コード例 #1
ファイル: linked_list.c プロジェクト: TongTongX/CStudyCode
  Add the item to the back of the linked list.
void l_add_back(linked_list list, int item) {
  //Similar to l_add_front.
  link new_link = (link) malloc(sizeof(link_t));

  assert(new_link != NULL);

  // Store the item at this new node
  new_link->item = item;

  //Since the new link will be the back of the list,
  //it points next to NULL.
  new_link->next = NULL;

  if (l_length(list) == 0) {
    //If the list was empty, this link is both the back
    //and the front link.
    new_link->prev = NULL;
    list->front = new_link;
  else {
    //Otherwise, have the former front point back to this new
    //link and this new link point forward to the former front
    new_link->prev = list->back;
    list->back->next = new_link;

  //In either case, the new link is the new front of the list.
  list->back = new_link;
  list->length += 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: render_sys.c プロジェクト: UncleDoom/C_project
void S_render(Screen * screen)
    for(size_t i = 0;i < l_length(&screen->mRenderQueue);i++)
        imgKey key = l_get(&screen->mRenderQueue,i)->mKey;
コード例 #3
ファイル: linked_list.c プロジェクト: TongTongX/CStudyCode
  Removes the first item held by the list.
void l_remove_front(linked_list list) {
  assert(l_length(list) > 0);

  //If l_remove() is implemented propertly below, just call
  //it with the pointer to the front link.
  l_remove(list, list->front);
コード例 #4
ファイル: array.c プロジェクト: qwertzuiop961/programmieren
Array a_of_l(List list) {
	int n = l_length(list);
	int i = 0;
	Array result = a_create(n, list->s);
	for (ListNode *node = list->first; node != NULL; node = node->next, i++) {
		Any element = node + 1;
		a_set(result, i, element);
	return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: double_list.c プロジェクト: qwertzuiop961/prgraas
double dl_foldr(List list, DoubleDoubleIntToDouble f, double init) {
    List rev = l_reverse(list);
    int i = l_length(list) - 1;
    for (DoubleListNode *node = rev->first; node != NULL; node = node->next, i--) {
        init = f(node->value, init, i);
    return init;
コード例 #6
ファイル: pointer_list.c プロジェクト: qwertzuiop961/prgraas
Any pl_foldr(List list, AnyAnyIntToAny f, Any init) {
	List rev = l_reverse(list);
	int i = l_length(list) - 1;
	for (PointerListNode *node = rev->first; node != NULL; node = node->next, i--) {
		init = f(node->value, init, i);
	return init;
コード例 #7
ファイル: tog.c プロジェクト: berkus/lang-e
/* unparsetxt: generate C rule table for tpo */
static void unparsetxt (List r, FILE *fp) {
     List *v, *p;
     int i;

     l_ltov(v, List, r, ARENA0);
     for (p = v, i = 0; *p; p++, i++) {
	  fprintf(fp, "char *tr%dins[] = {\n", i);
	  l_mapc(*p, char *, unparsetxtlin, fp);
	  fprintf(fp, "\t0\n};\n");
     fprintf(fp, "trule_t tpoR[] = {\n");
     for (p = v, i = 0; *p; p++, i++)
	  fprintf(fp, "\t{ %d, tr%dins },\n", l_length(*p), i);
     fprintf(fp, "\t{ 0 }\n};\n");
コード例 #8
ファイル: linked_list.c プロジェクト: TongTongX/CStudyCode
  Destroy all links in the list and the list itself,
  freeing up all memory used by the list.
void l_destroy(linked_list list) {

    Handy shortcut: If you implement, say, l_remove_front()
    then just call it a bunch of times until the list is empty.
    Remember to also free the memory used by "list" itself 
    when this is done.
  while (l_length(list) > 0) {

コード例 #9
ファイル: double_list.c プロジェクト: qwertzuiop961/prgraas
static void dl_repeat_test(void) {
    List list;

    list = dl_repeat(3, 0);
    check_within_d(dl_get(list, 0), 0, EPSILON);
    check_within_d(dl_get(list, 1), 0, EPSILON);
    check_within_d(dl_get(list, 2), 0, EPSILON);

    list = dl_repeat(2, -1);
    check_within_d(dl_get(list, 0), -1, EPSILON);
    check_within_d(dl_get(list, 1), -1, EPSILON);

    list = dl_repeat(0, 2);
    check_expect_i(l_length(list), 0);
コード例 #10
ファイル: bog.c プロジェクト: berkus/lang-e
/* scan: parse the contents of fp, expecting the input side (phase) of a rule
   if ph=='i', or the output side if ph=='o' */
List scan (FILE *fp, int ph) {
     int c = 0;			/* Current char on fp */
     int nb = 0, nw = 0;	/* Position in rule (bit/word) */
     Symbol csym = 0L;		/* Current variable being scanned */
     T f_msk=(T)0, f_val=(T)0;	/* Current constant mask and value */
     List pats = 0L;		/* All the patterns (words) for this phase */
     List vars = 0L;		/* All the vars for a given pattern */

     while ((c=getc(fp)) != EOF) {
	  if (debugp)
	       fprintf(stdout, "/* bit: %c msk: 0x%x val: 0x%x */\n", 
		       c, (unsigned)f_msk, (unsigned)f_val);
				/* Inputs end with '=', outputs with '+' */
	  if ((c == '=' && ph == 'i') || (c == '+' && ph == 'o'))
	  switch(c) {
	  case ' ': case '\f': case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': case '\v': 
	  case '#':		/* Comment character */
	       while ((c=getc(fp)) != EOF && c != '\n');
	       if (c == EOF && (nb > 0 || (ph == 'i' && nw > 0)))
		    error(stringf("Unexpected end of file reading patterns at "
				  "rule %d, word %c%d, bit %d", nr,ph,nw,nb));
	  case '-':		/* Denotes body of a variable */
	       if (!csym)	/* We must be defining a variable */
		    error(stringf("'-' appears with no leading symbol "
			 "at rule %d, word %c%d, bit %d", nr, ph, nw, nb));
	       else {		/* Extend the variable's right boundary */
		    ++csym->r; assert(csym->r == nb);
	  case '0': case '1':	/* Constant characters */
	       if (csym) {	/* End any variable definition */
		    vars = mkvar(csym, vars); csym = 0L;
	       f_msk |= 1; f_val |= (c-'0');
	       c = tolower(c);	/* Variables named by a-z, case insensitive */
	       if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
		    char *s = stringf("%c", c);
		    if (csym)
			 vars = mkvar(csym, vars);
		    if (!lookup(s, stab) && ph == 'o')
			 error(stringf("Symbol '%c' used with no prior "
				       "definition at rule %d, word o%d",
				       c, nr, nw));
		    csym = install(s, stab);
		    csym->l = csym->r = nb;
	       } else
		    error(stringf("Illegal character in rule file at rule %d, "
				  "word %c%d, bit %d", nr, ph, nw, nb));
	  if (nb == SZ-1) {	/* End of a pattern (word): append this info */
	       pat_t *pat;	/*  to list of patterns, and reset current */
	       if (csym) {	/*  pattern state (masks, vars, bit count) */
		    vars = mkvar(csym, vars); csym = 0L;
	       NEW(pat, 1, ARENA0);
	       pat->f_msk = f_msk; f_msk = (T)0;
	       pat->f_val = f_val; f_val = (T)0;
	       pat->nv = l_length(vars);
	       if (debugp)
		    fprintf(stdout, "/* msk: 0x%x, val: 0x%x, nv: 0x%x */\n",
			    (unsigned)pat->f_msk, (unsigned)pat->f_val, 
	       l_ltov(pat->v, var_t *, vars, ARENA0);

	       pats = l_append(pat, pats, ARENA0);
	       ++nw; nb = 0; vars = 0L;
	  } else {		/* Still more to go: move on to next bit */
	       ++nb; f_msk <<= 1; f_val <<= 1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: list_test.c プロジェクト: TongTongX/CStudyCode
  Test the length function.
void length_test(linked_list list, int len) {
  int val = l_length(list);
  if (val != len) {
    printf("Length test failed: expected %d got %d.\n", len, val);
コード例 #12
ファイル: linked_list.c プロジェクト: TongTongX/CStudyCode
  Removes the last item held by the list.
void l_remove_back(linked_list list) {
  assert(l_length(list) > 0);
  l_remove(list, list->back);
コード例 #13
ファイル: linked_list.c プロジェクト: TongTongX/CStudyCode
  Return the last item in the list.
int l_back(linked_list list) {
  assert(l_length(list) > 0);
  return list->back->item;
コード例 #14
ファイル: linked_list.c プロジェクト: TongTongX/CStudyCode
  Return the first item in the list.
int l_front(linked_list list) {
  assert(l_length(list) > 0);
  return list->front->item;
コード例 #15
ファイル: tog.c プロジェクト: berkus/lang-e
static void unparsepat (List p, FILE *fp) {
     fprintf(fp, "unsigned int tpoNP = %d;\n", l_length(p));
     fprintf(fp, "char *tpoP[] = {\n");
     l_mapc(p, char *, unparsetxtlin, fp);
     fprintf(fp, "\t0\n};\n");