void visitForLoop(ForLoop * p) { p->m_attribute.m_scope = m_st->get_scope(); p->visit_children(this); if(!is_assignment(p->m_stat_1)) this->t_error(for_assign_err, p->m_attribute); if(!is_assignment(p->m_stat_2)) this->t_error(for_assign_err, p->m_attribute); check_for_pred(p->m_expr); }
void symex_target_equationt::SSA_stept::output( const namespacet &ns, std::ostream &out) const { if(source.is_set) { out << "Thread " << source.thread_nr; if(source.pc->location.is_not_nil()) out << " " << source.pc->location << std::endl; else out << std::endl; } switch(type) { case goto_trace_stept::ASSERT: out << "ASSERT" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::ASSUME: out << "ASSUME" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::LOCATION: out << "LOCATION" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::INPUT: out << "INPUT" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::OUTPUT: out << "OUTPUT" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::DECL: out << "DECL" << std::endl; out << from_expr(ns, "", ssa_lhs) << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::ASSIGNMENT: out << "ASSIGNMENT ("; switch(assignment_type) { case HIDDEN: out << "HIDDEN"; break; case STATE: out << "STATE"; break; default:; } out << ")" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::DEAD: out << "DEAD" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::FUNCTION_CALL: out << "FUNCTION_CALL" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::FUNCTION_RETURN: out << "FUNCTION_RETURN" << std::endl; break; default: assert(false); } if(is_assert() || is_assume() || is_assignment()) out << from_expr(ns, "", cond_expr) << std::endl; if(is_assert()) out << comment << std::endl; out << "Guard: " << from_expr(ns, "", guard_expr) << std::endl; }
int scan(FILE *target) { hash_t *var_map = malloc(sizeof(hash_t)); hash_init(var_map, 1024); write_header(target); int ret = 0; while(next() == true){ if(is_alpha() == false){ printf("An instruction can only start with a function call or assignment\n"); return 1; } char *current_token = get_token(); char *temp; strcpy(temp, current_token); if(next() == false){ printf("Incomplete instruction\n"); return 1; } if(is_left()){ ret = parse_call(target, temp, var_map); /* It is a call */ } else if(is_assignment()){ ret = parse_assignment(target, temp, var_map); /* It is an assignment */ } else { printf("Not a valid instruction\n"); return 1; } if(ret == 1 ){ printf("Syntax error\n"); return 1; } } write_end(target); free(var_map); return ret; }
void real_main (int argc, char *const argv[]) { int i; /* TODO: handle -i */ env_import (); for (i = 1; i < argc && is_assignment (argv[i]); ++i) env_parse_assignment (argv[i]); if (i == argc) env_print (); else { env_export (); must_execvp (argv + i); } }
static void do_extract(t_lst *tokens, t_lst *assign_list, t_lst *remaining_tokens) { t_token *token; while ((token = twl_lst_first(tokens))) { if (is_assignment(token->text)) { twl_lst_push_back(assign_list, build_assign(twl_lst_pop_front(tokens))); } else { break ; } } while ((token = twl_lst_first(tokens))) { twl_lst_push_back(remaining_tokens, twl_lst_pop_front(tokens)); } }
data_t *eval(const data_t *exp, data_t *env) { if(eval_plz_die) { eval_plz_die = 0; ExitThread(0); } if(is_self_evaluating(exp)) return (data_t*)exp; if(is_variable(exp)) return lookup_variable_value(exp, env); if(is_quoted_expression(exp)) return get_text_of_quotation(exp); if(is_assignment(exp)) return eval_assignment(exp, env); if(is_definition(exp)) return eval_definition(exp, env); if(is_if(exp)) return eval_if(exp, env); if(is_lambda(exp)) return make_procedure(get_lambda_parameters(exp), get_lambda_body(exp), env); if(is_begin(exp)) return eval_sequence(get_begin_actions(exp), env); if(is_cond(exp)) return eval(cond_to_if(exp), env); if(is_letrec(exp)) return eval(letrec_to_let(exp), env); if(is_let_star(exp)) return eval(let_star_to_nested_lets(exp), env); if(is_let(exp)) return eval(let_to_combination(exp), env); if(is_application(exp)) return apply( eval(get_operator(exp), env), get_list_of_values(get_operands(exp), env)); printf("Unknown expression type -- EVAL '"); return make_symbol("error"); }
int script_process_line(char *buf) { int ret = -ENOTSUP; struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 0 }; struct timespec tse; if (_perf_measure) ts = utils_get_time( TIME_CURRENT ); /* Skip if it's a one line comment (more to be implemented) */ if (is_comment(buf) == 1) { DPRINTF("%s: Found comment, skipping\n", __FUNCTION__); ret = 0; goto cleanup; } else if (strcmp(buf, "else {") == 0) { /* Reverse the condition */ if ((_script_in_condition_and_met == 1) || (_script_in_condition_and_met == -10)) _script_in_condition_and_met = 0; else if ((_script_in_condition_and_met == 0) || (_script_in_condition_and_met == -20)) _script_in_condition_and_met = 1; else if (_script_in_condition_and_met != -1) { DPRINTF("%s: Invalid state for else statement\n", __FUNCTION__); ret = -EINVAL; goto cleanup; } ret = 0; goto cleanup; } else if (strcmp(buf, "}") == 0) { _script_in_condition_and_met = (_script_in_condition_and_met == 1) ? -10 : -20; ret = 0; goto cleanup; } if (_script_in_condition_and_met < -1) _script_in_condition_and_met = 1; if (_script_in_condition_and_met == 0) { ret = 0; goto cleanup; } /* Comparison with no ternary operator support... yet */ if (regex_match("if \\(([^(]*)([^)]*)\\)", buf)) { if (regex_match("if \\(([^(]*) == ([^)]*)\\) {", buf)) { char **matches = NULL; int i, num_matches; matches = (char **)utils_alloc( "scripting.script_process_line.matches", sizeof(char *) ); _regex_match("if \\(([^(]*) == ([^)]*)\\) {", buf, matches, &num_matches); if (num_matches >= 2) _script_in_condition_and_met = (valcmp(matches[0], matches[1]) == 0) ? 1 : 0; for (i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) matches[i] = utils_free("scripting.condition.matches[]", matches[i]); matches = utils_free("scripting.condition.matches", matches); } } else /* Definition */ if (strncmp(buf, "define ", 7) == 0) { tTokenizer t; t = tokenize(buf + 7, " "); if (t.numTokens != 2) { ret = -EINVAL; goto cleanup; } if (variable_create(trim(t.tokens[0]), trim(t.tokens[1])) != 1) { ret = -EIO; goto cleanup; } } else /* Operators */ if ((strstr(buf, "+=") != NULL) || (strstr(buf, "-=") != NULL) || (strstr(buf, "%=") != NULL) || (strstr(buf, "*=") != NULL) || (strstr(buf, "/=") != NULL)) { tTokenizer t; char *var; char *val; int op, vtype; t = tokenize(buf, "="); if (t.numTokens != 2) { ret = -EINVAL; goto cleanup; } var = trim(strdup(t.tokens[0])); val = trim(strdup(t.tokens[1])); op = var[ strlen(var) - 1]; var[ strlen(var) - 1] = 0; var = trim(var); if (val[strlen(val) - 1] == ';') val[strlen(val) - 1] = 0; val = trim(val); vtype = variable_get_type(var, NULL); if ((vtype == TYPE_INT) || (vtype == TYPE_LONG)) { char tmp[32] = { 0 }; long value = atol(variable_get_element_as_string(var, NULL)); if (op == '+') value += atol(val); else if (op == '-') value -= atol(val); else if (op == '*') value *= atol(val); else if (op == '%') value %= atol(val); else if (op == '/') value /= atol(val); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%ld", value); variable_set_deleted(var, 1); variable_add(var, tmp, TYPE_QSCRIPT, -1, vtype); ret = 0; } else ret = -EINVAL; var = utils_free("scripting.operators.var", var); val = utils_free("scripting.operators.val", val); free_tokens(t); return ret; } else /* Assignment */ if (is_assignment(buf)) { tTokenizer t; t = tokenize(buf, "="); char *val = strdup( trim(t.tokens[1]) ); if (val[strlen(val) - 1] == ';') { val[strlen(val) - 1] = 0; if (is_numeric(val) || is_string(val)) { if (is_string(val)) { *val++; val[strlen(val) - 1] = 0; } if (variable_add(trim(t.tokens[0]), val, TYPE_QSCRIPT, -1, gettype(val)) < 0) { desc_printf(gIO, gFd, "Cannot set new value to variable %s\n", trim(t.tokens[0])); ret = -EEXIST; } else ret = 0; } else if (regex_match("([^(]*)([^)]*)", val)) { tTokenizer t2; char *args = NULL; char *fn; t2 = tokenize(val, "("); if (t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1][strlen(t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1]) - 1] != ')') { ret = -EINVAL; goto cleanup; } t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1][strlen(t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1]) - 1] = 0; fn = strdup(t2.tokens[0]); /* We need to make sure parenthesis won't break script line */ if (t2.numTokens > 1) { int i; char argstmp[8192] = { 0 }; for (i = 1; i < t2.numTokens; i++) { strcat(argstmp, t2.tokens[i]); if (i < t2.numTokens - 1) strcat(argstmp, "("); } args = strdup(argstmp); } if (args != NULL) { char args2[1024] = { 0 }; snprintf(args2, sizeof(args2), "%s", args + 1); args2[ strlen(args2) - 1] = 0; args = utils_free("scripting.function-call.args", args); args = strdup( args2 ); } free_tokens(t2); if (_script_builtin_function(trim(t.tokens[0]), fn, args) != 0) DPRINTF("Function %s doesn't seem to be builtin, we should try user-defined function\n", fn); DPRINTF("%s: Should be a function with return value\n", __FUNCTION__); args = utils_free("scripting.function-call.args", args); fn = utils_free("scripting.function-call.fn", fn); ret = 0; } else ret = -EINVAL; } free_tokens(t); } else if (regex_match("([^(]*)([^)]*)", buf)) { tTokenizer t2; char *args = NULL; char *fn; t2 = tokenize(buf, "("); if (t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1][strlen(t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1]) - 1] != ';') { ret = -EINVAL; goto cleanup; } t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1][strlen(t2.tokens[t2.numTokens - 1]) - 1] = 0; fn = strdup(t2.tokens[0]); /* We need to make sure parenthesis won't break script line */ if (t2.numTokens > 1) { int i; char argstmp[8192] = { 0 }; for (i = 1; i < t2.numTokens; i++) { strcat(argstmp, t2.tokens[i]); if (i < t2.numTokens - 1) strcat(argstmp, "("); } args = strdup(argstmp); } if (args != NULL) { if (args[strlen(args) - 1] == ')') args[strlen(args) - 1] = 0; } free_tokens(t2); if (_script_builtin_function(NULL, fn, args) != 0) DPRINTF("Function %s doesn't seem to be builtin, we should try user-defined function\n", fn); args = utils_free("scripting.function-call.args", args); fn = utils_free("scripting.function-call.fn", fn); ret = 0; } else DPRINTF("%s: Not implemented yet\n", __FUNCTION__); cleanup: if ((_perf_measure) && ((ts.tv_nsec > 0) && (ts.tv_sec > 0)) && (_script_in_condition_and_met > 0)) { tse = utils_get_time( TIME_CURRENT ); desc_printf(gIO, gFd, "PERF: Line \"%s\" was being processed for %.3f microseconds (%.3f ms)\n\n", buf, get_time_float_us( tse, ts ), get_time_float_us(tse, ts) / 1000.); } return ret; } int run_script(char *filename) { FILE *fp; int opened = 0; char buf[4096] = { 0 }; struct timespec ts = utils_get_time( TIME_CURRENT ); struct timespec tse; if (access(filename, R_OK) != 0) return -ENOENT; _script_in_condition_and_met = -1; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) return -EPERM; if (gHttpHandler) http_host_header(gIO, gFd, HTTP_CODE_OK, gHost, "text/html", NULL, myRealm, 0); while (!feof(fp)) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp); if ((strlen(buf) > 1) && (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] == '\n')) buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; if ((strlen(buf) > 1) && (buf[0] != '\n')) { if (strcmp(buf, "<$") == 0) opened = 1; if (strcmp(buf, "$>") == 0) opened = 0; if ((opened) && (strcmp(buf, "<$") != 0)) script_process_line(trim(buf)); } } fclose(fp); idb_free_last_select_data(); if (_perf_measure) { tse = utils_get_time( TIME_CURRENT ); desc_printf(gIO, gFd, "PERF: File \"%s\" has been processed in %.3f microseconds (%.3f ms)\n\n", basename(filename), get_time_float_us( tse, ts ), get_time_float_us(tse, ts) / 1000.); } variable_dump(); variable_free_all(); return 0; }
object *eval(object *exp, object *env) { object *procedure; object *arguments; object *result; bool tailcall = false; do { if (is_self_evaluating(exp)) return exp; if (is_variable(exp)) return lookup_variable_value(exp, env); if (is_quoted(exp)) return text_of_quotation(exp); if (is_assignment(exp)) return eval_assignment(exp, env); if (is_definition(exp)) return eval_definition(exp, env); if (is_if(exp)) { exp = is_true(eval(if_predicate(exp), env)) ? if_consequent(exp) : if_alternative(exp); tailcall = true; continue; } if (is_lambda(exp)) return make_compound_proc(lambda_parameters(exp), lambda_body(exp), env); if (is_begin(exp)) { exp = begin_actions(exp); while (!is_last_exp(exp)) { eval(first_exp(exp), env); exp = rest_exps(exp); } exp = first_exp(exp); tailcall = true; continue; } if (is_cond(exp)) { exp = cond_to_if(exp); tailcall = true; continue; } if (is_let(exp)) { exp = let_to_application(exp); tailcall = true; continue; } if (is_and(exp)) { exp = and_tests(exp); if (is_empty(exp)) return make_boolean(true); while (!is_last_exp(exp)) { result = eval(first_exp(exp), env); if (is_false(result)) return result; exp = rest_exps(exp); } exp = first_exp(exp); tailcall = true; continue; } if (is_or(exp)) { exp = or_tests(exp); if (is_empty(exp)) { return make_boolean(false); } while (!is_last_exp(exp)) { result = eval(first_exp(exp), env); if (is_true(result)) return result; exp = rest_exps(exp); } exp = first_exp(exp); tailcall = true; continue; } if (is_application(exp)) { procedure = eval(operator(exp), env); arguments = list_of_values(operands(exp), env); if (is_primitive_proc(procedure) && procedure->data.primitive_proc.fn == eval_proc) { exp = eval_expression(arguments); env = eval_environment(arguments); tailcall = true; continue; } if (is_primitive_proc(procedure) && procedure->data.primitive_proc.fn == apply_proc) { procedure = apply_operator(arguments); arguments = apply_operands(arguments); } if (is_primitive_proc(procedure)) return (procedure->data.primitive_proc.fn)(arguments); if (is_compound_proc(procedure)) { env = extend_environment(procedure->data.compound_proc.parameters, arguments, procedure->data.compound_proc.env); exp = make_begin(procedure->data.compound_proc.body); tailcall = true; continue; } return make_error(342, "unknown procedure type"); } // is_application() } while (tailcall); fprintf(stderr, "cannot eval unknown expression type\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
/* run_pipe_real() starts all the jobs, but doesn't wait for anything * to finish. See checkjobs(). * * return code is normally -1, when the caller has to wait for children * to finish to determine the exit status of the pipe. If the pipe * is a simple builtin command, however, the action is done by the * time run_pipe_real returns, and the exit code is provided as the * return value. * * The input of the pipe is always stdin, the output is always * stdout. The outpipe[] mechanism in BusyBox-0.48 lash is bogus, * because it tries to avoid running the command substitution in * subshell, when that is in fact necessary. The subshell process * now has its stdout directed to the input of the appropriate pipe, * so this routine is noticeably simpler. */ static int run_pipe_real(struct pipe *pi) { int i; int nextin; int flag = do_repeat ? CMD_FLAG_REPEAT : 0; struct child_prog *child; cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp; char *p; # if __GNUC__ /* Avoid longjmp clobbering */ (void) &i; (void) &nextin; (void) &child; # endif nextin = 0; /* Check if this is a simple builtin (not part of a pipe). * Builtins within pipes have to fork anyway, and are handled in * pseudo_exec. "echo foo | read bar" doesn't work on bash, either. */ if (pi->num_progs == 1) child = &(pi->progs[0]); if (pi->num_progs == 1 && child->group) { int rcode; debug_printf("non-subshell grouping\n"); rcode = run_list_real(child->group); return rcode; } else if (pi->num_progs == 1 && pi->progs[0].argv != NULL) { for (i = 0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) { /* nothing */ } if (i != 0 && child->argv[i] == NULL) { /* assignments, but no command: set the local environment */ for (i = 0; child->argv[i] != NULL; i++) { /* Ok, this case is tricky. We have to decide if this is a * local variable, or an already exported variable. If it is * already exported, we have to export the new value. If it is * not exported, we need only set this as a local variable. * This junk is all to decide whether or not to export this * variable. */ int export_me = 0; char *name, *value; name = xstrdup(child->argv[i]); debug_printf("Local environment set: %s\n", name); value = strchr(name, '='); if (value) *value = 0; free(name); p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]); set_local_var(p, export_me); if (p != child->argv[i]) free(p); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* don't worry about errors in set_local_var() yet */ } for (i = 0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) { p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]); set_local_var(p, 0); if (p != child->argv[i]) { child->sp--; free(p); } } if (child->sp) { char * str = NULL; str = make_string((child->argv + i)); parse_string_outer(str, FLAG_EXIT_FROM_LOOP | FLAG_REPARSING); free(str); return last_return_code; } /* check ";", because ,example , argv consist from * "help;flinfo" must not execute */ if (strchr(child->argv[i], ';')) { printf_err("unknown command '%s' - try 'help' or use 'run' command\n", child->argv[i]); return -1; } /* Look up command in command table */ if ((cmdtp = find_cmd(child->argv[i])) == NULL) { printf_err("unknown command '%s' - try 'help'\n", child->argv[i]); return -1; /* give up after bad command */ } else { int rcode; #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTD) extern int do_bootd (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]); /* avoid "bootd" recursion */ if (cmdtp->cmd == do_bootd) { if (flag & CMD_FLAG_BOOTD) { printf_err("'bootd' recursion detected!\n"); return -1; } else { flag |= CMD_FLAG_BOOTD; } } #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_BOOTD */ /* found - check max args */ if ((child->argc - i) > cmdtp->maxargs) { print_cmd_help(cmdtp); return -1; } child->argv += i; /* XXX horrible hack */ /* OK - call function to do the command */ rcode = (cmdtp->cmd)(cmdtp, flag, child->argc - i, &child->argv[i]); if (!cmdtp->repeatable) flag_repeat = 0; child->argv -= i; /* XXX restore hack so free() can work right */ return rcode; } } return -1; }
void symex_target_equationt::SSA_stept::output( const namespacet &ns, std::ostream &out) const { if(source.is_set) { out << "Thread " << source.thread_nr; if(source.pc->source_location.is_not_nil()) out << " " << source.pc->source_location << std::endl; else out << std::endl; } switch(type) { case goto_trace_stept::ASSERT: out << "ASSERT " << from_expr(ns, "", cond_expr) << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::ASSUME: out << "ASSUME " << from_expr(ns, "", cond_expr) << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::LOCATION: out << "LOCATION" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::INPUT: out << "INPUT" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::OUTPUT: out << "OUTPUT" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::DECL: out << "DECL" << std::endl; out << from_expr(ns, "", ssa_lhs) << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::ASSIGNMENT: out << "ASSIGNMENT ("; switch(assignment_type) { case HIDDEN: out << "HIDDEN"; break; case STATE: out << "STATE"; break; case VISIBLE_ACTUAL_PARAMETER: out << "VISIBLE_ACTUAL_PARAMETER"; break; case HIDDEN_ACTUAL_PARAMETER: out << "HIDDEN_ACTUAL_PARAMETER"; break; case PHI: out << "PHI"; break; case GUARD: out << "GUARD"; break; default:; } out << ")" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::DEAD: out << "DEAD" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::FUNCTION_CALL: out << "FUNCTION_CALL" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::FUNCTION_RETURN: out << "FUNCTION_RETURN" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::CONSTRAINT: out << "CONSTRAINT" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::SHARED_READ: out << "SHARED READ" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::SHARED_WRITE: out << "SHARED WRITE" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::ATOMIC_BEGIN: out << "ATOMIC_BEGIN" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::ATOMIC_END: out << "AUTOMIC_END" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::SPAWN: out << "SPAWN" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::MEMORY_BARRIER: out << "MEMORY_BARRIER" << std::endl; break; case goto_trace_stept::GOTO: out << "IF " << from_expr(ns, "", cond_expr) << " GOTO" << std::endl; break; default: assert(false); } if(is_assert() || is_assume() || is_assignment() || is_constraint()) out << from_expr(ns, "", cond_expr) << std::endl; if(is_assert() || is_constraint()) out << comment << std::endl; if(is_shared_read() || is_shared_write()) out << from_expr(ns, "", ssa_lhs) << std::endl; out << "Guard: " << from_expr(ns, "", guard) << std::endl; }
/* run_pipe_real() starts all the jobs, but doesn't wait for anything * to finish. See checkjobs(). * * return code is normally -1, when the caller has to wait for children * to finish to determine the exit status of the pipe. If the pipe * is a simple builtin command, however, the action is done by the * time run_pipe_real returns, and the exit code is provided as the * return value. * * The input of the pipe is always stdin, the output is always * stdout. The outpipe[] mechanism in BusyBox-0.48 lash is bogus, * because it tries to avoid running the command substitution in * subshell, when that is in fact necessary. The subshell process * now has its stdout directed to the input of the appropriate pipe, * so this routine is noticeably simpler. */ static int run_pipe_real(struct pipe *pi) { int i; int nextin; int flag = do_repeat ? CMD_FLAG_REPEAT : 0; struct child_prog *child; char *p; #if __GNUC__ /* Avoid longjmp clobbering */ (void) &i; (void) &nextin; (void) &child; #endif nextin = 0; /* Check if this is a simple builtin (not part of a pipe). * Builtins within pipes have to fork anyway, and are handled in * pseudo_exec. "echo foo | read bar" doesn't work on bash, either. */ if (pi->num_progs == 1) child = & (pi->progs[0]); if (pi->num_progs == 1 && child->group) { int rcode; debug_printf("non-subshell grouping\n"); rcode = run_list_real(child->group); return rcode; } else if (pi->num_progs == 1 && pi->progs[0].argv != NULL) { for (i=0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) { /* nothing */ } if (i!=0 && child->argv[i]==NULL) { /* assignments, but no command: set the local environment */ for (i=0; child->argv[i]!=NULL; i++) { /* Ok, this case is tricky. We have to decide if this is a * local variable, or an already exported variable. If it is * already exported, we have to export the new value. If it is * not exported, we need only set this as a local variable. * This junk is all to decide whether or not to export this * variable. */ int export_me=0; char *name, *value; name = xstrdup(child->argv[i]); debug_printf("Local environment set: %s\n", name); value = strchr(name, '='); if (value) *value=0; free(name); p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]); set_local_var(p, export_me); if (p != child->argv[i]) free(p); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* don't worry about errors in set_local_var() yet */ } for (i = 0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) { p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]); set_local_var(p, 0); if (p != child->argv[i]) { child->sp--; free(p); } } if (child->sp) { char * str = NULL; str = make_string((child->argv + i)); parse_string_outer(str, FLAG_EXIT_FROM_LOOP | FLAG_REPARSING); free(str); return last_return_code; } /* check ";", because ,example , argv consist from * "help;flinfo" must not execute */ if (strchr(child->argv[i], ';')) { printf("Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' or use " "'run' command\n", child->argv[i]); return -1; } /* Process the command */ return cmd_process(flag, child->argc, child->argv, &flag_repeat, NULL); } return -1; }
void ssa_domaint::transform( locationt from, locationt to, ai_baset &ai, const namespacet &ns) { if(from->is_assign() || from->is_decl() || from->is_function_call()) { const auto &assignments=static_cast<ssa_ait &>(ai).assignments; const std::set<ssa_objectt> &assigns=assignments.get(from); for(std::set<ssa_objectt>::const_iterator o_it=assigns.begin(); o_it!=assigns.end(); o_it++) { if(o_it->get_expr().get_bool("#is_rhs_assign") && is_pointed(o_it->get_root_object())) { // the second part excluded cases // when a result of malloc is at the right-handed side const auto object_ai_it= static_cast<ssa_ait &>(ai)[from].def_map.find(o_it->get_identifier()); if(object_ai_it!=static_cast<ssa_ait &>(ai)[from].def_map.end() && object_ai_it->second.def.is_assignment()) { const exprt pointer= get_pointer( o_it->get_root_object(), pointed_level(o_it->get_root_object())-1); const auto def_pointer= static_cast<ssa_ait &>(ai)[from] .def_map.find( ssa_objectt(pointer, ns).get_identifier())->second.def; if(!def_pointer.is_assignment() || def_pointer.loc->location_number< object_ai_it->second.def.loc->location_number) { continue; } } } irep_idt identifier=o_it->get_identifier(); def_entryt &def_entry=def_map[identifier]; def_entry.def.loc=from; def_entry.source=from; auto guard_it=assignments.alloc_guards_map.find({from, *o_it}); if(guard_it!=assignments.alloc_guards_map.end()) { def_entry.def.kind=deft::ALLOCATION; def_entry.def.guard=guard_it->second; } else def_entry.def.kind=deft::ASSIGNMENT; } } else if(from->is_dead()) { const code_deadt &code_dead=to_code_dead(from->code); const irep_idt &id=code_dead.get_identifier(); def_map.erase(id); } // update source in all defs for(def_mapt::iterator d_it=def_map.begin(); d_it!=def_map.end(); d_it++) d_it->second.source=from; }
object *bs_eval(object *exp, object *env) { tailcall: if (is_empty_list(exp)) { error("unable to evaluate empty list"); } else if (is_self_evaluating(exp)) { return exp; } else if (is_variable(exp)) { return lookup_variable_value(exp, env); } else if (is_quoted(exp)) { return quoted_expression(exp); } else if (is_assignment(exp)) { return eval_assignment(exp, env); } else if (is_definition(exp)) { return eval_definition(exp, env); } else if (is_if(exp)) { if (is_true(bs_eval(if_predicate(exp), env))) { exp = if_consequent(exp); } else { exp = if_alternate(exp); } goto tailcall; } else if (is_lambda(exp)) { return make_compound_proc(lambda_parameters(exp), lambda_body(exp), env); } else if (is_begin(exp)) { exp = begin_actions(exp); if (is_empty_list(exp)) { error("empty begin block"); } while (!is_empty_list(cdr(exp))) { bs_eval(car(exp), env); exp = cdr(exp); } exp = car(exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_cond(exp)) { exp = cond_to_if(exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_let(exp)) { exp = let_to_application(exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_and(exp)) { exp = and_tests(exp); if (is_empty_list(exp)) { return get_boolean(1); } object *result; while (!is_empty_list(cdr(exp))) { result = bs_eval(car(exp), env); if (is_false(result)) { return result; } exp = cdr(exp); } exp = car(exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_or(exp)) { exp = or_tests(exp); if (is_empty_list(exp)) { return get_boolean(0); } object *result; while (!is_empty_list(cdr(exp))) { result = bs_eval(car(exp), env); if (is_true(result)) { return result; } exp = cdr(exp); } exp = car(exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_application(exp)) { object *procedure = bs_eval(application_operator(exp), env); object *parameters = eval_parameters(application_operands(exp), env); // handle eval specially for tailcall requirement. if (is_primitive_proc(procedure) && procedure->value.primitive_proc == eval_proc) { exp = eval_expression(parameters); env = eval_environment(parameters); goto tailcall; } // handle apply specially for tailcall requirement. if (is_primitive_proc(procedure) && procedure->value.primitive_proc == apply_proc) { procedure = apply_operator(parameters); parameters = apply_operands(parameters); } if (is_primitive_proc(procedure)) { return (procedure->value.primitive_proc)(parameters); } else if (is_compound_proc(procedure)) { env = extend_environment( procedure->value.compound_proc.parameters, parameters, procedure->value.compound_proc.env); exp = make_begin(procedure->value.compound_proc.body); goto tailcall; } else { error("unable to apply unknown procedure type"); } } else { error("unable to evaluate expression"); } }
static pSlipObject slip_eval(pSlip gd, pSlipObject exp, pSlipEnvironment env) { pSlipObject proc; pSlipObject args; tailcall: if (is_self_evaluating(exp) == S_TRUE) { return exp; } else if (is_variable(exp) == S_TRUE) { return lookup_variable_value(gd, exp, env); } else if (is_quoted(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { return text_of_quotation(exp); } else if (is_assignment(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { return eval_assignment(gd, exp, env); } else if (is_definition(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { return eval_definition(gd, exp, env); } else if (is_if(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { exp = is_true(gd, slip_eval(gd, if_predicate(exp), env)) == S_TRUE ? if_consequent(exp) : if_alternative(gd, exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_lambda(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { return s_NewCompoundProc(gd, lambda_parameters(exp), lambda_body(exp), env); } else if (is_begin(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { exp = begin_actions(exp); while (!is_last_exp(gd, exp)) { slip_eval(gd, first_exp(exp), env); exp = rest_exps(exp); } exp = first_exp(exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_cond(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { exp = cond_to_if(gd, exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_let(gd, exp) == S_TRUE) { exp = let_to_application(gd, exp); goto tailcall; } else if (is_application(exp) == S_TRUE) { proc = slip_eval(gd, slip_operator(exp), env); if (proc == NULL) return gd->singleton_False; if (proc->type == eType_PRIMITIVE_PROC || proc->type == eType_COMPOUND_PROC) { args = list_of_values(gd, operands(exp), env); if (args == NULL) return gd->singleton_False; if (sIsObject_PrimitiveProc(proc) == S_TRUE) { return proc->data.prim_proc.func(gd, args); } else if (sIsObject_CompoundProc(proc) == S_TRUE) { env = setup_environment(gd, proc->data.comp_proc.env, proc->data.comp_proc.params, args); exp = make_begin(gd, proc->data.comp_proc.code); goto tailcall; } else { throw_error(gd, "unknown procedure type\n"); return gd->singleton_False; } } else return proc; } else { throw_error(gd, "cannot eval unknown expression type\n"); return NULL; } throw_error(gd, "what??\n"); return NULL; }
int builtin_evaluate(Environment &env, std::vector<token> &&tokens, const fdmask &fds) { // evaluate expression // evaluate variable = expression // evaluate variable += expression // evaluate variable -= expression // flags -- -h -o -b -- print in hex, octal, or binary // convert the arguments to a stack. int output = 'd'; //io_helper io(fds); std::reverse(tokens.begin(), tokens.end()); // remove 'Evaluate' tokens.pop_back(); // check for -h -x -o if (tokens.size() >= 2 && tokens.back().type == '-') { const token &t = tokens[tokens.size() - 2]; if (t.type == token::text && t.string.length() == 1) { int flag = tolower(t.string[0]); switch(flag) { case 'o': case 'h': case 'b': output = flag; tokens.pop_back(); tokens.pop_back(); } } } if (tokens.size() >= 2 && tokens.back().type == token::text) { int type = tokens[tokens.size() -2].type; if (is_assignment(type)) { std::string name = tokens.back().string; tokens.pop_back(); tokens.pop_back(); int32_t i = evaluate_expression("Evaluate", std::move(tokens)); switch(type) { case '=': env.set(name, i); break; case '+=': case '-=': { value old; auto iter = env.find(name); if (iter != env.end()) old = (const std::string &)iter->second; switch(type) { case '+=': i = old.to_number() + i; break; case '-=': i = old.to_number() - i; break; } env.set(name, i); } break; } return 0; } } int32_t i = evaluate_expression("Evaluate", std::move(tokens)); if (output == 'h') { fdprintf(stdout, "0x%08x\n", i); return 0; } if (output == 'b') { std::string tmp("0b"); for (int j = 0; j < 32; ++j) { tmp.push_back(i & 0x80000000 ? '1' : '0'); i <<= 1; } tmp.push_back('\n'); fdputs(tmp.c_str(), stdout); return 0; } if (output == 'o') { // octal. fdprintf(stdout, "0%o\n", i); return 0; } fdprintf(stdout, "%d\n", i); return 0; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //eval //requires two arguments:exp & tail_context /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cellpoint eval(void) { if (is_true(is_self_evaluating(args_ref(1)))){ reg = args_ref(1); }else if (is_true(is_variable(args_ref(1)))){ reg = args_ref(1); args_push(current_env); args_push(reg); reg = lookup_var_val(); }else if (is_true(is_quoted(args_ref(1)))){ args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = quotation_text(); }else if (is_true(is_assignment(args_ref(1)))){ args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = eval_assignment(); }else if (is_true(is_definition(args_ref(1)))){ args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = eval_definition(); }else if (is_true(is_if(args_ref(1)))){ //eval if expression with the second argument (tail_context) reg = args_ref(1); args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); reg = eval_if(); }else if (is_true(is_lambda(args_ref(1)))){ args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = eval_lambda(); }else if (is_true(is_begin(args_ref(1)))){ args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = begin_actions(); //eval the actions of begin exp with the second argument (tail_context) args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); reg = eval_sequence(); }else if (is_true(is_cond(args_ref(1)))){ args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = cond_2_if(); //eval the exp with the second argument (tail_context) args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); reg = eval(); }else if (is_true(is_and(args_ref(1)))){ reg = args_ref(1); args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); reg = eval_and(); }else if (is_true(is_or(args_ref(1)))){ reg = args_ref(1); args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); reg = eval_or(); }else if (is_true(is_let(args_ref(1)))){ //convert let to combination args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = let_2_combination(); //evals the combination args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); reg = eval(); }else if (is_true(is_letstar(args_ref(1)))){ //convert let* to nested lets args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = letstar_2_nested_lets(); //evals the nested lets args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); reg = eval(); }else if (is_true(is_application(args_ref(1)))){ //computes operator args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = operator(); args_push(a_false); args_push(reg); reg = eval(); stack_push(&vars_stack, reg); //computes operands args_push(args_ref(1)); reg = operands(); args_push(reg); reg = list_of_values(); //calls apply with the second argument (tail_context) args_push(args_ref(2)); args_push(reg); args_push(stack_pop(&vars_stack)); reg = apply(); }else { printf("Unknown expression type -- EVAL\n"); error_handler(); } args_pop(2); return reg; }