コード例 #1
    void GallaghersGaussian101mePeaksFunction::setRotationQ(
        const arma::Mat<double>& rotationQ) {
      verify(rotationQ.n_rows == numberOfDimensions_, "The number of rows must be equal to the number of dimensions");
      verify(isRotationMatrix(rotationQ), "The parameter must be a rotation matrix.");

      rotationQ_ = rotationQ;
コード例 #2
    void LunacekBiRastriginFunction<T>::setRotationR(
        const arma::Mat<T>& rotationR) {
      verify(rotationR.n_rows == this->numberOfDimensions_, "The number of rows must be equal to the number of dimensions");
      verify(isRotationMatrix(rotationR), "The parameter must be a rotation matrix.");

      rotationR_ = rotationR;
コード例 #3
    void StepEllipsoidalFunction::setRotationQ(
        const arma::Mat<double>& rotationQ) {
      verify(rotationQ.n_rows == numberOfDimensions_, "The number of rows must be equal to the number of dimensions");
      verify(isRotationMatrix(rotationQ), "The parameter must be a rotation matrix.");

      rotationQ_ = rotationQ;
コード例 #4
  void OptimisationProblem<T>::setParameterRotation(
      const arma::Mat<T>& parameterRotation) {
    verify(parameterRotation.n_rows == numberOfDimensions_, "The number of rows must be equal to the number of dimensions.");
    verify(isRotationMatrix(parameterRotation), "The parameter must be a rotation matrix.");

    parameterRotation_ = parameterRotation;

    // Resets all counters and caches, as the problem could be changed.