int main(int argc,char **argv) { int sock_fd; struct sockaddr_in sin; if(argc != 3){ fprintf(stderr,"Usage:%s <port> <IP>\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } /*build socket*/ if((sock_fd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0){ perror("socket"); exit(1); } /*input ip and port*/ bzero(&sin,sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1])); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[2]); /*connect the server*/ if((connect(sock_fd,(struct sockaddr*)&sin,sizeof(sin))) < 0){ perror("connect"); exit(1); } /*write and read*/ char buf[BUFSIZ]; while(1){ bzero(buf,BUFSIZ); fgets(buf,BUFSIZ,stdin); /*-----------------encording json------------------------*/ /*encording one record of database table*/ struct json_object *my_json; my_json=json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(my_json,"fla",json_object_new_int(11)); //json_object_object_add(my_json,"name",json_object_new_string("猪肉炒牛肉")); /*encording one record of database table*/ /* struct json_object *my_json2; my_json2=json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(my_json2,"id",json_object_new_int(2)); json_object_object_add(my_json2,"name",json_object_new_string("猪肉炒青菜")); */ /*encording one database table*/ struct json_object *json_shuzu; json_shuzu=json_object_new_array(); json_object_array_add(json_shuzu,my_json); //json_object_array_add(json_shuzu,my_json2); /*encording to char* */ const char * buf_cst =json_object_to_json_string(json_shuzu); //write(cli_fd,buf_cst,strlen(buf_cst)); if(write(sock_fd,buf_cst,strlen(buf_cst)) < 0){ //if(write(sock_fd,buf,strlen(buf)) < 0){ perror("write"); exit(1); } if(strncmp(buf,"quit",4) == 0) break; bzero(buf,BUFSIZ); if(read(sock_fd,buf,BUFSIZ) < 0){ perror("read"); exit(1); } printf("read: %s",buf); #ifdef JSON /*encording one table*/ /* json_object *jiebao_json2, *jiebao_json3,*jiebao_name2; jiebao_json2=json_tokener_parse(buf); int i = json_object_array_length(jiebao_json2); printf("%d\n",i); const char *jiebao_str2; int ii = i; for(;i>0;){ jiebao_json3=json_object_array_get_idx(jiebao_json2,--ii); jiebao_name2=json_object_object_get(jiebao_json3,"name"); jiebao_str2 =json_object_get_string(jiebao_name2); */ /*encording one record of database table*/ /* json_object *jiebao_json,*jiebao_name; jiebao_json=json_tokener_parse(jiebao_str2); jiebao_name=json_object_object_get(jiebao_json,"name"); const char *jiebao_str =json_object_get_string(jiebao_name); */ //printf("read: %s\n",jiebao_str2); //i--; //} #endif bzero(buf,BUFSIZ); } /*close socket*/ close(sock_fd); return 0; }
// LOGIN: 用于表示客户端登录 LOGIN account:abalam password:123qwe ios_token:111 get_friend_list:1 int login_cmd(struct clients *client_t, char *pbuf, size_t pbuf_size) { log_debug("pbuf:%s", pbuf); int sockfd = client_t->fd; char account[MAX_LINE] = {0}; char password[MAX_LINE] = {0}; char ios_token[MAX_LINE] = {0}; int get_friend_list = 0; char tok[MAX_LINE] = {0}; char *ptok = tok; int n = pbuf_size; while ((*pbuf != '\0') && (n > 0)) { char *psed = (char *)memchr(pbuf, ' ', strlen(pbuf)); if (psed != NULL) { int m = (psed - pbuf); memcpy(ptok, pbuf, m); pbuf += (m + 1); n -= (m + 1); } else { ptok = pbuf; n -= strlen(pbuf); } log_debug("ptok:[%s]", ptok); if (strncasecmp(ptok, "account:", 8) == 0) { snprintf(account, sizeof(account), "%s", ptok+8); } else if (strncasecmp(ptok, "password:"******"%s", ptok+9); } else if (strncasecmp(ptok, "ios_token:", 10) == 0) { snprintf(ios_token, sizeof(ios_token), "%s", ptok+10); } else if (strncasecmp(ptok, "get_friend_list:", 16) == 0) { get_friend_list = atoi(ptok+16); break; } memset(ptok, 0, strlen(ptok)); } log_debug("get sockfd[%d] account[%s]", sockfd, account); log_debug("get sockfd[%d] account[%s]", sockfd, password); log_debug("get sockfd[%d] account[%s]", sockfd, ios_token); log_debug("get sockfd[%d] account[%d]", sockfd, get_friend_list); int result_size = 0; char *presult = NULL; size_t response_buf_size = 0; char *response_buf = NULL; // 调用认证接口 char url[MAX_LINE] = {0}; snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/login.php", API_HTTP); result_size = 0; presult = login_http_api(url, account, password, ios_token, get_friend_list, &result_size); log_debug("presult:[%d]%s", result_size, presult); if (result_size == 0 || presult == NULL) { log_error("get user info fail from API"); return 1; } response_buf_size = 6 + 6 + result_size + 5; response_buf = (char *)calloc(1, response_buf_size); if (response_buf == NULL) { clean_mem_buf(presult); result_size = 0; return 1; } n = snprintf(response_buf, response_buf_size, "%s OK %s%s", TAG_LOGIN, presult, DATA_END); safe_write(client_t, response_buf, n); // 注册在线 json_bool json_ret; struct array_list *tmp_array; struct json_object *tmp_obj; struct json_object *tmp_obj2; struct json_object *result_json; result_json = json_tokener_parse(presult); if ( result_json == NULL ) { log_error("get uid fail with json_tokener_parse"); goto FINISH; } //tmp_obj = json_object_object_get(result_json, "myself"); json_ret = json_object_object_get_ex(result_json, "myself", &tmp_obj); if ( json_ret == 0) { log_error("get uid fail with json_object_object_get key:myself"); goto FINISH; } //tmp_obj2 = json_object_object_get(tmp_obj, "id"); json_ret = json_object_object_get_ex(tmp_obj, "id", &tmp_obj2); if (json_ret == 0) { log_error("get uid fail with json_object_object_get key:id"); goto FINISH; } char *uid = (char *)json_object_to_json_string(tmp_obj2); if (uid) { if (*(uid + (strlen(uid) - 1)) == '"') *(uid + (strlen(uid) - 1)) = '\0'; if (*uid == '"') uid += 1; } log_debug("get uid[%s] from json", uid); // 注册在线 snprintf(client_t->uid, sizeof(client_t->uid), "%s", uid); snprintf(client_t->ios_token, sizeof(client_st->ios_token), "%s", ios_token); int ret = dictionary_set(online_d, uid, ios_token); if (ret != 0) { log_error("add to online failed uid[%s] sockfd[%d] ios_token[%s]", uid, sockfd, ios_token); } else { log_debug("registon online succ uid[%s] ios_token[%s] sockfd[%d]", uid, ios_token, sockfd); //dictionary_dump(online_d, stderr); } FINISH: clean_mem_buf(presult); result_size = 0; clean_mem_buf(response_buf); response_buf_size = 0; return 0; }
* @param gw pointer to gateway context * * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ bool_t cleanup(gw_t *gw) { //TODO: cleanup module stuff gw_msg_t *msg; json_object *my_object; my_object = serialize(gw); printf("my_object=\n"); json_object_object_foreach(my_object, key, val) { printf("\t%s: %s\n", key, json_object_to_json_string(val)); } printf("my_object.to_string()=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(my_object)); json_object_put(my_object); msg = gw_msg_alloc(); msg->type = GW_MSG_SYSTEM_QUIT; msg->dstsvc =; msg->srcsvc =; gw_msg_send(gw, msg); gw_thread_wait(msg_handle_thread); mod_unregister_service(gw, &mod_applocate, &applocate_svc); mod_unregister(gw, &mod_applocate); gw_msgq_destroy(applocate_msgq); gw_mutex_destroy(mod_applocate.lock);
int main() { //=========================================================================================== // Declarations //=========================================================================================== int i,j; int i2,j2; job_info_msg_t *job_ptr; partition_info_msg_t *prt_ptr = NULL; node_info_msg_t *node_ptr = NULL; int err = SLURM_SUCCESS; err = slurm_load_partitions((time_t) NULL, &prt_ptr, 0); err = slurm_load_node((time_t) NULL, &node_ptr, 0); err = slurm_load_jobs((time_t) NULL, &job_ptr, 0); Linked_List_Node* job_llist; struct json_object *partition = json_object_new_object(); struct json_object *node = json_object_new_object(); //=========================================================================================== // Filling hash tables //=========================================================================================== j2 = 0; i2 = 0; //fill node_job hash if (job_ptr->record_count > 0) { for (i = 0; i < job_ptr->record_count; i++) { j2=0; while( job_ptr->job_array[i].node_inx[j2] >= 0){ i2 = 0; for(i2 = job_ptr->job_array[i].node_inx[j2];i2 <= job_ptr->job_array[i].node_inx[j2+1];i2++) { node_job_put(node_ptr->node_array[i2].name,job_ptr -> job_array[i]); } j2+=2; } } } //============================================================================================ // Creating Output in Json //============================================================================================ // create json int total_node_unknown = 0; int total_node_down = 0; int total_node_idle = 0; int total_node_allocated = 0; int current_node_unknown; int current_node_down; int current_node_idle; int current_node_allocated; int current_job_running; int current_job_waiting; int current_job_stopped; if(prt_ptr -> record_count > 0){ for (i = 0; i < prt_ptr->record_count; i++) { current_node_unknown = 0; current_node_down = 0; current_node_idle = 0; current_node_allocated = 0; current_job_running = 0; current_job_waiting = 0; current_job_stopped = 0; int j2=0; while( prt_ptr->partition_array[i].node_inx[j2] >= 0){ int i2 = 0; for(i2 = prt_ptr->partition_array[i].node_inx[j2];i2 <= prt_ptr->partition_array[i].node_inx[j2+1];i2++) { if(node_ptr->node_array[i2].node_state == 5 || node_ptr->node_array[i2].node_state == 3){ total_node_allocated++; current_node_allocated++;} else if(node_ptr->node_array[i2].node_state == 1){ total_node_down++; current_node_down++;} else if(node_ptr->node_array[i2].node_state == 2 || node_ptr->node_array[i2].node_state == 6){ total_node_idle++; current_node_idle++;} else { total_node_unknown++; current_node_unknown++;} job_llist = node_job_get(node_ptr->node_array[i2].name); //get job name while( job_llist != NULL){ if(job_llist->value_job.job_state == 2 || job_llist->value_job.job_state == 8 || job_llist->value_job.job_state == 0) current_job_waiting++; else if(job_llist->value_job.job_state == 1) current_job_running++; else current_job_stopped++; job_llist = job_llist->next; } } j2+=2; } json_object_object_add(node, "Allocated", json_object_new_int(current_node_allocated)); json_object_object_add(node, "Down", json_object_new_int(current_node_down)); json_object_object_add(node, "Idle", json_object_new_int(current_node_idle)); json_object_object_add(node, "Unknown", json_object_new_int(current_node_unknown)); json_object_object_add(node, "Running", json_object_new_int(current_job_running)); json_object_object_add(node, "Wating", json_object_new_int(current_job_waiting)); json_object_object_add(node, "Stopped", json_object_new_int(current_job_stopped)); json_object_object_add(partition, prt_ptr->partition_array[i].name , node); } } node = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(node, "Unknown", json_object_new_int(total_node_unknown)); json_object_object_add(node, "Down", json_object_new_int(total_node_down)); json_object_object_add(node, "Idle", json_object_new_int(total_node_idle)); json_object_object_add(node, "Allocated", json_object_new_int(total_node_allocated)); json_object_object_add(partition, "General", node); printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n%s",json_object_to_json_string(partition)); slurm_free_partition_info_msg(prt_ptr); slurm_free_node_info_msg(node_ptr); return 1; }
void OGRCloudantTableLayer::WriteMetadata() { if (pszSpatialDDoc == nullptr) OGRCloudantTableLayer::GetSpatialView(); if( pszSpatialDDoc == nullptr ) return; CPLString osURI; osURI = "/"; osURI += osEscapedName; osURI += "/"; osURI += pszSpatialDDoc; json_object* poDDocObj = poDS->GET(osURI); if (poDDocObj == nullptr) return; if ( !json_object_is_type(poDDocObj, json_type_object) ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WriteMetadata() failed"); json_object_put(poDDocObj); return; } json_object* poError = CPL_json_object_object_get(poDDocObj, "error"); const char* pszError = json_object_get_string(poError); if (pszError && strcmp(pszError, "not_found") == 0) { json_object_put(poDDocObj); return; } if (poDS->IsError(poDDocObj, "WriteMetadata() failed")) { json_object_put(poDDocObj); return; } if (poSRS) { // epsg codes are supported in Cloudant const char * pszEpsg = nullptr; const char * pszAuthName = nullptr; char szSrid[100]; if (poSRS->IsProjected()) { pszAuthName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName("PROJCS"); if ((pszAuthName != nullptr) && (STARTS_WITH(pszAuthName, "EPSG"))) pszEpsg = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS"); } else { pszAuthName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName("GEOGCS"); if ((pszAuthName != nullptr) && (STARTS_WITH(pszAuthName, "EPSG"))) pszEpsg = poSRS->GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS"); } if (pszEpsg != nullptr) { const char * pszUrn = "urn:ogc:def:crs:epsg::"; CPLStrlcpy(szSrid, pszUrn, sizeof(szSrid)); if (CPLStrlcpy(szSrid + sizeof(pszUrn), pszEpsg, sizeof(szSrid)) <= sizeof(szSrid)) { json_object_object_add(poDDocObj, "srsid", json_object_new_string(pszUrn)); } } } if (eGeomType != wkbNone) { json_object_object_add(poDDocObj, "geomtype", json_object_new_string(OGRToOGCGeomType(eGeomType))); if (wkbHasZ(poFeatureDefn->GetGeomType())) { json_object_object_add(poDDocObj, "is_25D", json_object_new_boolean(TRUE)); } } else { json_object_object_add(poDDocObj, "geomtype", json_object_new_string("NONE")); } json_object_object_add(poDDocObj, "geojson_documents", json_object_new_boolean(bGeoJSONDocument)); json_object* poFields = json_object_new_array(); json_object_object_add(poDDocObj, "fields", poFields); for(int i=COUCHDB_FIRST_FIELD;i<poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount();i++) { json_object* poField = json_object_new_object(); json_object_array_add(poFields, poField); json_object_object_add(poField, "name", json_object_new_string(poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef())); const char* pszType = nullptr; switch (poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType()) { case OFTInteger: pszType = "integer"; break; case OFTReal: pszType = "real"; break; case OFTString: pszType = "string"; break; case OFTIntegerList: pszType = "integerlist"; break; case OFTRealList: pszType = "reallist"; break; case OFTStringList: pszType = "stringlist"; break; default: pszType = "string"; break; } json_object_object_add(poField, "type", json_object_new_string(pszType)); } json_object* poAnswerObj = poDS->PUT(osURI, json_object_to_json_string(poDDocObj)); json_object_put(poDDocObj); json_object_put(poAnswerObj); }
static char *print_json(switch_memory_pool_t *pool, http_data_t *http_data) { struct json_object *top = NULL; struct json_object *headers = NULL; char *data = NULL; switch_curl_slist_t *header = http_data->headers; top = json_object_new_object(); headers = json_object_new_array(); json_object_object_add(top, "status_code", json_object_new_int(http_data->http_response_code)); if (http_data->http_response) { json_object_object_add(top, "body", json_object_new_string(http_data->http_response)); } /* parse header data */ while (header) { struct json_object *obj = NULL; /* remove trailing \r */ if ((data = strrchr(header->data, '\r'))) { *data = '\0'; } if (zstr(header->data)) { header = header->next; continue; } if ((data = strchr(header->data, ':'))) { *data = '\0'; data++; while (*data == ' ' && *data != '\0') { data++; } obj = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(obj, "key", json_object_new_string(header->data)); json_object_object_add(obj, "value", json_object_new_string(data)); json_object_array_add(headers, obj); } else { if (!strncmp("HTTP", header->data, 4)) { char *argv[3] = { 0 }; int argc; if ((argc = switch_separate_string(header->data, ' ', argv, (sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0]))))) { if (argc > 2) { json_object_object_add(top, "version", json_object_new_string(argv[0])); json_object_object_add(top, "phrase", json_object_new_string(argv[2])); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unparsable header: argc: %d\n", argc); } } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Starts with HTTP but not parsable: %s\n", header->data); } } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unparsable header: %s\n", header->data); } } header = header->next; } json_object_object_add(top, "headers", headers); data = switch_core_strdup(pool, json_object_to_json_string(top)); json_object_put(top); /* should free up all children */ return data; }
/** Write accounting data to Couchbase documents * * Handle accounting requests and store the associated data into JSON documents * in couchbase mapping attribute names to JSON element names per the module configuration. * * When an existing document already exists for the same accounting section the new attributes * will be merged with the currently existing data. When conflicts arrise the new attribute * value will replace or be added to the existing value. * * @param instance The module instance. * @param request The accounting request object. * @return Returns operation status (@p rlm_rcode_t). */ CC_HINT(nonnull) static rlm_rcode_t mod_accounting(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { rlm_couchbase_t *inst = instance; /* our module instance */ void *handle = NULL; /* connection pool handle */ VALUE_PAIR *vp; /* radius value pair linked list */ char dockey[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* our document key */ char document[MAX_VALUE_SIZE]; /* our document body */ char element[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* mapped radius attribute to element name */ int status = 0; /* account status type */ int docfound = 0; /* document found toggle */ lcb_error_t cb_error = LCB_SUCCESS; /* couchbase error holder */ /* assert packet as not null */ rad_assert(request->packet != NULL); /* sanity check */ if ((vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, 0, TAG_ANY)) == NULL) { /* log debug */ RDEBUG("could not find status type in packet"); /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* set status */ status = vp->vp_integer; /* acknowledge the request but take no action */ if (status == PW_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_ON || status == PW_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_OFF) { /* log debug */ RDEBUG("handling accounting on/off request without action"); /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_OK; } /* get handle */ handle = fr_connection_get(inst->pool); /* check handle */ if (!handle) return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* set handle pointer */ rlm_couchbase_handle_t *handle_t = handle; /* set couchbase instance */ lcb_t cb_inst = handle_t->handle; /* set cookie */ cookie_t *cookie = handle_t->cookie; /* check cookie */ if (cookie) { /* clear cookie */ memset(cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie_t)); } else { /* log error */ RERROR("cookie not usable - possibly not allocated"); /* free connection */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* attempt to build document key */ if (radius_xlat(dockey, sizeof(dockey), request, inst->acct_key, NULL, NULL) < 0) { /* log error */ RERROR("could not find accounting key attribute (%s) in packet", inst->acct_key); /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* init cookie error status */ cookie->jerr = json_tokener_success; /* attempt to fetch document */ cb_error = couchbase_get_key(cb_inst, cookie, dockey); /* check error */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success) { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to execute get request or parse returned json object"); /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } } else { /* check cookie json object */ if (cookie->jobj != NULL) { /* set doc found */ docfound = 1; /* debugging */ RDEBUG("parsed json body from couchbase: %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); } } /* start json document if needed */ if (docfound != 1) { /* debugging */ RDEBUG("document not found - creating new json document"); /* create new json object */ cookie->jobj = json_object_new_object(); /* set 'docType' element for new document */ json_object_object_add(cookie->jobj, "docType", json_object_new_string(inst->doctype)); /* set start and stop times ... ensure we always have these elements */ json_object_object_add(cookie->jobj, "startTimestamp", json_object_new_string("null")); json_object_object_add(cookie->jobj, "stopTimestamp", json_object_new_string("null")); } /* status specific replacements for start/stop time */ switch (status) { case PW_STATUS_START: /* add start time */ if ((vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_EVENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, TAG_ANY)) != NULL) { /* add to json object */ json_object_object_add(cookie->jobj, "startTimestamp", mod_value_pair_to_json_object(request, vp)); } break; case PW_STATUS_STOP: /* add stop time */ if ((vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_EVENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, TAG_ANY)) != NULL) { /* add to json object */ json_object_object_add(cookie->jobj, "stopTimestamp", mod_value_pair_to_json_object(request, vp)); } /* check start timestamp and adjust if needed */ mod_ensure_start_timestamp(cookie->jobj, request->packet->vps); break; case PW_STATUS_ALIVE: /* check start timestamp and adjust if needed */ mod_ensure_start_timestamp(cookie->jobj, request->packet->vps); break; default: /* we shouldn't get here - free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } /* release our connection handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return without doing anything */ return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* loop through pairs and add to json document */ for (vp = request->packet->vps; vp; vp = vp->next) { /* map attribute to element */ if (mod_attribute_to_element(vp->da->name, inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* debug */ RDEBUG("mapped attribute %s => %s", vp->da->name, element); /* add to json object with mapped name */ json_object_object_add(cookie->jobj, element, mod_value_pair_to_json_object(request, vp)); } } /* copy json string to document and check size */ if (strlcpy(document, json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj), sizeof(document)) >= sizeof(document)) { /* this isn't good */ RERROR("could not write json document - insufficient buffer space"); /* free json output */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* free json output */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("setting '%s' => '%s'", dockey, document); /* store document/key in couchbase */ cb_error = couchbase_set_key(cb_inst, dockey, document, inst->expire); /* check return */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS) { RERROR("failed to store document (%s): %s (0x%x)", dockey, lcb_strerror(NULL, cb_error), cb_error); } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_OK; }
/** Check if a given user is already logged in. * * Process accounting data to determine if a user is already logged in. Sets request->simul_count * to the current session count for this user. * * Check twice. If on the first pass the user exceeds his maximum number of logins, do a second * pass and validate all logins by querying the terminal server. * * @param instance The module instance. * @param request The checksimul request object. * @return Returns operation status (@p rlm_rcode_t). */ static rlm_rcode_t mod_checksimul(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { rlm_couchbase_t *inst = instance; /* our module instance */ rlm_rcode_t rcode = RLM_MODULE_OK; /* return code */ rlm_couchbase_handle_t *handle = NULL; /* connection pool handle */ char vpath[256], vkey[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* view path and query key */ char docid[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* document id returned from view */ char error[512]; /* view error return */ int idx = 0; /* row array index counter */ char element[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* mapped radius attribute to element name */ lcb_error_t cb_error = LCB_SUCCESS; /* couchbase error holder */ json_object *json, *jval; /* json object holders */ json_object *jrows = NULL; /* json object to hold view rows */ VALUE_PAIR *vp; /* value pair */ uint32_t client_ip_addr = 0; /* current client ip address */ char const *client_cs_id = NULL; /* current client calling station id */ char *user_name = NULL; /* user name from accounting document */ char *session_id = NULL; /* session id from accounting document */ char *cs_id = NULL; /* calling station id from accounting document */ uint32_t nas_addr = 0; /* nas address from accounting document */ uint32_t nas_port = 0; /* nas port from accounting document */ uint32_t framed_ip_addr = 0; /* framed ip address from accounting document */ char framed_proto = 0; /* framed proto from accounting document */ int session_time = 0; /* session time from accounting document */ /* do nothing if this is not enabled */ if (inst->check_simul != true) { RDEBUG3("mod_checksimul returning noop - not enabled"); return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* ensure valid username in request */ if ((!request->username) || (request->username->vp_length == '\0')) { RDEBUG3("mod_checksimul - invalid username"); return RLM_MODULE_INVALID; } /* attempt to build view key */ if (radius_xlat(vkey, sizeof(vkey), request, inst->simul_vkey, NULL, NULL) < 0) { /* log error */ RERROR("could not find simultaneous use view key attribute (%s) in packet", inst->simul_vkey); /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* get handle */ handle = fr_connection_get(inst->pool); /* check handle */ if (!handle) return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* set couchbase instance */ lcb_t cb_inst = handle->handle; /* set cookie */ cookie_t *cookie = handle->cookie; /* build view path */ snprintf(vpath, sizeof(vpath), "%s?key=\"%s\"&stale=update_after", inst->simul_view, vkey); /* query view for document */ cb_error = couchbase_query_view(cb_inst, cookie, vpath, NULL); /* check error and object */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success || !cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to execute view request or parse return"); /* set return */ rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG3("cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* check for error in json object */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "error", &json)) { /* build initial error buffer */ strlcpy(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); /* get error reason */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "reason", &json)) { /* append divider */ strlcat(error, " - ", sizeof(error)); /* append reason */ strlcat(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); } /* log error */ RERROR("view request failed with error: %s", error); /* set return */ rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* check for document id in return */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "rows", &json)) { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to fetch rows from view payload"); /* set return */ rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* get and hold rows */ jrows = json_object_get(json); /* free cookie object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } /* check for valid row value */ if (!jrows || !json_object_is_type(jrows, json_type_array)) { /* log error */ RERROR("no valid rows returned from view: %s", vpath); /* set return */ rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG3("jrows == %s", json_object_to_json_string(jrows)); /* set the count */ request->simul_count = json_object_array_length(jrows); /* debugging */ RDEBUG("found %d open sessions for %s", request->simul_count, request->username->vp_strvalue); /* check count */ if (request->simul_count < request->simul_max) { rcode = RLM_MODULE_OK; goto free_and_return; } /* * Current session count exceeds configured maximum. * Continue on to verify the sessions if configured otherwise stop here. */ if (inst->verify_simul != true) { rcode = RLM_MODULE_OK; goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("verifying session count"); /* reset the count */ request->simul_count = 0; /* get client ip address for MPP detection below */ if ((vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, 0, TAG_ANY)) != NULL) { client_ip_addr = vp->vp_ipaddr; } /* get calling station id for MPP detection below */ if ((vp = pairfind(request->packet->vps, PW_CALLING_STATION_ID, 0, TAG_ANY)) != NULL) { client_cs_id = vp->vp_strvalue; } /* loop across all row elements */ for (idx = 0; idx < json_object_array_length(jrows); idx++) { /* clear docid */ memset(docid, 0, sizeof(docid)); /* fetch current index */ json = json_object_array_get_idx(jrows, idx); /* get document id */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, "id", &jval)) { /* copy and check length */ if (strlcpy(docid, json_object_get_string(jval), sizeof(docid)) >= sizeof(docid)) { RERROR("document id from row longer than MAX_KEY_SIZE (%d)", MAX_KEY_SIZE); continue; } } /* check for valid doc id */ if (docid[0] == 0) { RWARN("failed to fetch document id from row - skipping"); continue; } /* fetch document */ cb_error = couchbase_get_key(cb_inst, cookie, docid); /* check error and object */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success || !cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to execute get request or parse return"); /* set return */ rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG3("cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* get element name for User-Name attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("User-Name", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* get and check username element */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)){ RDEBUG("cannot zap stale entry without username"); rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; goto free_and_return; } /* copy json string value to user_name */ user_name = talloc_typed_strdup(request, json_object_get_string(jval)); } else { RDEBUG("failed to find map entry for User-Name attribute"); rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; goto free_and_return; } /* get element name for Acct-Session-Id attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("Acct-Session-Id", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* get and check session id element */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)){ RDEBUG("cannot zap stale entry without session id"); rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; goto free_and_return; } /* copy json string value to session_id */ session_id = talloc_typed_strdup(request, json_object_get_string(jval)); } else { RDEBUG("failed to find map entry for Acct-Session-Id attribute"); rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; goto free_and_return; } /* get element name for NAS-IP-Address attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("NAS-IP-Address", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* attempt to get and nas address element */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)){ nas_addr = inet_addr(json_object_get_string(jval)); } } /* get element name for NAS-Port attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("NAS-Port", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* attempt to get nas port element */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)) { nas_port = (uint32_t) json_object_get_int(jval); } } /* check terminal server */ int check = rad_check_ts(nas_addr, nas_port, user_name, session_id); /* take action based on check return */ if (check == 0) { /* stale record - zap it if enabled */ if (inst->delete_stale_sessions) { /* get element name for Framed-IP-Address attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("Framed-IP-Address", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* attempt to get framed ip address element */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)) { framed_ip_addr = inet_addr(json_object_get_string(jval)); } } /* get element name for Framed-Port attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("Framed-Port", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* attempt to get framed port element */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)) { if (strcmp(json_object_get_string(jval), "PPP") == 0) { framed_proto = 'P'; } else if (strcmp(json_object_get_string(jval), "SLIP") == 0) { framed_proto = 'S'; } } } /* get element name for Acct-Session-Time attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("Acct-Session-Time", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* attempt to get session time element */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)) { session_time = json_object_get_int(jval); } } /* zap session */ session_zap(request, nas_addr, nas_port, user_name, session_id, framed_ip_addr, framed_proto, session_time); } } else if (check == 1) { /* user is still logged in - increase count */ ++request->simul_count; /* get element name for Framed-IP-Address attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("Framed-IP-Address", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* attempt to get framed ip address element */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)) { framed_ip_addr = inet_addr(json_object_get_string(jval)); } else { /* ensure 0 if not found */ framed_ip_addr = 0; } } /* get element name for Calling-Station-Id attribute */ if (mod_attribute_to_element("Calling-Station-Id", inst->map, &element) == 0) { /* attempt to get framed ip address element */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, element, &jval)) { /* copy json string value to cs_id */ cs_id = talloc_typed_strdup(request, json_object_get_string(jval)); } else { /* ensure null if not found */ cs_id = NULL; } } /* Does it look like a MPP attempt? */ if (client_ip_addr && framed_ip_addr && framed_ip_addr == client_ip_addr) { request->simul_mpp = 2; } else if (client_cs_id && cs_id && !strncmp(cs_id, client_cs_id, 16)) { request->simul_mpp = 2; } } else { /* check failed - return error */ REDEBUG("failed to check the terminal server for user '%s'", user_name); rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; goto free_and_return; } /* free and reset document user name talloc */ if (user_name) { talloc_free(user_name); user_name = NULL; } /* free and reset document calling station id talloc */ if (cs_id) { talloc_free(cs_id); cs_id = NULL; } /* free and reset document session id talloc */ if (session_id) { talloc_free(session_id); session_id = NULL; } /* free and reset json object before fetching next row */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("retained %d open sessions for %s after verification", request->simul_count, request->username->vp_strvalue); free_and_return: /* free document user name talloc */ if (user_name) { talloc_free(user_name); } /* free document calling station id talloc */ if (cs_id) { talloc_free(cs_id); } /* free document session id talloc */ if (session_id) { talloc_free(session_id); } /* free rows */ if (jrows) { json_object_put(jrows); } /* free and reset json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* * The Auth module apparently looks at request->simul_count, * not the return value of this module when deciding to deny * a call for too many sessions. */ return rcode; }
OGRErr OGRGeoJSONWriteLayer::ICreateFeature( OGRFeature* poFeature ) { VSILFILE* fp = poDS_->GetOutputFile(); OGRFeature* poFeatureToWrite; if( poCT_ != nullptr || bRFC7946_ ) { poFeatureToWrite = new OGRFeature(poFeatureDefn_); poFeatureToWrite->SetFrom( poFeature ); poFeatureToWrite->SetFID( poFeature->GetFID() ); OGRGeometry* poGeometry = poFeatureToWrite->GetGeometryRef(); if( poGeometry ) { const char* const apszOptions[] = { "WRAPDATELINE=YES", nullptr }; OGRGeometry* poNewGeom = OGRGeometryFactory::transformWithOptions( poGeometry, poCT_, const_cast<char**>(apszOptions), oTransformCache_); if( poNewGeom == nullptr ) { delete poFeatureToWrite; return OGRERR_FAILURE; } OGREnvelope sEnvelope; poNewGeom->getEnvelope(&sEnvelope); if( sEnvelope.MinX < -180.0 || sEnvelope.MaxX > 180.0 || sEnvelope.MinY < -90.0 || sEnvelope.MaxY > 90.0 ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Geometry extent outside of [-180.0,180.0]x[-90.0,90.0] bounds"); delete poFeatureToWrite; return OGRERR_FAILURE; } poFeatureToWrite->SetGeometryDirectly( poNewGeom ); } } else { poFeatureToWrite = poFeature; } json_object* poObj = OGRGeoJSONWriteFeature( poFeatureToWrite, oWriteOptions_ ); CPLAssert( nullptr != poObj ); if( nOutCounter_ > 0 ) { /* Separate "Feature" entries in "FeatureCollection" object. */ VSIFPrintfL( fp, ",\n" ); } VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", json_object_to_json_string( poObj ) ); json_object_put( poObj ); ++nOutCounter_; OGRGeometry* poGeometry = poFeatureToWrite->GetGeometryRef(); if( bWriteFC_BBOX && poGeometry != nullptr && !poGeometry->IsEmpty() ) { OGREnvelope3D sEnvelope = OGRGeoJSONGetBBox( poGeometry, oWriteOptions_ ); if( poGeometry->getCoordinateDimension() == 3 ) bBBOX3D = true; if( !sEnvelopeLayer.IsInit() ) { sEnvelopeLayer = sEnvelope; } else if( oWriteOptions_.bBBOXRFC7946 ) { const bool bEnvelopeCrossAM = ( sEnvelope.MinX > sEnvelope.MaxX ); const bool bEnvelopeLayerCrossAM = ( sEnvelopeLayer.MinX > sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX ); if( bEnvelopeCrossAM ) { if( bEnvelopeLayerCrossAM ) { sEnvelopeLayer.MinX = std::min(sEnvelopeLayer.MinX, sEnvelope.MinX); sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX = std::max(sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX, sEnvelope.MaxX); } else { if( sEnvelopeLayer.MinX > 0 ) { sEnvelopeLayer.MinX = std::min(sEnvelopeLayer.MinX, sEnvelope.MinX); sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX = sEnvelope.MaxX; } else if( sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX < 0 ) { sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX = std::max(sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX, sEnvelope.MaxX); sEnvelopeLayer.MinX = sEnvelope.MinX; } else { sEnvelopeLayer.MinX = -180.0; sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX = 180.0; } } } else if( bEnvelopeLayerCrossAM ) { if( sEnvelope.MinX > 0 ) { sEnvelopeLayer.MinX = std::min(sEnvelopeLayer.MinX, sEnvelope.MinX); } else if( sEnvelope.MaxX < 0 ) { sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX = std::max(sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX, sEnvelope.MaxX); } else { sEnvelopeLayer.MinX = -180.0; sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX = 180.0; } } else { sEnvelopeLayer.MinX = std::min(sEnvelopeLayer.MinX, sEnvelope.MinX); sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX = std::max(sEnvelopeLayer.MaxX, sEnvelope.MaxX); } sEnvelopeLayer.MinY = std::min(sEnvelopeLayer.MinY, sEnvelope.MinY); sEnvelopeLayer.MaxY = std::max(sEnvelopeLayer.MaxY, sEnvelope.MaxY); } else { sEnvelopeLayer.Merge(sEnvelope); } } if( poFeatureToWrite != poFeature ) delete poFeatureToWrite; return OGRERR_NONE; }
//static PackageDescription* PackageDescription::fromJson(json_object* root, const std::string& folderPath) { if (!root) return NULL; bool success = false; PackageDescription* packageDesc = new PackageDescription(); packageDesc->m_folderPath = folderPath; struct json_object* label = NULL; // ID: mandatory label = JsonGetObject(root, "id"); if (label) { packageDesc->m_id = json_object_get_string(label); if (packageDesc->m_id == "") { g_warning("package %s has an empty ID field", folderPath.c_str()); goto Done; } } else { g_warning("package %s does not have an ID", folderPath.c_str()); goto Done; } // app (or apps) json array: optional label = JsonGetObject(root, "app"); if (label) { packageDesc->m_appIds.push_back(std::string(json_object_get_string(label))); } else { label = JsonGetObject(root, "apps"); if (label) { for (int i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(label); i++) { struct json_object* app = json_object_array_get_idx(label, i); if (app && !is_error(app)) { packageDesc->m_appIds.push_back(std::string(json_object_get_string(app))); } } } } // services json array: optional label = JsonGetObject(root, "services"); if (label) { for (int i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(label); i++) { struct json_object* service = json_object_array_get_idx(label, i); if (service && !is_error(service)) { packageDesc->m_serviceIds.push_back(std::string(json_object_get_string(service))); } } } if (packageDesc->m_appIds.empty() && packageDesc->m_serviceIds.empty()) { g_warning("package %s does not have any apps or services", folderPath.c_str()); goto Done; } // Optional parameters success = true; // version: optional label = JsonGetObject(root, "version"); if (label) { packageDesc->m_version = json_object_get_string(label); } // accounts json array: optional label = JsonGetObject(root, "accounts"); if (label) { for (int i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(label); i++) { struct json_object* accountId = json_object_array_get_idx(label, i); if (accountId && !is_error(accountId)) { packageDesc->m_accountIds.push_back(std::string(json_object_get_string(accountId))); } } } packageDesc->m_jsonString = json_object_to_json_string(root); Done: if (!success) { delete packageDesc; return NULL; } return packageDesc; }
/** Handle authorization requests using Couchbase document data * * Attempt to fetch the document assocaited with the requested user by * using the deterministic key defined in the configuration. When a valid * document is found it will be parsed and the containing value pairs will be * injected into the request. * * @param instance The module instance. * @param request The authorization request. * @return Returns operation status (@p rlm_rcode_t). */ static rlm_rcode_t mod_authorize(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { rlm_couchbase_t *inst = instance; /* our module instance */ rlm_couchbase_handle_t *handle = NULL; /* connection pool handle */ char dockey[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* our document key */ lcb_error_t cb_error = LCB_SUCCESS; /* couchbase error holder */ rlm_rcode_t rcode = RLM_MODULE_OK; /* return code */ /* assert packet as not null */ rad_assert(request->packet != NULL); /* attempt to build document key */ if (radius_xlat(dockey, sizeof(dockey), request, inst->user_key, NULL, NULL) < 0) { /* log error */ RERROR("could not find user key attribute (%s) in packet", inst->user_key); /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* get handle */ handle = fr_connection_get(inst->pool); /* check handle */ if (!handle) return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* set couchbase instance */ lcb_t cb_inst = handle->handle; /* set cookie */ cookie_t *cookie = handle->cookie; /* fetch document */ cb_error = couchbase_get_key(cb_inst, cookie, dockey); /* check error */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || !cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to fetch document or parse return"); /* set return */ rcode = RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG3("parsed user document == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* inject config value pairs defined in this json oblect */ mod_json_object_to_value_pairs(cookie->jobj, "config", request); /* inject reply value pairs defined in this json oblect */ mod_json_object_to_value_pairs(cookie->jobj, "reply", request); free_and_return: /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return rcode; }
int json_object_get_string_len(json_object *obj) { if (json_object_get_type(obj) != json_type_string) return 0; return (int)strlen(json_object_to_json_string(obj)); }
void json_metadata(FILE *file) { char send_start_time[STRTIME_LEN+1]; assert(dstrftime(send_start_time, STRTIME_LEN, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", zsend.start)); char send_end_time[STRTIME_LEN+1]; assert(dstrftime(send_end_time, STRTIME_LEN, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", zsend.finish)); char recv_start_time[STRTIME_LEN+1]; assert(dstrftime(recv_start_time, STRTIME_LEN, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", zrecv.start)); char recv_end_time[STRTIME_LEN+1]; assert(dstrftime(recv_end_time, STRTIME_LEN, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", zrecv.finish)); double hitrate = ((double) 100 * zrecv.success_unique)/((double)zsend.sent); json_object *obj = json_object_new_object(); // scanner host name char hostname[1024]; if (gethostname(hostname, 1023) < 0) { log_error("json_metadata", "unable to retrieve local hostname"); } else { hostname[1023] = '\0'; json_object_object_add(obj, "local_hostname", json_object_new_string(hostname)); struct hostent* h = gethostbyname(hostname); if (h) { json_object_object_add(obj, "full_hostname", json_object_new_string(h->h_name)); } else { log_error("json_metadata", "unable to retrieve complete hostname"); } } json_object_object_add(obj, "target_port", json_object_new_int(zconf.target_port)); json_object_object_add(obj, "source_port_first", json_object_new_int(zconf.source_port_first)); json_object_object_add(obj, "source_port_last", json_object_new_int(zconf.source_port_last)); json_object_object_add(obj, "max_targets", json_object_new_int(zconf.max_targets)); json_object_object_add(obj, "max_runtime", json_object_new_int(zconf.max_runtime)); json_object_object_add(obj, "max_results", json_object_new_int(zconf.max_results)); if (zconf.iface) { json_object_object_add(obj, "iface", json_object_new_string(zconf.iface)); } json_object_object_add(obj, "rate", json_object_new_int(zconf.rate)); json_object_object_add(obj, "bandwidth", json_object_new_int(zconf.bandwidth)); json_object_object_add(obj, "cooldown_secs", json_object_new_int(zconf.cooldown_secs)); json_object_object_add(obj, "senders", json_object_new_int(zconf.senders)); json_object_object_add(obj, "seed", json_object_new_int64(zconf.seed)); json_object_object_add(obj, "seed_provided", json_object_new_int64(zconf.seed_provided)); json_object_object_add(obj, "generator", json_object_new_int64(zconf.generator)); json_object_object_add(obj, "hitrate", json_object_new_double(hitrate)); json_object_object_add(obj, "shard_num", json_object_new_int(zconf.shard_num)); json_object_object_add(obj, "total_shards", json_object_new_int(zconf.total_shards)); json_object_object_add(obj, "min_hitrate", json_object_new_double(zconf.min_hitrate)); json_object_object_add(obj, "max_sendto_failures", json_object_new_int(zconf.max_sendto_failures)); json_object_object_add(obj, "syslog", json_object_new_int(zconf.syslog)); json_object_object_add(obj, "filter_duplicates", json_object_new_int(zconf.filter_duplicates)); json_object_object_add(obj, "filter_unsuccessful", json_object_new_int(zconf.filter_unsuccessful)); json_object_object_add(obj, "pcap_recv", json_object_new_int(zrecv.pcap_recv)); json_object_object_add(obj, "pcap_drop", json_object_new_int(zrecv.pcap_drop)); json_object_object_add(obj, "pcap_ifdrop", json_object_new_int(zrecv.pcap_ifdrop)); json_object_object_add(obj, "ip_fragments", json_object_new_int(zrecv.ip_fragments)); json_object_object_add(obj, "blacklist_total_allowed", json_object_new_int64(zconf.total_allowed)); json_object_object_add(obj, "blacklist_total_not_allowed", json_object_new_int64(zconf.total_disallowed)); // json_object_object_add(obj, "blacklisted", // json_object_new_int64(zsend.blacklisted)); // json_object_object_add(obj, "whitelisted", // json_object_new_int64(zsend.whitelisted)); json_object_object_add(obj, "first_scanned", json_object_new_int64(zsend.first_scanned)); json_object_object_add(obj, "send_to_failures", json_object_new_int64(zsend.sendto_failures)); json_object_object_add(obj, "total_sent", json_object_new_int64(zsend.sent)); json_object_object_add(obj, "success_total", json_object_new_int64(zrecv.success_total)); json_object_object_add(obj, "success_unique", json_object_new_int64(zrecv.success_unique)); if (zconf.fsconf.app_success_index >= 0) { json_object_object_add(obj, "app_success_total", json_object_new_int64(zrecv.app_success_total)); json_object_object_add(obj, "app_success_unique", json_object_new_int64(zrecv.app_success_unique)); } json_object_object_add(obj, "success_cooldown_total", json_object_new_int64(zrecv.cooldown_total)); json_object_object_add(obj, "success_cooldown_unique", json_object_new_int64(zrecv.cooldown_unique)); json_object_object_add(obj, "failure_total", json_object_new_int64(zrecv.failure_total)); json_object_object_add(obj, "packet_streams", json_object_new_int(zconf.packet_streams)); json_object_object_add(obj, "probe_module", json_object_new_string(((probe_module_t *)zconf.probe_module)->name)); json_object_object_add(obj, "output_module", json_object_new_string(((output_module_t *)zconf.output_module)->name)); json_object_object_add(obj, "send_start_time", json_object_new_string(send_start_time)); json_object_object_add(obj, "send_end_time", json_object_new_string(send_end_time)); json_object_object_add(obj, "recv_start_time", json_object_new_string(recv_start_time)); json_object_object_add(obj, "recv_end_time", json_object_new_string(recv_end_time)); if (zconf.output_filter_str) { json_object_object_add(obj, "output_filter", json_object_new_string(zconf.output_filter_str)); } if (zconf.log_file) { json_object_object_add(obj, "log_file", json_object_new_string(zconf.log_file)); } if (zconf.log_directory) { json_object_object_add(obj, "log_directory", json_object_new_string(zconf.log_directory)); } if (zconf.destination_cidrs_len) { json_object *cli_dest_cidrs = json_object_new_array(); for (int i=0; i < zconf.destination_cidrs_len; i++) { json_object_array_add(cli_dest_cidrs, json_object_new_string(zconf.destination_cidrs[i])); } json_object_object_add(obj, "cli_cidr_destinations", cli_dest_cidrs); } if (zconf.probe_args) { json_object_object_add(obj, "probe_args", json_object_new_string(zconf.probe_args)); } if (zconf.output_args) { json_object_object_add(obj, "output_args", json_object_new_string(zconf.output_args)); } { char mac_buf[(MAC_ADDR_LEN * 2) + (MAC_ADDR_LEN - 1) + 1]; memset(mac_buf, 0, sizeof(mac_buf)); char *p = mac_buf; for(int i=0; i < MAC_ADDR_LEN; i++) { if (i == MAC_ADDR_LEN-1) { snprintf(p, 3, "%.2x", zconf.gw_mac[i]); p += 2; } else { snprintf(p, 4, "%.2x:", zconf.gw_mac[i]); p += 3; } } json_object_object_add(obj, "gateway_mac", json_object_new_string(mac_buf)); } if (zconf.gw_ip) { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = zconf.gw_ip; json_object_object_add(obj, "gateway_ip", json_object_new_string(inet_ntoa(addr))); } { char mac_buf[(ETHER_ADDR_LEN * 2) + (ETHER_ADDR_LEN - 1) + 1]; char *p = mac_buf; for(int i=0; i < ETHER_ADDR_LEN; i++) { if (i == ETHER_ADDR_LEN-1) { snprintf(p, 3, "%.2x", zconf.hw_mac[i]); p += 2; } else { snprintf(p, 4, "%.2x:", zconf.hw_mac[i]); p += 3; } } json_object_object_add(obj, "source_mac", json_object_new_string(mac_buf)); } json_object_object_add(obj, "source_ip_first", json_object_new_string(zconf.source_ip_first)); json_object_object_add(obj, "source_ip_last", json_object_new_string(zconf.source_ip_last)); if (zconf.output_filename) { json_object_object_add(obj, "output_filename", json_object_new_string(zconf.output_filename)); } if (zconf.blacklist_filename) { json_object_object_add(obj, "blacklist_filename", json_object_new_string(zconf.blacklist_filename)); } if (zconf.whitelist_filename) { json_object_object_add(obj, "whitelist_filename", json_object_new_string(zconf.whitelist_filename)); } if (zconf.list_of_ips_filename) { json_object_object_add(obj, "list_of_ips_filename", json_object_new_string(zconf.list_of_ips_filename)); json_object_object_add(obj, "list_of_ips_count", json_object_new_int(zconf.list_of_ips_count)); json_object_object_add(obj, "list_of_ips_tried_sent", json_object_new_int(zsend.tried_sent)); } json_object_object_add(obj, "dryrun", json_object_new_int(zconf.dryrun)); json_object_object_add(obj, "quiet", json_object_new_int(zconf.quiet)); json_object_object_add(obj, "log_level", json_object_new_int(zconf.log_level)); // parse out JSON metadata that was supplied on the command-line if (zconf.custom_metadata_str) { json_object *user = json_tokener_parse(zconf.custom_metadata_str); if (!user) { log_error("json-metadata", "unable to parse user metadata"); } else { json_object_object_add(obj, "user-metadata", user); } } if (zconf.notes) { json_object_object_add(obj, "notes", json_object_new_string(zconf.notes)); } // add blacklisted and whitelisted CIDR blocks bl_cidr_node_t *b = get_blacklisted_cidrs(); if (b) { json_object *blacklisted_cidrs = json_object_new_array(); do { char cidr[50]; struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = b->ip_address; sprintf(cidr, "%s/%i", inet_ntoa(addr), b->prefix_len); json_object_array_add(blacklisted_cidrs, json_object_new_string(cidr)); } while (b && (b = b->next)); json_object_object_add(obj, "blacklisted_networks", blacklisted_cidrs); } b = get_whitelisted_cidrs(); if (b) { json_object *whitelisted_cidrs = json_object_new_array(); do { char cidr[50]; struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = b->ip_address; sprintf(cidr, "%s/%i", inet_ntoa(addr), b->prefix_len); json_object_array_add(whitelisted_cidrs, json_object_new_string(cidr)); } while (b && (b = b->next)); json_object_object_add(obj, "whitelisted_networks", whitelisted_cidrs); } fprintf(file, "%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(obj)); json_object_put(obj); }
static void mtev_capabilities_tobuff_json(mtev_capsvc_closure_t *cl, eventer_func_t curr) { const char **mod_names; struct utsname utsn; char vbuff[128]; mtev_hash_table *lc; mtev_hash_iter iter = MTEV_HASH_ITER_ZERO; const char *k; int klen, i, nmods; void *data; struct timeval now; struct dso_type *t; struct json_object *doc; struct json_object *svcs, *bi, *ri, *mods, *feat; /* fill out capabilities */ /* Create an XML Document */ doc = json_object_new_object(); /* Fill in the document */ mtev_build_version(vbuff, sizeof(vbuff)); json_object_object_add(doc, "version", json_object_new_string(vbuff)); /* Build info */ bi = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(bi, "bitwidth", json_object_new_int(sizeof(void *)*8)); json_object_object_add(bi, "sysname", json_object_new_string(UNAME_S)); json_object_object_add(bi, "nodename", json_object_new_string(UNAME_N)); json_object_object_add(bi, "release", json_object_new_string(UNAME_R)); json_object_object_add(bi, "version", json_object_new_string(UNAME_V)); json_object_object_add(bi, "machine", json_object_new_string(UNAME_M)); json_object_object_add(doc, "unameBuild", bi); /* Run info */ ri = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(ri, "bitwidth", json_object_new_int(sizeof(void *)*8)); if(uname(&utsn) < 0) { json_object_object_add(ri, "error", json_object_new_string(strerror(errno))); } else { json_object_object_add(ri, "sysname", json_object_new_string(utsn.sysname)); json_object_object_add(ri, "nodename", json_object_new_string(utsn.nodename)); json_object_object_add(ri, "release", json_object_new_string(utsn.release)); json_object_object_add(ri, "version", json_object_new_string(utsn.version)); json_object_object_add(ri, "machine", json_object_new_string(utsn.machine)); } json_object_object_add(doc, "unameRun", ri); /* features */ feat = json_object_new_object(); if(mtev_hash_size(&features)) { mtev_hash_iter iter2 = MTEV_HASH_ITER_ZERO; void *vfv; const char *f; int flen; while(mtev_hash_next(&features, &iter2, &f, &flen, &vfv)) { struct json_object *featnode; featnode = json_object_new_object(); if(vfv) json_object_object_add(featnode, "version", json_object_new_string(vfv)); json_object_object_add(feat, f, featnode); } } json_object_object_add(doc, "features", feat); /* time (poor man's time check) */ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); snprintf(vbuff, sizeof(vbuff), "%llu%03d", (unsigned long long)now.tv_sec, (int)(now.tv_usec / 1000)); json_object_object_add(doc, "current_time", json_object_new_string(vbuff)); svcs = json_object_new_object(); lc = mtev_listener_commands(); while(mtev_hash_next(lc, &iter, &k, &klen, &data)) { struct json_object *cnode, *cmds; char hexcode[11]; const char *name; eventer_func_t *f = (eventer_func_t *)k; mtev_hash_table *sc = (mtev_hash_table *)data; mtev_hash_iter sc_iter = MTEV_HASH_ITER_ZERO; const char *sc_k; int sc_klen; void *sc_data; name = eventer_name_for_callback(*f); cnode = json_object_new_object(); if(klen == 8) snprintf(hexcode, sizeof(hexcode), "0x%0llx", (unsigned long long int)(vpsized_uint)**f); else snprintf(hexcode, sizeof(hexcode), "0x%0x", (unsigned int)(vpsized_uint)**f); json_object_object_add(svcs, hexcode, cnode); if(name) json_object_object_add(cnode, name, json_object_new_string(name)); cmds = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(cnode, "commands", cmds); while(mtev_hash_next(sc, &sc_iter, &sc_k, &sc_klen, &sc_data)) { struct json_object *scnode; char *name_copy, *version = NULL; eventer_func_t *f = (eventer_func_t *)sc_data; scnode = json_object_new_object(); snprintf(hexcode, sizeof(hexcode), "0x%08x", *((u_int32_t *)sc_k)); name = eventer_name_for_callback(*f); name_copy = strdup(name ? name : "[[unknown]]"); version = strchr(name_copy, '/'); if(version) *version++ = '\0'; json_object_object_add(scnode, "name", json_object_new_string(name_copy)); if(version) json_object_object_add(scnode, "version", json_object_new_string(version)); json_object_object_add(cmds, hexcode, scnode); free(name_copy); } } json_object_object_add(doc, "services", svcs); mods = json_object_new_object(); #define list_modules_json(func, name) do { \ nmods = func(&mod_names); \ for(i=0; i<nmods; i++) { \ struct json_object *pnode; \ pnode = json_object_new_object(); \ json_object_object_add(pnode, "type", json_object_new_string(name)); \ json_object_object_add(mods, mod_names[i], pnode); \ } \ if(mod_names) free(mod_names); \ } while(0) for(t = mtev_dso_get_types(); t; t = t->next) list_modules_json(t->list, t->name); json_object_object_add(doc, "modules", mods); /* Write it out to a buffer and copy it for writing */ cl->buff = strdup(json_object_to_json_string(doc)); cl->towrite = strlen(cl->buff); /* Clean up after ourselves */ json_object_put(doc); }
bool _LSPrivateGetMallinfo(LSHandle* sh, LSMessage *message, void *ctx) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); struct json_object *ret_obj = NULL; struct json_object *true_obj = NULL; struct json_object *mallinfo_obj = NULL; struct json_object *allocator_name_obj = NULL; struct json_object *slot_a_obj = NULL; struct json_object *slot_d_obj = NULL; struct json_object *slot_e_obj = NULL; struct json_object *slot_f_obj = NULL; struct json_object *slot_h_obj = NULL; struct json_object *slot_i_obj = NULL; struct json_object *slot_j_obj = NULL; const char *sender = LSMessageGetSenderServiceName(message); if (!sender || strcmp(sender, MONITOR_NAME) != 0) { g_critical("WARNING: mallinfo debug method not called by monitor;" " ignoring (service name: %s, unique_name: %s)", sender, LSMessageGetSender(message)); return true; } ret_obj = json_object_new_object(); if (JSON_ERROR(ret_obj)) goto error; true_obj = json_object_new_boolean(true); if (JSON_ERROR(true_obj)) goto error; mallinfo_obj = json_object_new_object(); if (JSON_ERROR(mallinfo_obj)) goto error; /* returnValue: true, * mallinfo: {key: int,...} */ typedef struct mallinfo (*mallinfo_t)(); static mallinfo_t mallinfo_p = NULL; if (mallinfo_p == NULL) { mallinfo_p = (mallinfo_t)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "mallinfo"); if (mallinfo_p == NULL) mallinfo_p = (mallinfo_t)-1; } struct mallinfo mi; if (mallinfo_p != (mallinfo_t)-1) { mi = mallinfo_p(); } else { memset(&mi, '\0', sizeof(mi)); } allocator_name_obj = json_object_new_string("ptmalloc"); if (JSON_ERROR(allocator_name_obj)) goto error; slot_a_obj = json_object_new_int(mi.arena); if (JSON_ERROR(slot_a_obj)) goto error; slot_d_obj = json_object_new_int(mi.hblks); if (JSON_ERROR(slot_d_obj)) goto error; slot_e_obj = json_object_new_int(mi.hblkhd); if (JSON_ERROR(slot_e_obj)) goto error; slot_f_obj = json_object_new_int(mi.usmblks); if (JSON_ERROR(slot_f_obj)) goto error; slot_h_obj = json_object_new_int(mi.uordblks); if (JSON_ERROR(slot_h_obj)) goto error; slot_i_obj = json_object_new_int(mi.fordblks); if (JSON_ERROR(slot_i_obj)) goto error; slot_j_obj = json_object_new_int(mi.keepcost); if (JSON_ERROR(slot_j_obj)) goto error; json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "allocator", allocator_name_obj); json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "sbrk_bytes", slot_a_obj); json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "mmap_count", slot_d_obj); json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "mmap_bytes", slot_e_obj); json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "max_malloc_bytes", slot_f_obj); json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "malloc_bytes", slot_h_obj); json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "slack_bytes", slot_i_obj); json_object_object_add(mallinfo_obj, "trimmable_slack_bytes", slot_j_obj); json_object_object_add(ret_obj, "returnValue", true_obj); json_object_object_add(ret_obj, "mallinfo", mallinfo_obj); bool reply_ret = LSMessageReply(sh, message, json_object_to_json_string(ret_obj), &lserror); if (!reply_ret) { g_critical("%s: sending malloc info failed", __FUNCTION__); LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); } json_object_put(ret_obj); return true; error: if (!JSON_ERROR(ret_obj)) json_object_put(ret_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(true_obj)) json_object_put(true_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(mallinfo_obj)) json_object_put(mallinfo_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(allocator_name_obj)) json_object_put(allocator_name_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(slot_a_obj)) json_object_put(slot_a_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(slot_d_obj)) json_object_put(slot_d_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(slot_e_obj)) json_object_put(slot_e_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(slot_f_obj)) json_object_put(slot_f_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(slot_h_obj)) json_object_put(slot_h_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(slot_i_obj)) json_object_put(slot_i_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(slot_j_obj)) json_object_put(slot_j_obj); return true; }
static void on_channel_message(hook_cmessage_data_t *data) { if (data != NULL && data->msg != NULL) { elog("nick and channel strings"); // nick and channel strings char *nick = data->u->nick; char *channel = data->c->name; elog("the incoming message"); // the incoming message char check_message[565]; sprintf(check_message, "%s", data->msg); /* This routine checks to see if the incoming message is a CTCP of type JSON, and if it is, stores the JSON object in jsonIn. in ruby: messages = check_message.split(" ") if messages[0] == "JSON" jsonIn = messages[1..-1].join(" ") end */ elog("parse for CTCP JSON"); char jsonIn[565]; char *pch; pch = strtok(check_message," "); int i = 0; int isJSONCTCP = 0; while (pch != NULL) { if (i == 0) { // if messages[0] == "JSON" if (strcmp(pch, "JSON") == 0) { // "JSON" has a \001 as that space, be warry of that!!! isJSONCTCP = 1; } else { // might as well get out of here, right? elog("not a valid CTCP JSON message, leaving"); return; } } if (i == 1 && isJSONCTCP == 1) { // messages[1..-1] strcpy(jsonIn, pch); } if (i > 1 && isJSONCTCP == 1) { // .join(" ") strcat(jsonIn, " "); strcat(jsonIn, pch); } pch = strtok(NULL, " "); i++; } //printf("jsonIn: %s\n", jsonIn); //printf("strlen(jsonIn): %i\n", (int)strlen(jsonIn)); elog("check if it was a CTCP JSON message"); if ((int)strlen(jsonIn) > 0) { // if it was a JSON CTCP elog("parse the JSON"); // parse the JSON json_object *new_obj; new_obj = json_tokener_parse(jsonIn); elog("check to see if it is valid JSON"); // check to see if it is valid JSON json_type o_type; o_type = json_object_get_type(new_obj); if (o_type == json_type_null) { elog("not valid json, leaving"); return; } elog("getting timestamps"); // getting timestamps time_t clock = time(NULL); char *currentTime = ctime(&clock); long epoch_time = (long)clock; elog("adding to the incoming JSON a bunch of fields that shouldn't be set by clients"); // adding to the incoming JSON a bunch of fields that shouldn't be set by clients json_object_object_add(new_obj, "epoch_time", json_object_new_int(epoch_time)); json_object_object_add(new_obj, "time", json_object_new_string(currentTime)); json_object_object_add(new_obj, "nick", json_object_new_string(nick)); json_object_object_add(new_obj, "channel", json_object_new_string(channel)); elog("I don't totally know why I need to load up the string like this... I need to know more about C!"); // I don't totally know why I need to load up the string like this... I need to know more about C! char jsonSave[565]; sprintf(jsonSave, "%s", json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); elog("connect to Redis"); // connect to Redis redisContext *redis = redisConnect("", 6379); redisReply *reply; elog("our Redis list name, based on the channel"); // our Redis list name, based on the channel char list[100]; sprintf(list, "channel_history:%s", channel); elog("save the JSON to the list"); // save the JSON to the list reply = redisCommand(redis, "RPUSH %s %s", list, jsonSave); freeReplyObject(reply); reply = redisCommand(redis, "LLEN %s", list); if (reply->integer > 200) { redisCommand(redis, "LPOP %s", list); } freeReplyObject(reply); elog("free at last!"); // free at last! redisFree(redis); } } }
/* get all the object's countes together as CEE. */ static rsRetVal getStatsLineCEE(statsobj_t *pThis, cstr_t **ppcstr, const statsFmtType_t fmt, const int8_t bResetCtrs) { cstr_t *pcstr; ctr_t *pCtr; json_object *root, *values; DEFiRet; root = values = NULL; CHKiRet(cstrConstruct(&pcstr)); if (fmt == statsFmt_CEE) CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStrWithLen(pcstr, UCHAR_CONSTANT("@cee: "), 6)); CHKmalloc(root = json_object_new_object()); CHKiRet(addContextForReporting(root, UCHAR_CONSTANT("name"), pThis->name)); if(pThis->origin != NULL) { CHKiRet(addContextForReporting(root, UCHAR_CONSTANT("origin"), pThis->origin)); } if (pThis->reporting_ns == NULL) { values = json_object_get(root); } else { CHKmalloc(values = json_object_new_object()); json_object_object_add(root, (const char*) pThis->reporting_ns, json_object_get(values)); } /* now add all counters to this line */ pthread_mutex_lock(&pThis->mutCtr); for(pCtr = pThis->ctrRoot ; pCtr != NULL ; pCtr = pCtr->next) { if (fmt == statsFmt_JSON_ES) { /* work-around for broken Elasticsearch JSON implementation: * we need to replace dots by a different char, we use bang. * Note: ES 2.0 does not longer accept dot in name */ uchar esbuf[256]; strncpy((char*)esbuf, (char*)pCtr->name, sizeof(esbuf)-1); esbuf[sizeof(esbuf)-1] = '\0'; for(uchar *c = esbuf ; *c ; ++c) { if(*c == '.') *c = '!'; } CHKiRet(addCtrForReporting(values, esbuf, accumulatedValue(pCtr))); } else { CHKiRet(addCtrForReporting(values, pCtr->name, accumulatedValue(pCtr))); } resetResettableCtr(pCtr, bResetCtrs); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pThis->mutCtr); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStr(pcstr, (const uchar*) json_object_to_json_string(root))); cstrFinalize(pcstr); *ppcstr = pcstr; finalize_it: if (root != NULL) { json_object_put(root); } if (values != NULL) { json_object_put(values); } RETiRet; }
OSStatus _LocalConfigRespondInComingMessage(int fd, ECS_HTTPHeader_t* inHeader, mico_Context_t * const inContext) { OSStatus err = kUnknownErr; const char * json_str; uint8_t *httpResponse = NULL; size_t httpResponseLen = 0; json_object* report = NULL; char err_msg[32] = {0}; MVDActivateRequestData_t devActivateRequestData; MVDAuthorizeRequestData_t devAuthorizeRequestData; MVDResetRequestData_t devResetRequestData; MVDOTARequestData_t devOTARequestData; MVDGetStateRequestData_t devGetStateRequestData; fogcloud_config_log_trace(); if(ECS_HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLDevState ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ fogcloud_config_log("Recv device getState request."); memset((void*)&devGetStateRequestData, '\0', sizeof(devGetStateRequestData)); err = getMVDGetStateRequestData(inHeader->extraDataPtr, &devGetStateRequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); report = json_object_new_object(); err = MicoFogCloudGetState(inContext, devGetStateRequestData, report); require_noerr( err, exit ); fogcloud_config_log("get device state success!"); json_str = (char*)json_object_to_json_string(report); //config_log("json_str=%s", json_str); err = ECS_CreateSimpleHTTPMessage( ECS_kMIMEType_JSON, (uint8_t*)json_str, strlen(json_str), &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); SocketClose(&fd); } goto exit; } else if(ECS_HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLDevActivate ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ fogcloud_config_log("Recv device activate request."); memset((void*)&devActivateRequestData, '\0', sizeof(devActivateRequestData)); err = getMVDActivateRequestData(inHeader->extraDataPtr, &devActivateRequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); err = MicoFogCloudActivate(inContext, devActivateRequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); fogcloud_config_log("Device activate success!"); report = json_object_new_object(); require_action(report, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr); json_object_object_add(report, "device_id", json_object_new_string(inContext->flashContentInRam.appConfig.fogcloudConfig.deviceId)); json_str = (char*)json_object_to_json_string(report); //config_log("json_str=%s", json_str); err = ECS_CreateSimpleHTTPMessage( ECS_kMIMEType_JSON, (uint8_t*)json_str, strlen(json_str), &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); SocketClose(&fd); } goto exit; } else if(ECS_HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLDevAuthorize ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ fogcloud_config_log("Recv device authorize request."); memset((void*)&devAuthorizeRequestData, '\0', sizeof(devAuthorizeRequestData)); err = getMVDAuthorizeRequestData( inHeader->extraDataPtr, &devAuthorizeRequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); err = MicoFogCloudAuthorize(inContext, devAuthorizeRequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); fogcloud_config_log("Device authorize success!"); report = json_object_new_object(); require_action(report, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr); json_object_object_add(report, "device_id", json_object_new_string(inContext->flashContentInRam.appConfig.fogcloudConfig.deviceId)); json_str = (char*)json_object_to_json_string(report); //config_log("json_str=%s", json_str); err = ECS_CreateSimpleHTTPMessage( ECS_kMIMEType_JSON, (uint8_t*)json_str, strlen(json_str), &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); SocketClose(&fd); } goto exit; } else if(ECS_HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLResetCloudDevInfo ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ fogcloud_config_log("Recv cloud device info reset request."); memset((void*)&devResetRequestData, '\0', sizeof(devResetRequestData)); err = getMVDResetRequestData( inHeader->extraDataPtr, &devResetRequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); err = MicoFogCloudResetCloudDevInfo(inContext, devResetRequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); fogcloud_config_log("Device cloud reset success!"); err = ECS_CreateSimpleHTTPOKMessage( &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); SocketClose(&fd); inContext->micoStatus.sys_state = eState_Software_Reset; require(inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem, exit); mico_rtos_set_semaphore(&inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem); } goto exit; } #ifdef MICO_FLASH_FOR_UPDATE else if(ECS_HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLDevFWUpdate ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ fogcloud_config_log("Recv device fw_update request."); memset((void*)&devOTARequestData, '\0', sizeof(devOTARequestData)); err = getMVDOTARequestData( inHeader->extraDataPtr, &devOTARequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); err = MicoFogCloudFirmwareUpdate(inContext, devOTARequestData); require_noerr( err, exit ); fogcloud_config_log("Device firmware update success!"); err = ECS_CreateSimpleHTTPOKMessage( &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); SocketClose(&fd); fogcloud_config_log("OTA bin_size=%lld, bin_version=%s", inContext->appStatus.fogcloudStatus.RecvRomFileSize, inContext->flashContentInRam.appConfig.fogcloudConfig.romVersion ); if(0 == inContext->appStatus.fogcloudStatus.RecvRomFileSize){ //no need to update, return size = 0, no need to boot bootloader err = kNoErr; goto exit; } mico_rtos_lock_mutex(&inContext->flashContentInRam_mutex); memset(&inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable, 0, sizeof(boot_table_t)); inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.length = inContext->appStatus.fogcloudStatus.RecvRomFileSize; inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.start_address = UPDATE_START_ADDRESS; inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.type = 'A'; inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.upgrade_type = 'U'; MICOUpdateConfiguration(inContext); mico_rtos_unlock_mutex(&inContext->flashContentInRam_mutex); inContext->micoStatus.sys_state = eState_Software_Reset; require(inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem, exit); mico_rtos_set_semaphore(&inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem); } goto exit; } #endif else{ return kNotFoundErr; }; exit: if((kNoErr != err) && (fd > 0)){ //ECS_CreateSimpleHTTPFailedMessage( &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); sprintf(err_msg, "{\"error\": %d}", err); ECS_CreateHTTPFailedMessage("500", "FAILED", ECS_kMIMEType_JSON, strlen(err_msg), (uint8_t*)err_msg, strlen(err_msg), &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require( httpResponse, exit ); SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); SocketClose(&fd); } if(httpResponse) free(httpResponse); if(report) json_object_put(report); return err; }
/** Handle authorization requests using Couchbase document data * * Attempt to fetch the document assocaited with the requested user by * using the deterministic key defined in the configuration. When a valid * document is found it will be parsed and the containing value pairs will be * injected into the request. * * @param instance The module instance. * @param request The authorization request. * @return Returns operation status (@p rlm_rcode_t). */ static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_authorize(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { rlm_couchbase_t *inst = instance; /* our module instance */ void *handle = NULL; /* connection pool handle */ char dockey[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* our document key */ lcb_error_t cb_error = LCB_SUCCESS; /* couchbase error holder */ /* assert packet as not null */ rad_assert(request->packet != NULL); /* attempt to build document key */ if (radius_xlat(dockey, sizeof(dockey), request, inst->user_key, NULL, NULL) < 0) { /* log error */ RERROR("could not find user key attribute (%s) in packet", inst->user_key); /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* get handle */ handle = fr_connection_get(inst->pool); /* check handle */ if (!handle) return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; /* set handle pointer */ rlm_couchbase_handle_t *handle_t = handle; /* set couchbase instance */ lcb_t cb_inst = handle_t->handle; /* set cookie */ cookie_t *cookie = handle_t->cookie; /* check cookie */ if (cookie) { /* clear cookie */ memset(cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie_t)); } else { /* log error */ RERROR("cookie not usable - possibly not allocated"); /* free connection */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* reset cookie error status */ cookie->jerr = json_tokener_success; /* fetch document */ cb_error = couchbase_get_key(cb_inst, cookie, dockey); /* check error */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success || cookie->jobj == NULL) { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to fetch document or parse return"); /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("parsed user document == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* inject config value pairs defined in this json oblect */ mod_json_object_to_value_pairs(cookie->jobj, "config", request); /* inject reply value pairs defined in this json oblect */ mod_json_object_to_value_pairs(cookie->jobj, "reply", request); /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return okay */ return RLM_MODULE_OK; }
static int vlan_find(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object *obj, struct ubus_request_data *req, const char *method, struct blob_attr *msg) { struct blob_attr *tb[__VLAN_FIND_MAX]; u8 mode = 0; int resCode = LR_SUCCESS; const char *pmsg = getJsonMsg(LR_INVALID_PARAM); json_object *result = NULL; blobmsg_parse(vlan_find_policy, ARRAY_SIZE(vlan_find_policy), tb, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if(!tb[VLAN_FIND_MODE]){ resCode = LR_INVALID_PARAM; goto returnMsg; } mode = blobmsg_get_u8(tb[VLAN_FIND_MODE]); if(1 == mode){ /* find a special VLAN ID */ int vid; bool found; VLAN_ENTRY vlanEntry; if(!tb[VLAN_FIND_ID]){ resCode = LR_INVALID_PARAM; goto returnMsg; } vid = blobmsg_get_u16(tb[VLAN_FIND_ID]); resCode = find_vlan_in_vlanDatabase(vid, &vlanEntry, &found); if(resCode != LR_ERR_NONE){ pmsg = getJsonMsg(resCode); goto returnMsg; } if(found){ resCode = LR_FOUND; result = gen_json_object_vlan_entry(&vlanEntry); pmsg = json_object_to_json_string(result); }else{ resCode = LR_NOT_FOUND; pmsg = getJsonMsg(LR_NOT_EXIST); } }else if( 3== mode){ /* find all VLAN ID in the hardware VLAN LIST , include port attribute*/ VLAN_ENTRY *vlanEntry = NULL; int vlanEntryCnt; resCode = find_all_vlan_in_vlanDatabase(&vlanEntry, &vlanEntryCnt); if(resCode != LR_ERR_NONE){ pmsg = getJsonMsg(resCode); goto returnMsg; } json_object *vidList = json_object_new_array(); result = json_object_new_object(); for(int i=0; i< vlanEntryCnt; i++){ json_object *vlnEntry = gen_json_object_vlan_entry(vlanEntry+i); json_object_array_add(vidList, vlnEntry); } json_object_object_add(result, "vlanlist", vidList); pmsg = json_object_to_json_string(result); //free vlan entry free_VLAN_ENTRY_pointer(vlanEntry, vlanEntryCnt); }else{ /* find all VLAN ID in the hardware VLAN LIST */ u8 vids[4095] = {0}; int vidCnt; int i; memset(vids, 0, 4095); resCode = find_all_vlan_in_vlanDatabase_summary((u8 *)&vids, &vidCnt); if(resCode != LR_ERR_NONE){ pmsg = getJsonMsg(resCode); goto returnMsg; } json_object *vidList = json_object_new_array(); result = json_object_new_object(); for(i=1; i< 4095; i++){ if(vids[i] == 1){ json_object_array_add(vidList, json_object_new_int(i)); } } json_object_object_add(result, "vlanlist", vidList); pmsg = json_object_to_json_string(result); } returnMsg: blob_buf_init(&b, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&b, "msg",pmsg); blobmsg_add_u16(&b,"resCode", resCode); req->deferred = false; ubus_send_reply(ctx, req, b.head); if(result != NULL) json_object_put(result); return UBUS_STATUS_OK; }
printf("my_array.to_string()=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(my_array)); my_object = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(my_object, "abc", json_object_new_int(12)); json_object_object_add(my_object, "foo", json_object_new_string("bar")); json_object_object_add(my_object, "bool0", json_object_new_boolean(0)); json_object_object_add(my_object, "bool1", json_object_new_boolean(1)); json_object_object_add(my_object, "baz", json_object_new_string("bang")); json_object_object_add(my_object, "baz", json_object_new_string("fark")); json_object_object_del(my_object, "baz"); /*json_object_object_add(my_object, "arr", my_array);*/ printf("my_object=\n"); json_object_object_foreach(my_object, key, val) { printf("\t%s: %s\n", key, json_object_to_json_string(val)); } printf("my_object.to_string()=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(my_object)); new_obj = json_tokener_parse("\"\003\""); printf("new_obj.to_string()=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); json_object_put(new_obj); new_obj = json_tokener_parse("/* hello */\"foo\""); printf("new_obj.to_string()=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); json_object_put(new_obj); new_obj = json_tokener_parse("// hello\n\"foo\""); printf("new_obj.to_string()=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); json_object_put(new_obj); new_obj = json_tokener_parse("\"\\u0041\\u0042\\u0043\""); printf("new_obj.to_string()=%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(new_obj));
OSStatus _LocalConfigRespondInComingMessage(int fd, HTTPHeader_t* inHeader, mico_Context_t * const inContext) { OSStatus err = kUnknownErr; const char * json_str; uint8_t *httpResponse = NULL; size_t httpResponseLen = 0; json_object* report = NULL; config_log_trace(); if(HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLRead ) == kNoErr){ report = ConfigCreateReportJsonMessage( inContext ); require( report, exit ); json_str = json_object_to_json_string(report); require_action( json_str, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr ); config_log("Send config object=%s", json_str); err = CreateSimpleHTTPMessageNoCopy( kMIMEType_JSON, strlen(json_str), &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, (uint8_t *)json_str, strlen(json_str) ); require_noerr( err, exit ); config_log("Current configuration sent"); goto exit; } else if(HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLWrite ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ config_log("Recv new configuration, apply and reset"); err = ConfigIncommingJsonMessage( inHeader->extraDataPtr, inContext); require_noerr( err, exit ); inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.configured = allConfigured; MICOUpdateConfiguration(inContext); err = CreateSimpleHTTPOKMessage( &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); SocketClose(&fd); inContext->micoStatus.sys_state = eState_Software_Reset; if(inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem != NULL ); mico_rtos_set_semaphore(&inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem); mico_thread_sleep(MICO_WAIT_FOREVER); } goto exit; } else if(HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLWriteByUAP ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ config_log("Recv new configuration from uAP, apply and connect to AP"); err = ConfigIncommingJsonMessageUAP( inHeader->extraDataPtr, inContext); require_noerr( err, exit ); MICOUpdateConfiguration(inContext); err = CreateSimpleHTTPOKMessage( &httpResponse, &httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); require( httpResponse, exit ); err = SocketSend( fd, httpResponse, httpResponseLen ); require_noerr( err, exit ); sleep(1); micoWlanSuspendSoftAP(); _easylinkConnectWiFi( inContext ); err = kConnectionErr; //Return an err to close socket and exit the current thread } goto exit; } #ifdef MICO_FLASH_FOR_UPDATE else if(HTTPHeaderMatchURL( inHeader, kCONFIGURLOTA ) == kNoErr){ if(inHeader->contentLength > 0){ config_log("Receive OTA data!"); memset(&inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable, 0, sizeof(boot_table_t)); inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.length = inHeader->contentLength; inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.start_address = UPDATE_START_ADDRESS; inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.type = 'A'; inContext->flashContentInRam.bootTable.upgrade_type = 'U'; if(inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.configured != allConfigured) inContext->flashContentInRam.micoSystemConfig.easyLinkByPass = EASYLINK_SOFT_AP_BYPASS; MICOUpdateConfiguration(inContext); SocketClose(&fd); inContext->micoStatus.sys_state = eState_Software_Reset; if(inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem != NULL ); mico_rtos_set_semaphore(&inContext->micoStatus.sys_state_change_sem); mico_thread_sleep(MICO_WAIT_FOREVER); } goto exit; } #endif else{ return kNotFoundErr; }; exit: if(inHeader->persistent == false) //Return an err to close socket and exit the current thread err = kConnectionErr; if(httpResponse) free(httpResponse); if(report) json_object_put(report); return err; }
/* prepare piano request (initializes request type, urlpath and postData) * @param piano handle * @param request structure * @param request type */ PianoReturn_t PianoRequest (PianoHandle_t *ph, PianoRequest_t *req, PianoRequestType_t type) { PianoReturn_t ret = PIANO_RET_OK; const char *jsonSendBuf; const char *method = NULL; json_object *j = json_object_new_object (); /* corrected timestamp */ time_t timestamp = time (NULL) - ph->timeOffset; bool encrypted = true; assert (ph != NULL); assert (req != NULL); req->type = type; /* no tls by default */ req->secure = false; switch (req->type) { case PIANO_REQUEST_LOGIN: { /* authenticate user */ PianoRequestDataLogin_t *logindata = req->data; assert (logindata != NULL); switch (logindata->step) { case 0: encrypted = false; req->secure = true; json_object_object_add (j, "username", json_object_new_string (ph->partner.user)); json_object_object_add (j, "password", json_object_new_string (ph->partner.password)); json_object_object_add (j, "deviceModel", json_object_new_string (ph->partner.device)); json_object_object_add (j, "version", json_object_new_string ("5")); json_object_object_add (j, "includeUrls", json_object_new_boolean (true)); snprintf (req->urlPath, sizeof (req->urlPath), PIANO_RPC_PATH "method=auth.partnerLogin"); break; case 1: { char *urlencAuthToken; req->secure = true; json_object_object_add (j, "loginType", json_object_new_string ("user")); json_object_object_add (j, "username", json_object_new_string (logindata->user)); json_object_object_add (j, "password", json_object_new_string (logindata->password)); json_object_object_add (j, "partnerAuthToken", json_object_new_string (ph->partner.authToken)); json_object_object_add (j, "syncTime", json_object_new_int (timestamp)); urlencAuthToken = WaitressUrlEncode (ph->partner.authToken); assert (urlencAuthToken != NULL); snprintf (req->urlPath, sizeof (req->urlPath), PIANO_RPC_PATH "method=auth.userLogin&" "auth_token=%s&partner_id=%i", urlencAuthToken, ph->; free (urlencAuthToken); break; } } break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_GET_STATIONS: { /* get stations, user must be authenticated */ assert (ph->user.listenerId != NULL); method = "user.getStationList"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_GET_PLAYLIST: { /* get playlist for specified station */ PianoRequestDataGetPlaylist_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->station != NULL); assert (reqData->station->id != NULL); req->secure = true; json_object_object_add (j, "stationToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->station->id)); json_object_object_add (j, "includeTrackLength", json_object_new_boolean (true)); method = "station.getPlaylist"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_ADD_FEEDBACK: { /* low-level, don't use directly (see _RATE_SONG and _MOVE_SONG) */ PianoRequestDataAddFeedback_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->trackToken != NULL); assert (reqData->stationId != NULL); assert (reqData->rating != PIANO_RATE_NONE); json_object_object_add (j, "stationToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->stationId)); json_object_object_add (j, "trackToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->trackToken)); json_object_object_add (j, "isPositive", json_object_new_boolean (reqData->rating == PIANO_RATE_LOVE)); method = "station.addFeedback"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_RENAME_STATION: { PianoRequestDataRenameStation_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->station != NULL); assert (reqData->newName != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "stationToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->station->id)); json_object_object_add (j, "stationName", json_object_new_string (reqData->newName)); method = "station.renameStation"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_DELETE_STATION: { /* delete station */ PianoStation_t *station = req->data; assert (station != NULL); assert (station->id != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "stationToken", json_object_new_string (station->id)); method = "station.deleteStation"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_SEARCH: { /* search for artist/song title */ PianoRequestDataSearch_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->searchStr != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "searchText", json_object_new_string (reqData->searchStr)); method = ""; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_CREATE_STATION: { /* create new station from specified musicToken or station number */ PianoRequestDataCreateStation_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->token != NULL); if (reqData->type == PIANO_MUSICTYPE_INVALID) { json_object_object_add (j, "musicToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->token)); } else { json_object_object_add (j, "trackToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->token)); switch (reqData->type) { case PIANO_MUSICTYPE_SONG: json_object_object_add (j, "musicType", json_object_new_string ("song")); break; case PIANO_MUSICTYPE_ARTIST: json_object_object_add (j, "musicType", json_object_new_string ("artist")); break; default: assert (0); break; } } method = "station.createStation"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_ADD_SEED: { /* add another seed to specified station */ PianoRequestDataAddSeed_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->station != NULL); assert (reqData->musicId != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "musicToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->musicId)); json_object_object_add (j, "stationToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->station->id)); method = "station.addMusic"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_ADD_TIRED_SONG: { /* ban song for a month from all stations */ PianoSong_t *song = req->data; assert (song != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "trackToken", json_object_new_string (song->trackToken)); method = "user.sleepSong"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_SET_QUICKMIX: { /* select stations included in quickmix (see useQuickMix flag of * PianoStation_t) */ PianoStation_t *curStation = ph->stations; json_object *a = json_object_new_array (); PianoListForeachP (curStation) { /* quick mix can't contain itself */ if (curStation->useQuickMix && !curStation->isQuickMix) { json_object_array_add (a, json_object_new_string (curStation->id)); } } json_object_object_add (j, "quickMixStationIds", a); method = "user.setQuickMix"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_GET_GENRE_STATIONS: { /* receive list of pandora's genre stations */ method = "station.getGenreStations"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_TRANSFORM_STATION: { /* transform shared station into private */ PianoStation_t *station = req->data; assert (station != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "stationToken", json_object_new_string (station->id)); method = "station.transformSharedStation"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_EXPLAIN: { /* explain why particular song was played */ PianoRequestDataExplain_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->song != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "trackToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->song->trackToken)); method = "track.explainTrack"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_BOOKMARK_SONG: { /* bookmark song */ PianoSong_t *song = req->data; assert (song != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "trackToken", json_object_new_string (song->trackToken)); method = "bookmark.addSongBookmark"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_BOOKMARK_ARTIST: { /* bookmark artist */ PianoSong_t *song = req->data; assert (song != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "trackToken", json_object_new_string (song->trackToken)); method = "bookmark.addArtistBookmark"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_GET_STATION_INFO: { /* get station information (seeds and feedback) */ PianoRequestDataGetStationInfo_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->station != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "stationToken", json_object_new_string (reqData->station->id)); json_object_object_add (j, "includeExtendedAttributes", json_object_new_boolean (true)); method = "station.getStation"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_DELETE_FEEDBACK: { PianoSong_t *song = req->data; assert (song != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "feedbackId", json_object_new_string (song->feedbackId)); method = "station.deleteFeedback"; break; } case PIANO_REQUEST_DELETE_SEED: { PianoRequestDataDeleteSeed_t *reqData = req->data; char *seedId = NULL; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->song != NULL || reqData->artist != NULL || reqData->station != NULL); if (reqData->song != NULL) { seedId = reqData->song->seedId; } else if (reqData->artist != NULL) { seedId = reqData->artist->seedId; } else if (reqData->station != NULL) { seedId = reqData->station->seedId; } assert (seedId != NULL); json_object_object_add (j, "seedId", json_object_new_string (seedId)); method = "station.deleteMusic"; break; } /* "high-level" wrapper */ case PIANO_REQUEST_RATE_SONG: { /* love/ban song */ PianoRequestDataRateSong_t *reqData = req->data; assert (reqData != NULL); assert (reqData->song != NULL); assert (reqData->rating != PIANO_RATE_NONE); PianoRequestDataAddFeedback_t transformedReqData; transformedReqData.stationId = reqData->song->stationId; transformedReqData.trackToken = reqData->song->trackToken; transformedReqData.rating = reqData->rating; req->data = &transformedReqData; /* create request data (url, post data) */ ret = PianoRequest (ph, req, PIANO_REQUEST_ADD_FEEDBACK); /* and reset request type/data */ req->type = PIANO_REQUEST_RATE_SONG; req->data = reqData; goto cleanup; break; } } /* standard parameter */ if (method != NULL) { char *urlencAuthToken; assert (ph->user.authToken != NULL); urlencAuthToken = WaitressUrlEncode (ph->user.authToken); assert (urlencAuthToken != NULL); snprintf (req->urlPath, sizeof (req->urlPath), PIANO_RPC_PATH "method=%s&auth_token=%s&partner_id=%i&user_id=%s", method, urlencAuthToken, ph->, ph->user.listenerId); free (urlencAuthToken); json_object_object_add (j, "userAuthToken", json_object_new_string (ph->user.authToken)); json_object_object_add (j, "syncTime", json_object_new_int (timestamp)); } /* json to string */ jsonSendBuf = json_object_to_json_string (j); if (encrypted) { if ((req->postData = PianoEncryptString (ph->partner.out, jsonSendBuf)) == NULL) { ret = PIANO_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { req->postData = strdup (jsonSendBuf); } cleanup: json_object_put (j); return ret; }
/** Build value pairs from the passed JSON object and add to the request * * Parse the passed JSON object and create value pairs that will be injected into * the given request for authorization. * * Example JSON document structure: * @code{.json} * { * "docType": "raduser", * "userName": "******", * "config": { * "SHA-Password": { * "value": "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3", * "op": ":=" * } * }, * "reply": { * "Reply-Message": { * "value": "Hidey Ho!", * "op": "=" * } * } * } * @endcode * * @param json The JSON object representation of the user documnent. * @param section The pair section ("config" or "reply"). * @param request The request to which the generated pairs should be added. */ void *mod_json_object_to_value_pairs(json_object *json, const char *section, REQUEST *request) { json_object *jobj, *jval, *jop; /* json object pointers */ TALLOC_CTX *ctx; /* talloc context for pairmake */ VALUE_PAIR *vp, **ptr; /* value pair and value pair pointer for pairmake */ /* assign ctx and vps for pairmake based on section */ if (strcmp(section, "config") == 0) { ctx = request; ptr = &(request->config_items); } else if (strcmp(section, "reply") == 0) { ctx = request->reply; ptr = &(request->reply->vps); } else { /* log error - this shouldn't happen */ RERROR("invalid section passed for pairmake"); /* return */ return NULL; } /* get config payload */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, section, &jobj)) { /* make sure we have the correct type */ if (!json_object_is_type(jobj, json_type_object)) { /* log error */ RERROR("invalid json type for '%s' section - sections must be json objects", section); /* reuturn */ return NULL; } /* loop through object */ json_object_object_foreach(jobj, attribute, json_vp) { /* check for appropriate type in value and op */ if (!json_object_is_type(json_vp, json_type_object)) { /* log error */ RERROR("invalid json type for '%s' attribute - attributes must be json objects", attribute); /* return */ return NULL; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("parsing '%s' attribute: %s => %s", section, attribute, json_object_to_json_string(json_vp)); /* create pair from json object */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json_vp, "value", &jval) && json_object_object_get_ex(json_vp, "op", &jop)) { /* make correct pairs based on json object type */ switch (json_object_get_type(jval)) { case json_type_double: case json_type_int: case json_type_string: /* debugging */ RDEBUG("adding '%s' attribute to '%s' section", attribute, section); /* add pair */ vp = pairmake(ctx, ptr, attribute, json_object_get_string(jval), fr_str2int(fr_tokens, json_object_get_string(jop), 0)); /* check pair */ if (!vp) { RERROR("could not build value pair for '%s' attribute (%s)", attribute, fr_strerror()); /* return */ return NULL; } break; case json_type_object: case json_type_array: /* log error - we want to handle these eventually */ RERROR("skipping unhandled nested json object or array value pair object"); break; default: /* log error - this shouldn't ever happen */ RERROR("skipping unhandled json type in value pair object"); break; } } else { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to get 'value' or 'op' element for '%s' attribute", attribute); } } /* return NULL */ return NULL; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("couldn't find '%s' section in json object - not adding value pairs for this section", section); /* return NULL */ return NULL; }
/** * Parses a comment returning an intermediate array representation */ int xx_parse_program(char *program, unsigned int program_length, char *file_path) { char *error; xx_scanner_state *state; xx_scanner_token token; int scanner_status, status = SUCCESS, start_lines; xx_parser_status *parser_status = NULL; void* xx_parser; /** * Check if the program has any length */ if (!program_length) { return FAILURE; } if (program_length < 2) { return SUCCESS; } /** * Start the reentrant parser */ xx_parser = xx_Alloc(xx_wrapper_alloc); parser_status = malloc(sizeof(xx_parser_status)); state = malloc(sizeof(xx_scanner_state)); parser_status->status = XX_PARSING_OK; parser_status->scanner_state = state; parser_status->ret = NULL; parser_status->token = &token; parser_status->syntax_error = NULL; parser_status->number_brackets = 0; /** * Initialize the scanner state */ state->active_token = 0; state->start = program; state->start_length = 0; state->active_file = file_path; state->active_line = 1; state->active_char = 1; state->end = state->start; while (0 <= (scanner_status = xx_get_token(state, &token))) { state->active_token = token.opcode; state->start_length = (program + program_length - state->start); switch (token.opcode) { case XX_T_IGNORE: break; case XX_T_NAMESPACE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_NAMESPACE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ABSTRACT: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ABSTRACT, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CLASS: xx_(xx_parser, XX_CLASS, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_INTERFACE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_INTERFACE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_EXTENDS: xx_(xx_parser, XX_EXTENDS, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_IMPLEMENTS: xx_(xx_parser, XX_IMPLEMENTS, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_PUBLIC: xx_(xx_parser, XX_PUBLIC, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_PROTECTED: xx_(xx_parser, XX_PROTECTED, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_PRIVATE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_PRIVATE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_STATIC: xx_(xx_parser, XX_STATIC, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_INLINE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_INLINE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_FINAL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_FINAL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_FUNCTION: xx_(xx_parser, XX_FUNCTION, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_LET: xx_(xx_parser, XX_LET, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ECHO: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ECHO, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_RETURN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_RETURN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_REQUIRE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_REQUIRE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CLONE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_CLONE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_EMPTY: xx_(xx_parser, XX_EMPTY, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_IF: xx_(xx_parser, XX_IF, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ELSE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ELSE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_LOOP: xx_(xx_parser, XX_LOOP, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CONTINUE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_CONTINUE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_BREAK: xx_(xx_parser, XX_BREAK, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_WHILE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_WHILE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DO: xx_(xx_parser, XX_DO, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_NEW: xx_(xx_parser, XX_NEW, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CONST: xx_(xx_parser, XX_CONST, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPEOF: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPEOF, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_INSTANCEOF: xx_(xx_parser, XX_INSTANCEOF, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ISSET: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ISSET, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_UNSET: xx_(xx_parser, XX_UNSET, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_THROW: xx_(xx_parser, XX_THROW, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_FOR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_FOR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_IN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_IN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_REVERSE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_REVERSE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DOTCOMMA: xx_(xx_parser, XX_DOTCOMMA, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_COMMA: xx_(xx_parser, XX_COMMA, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ASSIGN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ASSIGN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ADDASSIGN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ADDASSIGN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_SUBASSIGN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_SUBASSIGN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_MULASSIGN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_MULASSIGN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CONCATASSIGN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_CONCATASSIGN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_EQUALS: xx_(xx_parser, XX_EQUALS, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_NOTEQUALS: xx_(xx_parser, XX_NOTEQUALS, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_IDENTICAL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_IDENTICAL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_NOTIDENTICAL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_NOTIDENTICAL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_LESS: xx_(xx_parser, XX_LESS, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_GREATER: xx_(xx_parser, XX_GREATER, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_LESSEQUAL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_LESSEQUAL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_GREATEREQUAL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_GREATEREQUAL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_COLON: xx_(xx_parser, XX_COLON, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ARROW: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ARROW, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DOUBLECOLON: xx_(xx_parser, XX_DOUBLECOLON, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_NOT: xx_(xx_parser, XX_NOT, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_FETCH: xx_(xx_parser, XX_FETCH, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_SWITCH: xx_(xx_parser, XX_SWITCH, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CASE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_CASE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DEFAULT: xx_(xx_parser, XX_DEFAULT, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_PARENTHESES_OPEN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_PARENTHESES_OPEN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_PARENTHESES_CLOSE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_PARENTHESES_CLOSE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_BRACKET_OPEN: parser_status->number_brackets++; xx_(xx_parser, XX_BRACKET_OPEN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_BRACKET_CLOSE: parser_status->number_brackets--; xx_(xx_parser, XX_BRACKET_CLOSE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_SBRACKET_OPEN: xx_(xx_parser, XX_SBRACKET_OPEN, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_SBRACKET_CLOSE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_SBRACKET_CLOSE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_NULL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_NULL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TRUE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TRUE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_FALSE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_FALSE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_COMMENT: if (parser_status->number_brackets <= 1) { xx_parse_with_token(xx_parser, XX_T_COMMENT, XX_COMMENT, &token, parser_status); } break; case XX_T_TYPE_INTEGER: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_INTEGER, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_UINTEGER: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_UINTEGER, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_CHAR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_CHAR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_UCHAR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_UCHAR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_LONG: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_LONG, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_ULONG: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_ULONG, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_DOUBLE: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_DOUBLE, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_STRING: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_STRING, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_BOOL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_BOOL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_TYPE_VAR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_TYPE_VAR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_ADD: xx_(xx_parser, XX_ADD, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_SUB: xx_(xx_parser, XX_SUB, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_MUL: xx_(xx_parser, XX_MUL, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DIV: xx_(xx_parser, XX_DIV, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_MOD: xx_(xx_parser, XX_MOD, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DOT: xx_(xx_parser, XX_CONCAT, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_INCR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_INCR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DECR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_DECR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_AND: xx_(xx_parser, XX_AND, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_OR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_OR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_BITWISE_AND: xx_(xx_parser, XX_BITWISE_AND, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_BITWISE_OR: xx_(xx_parser, XX_BITWISE_OR, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_INTEGER: xx_parse_with_token(xx_parser, XX_T_INTEGER, XX_INTEGER, &token, parser_status); break; case XX_T_DOUBLE: xx_parse_with_token(xx_parser, XX_T_DOUBLE, XX_DOUBLE, &token, parser_status); break; case XX_T_STRING: xx_parse_with_token(xx_parser, XX_T_STRING, XX_STRING, &token, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CHAR: xx_parse_with_token(xx_parser, XX_T_CHAR, XX_CHAR, &token, parser_status); break; case XX_T_IDENTIFIER: xx_parse_with_token(xx_parser, XX_T_IDENTIFIER, XX_IDENTIFIER, &token, parser_status); break; case XX_T_CONSTANT: xx_parse_with_token(xx_parser, XX_T_CONSTANT, XX_CONSTANT, &token, parser_status); break; case XX_T_VOID: xx_(xx_parser, XX_VOID, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_LIKELY: xx_(xx_parser, XX_LIKELY, NULL, parser_status); break; case XX_T_UNLIKELY: xx_(xx_parser, XX_UNLIKELY, NULL, parser_status); break; default: parser_status->status = XX_PARSING_FAILED; fprintf(stderr, "Scanner: unknown opcode %d\n", token.opcode); /*if (!*error_msg) { error = emalloc(sizeof(char) * (48 + Z_STRLEN_P(state->active_file))); sprintf(error, "Scanner: unknown opcode %d on in %s line %d", token.opcode, Z_STRVAL_P(state->active_file), state->active_line); //PHALCON_INIT_VAR(*error_msg); ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(*error_msg); ZVAL_STRING(*error_msg, error, 1); efree(error); }*/ break; } if (parser_status->status != XX_PARSING_OK) { status = FAILURE; break; } state->end = state->start; } if (status != FAILURE) { switch (scanner_status) { case XX_SCANNER_RETCODE_ERR: case XX_SCANNER_RETCODE_IMPOSSIBLE: { char *x = malloc(sizeof(char) * 10000); if (state->start) { sprintf(x, "Scanner error: %d %s", scanner_status, state->start); } else { sprintf(x, "Scanner error: %d", scanner_status); } json_object *syntax_error = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(syntax_error, "type", json_object_new_string("error")); json_object_object_add(syntax_error, "message", json_object_new_string(x)); //free(x); parser_status->ret = syntax_error; status = FAILURE; } break; default: xx_(xx_parser, 0, NULL, parser_status); } } state->active_token = 0; state->start = NULL; if (parser_status->status != XX_PARSING_OK) { status = FAILURE; /*if (parser_status->syntax_error) { if (!*error_msg) { //PHALCON_INIT_VAR(*error_msg); ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(*error_msg); ZVAL_STRING(*error_msg, parser_status->syntax_error, 1); } efree(parser_status->syntax_error); }*/ //fprintf(stderr, "error!\n"); } xx_Free(xx_parser, xx_wrapper_free); if (status != FAILURE) { if (parser_status->status == XX_PARSING_OK) { //printf("%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(parser_status->ret)); /*if (parser_status->ret) { ZVAL_ZVAL(*result, parser_status->ret, 0, 0); ZVAL_NULL(parser_status->ret); zval_ptr_dtor(&parser_status->ret); } else { array_init(*result); }*/ } } if (parser_status->ret) { printf("%s\n", json_object_to_json_string(parser_status->ret)); } //efree(Z_STRVAL(processed_comment));*/ free(parser_status); free(state); return status; }
/** Load client entries from Couchbase client documents on startup * * This function executes the view defined in the module configuration and loops * through all returned rows. The view is called with "stale=false" to ensure the * most accurate data available when the view is called. This will force an index * rebuild on this design document in Couchbase. However, since this function is only * run once at sever startup this should not be a concern. * * @param inst The module instance. * @param cs The client attribute configuration section. * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int mod_load_client_documents(rlm_couchbase_t *inst, CONF_SECTION *cs) { void *handle = NULL; /* connection pool handle */ char vpath[256], docid[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* view path and document id */ char error[512]; /* view error return */ int idx = 0; /* row array index counter */ int retval = 0; /* return value */ lcb_error_t cb_error = LCB_SUCCESS; /* couchbase error holder */ json_object *json, *jval; /* json object holders */ json_object *jrows = NULL; /* json object to hold view rows */ CONF_SECTION *client; /* freeradius config section */ RADCLIENT *c; /* freeradius client */ /* get handle */ handle = fr_connection_get(inst->pool); /* check handle */ if (!handle) return -1; /* set handle pointer */ rlm_couchbase_handle_t *handle_t = handle; /* set couchbase instance */ lcb_t cb_inst = handle_t->handle; /* set cookie */ cookie_t *cookie = handle_t->cookie; /* check cookie */ if (cookie) { /* clear cookie */ memset(cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie_t)); } else { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: cookie not usable - possibly not allocated"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* build view path */ snprintf(vpath, sizeof(vpath), "%s?stale=false", inst->client_view); /* init cookie error status */ cookie->jerr = json_tokener_success; /* setup cookie tokener */ cookie->jtok = json_tokener_new(); /* query view for document */ cb_error = couchbase_query_view(cb_inst, cookie, vpath, NULL); /* free json token */ json_tokener_free(cookie->jtok); /* check error */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to execute view request or parse return"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* check cookie */ if (!cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch view"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* check for error in json object */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "error", &json)) { /* build initial error buffer */ strlcpy(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); /* get error reason */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "reason", &json)) { /* append divider */ strlcat(error, " - ", sizeof(error)); /* append reason */ strlcat(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); } /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: view request failed with error: %s", error); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* check for document id in return */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "rows", &json)) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch rows from view payload"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* get and hold rows */ jrows = json_object_get(json); /* free cookie object */ json_object_put(cookie->jobj); /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: jrows == %s", json_object_to_json_string(jrows)); /* check for valid row value */ if (!json_object_is_type(jrows, json_type_array) && json_object_array_length(jrows) < 1) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: couldn't find valid rows in view return"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* loop across all row elements */ for (idx = 0; idx < json_object_array_length(jrows); idx++) { /* fetch current index */ json = json_object_array_get_idx(jrows, idx); /* get document id */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, "id", &jval)) { /* clear docid */ memset(docid, 0, sizeof(docid)); /* copy and check length */ if (strlcpy(docid, json_object_get_string(jval), sizeof(docid)) >= sizeof(docid)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: document id from row longer than MAX_KEY_SIZE (%d)", MAX_KEY_SIZE); continue; } } /* check for valid doc id */ if (docid[0] == 0) { WARN("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch document id from row - skipping"); continue; } /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: preparing to fetch docid '%s'", docid); /* reset cookie error status */ cookie->jerr = json_tokener_success; /* fetch document */ cb_error = couchbase_get_key(cb_inst, cookie, docid); /* check error */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to execute get request or parse return"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* allocate conf section */ client = cf_section_alloc(NULL, "client", docid); if (_mod_client_map_section(client, cs, cookie->jobj, docid) != 0) { /* free config setion */ talloc_free(client); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* * @todo These should be parented from something. */ c = client_afrom_cs(NULL, client, false); if (!c) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to allocate client"); /* free config setion */ talloc_free(client); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* * Client parents the CONF_SECTION which defined it. */ talloc_steal(c, client); /* attempt to add client */ if (!client_add(NULL, c)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to add client from %s, possible duplicate?", docid); /* free client */ client_free(c); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: client '%s' added", c->longname); /* free json object */ json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } free_and_return: /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); } /* free rows */ if (jrows) { json_object_put(jrows); } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return retval; }
/*cli pthread:deal the client data*/ void *fun(void *arg) { int cli_fd_t = cli_fd; char buf_fun[BUFSIZ]; bzero(buf_fun,BUFSIZ); memcpy(buf_fun,(char *)arg,BUFSIZ); /*pose sem let main function continue*/ sem_post(&sem); #if DEBUG printf("thread original data :---------------------------------\n%s\n",buf_fun); printf("strlen of buf_fun :---------------------------------%d\n",strlen(buf_fun)); #endif //if(strncmp(buf_fun,"\n",1) == 0) // pthread_exit(0); if(strlen(buf_fun) <= 9) pthread_exit(0); /*decording json*/ json_object *jiebao, *jiebao_cmd, *jiebao_flag; jiebao= json_tokener_parse(buf_fun); const char *pstr; jiebao_cmd=json_object_array_get_idx(jiebao,0); jiebao_flag=json_object_object_get(jiebao_cmd,"fla"); pstr =json_object_get_string(jiebao_flag); int int_pstr = atoi(pstr); switch(int_pstr){ #if DEBUG printf("pstr == %s\n",pstr); #endif /*search for seat*/ case 11: { int re; char **result; int nrow = 0; int ncolumn = 0; char *errmsg; if(pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)){ printf("database lock failed!\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } //pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); /*search db*/ re=sqlite3_get_table(db,"select * from tbmenu",&result,&nrow,&ncolumn,&errmsg); if(re != SQLITE_OK){ printf("%s\n",errmsg); //exit(-1); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); int x = 0,y = 0,index = 0; index = ncolumn; /*pakage json*/ struct json_object *my_json[nrow]; for( x=0; x<nrow; x++){ my_json[x]=json_object_new_object(); } for( x=0; x<nrow; x++){ for( y=0; y<ncolumn; y++){ //printf("%s\t",result[index++]); json_object_object_add(my_json[x],result[y],json_object_new_string(result[index++])); } } sqlite3_free_table(result); struct json_object *json_shuzu; json_shuzu=json_object_new_array(); for( x=0; x<nrow; x++){ json_object_array_add(json_shuzu,my_json[x]); } const char * buf_cst =json_object_to_json_string(json_shuzu); write(cli_fd_t,buf_cst,strlen(buf_cst)); #if DEBUG printf("return seat json:--------------------------------\n%s\n",buf_cst); #endif }break; /*choose one table*/ case 12: { int json_length = json_object_array_length(jiebao); if(json_length != 2){ char *buf_no= "NO"; //write(cli_fd_t,buf_no,strlen(buf_no)); //break; pthread_exit(0); } else { char *buf_ok="OK"; //write(cli_fd_t,buf_ok,strlen(buf_ok)); } json_object *json_seat,*json_seat_tmp; json_seat = json_object_array_get_idx(jiebao,1); int tb_id; char cust_name[30]; const char *ppstr; json_seat_tmp = json_object_object_get(json_seat,"id1"); ppstr =json_object_get_string(json_seat_tmp); tb_id = atoi(ppstr); sprintf(cust_name,"cli_id_%d",cli_fd_t); if(pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)){ printf("database lock failed!\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } cust(tb_id,cust_name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #if DEBUG printf("booking seat OK!--------------------------------------\n"); #endif }break; /*search for food*/ case 21: { int re; char **result; int nrow = 0; int ncolumn = 0; char *errmsg; if(pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)){ printf("database lock failed!\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /*search db*/ re=sqlite3_get_table(db,"select * from fdmenu",&result,&nrow,&ncolumn,&errmsg); if(re != SQLITE_OK){ printf("%s\n",errmsg); exit(-1); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); int x = 0,y = 0,index = 0; index = ncolumn; /*pakage json*/ struct json_object *my_json[nrow]; for( x=0; x<nrow; x++){ my_json[x]=json_object_new_object(); } for( x=0; x<nrow; x++){ for( y=0; y<ncolumn; y++){ //printf("%s\t",result[index++]); json_object_object_add(my_json[x],result[y],json_object_new_string(result[index++])); } } sqlite3_free_table(result); struct json_object *json_shuzu; json_shuzu=json_object_new_array(); for( x=0; x<nrow; x++){ json_object_array_add(json_shuzu,my_json[x]); } const char * buf_cst =json_object_to_json_string(json_shuzu); write(cli_fd_t,buf_cst,strlen(buf_cst)); #if DEBUG printf("send food table to client:------------------------------------\n%s\n",buf_cst); #endif }break; /*add food*/ case 23:; /*hand up the food tab*/ case 22: { int json_length = json_object_array_length(jiebao); if(json_length == 1){ char *buf_no= "NO"; //write(cli_fd_t,buf_no,strlen(buf_no)); //break; pthread_exit(0); } else { char *buf_ok="OK"; //write(cli_fd_t,buf_ok,strlen(buf_ok)); if(int_pstr == 22) total_client++; } json_object *json_fd[json_length],*json_fd_tmp[3]; int i; const char *ptmp[3]; char cust_name22[30]; sprintf(cust_name22,"cli_id_%d",cli_fd_t); //char tmpchar[20]; for(i = 1; i < json_length; i++){ json_fd[i]= json_object_array_get_idx(jiebao,i); json_fd_tmp[0] = json_object_object_get(json_fd[i],"id1");//fd_id json_fd_tmp[1] = json_object_object_get(json_fd[i],"foodname");//fd_name json_fd_tmp[2] = json_object_object_get(json_fd[i],"prices");//prices int n; for(n = 0; n < 3; n++){ ptmp[n] = json_object_get_string(json_fd_tmp[n]); } //bzero(tmpchar,20); //strcpy(tmpchar,ptmp[1]); //insert_cust(cust_name22, atoi(ptmp[0]),tmpchar,atoi(ptmp[2])); if(pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)){ printf("database lock failed!\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } add(atoi(ptmp[0]),cust_name22); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } struct message msg; int pid; pid = init_msg(&msg); msg.msg_type = 1; strncpy(msg.msg_text,cust_name22,strlen(cust_name22)); if(msgsnd(pid, &msg, strlen(msg.msg_text),0) == -1) handle_error("msgsnd"); #if DEBUG printf("got food table from client.----------------------------------\n"); printf("it is waiting to be cook.----------------------------------\n"); #endif }break; /*ask for faster*/ case 31: { int re; char **result; int nrow = 0; int ncolumn = 0; char *errmsg; if(pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)){ printf("database lock failed!\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } /*search db*/ re=sqlite3_get_table(db,"select condition from tbmenu where condition = 1",&result,&nrow,&ncolumn,&errmsg); if(re != SQLITE_OK){ printf("%s\n",errmsg); exit(-1); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); sqlite3_free_table(result); #if DEBUG printf("get asking :%d pepeo---\n",nrow); #endif struct message msg; int pid; pid = init_msg(&msg); msg.msg_type = 2; bzero(msg.msg_text,BUFSIZ); char buf[100]; bzero(buf,100); sprintf(buf,"%d",nrow); strncpy(msg.msg_text,buf,strlen(buf)); #if DEBUG printf("msgsnd contain %s\n", msg.msg_text); #endif if(msgsnd(pid, &msg, strlen(msg.msg_text),0) == -1) handle_error("msgsnd"); #if DEBUG printf("msgsnd ok\n"); #endif }break; /*apply for money*/ case 41: { #if DEBUG printf("come into 41: \n"); #endif int json_length = json_object_array_length(jiebao); if(json_length != 2){ char *buf_no= "NO"; //write(cli_fd_t,buf_no,strlen(buf_no)); break; } #if DEBUG printf("not break here: \n"); #endif json_object *json_moy,*json_moy_tmp; json_moy_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(jiebao,1); json_moy = json_object_object_get(json_moy_tmp,"prices"); char cust_name31[30]; sprintf(cust_name31,"cli_id_%d",cli_fd_t); const char *moy_tmp = json_object_get_string(json_moy); if(pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)){ printf("database lock failed!\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } insert_cust(cust_name31, 0,NULL,atoi(moy_tmp));//total money total_money += atoi(moy_tmp); #if DEBUG printf("money is :%s\n",moy_tmp); printf("%d\n",total_money); #endif pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); #if DEBUG printf("client apply for money.---------------------------------------\n"); #endif }break; /*client off line or have applied the money*/ case 51: { if(pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)){ printf("database lock failed!\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } char cust_name_delete[30]; sprintf(cust_name_delete,"cli_id_%d",cli_fd_t);//delete the table of a client cust_delete(cust_name_delete); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); }break; default:break; } pthread_exit(0); }
bool _LSPrivateDoMallocTrim(LSHandle* sh, LSMessage *message, void *ctx) { LSError lserror; LSErrorInit(&lserror); struct json_object *ret_obj = NULL; struct json_object *true_obj = NULL; struct json_object *malloc_trim_obj = NULL; ret_obj = json_object_new_object(); if (JSON_ERROR(ret_obj)) goto error; true_obj = json_object_new_boolean(true); if (JSON_ERROR(true_obj)) goto error; /* returnValue: true, * malloc_trim: int */ typedef int (*malloc_trim_t)(size_t); static malloc_trim_t malloc_trim_p = NULL; if (malloc_trim_p == NULL) { malloc_trim_p = (malloc_trim_t)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "malloc_trim"); if (malloc_trim_p == NULL) malloc_trim_p = (malloc_trim_t)-1; } int result; if (malloc_trim_p != (malloc_trim_t)-1) { result = malloc_trim_p(0); } else { result = -1; } malloc_trim_obj = json_object_new_int(result); if (JSON_ERROR(malloc_trim_obj)) goto error; json_object_object_add(ret_obj, "returnValue", true_obj); json_object_object_add(ret_obj, "malloc_trim", malloc_trim_obj); bool reply_ret = LSMessageReply(sh, message, json_object_to_json_string(ret_obj), &lserror); if (!reply_ret) { g_critical("%s: sending malloc trim result failed", __FUNCTION__); LSErrorPrint(&lserror, stderr); LSErrorFree(&lserror); } json_object_put(ret_obj); return true; error: if (!JSON_ERROR(ret_obj)) json_object_put(ret_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(true_obj)) json_object_put(true_obj); if (!JSON_ERROR(malloc_trim_obj)) json_object_put(malloc_trim_obj); return true; }
//! A single sensor pass. Runs each sensor and emits the result using //! the configured emitter. //! int internal_sensor_pass(int return_on_fail) { LOGTRACE("Executing internal sensor pass\n"); json_object *result; int i = 0; int is_enabled = FALSE; int ret = EUCA_OK; //Get the sensor list from the config char **names = NULL; char *tmpstr = configFileValue(SENSOR_LIST_CONF_PARAM_NAME); if (tmpstr == NULL) { LOGDEBUG("%s parameter is missing from config file\n", SENSOR_LIST_CONF_PARAM_NAME); } else { names = from_var_to_char_list(tmpstr); EUCA_FREE(tmpstr); } char **sensors = { NULL }; // if no config value or an empty list if (names != NULL) { sensors = names; } //Enter the execution loop if(get_lock_fn != NULL) { get_lock_fn(); } else { LOGERROR("Cannot run internal sensor pass because no lock provided to protect data.\n"); //Free up the sensor listing if (names) { for (int i=0; names[i]; i++) { EUCA_FREE(names[i]); } EUCA_FREE(names); } return EUCA_ERROR; } LOGTRACE("Running %d sensors\n", sensor_registry.sensor_count); for(i = 0; i < sensor_registry.sensor_count; i++) { LOGTRACE("Checking sensor %s is enabled\n", sensor_registry.sensors[i]->sensor_name); is_enabled = get_new_config_status(sensor_registry.sensors[i]->config_name, (const char**)sensors); if(is_enabled && sensor_registry.sensors[i]->sensor_function != NULL) { result = sensor_registry.sensors[i]->sensor_function(); if(result == NULL) { LOGERROR("Error encountered getting internal sensor output from sensor %s\n", sensor_registry.sensors[i]->sensor_name); ret = EUCA_ERROR; } else { LOGTRACE("Offering event for emitter: %s\n", json_object_to_json_string(result)); if(emitter_offer_event(result) != EUCA_OK) { LOGERROR("Error emitting event from internal sensor %s\n", sensor_registry.sensors[i]->sensor_name); ret = EUCA_ERROR; } else { LOGTRACE("Event offered to emitter successfully\n"); } } } else { LOGTRACE("Sensor %s not enabled, skipping execution\n", sensor_registry.sensors[i]->sensor_name); } //Update the state of the sensor as needed. if(sensor_registry.sensors[i]->state_toggle_callback != NULL) { //Must be idempotent LOGTRACE("Calling toggle callback on sensor %s with enabled=%d\n", sensor_registry.sensors[i]->sensor_name, is_enabled); sensor_registry.sensors[i]->state_toggle_callback(is_enabled); } if(return_on_fail && ret != EUCA_OK) { goto cleanup; } } cleanup: if(release_lock_fn != NULL) { release_lock_fn(); LOGTRACE("Released lock for stats during sensor pass\n"); } else { LOGERROR("No lock release function found, this could result in deadlock or leaks. Continuing to exit sensor pass function\n"); } //Free up the sensor listing if (names) { for (int i=0; names[i]; i++) { EUCA_FREE(names[i]); } EUCA_FREE(names); } return ret; }
void PrefsDb::synchronizePlatformDefaults() { char* jsonStr = Utils::readFile(s_defaultPlatformPrefsFile); if (!jsonStr) { g_warning("PrefsDb::synchronizePlatformDefaults(): Failed to load default platform prefs file: %s", s_defaultPlatformPrefsFile); return; } json_object* root = 0; json_object* label = 0; std::string ccnumber; int ret; gchar* queryStr; root = json_tokener_parse(jsonStr); if (!root || is_error(root)) { g_warning("PrefsDb::synchronizePlatformDefaults(): Failed to parse file contents into json"); return; } label = json_object_object_get(root, "preferences"); if (!label || is_error(label)) { g_warning("PrefsDb::synchronizePlatformDefaults(): Failed to get preferences entry from file"); json_object_put(root); return; } json_object_object_foreach(label, key, val) { if (val == NULL) continue; //TODO: really should delete this key if it is in the database char * p_cDbv = json_object_to_json_string(val); if (p_cDbv == NULL) continue; //check the key to see if it exists in the db already std::string cv = getPref(key); std::string dbv(p_cDbv); if (cv.length() == 0) { queryStr = g_strdup_printf("INSERT INTO Preferences " "VALUES ('%s', '%s')", key, json_object_to_json_string(val)); if (!queryStr) { g_warning("PrefsDb::synchronizePlatformDefaults(): Failed to allocate query string for key %s",key); continue; } ret = sqlite3_exec(m_prefsDb, queryStr, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free(queryStr); if (ret) { g_warning("PrefsDb::synchronizePlatformDefaults(): Failed to execute query for key %s", key); continue; } } } json_object_put(root); }