コード例 #1
ファイル: bug_11106.c プロジェクト: ASP1234/Scilabv5.5.2
/* ========================================================================== */
int sci_bug_11106(char *fname)
    int* piAddr = NULL;
    char pstRet[64];

    getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr);

    if (isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddr))
        //named check
        char* pstVar = NULL;
        getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &pstVar);

        if (isNamedListType(pvApiCtx, pstVar))
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "isNamedList");
        else if (isNamedTListType(pvApiCtx, pstVar))
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "isNamedTList");
        else if (isNamedMListType(pvApiCtx, pstVar))
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "isNamedMList");
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "unmanaged named type");
        if (isListType(pvApiCtx, piAddr))
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "isList");
        else if (isTListType(pvApiCtx, piAddr))
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "isTList");
        else if (isMListType(pvApiCtx, piAddr))
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "isMList");
            sprintf(pstRet, "%s", "unmanaged type");
    createSingleString(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, pstRet);
    LhsVar(1) = Rhs + 1;
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: sci_set.c プロジェクト: Macisia/scilab
 * sciset(choice-name,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
 * or   xset()
int sci_set(char *fname, void *pvApiCtx)
    SciErr sciErr;
    int i = 0;
    int* piAddr1 = NULL;

    int isMatrixOfString = 0;

    char* pstNewProperty = NULL;

    unsigned long hdl;
    int iObjUID = 0;
    int iType = 0;
    int* piType = &iType;

    int iSetProperty = 0;

    int iRhs = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx);
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 1);
        return 1;

    if (isMListType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1) || isTListType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1))
        return 0;

    CheckInputArgumentAtLeast(pvApiCtx, 2);
    CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1);

    if (isDoubleType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1))   /* tclsci handle */
        /* call "set" for tcl/tk see tclsci/sci_gateway/c/sci_set.c */
        return 0;

    if (iRhs == 2)
        /* No object specified */
        /* ONLY supported properties are */
        /* 'current_entity' */
        /* 'hdl' */
        /* 'current_figure' */
        /* 'current_axes' */
        /* 'default_values' */
        /* 'figure_style' for compatibility but do nothing */
        /* others values must return a error */
        char *propertiesSupported[NB_PROPERTIES_SUPPORTED] =

        int iPropertyFound = 0;
        int* piAddr2 = NULL;
        int iType2 = 0;
        int iRows2 = 0;
        int iCols2 = 0;
        void* pvData = NULL;
        char* pstProperty = NULL;

        if (isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1) == 0)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A single string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 0;

        if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &pstProperty))
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A single string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr2);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2);
            return 1;

        sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iType2);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, 2);
            return 1;

        switch (iType2)
            case sci_matrix:
                sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iRows2, &iCols2, (double**)&pvData);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Matrix expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                    return sciErr.iErr;
            case sci_handles :
                sciErr = getMatrixOfHandle(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iRows2, &iCols2, (long long**)&pvData);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Matrix of handle expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                    return 1;
            case sci_strings :
                if (strcmp(pstProperty, "tics_labels") == 0 || strcmp(pstProperty, "auto_ticks") == 0 ||
                        strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_visible") == 0 || strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_reverse") == 0 ||
                        strcmp(pstProperty, "text") == 0 || strcmp(pstProperty, "ticks_format") == 0)
                    isMatrixOfString = 1;
                    if (getAllocatedMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iRows2, &iCols2, (char***)&pvData))
                        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A matrix of string expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                        return 1;
                    if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, (char**)&pvData))
                        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A single string expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                        return 1;
                    iRows2 = (int)strlen((char*)pvData);
                    iCols2 = 1;
                    isMatrixOfString = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < NB_PROPERTIES_SUPPORTED; i++)

            if (strcmp(propertiesSupported[i], pstProperty) == 0)
                iPropertyFound = 1;

        if (iPropertyFound)
            callSetProperty(pvApiCtx, 0, pvData, iType2, iRows2, iCols2, pstProperty);
            if (iType2 == sci_strings)
                //free allocated data
                if (isMatrixOfString == 1)
                    freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(iRows2, iCols2, (char**)pvData);
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: a valid property expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            if (iType2 == sci_strings)
                if (isMatrixOfString == 1)
                    freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(iRows2, iCols2, (char**)pvData);
            return 0;

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
        return 0;

    if (iRhs % 2 != 1)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s) : an odd number is expected.\n"), fname);
        return 0;

    /* after the call to sciSet get the status : 0 <=> OK,          */
    /*                                          -1 <=> Error,       */
    /*                                           1 <=> nothing done */

    /*  set or create a graphic window */
    if (isHandleType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1) == 0 && isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1) == 0)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: A handle or a string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
        return 0;

    if (isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1))
        char* pstPath = NULL;
        if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &pstPath))
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A single string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        iObjUID = search_path(pstPath);
        if (iObjUID == 0)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Unable to find handle for path %s.\n"), fname, pstPath);
            return 1;
        //matrix of handle are managed by a %h_set
        if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddr1) == FALSE)
            return 0;

        if (getScalarHandle(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, (long long*)&hdl))
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A single handle expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        iObjUID = getObjectFromHandle(hdl);

    if (iObjUID == 0)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: The handle is not or no more valid.\n"), fname);
        return 0;

    for (i = 1 ; i < iRhs ; i = i + 2)
        int setStatus = 0;
        int* piAddr2 = NULL;
        int* piAddr3 = NULL;

        int iPos = i + 1;
        int isData = 0;

        int iRows3 = 0;
        int iCols3 = 0;
        int iType3 = 0;
        void* pvData = NULL;
        char* pstProperty = NULL;

        sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, iPos, &piAddr2);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, iPos);
            return 1;

        if (isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddr2) == 0)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, iPos);
            return 0;

        if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &pstProperty))
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A single string expected.\n"), fname, iPos);
            return 1;

        sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, iPos + 1, &piAddr3);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, iPos + 1);
            return 1;

        if ((pstProperty[0] == 'd' || pstProperty[0] == 'D') && stricmp("data", pstProperty) == 0)
            //send to datamodel
            isData = 1;

        if (stricmp(pstProperty, "user_data") == 0 ||
                stricmp(pstProperty, "userdata") == 0 ||
                stricmp(pstProperty, "display_function_data") == 0 ||
                stricmp(pstProperty, "data") == 0)
            /* in this case set_user_data_property
            * directly uses the  third position in the stack
            * to get the variable which is to be set in
            * the user_data property (any data type is allowed) S. Steer */
            pvData = (void*)piAddr3;         /*position in the stack */
            iRows3 = -1;   /*unused */
            iCols3 = -1;   /*unused */
            iType3 = -1;
            sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iType3);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, iPos + 1);
                return 1;

            switch (iType3)
                case sci_matrix :
                    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (double**)&pvData);
                case sci_boolean :
                    sciErr = getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (int**)&pvData);
                case sci_handles :
                    sciErr = getMatrixOfHandle(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (long long**)&pvData);
                case sci_strings :
                    if (strcmp(pstProperty, "tics_labels") != 0 && strcmp(pstProperty, "auto_ticks") != 0 && strcmp(pstProperty, "tight_limits") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_visible") != 0 && strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_reverse") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(pstProperty, "text") != 0 && stricmp(pstProperty, "string") != 0 &&
                            stricmp(pstProperty, "tooltipstring") != 0 && stricmp(pstProperty, "ticks_format") != 0) /* Added for uicontrols */
                        if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddr3) == 0)
                            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: A single string expected.\n"), fname, iPos + 1);
                            return 1;

                        if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, (char**)&pvData))
                            Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, iPos + 1);
                            return 1;
                        iRows3 = (int)strlen((char*)pvData);
                        iCols3 = 1;
                        isMatrixOfString = 0;
                        isMatrixOfString = 1;
                        getAllocatedMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (char***)&pvData);
                case sci_list :
                    iCols3 = 1;
                    sciErr = getListItemNumber(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3);
                    pvData = (void*)piAddr3;         /* In this case l3 is the list position in stack */
                default :
                    pvData = (void*)piAddr3;         /* In this case l3 is the list position in stack */

            if (sciErr.iErr)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Can not read input argument #%d.\n"), fname, iPos + 1);
                return 1;

        setStatus = callSetProperty(pvApiCtx, iObjUID, pvData, iType3, iRows3, iCols3, pstProperty);
        if (iType3 == sci_strings)
            //free allacted data
            if (isMatrixOfString == 1)
                freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(iRows3, iCols3, (char**)pvData);


    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: sci_set.c プロジェクト: rossdrummond/scilab
 * sciset(choice-name,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
 * or   xset()
int sci_set(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len)
    SciErr sciErr;

    int* piAddr1 = NULL;
    int* piAddr2 = NULL;
    int* piAddr3 = NULL;
    int lw = 0;
    int isMatrixOfString = 0;

    char* pstProperty = NULL;
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        return 1;

    if (isMListType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1) || isTListType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1))
        return 0;

    CheckRhs(2, 3);
    CheckLhs(0, 1);

    if (isDoubleType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1))   /* tclsci handle */
        /* call "set" for tcl/tk see tclsci/sci_gateway/c/sci_set.c */
        return 0;
    else                        /* others types */
        int iRows1 = 0, iCols1 = 0;
        int iRows2 = 0, iCols2 = 0;
        int iRows3 = 0, iCols3 = 0;
        void* _pvData = NULL;
        unsigned long hdl;
        char *pobjUID = NULL;

        int iType1 = 0;

        int valueType = 0;      /* type of the rhs */

        int setStatus = 0;

        /* after the call to sciSet get the status : 0 <=> OK,          */
        /*                                          -1 <=> Error,       */
        /*                                           1 <=> nothing done */

        /*  set or create a graphic window */
        sciErr = getVarType(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &iType1);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            return 1;
        switch (iType1)
            case sci_handles:
                /* first is a scalar argument so it's a gset(hdl,"command",[param]) */
                /* F.Leray; INFO: case 9 is considered for a matrix of graphic handles */
                CheckRhs(3, 3);

                if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddr1) == FALSE)
                    return 0;

                getScalarHandle(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, (long long*)&hdl);
                pobjUID = (char*)getObjectFromHandle(hdl);

                getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr2);
                getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &pstProperty);
                valueType = getInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 3);

                getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddr3);
                if ((strcmp(pstProperty, "user_data") == 0) || (stricmp(pstProperty, "userdata") == 0))
                    /* in this case set_user_data_property
                     * directly uses the  third position in the stack
                     * to get the variable which is to be set in
                     * the user_data property (any data type is allowed) S. Steer */
                    _pvData = (void*)piAddr3;         /*position in the stack */
                    iRows3 = -1;   /*unused */
                    iCols3 = -1;   /*unused */
                    valueType = -1;
                else if (valueType == sci_matrix)
                    getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (double**)&_pvData);
                else if (valueType == sci_boolean)
                    getMatrixOfBoolean(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (int**)&_pvData);
                else if (valueType == sci_handles)
                    getMatrixOfHandle(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (long long**)&_pvData);
                else if (valueType == sci_strings)
                    if (   strcmp(pstProperty, "tics_labels") != 0 && strcmp(pstProperty, "auto_ticks") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_visible") != 0 && strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_reverse") != 0 &&
                            strcmp(pstProperty, "text") != 0 && stricmp(pstProperty, "string") != 0 &&
                            stricmp(pstProperty, "tooltipstring") != 0) /* Added for uicontrols */
                        getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, (char**)&_pvData);
                        iRows3 = (int)strlen((char*)_pvData);
                        iCols3 = 1;
                        isMatrixOfString = 1;
                        getAllocatedMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3, &iCols3, (char***)&_pvData);
                else if (valueType == sci_list) /* Added for callbacks */
                    iCols3 = 1;
                    getListItemNumber(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &iRows3);
                    _pvData = (void*)piAddr3;         /* In this case l3 is the list position in stack */

            case sci_strings:      /* first is a string argument so it's a set("command",[param]) */
                CheckRhs(2, 2);
                getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &pstProperty);
                hdl = 0;
                pobjUID = NULL;
                valueType = getInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 2);
                getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr2);

                if (valueType == sci_matrix)
                    getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iRows3, &iCols3, (double**)&_pvData);
                else if (valueType == sci_handles)
                    getMatrixOfHandle(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iRows3, &iCols3, (long long**)&_pvData);
                else if (valueType == sci_strings)
                    if (strcmp(pstProperty, "tics_labels") == 0 || strcmp(pstProperty, "auto_ticks") == 0 ||
                            strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_visible") == 0 || strcmp(pstProperty, "axes_reverse") == 0 ||
                            strcmp(pstProperty, "text") == 0)
                        isMatrixOfString = 1;
                        getAllocatedMatrixOfString(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &iRows3, &iCols3, (char***)&_pvData);
                        getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, (char**)&_pvData);
                        iRows3 = (int)strlen((char*)_pvData);
                        iCols3 = 1;

                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: String or handle expected.\n"), fname, 1);
                return 0;

        if (hdl != 0)
            pobjUID = (char*)getObjectFromHandle(hdl);

            if (pobjUID == NULL)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: The handle is not or no more valid.\n"), fname);
                return 0;

            // Only set the property whitout doing anythig else.
            //static int sciSet(void* _pvCtx, char *pobjUID, char *marker, void* value, int valueType, int *numrow, int *numcol)
            setStatus = callSetProperty(pvApiCtx, pobjUID, _pvData, valueType, iRows3, iCols3, pstProperty);
            if (valueType == sci_strings)
                //free allacted data
                if (isMatrixOfString == 1)
                    freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(iRows3, iCols3, (char**)_pvData);
            /* No object specified */
            /* ONLY supported properties are */
            /* 'current_entity' */
            /* 'hdl' */
            /* 'current_figure' */
            /* 'current_axes' */
            /* 'default_values' */
            /* 'figure_style' for compatibility but do nothing */
            /* others values must return a error */
            char *propertiesSupported[NB_PROPERTIES_SUPPORTED] = { "current_entity",

            int i = 0;
            int iPropertyFound = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < NB_PROPERTIES_SUPPORTED; i++)

                if (strcmp(propertiesSupported[i], pstProperty) == 0)
                    iPropertyFound = 1;

            if (iPropertyFound)
                // we do nothing with "figure_style" "new" (to remove in 5.4)
                int bDoSet = ((isMatrixOfString) && (strcmp(pstProperty, "figure_style") == 0) && (strcmp(((char**)_pvData)[0], "new") == 0)) != 1;

                if (bDoSet)
                    setStatus = callSetProperty(pvApiCtx, NULL, _pvData, valueType, iRows3, iCols3, pstProperty);
                    if (valueType == sci_strings)
                        //free allocated data
                        if (isMatrixOfString == 1)
                            freeAllocatedMatrixOfString(iRows3, iCols3, (char**)_pvData);
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: a valid property expected.\n"), fname, 1);
                if (isMatrixOfString)
                    freeArrayOfString((char **)_pvData, iRows3 * iCols3);
                return 0;

        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;

    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: sci_get.c プロジェクト: leowzukw/scilab-mirror
int sci_get(char *fname, void *pvApiCtx)
    SciErr sciErr;

    int* piAddrl1 = NULL;
    long long* l1 = NULL;
    int* piAddrl2 = NULL;
    char* l2 = NULL;

    int m1 = 0, n1 = 0;
    long hdl = 0;

    int lw = 0;
    int iObjUID = 0;

    int status = SET_PROPERTY_ERROR;

    CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 2);
    CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1);

    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddrl1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    if (isMListType(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1) || isTListType(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1))
        return 0;

     * The first input argument can be an ID or a marker (in this case, get returns the value of the current object */
    switch (getInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 1))
    case sci_matrix: //console handle
        double dbll1 = 0;

        if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1) == 0)
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 1.
        if (getScalarDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1, &dbll1))
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        if ((int)dbll1 == 0) /* Console property */
            int* piAddrstkAdr = NULL;
            char *stkAdr = NULL;
            if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) == 1)
                if (sciReturnHandle(getHandle(getConsoleIdentifier())) != 0)    /* Get Console handle */
                    return 0;
                AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
                return 0;

            CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 2, 2);
            sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddrstkAdr);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            // Retrieve a matrix of string at position 2.
            if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddrstkAdr, &stkAdr))
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                return 1;

            if (GetScreenProperty(pvApiCtx, stkAdr) != SET_PROPERTY_SUCCEED)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Could not read property '%s' for console object.\n"), "get", stkAdr[0]);
                return 1;
            AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;

        return 0;
    case sci_handles:          /* scalar argument (hdl + string) */
        CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 2);

        // Retrieve a matrix of handle at position 1.
        sciErr = getMatrixOfHandle(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1, &m1, &n1, &l1);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            printError(&sciErr, 0);
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: Handle matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        if (m1 != 1 || n1 != 1)
            //lw = 1 + nbArgumentOnStack(pvApiCtx) - nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx);
            return 0;

        if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) == 1)
            //get path from handle
            int uic = getObjectFromHandle((long) * l1);
            char* path = get_path(uic);
            if (path[0] == '\0')
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Unable to get useful path from this handle.\n"), fname);
                return 1;

            createSingleString(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, path);

            AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
            return 0;

        sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddrl2);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            printError(&sciErr, 0);
            return 1;

        if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddrl2) == 0 || isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddrl2) == 0)
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 2);
            return 1;

        // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 2.
        if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddrl2, &l2))
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 2);
            return 1;

        hdl = (long) * l1; /* on recupere le pointeur d'objet par le handle */
    case sci_strings:          /* string argument (string) */
        char* pstFirst = NULL;
        CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 2);

        if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1) == 0)
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 1.
        if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddrl1, &pstFirst))
            Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 1);
            return 1;

        if (strcmp(pstFirst, "default_figure") == 0 ||
                strcmp(pstFirst, "default_axes") == 0 ||
                strcmp(pstFirst, "current_figure") == 0 ||
                strcmp(pstFirst, "current_axes") == 0 ||
                strcmp(pstFirst, "current_entity") == 0 ||
                strcmp(pstFirst, "hdl") == 0 ||
                strcmp(pstFirst, "figures_id") == 0)
            hdl = 0;
            l2 = pstFirst;
            int uid = search_path(pstFirst);
            if (uid != 0)
                hdl = getHandle(uid);

                if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) == 1)
                    createScalarHandle(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1, hdl);
                    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
                    return 0;

                sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddrl2);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                if (isScalar(pvApiCtx, piAddrl2) == 0 || isStringType(pvApiCtx, piAddrl2) == 0)
                    Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                    return 1;

                if (getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddrl2, &l2))
                    Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: string expected.\n"), fname, 2);
                    return 1;
                createEmptyMatrix(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1);
                AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
                return 0;
        //lw = 1 + nbArgumentOnStack(pvApiCtx) - nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx);
        return 0;
    /* (l2) est la commande, l3 l'indice sur les parametres de la commande */
    CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 0, 1);

    if (hdl == 0)
        /* No handle specified */
        if (callGetProperty(pvApiCtx, 0, (l2)) != 0)
            /* An error has occurred */
            return 0;
        iObjUID = getObjectFromHandle(hdl);
        if (iObjUID != 0)

            if (callGetProperty(pvApiCtx, iObjUID, (l2)) != 0)
                /* An error has occurred */
                return 0;
            Scierror(999, _("%s: The handle is not or no more valid.\n"), fname);
            return 0;

    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) + 1;
    return 0;