int io_close_file(void *address) { int rc; l4dm_dataspace_t ds; l4_addr_t addr; l4_size_t size; l4_offs_t offset; l4_threadid_t pager; rc = l4rm_lookup_region(address, &addr, &size, &ds, &offset, &pager); if (rc < 0) return -rc; if (rc == L4RM_REGION_DATASPACE) { l4rm_detach(addr); l4dm_close(&ds); } return 0; }
static void get_fb(void) { l4_addr_t fpage_addr; l4_size_t fpage_size; l4dm_dataspace_t ds; CORBA_Environment env = dice_default_environment; int i, pages, error; struct stat st; /* check if we're running under L4Linux */ if (stat("/proc/l4", &st) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: /proc/l4 doesn't exist, not running on L4Linux?!\n"); exit(1); } /* ask for 'con' (timeout = 5000 ms) */ if (names_waitfor_name(CON_NAMES_STR, &con_l4id, 5000) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "PANIC: %s not registered at names", CON_NAMES_STR); exit(1); } INFO("Found my console through names, it's at "l4util_idfmt".\n", l4util_idstr(con_l4id)); PRINT("Screenshot'ing, please smile... ;-)\n"); /* get screenshot */ if (con_if_screenshot_call(&con_l4id, get_vc, &ds, &xres, &yres, &bpp, &env)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get screenshot\n"); exit(1); } INFO("Got screenshot: res: %dx%d, bpp: %d\n", xres, yres, bpp); if (l4dm_mem_size(&ds, &fb_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get size of data space\n"); exit(1); } INFO("Size of data space: %d\n", fb_size); if ((fb_mem = malloc(fb_size)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't malloc %d Bytes of memory!\n", fb_size); exit(1); } raw_pic_size = xres*yres*3; if ((raw_pic_mem = malloc(raw_pic_size)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't malloc %d bytes of memory!\n", raw_pic_size); exit(1); } pages = fb_size / L4_PAGESIZE; // size is always a multiple of L4_PAGESIZE? for (i = 0; i < pages; i++) { /* unmap memory */ l4_fpage_unmap(l4_fpage((l4_umword_t)map_page, L4_LOG2_PAGESIZE, L4_FPAGE_RW, L4_MAP_ITEM_MAP), L4_FP_FLUSH_PAGE|L4_FP_ALL_SPACES); /* page in L4 page */ if ((error = l4dm_map_pages(&ds, i*L4_PAGESIZE, L4_PAGESIZE, (l4_addr_t)map_page, L4_LOG2_PAGESIZE, 0, L4DM_RO, &fpage_addr,&fpage_size)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d requesting ds %d at ds_manager " l4util_idfmt"\n", error,, l4util_idstr(ds.manager)); l4dm_close(&ds); exit(error); } memcpy(fb_mem + i*L4_PAGESIZE, map_page, L4_PAGESIZE); } if (l4dm_close(&ds)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error on closing dataspace, expect memory leakage...\n"); } }
unsigned int find_path(const char *name, char *full_path_name) { CORBA_Environment env = dice_default_environment; l4dm_dataspace_t ds; l4_size_t size; int rc; //FILE *f; char *p; #define buf_size 4096 char buf[buf_size+1]; char *path = (char *) &buf; STR_SAVED_TOKENS st; char * p_buf = full_path_name; char *sep="\\"; char *psep=";"; /* query default dataspace manager id */ if (l4_is_invalid_id(dsm)) dsm = l4env_get_default_dsm(); if (l4_is_invalid_id(dsm)) { LOG("No dataspace manager found\n"); return 2; } LOG("name=%s", name); LOG("full_path_name=%s", full_path_name); cfg_Getenv("PATH", &path); LOG("PATH: %s", path); p = path - 1; StrTokSave(&st); LOG("0"); if((p = StrTokenize((char*)path, psep)) != 0) do if(*p) { LOG("1"); p_buf = full_path_name; p_buf[0] = 0; LOG(p); if (!strcmp(p,".")) { strcat(p_buf, options.bootdrive); strcat(p_buf, "\\"); // For OS2Server current directory is always root } else { strcat(p_buf, p); strcat(p_buf, sep); } strcat(p_buf, name); LOG("2"); LOG("p_buf=%s", p_buf); //f = fopen(os2_fname_to_vfs_fname(p_buf), "rb"); /* Tries to open the file, if it works f is a valid pointer.*/ //if(f) /* try opening a file from a file provider */ LOG("call fprov"); LOG("fs: %x.%x",,; rc = l4fprov_file_open_call(&fs, p_buf, &dsm, 0, &ds, &size, &env); LOG("called, rc=%d", rc); LOG("3"); if(!rc) { LOG("30"); l4dm_close(&ds); LOG("31"); StrTokStop(); LOG("32"); return 0; /* NO_ERROR */ } LOG("4"); } while((p = StrTokenize(0, psep)) != 0); StrTokRestore(&st); LOG("5"); return 2/*ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND*/; }
unsigned int find_module_path(const char * name, char * full_path_name) { CORBA_Environment env = dice_default_environment; l4dm_dataspace_t ds; l4_size_t size; int rc; /* query default dataspace manager id */ if (l4_is_invalid_id(dsm)) dsm = l4env_get_default_dsm(); if (l4_is_invalid_id(dsm)) { LOG("No dataspace manager found\n"); return 2; } //FILE *f; char *p = options.libpath - 1; STR_SAVED_TOKENS st; char * p_buf = full_path_name; char *sep="\\"; #ifdef __LINUX__ char *hostsep="/"; #else char *hostsep="\\"; #endif char *psep=";"; StrTokSave(&st); if((p = StrTokenize((char*)options.libpath, psep)) != 0) do if(*p) { int B_LEN = 250; char buf[251]; char *str_buf=(char*) &buf; char buf2[251]; char * file_to_find=(char*) &buf2; long i=0; p_buf = full_path_name; p_buf[0] = '\0'; while (p[i]!='\0') { if (p[i]=='\\') p[i]=*hostsep; ++i; } strcat(p_buf, p); if (p[strlen(p)-1]!=*hostsep) { strcat(p_buf, hostsep); } strcat(p_buf, name); buf[0] = '\0'; buf2[0] = '\0'; strcat(file_to_find, name); #ifndef L4API_l4v2 if(find_case_file(file_to_find, p, str_buf, B_LEN)) { p_buf[0] = 0; strcat(p_buf, p); strcat(p_buf, hostsep); strcat(p_buf, str_buf); /* Case corrected for file, Needed on Linux. */ } #endif LOG(p_buf); //LOG(os2_fname_to_vfs_fname(p_buf)); //f = fopen(os2_fname_to_vfs_fname(p_buf), "rb"); /* Tries to open the file, if it works f is a valid pointer.*/ /* try opening a file from a file provider */ rc = l4fprov_file_open_call(&fs, p_buf, &dsm, 0, &ds, &size, &env); if(!rc) { l4dm_close(&ds); StrTokStop(); return 0; /* NO_ERROR */ } } while((p = StrTokenize(0, psep)) != 0); StrTokRestore(&st); return 2 /*ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND*/; }
long DICE_CV l4fprov_file_open_component (CORBA_Object _dice_corba_obj, const char* fname /* in */, const l4_threadid_t *dm /* in */, unsigned long flags /* in */, l4dm_dataspace_t *ds /* out */, l4_size_t *size /* out */, CORBA_Server_Environment *_dice_corba_env) { struct stat stat; l4_addr_t addr; char *newfilename; int handle; int rc; /* convert OS/2 path to PN path */ if (pathconv(&newfilename, fname)) return 2; /* ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND */ handle = open(newfilename, O_RDONLY); if(handle == -1) return 2; /* ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND */ LOG("file opened"); rc = fstat(handle, &stat); /* get length */ *size = stat.st_size; /* Create a dataspace of a given size */ rc = l4dm_mem_open(*dm, *size, 0, L4DM_RW, "fprov dataspace", ds); if (rc < 0) return 8; /* ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY */ /* attach the created dataspace to our address space */ rc = l4rm_attach(ds, *size, 0, L4DM_RW, (void **)&addr); if (rc < 0) return 8; /* What to return? */ read(handle, addr, *size); close(handle); l4rm_detach(addr); LOG("caller=%x.%x", _dice_corba_obj->id.task, _dice_corba_obj->id.lthread); rc = l4dm_transfer(ds, *_dice_corba_obj); if (rc < 0) { LOG("error transferring ds"); l4dm_close(ds); return 5; /* ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED */ } LOG("successful return"); return 0; /*NO_ERROR;*/ }