void uisimp_paint(t_uisimp *x, t_object *view) { t_jgraphics *g; t_rect rect; t_jrgba rgba, textcolor; t_jfont *jf; t_jtextlayout *jtl; char text[16]; g = (t_jgraphics*) patcherview_get_jgraphics(view); jbox_get_rect_for_view(&x->j_box.b_ob, view, &rect); if (x->j_mouse_is_down) { jbox_get_color((t_object *)x, &rgba); jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &rgba); } else jgraphics_set_source_rgba(g, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); //jgraphics_fill(g); // draw counter jf = jfont_create(jbox_get_fontname((t_object *)x)->s_name, jbox_get_font_slant((t_object *)x), jbox_get_font_weight((t_object *)x), jbox_get_fontsize((t_object *)x)); jtl = jtextlayout_create(); sprintf(text,"%d",x->j_mouse_counter); jtextlayout_set(jtl, text, jf, 5, 5, rect.width - 10, rect.height- 10, JGRAPHICS_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTERED, JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_NOWRAP); textcolor.red = textcolor.green = textcolor.blue = 1; textcolor.alpha = 1; jtextlayout_settextcolor(jtl, &textcolor); jtextlayout_draw(jtl, g); jtextlayout_destroy(jtl); jfont_destroy(jf); }
void uisimp_paint(t_uisimp *x, t_object *view) { t_jgraphics *g; t_rect rect; t_jrgba rgba, textcolor; t_jfont *jf; t_jtextlayout *jtl; char text[16]; long inset = x->j_inset; g = (t_jgraphics*) patcherview_get_jgraphics(view); jbox_get_rect_for_view(&x->j_box.b_ob, view, &rect); if (x->j_shape == EXAMP_SQUARE) jgraphics_rectangle(g, inset, inset, rect.width - (inset * 2), rect.height - (inset * 2)); else if (x->j_shape == EXAMP_CIRCLE) { jgraphics_arc(g, rect.width * .5, rect.height * .5, (rect.width * .5) - (inset * 2), 0, JGRAPHICS_2PI); jgraphics_close_path(g); } else if (x->j_shape == EXAMP_ANGLE) { jgraphics_move_to(g, inset * 2, inset); jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width - (inset * 2), inset); jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width - (inset * 2), inset * 2); jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width - (inset * 2), rect.height - (inset * 2)); jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width - (inset * 2), rect.height - inset); jgraphics_line_to(g, inset * 2, rect.height - (inset * 2)); jgraphics_line_to(g, inset, rect.height - (inset * 3)); jgraphics_line_to(g, inset, inset * 2); jgraphics_line_to(g, inset * 2, inset); jgraphics_close_path(g); } if (x->j_mouse_is_down) { jbox_get_color((t_object *)x, &rgba); jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &rgba); } else jgraphics_set_source_rgba(g, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); jgraphics_fill(g); // draw counter jf = jfont_create(jbox_get_fontname((t_object *)x)->s_name, jbox_get_font_slant((t_object *)x), jbox_get_font_weight((t_object *)x), jbox_get_fontsize((t_object *)x)); jtl = jtextlayout_create(); sprintf(text,"%d",x->j_mouse_counter); jtextlayout_set(jtl, text, jf, 5, 5, rect.width - 10, rect.height- 10, JGRAPHICS_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTERED, JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_NOWRAP); textcolor.red = textcolor.green = textcolor.blue = 1; textcolor.alpha = 1; jtextlayout_settextcolor(jtl, &textcolor); jtextlayout_draw(jtl, g); jtextlayout_destroy(jtl); jfont_destroy(jf); }
void paramui_paint(t_paramui *x, t_object *view) { t_rect rect; t_jgraphics *g; double middle; double border_thickness = 1.5; double cornersize = 13.0; g = (t_jgraphics*) patcherview_get_jgraphics(view); jbox_get_rect_for_view((t_object*) &x->box, view, &rect); // clear the background jgraphics_rectangle_rounded(g, border_thickness, border_thickness, rect.width - (border_thickness * 2.0), rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0), cornersize, cornersize); jgraphics_set_source_rgba(g, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0); jgraphics_fill(g); // draw the inspector icon jgraphics_set_source_rgb(g, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2); jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1.5); jgraphics_oval(g, border_thickness, border_thickness, rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0), rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0)); jgraphics_fill(g); jgraphics_rectangle_fill_fast(g, border_thickness + rect.height / 2 - (border_thickness), border_thickness, border_thickness + rect.height / 2, rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0)); jgraphics_set_source_rgb(g, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4); middle = 6.0; jgraphics_move_to(g, 9.5, middle + 4.0); jgraphics_line_to(g, 13.0, middle); jgraphics_line_to(g, 6.0, middle); jgraphics_close_path(g); jgraphics_fill(g); if(x->attr_dataspace != jps_none) { char data[64]; strncpy(data, x->attr_unitActive->s_name, 64); // draw the unit display jgraphics_set_source_rgb(g, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2); jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1.5); jgraphics_oval(g, rect.width - (rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0)) - 2.0, border_thickness, rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0), rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0)); jgraphics_fill(g); jgraphics_rectangle_fill_fast(g, rect.width - ((border_thickness + rect.height / 2 - (border_thickness)) * 3.0) - 2.0, border_thickness, border_thickness + rect.height / 1, rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0)); jtextlayout_settextcolor(x->layout_unit, &s_light_gray); jtextlayout_set(x->layout_unit, data, jfont_create(JAMOMA_DEFAULT_FONT, JGRAPHICS_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, JGRAPHICS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, JAMOMA_DEFAULT_FONTSIZE), rect.width - 28.0, 0.0, 28.0, rect.height - 1.0, JGRAPHICS_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTERED, JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_USEELLIPSIS); jtextlayout_draw(x->layout_unit, g); } { char data[256]; t_atom *av = NULL; long ac = 0; if(x->obj_parameter){ object_attr_getvalueof(x->obj_parameter, gensym("value"), &ac, &av); if(ac){ if(x->attr_type == jps_decimal) snprintf(data, 256, "%.4f", atom_getfloat(av)); else if(x->attr_type == jps_integer || x->attr_type == jps_boolean) snprintf(data, 256, "%ld", atom_getlong(av)); else if(x->attr_type == jps_string) strcpy(data, atom_getsym(av)->s_name); jtextlayout_settextcolor(x->layout_value, &s_light_gray); jtextlayout_set(x->layout_value, data, jfont_create(JAMOMA_DEFAULT_FONT, JGRAPHICS_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, JGRAPHICS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, JAMOMA_DEFAULT_FONTSIZE), 84.0, 2.0, rect.width - 84.0 - 20.0, rect.height - 1.0, JGRAPHICS_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT, JGRAPHICS_TEXTLAYOUT_USEELLIPSIS); jtextlayout_draw(x->layout_value, g); sysmem_freeptr(av); } } } // draw borders jgraphics_rectangle_rounded(g, border_thickness, border_thickness, rect.width - (border_thickness * 2.0), rect.height - (border_thickness * 2.0), cornersize, cornersize); jgraphics_set_source_rgb(g, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3); jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1.5); jgraphics_stroke(g); jgraphics_set_line_width(g, 1.0); jgraphics_move_to(g, border_thickness, 19.5); jgraphics_line_to(g, rect.width - (border_thickness * 1.0), 19.5); jgraphics_stroke(g); }
void draw_vectors(t_meter *x, t_object *view, t_rect *rect) { double pointSize = rect->width*0.02; double maxRadius = (x->f_rayonInt-pointSize-1); if (pointSize > maxRadius) return; double vecX, vecY; t_jmatrix transform; t_jgraphics *g = jbox_start_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_vectors_layer, rect->width, rect->height); if (g) { jgraphics_matrix_init(&transform, 1, 0, 0, -1, x->f_center, x->f_center); jgraphics_set_matrix(g, &transform); if (x->f_rotation) jgraphics_rotate(g, x->f_meter->getPlanewavesRotationX()); else jgraphics_rotate(g, -x->f_meter->getPlanewavesRotationX()); if (x->f_drawvector == VECTOR_BOTH || x->f_drawvector == VECTOR_ENERGY) { if (x->f_rotation) { vecX = x->f_vector_coords[2] * maxRadius; vecY = x->f_vector_coords[3] * maxRadius; } else { double rad = Math<double>::radius(x->f_vector_coords[2], x->f_vector_coords[3]) * maxRadius; double ang = -Math<double>::azimuth(x->f_vector_coords[2], x->f_vector_coords[3]); vecX = Math<double>::abscissa(rad, ang); vecY = Math<double>::ordinate(rad, ang); } jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_energy); jgraphics_arc(g, vecX, vecY, pointSize, 0., HOA_2PI); jgraphics_fill_preserve(g); jgraphics_set_source_rgba(g, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.); jgraphics_stroke(g); } if (x->f_drawvector == VECTOR_BOTH || x->f_drawvector == VECTOR_VELOCITY) { if (x->f_rotation) { double rad = min(Math<double>::radius(x->f_vector_coords[0], x->f_vector_coords[1]), 1.) * maxRadius; double ang = Math<double>::azimuth(x->f_vector_coords[0], x->f_vector_coords[1]); vecX = Math<double>::abscissa(rad, ang); vecY = Math<double>::ordinate(rad, ang); } else { double rad = min(Math<double>::radius(x->f_vector_coords[0], x->f_vector_coords[1]), 1.) * maxRadius; double ang = -Math<double>::azimuth(x->f_vector_coords[0], x->f_vector_coords[1]); vecX = Math<double>::abscissa(rad, ang); vecY = Math<double>::ordinate(rad, ang); } jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &x->f_color_velocity); jgraphics_arc(g, vecX, vecY, pointSize, 0., HOA_2PI); jgraphics_fill_preserve(g); jgraphics_set_source_rgba(g, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.); jgraphics_stroke(g); } jbox_end_layer((t_object*)x, view, hoa_sym_vectors_layer); } jbox_paint_layer((t_object *)x, view, hoa_sym_vectors_layer, 0., 0.); }