int json_object_update(json_t *object, json_t *other) { void *iter; if(!json_is_object(object) || !json_is_object(other)) return -1; iter = json_object_iter(other); while(iter) { const char *key; json_t *value; key = json_object_iter_key(iter); value = json_object_iter_value(iter); if(json_object_set_nocheck(object, key, value)) return -1; iter = json_object_iter_next(other, iter); } return 0; }
symbols_t* drakvuf_get_symbols_from_rekall(const char *rekall_profile) { symbols_t *ret = g_malloc0(sizeof(symbols_t));; json_object *root = json_object_from_file(rekall_profile); if(!root) { fprintf(stderr, "Rekall profile couldn't be opened!\n"); goto err_exit; } json_object *functions = NULL; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(root, "$FUNCTIONS", &functions)) { PRINT_DEBUG("Rekall profile: no $FUNCTIONS section found\n"); goto err_exit; } ret->count = json_object_object_length(functions); ret->symbols = g_malloc0(sizeof(symbols_t) * ret->count); struct json_object_iterator it = json_object_iter_begin(functions); struct json_object_iterator itEnd = json_object_iter_end(functions); uint32_t i=0; while (!json_object_iter_equal(&it, &itEnd) && i < ret->count) { ret->symbols[i].name = g_strdup(json_object_iter_peek_name(&it)); ret->symbols[i].rva = json_object_get_int64(json_object_iter_peek_value(&it)); i++; json_object_iter_next(&it); } json_object_put(functions); return ret; err_exit: free(ret); return NULL; }
static int bser_object(const bser_ctx_t *ctx, json_t *obj, void *data) { size_t n; json_t *val; const char *key; void *iter; if (!is_bser_version_supported(ctx)) { return -1; } if (ctx->dump(&bser_object_hdr, sizeof(bser_object_hdr), data)) { return -1; } n = json_object_size(obj); if (bser_int(ctx, n, data)) { return -1; } iter = json_object_iter(obj); while (iter) { key = json_object_iter_key(iter); val = json_object_iter_value(iter); if (bser_bytestring(ctx, key, data)) { return -1; } if (w_bser_dump(ctx, val, data)) { return -1; } iter = json_object_iter_next(obj, iter); } return 0; }
static json_t *json_object_deep_copy(json_t *object) { json_t *result; void *iter; result = json_object(); if(!result) return NULL; iter = json_object_iter(object); while(iter) { const char *key; json_t *value; key = json_object_iter_key(iter); value = json_object_iter_value(iter); json_object_set_new_nocheck(result, key, json_deep_copy(value)); iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter); } return result; }
void MAPNEXT() { stackpointer = map_safe_peek()->stk + 1; optind = map_safe_peek()->opt; switch (json_typeof(*(map_safe_peek()->stk))) { case JSON_OBJECT: json_object_iter_key(map_safe_peek()->itr); PUSH(maybe_deep(json_object_iter_value(map_safe_peek()->itr))); map_safe_peek()->itr = json_object_iter_next(*(map_safe_peek()->stk), map_safe_peek()->itr); if (!map_safe_peek()->itr) {map_safe_peek()->fin = 1;} break; case JSON_ARRAY: PUSH(maybe_deep(json_array_get(*(map_safe_peek()->stk), map_safe_peek()->lin))); map_safe_peek()->lin++; if (map_safe_peek()->lin >= json_array_size(*(map_safe_peek()->stk))) {map_safe_peek()->fin = 1;} break; default: err("parse error: type not mappable"); map_safe_peek()->fin = 1; } }
static bool is_valid_enum_value(const json_t *member, json_int_t enumval){ json_t *item = json_object_get(member, KEY_ITEM); assert(json_is_object(item)); json_t *values = json_object_get(item, KEY_VALUES); assert(json_is_object(values)); void *iter = json_object_iter(values); while (iter) { json_int_t labelint; json_t *label = json_object_iter_value(iter); assert(json_is_integer(label)); labelint = json_integer_value(label); if (labelint == enumval){ return true; } iter = json_object_iter_next(values, iter); } return false; }
int parse_json(const char *data) { json_error_t error; json_t * root = json_loads(data, 0, &error); if(!root) { fprintf(stderr, "error: on line %d: %s\n", error.line, error.text); return 1; } const char *key; json_t *value; void *iter = json_object_iter(root); while(iter) { key = json_object_iter_key(iter); value = json_object_iter_value(iter); fprintf(stderr, "CHERRY key:%s\n", key); if(json_is_object(value)) { } iter = json_object_iter_next(root, iter); } return 0; }
static int ntop_zmq_receive(lua_State* vm) { NetworkInterface *ntop_interface; void *subscriber; int size; struct zmq_msg_hdr h; char *payload; int payload_len; zmq_pollitem_t item; int rc; lua_getglobal(vm, "zmq_subscriber"); if((subscriber = (void*)lua_touserdata(vm, lua_gettop(vm))) == NULL) { ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "INTERNAL ERROR: NULL subscriber"); return(CONST_LUA_ERROR); } lua_getglobal(vm, "ntop_interface"); if((ntop_interface = (NetworkInterface*)lua_touserdata(vm, lua_gettop(vm))) == NULL) { handle_null_interface(vm); return(CONST_LUA_ERROR); // ntop_interface = ntop->getInterfaceId(0); } item.socket = subscriber; = ZMQ_POLLIN; do { rc = zmq_poll(&item, 1, 1000); if (rc < 0 || !ntop_interface->isRunning()) return(CONST_LUA_PARAM_ERROR); } while (rc == 0); size = zmq_recv(subscriber, &h, sizeof(h), 0); if(size != sizeof(h) || h.version != MSG_VERSION) { ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unsupported publisher version [%d]", h.version); return -1; } payload_len = h.size + 1; if((payload = (char*)malloc(payload_len)) != NULL) { size = zmq_recv(subscriber, payload, payload_len, 0); payload[h.size] = '\0'; if(size > 0) { json_object *o = json_tokener_parse(payload); if(o != NULL) { struct json_object_iterator it = json_object_iter_begin(o); struct json_object_iterator itEnd = json_object_iter_end(o); while (!json_object_iter_equal(&it, &itEnd)) { char *key = (char*)json_object_iter_peek_name(&it); const char *value = json_object_get_string(json_object_iter_peek_value(&it)); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "[%s]=[%s]", key, value); json_object_iter_next(&it); } json_object_put(o); } lua_pushfstring(vm, "%s", payload); ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[%u] %s", h.size, payload); free(payload); return(CONST_LUA_OK); } else { free(payload); return(CONST_LUA_PARAM_ERROR); } } else return(CONST_LUA_PARAM_ERROR); }
/* send a command to the server, handle callbacks (menus, getline, etc) and display data (map data, pline, player status, ...) and finally return the response to the command. A play_game response will longjmp() to the matching play_game request, so beware! */ json_t * send_receive_msg(const char *const volatile msgtype, json_t *volatile jmsg) { const char *volatile sendkey; char key[BUFSZ]; char oldkey[BUFSZ]; void *iter; volatile int retry_count = 3; if (conn_err && ex_jmp_buf_valid) longjmp(ex_jmp_buf, 1); /* quick connection sanity check and restoration attempt */ if (!test_restore_connection()) return NULL; if (!jmsg) return NULL; sendkey = msgtype; while (1) { /* send the message; keep the reference to jmsg */ json_t *send_msg = json_pack("{sO}", sendkey, jmsg); if (!send_json_msg(send_msg)) { json_decref(send_msg); if (retry_count-- > 0 && restart_connection()) continue; goto error; } json_decref(send_msg); receive_without_sending: ; /* receive the response */ json_t *recv_msg = receive_json_msg(); if (!recv_msg) { /* If no data is received, there must have been a network error. Presumably the send didn't succeed either and the sent data vanished, so reconnect. restart_connection() can longjmp back to play_game; if it doesn't, retry both send and receive. */ if (retry_count-- > 0 && restart_connection()) continue; goto error; } json_t *jdisplay = json_object_get(recv_msg, "display"); if (jdisplay) { if (json_is_array(jdisplay)) handle_display_list(jdisplay); else print_error ("New display list doesn't have the right data type."); json_object_del(recv_msg, "display"); } iter = json_object_iter(recv_msg); if (!iter) { print_error("Empty return object."); json_decref(recv_msg); json_decref(jmsg); return json_object(); } /* The string returned by json_object_iter_key is only valid while recv_msg exists. Since we still want the value afterwards, it must be copied. */ strncpy(key, json_object_iter_key(iter), BUFSZ - 1); if (!strcmp(key, "server_cancel")) { /* This message is special in that it can be called out of sequence, and has no response. */ json_decref(recv_msg); /* free it */ client_windowprocs.win_server_cancel(); goto receive_without_sending; } if (!strcmp(key, "load_progress")) { /* This message is only called in-sequence, but it still has no response. */ int progress; if (json_unpack(json_object_iter_value(iter), "{si!}", "progress", &progress) != -1) client_windowprocs.win_load_progress(progress); json_decref(recv_msg); /* free it */ goto receive_without_sending; } send_receive_recent_response = json_object_iter_value(iter); if (json_object_iter_next(recv_msg, iter)) print_error("Too many JSON objects in response data."); /* keep only the core of the response and throw away the wrapper */ json_incref(send_receive_recent_response); json_decref(recv_msg); if (strcmp(sendkey, "play_game") == 0) { /* We might need to longjmp back here. */ if (setjmp(playgame_jmp_buf) == 0) { playgame_jmp_buf_valid = 1; } else { playgame_jmp_buf_valid = 0; /* key, sendkey might have any value right now, but we know what they should be from the position in the control flow */ sendkey = "play_game"; memset(key, 0, sizeof key); strcpy(key, "play_game"); } } /* If the response type doesn't match the request type then either: - this is a callback that needs to be handled first; - this is a request to longjmp() back to nhnet_play_game. To simplify the control flow, our longjmp back upon receiving a play_game response is unconditional, and ends up cancelling itself out if a play_game message gets a play_game response. This also guarantees that playgame_jmp_buf_valid is only set while playgame_jmp_buf is actually on the call stack. */ if (strcmp(key, "play_game") == 0 && playgame_jmp_buf_valid) longjmp(playgame_jmp_buf, 1); if (strcmp(key, msgtype)) { json_t *srvmsg = send_receive_recent_response; /* The next line is unneccessary, but makes the control flow easier to follow in a debugger. */ send_receive_recent_response = 0; json_t *newmsg = handle_netcmd(key, msgtype, srvmsg); if (!newmsg) { /* server error */ if (error_retry_ok && retry_count-- > 0 && restart_connection()) continue; /* jmsg is still alive, use it again */ goto error; } json_decref(jmsg); jmsg = newmsg; strcpy(oldkey, key); sendkey = oldkey; /* send the callback data to the server and get a new response */ continue; } json_decref(jmsg); break; /* only loop via continue */ } json_t *response = send_receive_recent_response; send_receive_recent_response = 0; return response; error: json_decref(jmsg); close(sockfd); sockfd = -1; conn_err = TRUE; playgame_jmp_buf_valid = 0; if (ex_jmp_buf_valid) longjmp(ex_jmp_buf, 1); return NULL; }
static void test_iterators() { int i; json_t *object, *foo, *bar, *baz; const char *iter_keys[3]; int have_key[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; json_t *iter_values[3]; void *iter; if(json_object_iter(NULL)) fail("able to iterate over NULL"); if(json_object_iter_next(NULL, NULL)) fail("able to increment an iterator on a NULL object"); object = json_object(); foo = json_string("foo"); bar = json_string("bar"); baz = json_string("baz"); if(!object || !foo || !bar || !bar) fail("unable to create values"); if(json_object_iter_next(object, NULL)) fail("able to increment a NULL iterator"); if(json_object_set(object, "a", foo) || json_object_set(object, "b", bar) || json_object_set(object, "c", baz)) fail("unable to populate object"); iter = json_object_iter(object); if(!iter) fail("unable to get iterator"); iter_keys[0] = json_object_iter_key(iter); iter_values[0] = json_object_iter_value(iter); iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter); if(!iter) fail("unable to increment iterator"); iter_keys[1] = json_object_iter_key(iter); iter_values[1] = json_object_iter_value(iter); printf("values=%s\n", json_string_value(iter_values[1])); iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter); if(!iter) fail("unable to increment iterator"); iter_keys[2] = json_object_iter_key(iter); iter_values[2] = json_object_iter_value(iter); if(json_object_iter_next(object, iter) != NULL) fail("able to iterate over the end"); /* Check that keys have correct values */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (strcmp(iter_keys[i], "a") == 0) { if (iter_values[i] != foo) fail("wrong value for iter key a"); else have_key[0] = 1; } else if (strcmp(iter_keys[i], "b") == 0) { if (iter_values[i] != bar) fail("wrong value for iter key b"); else have_key[1] = 1; } else if (strcmp(iter_keys[i], "c") == 0) { if (iter_values[i] != baz) fail("wrong value for iter key c"); else have_key[2] = 1; } } /* Check that we got all keys */ for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(!have_key[i]) fail("a key wasn't iterated over"); } if(json_object_iter_at(object, "foo")) fail("json_object_iter_at() succeeds for non-existent key"); iter = json_object_iter_at(object, "b"); if(!iter) fail("json_object_iter_at() fails for an existing key"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b")) fail("iterating failed: wrong key"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != bar) fail("iterating failed: wrong value"); if(json_object_iter_set(object, iter, baz)) fail("unable to set value at iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b")) fail("json_object_iter_key() fails after json_object_iter_set()"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != baz) fail("json_object_iter_value() fails after json_object_iter_set()"); if(json_object_get(object, "b") != baz) fail("json_object_get() fails after json_object_iter_set()"); json_decref(object); json_decref(foo); json_decref(bar); json_decref(baz); }
bool settings_read(void) { bool rv; bool bind_defaults; bool nonexistent_ok; rv = true; bind_defaults = true; nonexistent_ok = false; /* Read and delete the old versions first if it exists. */ settings_read_v1(); if(settings_read_v2()) { bind_defaults = false; nonexistent_ok = true; // If we managed to read the old .lua file, then failing to read the new .json file should not cause any error messages. } /* Read the new version if it exists. */ char * json; int json_size; snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s", get_save_filename("settings.json")); if(read_file(filename, &json, &json_size) == true) { enum json_tokener_error e; struct json_object * obj; obj = json_tokener_parse_verbose(json, &e); if(obj != NULL) { bool ok; struct json_object_iterator it; struct json_object_iterator itEnd; int active_questline; ok = true; it = json_object_iter_begin(obj); itEnd = json_object_iter_end(obj); active_questline = globals.active_questline; while(ok == true && !json_object_iter_equal(&it, &itEnd)) { const char * name; struct json_object * value; enum json_type type; bool dummy_boolean; name = json_object_iter_peek_name(&it); value = json_object_iter_peek_value(&it); type = json_object_get_type(value); struct { const char * name; enum json_type type; bool (*callback)(struct json_object * value, void * value_ptr); void * value_ptr; } stuff[] = { { "Fullscreen", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.fullscreen }, { "OpenGL", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.opengl }, { "OpenGL_POT", json_type_boolean, cb_opengl_pot, NULL }, { "OpenGL_compressed_textures", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.opengl_compressed_textures }, { "SFX", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.use_sfx }, { "Music", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.use_music }, { "SFX_max_channels", json_type_int, cb_int, &globals.max_channels }, { "Sound_volume", json_type_int, cb_sound_volume, NULL }, { "Joysticks", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.use_joysticks }, { "CaveSelection", json_type_string, cb_cave_selection, NULL }, { "CaveSelectionLevel", json_type_int, cb_cave_selection_level, NULL }, { "ShowFPS", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.fps_counter_active }, { "GameMode", json_type_string, cb_game_mode, NULL }, { "ActiveQuestline", json_type_int, cb_int, &active_questline }, { "TitleMidarea", json_type_string, cb_title_midarea, NULL }, { "IronGirlMode", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.iron_girl_mode }, { "Locale", json_type_string, cb_locale, NULL }, { "MapTilting", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.map_tilting }, { "SmoothClassicMode", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.smooth_classic_mode }, { "Bindings", json_type_array, cb_bindings, NULL }, { "Themes", json_type_array, cb_themes, NULL }, { "WriteSettings", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &globals.write_settings }, { "TestsCompleted", json_type_boolean, cb_bool, &dummy_boolean }, // Ignored. { NULL, json_type_int, NULL, NULL } }; int ind; ind = -1; for(int i = 0; ind == -1 && stuff[i].name != NULL; i++) if(!strcmp(stuff[i].name, name)) ind = i; if(ind >= 0) { if(stuff[ind].type == type) { ok = stuff[ind].callback(value, stuff[ind].value_ptr); /* Don't bind the default keybindings if we were able to read them from the settings.json. */ if(ok == true && !strcmp(name, "Bindings")) bind_defaults = false; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Incorrect value type %s for '%s', expected %s.\n", filename, json_type_to_name(type), name, json_type_to_name(stuff[ind].type)); ok = false; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to parse: unknown variable '%s'.\n", filename, name); ok = false; } json_object_iter_next(&it); } if(ok == true) globals.active_questline = active_questline; else rv = false; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to parse: %d: %s\n", filename, (int) e, json_tokener_error_desc(e)); } free(json); } else { if(nonexistent_ok == false) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to read '%s'.\n", __FUNCTION__, filename); } if(bind_defaults) ui_bindings_default(true); if(globals.iron_girl_mode) theme_set(THEME_TRAIT, "iron-girl"); return rv; }
void *la_codec_object_iter_next(la_codec_value_t *object, void *iter) { return json_object_iter_next((json_t *) object, iter); }
static int uwsgi_mongrel2_json_parse(json_t * root, struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req) { char *json_val; char *query_string = NULL; size_t query_string_len = 0; size_t script_name_len = 0; void *json_iter; char *json_key; json_t *json_value; if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "METHOD"))) { if (!strcmp(json_val, "JSON")) { return -1; } wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_METHOD", 14, json_val, strlen(json_val)); } // pretty easy, we get the file and we map it to wsgi_req->post_file, uWSGI read api will automatically use this if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "x-mongrel2-upload-done"))) { wsgi_req->post_file = fopen(json_val, "r"); if (!wsgi_req->post_file) { uwsgi_error_open(json_val); return -1; } } else if (uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "x-mongrel2-upload-start")) { return -1; } wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += uwsgi_mongrel2_json_add(wsgi_req, root, "VERSION", "SERVER_PROTOCOL", 15, NULL, NULL); wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += uwsgi_mongrel2_json_add(wsgi_req, root, "QUERY", "QUERY_STRING", 12, &query_string, &query_string_len); if (query_string == NULL) { // always set QUERY_STRING wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "QUERY_STRING", 12, "", 0); } // set SCRIPT_NAME to an empty value wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SCRIPT_NAME", 11, "", 0); if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "PATH"))) { wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "PATH_INFO", 9, json_val + script_name_len, strlen(json_val + script_name_len)); if (query_string_len) { char *request_uri = uwsgi_concat3n(json_val, strlen(json_val), "?", 1, query_string, query_string_len); wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_URI", 11, request_uri, strlen(json_val) + 1 + query_string_len); free(request_uri); } else { wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REQUEST_URI", 11, json_val, strlen(json_val)); } } if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "URL_SCHEME"))) { wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "UWSGI_SCHEME", 12, json_val, strlen(json_val)); } if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "host"))) { char *colon = strchr(json_val, ':'); if (colon) { wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_PORT", 11, colon + 1, strlen(colon + 1)); } else { wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_PORT", 11, "80", 2); } } if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "x-forwarded-for"))) { char *colon = strchr(json_val, ','); if (colon) { wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REMOTE_ADDR", 11, colon + 1, (colon + 1) - json_val); } else { wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "REMOTE_ADDR", 11, json_val, strlen(json_val)); } } if ((json_val = uwsgi_mongrel2_json_get_string(root, "content-length"))) { wsgi_req->post_cl = atoi(json_val); } wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_var(wsgi_req, "SERVER_NAME", 11, uwsgi.hostname, uwsgi.hostname_len); json_iter = json_object_iter(root); while (json_iter) { json_key = (char *) json_object_iter_key(json_iter); // is it a header ? if (json_key[0] >= 97) { json_value = json_object_iter_value(json_iter); if (json_is_string(json_value)) { json_val = (char *) json_string_value(json_value); wsgi_req->uh->pktsize += proto_base_add_uwsgi_header(wsgi_req, json_key, strlen(json_key), json_val, strlen(json_val)); } } json_iter = json_object_iter_next(root, json_iter); } return 0; }
struct conf * conf_read(const char *filename) { json_t *j; json_error_t error; struct conf *conf; void *kv; /* defaults */ conf = calloc(1, sizeof(struct conf)); conf->redis_host = strdup(""); conf->redis_port = 6379; conf->http_host = strdup(""); conf->http_port = 7379; conf->http_max_request_size = 128*1024*1024; conf->http_threads = 4; conf->user = getuid(); conf->group = getgid(); conf->logfile = "webdis.log"; conf->verbosity = WEBDIS_NOTICE; conf->daemonize = 0; conf->pidfile = ""; conf->database = 0; conf->pool_size_per_thread = 2; j = json_load_file(filename, 0, &error); if(!j) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s (line %d)\n", error.text, error.line); return conf; } for(kv = json_object_iter(j); kv; kv = json_object_iter_next(j, kv)) { json_t *jtmp = json_object_iter_value(kv); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "redis_host") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING) { free(conf->redis_host); conf->redis_host = strdup(json_string_value(jtmp)); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "redis_port") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_INTEGER) { conf->redis_port = (int)json_integer_value(jtmp); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "redis_auth") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING) { conf->redis_auth = strdup(json_string_value(jtmp)); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "http_host") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING) { free(conf->http_host); conf->http_host = strdup(json_string_value(jtmp)); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "http_port") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_INTEGER) { conf->http_port = (int)json_integer_value(jtmp); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "http_max_request_size") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_INTEGER) { conf->http_max_request_size = (size_t)json_integer_value(jtmp); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "threads") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_INTEGER) { conf->http_threads = (int)json_integer_value(jtmp); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "acl") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_ARRAY) { conf->perms = conf_parse_acls(jtmp); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "user") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING) { struct passwd *u; if((u = getpwnam(json_string_value(jtmp)))) { conf->user = u->pw_uid; } } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "group") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING) { struct group *g; if((g = getgrnam(json_string_value(jtmp)))) { conf->group = g->gr_gid; } } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv),"logfile") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING){ conf->logfile = strdup(json_string_value(jtmp)); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv),"verbosity") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_INTEGER){ int tmp = json_integer_value(jtmp); if(tmp < 0) conf->verbosity = WEBDIS_ERROR; else if(tmp > (int)WEBDIS_DEBUG) conf->verbosity = WEBDIS_DEBUG; else conf->verbosity = (log_level)tmp; } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "daemonize") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_TRUE) { conf->daemonize = 1; } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv),"pidfile") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING){ conf->pidfile = strdup(json_string_value(jtmp)); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "websockets") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_TRUE) { conf->websockets = 1; } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "database") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_INTEGER) { conf->database = json_integer_value(jtmp); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "pool_size") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_INTEGER) { conf->pool_size_per_thread = json_integer_value(jtmp); } else if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(kv), "default_root") == 0 && json_typeof(jtmp) == JSON_STRING) { conf->default_root = strdup(json_string_value(jtmp)); } } json_decref(j); return conf; }
static qeocore_type_t *build_enum(const qeo_factory_t *factory, json_t *typedesc){ qeocore_type_t *qeoType = NULL; qeocore_enum_constants_t vals = DDS_SEQ_INITIALIZER(qeocore_enum_constant_t); const char *enumstr = NULL; DDS_ReturnCode_t ddsret; assert(typedesc != NULL); assert(factory != NULL); do { json_t *type_enum = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_ENUM); if ((NULL == type_enum) || !json_is_string(type_enum)) { qeo_log_e("Invalid type_enum (%p)", type_enum); return qeoType; } json_t *values = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_VALUES); if ((NULL == values) || !json_is_object(values)) { qeo_log_e("Invalid values (%p)", values); return qeoType; } enumstr = json_string_value(type_enum); //Replace all "::" with ".", because there's a mismatch in topic definitions found in the TSM structs, with "." and the QDM topic definitions with "::" find_and_replace((char *) enumstr, "::", "."); if ((ddsret = dds_seq_require(&vals, json_object_size(values))) != DDS_RETCODE_OK){ qeo_log_e("dds_seq_require failed (%d)", ddsret); return NULL; } void *iter = json_object_iter(values); while (iter) { json_int_t labelint; const char *name = json_object_iter_key(iter); json_t *label = json_object_iter_value(iter); if (!json_is_integer(label)){ qeo_log_e("not a integer"); } labelint = json_integer_value(label); if (labelint >= json_object_size(values)){ qeo_log_e("Currently we only support 0,1,2..[n-1] as labels"); break; } DDS_SEQ_ITEM(vals, labelint).name = (char *)name; iter = json_object_iter_next(values, iter); } qeoType = qeocore_type_enum_new(enumstr, &vals); if (qeoType == NULL){ qeo_log_e("Cannot register enum"); } dds_seq_cleanup(&vals); } while(0); return qeoType; }
static void test_misc() { json_t *object, *string, *other_string, *value; void *iter; object = json_object(); string = json_string("test"); other_string = json_string("other"); if(!object) fail("unable to create object"); if(!string || !other_string) fail("unable to create string"); if(json_object_get(object, "a")) fail("value for nonexisting key"); if(json_object_set(object, "a", string)) fail("unable to set value"); if(!json_object_set(object, NULL, string)) fail("able to set NULL key"); if(!json_object_set(object, "a", NULL)) fail("able to set NULL value"); iter = json_object_iter(object); if(!iter) fail("unable to get iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "a")) fail("iterating failed: wrong key"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != string) fail("iterating failed: wrong value"); if(json_object_iter_next(object, iter) != NULL) fail("able to iterate over the end"); /* invalid UTF-8 in key */ if(!json_object_set(object, "a\xefz", string)) fail("able to set invalid unicode key"); value = json_object_get(object, "a"); if(!value) fail("no value for existing key"); if(value != string) fail("got different value than what was added"); /* "a", "lp" and "px" collide in a five-bucket hashtable */ if(json_object_set(object, "b", string) || json_object_set(object, "lp", string) || json_object_set(object, "px", string)) fail("unable to set value"); value = json_object_get(object, "a"); if(!value) fail("no value for existing key"); if(value != string) fail("got different value than what was added"); if(json_object_set(object, "a", other_string)) fail("unable to replace an existing key"); value = json_object_get(object, "a"); if(!value) fail("no value for existing key"); if(value != other_string) fail("got different value than what was set"); if(!json_object_del(object, "nonexisting")) fail("able to delete a nonexisting key"); if(json_object_del(object, "px")) fail("unable to delete an existing key"); if(json_object_del(object, "a")) fail("unable to delete an existing key"); if(json_object_del(object, "lp")) fail("unable to delete an existing key"); /* add many keys to initiate rehashing */ if(json_object_set(object, "a", string)) fail("unable to set value"); if(json_object_set(object, "lp", string)) fail("unable to set value"); if(json_object_set(object, "px", string)) fail("unable to set value"); if(json_object_set(object, "c", string)) fail("unable to set value"); if(json_object_set(object, "d", string)) fail("unable to set value"); if(json_object_set(object, "e", string)) fail("unable to set value"); if(json_object_set_new(object, "foo", json_integer(123))) fail("unable to set new value"); value = json_object_get(object, "foo"); if(!json_is_integer(value) || json_integer_value(value) != 123) fail("json_object_set_new works incorrectly"); if(!json_object_set_new(object, NULL, json_integer(432))) fail("able to set_new NULL key"); if(!json_object_set_new(object, "foo", NULL)) fail("able to set_new NULL value"); json_decref(string); json_decref(other_string); json_decref(object); }
static void ide_langserv_rename_provider_rename_cb (GObject *object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { IdeLangservClient *client = (IdeLangservClient *)object; IdeLangservRenameProvider *self; g_autoptr(JsonNode) return_value = NULL; g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL; g_autoptr(GTask) task = user_data; g_autoptr(GPtrArray) ret = NULL; JsonObject *changes_by_uri = NULL; JsonObjectIter iter; const gchar *uri; IdeContext *context; JsonNode *changes; IDE_ENTRY; g_assert (IDE_IS_LANGSERV_CLIENT (client)); g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result)); g_assert (G_IS_TASK (task)); self = g_task_get_source_object (task); g_assert (IDE_IS_LANGSERV_RENAME_PROVIDER (self)); if (!ide_langserv_client_call_finish (client, result, &return_value, &error)) { g_task_return_error (task, g_steal_pointer (&error)); IDE_EXIT; } if (!JCON_EXTRACT (return_value, "changes", JCONE_OBJECT (changes_by_uri))) IDE_EXIT; context = ide_object_get_context (IDE_OBJECT (self)); ret = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_object_unref); json_object_iter_init (&iter, changes_by_uri); while (json_object_iter_next (&iter, &uri, &changes)) { g_autoptr(GFile) gfile = g_file_new_for_uri (uri); g_autoptr(IdeFile) ifile = ide_file_new (context, gfile); JsonArray *array; guint length; if (!JSON_NODE_HOLDS_ARRAY (changes)) continue; array = json_node_get_array (changes); length = json_array_get_length (array); for (guint i = 0; i < length; i++) { JsonNode *change = json_array_get_element (array, i); g_autoptr(IdeSourceLocation) begin_location = NULL; g_autoptr(IdeSourceLocation) end_location = NULL; g_autoptr(IdeSourceRange) range = NULL; g_autoptr(IdeProjectEdit) edit = NULL; const gchar *new_text = NULL; gboolean success; struct { gint line; gint column; } begin, end; success = JCON_EXTRACT (change, "range", "{", "start", "{", "line", JCONE_INT (begin.line), "character", JCONE_INT (begin.column), "}", "end", "{", "line", JCONE_INT (end.line), "character", JCONE_INT (end.column), "}", "}", "newText", JCONE_STRING (new_text) ); if (!success) continue; begin_location = ide_source_location_new (ifile, begin.line, begin.column, 0); end_location = ide_source_location_new (ifile, end.line, end.column, 0); range = ide_source_range_new (begin_location, end_location); edit = g_object_new (IDE_TYPE_PROJECT_EDIT, "range", range, "replacement", new_text, NULL); g_ptr_array_add (ret, g_steal_pointer (&edit)); } } g_task_return_pointer (task, g_steal_pointer (&ret), (GDestroyNotify)g_ptr_array_unref); IDE_EXIT; }
/* 得到策略信息 */ struct policymsg get_policy_json(char *jsonfile) { struct policymsg policyinfo; //const char *iter_keys[keycount]; int i, size; void *iter; json_t *object; json_t *iter_values; json_error_t error; object = json_object(); /* 读取策略 */ object = json_load_file (jsonfile, 0, &error); policyinfo.size = json_object_size (object); //size = json_object_size (object); //printf("size=%d\n", size); #if 0 /* 取出object中的值 */ //struct policy iter_get_value(json_t *object) char *result; result = json_dumps(object, JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER); printf("result=%s\n", result); /* 判断读取的jansson类型 */ printf("判断是不是object类型\n"); my_json_type(object); printf("size = %d\n", strlen(result)); #endif printf("得到策略值\n"); iter = json_object_iter(object); i = 0; while(1) { strcpy (policyinfo.keyword[i], json_object_iter_key(iter)); iter_values = json_object_iter_value(iter); strcpy (policyinfo.keycount[i],json_string_value(iter_values)); #if 0 iter_keys[i] = json_object_iter_key(iter); iter_values[i] = json_object_iter_value(iter); printf("values[%d]=%s\n", i,json_string_value(iter_values[i])); #endif if((iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter)) == NULL) { //printf("iterate end\n"); break; } i++; } #if 0 iter = json_object_iter_at(object, "b"); if(iter) { iter_keys[i] = json_object_iter_key(iter); iter_values[i] = json_object_iter_value(iter); printf("values[%d]=%s\n", i,json_string_value(iter_values[i])); //printf("json_object_iter_at() printfs for an existing key\n"); } #endif json_decref(object); return policyinfo; }
/* 获取每个元素的值, 返回元素的结构体 */ struct policymsg iter_get_value(json_t *object) { struct policymsg p; int i; json_t *iter_values[3]; const char *iter_keys[3]; void *iter; printf("判断是不是object类型\n"); my_json_type(object); //printf("........\n"); #if 0 if(json_object_iter(NULL)) { printf("iterate NULL\n"); } if(json_object_iter_next(NULL, NULL)) { printf("iterator a NULL object\n"); } #endif iter = json_object_iter(object); i = 0; while(1) { iter_keys[i] = json_object_iter_key(iter); iter_values[i] = json_object_iter_value(iter); //printf("values[%d]=%s\n", i,json_string_value(iter_values[i])); if((iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter)) == NULL) { //printf("iterate end\n"); break; } i++; } i=4; iter = json_object_iter_at(object, "b"); if(iter) { iter_keys[i] = json_object_iter_key(iter); iter_values[i] = json_object_iter_value(iter); printf("values[%d]=%s\n", i,json_string_value(iter_values[i])); //printf("json_object_iter_at() printfs for an existing key\n"); } #if 0 if(json_object_iter_set(object, iter, baz)) printf("unable to set value at iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b")) printf("json_object_iter_key() printfs after json_object_iter_set()"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != baz) printf("json_object_iter_value() printfs after json_object_iter_set()"); if(json_object_get(object, "b") != baz) printf("json_object_get() printfs after json_object_iter_set()"); #endif json_decref(object); return p; }
CCObject* NDKHelper::GetCCObjectFromJson(json_t *obj) { if (obj == NULL) return NULL; if (json_is_object(obj)) { CCDictionary *dictionary = new CCDictionary(); //CCDictionary::create(); const char *key; json_t *value; void *iter = json_object_iter(obj); while(iter) { key = json_object_iter_key(iter); value = json_object_iter_value(iter); dictionary->setObject(NDKHelper::GetCCObjectFromJson(value)->autorelease(), string(key)); iter = json_object_iter_next(obj, iter); } return dictionary; } else if (json_is_array(obj)) { size_t sizeArray = json_array_size(obj); CCArray *array = new CCArray(); //CCArray::createWithCapacity(sizeArray); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeArray; i++) { array->addObject(NDKHelper::GetCCObjectFromJson(json_array_get(obj, i))->autorelease()); } return array; } else if (json_is_boolean(obj)) { stringstream str; if (json_is_true(obj)) str << true; else if (json_is_false(obj)) str << false; CCString *ccString = new CCString(str.str()); //CCString::create(str.str()); return ccString; } else if (json_is_integer(obj)) { stringstream str; str << json_integer_value(obj); CCString *ccString = new CCString(str.str()); //CCString::create(str.str()); return ccString; } else if (json_is_real(obj)) { stringstream str; str << json_real_value(obj); CCString *ccString = new CCString(str.str()); //CCString::create(str.str()); return ccString; } else if (json_is_string(obj)) { stringstream str; str << json_string_value(obj); CCString *ccString = new CCString(str.str()); //CCString::create(str.str()); return ccString; } else if (json_is_null(obj)) { return new CCString("null"); } return NULL; }
struct ast_json_iter *ast_json_object_iter_next(struct ast_json *object, struct ast_json_iter *iter) { return json_object_iter_next((json_t *)object, iter); }
void uwsgi_json_config(char *file, char *magic_table[]) { size_t len = 0; char *json_data; const char *key; json_t *root; json_error_t error; json_t *config; json_t *config_value, *config_array_item; void *config_iter; char *object_asked = "uwsgi"; char *colon; int i; if (uwsgi_check_scheme(file)) { colon = uwsgi_get_last_char(file, '/'); colon = uwsgi_get_last_char(colon, ':'); } else { colon = uwsgi_get_last_char(file, ':'); } if (colon) { colon[0] = 0; if (colon[1] != 0) { object_asked = colon + 1; } } uwsgi_log_initial("[uWSGI] getting JSON configuration from %s\n", file); json_data = uwsgi_open_and_read(file, &len, 1, magic_table); #ifdef JANSSON_MAJOR_VERSION root = json_loads(json_data, 0, &error); #else root = json_loads(json_data, &error); #endif if (!root) { uwsgi_log("error parsing JSON data: line %d %s\n", error.line, error.text); exit(1); } config = json_object_get(root, object_asked); if (!json_is_object(config)) { uwsgi_log("you must define a object named %s in your JSON data\n", object_asked); exit(1); } config_iter = json_object_iter(config); while (config_iter) { key = json_object_iter_key(config_iter); config_value = json_object_iter_value(config_iter); if (json_is_string(config_value)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, (char *) json_string_value(config_value), 0); } else if (json_is_true(config_value)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, strdup("1"), 0); } else if (json_is_false(config_value) || json_is_null(config_value)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, strdup("0"), 0); } else if (json_is_integer(config_value)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, uwsgi_num2str(json_integer_value(config_value)), 0); } else if (json_is_array(config_value)) { for (i = 0; i < (int) json_array_size(config_value); i++) { config_array_item = json_array_get(config_value, i); if (json_is_string(config_array_item)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, (char *) json_string_value(config_array_item), 0); } else if (json_is_true(config_array_item)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, strdup("1"), 0); } else if (json_is_false(config_array_item) || json_is_null(config_array_item)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, strdup("0"), 0); } else if (json_is_integer(config_array_item)) { add_exported_option((char *) key, uwsgi_num2str(json_integer_value(config_array_item)), 0); } } } config_iter = json_object_iter_next(config, config_iter); } if (colon) colon[0] = ':'; }
static qeocore_type_t *build_object(const qeo_factory_t *factory, json_t *typedesc) { qeocore_type_t *qeoType = NULL; const char *name = NULL; json_t *value = NULL; qeo_retcode_t ret = QEO_EFAIL; bool iret = true; const char *topic = NULL; assert(typedesc != NULL); assert(factory != NULL); do { json_t *type_topic = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_TOPIC); if ((NULL == type_topic) || !json_is_string(type_topic)) { qeo_log_e("Invalid type_topic (%p)", type_topic); return qeoType; } json_t *properties = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_PROPERTIES); if ((NULL == properties) || !json_is_object(properties)) { qeo_log_e("Invalid properties (%p)", properties); return qeoType; } topic = json_string_value(type_topic); //Replace all "::" with ".", because there's a mismatch in topic definitions found in the TSM structs, with "." and the QDM topic definitions with "::" find_and_replace((char *) topic, "::", "."); qeoType = qeocore_type_struct_new(topic); if (qeoType == NULL) { qeo_log_e("qeocore_type_struct_new failed for topic:%s", topic); break; } qeo_log_d("Registered new struct with name %s", topic); void *iter = json_object_iter(properties); while (iter) { name = json_object_iter_key(iter); if (name == NULL) { qeo_log_e("name == NULL"); iret = false; break; } value = json_object_iter_value(iter); if (value == NULL) { qeo_log_e("value == NULL"); iret = false; break; } if (!json_is_object(value)) { qeo_log_e("no json object"); iret = false; break; } if (QEO_OK != object_add_member(factory, qeoType, name, value)) { qeo_log_e("object add member failed"); iret = false; break; } iter = json_object_iter_next(properties, iter); } if (true != iret) { break; } if (QEO_OK != qeocore_type_register(factory, qeoType, topic)) { qeo_log_e("failed to register type: %s", topic); } ret = QEO_OK; } while (0); if (ret != QEO_OK) { qeocore_type_free(qeoType); qeoType = NULL; } return qeoType; }
static void test_iterators() { json_t *object, *foo, *bar, *baz; void *iter; if(json_object_iter(NULL)) fail("able to iterate over NULL"); if(json_object_iter_next(NULL, NULL)) fail("able to increment an iterator on a NULL object"); object = json_object(); foo = json_string("foo"); bar = json_string("bar"); baz = json_string("baz"); if(!object || !foo || !bar || !bar) fail("unable to create values"); if(json_object_iter_next(object, NULL)) fail("able to increment a NULL iterator"); if(json_object_set(object, "a", foo) || json_object_set(object, "b", bar) || json_object_set(object, "c", baz)) fail("unable to populate object"); iter = json_object_iter(object); if(!iter) fail("unable to get iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "a")) fail("iterating failed: wrong key"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != foo) fail("iterating failed: wrong value"); iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter); if(!iter) fail("unable to increment iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b")) fail("iterating failed: wrong key"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != bar) fail("iterating failed: wrong value"); iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter); if(!iter) fail("unable to increment iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "c")) fail("iterating failed: wrong key"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != baz) fail("iterating failed: wrong value"); if(json_object_iter_next(object, iter) != NULL) fail("able to iterate over the end"); if(json_object_iter_at(object, "foo")) fail("json_object_iter_at() succeeds for non-existent key"); iter = json_object_iter_at(object, "b"); if(!iter) fail("json_object_iter_at() fails for an existing key"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "b")) fail("iterating failed: wrong key"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != bar) fail("iterating failed: wrong value"); iter = json_object_iter_next(object, iter); if(!iter) fail("unable to increment iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "c")) fail("iterating failed: wrong key"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != baz) fail("iterating failed: wrong value"); if(json_object_iter_set(object, iter, bar)) fail("unable to set value at iterator"); if(strcmp(json_object_iter_key(iter), "c")) fail("json_object_iter_key() fails after json_object_iter_set()"); if(json_object_iter_value(iter) != bar) fail("json_object_iter_value() fails after json_object_iter_set()"); if(json_object_get(object, "c") != bar) fail("json_object_get() fails after json_object_iter_set()"); json_decref(object); json_decref(foo); json_decref(bar); json_decref(baz); }
int schema_traverse(const avro_schema_t schema, json_t *json, json_t *dft, avro_value_t *current_val, int quiet, int strjson, size_t max_str_sz) { json = json ? json : dft; if (!json) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Avro schema does not match JSON\n"); return 1; } switch (schema->type) { case AVRO_RECORD: { if (!json_is_object(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON object for Avro record, got something else\n"); return 1; } int len = avro_schema_record_size(schema), i; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { const char *name = avro_schema_record_field_name(schema, i); avro_schema_t field_schema = avro_schema_record_field_get_by_index(schema, i); json_t *json_val = json_object_get(json, name); json_t *dft = avro_schema_record_field_default_get_by_index(schema, i); avro_value_t field; avro_value_get_by_index(current_val, i, &field, NULL); if (schema_traverse(field_schema, json_val, dft, &field, quiet, strjson, max_str_sz)) return 1; } } break; case AVRO_LINK: /* TODO */ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: AVRO_LINK is not implemented\n"); return 1; break; case AVRO_STRING: if (!json_is_string(json)) { if (json && strjson) { /* -j specified, just dump the remaining json as string */ char * js = json_dumps(json, JSON_COMPACT|JSON_SORT_KEYS|JSON_ENCODE_ANY); if (max_str_sz && (strlen(js) > max_str_sz)) js[max_str_sz] = 0; /* truncate the string - this will result in invalid JSON! */ avro_value_set_string(current_val, js); free(js); break; } if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON string for Avro string, got something else\n"); return 1; } else { const char *js = json_string_value(json); if (max_str_sz && (strlen(js) > max_str_sz)) { /* truncate the string */ char *jst = malloc(strlen(js)); strcpy(jst, js); jst[max_str_sz] = 0; avro_value_set_string(current_val, jst); free(jst); } else avro_value_set_string(current_val, js); } break; case AVRO_BYTES: if (!json_is_string(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON string for Avro string, got something else\n"); return 1; } /* NB: Jansson uses null-terminated strings, so embedded nulls are NOT supported, not even escaped ones */ const char *s = json_string_value(json); avro_value_set_bytes(current_val, (void *)s, strlen(s)); break; case AVRO_INT32: if (!json_is_integer(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON integer for Avro int, got something else\n"); return 1; } avro_value_set_int(current_val, json_integer_value(json)); break; case AVRO_INT64: if (!json_is_integer(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON integer for Avro long, got something else\n"); return 1; } avro_value_set_long(current_val, json_integer_value(json)); break; case AVRO_FLOAT: if (!json_is_number(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON number for Avro float, got something else\n"); return 1; } avro_value_set_float(current_val, json_number_value(json)); break; case AVRO_DOUBLE: if (!json_is_number(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON number for Avro double, got something else\n"); return 1; } avro_value_set_double(current_val, json_number_value(json)); break; case AVRO_BOOLEAN: if (!json_is_boolean(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON boolean for Avro boolean, got something else\n"); return 1; } avro_value_set_boolean(current_val, json_is_true(json)); break; case AVRO_NULL: if (!json_is_null(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON null for Avro null, got something else\n"); return 1; } avro_value_set_null(current_val); break; case AVRO_ENUM: // TODO ??? break; case AVRO_ARRAY: if (!json_is_array(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON array for Avro array, got something else\n"); return 1; } else { int i, len = json_array_size(json); avro_schema_t items = avro_schema_array_items(schema); avro_value_t val; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { avro_value_append(current_val, &val, NULL); if (schema_traverse(items, json_array_get(json, i), NULL, &val, quiet, strjson, max_str_sz)) return 1; } } break; case AVRO_MAP: if (!json_is_object(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON object for Avro map, got something else\n"); return 1; } else { avro_schema_t values = avro_schema_map_values(schema); void *iter = json_object_iter(json); avro_value_t val; while (iter) { avro_value_add(current_val, json_object_iter_key(iter), &val, 0, 0); if (schema_traverse(values, json_object_iter_value(iter), NULL, &val, quiet, strjson, max_str_sz)) return 1; iter = json_object_iter_next(json, iter); } } break; case AVRO_UNION: { int i; avro_value_t branch; for (i=0; i<avro_schema_union_size(schema); i++) { avro_value_set_branch(current_val, i, &branch); avro_schema_t type = avro_schema_union_branch(schema, i); if (!schema_traverse(type, json, NULL, &branch, 1, strjson, max_str_sz)) break; } if (i==avro_schema_union_size(schema)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No type in the Avro union matched the JSON type we got\n"); return 1; } break; } case AVRO_FIXED: if (!json_is_string(json)) { if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expecting JSON string for Avro fixed, got something else\n"); return 1; } /* NB: Jansson uses null-terminated strings, so embedded nulls are NOT supported, not even escaped ones */ const char *f = json_string_value(json); if (avro_value_set_fixed(current_val, (void *)f, strlen(f))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Setting Avro fixed value FAILED\n"); return 1; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown type: %d\n", schema->type); return 1; } return 0; }
pweibo_user weibo_user_create_json(json_t* pJson) { if (!pJson) { PERR("could not parse json!\n"); return NULL; } void *iter = json_object_iter(pJson); pweibo_user pUser = weibo_user_init(); while (iter) { const char* key = json_object_iter_key(iter); //DEBUG("%s\n", key); json_t *value = json_object_iter_value(iter); if(!value) { iter = json_object_iter_next(pJson, iter); continue; } //DEBUG("%d\n", value->type); if (0 == strcmp("id", key)) { pUser->m_szID = g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(pUser->m_szID, "%"JSON_INTEGER_FORMAT, json_integer_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("screen_name", key)) { pUser->m_szScreenName = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("name", key)) { pUser->m_szName = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("province", key)) { pUser->m_nProvince = json_integer_value(value); } else if (0 == strcmp("city", key)) { pUser->m_nCity = json_integer_value(value); } else if (0 == strcmp("location", key)) { pUser->m_szLocation = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("description", key)) { pUser->m_szDescription = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("url", key)) { pUser->m_szUrl = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("profile_image_url", key)) { pUser->m_szProfileImageUrl = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("domain", key)) { pUser->m_szDomain = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("gender", key)) { pUser->m_szGender = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("followers_count", key)) { pUser->m_nFollowersCount = json_integer_value(value); } else if (0 == strcmp("friends_count", key)) { pUser->m_nFriendsCount = json_integer_value(value); } else if (0 == strcmp("statuses_count", key)) { pUser->m_nStatusesCount = json_integer_value(value); } else if (0 == strcmp("favourites_count", key)) { pUser->m_nFavouritesCount = json_integer_value(value); } else if (0 == strcmp("created_at", key)) { pUser->m_szCreatedAt = g_string_new(json_string_value(value)); } else if (0 == strcmp("following", key)) { pUser->m_bFollowing = json_is_true(value) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if (0 == strcmp("allow_all_act_msg", key)) { pUser->m_bAllowAllActMsg = json_is_true(value) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if (0 == strcmp("geo_enabled", key)) { pUser->m_bGeoEnabled = json_is_true(value) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if (0 == strcmp("verified", key)) { pUser->m_bVerified = json_is_true(value) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if (0 == strcmp("status", key)) { PERR("%s-->%d\n", key, value->type); POS(); pUser->m_pFeed = weibo_feed_create_json(value); PERR("%d\n", pUser->m_pFeed); PERR("%s\n", ((pweibo_feed)(pUser->m_pFeed))->m_szID->str); } iter = json_object_iter_next(pJson, iter); } json_decref(pJson); return pUser; }
mlt_service SingleResourceLoader::get_asis_producer(JsonWrap js) throw (Exception) { json_t* defines = js.h; defines_tmp=js; json_t* je = json_object_get(defines, "resource"); json_t* uuid_je = json_object_get(defines, "uuid"); json_t* svc_je = json_object_get(defines, "service"); assert( je && json_is_string(je) && strlen(json_string_value(je))); assert( svc_je && json_is_string(svc_je) && strlen(json_string_value(svc_je))); assert( uuid_je && json_is_string(uuid_je) && strlen(json_string_value(uuid_je))); mlt_producer obj = MLT_PRODUCER(MltLoader::pop_mlt_registry(json_string_value(uuid_je))); if (obj == NULL) { mlt_profile profile = mlt_profile_clone(global_profile); obj = mlt_factory_producer(profile, json_string_value(svc_je), json_string_value(je)); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << mlt_producer_properties(obj); #endif } if ( !obj ) { throw_error_v(ErrorRuntimeLoadFailed, "video producer load failed:%s", json_string_value(je)); } mlt_properties props = mlt_producer_properties(obj); je = json_object_get(defines, "props"); if (je && json_is_object(je) && json_object_size(je)) { json_t* inj = json_object_get(je,"in"), *outj = json_object_get(je,"out"); assert(inj && outj && json_is_integer(inj) && json_is_integer(outj)); mlt_producer_set_in_and_out(obj,json_integer_value(inj), json_integer_value(outj)); void* it = json_object_iter(je); while(it) { const char* k = json_object_iter_key(it); json_t* prop_je = json_object_iter_value(it); it = json_object_iter_next(je, it); if ( json_is_object(prop_je) || json_is_array(prop_je)) continue; if ( !strcmp(k,"in") || !strcmp(k,"out")) continue; switch(prop_je->type) { case JSON_INTEGER: mlt_properties_set_int64(props, k, json_integer_value(prop_je)); break; case JSON_REAL: mlt_properties_set_double(props, k, json_real_value(prop_je)); break; case JSON_STRING: mlt_properties_set(props, k, json_string_value(prop_je)); break; case JSON_TRUE: mlt_properties_set_int(props,k, 1); break; case JSON_FALSE: mlt_properties_set_int(props,k, 0); break; default: break; } } } MltSvcWrap wrap(mlt_producer_service(obj), 1); producer_tmp = obj; parse_filters(); wrap.obj = NULL; return mlt_producer_service(obj); }
/* * process an assertion using the hosted verifier. * * TODO: local verification */ VerifyResult processAssertion(request_rec *r, const char *verifier_url, const char *assertion) { VerifyResult res = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(struct _VerifyResult)); json_tokener *tok = json_tokener_new(); json_object *jobj = NULL; enum json_tokener_error jerr; char *assertionResult = verifyAssertionRemote(r, verifier_url, (char *) assertion); if (assertionResult) { jobj = json_tokener_parse_ex(tok, assertionResult, strlen(assertionResult)); jerr = json_tokener_get_error(tok); if (json_tokener_success != jerr) { res->errorResponse = apr_psprintf(r->pool, jsonErrorResponse, "malformed payload", json_tokener_error_desc(jerr)); json_tokener_free(tok); return res; } ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG | APLOG_NOERRNO, 0, r, ERRTAG "Assertion (parsed) recieved is : %s", json_object_to_json_string(jobj)); } else { // XXX: verifyAssertionRemote should return specific error message. res->errorResponse = apr_psprintf(r->pool, jsonErrorResponse, "communication error", "can't contact verification server"); return res; } struct json_object_iterator it = json_object_iter_begin(jobj); struct json_object_iterator itEnd = json_object_iter_end(jobj); const char *reason = NULL; const char *status = "unknown"; int success = 0; while (!json_object_iter_equal(&it, &itEnd)) { const char *key = json_object_iter_peek_name(&it); json_object *val = json_object_iter_peek_value(&it); if (strncmp("email", key, 6) == 0) { res->verifiedEmail = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_object_get_string(val)); } else if (strncmp("issuer", key, 7) == 0) { res->identityIssuer = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_object_get_string(val)); } else if (strncmp("audience", key, 9) == 0) { res->audience = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_object_get_string(val)); } else if (strncmp("expires", key, 8) == 0) { apr_time_ansi_put(&res->expires, json_object_get_int64(val) / 1000); } else if (strncmp("reason", key, 7) == 0) { reason = json_object_get_string(val); } else if (strncmp("status", key, 7) == 0) { status = json_object_get_string(val); if (strncmp("okay", status, 5) == 0) { success = 1; } } json_object_iter_next(&it); } json_tokener_free(tok); // XXX: This is bad, doesn't catch multiple missing bits if (!res->verifiedEmail) { res->errorResponse = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Missing e-mail in assertion"); } if (!res->identityIssuer) { res->errorResponse = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "Missing issuer in assertion"); } if (res->audience && strncmp(res->audience, r->server->server_hostname, strlen(r->server->server_hostname)) != 0) { res->errorResponse = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "Audience %s doesn't match %s", res->audience, r->server->server_hostname); } apr_time_t now = apr_time_now(); if (res->expires && res->expires <= now) { char exp_time[APR_RFC822_DATE_LEN]; apr_rfc822_date(exp_time, res->expires); res->errorResponse = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "Assertion expired on %s", exp_time); } if (!success) { if (reason) { res->errorResponse = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, reason); } else { res->errorResponse = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "Assertion failed with status '%s'", status); } } return res; }
void SyslogInput_JSON( char *syslog_string, struct _SyslogInput *SyslogInput ) { struct json_object *json_obj = NULL; struct json_object *tmp = NULL; struct json_object_iterator it; struct json_object_iterator itEnd; const char *val_str = NULL; uint16_t json_str_count=1; uint16_t a; bool has_message = false; char json_str[JSON_MAX_NEST][JSON_MAX_SIZE] = { { 0 } }; memset(SyslogInput, 0, sizeof(_SyslogInput)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_message, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_message)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_program, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_program)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_time, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_time)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_date, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_date)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_tag, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_tag)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_level, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_level)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_priority, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_priority)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_facility, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_facility)); memcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_host, "UNDEFINED\0", sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_host)); /* If the json isn't nested, we can do this the easy way */ if ( Syslog_JSON_Map->is_nested == false ) { json_obj = json_tokener_parse(syslog_string); if ( json_obj == NULL ) { if ( syslog_string != NULL ) { Sagan_Log(WARN, "[%s, line %d] Libfastjson failed to decode JSON. Get: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, syslog_string); } else { Sagan_Log(WARN, "[%s, line %d] Libfastjson failed to decode JSON. Got NULL data.", __FILE__, __LINE__); } json_object_put(json_obj); __atomic_add_fetch(&counters->malformed_json_input_count, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); return; } __atomic_add_fetch(&counters->json_input_count, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_host, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_host, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_host)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_facility, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_facility, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_facility)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_priority, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_priority, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_priority)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_level, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_level, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_level)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_tag, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_tag, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_tag)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_date, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_date, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_date)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_time, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_time, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_time)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_program, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_program, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_program)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_message, &tmp)) { snprintf(SyslogInput->syslog_message, sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_message)," %s", json_object_get_string(tmp)); SyslogInput->syslog_message[ (sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_message) -1 ) ] = '\0'; has_message = true; } } else { /* The raw syslog is the first "nested" level". Copy that */ strlcpy(json_str[0], syslog_string, sizeof(json_str[0])); json_obj = json_tokener_parse(syslog_string); if ( json_obj == NULL ) { if ( debug->debugmalformed ) { Sagan_Log(WARN, "[%s, line %d] Libfastjson failed to decode JSON input. The log line was: \"%s\"", __FILE__, __LINE__, syslog_string); } json_object_put(json_obj); __atomic_add_fetch(&counters->malformed_json_input_count, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); return; } it = json_object_iter_begin(json_obj); itEnd = json_object_iter_end(json_obj); /* Search through all key/values looking for embedded JSON */ while (!json_object_iter_equal(&it, &itEnd)) { struct json_object *const val = json_object_iter_peek_value(&it); val_str = json_object_get_string(val); if ( val_str[0] == '{' || val_str[1] == '{' ) { /* If object looks like JSON, add it to array to be parsed later */ if ( json_str_count < JSON_MAX_NEST ) { strlcpy(json_str[json_str_count], val_str, sizeof(json_str[json_str_count])); json_str_count++; } else { Sagan_Log(ERROR, "[%s, line %d] Detected JSON past max nest of %d! Skipping extra JSON.", __FILE__, __LINE__, JSON_MAX_NEST); } } json_object_iter_next(&it); /* Search through the nest to see if we can find out values */ for ( a = 0; a < json_str_count; a++ ) { struct json_object *json_obj = NULL; json_obj = json_tokener_parse(json_str[a]); if ( json_obj == NULL ) { Sagan_Log(WARN, "[%s, line %d] Detected JSON nest but Libfastjson errors. The log line was: \"%s\"", __FILE__, __LINE__, json_str[a]); json_object_put(json_obj); __atomic_add_fetch(&counters->malformed_json_input_count, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); return; } __atomic_add_fetch(&counters->json_input_count, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_message, &tmp)) { snprintf(SyslogInput->syslog_message, sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_message)," %s", json_object_get_string(tmp)); SyslogInput->syslog_message[ (sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_message) -1 ) ] = '\0'; has_message = true; } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_host, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_host, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_host)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_facility, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_facility, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_facility)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_priority, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_priority, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_priority)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_level, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_level, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_level)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_tag, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_tag, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_tag)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_date, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_date, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_date)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_time, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_time, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_time)); } if ( json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, Syslog_JSON_Map->syslog_map_program, &tmp)) { strlcpy(SyslogInput->syslog_program, json_object_get_string(tmp), sizeof(SyslogInput->syslog_program)); } } } } if ( has_message == false ) { Sagan_Log(WARN, "[%s, line %d] Received JSON which has no decoded 'message' value. The log line was: \"%s\"", __FILE__, __LINE__, syslog_string); } json_object_put(json_obj); }
int jsonUnpackDict( json_t *dictObj, dictionary_t *outDict ) { void *iter; void *tmpOut; dictionary_t *tmpDict; genArray_t *tmpGenArray; int *tmpInt; float *tmpFloat; const char *key; json_t *value; int status = 0; if ( dictObj == NULL || outDict == NULL ) { rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "jsonUnpackDict: NULL input" ); return USER__NULL_INPUT_ERR; } bzero( outDict, sizeof( dictionary_t ) ); iter = json_object_iter( dictObj ); while ( iter ) { json_type myType; key = json_object_iter_key( iter ); value = json_object_iter_value( iter ); myType = json_typeof( value ); switch ( myType ) { case JSON_OBJECT: tmpDict = ( dictionary_t * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( dictionary_t ) ); status = jsonUnpackDict( value, tmpDict ); if ( status < 0 ) { free( tmpDict ); } else { status = dictSetAttr( outDict, ( char * ) key, Dictionary_MS_T, tmpDict ); } break; case JSON_ARRAY: tmpGenArray = ( genArray_t * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( genArray_t ) ); status = jsonUnpackArray( value, tmpGenArray ); if ( status < 0 ) { free( tmpGenArray ); } else { status = dictSetAttr( outDict, ( char * ) key, GenArray_MS_T, tmpGenArray ); } break; case JSON_STRING: tmpOut = strdup( json_string_value( value ) ); status = dictSetAttr( outDict, ( char * ) key, STR_MS_T, tmpOut ); break; case JSON_INTEGER: tmpInt = ( int * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( int ) ); *tmpInt = ( int ) json_integer_value( value ); status = dictSetAttr( outDict, ( char * ) key, INT_MS_T, ( void * ) tmpInt ); break; case JSON_REAL: tmpFloat = ( float * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( float ) ); *tmpFloat = ( float ) json_real_value( value ); status = dictSetAttr( outDict, ( char * ) key, FLOAT_MS_T, ( void * ) tmpFloat ); break; case JSON_TRUE: tmpInt = ( int * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( int ) ); *tmpInt = 1; status = dictSetAttr( outDict, ( char * ) key, BOOL_MS_T, ( void * ) tmpInt ); break; case JSON_FALSE: tmpInt = ( int * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( int ) ); *tmpInt = 0; status = dictSetAttr( outDict, ( char * ) key, BOOL_MS_T, ( void * ) tmpInt ); break; default: rodsLog( LOG_ERROR, "ooiGenServReqFunc: myType %d not supported", myType ); status = OOI_JSON_TYPE_ERR; } iter = json_object_iter_next( dictObj, iter ); } if ( status < 0 ) { clearDictionary( outDict ); } return status; }