コード例 #1
ファイル: projection.cpp プロジェクト: AmitChotaliya/mongo
    Status ProjectionStage::transform(WorkingSetMember* member) {
        // The default no-fast-path case.
        if (ProjectionStageParams::NO_FAST_PATH == _projImpl) {
            return _exec->transform(member);

        BSONObjBuilder bob;

        // Note that even if our fast path analysis is bug-free something that is
        // covered might be invalidated and just be an obj.  In this case we just go
        // through the SIMPLE_DOC path which is still correct if the covered data
        // is not available.
        // SIMPLE_DOC implies that we expect an object so it's kind of redundant.
        if ((ProjectionStageParams::SIMPLE_DOC == _projImpl) || member->hasObj()) {
            // If we got here because of SIMPLE_DOC the planner shouldn't have messed up.

            // Look at every field in the source document and see if we're including it.
            BSONObjIterator inputIt(member->obj);
            while (inputIt.more()) {
                BSONElement elt = inputIt.next();
                unordered_set<StringData, StringData::Hasher>::iterator fieldIt;
                fieldIt = _includedFields.find(elt.fieldNameStringData());
                if (_includedFields.end() != fieldIt) {
                    // If so, add it to the builder.
        else {
            invariant(ProjectionStageParams::COVERED_ONE_INDEX == _projImpl);
            // We're pulling data out of the key.
            invariant(1 == member->keyData.size());
            size_t keyIndex = 0;

            // Look at every key element...
            BSONObjIterator keyIterator(member->keyData[0].keyData);
            while (keyIterator.more()) {
                BSONElement elt = keyIterator.next();
                // If we're supposed to include it...
                if (_includeKey[keyIndex]) {
                    // Do so.
                    bob.appendAs(elt, _keyFieldNames[keyIndex]);

        member->state = WorkingSetMember::OWNED_OBJ;
        member->loc = DiskLoc();
        member->obj = bob.obj();
        return Status::OK();
コード例 #2
    intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceSort> DocumentSourceSort::create(
            const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pExpCtx,
            BSONObj sortOrder,
            long long limit) {

        intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceSort> pSort = new DocumentSourceSort(pExpCtx);

        /* check for then iterate over the sort object */
        size_t sortKeys = 0;
        for(BSONObjIterator keyIterator(sortOrder);
            keyIterator.more();) {
            BSONElement keyField(keyIterator.next());
            const char *pKeyFieldName = keyField.fieldName();
            int sortOrder = 0;
            uassert(15974, str::stream() << sortName <<
                    " key ordering must be specified using a number",
            sortOrder = (int)keyField.numberInt();

            uassert(15975,  str::stream() << sortName <<
                    " key ordering must be 1 (for ascending) or -1 (for descending",
                    ((sortOrder == 1) || (sortOrder == -1)));

            pSort->addKey(pKeyFieldName, (sortOrder > 0));

        uassert(15976, str::stream() << sortName <<
                " must have at least one sort key", (sortKeys > 0));

        if (limit > 0) {
            bool coalesced = pSort->coalesce(DocumentSourceLimit::create(pExpCtx, limit));
            verify(coalesced); // should always coalesce
            verify(pSort->getLimit() == limit);

        return pSort;
コード例 #3
    intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceSort::createFromBson(
        BSONElement *pBsonElement,
        const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pExpCtx) {
        uassert(15973, str::stream() << " the " <<
                sortName << " key specification must be an object",
                pBsonElement->type() == Object);

        intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceSort> pSort(

        /* check for then iterate over the sort object */
        size_t sortKeys = 0;
        for(BSONObjIterator keyIterator(pBsonElement->Obj().begin());
            keyIterator.more();) {
            BSONElement keyField(keyIterator.next());
            const char *pKeyFieldName = keyField.fieldName();
            int sortOrder = 0;
            uassert(15974, str::stream() << sortName <<
                    " key ordering must be specified using a number",
            sortOrder = (int)keyField.numberInt();

            uassert(15975,  str::stream() << sortName <<
                    " key ordering must be 1 (for ascending) or -1 (for descending",
                    ((sortOrder == 1) || (sortOrder == -1)));

            pSort->addKey(pKeyFieldName, (sortOrder > 0));

        uassert(15976, str::stream() << sortName <<
                " must have at least one sort key", (sortKeys > 0));

        return pSort;
コード例 #4
ファイル: qiconloader.cpp プロジェクト: 3163504123/phantomjs
QIconTheme::QIconTheme(const QString &themeName)
        : m_valid(false)
    QFile themeIndex;

    QList <QIconDirInfo> keyList;
    QStringList iconDirs = QIcon::themeSearchPaths();
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < iconDirs.size() ; ++i) {
        QDir iconDir(iconDirs[i]);
        QString themeDir = iconDir.path() + QLatin1Char('/') + themeName;
        themeIndex.setFileName(themeDir + QLatin1String("/index.theme"));
        if (themeIndex.exists()) {
            m_contentDir = themeDir;
            m_valid = true;
    if (themeIndex.exists()) {
        const QSettings indexReader(themeIndex.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat);
        QStringListIterator keyIterator(indexReader.allKeys());
        while (keyIterator.hasNext()) {

            const QString key = keyIterator.next();
            if (key.endsWith(QLatin1String("/Size"))) {
                // Note the QSettings ini-format does not accept
                // slashes in key names, hence we have to cheat
                if (int size = indexReader.value(key).toInt()) {
                    QString directoryKey = key.left(key.size() - 5);
                    QIconDirInfo dirInfo(directoryKey);
                    dirInfo.size = size;
                    QString type = indexReader.value(directoryKey +

                    if (type == QLatin1String("Fixed"))
                        dirInfo.type = QIconDirInfo::Fixed;
                    else if (type == QLatin1String("Scalable"))
                        dirInfo.type = QIconDirInfo::Scalable;
                        dirInfo.type = QIconDirInfo::Threshold;

                    dirInfo.threshold = indexReader.value(directoryKey +

                    dirInfo.minSize = indexReader.value(directoryKey +

                    dirInfo.maxSize = indexReader.value(directoryKey +

        // Parent themes provide fallbacks for missing icons
        m_parents = indexReader.value(
                QLatin1String("Icon Theme/Inherits")).toStringList();

        // Ensure a default platform fallback for all themes
        if (m_parents.isEmpty()) {
            const QString fallback = fallbackTheme();
            if (!fallback.isEmpty())

        // Ensure that all themes fall back to hicolor
        if (!m_parents.contains(QLatin1String("hicolor")))