char * slayer_server_stats_tojson(slayer_server_stats_t *istats,apr_pool_t *mpool) { slayer_server_stats_t stats; slayer_server_stats_get(istats,&stats); json_value *container = json_object_create(mpool); json_object_add(container,"total_requests",json_long_create(mpool,stats.total_requests)); json_value *hits = json_array_create(mpool,stats.nslice); json_value *slices = json_array_create(mpool,stats.nslice); int i; for ( i = stats.offset+1; i < stats.nslice; i++) { if (stats.slices[i] != 0) { json_array_append(hits,json_long_create(mpool,stats.hits[i])); json_array_append(slices,json_long_create(mpool,stats.slices[i])); } } for ( i = 0; i < stats.offset; i++) { if (stats.slices[i] != 0) { json_array_append(hits,json_long_create(mpool,stats.hits[i])); json_array_append(slices,json_long_create(mpool,stats.slices[i])); } } json_object_add(container,"hits",hits); json_object_add(container,"slices",slices); json_object_add(container,"start_time",json_long_create(mpool,stats.start_time)); json_object_add(container,"current_time",json_long_create(mpool,apr_time_now() / (1000*1000))); return json_serialize(mpool,container); }
json_t *get_json_listener(listener_dest_info_t *header) { json_t *result = NULL; json_t *jitem = NULL; json_t *evt_type_item = NULL; int32 i = 0; int8 evt_type[128]; listener_dest_info_t *tmp; result = json_array(); if (result == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("result json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } while (header) { jitem = json_object(); json_object_add(jitem, RMM_JSON_RF_LINKS, json_string(header->dest)); evt_type_item = json_array(); for (i = 0; i < header->evt_index; i++) { memset(evt_type, 0, 128); get_event_type_by_nodeid(header->event_types[i], evt_type, sizeof(evt_type)); json_array_add(evt_type_item, json_string(evt_type)); } json_object_add(jitem, RMM_JSON_RF_EVT_TYPES, evt_type_item); json_array_add(result, jitem); tmp = header->pnext; free(header); header = tmp; } return result; }
void pack_rf_evt_links(json_t *result, rf_link_t *link) { int32 i = 0; json_t *array = NULL; json_t *listener = NULL; array = json_array(); if (array == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("json array request fail\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < RF_EVENT_MAX_LISTENER_NUM; i++) { listener = NULL; listener = json_object(); if (listener != NULL) { if (strlen(link->subscription[i]) != 0) { add_json_string(listener, RMM_JSON_RF_LISTENER, (uint8 *)(link->subscription[i])); json_array_add(array, listener); } } } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_SUBSCRIPTION, array); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_RF_SELF, (uint8 *)link->self); }
static json_t *tzone_coll_get(struct rest_uri_param *param) { collections_t *tzone_collections = NULL; uint32 tzone_num = 0; result_t rs = RESULT_OK; json_t *result = NULL; json_t *tzone = NULL; json_t *array = NULL; int32 i; int32 zone_num = 0; zone_num = libwrap_get_asset_num(MC_TYPE_TZONE); if (zone_num == 0) { HTTPD_ERR("get thermal zone num fail\n"); return NULL; } tzone_collections = (collections_t *)malloc(zone_num * sizeof(collections_t)); if (tzone_collections == NULL) return NULL; memset(tzone_collections, 0, zone_num * sizeof(collections_t)); rs = libwrap_get_tzone_coll(tzone_collections, &tzone_num); if (rs != RESULT_OK) { HTTPD_ERR("get cooling zone collection fail, result is %d\n", rs); return NULL; } result = json_object(); if (result == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("result json object request error\n"); return NULL; } array = json_array(); if (array == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("json array request error\n"); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < tzone_num; i++) { tzone = NULL; tzone = json_object(); if (tzone != NULL) { add_json_integer(tzone, RMM_JSON_ID, tzone_collections[i].id); add_json_string(tzone, RMM_JSON_UUID, tzone_collections[i].uuid); add_json_string(tzone, RMM_JSON_NAME, tzone_collections[i].name); update_href_host(tzone_collections[i].href, HREF_URL_LEN, param->host); add_json_string(tzone, RMM_JSON_HREF, tzone_collections[i].href); json_array_add(array, tzone); } } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_THERMAL_ZONES, array); if (tzone_collections) free(tzone_collections); return result; }
void add_loc_info(json_t *loc, int32 input, const int8 *name) { json_t *rs_json = NULL; rs_json = json_integer((int64)input); if (rs_json) json_object_add(loc, name, rs_json); }
void slayer_server_log_add_error(slayer_server_log_manager_t *manager, apr_pool_t *mpool, const char *client_ip,apr_int64_t rtime, const char *request_line, const char *error_msg ) { json_value *container = json_object_create(mpool); json_object_add(container,"client_ip",json_string_create(mpool,client_ip)); json_object_add(container,"request_time",json_long_create(mpool,rtime / (1000*1000))); json_object_add(container,"request",json_string_create(mpool,request_line)); json_object_add(container,"error",json_string_create(mpool,error_msg)); char *json_entry = strdup(json_serialize(mpool,container)); //we want our own copy of this data //smallest chunk in the mutex apr_thread_mutex_lock(manager->list_mutex); manager->offset++; if (manager->offset == manager->nentries) manager->offset = 0; free(manager->entries[manager->offset].json_view); manager->entries[manager->offset].json_view = json_entry; apr_thread_mutex_unlock(manager->list_mutex); }
int32 evt_listeners_pack_json(json_t *result, evt_listeners_t *listeners) { json_t *listener_array = NULL; json_t * listener = NULL; int32 i = 0; json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_CONTEXT, json_string(listeners->odata_context)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_TYPE, json_string(listeners->odata_type)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_NAME, json_string(listeners->name)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_MEMBERS_ODATA_COUNT, json_integer(listeners->num)); listener_array = json_array(); if (listener_array == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("json array request fail\n"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < listeners->num; i++) { listener = json_object(); if (listener == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("json object request fail\n"); return -1; } json_object_add(listener, RMM_JSON_ODATA_ID, json_string(listeners->url[i])); json_array_add(listener_array, listener); } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_MEMBERS, listener_array); return 0; }
int32 evt_listener_pack_json(json_t *result, evt_listener_t *listener) { int8 evt_type[128] = {}; int32 i = 0; json_t *evt_type_item = NULL; if (strnlen_s(listener->url, sizeof(listener->url)-1) == 0) { HTTPD_ERR("invalid subscribe destination\n"); return -1; } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_CONTEXT, json_string(listener->odata_context)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_ID, json_string(listener->odata_id)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_TYPE, json_string(listener->odata_type)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_ID, json_string(listener->id)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_NAME, json_string(listener->name)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_DESC, json_string(listener->description)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_DEST_URL, json_string(listener->url)); evt_type_item = json_array(); if (evt_type_item == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("json array request fail\n"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < listener->evt_index; i++) { memset(evt_type, 0, sizeof(evt_type)); get_event_type_by_node_type(listener->event_types[i], evt_type, sizeof(evt_type)); if (strnlen_s(evt_type, sizeof(evt_type)-1) != 0) json_array_add(evt_type_item, json_string(evt_type)); } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_EVT_TYPES, evt_type_item); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_CONTEXT, json_string(listener->context)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL, json_string(listener->protocol)); return 0; }
int32 rf_evt_pack_json(json_t *result, const int32 *evt_types, rf_evt_svc_t *service) { int32 i = 0; json_t *types_array = NULL; json_t *listener = NULL; json_t *status = NULL; json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_CONTEXT, json_string(service->links.odata_context)); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_ID, json_string(service->links.odata_id)); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_ODATA_TYPE, service->fixed.odata_type); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_RF_ID, service->; add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_RF_NAME, service->; status = json_object(); if (status != NULL) { add_json_string(status, RMM_JSON_RF_STATUS_STATE, service->fixed.status.state); add_json_string(status, RMM_JSON_RF_STATUS_HEALTH, service->; } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_STATUS, status); if (service->fixed.service_enabled) json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_SERVICE_ENABLED, json_true()); else json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_SERVICE_ENABLED, json_false()); add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_RF_DELIVERY_RETRY, service->fixed.retry); add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_RF_DELIVERY_RETRY_INTERVAL, service->fixed.retry_interval); types_array = json_array(); if (types_array == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVT_ACTION_NUM; i++) { if (evt_types[i] == 0) continue; json_array_add(types_array, json_string((int8 *)rf_evt_msg[i].type_name)); } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_SUPPORTED_EVT_TYPES, types_array); listener = json_object(); if (listener == NULL) return -1; add_json_string(listener, RMM_JSON_ODATA_ID, service->links.subscriptions); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RF_SUBSCRIPTION, listener); return 0; }
static json_t *mbp_process_update(json_t *req, int32 idx, struct rest_uri_param *param) { json_t *result = NULL; int8 *image_data = NULL; json_t *image_obj = NULL; int32 rc = -1; int32 cm_lid = 0; int8 cm_dev[64] = {0}; /* check update capability */ if(libwrap_check_update_capability() != RESULT_OK) { HTTPD_ERR("firmware update is not supported.\n"); return NULL; } if (!libwrap_get_firmware_update_status()) { HTTPD_ERR("get firmware update status fail\n"); return NULL; } libwrap_set_firmware_update_status(0); result = json_object(); if (result == NULL) { update_response_info(param, HTTP_APPLICATION_ERROR); libwrap_set_firmware_update_status(1); return NULL; } rc = libwrap_check_tftp_service(); if (rc == -1) { json_free(req); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_FRU_RESULT, json_string("tftp server not ready")); update_response_info(param, HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); libwrap_set_firmware_update_status(1); return result; } image_obj = json_object_get(req, RMM_JSON_IMAGE); if (image_obj == NULL) { json_free(req); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_FRU_RESULT, json_string("invalid image")); update_response_info(param, HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); libwrap_set_firmware_update_status(1); return result; } image_data = json_string_value(image_obj); if (image_data == NULL) { json_free(req); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_FRU_RESULT, json_string("invalid image")); update_response_info(param, HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); libwrap_set_firmware_update_status(1); return result; } cm_lid = idx; if ((cm_lid == 1) || (cm_lid == 2)) { snprintf(cm_dev, sizeof(cm_dev), "/dev/ttyCm%dIPMI", cm_lid); rc = process_firmware_update(cm_lid, cm_dev, image_data, strlen(image_data)); } else { HTTPD_ERR("invalid cm loc id\n"); json_free(req); libwrap_set_firmware_update_status(1); return NULL; } if (rc == 0) { json_free(req); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_FRU_RESULT, json_string(RMM_JSON_UPDATING)); update_response_info(param, HTTP_ACCEPTED); return result; } else { libwrap_set_firmware_update_status(1); } json_free(req); int8 buff[128] = {}; snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d", idx); rf_snmp_evt(INFO, MSGMbpChange, buff, RMM_JSON_UPDATE_BIG); return NULL; }
static json_t *mbp_get(struct rest_uri_param *param) { int32 idx = 0; result_t rs = RESULT_OK; json_t *result = NULL; json_t *fru = NULL; json_t *av_action = NULL; json_t *rs_json = NULL; json_t *cap = NULL; mbp_member_t mbp_member = { {0} }; json_t *loc = NULL; idx = get_asset_idx(param, "mbp_id", MC_TYPE_CM); if (idx == -1) { HTTPD_ERR("get mbp index fail\n"); return NULL; } rs = libwrap_get_mbp_by_idx(idx, &mbp_member); if (rs != RESULT_OK) { HTTPD_ERR("get mbp info fail, result is %d\n", rs); return NULL; } result = json_object(); if (result == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("result json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } pack_mbp_basic_info(&mbp_member, result); loc = json_object(); if (loc == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("loc json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } add_loc_info(loc, (int32)mbp_member.loc.units, RMM_JSON_RACK_UNITS); add_loc_info(loc, mbp_member.loc.u_location, RMM_JSON_ULOC); add_loc_info(loc, mbp_member.loc.u_height, RMM_JSON_UHEIGHT); add_loc_info(loc, mbp_member.loc.x_location, RMM_JSON_XLOC); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RACK_LOC, loc); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_ASSET_TAG, mbp_member.asset.asset_tag); fru = json_object(); if (fru != NULL) { pack_fru_info(&(mbp_member.asset.fru), fru); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_FRU_INFO, fru); } av_action = json_array(); if (av_action == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("available action array request fail\n"); return NULL; } /* action reset */ json_t *action = NULL; action = json_object(); if (0 != prepare_get_action(mbp_member.av_action, action, 0)) { HTTPD_ERR("action prepare fail\n"); return NULL; } cap = json_array(); if (cap != NULL) { json_t *property = NULL; json_t *allow_values = NULL; allow_values = json_array(); /* soft reset */ property = json_object(); if ((property != NULL) && (allow_values != NULL)) { if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(mbp_member.av_action[0].cap[0].property), "")) { json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(mbp_member.av_action[0].cap[0].property))); json_array_add(allow_values, json_string((int8 *)(mbp_member.av_action[0].cap[0].av))); } json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_ALLOWABLE_VALUES, allow_values); json_array_add(cap, property); } json_object_add(action, RMM_JSON_CAPABILITIES, cap); } json_array_add(av_action, action); /* action SetUartTarget */ action = NULL; action = json_object(); if (0 != prepare_get_action(mbp_member.av_action, action, 1)) { HTTPD_ERR("action prepare fail\n"); return NULL; } cap = NULL; cap = json_array(); if (cap != NULL) { json_t *property = NULL; /* targetIndex */ property = json_object(); if (property != NULL) { if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(mbp_member.av_action[1].cap[0].property), "")) json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(mbp_member.av_action[1].cap[0].property))); json_array_add(cap, property); } json_object_add(action, RMM_JSON_CAPABILITIES, cap); } json_array_add(av_action, action); /* action Update */ action = NULL; action = json_object(); if (prepare_get_action(mbp_member.av_action, action, 2)) { HTTPD_ERR("action prepare fail\n"); return NULL; } cap = NULL; cap = json_array(); if (cap != NULL) { json_t *property = NULL; property = json_object(); if (property != NULL) { if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(mbp_member.av_action[2].cap[0].property), "")) json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(mbp_member.av_action[2].cap[0].property))); json_array_add(cap, property); } json_object_add(action, RMM_JSON_CAPABILITIES, cap); } json_array_add(av_action, action); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_AVALIBLE_ACTIONS, av_action); return result; }
static json_t *mbp_coll_get(struct rest_uri_param *param) { collections_t *mbp_collections = NULL; uint32 mbp_num = 0; int32 i; int32 cm_num = 0; result_t rs = RESULT_OK; json_t *result = NULL; json_t *array = NULL; json_t *sub_mbp = NULL; cm_num = libwrap_get_asset_num(MC_TYPE_CM); if (cm_num == 0) { HTTPD_ERR("get mbp num fail\n"); return NULL; } mbp_collections = (collections_t *)malloc(cm_num * sizeof(collections_t)); if (mbp_collections == NULL) return NULL; memset(mbp_collections, 0, cm_num * sizeof(collections_t)); rs = libwrap_get_mbp_coll(mbp_collections, &mbp_num); if (rs != RESULT_OK) { HTTPD_ERR("get mbp coll info fail, result is %d\n", rs); return NULL; } result = json_object(); if (result == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("result json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } array = json_array(); if (array == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("json array request fail\n"); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < mbp_num; i++) { sub_mbp = NULL; sub_mbp = json_object(); if (sub_mbp == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("sub mbp json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } add_json_integer(sub_mbp, RMM_JSON_ID, mbp_collections[i].id); add_json_string(sub_mbp, RMM_JSON_UUID, mbp_collections[i].uuid); add_json_string(sub_mbp, RMM_JSON_NAME, mbp_collections[i].name); update_href_host(mbp_collections[i].href, HREF_URL_LEN, param->host); add_json_string(sub_mbp, RMM_JSON_HREF, mbp_collections[i].href); json_array_add(array, sub_mbp); } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_MBPS, array); if (mbp_collections) free(mbp_collections); return result; }
static json_t *fan_get(struct rest_uri_param *param) { fan_member_t fan_member = { {0} }; result_t rs = RESULT_OK; json_t *result = NULL; json_t *threshold = NULL; json_t *av_action = NULL; json_t *fru = NULL; json_t *property = NULL; json_t *action = NULL; json_t *cap = NULL; int32 tzone_idx = 0, fan_idx = 0; json_t *loc = NULL; tzone_idx = get_asset_idx(param, "zone_id", MC_TYPE_TZONE); if (tzone_idx == -1) { HTTPD_ERR("get cooling zone index fail\n"); return NULL; } fan_idx = get_asset_idx(param, "fan_id", MC_TYPE_FAN); if (fan_idx == -1) { HTTPD_ERR("get fan index fail\n"); return NULL; } rs = libwrap_get_tzone_fan_by_idx(tzone_idx, fan_idx, &fan_member); if (rs != RESULT_OK) { HTTPD_ERR("get fan fail, result is %d\n", rs); return NULL; } result = json_object(); if (result == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("result json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } pack_fan_basic_info(&fan_member, result); loc = json_object(); if (loc != NULL) { add_loc_info(loc, (int32)fan_member.fan_loc.units, RMM_JSON_RACK_UNITS); add_loc_info(loc, fan_member.fan_loc.u_location, RMM_JSON_ULOC); add_loc_info(loc, fan_member.fan_loc.u_height, RMM_JSON_UHEIGHT); add_loc_info(loc, fan_member.fan_loc.x_location, RMM_JSON_XLOC); } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RACK_LOC, loc); threshold = NULL; threshold = json_array(); if (threshold == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("threshold array request error\n"); return NULL; } fan_add_property(threshold, property, fan_member.tachometer.threshold.lower_non_critical, RMM_JSON_LOWER_NON_CRITICAL); fan_add_property(threshold, property, fan_member.tachometer.threshold.upper_non_critical, RMM_JSON_UPPER_NON_CRITICAL); fan_add_property(threshold, property, fan_member.tachometer.threshold.lower_critical, RMM_JSON_LOWER_CRITICAL); fan_add_property(threshold, property, fan_member.tachometer.threshold.upper_critical, RMM_JSON_UPPER_CRITICAL); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_THRESHOLD, threshold); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_PRESENCE, fan_member.presence); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_ASSET_TAG, fan_member.asset.asset_tag); add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_SPEED_UNIT, fan_member.speed_unit);// 0--PWM, 1---RPM fru = json_object(); if (fru != NULL) { pack_fru_info(&(fan_member.asset.fru), fru); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_FRU_INFO, fru); } av_action = json_array(); if (av_action == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("available action array request fail\n"); return NULL; } /* requestStateChange */ action = json_object(); if (0 != prepare_get_action(fan_member.av_action, action, 0)) { HTTPD_ERR("action prepare fail\n"); return NULL; } cap = json_array(); if (cap != NULL) { json_t *property = NULL; json_t *allow_values = NULL; allow_values = json_array(); property = json_object(); if ((property != NULL) && (allow_values != NULL)) { if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[0].cap[0].property), "")) { json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[0].cap[0].property))); json_array_add(allow_values, json_integer(str2int((int8 *)fan_member.av_action[0].cap[0].av))); } } property = NULL; property = json_object(); if ((property != NULL) && (allow_values != NULL)) { if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[0].cap[1].property), "")) { json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[0].cap[1].property))); json_array_add(allow_values, json_integer(str2int((int8 *)fan_member.av_action[0].cap[1].av))); } } json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_ALLOWABLE_VALUES, allow_values); json_array_add(cap, property); json_object_add(action, RMM_JSON_CAPABILITIES, cap); } json_array_add(av_action, action); /* SetDesiredSpeed */ action = NULL; action = json_object(); if (0 != prepare_get_action(fan_member.av_action, action, 1)) { HTTPD_ERR("action prepare fail\n"); return NULL; } cap = NULL; cap = json_array(); if (cap != NULL) { json_t *property = NULL; json_t *allow_values = NULL; allow_values = json_array(); property = json_object(); if ((property != NULL) && (allow_values != NULL)) { if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[0].property), "")) { json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[0].property))); json_array_add(allow_values, json_string((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[0].av))); } if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[1].property), "")) { json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[1].property))); json_array_add(allow_values, json_string((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[1].av))); } json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_ALLOWABLE_VALUES, allow_values); json_array_add(cap, property); } property = NULL; property = json_object(); if (property != NULL) { if (0 != strcmp((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[2].property), "")) { json_object_add(property, RMM_JSON_PROPERTY_NAME, json_string((int8 *)(fan_member.av_action[1].cap[2].property))); json_array_add(cap, property); } } json_object_add(action, RMM_JSON_CAPABILITIES, cap); } json_array_add(av_action, action); json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_AVALIBLE_ACTIONS, av_action); return result; }
static json_t *fan_coll_get(struct rest_uri_param *param) { collections_t *tzone_fan_coll = NULL; uint32 fan_num = 0; int8 *p_tzone_id = NULL; result_t rs = RESULT_OK; json_t *result = NULL; json_t *fan = NULL; json_t *array = NULL; int32 tzone_idx = 0; int32 i; tzone_fan_coll = (collections_t *)malloc(MAX_PWM_NUM * sizeof(collections_t)); if (tzone_fan_coll == NULL) return NULL; memset(tzone_fan_coll, 0, MAX_PWM_NUM * sizeof(collections_t)); tzone_idx = get_asset_idx(param, "zone_id", MC_TYPE_TZONE); if (tzone_idx == -1) { HTTPD_ERR("get cooling zone index fail\n"); return NULL; } rs = libwrap_get_tzone_fan_coll(tzone_idx, tzone_fan_coll, &fan_num); if (rs != RESULT_OK) { HTTPD_ERR("get fan collection fail, result is %d\n", rs); return NULL; } result = json_object(); if (result == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("result json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } array = json_array(); if (array == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("json array request fail\n"); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < fan_num; i++) { fan = NULL; fan = json_object(); if (NULL != fan) { add_json_integer(fan, RMM_JSON_ID, tzone_fan_coll[i].id); add_json_string(fan, RMM_JSON_UUID, tzone_fan_coll[i].uuid); add_json_string(fan, RMM_JSON_NAME, tzone_fan_coll[i].name); update_href_host(tzone_fan_coll[i].href, HREF_URL_LEN, param->host); add_json_string(fan, RMM_JSON_HREF, tzone_fan_coll[i].href); json_array_add(array, fan); } } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_FANS, array); if (tzone_fan_coll) free(tzone_fan_coll); return result; }
static json_t *tzone_get(struct rest_uri_param *param) { tzone_member_t tzone_member = { {0} }; result_t rs = RESULT_OK; json_t *result = NULL; json_t *loc = NULL; int32 tzone_idx = 0; int32 presence_len = 0; tzone_idx = get_asset_idx(param, "zone_id", MC_TYPE_TZONE); if (tzone_idx == -1) { HTTPD_ERR("get cooling zone index fail\n"); return NULL; } rs = libwrap_get_tzone_by_idx(tzone_idx, &tzone_member); if (rs != RESULT_OK) { HTTPD_ERR("get cooling zone fail, result is %d\n", rs); return NULL; } result = json_object(); if (result == NULL) { HTTPD_ERR("result json object request fail\n"); return NULL; } /*pack_tzone_basic_info(&tzone_member, result);*/ pack_basic_element_info((const base_element_t *)&(, result); loc = json_object(); if (loc != NULL) { add_loc_info(loc, (int32)tzone_member.tzone_loc.units, RMM_JSON_RACK_UNITS); add_loc_info(loc, tzone_member.tzone_loc.u_location, RMM_JSON_ULOC); add_loc_info(loc, tzone_member.tzone_loc.u_height, RMM_JSON_UHEIGHT); add_loc_info(loc, (int32)tzone_member.tzone_loc.x_location, RMM_JSON_XLOC); } json_object_add(result, RMM_JSON_RACK_LOC, loc); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_PRESENCE, (uint8 *)(tzone_member.presence)); add_json_string(result, RMM_JSON_POLICY, tzone_member.policy); add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_PRESENT_TEMP, tzone_member.pres_temp); add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_OUT_LET_TEMP, tzone_member.outlet_temp); add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_AIRFLOW, tzone_member.volumetric_airflow); //TBD: it can be saved in memdb add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_MAX_FANS_SUPPORTED, MAX_PWM_NUM); presence_len = strlen(tzone_member.presence); if ((presence_len > -1) && (presence_len < 9)) { int32 i = 0; int32 number_fan = 0; for(i = 0; i < presence_len; i++) { if (tzone_member.presence[i] == 49)//"1" number_fan++; } add_json_integer(result, RMM_JSON_NUM_OF_FANS_PRESENT, number_fan); } return result; }