コード例 #1
int main()
    printf ("1. rec max value = %d\n", knapsack_rec(0, 0));
    printf ("2. bru max value = %d\n", knapsack_bruteforce());
    printf ("3. dyn max value = %d\n", knapsack_dynamic());

    memset(dynamic_tab_rec, -1, sizeof(dynamic_tab_rec));
    printf ("4. dre max value = %d\n", knapsack_dynamic_rec(nitems, knapsacksize));
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ex5.cpp プロジェクト: mateuszroth/AiDS2013
void knapsack_bf_iface(int n, int capacity, int *value, int *weight) {
  //first call of knapsack_bruteforce with default values
  knapsack_bruteforce(-1, 0, 0, capacity, n, value, weight);
#ifdef VERBOSE
  printf("Max value is: %d\n", best);
  printf("The solution is: ");
  //printf("res_x: %lld\n\n",res_x);
  for(int i=0; i<=n; i++) {
    if(res_x%2) printf("%d ", i+1);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ex5.cpp プロジェクト: mateuszroth/AiDS2013
void knapsack_bruteforce
(int id, int sum_weight, int sum_value, int capacity, int n, int *value, 
 int *weight) {
#ifndef NONSENSE
  if(sum_weight>capacity) return; //there is no reaaasooon
  if(id<n-1) { //if there are more items to check
    //decision: false
    //our algorithm is not paralell, so we can use single temporary var for every call
    temp_x &= ~(1ull << (id+1));
    knapsack_bruteforce(id+1, sum_weight, sum_value, 
        capacity, n, value, weight);

    //decision: true
    temp_x |= (1ull << (id+1));
    knapsack_bruteforce(id+1, sum_weight+weight[id+1], 
        sum_value+value[id+1], capacity, n, value, weight);
  }else{ //each item is checked.
    if(sum_value>best) {