void phase1_map(struct map *map, FILE *out_ways, FILE *out_nodes) { struct map_rect *mr=map_rect_new(map, NULL); struct item *item; int count,max=16384; struct coord ca[max]; struct attr attr; while ((item = map_rect_get_item(mr))) { count=item_coord_get(item, ca, item->type < type_line ? 1: max); item_bin_init(item_bin, item->type); item_bin_add_coord(item_bin, ca, count); while (item_attr_get(item, attr_any, &attr)) { if (attr.type >= attr_type_string_begin && attr.type <= attr_type_string_end) { attr.u.str=map_convert_string(map, attr.u.str); item_bin_add_attr(item_bin, &attr); map_convert_free(attr.u.str); } else item_bin_add_attr(item_bin, &attr); } if (item->type >= type_line) item_bin_write(item_bin, out_ways); else item_bin_write(item_bin, out_nodes); } map_rect_destroy(mr); }
void phase1_map(GList *maps, FILE *out_ways, FILE *out_nodes) { struct map_rect *mr; struct item *item; int count; struct coord ca[phase1_coord_max]; struct attr attr; struct item_bin *item_bin; while (maps) { mr=map_rect_new(maps->data, NULL); while ((item = map_rect_get_item(mr))) { count=item_coord_get(item, ca, item->type < type_line ? 1: phase1_coord_max); item_bin=init_item(item->type); item_bin_add_coord(item_bin, ca, count); while (item_attr_get(item, attr_any, &attr)) { if (attr.type >= attr_type_string_begin && attr.type <= attr_type_string_end) { attr.u.str=map_convert_string(maps->data, attr.u.str); if (attr.u.str) { item_bin_add_attr(item_bin, &attr); map_convert_free(attr.u.str); } } else item_bin_add_attr(item_bin, &attr); } if (item->type >= type_line) item_bin_write(item_bin, out_ways); else item_bin_write(item_bin, out_nodes); } map_rect_destroy(mr); maps=g_list_next(maps); } }
int file_writer_process(struct item_bin_sink_func *func, struct item_bin *ib, struct tile_data *tile_data) { FILE *out=func->priv_data[0]; item_bin_write(ib, out); return 0; }
void item_bin_write_range(struct item_bin *ib, FILE *out, int min, int max) { struct range r; r.min=min; r.max=max; fwrite(&r, sizeof(r), 1, out); item_bin_write(ib, out); }
void index_init(struct zip_info *info, int version) { struct item_bin *item_bin; int i; map_information_attrs[0].type=attr_version; map_information_attrs[0].u.num=version; item_bin=init_item(type_map_information); for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) { if (!map_information_attrs[i].type) break; item_bin_add_attr(item_bin, &map_information_attrs[i]); } item_bin_write(item_bin, zip_get_index(info)); }
void item_bin_write_match(struct item_bin *ib, enum attr_type type, enum attr_type match, int maxdepth, FILE *out) { char *word=item_bin_get_attr(ib, type, NULL); int i,words=0,len; char tilename[32]=""; if (!word) return; if(maxdepth && ib->clen>0) { struct rect r; struct coord *c=(struct coord *)(ib+1); r.l=c[0]; r.h=c[0]; for (i = 1 ; i < ib->clen/2 ; i++) bbox_extend(&c[i], &r); tile(&r,NULL,tilename,maxdepth,overlap,NULL); } /* insert attr_tile_name attribute before the attribute used as alphabetical key (of type type) */ if(maxdepth) { item_bin_add_attr_string(ib, attr_tile_name, tilename); item_bin_add_attr_string(ib, type, word); item_bin_remove_attr(ib,word); word=item_bin_get_attr(ib, type, NULL); } len=ib->len; do { if (linguistics_search(word)) { for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { char *str=linguistics_expand_special(word, i); if (str) { ib->len=len; if (i || words) item_bin_add_attr_string(ib, match, str); item_bin_write(ib, out); g_free(str); } } words++; } word=linguistics_next_word(word); } while (word); }
void item_bin_write_match(struct item_bin *ib, enum attr_type type, enum attr_type match, FILE *out) { char *word=item_bin_get_attr(ib, type, NULL); int i,words=0,len=ib->len; if (!word) return; do { if (linguistics_search(word)) { for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { char *str=linguistics_expand_special(word, i); if (str) { ib->len=len; if (i || words) item_bin_add_attr_string(ib, match, str); item_bin_write(ib, out); g_free(str); } } words++; } word=linguistics_next_word(word); } while (word); }
static void ch_process_node(FILE *out, int node, int resolve) { int first_edge_id=nodes[node].first_edge; int last_edge_id=nodes[node+1].first_edge; int edge_id; struct ch_edge ch_edge; struct item_bin *item_bin; struct edge_hash_item fwd,rev; int oldnode; memset(&ch_edge, 0, sizeof(ch_edge)); item_bin=init_item(type_ch_node); oldnode=GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup(newnode_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER(node))); #if 0 dbg(lvl_debug,"0x%x,0x%x\n",node_index[oldnode].x,node_index[oldnode].y); #endif item_bin_add_coord(item_bin, &node_index[oldnode], 1); fwd.first=oldnode; rev.last=oldnode; for (edge_id = first_edge_id ; edge_id < last_edge_id ; edge_id++) { if (resolve) { struct edge *edge=&edges[edge_id]; int oldnode=GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup(newnode_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER((int)edge->target))); struct item_id *id; ch_edge.weight=edge->weight; fwd.last=oldnode; rev.first=oldnode; ch_edge.flags=edge->flags & 3; if (edge->scmiddle == 67108863) { id=g_hash_table_lookup(edge_hash, &fwd); if (!id) { ch_edge.flags|=8; id=g_hash_table_lookup(edge_hash, &rev); } if (id == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Shortcut %d Weight %d\n",edge->scmiddle,edge->weight); fprintf(stderr,"Neither %d-%d nor %d-%d exists\n",fwd.first,fwd.last,rev.first,rev.last); exit(1); } else { ch_edge.middle=*id; #if 0 dbg(lvl_debug,"middle street id for is "ITEM_ID_FMT"\n",ITEM_ID_ARGS(*id)); #endif } } else { ch_edge.flags|=4; id=g_hash_table_lookup(sgr_nodes_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER((int)edge->scmiddle)); dbg_assert(id != NULL); ch_edge.middle=*id; #if 0 dbg(lvl_debug,"middle node id for is "ITEM_ID_FMT"\n",ITEM_ID_ARGS(*id)); #endif } id=g_hash_table_lookup(sgr_nodes_hash, GINT_TO_POINTER((int)edge->target)); #if 0 dbg(lvl_debug,"id for %d is "ITEM_ID_FMT"\n",edge->target,ITEM_ID_ARGS(*id)); #endif if (id == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to look up target %d\n",edge->target); } else { ch_edge.target=*id; } } item_bin_add_attr_data(item_bin,attr_ch_edge,&ch_edge,sizeof(ch_edge)); } item_bin_write(item_bin, out); }
void write_tilesdir(struct tile_info *info, struct zip_info *zip_info, FILE *out) { int idx,len,maxlen; GList *next,*tiles_list; char **data; struct tile_head *th,**last=NULL; tiles_list=get_tiles_list(); info->tiles_list=&tiles_list; if (! info->write) create_tile_hash_list(tiles_list); next=g_list_first(tiles_list); last=&tile_head_root; maxlen=info->maxlen; if (! maxlen) { while (next) { if (strlen(next->data) > maxlen) maxlen=strlen(next->data); next=g_list_next(next); } } len=maxlen; while (len >= 0) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"PROGRESS: collecting tiles with len=%d\n", len); #endif next=g_list_first(tiles_list); while (next) { if (strlen(next->data) == len) { th=g_hash_table_lookup(tile_hash, next->data); if (!info->write) { *last=th; last=&th->next; th->next=NULL; th->zipnum=zip_get_zipnum(zip_info); fprintf(out,"%s:%d",strlen((char *)next->data)?(char *)next->data:"index",th->total_size); for ( idx = 0; idx< th->num_subtiles; idx++ ) { data= th_get_subtile( th, idx ); fprintf(out,":%s", *data); } fprintf(out,"\n"); } if (th->name[strlen(info->suffix)]) index_submap_add(info, th); zip_add_member(zip_info); processed_tiles++; } next=g_list_next(next); } len--; } if (info->suffix[0] && info->write) { struct item_bin *item_bin=init_item(type_submap); item_bin_add_coord_rect(item_bin, &world_bbox); item_bin_add_attr_range(item_bin, attr_order, 0, 255); item_bin_add_attr_int(item_bin, attr_zipfile_ref, zip_get_zipnum(zip_info)-1); item_bin_write(item_bin, zip_get_index(zip_info)); } }
static GList * process_boundaries_finish(GList *boundaries_list) { //fprintf(stderr,"process_boundaries_finish:001\n"); GList *l, *sl, *l2, *ln; GList *ret = NULL; l = boundaries_list; char *f1_name = NULL; char *f2_name = NULL; long long b_counter_1 = 0; long long nodes_counter_ = 0; long long ways_counter_ = 0; while (l) { struct boundary *boundary = l->data; int first = 1; FILE *f = NULL, *fu = NULL; b_counter_1++; if ((b_counter_1 % 500) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"boundaries_f1:B:%lld\n", b_counter_1); } //fprintf(stderr,"process_boundaries_finish:002\n"); // only lowercase country code if (boundary->iso2) { int i99; for (i99 = 0; boundary->iso2[i99]; i99++) { boundary->iso2[i99] = tolower(boundary->iso2[i99]); } } // only lowercase country code if (boundary->country) { //fprintf(stderr,"process_boundaries_finish:003\n"); char *name = g_strdup_printf("country_%s_poly", boundary->iso2); f1_name = g_strdup_printf("country_%s_poly", boundary->iso2); f = tempfile("", name, 1); g_free(name); } // calc bounding box first = 1; nodes_counter_ = 0; ways_counter_ = 0; sl = boundary->segments; while (sl) { struct geom_poly_segment *gs = sl->data; struct coord *c = gs->first; while (c <= gs->last) { if (first) { boundary->r.l = *c; boundary->r.h = *c; first = 0; } else { bbox_extend(c, &boundary->r); } c++; nodes_counter_++; } sl = g_list_next(sl); ways_counter_++; } //fprintf(stderr, "relid:%lld\n", item_bin_get_relationid(boundary->ib)); //fprintf(stderr, "ways:%lld nodes:%lld\n", ways_counter_, nodes_counter_); boundary->sorted_segments = geom_poly_segments_sort(boundary->segments, geom_poly_segment_type_way_right_side); sl = boundary->sorted_segments; first = 1; while (sl) { //fprintf(stderr,"process_boundaries_finish:004.1\n"); struct geom_poly_segment *gs = sl->data; struct coord *c = gs->first; /* while (c <= gs->last) { if (first) { boundary->r.l = *c; boundary->r.h = *c; first = 0; } else { bbox_extend(c, &boundary->r); } c++; //fprintf(stderr,"process_boundaries_finish:004.2 lx=%d ly=%d hx=%d hy=%d\n",boundary->r.l.x,boundary->r.l.y,boundary->r.h.x,boundary->r.h.y); } */ if (f) { struct item_bin *ib = item_bin_2; item_bin_init(ib, type_selected_line); item_bin_add_coord(ib, gs->first, gs->last - gs->first + 1); item_bin_write(ib, f); } if (boundary->country) { if (!coord_is_equal(*gs->first, *gs->last)) { if (!fu) { char *name = g_strdup_printf("country_%s_broken", boundary->iso2); f2_name = g_strdup_printf("country_%s_broken", boundary->iso2); fprintf(stderr, "*BROKEN* country_%s_broken\n", boundary->iso2); fu = tempfile("", name, 1); g_free(name); } struct item_bin *ib = item_bin_2; item_bin_init(ib, type_selected_point); item_bin_add_coord(ib, gs->first, 1); item_bin_write(ib, fu); item_bin_init(ib, type_selected_point); item_bin_add_coord(ib, gs->last, 1); item_bin_write(ib, fu); } } sl = g_list_next(sl); if (f2_name) { tempfile_unlink("", f2_name); g_free(f2_name); f2_name = NULL; } } ret = process_boundaries_insert(ret, boundary); l = g_list_next(l); if (f) { fclose(f); } if (fu) { if (boundary->country) { //osm_warning("relation", item_bin_get_relationid(boundary->ib), 0, "Broken country polygon '%s'\n", boundary->iso2); fprintf(stderr, "*BROKEN* country polygon '%s' relid=%lld\n", boundary->iso2, item_bin_get_relationid(boundary->ib)); } fclose(fu); } if (f1_name) { tempfile_unlink("", f1_name); g_free(f1_name); f1_name = NULL; } } #if 0 printf("hierarchy\n"); #endif // boundaries_list = g_list_sort(boundaries_list, boundary_bbox_compare); // disable sorting, does not seem to do any good // children stuff totally broken!!! #if 0 b_counter_1 = 0; l = boundaries_list; while (l) { b_counter_1++; if ((b_counter_1 % 500) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"boundaries_f2:B:%lld\n", b_counter_1); } struct boundary *boundary = l->data; ln = l2 = g_list_next(l); while (l2) { struct boundary *boundary2 = l2->data; if (bbox_contains_bbox(&boundary2->r, &boundary->r)) { boundaries_list = g_list_remove(boundaries_list, boundary); boundary2->children = g_list_append(boundary2->children, boundary); break; } l2 = g_list_next(l2); } l = ln; } #endif // children stuff totally broken!!! // -- DEBUG -- // -- DEBUG -- // -- DEBUG -- // dump_hierarchy(boundaries_list,""); // --> prints huge amounts of data!! be careful // -- DEBUG -- // -- DEBUG -- // -- DEBUG -- return boundaries_list; }
static GList * process_boundaries_finish(GList *boundaries_list) { GList *l,*sl; GList *ret=NULL; l=boundaries_list; while (l) { struct boundary *boundary=l->data; int first=1; FILE *f=NULL,*fu=NULL; if (boundary->country) { char *name=g_strdup_printf("country_%s_poly",boundary->iso2); f=tempfile("",name,1); g_free(name); } boundary->sorted_segments=geom_poly_segments_sort(boundary->segments, geom_poly_segment_type_way_right_side); sl=boundary->sorted_segments; while (sl) { struct geom_poly_segment *gs=sl->data; struct coord *c=gs->first; while (c <= gs->last) { if (first) { boundary->r.l=*c; boundary->r.h=*c; first=0; } else bbox_extend(c, &boundary->r); c++; } if (f) { struct item_bin *ib=tmp_item_bin; item_bin_init(ib, type_selected_line); item_bin_add_coord(ib, gs->first, gs->last-gs->first+1); item_bin_write(ib, f); } if (boundary->country) { if (!coord_is_equal(*gs->first,*gs->last)) { struct item_bin *ib; if (!fu) { char *name=g_strdup_printf("country_%s_broken",boundary->iso2); fu=tempfile("",name,1); g_free(name); } ib=tmp_item_bin; item_bin_init(ib, type_selected_point); item_bin_add_coord(ib, gs->first, 1); item_bin_write(ib, fu); item_bin_init(ib, type_selected_point); item_bin_add_coord(ib, gs->last, 1); item_bin_write(ib, fu); } } sl=g_list_next(sl); } ret=process_boundaries_insert(ret, boundary); l=g_list_next(l); if (f) fclose(f); if (fu) { if (boundary->country) osm_warning("relation",item_bin_get_relationid(boundary->ib),0,"Broken country polygon '%s'\n",boundary->iso2); fclose(fu); } } #if 0 printf("hierarchy\n"); #endif #if 0 boundaries_list=g_list_sort(boundaries_list, boundary_bbox_compare); l=boundaries_list; while (l) { struct boundary *boundary=l->data; GList *l2,*ln; ln=l2=g_list_next(l); while (l2) { struct boundary *boundary2=l2->data; if (bbox_contains_bbox(&boundary2->r, &boundary->r)) { boundaries_list=g_list_remove(boundaries_list, boundary); boundary2->children=g_list_append(boundary2->children, boundary); #if 0 printf("found\n"); #endif break; } l2=g_list_next(l2); } l=ln; } dump_hierarchy(boundaries_list,""); #if 0 printf("hierarchy done\n"); printf("test\n"); test(boundaries_list); #endif #endif return ret; }