コード例 #1
ファイル: pictmeter~.c プロジェクト: AlvaroBuitrago/max-test
void pictmeter_paint(t_pictmeter *x, t_object *patcherview)
	t_rect src, dst, rect;
	t_jgraphics *g = (t_jgraphics *) patcherview_get_jgraphics(patcherview);		// obtain graphics context
	jbox_get_rect_for_view((t_object *)x, patcherview, &rect);

	if (!x->p_surface)

	// draw if the value is non zero
	if (x->p_value) {
		src.width = jgraphics_image_surface_get_width(x->p_surface);
		src.height = jgraphics_image_surface_get_height(x->p_surface);
		src.x = 0;
		src.y = 0;
		dst.width = rect.width * x->p_value;
		dst.height = rect.height * x->p_value;
		if (dst.width < 1 || dst.height < 1)
		dst.x = 0 + ((rect.width * 0.5) - (dst.width * 0.5));
		dst.y = 0 + ((rect.height * 0.5) - (dst.height * 0.5));

		jgraphics_image_surface_draw(g, x->p_surface, src, dst);
コード例 #2
ファイル: j.meter~.cpp プロジェクト: avilleret/JamomaMax
void meter_dopaint_vertical(t_meter *x, t_object *view) {

	t_rect			rect;
	t_jgraphics*	g;
	double			level = TTClip(x->envelope, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	double			position;
	double			peakPosition;
	t_jrgba			c;
	if (level > 0.0)
		level = pow(level, kTTGainMidiPowerInv);	// this is taken from the midi conversion in the Gain Dataspace
	g = (t_jgraphics*) patcherview_get_jgraphics(view);		// obtain graphics context
	jbox_get_rect_for_view((t_object *)x, view, &rect);		// this is the box rectangle -- but we draw relative to 0 0, and thus only care about width & height
	rect.x = 0;
	rect.y = 0;
	position = rect.height * level * 0.96;
	peakPosition = rect.height * x->peak * 0.96;

	if (level > x->peak)
		x->peak = level;
	// TODO: Can we export this from the kernel???	
	//	jgraphics_image_surface_draw_fast(g, x->gradientSurface);
	jgraphics_image_surface_draw(g, x->gradientSurface, x->gradientRect, rect);
	jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->attrBgColor);
	jgraphics_rectangle_fill_fast(g, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height-position);

	if (x->envelope > 1.0 || x->peak > 1.0) {
		c.red = 1.0;
		c.green = c.blue = 0.0;
		c.alpha = 1.0;
		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &c);
		jgraphics_rectangle_fill_fast(g, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height * .04);
	else {
		c.red = peakPosition / x->gradientRect.height;
		c.green = 1.0;
		c.blue = 0.0;
		c.alpha = 1.0;
		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &c);
		// TODO: Can we export this from the kernel???	
		// jgraphics_line_draw_fast(g, rect.width * level * 0.96, 0, rect.width * level * 0.96, rect.height, 1.0);
		jgraphics_move_to(g, 0.0, rect.height - peakPosition);
		jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width, rect.height - peakPosition);
		jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1.0);
コード例 #3
void jucebox_paint(t_jucebox* x, t_object *patcherview)
    t_rect rect, srcRect, destRect;
    int width, height, imgStride;
    unsigned char* data;
            jbox_get_rect_for_view((t_object *)x, patcherview, &rect);
            t_jgraphics *g = (t_jgraphics *)patcherview_get_jgraphics(patcherview);
                juce::Image openGLSnap = x->j_component->makeScreenshot((t_object *)x, rect.width, rect.height);
                juce::Image::BitmapData* snapBitmap = new juce::Image::BitmapData(openGLSnap, juce::Image::BitmapData::readOnly);
                data = snapBitmap->data;
                width = openGLSnap.getWidth();
                height = openGLSnap.getHeight();
                imgStride = snapBitmap->lineStride;
                srcRect.x = 0;
                destRect.x = 0;
                srcRect.y = 0;
                destRect.y = 0;
                srcRect.width = openGLSnap.getWidth();
                srcRect.height = openGLSnap.getHeight();
                destRect.width = rect.width;
                destRect.height = rect.height;
                t_jsurface* surface = jgraphics_image_surface_create_for_data(data, JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height, imgStride, NULL, NULL);
                jgraphics_image_surface_draw(g, surface, srcRect, destRect);
コード例 #4
ファイル: resdisplay.c プロジェクト: frixid/CNMAT-Externs
void rd_paint(t_rd *x, t_object *patcherview){
	t_rect rect;
	t_jgraphics *g = (t_jgraphics *)patcherview_get_jgraphics(patcherview);
	jbox_get_rect_for_view((t_object *)x, patcherview, &rect);
	jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &(x->bordercolor));
	jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1);
	jgraphics_rectangle(g, 0., 0., rect.width, rect.height);
	jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &(x->bgcolor));
	jgraphics_rectangle(g, 0., 0., rect.width, rect.height);

	// data
		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &(x->datacolor));
		int i;
			t_sin *s = (t_sin *)(x->buffer);
			for(i = 0; i < x->n; i++){
				double xx, yy;
				xx = rd_scale(s[i].f, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, 0, rect.width);
					yy = rd_scale((20. * log(s[i].a)) / log(10), x->ampmin_log, x->ampmax_log, rect.height, 0.);
					yy = rd_scale(s[i].a, x->ampmin, x->ampmax, rect.height, 0);

				jgraphics_move_to(g, xx, yy);
				jgraphics_line_to(g, xx, rect.height);

		}else if(x->mode){
			t_jsurface *s = jgraphics_image_surface_create(JGRAPHICS_FORMAT_ARGB32, rect.width, rect.height);
			//t_jgraphics *gg = jgraphics_create(s);
			t_res *r = (t_res *)(x->buffer);
			int j;
			t_jrgba c;
			for(j = 0; j < rect.width; j++){
				for(i = 0; i < x->n; i++){
					double amp = exp((-j / (rect.width * .1)) * r[i].d);
					c = (t_jrgba){x->datacolor.red * amp, x->datacolor.green * amp, x->datacolor.blue * amp, 1.};
					jgraphics_image_surface_set_pixel(s, j, rd_scale(r[i].f, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, rect.height, 0), c);

					//jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &c);
					//jgraphics_ellipse(g, j, rd_scale(r[i].f, 0., 22050., rect.height, 0), 1, 1);
					//jgraphics_move_to(g, 0, yy1);
					//jgraphics_line_to(g, xx, yy2);
			jgraphics_image_surface_draw(g, s, (t_rect){0., 0., rect.width, rect.height}, (t_rect){0., 0., rect.width, rect.height});
			t_res *r = (t_res *)(x->buffer);
			for(i = 0; i < x->n; i++){
				double xx, yy1, yy2;
				xx = rd_scale(r[i].f, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, 0, rect.width);
					//yy1 = rd_scale((100+20.0*log(r[i].a))/100./log(10), -1., 1., rect.height, 0.);
					yy1 = rd_scale((20.0*log(r[i].a))/log(10), x->ampmin_log, x->ampmax_log, rect.height, 0.);
					yy1 = rd_scale(r[i].a, x->ampmin, x->ampmax, rect.height, 0);
				yy2 = fabs((rect.height - yy1) * (.4 / sqrt(r[i].d))) + yy1;

				jgraphics_move_to(g, xx, yy1);
				jgraphics_line_to(g, xx, yy2);

	// selection lines
		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &(x->selectioncolor));
			jgraphics_move_to(g, 0, rd_scale(x->selection.min, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, rect.height, 0));
			jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width, rd_scale(x->selection.min, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, rect.height, 0));
			jgraphics_move_to(g, 0, rd_scale(x->selection.max, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, rect.height, 0));
			jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width, rd_scale(x->selection.max, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, rect.height, 0));
			jgraphics_move_to(g, rd_scale(x->selection.min, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, 0, rect.width), 0);
			jgraphics_line_to(g, rd_scale(x->selection.min, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, 0, rect.width), rect.height);
			jgraphics_move_to(g, rd_scale(x->selection.max, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, 0, rect.width), 0);
			jgraphics_line_to(g, rd_scale(x->selection.max, x->freqmin, x->freqmax, 0, rect.width), rect.height);

	// info
		char buf[128];
		double w, h;
		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->datacolor);
		sprintf(buf, "%0.2f", x->selection.min);
		jgraphics_text_measure(g, buf, &w, &h);
		jgraphics_move_to(g, 0, h);
		jgraphics_show_text(g, buf);

		sprintf(buf, "%0.2f", x->selection.max);
		jgraphics_text_measure(g, buf, &w, &h);
		jgraphics_move_to(g, rect.width - w, h);
		jgraphics_show_text(g, buf);

		sprintf(buf, "%0.2fHz (%0.2fMc) %d/%ld", x->selection.max - x->selection.min, rd_ftom(x->selection.max) - rd_ftom(x->selection.min), x->num_partials_selected, x->n);
		jgraphics_text_measure(g, buf, &w, &h);
		jgraphics_move_to(g, (rect.width / 2) - (w / 2), h);
		jgraphics_show_text(g, buf);