void PushbroomStereo::ProcessImages2(InputArray _leftImage, InputArray _rightImage, std::vector<Point3f> *pointVector3d, std::vector<Point3i> *pointVector2d, std::vector<uchar> *pointColors) 

    Mat leftImage = _leftImage.getMat();
    Mat rightImage = _rightImage.getMat();

    // make sure that the inputs are of the right type
    CV_Assert(leftImage.type() == CV_8UC1 && rightImage.type() == CV_8UC1);

    //Mat remapped_left(state.mapxL.rows, state.mapxL.cols, leftImage.depth());
    //Mat remapped_right(state.mapxR.rows, state.mapxR.cols, rightImage.depth());

    Mat laplacian_left(leftImage.rows, leftImage.cols, leftImage.depth());
    Mat laplacian_right(rightImage.rows, rightImage.cols, rightImage.depth());

	Laplacian(leftImage,laplacian_left, -1, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
	Laplacian(rightImage,laplacian_right, -1, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);

	//imshow("Laplac_L", laplacian_left);
	//imshow("Laplac_R", laplacian_right);

	//while( 1 )
	//	waitKey( 100 );

	RunStereoPushbroomStereo2(leftImage, rightImage,laplacian_left,laplacian_right,	pointVector3d,pointVector2d,pointColors);

コード例 #2
ファイル: pushbroom-stereo.cpp プロジェクト: soulsheng/flight
 * Runs the fast, single-disparity stereo algorithm.  Returns a
 * vector of points where it found disparity matches in the image.
 * @param _leftImage left camera image as a CV_8UC1
 * @param _rightImage right camera image as a CV_8UC1
 * @param hitVector a cv::vector that we will populate with cv::Point()s
 * @param state set of configuration parameters for the function.
 *      You can change these on each run of the function if you'd like.
void PushbroomStereo::ProcessImages(Mat leftImage, Mat rightImage, cv::vector<Point3f> *pointVector3d, cv::vector<uchar> *pointColors, cv::vector<Point3i> *pointVector2d, PushbroomStereoState state) {

    //cout << "[main] entering process images" << endl;

    // make sure that the inputs are of the right type
    CV_Assert(leftImage.type() == CV_8UC1 && rightImage.type() == CV_8UC1);

    // we want to use the sum-of-absolute-differences (SAD) algorithm
    // on a single disparity

    // split things up so we can parallelize
    int rows = leftImage.rows;

	StopWatchInterface	*timer;
	sdkCreateTimer( &timer );

	sdkResetTimer( &timer );
	sdkStartTimer( &timer );

    // first parallelize remaping

    // we split these arrays up and send them into each
    // thread so at the end, each thread has written to the
    // appropriate spot in the array
    Mat remapped_left(state.mapxL.rows, state.mapxL.cols, leftImage.depth());
    Mat remapped_right(state.mapxR.rows, state.mapxR.cols, rightImage.depth());

		remap( leftImage, remapped_left, state.mapxL, Mat(), INTER_NEAREST);
		remap( rightImage, remapped_right, state.mapxR, Mat(), INTER_NEAREST);

	sdkStopTimer( &timer );
	//printf("remap timer: %.2f ms \n", sdkGetTimerValue( &timer) );

	sdkResetTimer( &timer );
	sdkStartTimer( &timer );

    Mat laplacian_left(remapped_left.rows, remapped_left.cols, remapped_left.depth());
    Mat laplacian_right(remapped_right.rows, remapped_right.cols, remapped_right.depth());

	    // apply interest operator
		Laplacian( remapped_left, laplacian_left, -1, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);

		Laplacian( remapped_right, laplacian_right, -1, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);

	sdkStopTimer( &timer );
	//printf("laplacian timer: %.2f ms \n", sdkGetTimerValue( &timer) );

	sdkResetTimer( &timer );
	sdkStartTimer( &timer );

    cv::vector<Point3f> pointVector3dArray;
    cv::vector<Point3i> pointVector2dArray;
    cv::vector<uchar> pointColorsArray;

    //cout << "[main] firing worker threads..." << endl;

    if (state.lastValidPixelRow > 0) {

        // crop image to be only include valid pixels
        rows = state.lastValidPixelRow;

    int rows_round = RoundUp(rows, state.blockSize);

	RunStereoPushbroomStereo( remapped_left, remapped_right, laplacian_left, laplacian_right,
	pointVector3d, pointVector2d, pointColors,
	0, rows_round - 1, state );

	sdkStopTimer( &timer );
	//printf("RunStereo timer: %.2f ms \n", sdkGetTimerValue( &timer) );

    int numPoints = 0;
    // compute the required size of our return vector
    // this prevents multiple memory allocations
    numPoints = pointVector3dArray.size();

	pointVector3d->insert( pointVector3d->end(), pointVector3dArray.begin(), pointVector3dArray.end() );

	pointColors->insert( pointColors->end(), pointColorsArray.begin(), pointColorsArray.end() );

	 if (state.show_display)
		pointVector2d->insert( pointVector2d->end(), pointVector2dArray.begin(), pointVector2dArray.end() );