コード例 #1
ファイル: gamescene.cpp プロジェクト: bglima/blowthemall
void GameScene::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *keyEvent)
    int idx = keyIndex(keyEvent);
    if (idx == -1)

    double value = keys[idx] + (KEY_EVENT_MAX_LATENCY - timer->remainingTime());
    keys[idx] = -1;
    switch (idx) {
    case Keys::UP:
        emit moveUp(double{value} / 1000.);
    case Keys::RIGHT:
        emit moveRight(double{value} / 1000.);
    case Keys::DOWN:
        emit moveDown(double{value} / 1000.);
    case Keys::LEFT:
        emit moveLeft(double{value} / 1000.);
    case Keys::DROP_BOMB:
        emit dropBomb();
コード例 #2
ファイル: gamescene.cpp プロジェクト: bglima/blowthemall
void GameScene::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *keyEvent)
    int idx = keyIndex(keyEvent);
    if (idx == -1)

    keys[idx] = timer->remainingTime();
コード例 #3
ファイル: langloaderplain.cpp プロジェクト: 2asoft/tdesktop
bool LangLoaderPlain::readKeyValue(const char *&from, const char *end) {
	if (!skipJunk(from, end)) return false;

	if (*from != '"') throw Exception(QString("Expected quote before key name!"));
	const char *nameStart = from;
	while (from < end && ((*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z') || (*from >= 'A' && *from <= 'Z') || *from == '_' || (*from >= '0' && *from <= '9'))) {

	QByteArray varName = QByteArray(nameStart, from - nameStart);

	if (*from != '"') throw Exception(QString("Expected quote after key name '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));

	if (!skipJunk(from, end)) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
	if (*from != '=') throw Exception(QString("'=' expected in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));

	if (!skipJunk(++from, end)) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
	if (*from != '"') throw Exception(QString("Expected string after '=' in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));

	LangKey varKey = keyIndex(varName);
	bool feedingValue = request.isEmpty();
	if (feedingValue) {
		if (varKey == lngkeys_cnt) {
			warning(QString("Unknown key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
	} else if (!readingAll && !request.contains(varKey)) {
		varKey = lngkeys_cnt;
	bool readingValue = (varKey != lngkeys_cnt);

	QByteArray varValue;
	QMap<ushort, bool> tagsUsed;
	const char *start = ++from;
	while (from < end && *from != '"') {
		if (*from == '\n') {
			throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of string in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
		if (*from == '\\') {
			if (from + 1 >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
			if (*(from + 1) == '"' || *(from + 1) == '\\' || *(from + 1) == '{') {
				if (readingValue && from > start) varValue.append(start, from - start);
				start = ++from;
			} else if (*(from + 1) == 'n') {
				if (readingValue) {
					if (from > start) varValue.append(start, int(from - start));
				start = (++from) + 1;
		} else if (readingValue && *from == '{') {
			if (from > start) varValue.append(start, int(from - start));

			const char *tagStart = ++from;
			while (from < end && ((*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z') || (*from >= 'A' && *from <= 'Z') || *from == '_' || (*from >= '0' && *from <= '9'))) {
			if (from == tagStart) {
				readingValue = false;
				warning(QString("Expected tag name in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
			QByteArray tagName = QByteArray(tagStart, int(from - tagStart));

			if (from == end || (*from != '}' && *from != ':')) throw Exception(QString("Expected '}' or ':' after tag name in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));

			ushort index = tagIndex(tagName);
			if (index == lngtags_cnt) {
				readingValue = false;
				warning(QString("Tag '%1' not found in key '%2', not using value.").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));

			if (!tagReplaced(varKey, index)) {
				readingValue = false;
				warning(QString("Unexpected tag '%1' in key '%2', not using value.").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
			if (tagsUsed.contains(index)) throw Exception(QString("Tag '%1' double used in key '%2'!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
			tagsUsed.insert(index, true);

			QString tagReplacer(4, TextCommand);
			tagReplacer[1] = TextCommandLangTag;
			tagReplacer[2] = QChar(0x0020 + index);

			if (*from == ':') {
				start = ++from;

				QByteArray subvarValue;
				bool foundtag = false;
				int countedIndex = 0;
				while (from < end && *from != '"' && *from != '}') {
					if (*from == '|') {
						if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
						if (countedIndex >= lngtags_max_counted_values) throw Exception(QString("Too many values inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
						LangKey subkey = subkeyIndex(varKey, index, countedIndex++);
						if (subkey == lngkeys_cnt) {
							readingValue = false;
							warning(QString("Unexpected counted tag '%1' in key '%2', not using value.").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
						} else {
							if (feedingValue) {
								if (!feedKeyValue(subkey, QString::fromUtf8(subvarValue))) throw Exception(QString("Tag '%1' is not counted in key '%2'!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
							} else {
						subvarValue = QByteArray();
						foundtag = false;
						start = from + 1;
					if (*from == '\n') {
						throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of string inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
					if (*from == '\\') {
						if (from + 1 >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
						if (*(from + 1) == '"' || *(from + 1) == '\\' || *(from + 1) == '{' || *(from + 1) == '#') {
							if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
							start = ++from;
						} else if (*(from + 1) == 'n') {
							if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));


							start = (++from) + 1;
					} else if (*from == '{') {
						throw Exception(QString("Unexpected tag inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
					} else if (*from == '#') {
						if (foundtag) throw Exception(QString("Replacement '#' double used inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
						foundtag = true;
						if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
						start = from + 1;
				if (!readingValue) continue;
				if (from >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QString::fromUtf8(tagName)).arg(QString::fromUtf8(varName)));
				if (*from == '"') throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of string inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QString::fromUtf8(tagName)).arg(QString::fromUtf8(varName)));

				if (from > start) subvarValue.append(start, int(from - start));
				if (countedIndex >= lngtags_max_counted_values) throw Exception(QString("Too many values inside counted tag '%1' in '%2' key!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));

				LangKey subkey = subkeyIndex(varKey, index, countedIndex++);
				if (subkey == lngkeys_cnt) {
					readingValue = false;
					warning(QString("Unexpected counted tag '%1' in key '%2', not using value.").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
				} else {
					if (feedingValue) {
						if (!feedKeyValue(subkey, QString::fromUtf8(subvarValue))) throw Exception(QString("Tag '%1' is not counted in key '%2'!").arg(QLatin1String(tagName)).arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
					} else {
			start = from + 1;
	if (from >= end) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
	if (readingValue && from > start) varValue.append(start, from - start);

	if (!skipJunk(++from, end)) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected end of file in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
	if (*from != ';') throw Exception(QString("';' expected after \"value\" in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));

	skipJunk(++from, end);

	if (readingValue) {
		if (feedingValue) {
			if (!feedKeyValue(varKey, QString::fromUtf8(varValue))) throw Exception(QString("Could not write value in key '%1'!").arg(QLatin1String(varName)));
		} else {
			result.insert(varKey, QString::fromUtf8(varValue));

	return true;