コード例 #1
ファイル: BuildPlanner.cpp プロジェクト: BuffBuff/BTHAI_3.0
bool BuildPlanner::supplyBeingBuilt()
	if (isZerg())
		if (noInProduction(UnitTypes::Zerg_Overlord) > 0)
			return true;
			return false;
	//Terran and Protoss
	UnitType supply = Broodwar->self()->getRace().getSupplyProvider();

	//1. Check if we are already building a supply
	vector<BaseAgent*> agents = AgentManager::getInstance()->getAgents();
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)agents.size(); i++)
		BaseAgent* agent = agents.at(i);
		if (agent->isAlive())
			if (agent->getUnitType().getID() == supply.getID())
				if (agent->getUnit()->isBeingConstructed())
					//Found one that is being constructed
					return true;

	//2. Check if we have a supply in build queue
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)buildQueue.size(); i++)
		if (buildQueue.at(i).toBuild.getID() == supply.getID())
			return true;

	return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BuildPlanner.cpp プロジェクト: BuffBuff/BTHAI_3.0
int BuildPlanner::noInProduction(UnitType type)
	int no = 0;
	vector<BaseAgent*> agents = AgentManager::getInstance()->getAgents();
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)agents.size(); i++)
		BaseAgent* agent = agents.at(i);
		if (agent->isAlive())
			if (agent->getUnitType().canProduce() && !agent->getUnit()->isBeingConstructed())
				list<UnitType> queue = agent->getUnit()->getTrainingQueue();
				for (list<UnitType>::const_iterator i=queue.begin(); i != queue.end(); i++)
					if ((*i).getID() == type.getID())

	if (isZerg())
		for(std::set<Unit*>::const_iterator i=Broodwar->self()->getUnits().begin();i!=Broodwar->self()->getUnits().end();i++)
			if ((*i)->exists())
				if ((*i)->getType().getID() == UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg.getID())
					if ((*i)->getBuildType().getID() == type.getID())
						if (type.isTwoUnitsInOneEgg()) no++;

	return no;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Constructor.cpp プロジェクト: JongKul/bthai
int Constructor::noInProduction(UnitType type)
    int no = 0;

    Agentset agents = AgentManager::getInstance()->getAgents();
    for (auto &a : agents)
        if (a->isAlive())
            if (a->getUnitType().canProduce() && !a->getUnit()->isBeingConstructed())
                for (auto &u : a->getUnit()->getTrainingQueue())
                    if (u.getID() == type.getID())

    if (isZerg())
        for (auto &u : Broodwar->self()->getUnits())
            if (u->exists())
                if (u->getType().getID() == UnitTypes::Zerg_Egg.getID())
                    if (u->getBuildType().getID() == type.getID())
                        if (type.isTwoUnitsInOneEgg()) no++;

    return no;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Constructor.cpp プロジェクト: JongKul/bthai
bool Constructor::executeOrder(UnitType type)
    //Max 5 concurrent buildings allowed at the same time
    if ((int)buildQueue.size() >= 5)
        return false;

    //Check if we meet requirements for the building
    map<UnitType,int> reqs = type.requiredUnits();
    for(map<UnitType,int>::iterator j=reqs.begin(); j!=reqs.end(); j++)
        if (!AgentManager::getInstance()->hasBuilding((*j).first))
            return false;

    if (type.isResourceDepot())
        TilePosition pos = BuildingPlacer::getInstance()->findExpansionSite();
        if (pos.x == -1)
            //No expansion site found.
            if ((int)buildPlan.size() > 0) buildPlan.erase(buildPlan.begin());
            return true;
    if (type.isRefinery())
        TilePosition rSpot = BuildingPlacer::getInstance()->searchRefinerySpot();
        if (rSpot.x < 0)
            //No buildspot found
            if ((int)buildPlan.size() > 0) buildPlan.erase(buildPlan.begin());
            return true;
    if (isZerg())
        pair<UnitType, int> builder = type.whatBuilds();
        if (builder.first.getID() != UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone.getID())
            //Needs to be morphed
            if (executeMorph(builder.first, type))
                return true;
                return false;

    //Check if we have resources
    if (!ResourceManager::getInstance()->hasResources(type))
        return false;

    bool found = false;
    Agentset agents = AgentManager::getInstance()->getAgents();
    for (auto &a : agents)
        if (a->isFreeWorker())
            if (a->canBuild(type))
                found = true;
                if (a->assignToBuild(type))
                    lock(0, a->getUnitID());
                    return true;
                    //Unable to find a buildspot. Dont bother checking for all
                    //other workers
                    return false;

    return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: BuildPlanner.cpp プロジェクト: BuffBuff/BTHAI_3.0
bool BuildPlanner::executeOrder(UnitType type)
	//Max 3 concurrent buildings allowed at the same time
	if ((int)buildQueue.size() >= 3)
		return false;

	////Hold if we are to build a new base
	//if ((int)buildQueue.size() > 0)
	//	if (buildQueue.at(0).toBuild.isResourceDepot())
	//	{
	//		return false;
	//	}
	//	vector<BaseAgent*> agents = AgentManager::getInstance()->getAgents();
	//	for (int i = 0; i < (int)agents.size(); i++)
	//	{
	//		if (agents.at(i)->getUnitType().isResourceDepot() && agents.at(i)->getUnit()->isBeingConstructed())
	//		{
	//			return false; // TODO: Check if necessary
	//		}
	//	}

	if (type.isResourceDepot())
		TilePosition pos = CoverMap::getInstance()->findExpansionSite();
		if (pos.x() == -1)
			Broodwar->printf("Removing expand as no expansion site could be found");
			//No expansion site found.
			if ((int)buildOrder.size() > 0) buildOrder.erase(buildOrder.begin());
			return true;

	if (type.isRefinery())
		TilePosition rSpot = CoverMap::getInstance()->searchRefinerySpot();
		if (rSpot.x() < 0)
			//No buildspot found
			if ((int)buildOrder.size() > 0) buildOrder.erase(buildOrder.begin());
			return true;

	if (isZerg())
		pair<UnitType, int> builder = type.whatBuilds();
		if (builder.first.getID() != UnitTypes::Zerg_Drone)
			//Needs to be morphed
			return executeMorph(builder.first, type);

	//Check if we have resources
	if (!ResourceManager::getInstance()->hasResources(type))
		return false;

	// TODO: Check if we can improve finding the best worker
	vector<BaseAgent*> agents = AgentManager::getInstance()->getAgents();
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)agents.size(); i++)
		BaseAgent* agent = agents.at(i);
		if (agent != NULL && agent->isAlive())
			if (agent->canBuild(type))
				if (agent->assignToBuild(type))
					lock(0, agent->getUnitID());
					return true;
					//Unable to find a buildspot. Dont bother checking for all
					//other workers

					Broodwar->printf("No build spot found for %s", type.getName().c_str());

					return false;
	return false;