a->OrR(G0, G0, dest);
   } else if ((isInt || !p->is_mem()) && isImmediate(smiOop(p))) {
     a->OrI(G0, (int)p, dest);
   } else {
     a->SetHiO(p, dest);                       // load high part of value
     a->AddO(dest, p, dest);                   // add low part 
コード例 #23
ファイル: frame_format_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: doublec/self
int32 fpOffset(Location reg, fint frameSize) {
    // return offset (in bytes) off of fp
    if (isRegister(reg)) {
        assert(reg >= I0 && reg < I0 + NumInRegisters ||
               reg >= L0 && reg < L0 + NumLocalRegisters,
               "can't access this register");
        return ((first_register_offset - StackFromRegister[reg]) - frameSize)
               * oopSize;
    return fpOffset_abstract(reg, frameSize);
コード例 #24
ファイル: proj.c プロジェクト: noamshevach/tosite
 * This function returns the type of the addressing
 * 0 - number , 1 - label, 2- last operand, 3- register
 * str - the string.
int checkAddresingType(string str)
	if(str[0] == '#')
		return 0;
	if(str[0] == '$' && str[1] == '$')
		return 2;
		return 3;
	addToQueue(str, IC);
	return 1;
コード例 #25
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
  void CodeGen::assignment(Location receiver, slotDesc* s, Location val) {
    // <move arg, t>
    // store [receiver/rr, offset - Mem_Tag], t
    // <check_store>
    assert( isRegister(receiver), "receiver must be a register");
    a.Comment("Begin Simple Assignment");
    Location t;
    if (isRegister(val) && val != CReceiverReg) {
      t = val;
    } else {
      t = Temp1;
      move(t, val);    // load argument
    int32 offset = smiOop(s->data)->byte_count() - Mem_Tag;
    a.StoreI(receiver, offset, t); // store object data slot contents
    a.AddI(receiver, offset, Temp1); // compute store address

    a.Comment("End Simple Assignment");
コード例 #26
ファイル: registerState.cpp プロジェクト: AaronNGray/self
void RegisterState::allocatePermanent(Location r) {
  if (isRegister(r)) {
    ::allocateRegister(permanent, r);
  else if (is_StackLocation(r)) {
    setNth(stackPerms[whichMask(r)], whichBit(r));
  else {
    // extra incoming arg etc -- ignore
コード例 #27
ファイル: codeGen_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void CodeGen::moveComplicated(Location dest, Location src, bool delay) {
   assert(!(isRegister(src) && isRegister(dest)), "shouldn't call this");
   Location t;
   if (isRegister(dest)) {
     t = dest;
   } else if (isRegister(src)) {
     t = src;
   } else {
     assert(! delay, "cannot fit move in delay slot");
     t = Temp1;
   if (isRegister(src)) {
     // already in register
   } else {
     Location base;
     fint offset = getOffset(src, base);
     a.LoadI(base, offset, t);
   if (isRegister(dest)) {
     // already in register
   } else {
     Location base;
     fint offset = getOffset(dest, base);
     a.StoreI(base, offset, t);
コード例 #28
ファイル: longRegString.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 bool LongRegisterString::isAllocated(Location l) {
   if (isRegister(l)) {
     return bv->includes(l);
   } else {
     assert(isStackRegister(l), "should be stack reg");
     fint i = tempToIndex(l);
     if (i < bv->length) {
       return bv->includes(i);
     } else {
       return false;
コード例 #29
ファイル: node_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void StoreOffsetNode::gen() {
   Location b = genHelper->moveToReg(base, Temp1);
   Location t = Temp2;
   if (_src->isConstPReg()) {
     // store constant
     ConstPReg* value = (ConstPReg*)_src;
     oop p = value->constant;
     // don't need to check-store if oop is old - old objs will never become
     // new again
     needCheckStore = needCheckStore && p->is_new(); // ints/floats aren't new
     if (p == 0) {
       theAssembler->StoreI(b, offset, G0);
     } else {
       assert(b != t, "must be different");
       t = genHelper->loadImmediateOop(value, t, false);
       theAssembler->StoreI(b, offset, t);
   } else  {
     if (isRegister(_src->loc)) {
       theAssembler->StoreI(b, offset, _src->loc);
     } else {
       theAssembler->LoadI(SP, spOffset(_src->loc), t);
       theAssembler->StoreI(b, offset, t);
   if (needCheckStore) {
     // do a check-store
     assert(isRegister(b), "base reg of check_store must be in a register");
     if (offset > card_size || !AllowOffsetCheckStores) {
       // use slow check-store sequence
       // (marked card may be off by one, but not more)
       theAssembler->AddI(b, offset, Temp1);
       b = Temp1;
     theAssembler->SrlI(b, card_shift, Temp1);         // shift target addr 
     theAssembler->StoreBR(Temp1, ByteMapBaseReg, G0); // set byte in map
コード例 #30
ファイル: node_sparc.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
 void BlockCloneNode::genCall() {
   Location dest = block()->loc;
   genHelper->loadImmediateOop(block()->block, CReceiverReg);   // load block Oop
   theAssembler->OrR(SP, G0, Arg1);                    // load home frame
   assert(!blockClone->canScavenge() && !blockClone->needsNLRCode(),
          "need to rewrite this");
   genHelper->moveRegToLoc(ResultReg, dest);
   if (block()->uplevelR && isRegister(dest)) {
     // flush to stack
     theAssembler->StoreI(SP, spOffset(dest), dest);