Boolean launchServer (OSType serverid) { /* if the application whose creator id is serverid is running, return true. if not, we look for the application and try to launch it. we wait until it's actually running and ready to receive Apple Events. */ FSSpec fs; if (appRunning (serverid)) return (true); if (!findApp (serverid, &fs)) return (false); if (!launchApp (&fs)) return (false); while (!appRunning (serverid)) { EventRecord ev; EventAvail (everyEvent, &ev); } /*while*/ return (true); } /*launchServer*/
void TrayUI::slotTrayClicked(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason){ if(reason == QSystemTrayIcon::Context){ this->contextMenu()->popup(QCursor::pos()); }else{ launchApp(); } }
int theMain(int argc, char **argv){ obj.screenLog = TEMP_EN_LOG; //initially disable logging to screen. //Define the quit handler; signal(SIGTERM,exitHandle); initSDL(); //JS_Init(); //SETUP SPIDERMONKEY -> NEW VERSION!! if(!(runtime = JS_NewRuntime(8L *1024*1024L * 8,JS_USE_HELPER_THREADS /*JS_NO_HELPER_THREADS*/ ))){ fprint(stderr,"Could not setup runtime\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } init_video_libraries(&argc,&argv); while(1){ char *appPath = NULL; appPath = launchApp(MENU_SCRIPT,1); if(appPath == NULL) continue; loadApp(appPath); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void loadApp(char *appName){ char *pathBack = NULL; pathBack = launchApp(appName,0); if(appName)free(appName); if(pathBack)free(pathBack); return; }
void IconBase::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event) { if (m_launchMode == DesktopPlugin::DoubleClick && event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { launchApp(); } }
void GlobalAccel::bindDefault() { foreach(const QKeySequence & keySequence , mapping.keys()) { qDebug() << "Binding: " << keySequence << mapping.value(keySequence); QxtGlobalShortcut *sc = new QxtGlobalShortcut(this); sc->setShortcut(keySequence); connect(sc , SIGNAL(activated()) , SLOT(launchApp())); } }
OSStatus LSOpenCFURLRef(CFURLRef inURL, CFURLRef *outLaunchedURL) { // TODO: use 'xdg-mime query' and 'xdg-mime default' to determine the app? const char *str = CFStringGetCStringPtr(CFURLGetString(inURL),CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); std::vector<std::string> args; args.push_back(str); launchApp(g_scXdgOpenPath,args); outLaunchedURL = nullptr; return unimpErr; }
void IconBase::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event) { if (m_launchMode == DesktopPlugin::DoubleClick) return; // qDebug() << "IconBase::mouseReleaseEvent" << event; switch (event->button()) { case Qt::LeftButton: launchApp(); break; default: // ignored break; } }
void TrayUI::slotItemClicked(QAction* act){ QString code = act->whatsThis(); if(code=="quit"){ //Close the tray slotClose(); }else if(code=="update"){ //Re-check for updates by syscache BackendResync(); }else if(code.isEmpty()){ return; }else{ //Launch one of the external applications launchApp(code); } }
int MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: setIso(); break; case 1: launchApp(); break; case 2: updateForces(); break; case 3: deleteCells(); break; case 4: clearQGview(); break; case 5: redrawQGview(); break; case 6: selectContainer((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; default: ; } _id -= 7; } return _id; }
void Britepad::begin() { // assumes that the splashapp has been created and added to list launchApp(SplashApp::ID, SCREENSAVER_MODE); setApp(getAppByID(SplashApp::ID), SCREENSAVER_MODE); // initialize apps BritepadApp* anApp = appList; while (anApp != nullptr) { anApp->init(); anApp = anApp->getNextApp(); } screen.setBacklight(screen.maxbrightness); backlightTimer.setMillis(ambientUpdateInterval, backlightCallback, (void*)this, true); statusBarUpdateTimer.setMillis(1000, statusBarCallback, (void*)this, true); usbHost.begin(); usbMouse.begin(); }
void IconBase::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event) { if (m_launchMode == DesktopPlugin::DoubleClick) return; // do not launch app when it's in "drag" mode if ((event->pos() - m_oldPosition).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance()) { return; } switch (event->button()) { case Qt::LeftButton: launchApp(); break; default: // ignored break; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { configureSandbox(); createCrashFile(); registerExtensions(); //Initialisation MUTEX_CREATE(DBRefreshMutex); loadEmailProfile(); initializeDNSCache(); #ifdef VERBOSE_DB_MANAGEMENT removeFolder("log"); mkdirR("log"); #endif atexit(cleanup); createNewThread(networkAndVersionTest, NULL); //On met le test dans un nouveau thread pour pas ralentir le démarrage setupBDDCache(); return launchApp(argc, argv); }
static LRESULT CALLBACK mainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: // test for unsaved data if (ARG->m_config != ARG->m_oldConfig) { if (!askVerify(hwnd, getString(IDS_UNSAVED_DATA_REALLY_QUIT))) { return 0; } } // quit PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; case IDOK: case IDC_MAIN_TEST: { // note if testing const bool testing = (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_MAIN_TEST); // save data if (ARG->m_config != ARG->m_oldConfig) { if (!saveConfig(ARG->m_config, false)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_SAVE_FAILED).c_str(), getErrorString(GetLastError()).c_str())); return 0; } ARG->m_oldConfig = ARG->m_config; enableSaveControls(hwnd); } // launch child app DWORD threadID; HANDLE thread = launchApp(hwnd, testing, &threadID); if (thread == NULL) { return 0; } // handle child program if (testing) { // wait for process to stop, allowing the user to kill it waitForChild(hwnd, thread, threadID); // clean up CloseHandle(thread); } else { // don't need thread handle CloseHandle(thread); // notify of success askOkay(hwnd, getString(IDS_STARTED_TITLE), getString(IDS_STARTED)); // quit PostQuitMessage(0); } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_AUTOSTART: { // construct command line CString cmdLine = getCommandLine(hwnd, false); if (!cmdLine.empty()) { // run dialog CAutoStart autoStart(hwnd, isClientChecked(hwnd) ? NULL : &ARG->m_config, cmdLine); autoStart.doModal(); if (autoStart.wasUserConfigSaved()) { ARG->m_oldConfig = ARG->m_config; enableSaveControls(hwnd); } } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_SAVE: if (!saveConfig(ARG->m_config, false)) { showError(hwnd, CStringUtil::format( getString(IDS_SAVE_FAILED).c_str(), getErrorString(GetLastError()).c_str())); } else { ARG->m_oldConfig = ARG->m_config; enableSaveControls(hwnd); } return 0; case IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_RADIO: case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RADIO: enableMainWindowControls(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_ADD_BUTTON: addScreen(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_EDIT_BUTTON: editScreen(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_REMOVE_BUTTON: removeScreen(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_SCREENS_LIST: if (HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) { enableScreensControls(hwnd); updateNeighbors(hwnd); } else if (HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_DBLCLK) { editScreen(hwnd); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_LEFT_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kLeft); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RIGHT_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kRight); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_TOP_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kTop); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_BOTTOM_COMBO: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELENDOK) { changeNeighbor(hwnd, (HWND)lParam, kBottom); return 0; } break; case IDC_MAIN_OPTIONS: s_globalOptions->doModal(); enableSaveControls(hwnd); break; case IDC_MAIN_ADVANCED: s_advancedOptions->doModal(isClientChecked(hwnd)); enableSaveControls(hwnd); break; } default: break; } return DefDlgProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
static LRESULT CALLBACK mainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_ACTIVATE: if (LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE) { // activated // see if the configuration changed if (isConfigNewer(s_configTime, s_userConfig)) { CString message2 = getString(IDS_CONFIG_CHANGED); if (askVerify(hwnd, message2)) { time_t configTime; bool userConfig; CConfig newConfig; if (loadConfig(newConfig, configTime, userConfig) && userConfig == s_userConfig) { ARG->m_config = newConfig; s_lastConfig = ARG->m_config; } else { message2 = getString(IDS_LOAD_FAILED); showError(hwnd, message2); s_lastConfig = CConfig(); } } } } else { // deactivated; write configuration if (!isShowingDialog()) { saveMainWindow(hwnd, SAVE_QUIET); } } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: // save data if (saveMainWindow(hwnd, SAVE_QUITING)) { // quit PostQuitMessage(0); } return 0; case IDOK: case IDC_MAIN_TEST: { // note if testing const bool testing = (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_MAIN_TEST); // save data if (saveMainWindow(hwnd, SAVE_NORMAL)) { // launch child app DWORD threadID; HANDLE thread; if (!launchApp(hwnd, testing, &thread, &threadID)) { return 0; } // handle child program if (testing) { // wait for process to stop, allowing the user to kill it waitForChild(hwnd, thread, threadID); // clean up CloseHandle(thread); } else { // don't need thread handle if (thread != NULL) { CloseHandle(thread); } // notify of success: now disabled - it's silly to notify a success //askOkay(hwnd, getString(IDS_STARTED_TITLE), getString(IDS_STARTED)); // quit PostQuitMessage(0); } } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_AUTOSTART: { CString cmdLine; if (saveMainWindow(hwnd, SAVE_NORMAL, &cmdLine)) { // run dialog CAutoStart autoStart(hwnd, !isClientChecked(hwnd), cmdLine); autoStart.doModal(); } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_RADIO: case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RADIO: enableMainWindowControls(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SCREENS: s_screensLinks->doModal(); break; case IDC_MAIN_OPTIONS: s_globalOptions->doModal(); break; case IDC_MAIN_ADVANCED: s_advancedOptions->doModal(isClientChecked(hwnd)); break; case IDC_MAIN_HOTKEYS: s_hotkeyOptions->doModal(); break; case IDC_MAIN_INFO: s_info->doModal(); break; } default: break; } return DefDlgProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
bool ProjectContentComponent::perform (const InvocationInfo& info) { switch (info.commandID) { case CommandIDs::saveProject: case CommandIDs::closeProject: case CommandIDs::saveDocument: case CommandIDs::saveDocumentAs: case CommandIDs::closeDocument: case CommandIDs::goToPreviousDoc: case CommandIDs::goToNextDoc: case CommandIDs::goToCounterpart: case CommandIDs::saveAndOpenInIDE: if (reinvokeCommandAfterCancellingModalComps (info)) { grabKeyboardFocus(); // to force any open labels to close their text editors return true; } break; default: break; } if (isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) return false; switch (info.commandID) { case CommandIDs::saveProject: saveProject(); break; case CommandIDs::closeProject: closeProject(); break; case CommandIDs::saveDocument: saveDocument(); break; case CommandIDs::saveDocumentAs: saveAs(); break; case CommandIDs::closeDocument: closeDocument(); break; case CommandIDs::goToPreviousDoc: goToPreviousFile(); break; case CommandIDs::goToNextDoc: goToNextFile(); break; case CommandIDs::goToCounterpart: goToCounterpart(); break; case CommandIDs::showProjectSettings: showProjectSettings(); break; case CommandIDs::showProjectTab: showProjectTab(); break; case CommandIDs::showBuildTab: showBuildTab(); break; case CommandIDs::showFileExplorerPanel: showFilesPanel(); break; case CommandIDs::showModulesPanel: showModulesPanel(); break; case CommandIDs::showExportersPanel: showExportersPanel(); break; case CommandIDs::showExporterSettings: showCurrentExporterSettings(); break; case CommandIDs::openInIDE: openInSelectedIDE (false); break; case CommandIDs::saveAndOpenInIDE: openInSelectedIDE (true); break; case CommandIDs::createNewExporter: showNewExporterMenu(); break; case CommandIDs::deleteSelectedItem: deleteSelectedTreeItems(); break; case CommandIDs::showTranslationTool: showTranslationTool(); break; case CommandIDs::cleanAll: cleanAll(); break; case CommandIDs::toggleBuildEnabled: setBuildEnabled (! isBuildEnabled()); break; case CommandIDs::buildNow: rebuildNow(); break; case CommandIDs::toggleContinuousBuild: setContinuousRebuildEnabled (! isContinuousRebuildEnabled()); break; case CommandIDs::launchApp: launchApp(); break; case CommandIDs::killApp: killApp(); break; case CommandIDs::reinstantiateComp: reinstantiateLivePreviewWindows(); break; case CommandIDs::showWarnings: toggleWarnings(); break; case CommandIDs::nextError: showNextError(); break; case CommandIDs::prevError: showPreviousError(); break; default: return false; } return true; }
int main(void) { char strInput[20]; char *strCommand; char *Args1; char *Args2; char *space = " \t\r\n\a"; int n; printf("\n****************************************************************************************"); printf("\n********\t\t\tHello! Welcome to the C Shell!\t\t\t********"); printf("\n**************************************************************************************** \n\n"); do{ printf("\nEnter a command: \n> "); //scanf("%s",strCommand); fgets(strInput,sizeof(strInput),stdin); strCommand = strtok(strInput, space); Args1 = strtok(NULL, space); Args2 = strtok(NULL, space); /* printf("\nThe command you entered : >>%s<<", strCommand); printf("\nThe Args1 you entered : >>%s<<", Args1); printf("\nThe Args2 you entered : >>%s<<", Args2); if(strchr(Args1,'\n') != 0){ //printf("\n>>>>> String has new line\n"); strncpy(Args1,Args1,sizeof(Args1)-1); //printf("\nAfter StrCopy : >%s<",Args1); } printf("\nThe command evaluated : %s\n", strCommand); */ if(strcmp(strCommand,TYPE_CMD) == 0){ //Validate if the argument is passed displayFile(strCommand,Args1,Args2); } else{ if(strcmp(strCommand,COPY_CMD) == 0){ //Validate if both the argument are passed copyFile(strCommand,Args1,Args2); } else { if(strcmp(strCommand,DEL_CMD) == 0){ //Validate if the argument is passed deleteFile(strCommand,Args1,Args2); } else{ if(strncmp(strCommand,EXIT_CMD,4) != 0){ //Validate if the argument is passed launchApp(strCommand,Args1,Args2); } } } } } while(strncmp(strCommand,EXIT_CMD,4) != 0); printf("\n****************************************************************************************"); printf("\n********\t\t\t Exiting the Shell! \t\t\t********"); printf("\n**************************************************************************************** \n\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int argi = 1; while((argi < argc) && (argv[argi][0] == '-')) { switch(argv[argi][1]) { case 'l': bLaunchApp = true; break; case 'a': bAppIdOnly = true; break; default: usage(); } argi++; } if(argc <= argi) usage(); DCOPClient client; client.attach(); dcop = &client; QCString app; QCString objid; QCString function; char **args = 0; if((argc > argi) && (strncmp(argv[argi], "DCOPRef(", 8)) == 0) { char *delim = strchr(argv[argi], ','); if(!delim) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: '%s' is not a valid DCOP reference.\n", argv[argi]); return 1; } *delim = 0; app = argv[argi++] + 8; delim++; delim[strlen(delim) - 1] = 0; objid = delim; } else { if(argc > argi) app = argv[argi++]; if(argc > argi) objid = argv[argi++]; } if(argc > argi) function = argv[argi++]; if(argc > argi) { args = &argv[argi]; argc = argc - argi; } else { argc = 0; } KStringList params; for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) params.append(args[i]); bool ok = findObject(app, objid, function, params); if(ok) return 0; if(bLaunchApp) { ok = launchApp(app); if(!ok) return 2; ok = findObject(app, objid, function, params); } return 1; }
static LRESULT CALLBACK mainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: // save data if (saveMainWindow(hwnd, true)) { // quit PostQuitMessage(0); } return 0; case IDOK: case IDC_MAIN_TEST: { // note if testing const bool testing = (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_MAIN_TEST); // save data if (saveMainWindow(hwnd, false)) { // launch child app DWORD threadID; HANDLE thread = launchApp(hwnd, testing, &threadID); if (thread == NULL) { return 0; } // handle child program if (testing) { // wait for process to stop, allowing the user to kill it waitForChild(hwnd, thread, threadID); // clean up CloseHandle(thread); } else { // don't need thread handle CloseHandle(thread); // notify of success askOkay(hwnd, getString(IDS_STARTED_TITLE), getString(IDS_STARTED)); // quit PostQuitMessage(0); } } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_AUTOSTART: { CString cmdLine; if (saveMainWindow(hwnd, false, &cmdLine)) { // run dialog CAutoStart autoStart(hwnd, !isClientChecked(hwnd), cmdLine); autoStart.doModal(); } return 0; } case IDC_MAIN_CLIENT_RADIO: case IDC_MAIN_SERVER_RADIO: enableMainWindowControls(hwnd); return 0; case IDC_MAIN_SCREENS: s_screensLinks->doModal(); break; case IDC_MAIN_OPTIONS: s_globalOptions->doModal(); break; case IDC_MAIN_ADVANCED: s_advancedOptions->doModal(isClientChecked(hwnd)); break; } default: break; } return DefDlgProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
void Britepad::loop() { pad.update(); if (pad.touched(ANY_PAD)) { resetScreensaver(); } if (!currApp) { console.debugln("No currapp!"); launchApp(LauncherApp::ID); } if (pad.pressed(TOP_PAD)) { currApp->exit(); } else if (currApp->isAppMode(SCREENSAVER_MODE) && (pad.pressed(SCREEN_PAD) || ((pad.pressed(ANY_PAD) && !currApp->canBeInteractive())))) { console.debugln("waking screensaver"); // waking goes back to the mouse in the case that the user touched the screen (or any touch pad if it's not interactive) if (currApp->canBeMouse() && currApp->getEnabled(MOUSE_MODE) && usbActive()) { console.debugln("switching current app to MOUSE_MODE"); currApp->switchAppMode(MOUSE_MODE); } else if (usbActive()) { console.debugln("launching A_MOUSE_APP"); launchApp(BritepadApp::A_MOUSE_APP, MOUSE_MODE); } else { launchApp(LauncherApp::ID); } } else { // check if somebody wants to be screensaver if (currApp->isAppMode(SCREENSAVER_MODE) && !currApp->wantsToRun() && wantsToRun()) { launchApp(BritepadApp::A_SCREENSAVER_APP, SCREENSAVER_MODE); // let's check to see if we should run a screensaver } else if (pad.time() > disableScreensaversUntil && !currApp->disablesScreensavers()) { if ( pad.pressed(PROXIMITY_SENSOR) && currApp->isAppMode(SCREENSAVER_MODE) && !currApp->displaysClock() && getAppByID(ClockApp::ID)) { launchApp(ClockApp::ID, SCREENSAVER_MODE); resetScreensaver(showClockDur); // disable screensavers for a little while; console.debugln("Proximity detected: showing clock"); } else if (currApp->isAppMode(SCREENSAVER_MODE) && getScreensaverSwitchInterval() && (pad.time() - screensaverStartedTime) > getScreensaverSwitchInterval()*1000) { launchApp(BritepadApp::A_SCREENSAVER_APP, SCREENSAVER_MODE); // is it time for the screensaver to kick in? } else if (!currApp->isAppMode(SCREENSAVER_MODE) && (pad.time() > disableScreensaversUntil) && !(currApp->canBeScreensaver() && currApp->isAppMode(MOUSE_MODE))) { launchApp(BritepadApp::A_SCREENSAVER_APP, SCREENSAVER_MODE); } } } setApp(getLaunchedApp(), getLaunchedAppMode()); launchApp(BritepadApp::STAY_IN_APP); currApp->run(); theFPSCommand.newFrame(); idle(); }
//PUBLIC TrayUI::TrayUI() : QSystemTrayIcon(){ qDebug() << "Starting Up System Updater Tray..."; //Set all the initial flags ( <0 means do initial checks if appropriate) PKGSTATUS=-1; SYSSTATUS=-1; WARDENSTATUS=-1; noInternet = false; //assume internet is available until we get a failure wasworking = false; //Load the tray settings file settings = new QSettings("PCBSD"); settings->sync(); //make sure to load it right away //Setup the checktimer chktime = new QTimer(this); chktime->setInterval(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); //every 24 hours connect(chktime, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkForUpdates()) ); //Generate the Menu menu = new QMenu(0); this->setContextMenu(menu); connect(menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotItemClicked(QAction*)) ); //Now fill the menu with items // - System Update Manager QAction* act = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/sysupdater.png"), tr("Start the Update Manager"), this); act->setWhatsThis("sys"); //system updater code menu->addAction(act); // - Separator menu->addSeparator(); // - AppCafe act = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/appcafe.png"), tr("Start the AppCafe"), this); act->setWhatsThis("pkg"); // PKG code menu->addAction(act); // - Warden act = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/warden.png"), tr("Start the Warden"), this); act->setWhatsThis("warden"); //warden code menu->addAction(act); // - Separator menu->addSeparator(); // - Check for Updates act = new QAction( QIcon(":/images/view-refresh.png"), tr("Check For Updates"), this); act->setWhatsThis("update"); //update check code menu->addAction(act); // - Separator menu->addSeparator(); // - Run At Startup Checkbox runAtStartup = new QCheckBox(tr("Run At Startup"), 0); runAtStartup->setChecked( settings->value("/PC-BSD/SystemUpdater/runAtStartup",true).toBool() ); connect(runAtStartup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRunAtStartupClicked()) ); rasAct = new QWidgetAction(this); rasAct->setDefaultWidget(runAtStartup); menu->addAction(rasAct); // - Display Notifications Checkbox showNotifications = new QCheckBox(tr("Display Notifications"), 0); showNotifications->setChecked( settings->value("/PC-BSD/SystemUpdater/displayPopup",true).toBool() ); connect(showNotifications, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotShowMessagesClicked()) ); snAct = new QWidgetAction(this); snAct->setDefaultWidget(showNotifications); menu->addAction(snAct); makeScheduleMenu(); menu->addAction(tr("Automatic updates check"))->setMenu(schedule_menu); // - Separator menu->addSeparator(); // - Warden act = new QAction( tr("Quit"), this); act->setWhatsThis("quit"); //system updater code menu->addAction(act); //Now Update the tray visuals updateTrayIcon(); updateToolTip(); //Start up the system flag watcher and connect the signals/slots watcher = new SystemFlagWatcher(this); connect(watcher,SIGNAL(FlagChanged(SystemFlags::SYSFLAG, SystemFlags::SYSMESSAGE)),this,SLOT(watcherMessage(SystemFlags::SYSFLAG, SystemFlags::SYSMESSAGE)) ); //watcher->checkForRecent(10); //Check for flags in the last 10 minutes //Now connect the tray clicked signal connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(slotTrayClicked(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)) ); connect(this, SIGNAL(messageClicked()), this, SLOT(launchApp()) ); //Startup the initial checks in 1 minute QTimer::singleShot(60000, this, SLOT(startupChecks())); //Periodically check timer start checkTimer=new QTimer(this); checkTimer->setInterval(60000); // 1min connect(checkTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotCheckTimer())); checkTimer->start(); }
void Britepad::launchApp(appid_t id, AppMode mode) { launchApp(getAppByID(id), mode); }
/** Точка входа. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return launchApp(argc, argv); }
void StartTimerApp::run() { if (theTimerApp.getTime() != getDuration() || theTimerApp.isReset()) { theTimerApp.setTime(getDuration()); } launchApp(&theTimerApp); };