void cfg_set_global(const char* name, const json_ref& val) { auto state = configState.wlock(); if (!state->global_cfg) { state->global_cfg = json_object(); } state->global_cfg.set(name, json_ref(val)); }
/* subscribe /root subname {query} * Subscribes the client connection to the specified root. */ static void cmd_subscribe( struct watchman_client* clientbase, const json_ref& args) { std::shared_ptr<watchman_client_subscription> sub; json_ref resp, initial_subscription_results; json_ref jfield_list; json_ref jname; std::shared_ptr<w_query> query; json_ref query_spec; int defer = true; /* can't use bool because json_unpack requires int */ json_ref defer_list; json_ref drop_list; struct watchman_user_client *client = (struct watchman_user_client *)clientbase; if (json_array_size(args) != 4) { send_error_response(client, "wrong number of arguments for subscribe"); return; } auto root = resolve_root_or_err(client, args, 1, true); if (!root) { return; } jname = args.at(2); if (!json_is_string(jname)) { send_error_response( client, "expected 2nd parameter to be subscription name"); return; } query_spec = args.at(3); query = w_query_parse(root, query_spec); defer_list = query_spec.get_default("defer"); if (defer_list && !json_is_array(defer_list)) { send_error_response(client, "defer field must be an array of strings"); return; } drop_list = query_spec.get_default("drop"); if (drop_list && !json_is_array(drop_list)) { send_error_response(client, "drop field must be an array of strings"); return; } sub = std::make_shared<watchman_client_subscription>( root, client->shared_from_this()); sub->name = json_to_w_string(jname); sub->query = query; json_unpack(query_spec, "{s?:b}", "defer_vcs", &defer); sub->vcs_defer = defer; if (drop_list || defer_list) { size_t i; if (defer_list) { for (i = 0; i < json_array_size(defer_list); i++) { sub->drop_or_defer[json_to_w_string(json_array_get(defer_list, i))] = false; } } if (drop_list) { for (i = 0; i < json_array_size(drop_list); i++) { sub->drop_or_defer[json_to_w_string(json_array_get(drop_list, i))] = true; } } } // If they want SCM aware results we should wait for SCM events to finish // before dispatching subscriptions if (query->since_spec && query->since_spec->hasScmParams()) { sub->vcs_defer = true; // If they didn't specify any drop/defer behavior, default to a reasonable // setting that works together with the fsmonitor extension for hg. if (sub->drop_or_defer.find("hg.update") == sub->drop_or_defer.end()) { sub->drop_or_defer["hg.update"] = false; // defer } } // Connect the root to our subscription { std::weak_ptr<watchman_client> clientRef(client->shared_from_this()); client->unilateralSub.insert(std::make_pair( sub, root->unilateralResponses->subscribe( [clientRef, sub]() { auto client = clientRef.lock(); if (client) { client->ping->notify(); } }, sub->name))); } client->subscriptions[sub->name] = sub; resp = make_response(); resp.set("subscribe", json_ref(jname)); add_root_warnings_to_response(resp, root); ClockSpec position; initial_subscription_results = sub->buildSubscriptionResults(root, position); resp.set("clock", position.toJson()); send_and_dispose_response(client, std::move(resp)); if (initial_subscription_results) { send_and_dispose_response(client, std::move(initial_subscription_results)); } }