static CSLbool numeqsr(Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b) /* * Here I will rely somewhat on the use of IEEE floating point values * (an in particular the weaker supposition that I have floating point * with a binary radix). Then for equality the denominator of b must * be a power of 2, which I can test for and then account for. */ { Lisp_Object nb = numerator(b), db = denominator(b); double d = float_of_number(a), d1; int x; int32_t dx, w, len; uint32_t u, bit; /* * first I will check that db (which will be positive) is a power of 2, * and set dx to indicate what power of two it is. * Note that db != 0 and that one of the top two words of a bignum * must be nonzero (for normalisation) so I end up with a nonzero * value in the variable 'bit' */ if (is_fixnum(db)) { bit = int_of_fixnum(db); w = bit; if (w != (w & (-w))) return NO; /* not a power of 2 */ dx = 0; } else if (is_numbers(db) && is_bignum(db)) { int32_t lenb = (bignum_length(db)-CELL-4)/4; bit = bignum_digits(db)[lenb]; /* * I need to cope with bignums where the leading digits is zero because * the 0x80000000 bit of the next word down is 1. To do this I treat * the number as having one fewer digits. */ if (bit == 0) bit = bignum_digits(db)[--lenb]; w = bit; if (w != (w & (-w))) return NO; /* not a power of 2 */ dx = 31*lenb; while (--lenb >= 0) /* check that the rest of db is zero */ if (bignum_digits(db)[lenb] != 0) return NO; } else return NO; /* Odd - what type IS db here? Maybe error. */ if ((bit & 0xffffU) == 0) dx += 16, bit = bit >> 16; if ((bit & 0xff) == 0) dx += 8, bit = bit >> 8; if ((bit & 0xf) == 0) dx += 4, bit = bit >> 4; if ((bit & 0x3) == 0) dx += 2, bit = bit >> 2; if ((bit & 0x1) == 0) dx += 1; if (is_fixnum(nb)) { double d1 = (double)int_of_fixnum(nb); /* * The ldexp on the next line could potentially underflow. In that case C * defines that the result 0.0 be returned. To avoid trouble I put in a * special test the relies on that fact that a value represented as a rational * would not have been zero. */ if (dx > 10000) return NO; /* Avoid gross underflow */ d1 = ldexp(d1, (int)-dx); return (d == d1 && d != 0.0); } len = (bignum_length(nb)-CELL-4)/4; if (len == 0) /* One word bignums can be treated specially */ { int32_t v = bignum_digits(nb)[0]; double d1; if (dx > 10000) return NO; /* Avoid gross underflow */ d1 = ldexp((double)v, (int)-dx); return (d == d1 && d != 0.0); } d1 = frexp(d, &x); /* separate exponent from mantissa */ if (d1 == 1.0) d1 = 0.5, x++; /* For Zortech */ dx += x; /* adjust to allow for the denominator */ d1 = ldexp(d1, (int)(dx % 31)); /* can neither underflow nor overflow here */ /* * At most 3 words in the bignum may contain nonzero data - I subtract * the (double) value of those bits off and check that (a) the floating * result left is zero and (b) there are no more bits left. */ dx = dx / 31; if (dx != len) return NO; w = bignum_digits(nb)[len]; d1 = (d1 - (double)w) * TWO_31; u = bignum_digits(nb)[--len]; d1 = (d1 - (double)u) * TWO_31; if (len > 0) { u = bignum_digits(nb)[--len]; d1 = d1 - (double)u; } if (d1 != 0.0) return NO; while (--len >= 0) if (bignum_digits(nb)[len] != 0) return NO; return YES; }
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KoPathSegment.h" #include "KoPathPoint.h" #include <FlakeDebug.h> #include <QPainterPath> #include <QTransform> #include <math.h> /// Maximal recursion depth for finding root params const int MaxRecursionDepth = 64; /// Flatness tolerance for finding root params const qreal FlatnessTolerance = ldexp(1.0,-MaxRecursionDepth-1); class BezierSegment { public: BezierSegment(int degree = 0, QPointF *p = 0) { if (degree) { for (int i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) points.append(p[i]); } } void setDegree(int degree) { points.clear();
void quantile_sanity_check(T& data, const char* type_name, const char* test) { #ifndef ERROR_REPORTING_MODE typedef Real value_type; // // Tests with type real_concept take rather too long to run, so // for now we'll disable them: // if(!boost::is_floating_point<value_type>::value) return; std::cout << "Testing: " << type_name << " quantile sanity check, with tests " << test << std::endl; // // These sanity checks test for a round trip accuracy of one half // of the bits in T, unless T is type float, in which case we check // for just one decimal digit. The problem here is the sensitivity // of the functions, not their accuracy. This test data was generated // for the forward functions, which means that when it is used as // the input to the inverses then it is necessarily inexact. This rounding // of the input is what makes the data unsuitable for use as an accuracy check, // and also demonstrates that you can't in general round-trip these functions. // It is however a useful sanity check. // value_type precision = static_cast<value_type>(ldexp(1.0, 1 - boost::math::policies::digits<value_type, boost::math::policies::policy<> >() / 2)) * 100; if(boost::math::policies::digits<value_type, boost::math::policies::policy<> >() < 50) precision = 1; // 1% or two decimal digits, all we can hope for when the input is truncated to float for(unsigned i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { // // Test case 493 fails at float precision: not enough bits to get // us back where we started: // if((i == 493) && boost::is_same<float, value_type>::value) continue; if(data[i][4] == 0) { BOOST_CHECK(0 == quantile(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]), data[i][4])); } else if(data[i][4] < 0.9999f) { value_type p = quantile(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]), data[i][4]); value_type pt = data[i][3]; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(pt, p, precision, i); } if(data[i][5] == 0) { BOOST_CHECK(1 == quantile(complement(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]), data[i][5]))); } else if(data[i][5] < 0.9999f) { value_type p = quantile(complement(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]), data[i][5])); value_type pt = data[i][3]; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_EX(pt, p, precision, i); } if(boost::math::tools::digits<value_type>() > 50) { // // Sanity check mode, accuracy of // the mode is at *best* the square root of the accuracy of the PDF: // value_type m = mode(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2])); if((m == 1) || (m == 0)) break; value_type p = pdf(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]), m); if(m * (1 + sqrt(precision) * 10) < 1) { BOOST_CHECK_EX(pdf(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]), m * (1 + sqrt(precision) * 10)) <= p, i); } if(m * (1 - sqrt(precision)) * 10 > boost::math::tools::min_value<value_type>()) { BOOST_CHECK_EX(pdf(boost::math::non_central_beta_distribution<value_type>(data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][2]), m * (1 - sqrt(precision)) * 10) <= p, i); } } } #endif }
const FixedPointType& tolerance_maker(const int fuzzy_bits) { static const FixedPointType the_tolerance = ldexp(FixedPointType(1), FixedPointType::resolution + fuzzy_bits); return the_tolerance; }
static int math_ldexp (lua_State *L) { lua_pushnumber(L, ldexp(luaL_checknumber(L, 1), luaL_checkint(L, 2))); return 1; }
float ldexpf(float x, int exp) { return (float) ldexp(x, exp); }
inline T epsilon(const mpl::false_& BOOST_MATH_APPEND_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE(T)) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // for ADL of std names static const T eps = ldexp(static_cast<T>(1), 1-policies::digits<T, policies::policy<> >()); return eps; }
// // sample script to create volumetric mesh from // multiple levelsets of a binary segmented head image. // Arguments : void // Return Type : void // static void c_meshing() { double fid; static double face[362368]; static double elem[565750]; static double node[100564]; static int idx[113150]; int k; boolean_T p; static int idx0[113150]; int i; int i2; int j; int pEnd; int nb; int b_k; int qEnd; int kEnd; emxArray_real_T *b; double x; int32_T exitg1; int exponent; emxArray_real_T *b_b; // create volumetric tetrahedral mesh from the two-layer 3D images // head surface element size bound b_fprintf(); TCHAR pwd[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,pwd); std::string str= pwd; std::string const command=char(34)+str+"\\bin\\cgalmesh.exe" +char(34)+" pre_cgalmesh.inr post_cgalmesh.mesh 30 4 0.5 3 100 1648335518"; system(command.c_str()); b_readmedit(node, elem, face); // node=node*double(vol(1,1,1)); for (k = 0; k < 113150; k++) { idx[k] = k + 1; } for (k = 0; k < 113150; k += 2) { if ((elem[452600 + k] <= elem[k + 452601]) || rtIsNaN(elem[k + 452601])) { p = true; } else { p = false; } if (p) { } else { idx[k] = k + 2; idx[k + 1] = k + 1; } } for (i = 0; i < 113150; i++) { idx0[i] = 1; } i = 2; while (i < 113150) { i2 = i << 1; j = 1; for (pEnd = 1 + i; pEnd < 113151; pEnd = qEnd + i) { nb = j; b_k = pEnd - 1; qEnd = j + i2; if (qEnd > 113151) { qEnd = 113151; } k = 0; kEnd = qEnd - j; while (k + 1 <= kEnd) { if ((elem[idx[nb - 1] + 452599] <= elem[idx[b_k] + 452599]) || rtIsNaN (elem[idx[b_k] + 452599])) { p = true; } else { p = false; } if (p) { idx0[k] = idx[nb - 1]; nb++; if (nb == pEnd) { while (b_k + 1 < qEnd) { k++; idx0[k] = idx[b_k]; b_k++; } } } else { idx0[k] = idx[b_k]; b_k++; if (b_k + 1 == qEnd) { while (nb < pEnd) { k++; idx0[k] = idx[nb - 1]; nb++; } } } k++; } for (k = 0; k + 1 <= kEnd; k++) { idx[(j + k) - 1] = idx0[k]; } j = qEnd; } i = i2; } emxInit_real_T(&b, 1); i2 = b->size[0]; b->size[0] = 113150; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b, i2, (int)sizeof(double)); for (k = 0; k < 113150; k++) { b->data[k] = elem[idx[k] + 452599]; } k = 0; while ((k + 1 <= 113150) && rtIsInf(b->data[k]) && (b->data[k] < 0.0)) { k++; } b_k = k; k = 113150; while ((k >= 1) && rtIsNaN(b->data[k - 1])) { k--; } pEnd = 113150 - k; while ((k >= 1) && rtIsInf(b->data[k - 1]) && (b->data[k - 1] > 0.0)) { k--; } i2 = 113150 - (k + pEnd); nb = -1; if (b_k > 0) { nb = 0; } i = (b_k + k) - b_k; while (b_k + 1 <= i) { x = b->data[b_k]; do { exitg1 = 0; b_k++; if (b_k + 1 > i) { exitg1 = 1; } else { fid = fabs(x / 2.0); if ((!rtIsInf(fid)) && (!rtIsNaN(fid))) { if (fid <= 2.2250738585072014E-308) { fid = 4.94065645841247E-324; } else { frexp(fid, &exponent); fid = ldexp(1.0, exponent - 53); } } else { fid = rtNaN; } if ((fabs(x - b->data[b_k]) < fid) || (rtIsInf(b->data[b_k]) && rtIsInf (x) && ((b->data[b_k] > 0.0) == (x > 0.0)))) { p = true; } else { p = false; } if (!p) { exitg1 = 1; } } } while (exitg1 == 0); nb++; b->data[nb] = x; } if (i2 > 0) { nb++; b->data[nb] = b->data[i]; } b_k = i + i2; for (j = 1; j <= pEnd; j++) { nb++; b->data[nb] = b->data[(b_k + j) - 1]; } if (1 > nb + 1) { i = -1; } else { i = nb; } emxInit_real_T(&b_b, 1); i2 = b_b->size[0]; b_b->size[0] = i + 1; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b_b, i2, (int)sizeof(double)); for (i2 = 0; i2 <= i; i2++) { b_b->data[i2] = b->data[i2]; } i2 = b->size[0]; b->size[0] = b_b->size[0]; emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)b, i2, (int)sizeof(double)); i = b_b->size[0]; for (i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { b->data[i2] = b_b->data[i2]; } emxFree_real_T(&b_b); c_fprintf((double)b->size[0]); d_fprintf(); emxFree_real_T(&b); }
/* * Test special case inputs in atan2(), where the exact value of y/x is * zero or non-finite. */ static void test_special_atan2(void) { long double z; int e; testall2(atan2, 0.0, -0.0, pi, FE_INEXACT); testall2(atan2, -0.0, -0.0, -pi, FE_INEXACT); testall2(atan2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0); testall2(atan2, -0.0, 0.0, -0.0, 0); testall2(atan2, INFINITY, -INFINITY, c3pi / 4, FE_INEXACT); testall2(atan2, -INFINITY, -INFINITY, -c3pi / 4, FE_INEXACT); testall2(atan2, INFINITY, INFINITY, pi / 4, FE_INEXACT); testall2(atan2, -INFINITY, INFINITY, -pi / 4, FE_INEXACT); /* Tests with one input in the range (0, Inf]. */ z = 1.23456789L; for (e = FLT_MIN_EXP - FLT_MANT_DIG; e <= FLT_MAX_EXP; e++) { test2(atan2f, 0.0, ldexpf(z, e), 0.0, 0); test2(atan2f, -0.0, ldexpf(z, e), -0.0, 0); test2(atan2f, 0.0, ldexpf(-z, e), (float)pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, -0.0, ldexpf(-z, e), (float)-pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, ldexpf(z, e), 0.0, (float)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, ldexpf(z, e), -0.0, (float)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, ldexpf(-z, e), 0.0, (float)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, ldexpf(-z, e), -0.0, (float)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); } for (e = DBL_MIN_EXP - DBL_MANT_DIG; e <= DBL_MAX_EXP; e++) { test2(atan2, 0.0, ldexp(z, e), 0.0, 0); test2(atan2, -0.0, ldexp(z, e), -0.0, 0); test2(atan2, 0.0, ldexp(-z, e), (double)pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, -0.0, ldexp(-z, e), (double)-pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, ldexp(z, e), 0.0, (double)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, ldexp(z, e), -0.0, (double)pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, ldexp(-z, e), 0.0, (double)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, ldexp(-z, e), -0.0, (double)-pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); } for (e = LDBL_MIN_EXP - LDBL_MANT_DIG; e <= LDBL_MAX_EXP; e++) { test2(atan2l, 0.0, ldexpl(z, e), 0.0, 0); test2(atan2l, -0.0, ldexpl(z, e), -0.0, 0); test2(atan2l, 0.0, ldexpl(-z, e), pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, -0.0, ldexpl(-z, e), -pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, ldexpl(z, e), 0.0, pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, ldexpl(z, e), -0.0, pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, ldexpl(-z, e), 0.0, -pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, ldexpl(-z, e), -0.0, -pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); } /* Tests with one input in the range (0, Inf). */ for (e = FLT_MIN_EXP - FLT_MANT_DIG; e <= FLT_MAX_EXP - 1; e++) { test2(atan2f, ldexpf(z, e), INFINITY, 0.0, 0); test2(atan2f, ldexpf(-z,e), INFINITY, -0.0, 0); test2(atan2f, ldexpf(z, e), -INFINITY, (float)pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, ldexpf(-z,e), -INFINITY, (float)-pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, INFINITY, ldexpf(z,e), (float)pi/2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, INFINITY, ldexpf(-z,e), (float)pi/2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, -INFINITY, ldexpf(z,e), (float)-pi/2,FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2f, -INFINITY, ldexpf(-z,e),(float)-pi/2,FE_INEXACT); } for (e = DBL_MIN_EXP - DBL_MANT_DIG; e <= DBL_MAX_EXP - 1; e++) { test2(atan2, ldexp(z, e), INFINITY, 0.0, 0); test2(atan2, ldexp(-z,e), INFINITY, -0.0, 0); test2(atan2, ldexp(z, e), -INFINITY, (double)pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, ldexp(-z,e), -INFINITY, (double)-pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, INFINITY, ldexp(z,e), (double)pi/2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, INFINITY, ldexp(-z,e), (double)pi/2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, -INFINITY, ldexp(z,e), (double)-pi/2,FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2, -INFINITY, ldexp(-z,e),(double)-pi/2,FE_INEXACT); } for (e = LDBL_MIN_EXP - LDBL_MANT_DIG; e <= LDBL_MAX_EXP - 1; e++) { test2(atan2l, ldexpl(z, e), INFINITY, 0.0, 0); test2(atan2l, ldexpl(-z,e), INFINITY, -0.0, 0); test2(atan2l, ldexpl(z, e), -INFINITY, pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, ldexpl(-z,e), -INFINITY, -pi, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, INFINITY, ldexpl(z, e), pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, INFINITY, ldexpl(-z, e), pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, -INFINITY, ldexpl(z, e), -pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); test2(atan2l, -INFINITY, ldexpl(-z, e), -pi / 2, FE_INEXACT); } }
T schroeder_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits, boost::uintmax_t& max_iter) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING T f0(0), f1, f2, last_f0(0); T result = guess; T factor = static_cast<T>(ldexp(1.0, 1 - digits)); T delta = 0; T delta1 = tools::max_value<T>(); T delta2 = tools::max_value<T>(); #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Schroeder iteration, limit = " << factor << std::endl; #endif boost::uintmax_t count(max_iter); do{ last_f0 = f0; delta2 = delta1; delta1 = delta; boost::math::tie(f0, f1, f2) = f(result); if(0 == f0) break; if((f1 == 0) && (f2 == 0)) { // Oops zero derivative!!! #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Halley iteration, zero derivative found" << std::endl; #endif detail::handle_zero_derivative(f, last_f0, f0, delta, result, guess, min, max); } else { T ratio = f0 / f1; if(ratio / result < 0.1) { delta = ratio + (f2 / (2 * f1)) * ratio * ratio; // check second derivative doesn't over compensate: if(delta * ratio < 0) delta = ratio; } else delta = ratio; // fall back to Newton iteration. } if(fabs(delta * 2) > fabs(delta2)) { // last two steps haven't converged, try bisection: delta = (delta > 0) ? (result - min) / 2 : (result - max) / 2; } guess = result; result -= delta; #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Halley iteration, delta = " << delta << std::endl; #endif if(result <= min) { delta = 0.5F * (guess - min); result = guess - delta; if((result == min) || (result == max)) break; } else if(result >= max) { delta = 0.5F * (guess - max); result = guess - delta; if((result == min) || (result == max)) break; } // update brackets: if(delta > 0) max = guess; else min = guess; }while(--count && (fabs(result * factor) < fabs(delta))); max_iter -= count; #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Schroeder iteration, final count = " << max_iter << std::endl; static boost::uintmax_t max_count = 0; if(max_iter > max_count) { max_count = max_iter; std::cout << "Maximum iterations: " << max_iter << std::endl; } #endif return result; }
float ldexpf(float x, int n) { return ldexp(x, n); }
T halley_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits, boost::uintmax_t& max_iter) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING T f0(0), f1, f2; T result = guess; T factor = static_cast<T>(ldexp(1.0, 1 - digits)); T delta = (std::max)(T(10000000 * guess), T(10000000)); // arbitarily large delta T last_f0 = 0; T delta1 = delta; T delta2 = delta; bool out_of_bounds_sentry = false; #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Halley iteration, limit = " << factor << std::endl; #endif boost::uintmax_t count(max_iter); do{ last_f0 = f0; delta2 = delta1; delta1 = delta; boost::math::tie(f0, f1, f2) = f(result); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(f0); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(f1); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(f2); if(0 == f0) break; if((f1 == 0) && (f2 == 0)) { // Oops zero derivative!!! #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Halley iteration, zero derivative found" << std::endl; #endif detail::handle_zero_derivative(f, last_f0, f0, delta, result, guess, min, max); } else { if(f2 != 0) { T denom = 2 * f0; T num = 2 * f1 - f0 * (f2 / f1); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(denom); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(num); if((fabs(num) < 1) && (fabs(denom) >= fabs(num) * tools::max_value<T>())) { // possible overflow, use Newton step: delta = f0 / f1; } else delta = denom / num; if(delta * f1 / f0 < 0) { // probably cancellation error, try a Newton step instead: delta = f0 / f1; } } else delta = f0 / f1; } #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Halley iteration, delta = " << delta << std::endl; #endif T convergence = fabs(delta / delta2); if((convergence > 0.8) && (convergence < 2)) { // last two steps haven't converged, try bisection: delta = (delta > 0) ? (result - min) / 2 : (result - max) / 2; if(fabs(delta) > result) delta = sign(delta) * result; // protect against huge jumps! // reset delta2 so that this branch will *not* be taken on the // next iteration: delta2 = delta * 3; BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(delta); } guess = result; result -= delta; BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(result); // check for out of bounds step: if(result < min) { T diff = ((fabs(min) < 1) && (fabs(result) > 1) && (tools::max_value<T>() / fabs(result) < fabs(min))) ? T(1000) : T(result / min); if(fabs(diff) < 1) diff = 1 / diff; if(!out_of_bounds_sentry && (diff > 0) && (diff < 3)) { // Only a small out of bounds step, lets assume that the result // is probably approximately at min: delta = 0.99f * (guess - min); result = guess - delta; out_of_bounds_sentry = true; // only take this branch once! } else { delta = (guess - min) / 2; result = guess - delta; if((result == min) || (result == max)) break; } } else if(result > max) { T diff = ((fabs(max) < 1) && (fabs(result) > 1) && (tools::max_value<T>() / fabs(result) < fabs(max))) ? T(1000) : T(result / max); if(fabs(diff) < 1) diff = 1 / diff; if(!out_of_bounds_sentry && (diff > 0) && (diff < 3)) { // Only a small out of bounds step, lets assume that the result // is probably approximately at min: delta = 0.99f * (guess - max); result = guess - delta; out_of_bounds_sentry = true; // only take this branch once! } else { delta = (guess - max) / 2; result = guess - delta; if((result == min) || (result == max)) break; } } // update brackets: if(delta > 0) max = guess; else min = guess; }while(--count && (fabs(result * factor) < fabs(delta))); max_iter -= count; #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Halley iteration, final count = " << max_iter << std::endl; #endif return result; }
T newton_raphson_iterate(F f, T guess, T min, T max, int digits, boost::uintmax_t& max_iter) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING T f0(0), f1, last_f0(0); T result = guess; T factor = static_cast<T>(ldexp(1.0, 1 - digits)); T delta = 1; T delta1 = tools::max_value<T>(); T delta2 = tools::max_value<T>(); boost::uintmax_t count(max_iter); do{ last_f0 = f0; delta2 = delta1; delta1 = delta; boost::math::tie(f0, f1) = f(result); if(0 == f0) break; if(f1 == 0) { // Oops zero derivative!!! #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Newton iteration, zero derivative found" << std::endl; #endif detail::handle_zero_derivative(f, last_f0, f0, delta, result, guess, min, max); } else { delta = f0 / f1; } #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Newton iteration, delta = " << delta << std::endl; #endif if(fabs(delta * 2) > fabs(delta2)) { // last two steps haven't converged, try bisection: delta = (delta > 0) ? (result - min) / 2 : (result - max) / 2; } guess = result; result -= delta; if(result <= min) { delta = 0.5F * (guess - min); result = guess - delta; if((result == min) || (result == max)) break; } else if(result >= max) { delta = 0.5F * (guess - max); result = guess - delta; if((result == min) || (result == max)) break; } // update brackets: if(delta > 0) max = guess; else min = guess; }while(--count && (fabs(result * factor) < fabs(delta))); max_iter -= count; #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT std::cout << "Newton Raphson iteration, final count = " << max_iter << std::endl; static boost::uintmax_t max_count = 0; if(max_iter > max_count) { max_count = max_iter; std::cout << "Maximum iterations: " << max_iter << std::endl; } #endif return result; }
cl_object cl_rational(cl_object x) { double d; AGAIN: switch (ecl_t_of(x)) { case t_fixnum: case t_bignum: case t_ratio: break; case t_singlefloat: d = ecl_single_float(x); goto GO_ON; case t_doublefloat: d = ecl_double_float(x); GO_ON: if (d == 0) { x = ecl_make_fixnum(0); } else { int e; d = frexp(d, &e); e -= DBL_MANT_DIG; x = _ecl_double_to_integer(ldexp(d, DBL_MANT_DIG)); if (e != 0) { x = ecl_times(ecl_expt(ecl_make_fixnum(FLT_RADIX), ecl_make_fixnum(e)), x); } } break; #ifdef ECL_LONG_FLOAT case t_longfloat: { long double d = ecl_long_float(x); if (d == 0) { x = ecl_make_fixnum(0); } else { int e; d = frexpl(d, &e); e -= LDBL_MANT_DIG; d = ldexpl(d, LDBL_MANT_DIG); x = _ecl_long_double_to_integer(d); if (e != 0) { x = ecl_times(ecl_expt(ecl_make_fixnum(FLT_RADIX), ecl_make_fixnum(e)), x); } } break; } #endif default: x = ecl_type_error(ECL_SYM("RATIONAL",687),"argument",x,ECL_SYM("NUMBER",606)); goto AGAIN; } { #line 871 const cl_env_ptr the_env = ecl_process_env(); #line 871 #line 871 cl_object __value0 = x; #line 871 the_env->nvalues = 1; #line 871 return __value0; #line 871 } }
/** * Comparison report (short or long) */ void OUTPUT_print_file_stat (wav_file_t * wf[2], file_stat_t * diff, cmdline_options_t * opt) { unsigned int i; double dblPCMscale; static TCHAR s[4096]; TCHAR * p; double absmax_scaled; channel_stat_t * tot = diff->ch + diff->nch; channel_stat_t * ch = diff->ch; unsigned int nch = diff->nch; double n_samples = (double)diff->samlpes_count; double tot_samples = nch * n_samples; int have_offset = OffsetInfoHaveOffset(diff, opt); int stat_bips = MIN(labs(wf[0]->fmt.bips), labs(wf[1]->fmt.bips)); if (wf[0]->fmt.pcm_type == E_PCM_IEEE_FLOAT) { stat_bips = wf[1]->fmt.pcm_type == E_PCM_IEEE_FLOAT ? 16 : labs(wf[1]->fmt.bips); } if (wf[1]->fmt.pcm_type == E_PCM_IEEE_FLOAT) { stat_bips = wf[0]->fmt.pcm_type == E_PCM_IEEE_FLOAT ? 16 : labs(wf[0]->fmt.bips); } dblPCMscale = ldexp(1, stat_bips - 1); if (opt->listing == E_LISTING_SHORT || (opt->listing == E_LISTING_NO_BITEXACT && (tot->d_sumSqr != 0 || have_offset))) { ptrdiff_t anchors[ANCHORS_COUNT]; p = s; p += _stprintf(p, _T("PSNR (dB):%-9.9s"), DB(tot->d_sumSqr, tot_samples)); #if 0 // use minimum BIPS of comparing files p += _stprintf(p, _T("Max*2^%2d:(%.0f"), stat_bips, diff_stat_abs_max(ch + 0) * dblPCMscale); for (i = 1; i < nch; i++) { p += _stprintf(p, _T(" : %.0f"), diff_stat_abs_max(ch + i) * dblPCMscale); } p += _stprintf(p, _T(")")); #else // always use 16-bit BIPS absmax_scaled = diff_stat_abs_max(diff->ch + 0) * (1<<15); p += _stprintf(p, _T("Max*2^16:(%s"), print_float(absmax_scaled, 9, (absmax_scaled != 0 && absmax_scaled < 1)?2:0)); for (i = 1; i < nch; i++) { absmax_scaled = diff_stat_abs_max(diff->ch + i) * (1<<15); p += _stprintf(p, _T(" : %s"), print_float(absmax_scaled, 9, (absmax_scaled != 0 && absmax_scaled < 1)?2:0)); } p += _stprintf(p, _T(")")); #endif #define FIX_ANCHORS(z) for (anchors[z] = p - s; anchors[z] < g_anchors[z]; anchors[z]++) *p++ = ' '; while (p - s < 40 || (p - s) % 8) { *p++ = ' '; } FIX_ANCHORS(0) if (wf[0]->container != wf[1]->container) { p += _stprintf(p, _T(" %s<->%s/"), WAV_format_string(wf[0]), WAV_format_string(wf[1])); } else { p += _stprintf(p, _T(" %s/"), WAV_format_string(wf[0])); } FIX_ANCHORS(1) if (wf[0]->fmt.bips != wf[1]->fmt.bips || wf[0]->fmt.pcm_type != wf[1]->fmt.pcm_type) { p += print_bips_short(p, wf[0]); p += _stprintf(p, _T("<->")); p += print_bips_short(p, wf[1]); } else { p += print_bips_short(p, wf[0]); } FIX_ANCHORS(2) if (wf[0]->fmt.hz != wf[1]->fmt.hz && wf[0]->fmt.hz != 0 && wf[1]->fmt.hz != 0) { p += _stprintf(p, _T("/%5lu<->%5lu "), wf[0]->fmt.hz, wf[1]->fmt.hz); } else { p += _stprintf(p, _T("/%5lu "), wf[0]->fmt.hz ? wf[0]->fmt.hz : wf[1]->fmt.hz); } FIX_ANCHORS(3) p += _stprintf(p, _T("[%7u smp] "), diff->samlpes_count); FIX_ANCHORS(4) if (have_offset) { p += _stprintf(p, _T(" Offsets: ")); if (opt->offset_bytes[0]) { p += _stprintf(p, _T("%u bytes + "), opt->offset_bytes[0]); } if (diff->actualOffsetSamples[0]) { p += _stprintf(p, _T("%lu+"), diff->actualOffsetSamples[0]); } p += _stprintf(p, _T("[1st]")); if (diff->remainingSamples[0]) { p += _stprintf(p, _T("+%") _T(PRIi64), diff->remainingSamples[0]); } FIX_ANCHORS(5) p += _stprintf(p, _T(" <-> ")); if (opt->offset_bytes[1]) { p += _stprintf(p, _T("%u bytes + "), opt->offset_bytes[1]); } if (diff->actualOffsetSamples[1]) { p += _stprintf(p, _T("%u+"), diff->actualOffsetSamples[1]); } p += _stprintf(p, _T("[2nd]")); if (diff->remainingSamples[1]) { p += _stprintf(p, _T("+%") _T(PRIi64), diff->remainingSamples[1]); } } else { FIX_ANCHORS(5) } while ((p - s) % 16) { *p++ = ' '; } FIX_ANCHORS(6) p += _stprintf(p, _T(" %s"), PATH_after_last_separator(opt->file_name[0])); if (_tcscmp( PATH_after_last_separator(opt->file_name[0]), PATH_after_last_separator(opt->file_name[1]) )) { while ((p - s) % 16) { *p++ = ' '; } FIX_ANCHORS(7) p += _stprintf(p, _T(" <-> ")); p += _stprintf(p, _T(" %s"), PATH_after_last_separator(opt->file_name[1])); } else { FIX_ANCHORS(7) } *p++ = '\n'; *p++ = '\0'; FIX_ANCHORS(8) anchors_save_line(anchors, s); my_puts(s); }
int main(void) { int k,test1,test2; int *state1,*state2; float sbase; float xs[NXS],ys[NXS],xsn[96]; double base; double xd[NXD],yd[NXD],xdn[48]; sbase=(float)(ldexp(1.0,24)); base=ldexp(1.0,48); state1=malloc(rlxs_size()*sizeof(int)); state2=malloc(rlxd_size()*sizeof(int)); rlxs_init(0,32767); rlxd_init(1,32767); /******************************************************************************* * * Check that the correct sequences of random numbers are obtained * *******************************************************************************/ for (k=0;k<20;k++) { ranlxs(xs,NXS); ranlxd(xd,NXD); } xsn[0]=13257445.0f; xsn[1]=15738482.0f; xsn[2]=5448599.0f; xsn[3]=9610459.0f; xsn[4]=1046025.0f; xsn[5]=2811360.0f; xsn[6]=14923726.0f; xsn[7]=2287739.0f; xsn[8]=16133204.0f; xsn[9]=16328320.0f; xsn[10]=12980218.0f; xsn[11]=9256959.0f; xsn[12]=5633754.0f; xsn[13]=7422961.0f; xsn[14]=6032411.0f; xsn[15]=14970828.0f; xsn[16]=10717272.0f; xsn[17]=2520878.0f; xsn[18]=8906135.0f; xsn[19]=8507426.0f; xsn[20]=11925022.0f; xsn[21]=12042827.0f; xsn[22]=12263021.0f; xsn[23]=4828801.0f; xsn[24]=5300508.0f; xsn[25]=13346776.0f; xsn[26]=10869790.0f; xsn[27]=8520207.0f; xsn[28]=11213953.0f; xsn[29]=14439320.0f; xsn[30]=5716476.0f; xsn[31]=13600448.0f; xsn[32]=12545579.0f; xsn[33]=3466523.0f; xsn[34]=113906.0f; xsn[35]=10407879.0f; xsn[36]=12058596.0f; xsn[37]=4390921.0f; xsn[38]=1634350.0f; xsn[39]=9823280.0f; xsn[40]=12569690.0f; xsn[41]=8267856.0f; xsn[42]=5869501.0f; xsn[43]=7210219.0f; xsn[44]=1362361.0f; xsn[45]=2956909.0f; xsn[46]=504465.0f; xsn[47]=6664636.0f; xsn[48]=6048963.0f; xsn[49]=1098525.0f; xsn[50]=1261330.0f; xsn[51]=2401071.0f; xsn[52]=8087317.0f; xsn[53]=1293933.0f; xsn[54]=555494.0f; xsn[55]=14872475.0f; xsn[56]=11261534.0f; xsn[57]=166813.0f; xsn[58]=13424516.0f; xsn[59]=15280818.0f; xsn[60]=4644497.0f; xsn[61]=6333595.0f; xsn[62]=10012569.0f; xsn[63]=6878028.0f; xsn[64]=9176136.0f; xsn[65]=8379433.0f; xsn[66]=11073957.0f; xsn[67]=2465529.0f; xsn[68]=13633550.0f; xsn[69]=12721649.0f; xsn[70]=569725.0f; xsn[71]=6375015.0f; xsn[72]=2164250.0f; xsn[73]=6725885.0f; xsn[74]=7223108.0f; xsn[75]=4890858.0f; xsn[76]=11298261.0f; xsn[77]=12086020.0f; xsn[78]=4447706.0f; xsn[79]=1164782.0f; xsn[80]=1904399.0f; xsn[81]=16669839.0f; xsn[82]=2586766.0f; xsn[83]=3605708.0f; xsn[84]=15761082.0f; xsn[85]=14937769.0f; xsn[86]=13965017.0f; xsn[87]=2175021.0f; xsn[88]=16668997.0f; xsn[89]=13996602.0f; xsn[90]=6313099.0f; xsn[91]=15646036.0f; xsn[92]=9746447.0f; xsn[93]=9596781.0f; xsn[94]=9244169.0f; xsn[95]=4731726.0f; xdn[0]=135665102723086.0; xdn[1]=259840970195871.0; xdn[2]=110726726657103.0; xdn[3]=53972500363809.0; xdn[4]=199301297412157.0; xdn[5]=63744794353870.0; xdn[6]=178745978725904.0; xdn[7]=243549380863176.0; xdn[8]=244796821836177.0; xdn[9]=223788809121855.0; xdn[10]=113720856430443.0; xdn[11]=124607822268499.0; xdn[12]=25705458431399.0; xdn[13]=155476863764950.0; xdn[14]=195602097736933.0; xdn[15]=183038707238950.0; xdn[16]=62268883953527.0; xdn[17]=157047615112119.0; xdn[18]=58134973897037.0; xdn[19]=26908869337679.0; xdn[20]=259927185454290.0; xdn[21]=130534606773507.0; xdn[22]=205295065526788.0; xdn[23]=40201323262686.0; xdn[24]=193822255723177.0; xdn[25]=239720285097881.0; xdn[26]=54433631586673.0; xdn[27]=31313178820772.0; xdn[28]=152904879618865.0; xdn[29]=256187025780734.0; xdn[30]=110292144635528.0; xdn[31]=26555117184469.0; xdn[32]=228913371644996.0; xdn[33]=126837665590799.0; xdn[34]=141069100232139.0; xdn[35]=96171028602910.0; xdn[36]=259271018918511.0; xdn[37]=65257892816619.0; xdn[38]=14254344610711.0; xdn[39]=137794868158301.0; xdn[40]=269703238916504.0; xdn[41]=35782602710520.0; xdn[42]=51447305327263.0; xdn[43]=247852246697199.0; xdn[44]=65072958134912.0; xdn[45]=273325640150591.0; xdn[46]=2768714666444.0; xdn[47]=173907458721736.0; test1=0; test2=0; for (k=0;k<96;k++) { if (xsn[k]!=(xs[k+60]*sbase)) test1=1; } for (k=0;k<48;k++) { if (xdn[k]!=(xd[k+39]*base)) test2=1; } if (test1==1) { printf("\n"); printf("Test failed: ranlxs gives incorrect results\n"); printf("=> do not use ranlxs on this machine\n"); printf("\n"); } if (test2==1) { printf("\n"); printf("Test failed: ranlxd gives incorrect results\n"); printf("=> do not use ranlxd on this machine\n"); printf("\n"); } /******************************************************************************* * * Check of the I/O routines * *******************************************************************************/ rlxs_get(state1); rlxd_get(state2); for (k=0;k<10;k++) { ranlxs(xs,NXS); ranlxd(xd,NXD); } rlxs_reset(state1); rlxd_reset(state2); for (k=0;k<10;k++) { ranlxs(ys,NXS); ranlxd(yd,NXD); } for (k=0;k<NXS;k++) { if (xs[k]!=ys[k]) test1=2; } for (k=0;k<NXD;k++) { if (xd[k]!=yd[k]) test2=2; } if (test1==2) { printf("\n"); printf("Test failed: I/O routines for ranlxs do not work properly\n"); printf("=> do not use ranlxs on this machine\n"); printf("\n"); } if (test2==2) { printf("\n"); printf("Test failed: I/O routines for ranlxd do not work properly\n"); printf("=> do not use ranlxd on this machine\n"); printf("\n"); } /******************************************************************************* * * Success messages * *******************************************************************************/ if ((test1==0)&&(test2==0)) { printf("\n"); printf("All tests passed\n"); printf("=> ranlxs and ranlxd work correctly on this machine\n"); printf("\n"); } else if (test1==0) { printf("\n"); printf("All tests on ranlxs passed\n"); printf("=> ranlxs works correctly on this machine\n"); printf("\n"); } else if (test2==0) { printf("\n"); printf("All tests on ranlxd passed\n"); printf("=> ranlxd works correctly on this machine\n"); printf("\n"); } exit(0); }
int gsl_sf_cos_e(double x, gsl_sf_result * result) { /* CHECK_POINTER(result) */ { const double P1 = 7.85398125648498535156e-1; const double P2 = 3.77489470793079817668e-8; const double P3 = 2.69515142907905952645e-15; const double abs_x = fabs(x); if(abs_x < GSL_ROOT4_DBL_EPSILON) { const double x2 = x*x; result->val = 1.0 - 0.5*x2; result->err = fabs(x2*x2/12.0); return GSL_SUCCESS; } else { double sgn_result = 1.0; double y = floor(abs_x/(0.25*M_PI)); int octant = y - ldexp(floor(ldexp(y,-3)),3); int stat_cs; double z; if(GSL_IS_ODD(octant)) { octant += 1; octant &= 07; y += 1.0; } if(octant > 3) { octant -= 4; sgn_result = -sgn_result; } if(octant > 1) { sgn_result = -sgn_result; } z = ((abs_x - y * P1) - y * P2) - y * P3; if(octant == 0) { gsl_sf_result cos_cs_result; const double t = 8.0*fabs(z)/M_PI - 1.0; stat_cs = cheb_eval_e(&cos_cs, t, &cos_cs_result); result->val = 1.0 - 0.5*z*z * (1.0 - z*z * cos_cs_result.val); } else { /* octant == 2 */ gsl_sf_result sin_cs_result; const double t = 8.0*fabs(z)/M_PI - 1.0; stat_cs = cheb_eval_e(&sin_cs, t, &sin_cs_result); result->val = z * (1.0 + z*z * sin_cs_result.val); } result->val *= sgn_result; if(abs_x > 1.0/GSL_DBL_EPSILON) { result->err = fabs(result->val); } else if(abs_x > 100.0/GSL_SQRT_DBL_EPSILON) { result->err = 2.0 * abs_x * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val); } else if(abs_x > 0.1/GSL_SQRT_DBL_EPSILON) { result->err = 2.0 * GSL_SQRT_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val); } else { result->err = 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val); } return stat_cs; } } }
double attribute_hidden ldexpl (double x, int exponent) { return ldexp (x, exponent); }
long double ldexpl(long double x, int exp) { return ldexp((double) x, exp); }
float ldexpf (float x, int _exp) { return (float) ldexp( (double)x, _exp ); }
static void F(compile_test) (void) { TYPE a, b, c = 1.0; complex TYPE d; int i; int saved_count; long int j; long long int k; a = cos (cos (x)); b = acos (acos (a)); a = sin (sin (x)); b = asin (asin (a)); a = tan (tan (x)); b = atan (atan (a)); c = atan2 (atan2 (a, c), atan2 (b, x)); a = cosh (cosh (x)); b = acosh (acosh (a)); a = sinh (sinh (x)); b = asinh (asinh (a)); a = tanh (tanh (x)); b = atanh (atanh (a)); a = exp (exp (x)); b = log (log (a)); a = log10 (log10 (x)); b = ldexp (ldexp (a, 1), 5); a = frexp (frexp (x, &i), &i); b = expm1 (expm1 (a)); a = log1p (log1p (x)); b = logb (logb (a)); a = exp2 (exp2 (x)); b = log2 (log2 (a)); a = pow (pow (x, a), pow (c, b)); b = sqrt (sqrt (a)); a = hypot (hypot (x, b), hypot (c, a)); b = cbrt (cbrt (a)); a = ceil (ceil (x)); b = fabs (fabs (a)); a = floor (floor (x)); b = fmod (fmod (a, b), fmod (c, x)); a = nearbyint (nearbyint (x)); b = round (round (a)); a = trunc (trunc (x)); b = remquo (remquo (a, b, &i), remquo (c, x, &i), &i); j = lrint (x) + lround (a); k = llrint (b) + llround (c); a = erf (erf (x)); b = erfc (erfc (a)); a = tgamma (tgamma (x)); b = lgamma (lgamma (a)); a = rint (rint (x)); b = nextafter (nextafter (a, b), nextafter (c, x)); a = nextdown (nextdown (a)); b = nexttoward (nexttoward (x, a), c); a = nextup (nextup (a)); b = remainder (remainder (a, b), remainder (c, x)); a = scalb (scalb (x, a), (TYPE) (6)); k = scalbn (a, 7) + scalbln (c, 10l); i = ilogb (x); j = llogb (x); a = fdim (fdim (x, a), fdim (c, b)); b = fmax (fmax (a, x), fmax (c, b)); a = fmin (fmin (x, a), fmin (c, b)); b = fma (sin (a), sin (x), sin (c)); a = totalorder (totalorder (x, b), totalorder (c, x)); b = totalordermag (totalordermag (x, a), totalordermag (c, x)); #ifdef TEST_INT a = atan2 (i, b); b = remquo (i, a, &i); c = fma (i, b, i); a = pow (i, c); #endif x = a + b + c + i + j + k; saved_count = count; if (ccount != 0) ccount = -10000; d = cos (cos (z)); z = acos (acos (d)); d = sin (sin (z)); z = asin (asin (d)); d = tan (tan (z)); z = atan (atan (d)); d = cosh (cosh (z)); z = acosh (acosh (d)); d = sinh (sinh (z)); z = asinh (asinh (d)); d = tanh (tanh (z)); z = atanh (atanh (d)); d = exp (exp (z)); z = log (log (d)); d = sqrt (sqrt (z)); z = conj (conj (d)); d = fabs (conj (a)); z = pow (pow (a, d), pow (b, z)); d = cproj (cproj (z)); z += fabs (cproj (a)); a = carg (carg (z)); b = creal (creal (d)); c = cimag (cimag (z)); x += a + b + c + i + j + k; z += d; if (saved_count != count) count = -10000; if (0) { a = cos (y); a = acos (y); a = sin (y); a = asin (y); a = tan (y); a = atan (y); a = atan2 (y, y); a = cosh (y); a = acosh (y); a = sinh (y); a = asinh (y); a = tanh (y); a = atanh (y); a = exp (y); a = log (y); a = log10 (y); a = ldexp (y, 5); a = frexp (y, &i); a = expm1 (y); a = log1p (y); a = logb (y); a = exp2 (y); a = log2 (y); a = pow (y, y); a = sqrt (y); a = hypot (y, y); a = cbrt (y); a = ceil (y); a = fabs (y); a = floor (y); a = fmod (y, y); a = nearbyint (y); a = round (y); a = trunc (y); a = remquo (y, y, &i); j = lrint (y) + lround (y); k = llrint (y) + llround (y); a = erf (y); a = erfc (y); a = tgamma (y); a = lgamma (y); a = rint (y); a = nextafter (y, y); a = nexttoward (y, y); a = remainder (y, y); a = scalb (y, (const TYPE) (6)); k = scalbn (y, 7) + scalbln (y, 10l); i = ilogb (y); j = llogb (y); a = fdim (y, y); a = fmax (y, y); a = fmin (y, y); a = fma (y, y, y); a = totalorder (y, y); a = totalordermag (y, y); #ifdef TEST_INT a = atan2 (i, y); a = remquo (i, y, &i); a = fma (i, y, i); a = pow (i, y); #endif d = cos ((const complex TYPE) z); d = acos ((const complex TYPE) z); d = sin ((const complex TYPE) z); d = asin ((const complex TYPE) z); d = tan ((const complex TYPE) z); d = atan ((const complex TYPE) z); d = cosh ((const complex TYPE) z); d = acosh ((const complex TYPE) z); d = sinh ((const complex TYPE) z); d = asinh ((const complex TYPE) z); d = tanh ((const complex TYPE) z); d = atanh ((const complex TYPE) z); d = exp ((const complex TYPE) z); d = log ((const complex TYPE) z); d = sqrt ((const complex TYPE) z); d = pow ((const complex TYPE) z, (const complex TYPE) z); d = fabs ((const complex TYPE) z); d = carg ((const complex TYPE) z); d = creal ((const complex TYPE) z); d = cimag ((const complex TYPE) z); d = conj ((const complex TYPE) z); d = cproj ((const complex TYPE) z); } }
void testmain (int argc, char **argv) { unsigned i; mpz_t x; for (i = 0; values[i].s; i++) { char *s; mpz_init_set_d (x, values[i].d); s = mpz_get_str (NULL, 16, x); if (strcmp (s, values[i].s) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "mpz_set_d failed:\n" "d = %.20g\n" "s = %s\n" "r = %s\n", values[i].d, s, values[i].s); abort (); } testfree (s); mpz_clear (x); } mpz_init (x); for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { /* Use volatile, to avoid extended precision in floating point registers, e.g., on m68k and 80387. */ volatile double d, f; unsigned long m; int e; mini_rrandomb (x, GMP_LIMB_BITS); m = mpz_get_ui (x); mini_urandomb (x, 8); e = mpz_get_ui (x) - 100; d = ldexp ((double) m, e); mpz_set_d (x, d); f = mpz_get_d (x); if (f != floor (d)) { fprintf (stderr, "mpz_set_d/mpz_get_d failed:\n"); goto dumperror; } if ((f == d) ? (mpz_cmp_d (x, d) != 0) : (mpz_cmp_d (x, d) >= 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "mpz_cmp_d (x, d) failed:\n"); goto dumperror; } f = d + 1.0; if (f > d && ! (mpz_cmp_d (x, f) < 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "mpz_cmp_d (x, f) failed:\n"); goto dumperror; } d = - d; mpz_set_d (x, d); f = mpz_get_d (x); if (f != ceil (d)) { fprintf (stderr, "mpz_set_d/mpz_get_d failed:\n"); dumperror: dump ("x", x); fprintf (stderr, "m = %lx, e = %i\n", m, e); fprintf (stderr, "d = %.15g\n", d); fprintf (stderr, "f = %.15g\n", f); fprintf (stderr, "f - d = %.5g\n", f - d); abort (); } if ((f == d) ? (mpz_cmp_d (x, d) != 0) : (mpz_cmp_d (x, d) <= 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "mpz_cmp_d (x, d) failed:\n"); goto dumperror; } f = d - 1.0; if (f < d && ! (mpz_cmp_d (x, f) > 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "mpz_cmp_d (x, f) failed:\n"); goto dumperror; } } mpz_clear (x); }
static void* worker(tdat_t *td) { #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H /* set this thread as cancellable */ if (set_cancellable() != 0) { td->status = OPNORM_THREAD; return NULL; } #endif /* unpack arguments, mostly for readability but also saves a few dereferences */ tdat_shared_t *ts = td->shared; index_t n = ts->n, m = ts->m; double p = ts->p, q = ts->q, eps = ts->eps, LCRP = ts->LCRP, SCD = ts->SCD; const double *M = ts->M; fifo_t *fifo = ts->fifo; /* working data */ double pcent[n]; cube_t cube0, cube1; patch_t patch; double tmax = 0.0; patch.centres = pcent; int fifoerr; while (1) { /* thread cancellation point */ pthread_testcancel(); /* dequeue a cube */ if (pthread_mutex_lock(&(ts->fifolock)) < 0) { td->status = OPNORM_THREAD; return NULL; } fifoerr = fifo_dequeue(fifo, &cube0); if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&(ts->fifolock)) < 0) { td->status = OPNORM_THREAD; return NULL; } if (fifoerr != FIFO_OK) { td->status = (fifoerr == FIFO_EMPTY ? OPNORM_OK : OPNORM_FIFO); return NULL; } cube_print(&cube0, n, ">"); /* nfifo is the total number dequeue */ td->nfifo++; /* cube subdivide */ int hwnexp = cube0.hwnexp + 1; double halfwidth = ldexp(1, -hwnexp); /* if halfwidth < DBL_EPSILON then we cannot calulate the centres of the subdivided cubes accurately, we break out and report that the requested accuracy could not be achieved */ if (halfwidth < DBL_EPSILON) { td->status = OPNORM_INACC; return NULL; } for (size_t k = 0 ; k < (1UL << (n-1)) ; k++) { cube1.side = cube0.side; cube1.hwnexp = hwnexp; /* we give our cube1 a temporary set of centres while we evaluate and decide whether to jetison or enqueue it, only if the latter do we make a malloc and copy the temporary centres. this saves a *lot* of malloc/free pairs */ double centres[n]; cube1.centres = centres; size_t k0 = k; for (size_t j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) { if (cube0.side == j) { cube1.centres[j] = cube0.centres[j]; continue; } cube1.centres[j] = cube0.centres[j] + ((k0 % 2) ? halfwidth : -halfwidth); k0 /= 2; } cube_print(&cube1, n, "<"); /* get the corresponding patch */ cube_to_patch(&cube1, n, p, LCRP, SCD, &patch); patch_print(patch, n); double ratio = radius_to_ratio(patch.radius, p); /* check for patch viability - this check almost always succeeds (on Drury K, this is false in 80/164016 cases, so 0.05% of the time) very small beer. Yet it introduces a branch point, so one might think it worth removing. Timing tests indicate that there is no speedup in doing so, so we keep it. */ if (ratio > 0) { /* evaluate M at patch centre */ double v[m]; ts->matvec(M, pcent, m, n, v); td->neval++; double t = pnorm(v, m, q); /* test first with the previous value of tmax */ if (t < tmax) { /* test whether we can jettison this cube */ if (t < (tmax * ratio * (1 + eps))) continue; /* note that the global ts->tmax >= tmax so it would be pointless (and cost a mutex access) to test for that here */ } else { if (pthread_mutex_lock(&(ts->maxlock)) < 0) { td->status = OPNORM_THREAD; return NULL; } /* update local tmax from global */ tmax = ts->tmax; /* if we have found a new global maximum then we update it (and the global maximising vector) as well as the local copy */ if (t > tmax) { ts->tmax = tmax = t; if (ts->vmax) memcpy(ts->vmax, pcent, n*sizeof(double)); } if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&(ts->maxlock)) < 0) { td->status = OPNORM_THREAD; return NULL; } /* test whether we can jettison this cube but now with the updated value of tmax */ if (t < (tmax * ratio * (1 + eps))) continue; } } /* we will enqueue this cube, so we need to allocate and copy its temporary centres set */ if (! (cube1.centres = malloc(n*sizeof(double)))) { td->status = OPNORM_ALLOC; return NULL; } memcpy(cube1.centres, centres, n*sizeof(double)); if (pthread_mutex_lock(&(ts->fifolock)) < 0) { free(cube1.centres); td->status = OPNORM_THREAD; return NULL; } fifoerr = fifo_enqueue(fifo, &cube1); if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&(ts->fifolock)) < 0) { td->status = OPNORM_THREAD; return NULL; } switch(fifoerr) { case FIFO_OK: break; case FIFO_USERMAX: td->status = OPNORM_FIFOMAX; return NULL; default: td->status = OPNORM_FIFO; return NULL; } } free(cube0.centres); } /* we should not arrive here */ td->status = OPNORM_BUG; return NULL; }
int main() { slong iter; flint_rand_t state; flint_printf("d_log_upper_bound...."); fflush(stdout); flint_randinit(state); for (iter = 0; iter < 100000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++) { mpfr_t t; double x, y, z; mpfr_init2(t, 53); x = d_randtest2(state); x = ldexp(x, 100 - n_randint(state, 200)); switch (n_randint(state, 10)) { case 0: x = 1.0 + x; break; case 1: x = 1.0 - x; break; case 2: x = D_INF; break; case 3: x = 0.0; break; case 4: x = D_NAN; break; default: break; } y = mag_d_log_upper_bound(x); mpfr_set_d(t, x, MPFR_RNDD); mpfr_log(t, t, MPFR_RNDU); z = mpfr_get_d(t, MPFR_RNDD); if (y < z || fabs(y-z) > 0.000001 * fabs(z)) { flint_printf("FAIL\n"); flint_printf("x = %.20g\n", x); flint_printf("y = %.20g\n", y); flint_printf("z = %.20g\n", z); flint_abort(); } mpfr_clear(t); } flint_randclear(state); flint_cleanup(); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static uint64_t make_float64(int32_t sample, int shift) { /* TODO: be more portable */ double val = ldexp(sample, -shift); return *(uint64_t*)&val; }
static u32 lua_math_ldexp(LSTATE) { lstate_return1(lv_number(ldexp(lstate_getnumber(0), (int) lstate_getnumber(1)))); }
void test_bessel(T, const char* name) { // function values calculated on static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 3>, 9> k0_data = {{ {{ SC_(0.0), SC_(1.0), SC_(0.421024438240708333335627379212609036136219748226660472298970) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), SC_(2.0), SC_(0.113893872749533435652719574932481832998326624388808882892530) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), SC_(4.0), SC_(0.0111596760858530242697451959798334892250090238884743405382553) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), SC_(8.0), SC_(0.000146470705222815387096584408698677921967305368833759024089154) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -15)), SC_(10.5131392267382037062459525561594822400447325776672021972753) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -30)), SC_(20.9103469324567717360787328239372191382743831365906131108531) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -60)), SC_(41.7047623492551310138446473188663682295952219631968830346918) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), SC_(50.0), SC_(3.41016774978949551392067551235295223184502537762334808993276e-23) }}, {{ SC_(0.0), SC_(100.0), SC_(4.65662822917590201893900528948388635580753948544211387402671e-45) }}, }}; static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 3>, 9> k1_data = {{ {{ SC_(1.0), SC_(1.0), SC_(0.601907230197234574737540001535617339261586889968106456017768) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), SC_(2.0), SC_(0.139865881816522427284598807035411023887234584841515530384442) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), SC_(4.0), SC_(0.0124834988872684314703841799808060684838415849886258457917076) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), SC_(8.0), SC_(0.000155369211805001133916862450622474621117065122872616157079566) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -15)), SC_(32767.9998319528316432647441316539139725104728341577594326513) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -30)), SC_(1.07374182399999999003003028572687332810353799544215073362305e9) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -60)), SC_(1.15292150460684697599999999999999998169660198868126604634036e18) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), SC_(50.0), SC_(3.44410222671755561259185303591267155099677251348256880221927e-23) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), SC_(100.0), SC_(4.67985373563690928656254424202433530797494354694335352937465e-45) }}, }}; static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 3>, 9> kn_data = {{ {{ SC_(2.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -30)), SC_(2.30584300921369395150000000000000000234841952009593636868109e18) }}, {{ SC_(5.0), SC_(10.0), SC_(0.0000575418499853122792763740236992723196597629124356739596921536) }}, {{ SC_(-5.0), SC_(100.0), SC_(5.27325611329294989461777188449044716451716555009882448801072e-45) }}, {{ SC_(10.0), SC_(10.0), SC_(0.00161425530039067002345725193091329085443750382929208307802221) }}, {{ SC_(10.0), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -30)), SC_(3.78470202927236255215249281534478864916684072926050665209083e98) }}, {{ SC_(-10.0), SC_(1.0), SC_(1.80713289901029454691597861302340015908245782948536080022119e8) }}, {{ SC_(100.0), SC_(5.0), SC_(7.03986019306167654653386616796116726248616158936088056952477e115) }}, {{ SC_(100.0), SC_(80.0), SC_(8.39287107246490782848985384895907681748152272748337807033319e-12) }}, {{ SC_(-1000.0), SC_(700.0), SC_(6.51561979144735818903553852606383312984409361984128221539405e-31) }}, }}; static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 3>, 11> kv_data = {{ {{ SC_(0.5), SC_(0.875), SC_(0.558532231646608646115729767013630967055657943463362504577189) }}, {{ SC_(0.5), SC_(1.125), SC_(0.383621010650189547146769320487006220295290256657827220786527) }}, {{ SC_(2.25), T(std::ldexp(1.0, -30)), SC_(5.62397392719283271332307799146649700147907612095185712015604e20) }}, {{ SC_(5.5), T(3217)/1024, SC_(1.30623288775012596319554857587765179889689223531159532808379) }}, {{ SC_(-5.5), SC_(10.0), SC_(0.0000733045300798502164644836879577484533096239574909573072142667) }}, {{ SC_(-5.5), SC_(100.0), SC_(5.41274555306792267322084448693957747924412508020839543293369e-45) }}, {{ T(10240)/1024, T(1)/1024, SC_(2.35522579263922076203415803966825431039900000000993410734978e38) }}, {{ T(10240)/1024, SC_(10.0), SC_(0.00161425530039067002345725193091329085443750382929208307802221) }}, {{ T(144793)/1024, SC_(100.0), SC_(1.39565245860302528069481472855619216759142225046370312329416e-6) }}, {{ T(144793)/1024, SC_(200.0), SC_(9.11950412043225432171915100042647230802198254567007382956336e-68) }}, {{ T(-144793)/1024, SC_(50.0), SC_(1.30185229717525025165362673848737761549946548375142378172956e42) }}, }}; static const boost::array<boost::array<T, 3>, 5> kv_large_data = {{ // Bug report {{ SC_(-1.0), static_cast<T>(ldexp(0.5, -512)), SC_(2.68156158598851941991480499964116922549587316411847867554471e154) }}, {{ SC_(1.0), static_cast<T>(ldexp(0.5, -512)), SC_(2.68156158598851941991480499964116922549587316411847867554471e154) }}, {{ SC_(-1.125), static_cast<T>(ldexp(0.5, -512)), SC_(5.53984048006472105611199242328122729730752165907526178753978e173) }}, {{ SC_(1.125), static_cast<T>(ldexp(0.5, -512)), SC_(5.53984048006472105611199242328122729730752165907526178753978e173) }}, {{ SC_(0.5), static_cast<T>(ldexp(0.5, -683)), SC_(1.12284149973980088540335945247019177715948513804063794284101e103) }}, }}; do_test_cyl_bessel_k<T>(k0_data, name, "Bessel K0: Mathworld Data"); do_test_cyl_bessel_k<T>(k1_data, name, "Bessel K1: Mathworld Data"); do_test_cyl_bessel_k<T>(kn_data, name, "Bessel Kn: Mathworld Data"); do_test_cyl_bessel_k_int<T>(k0_data, name, "Bessel K0: Mathworld Data (Integer Version)"); do_test_cyl_bessel_k_int<T>(k1_data, name, "Bessel K1: Mathworld Data (Integer Version)"); do_test_cyl_bessel_k_int<T>(kn_data, name, "Bessel Kn: Mathworld Data (Integer Version)"); do_test_cyl_bessel_k<T>(kv_data, name, "Bessel Kv: Mathworld Data"); if(0 != static_cast<T>(ldexp(0.5, -512))) do_test_cyl_bessel_k<T>(kv_large_data, name, "Bessel Kv: Mathworld Data (large values)"); #include "bessel_k_int_data.ipp" do_test_cyl_bessel_k<T>(bessel_k_int_data, name, "Bessel Kn: Random Data"); #include "bessel_k_data.ipp" do_test_cyl_bessel_k<T>(bessel_k_data, name, "Bessel Kv: Random Data"); }
/* Function Definitions */ void do_vectors(const emlrtStack *sp, const real_T a_data[1224], const int32_T a_size[1], const real_T b[8], real_T c_data[8], int32_T c_size[1], int32_T ia_data[8], int32_T ia_size[1], int32_T ib_data[8], int32_T ib_size[1]) { int32_T ncmax; boolean_T y; int32_T ialast; boolean_T exitg4; boolean_T guard9 = FALSE; boolean_T p; boolean_T exitg3; boolean_T guard8 = FALSE; int32_T nc; int32_T iafirst; int32_T ibfirst; int32_T iblast; int32_T b_ialast; real_T ak; boolean_T exitg2; real_T absxk; int32_T exponent; boolean_T guard6 = FALSE; boolean_T guard7 = FALSE; int32_T b_iblast; real_T bk; boolean_T exitg1; int32_T b_exponent; boolean_T guard4 = FALSE; boolean_T guard5 = FALSE; int32_T c_exponent; boolean_T guard2 = FALSE; boolean_T guard3 = FALSE; boolean_T guard1 = FALSE; const mxArray *b_y; const mxArray *m37; int32_T b_ia_data[8]; const mxArray *c_y; const mxArray *d_y; real_T b_c_data[8]; emlrtStack st; st.prev = sp; st.tls = sp->tls; = &dw_emlrtRSI; ncmax = muIntScalarMin_sint32(a_size[0], 8); c_size[0] = (int8_T)ncmax; ia_size[0] = ncmax; ib_size[0] = ncmax; = &ew_emlrtRSI; y = TRUE; if (a_size[0] == 0) { } else { ialast = 1; exitg4 = FALSE; while ((exitg4 == FALSE) && (ialast <= a_size[0] - 1)) { guard9 = FALSE; if (a_data[ialast - 1] <= a_data[ialast]) { guard9 = TRUE; } else if (muDoubleScalarIsNaN(a_data[ialast])) { guard9 = TRUE; } else { p = FALSE; } if (guard9 == TRUE) { p = TRUE; } if (!p) { y = FALSE; exitg4 = TRUE; } else { ialast++; } } } if (!y) { = &fw_emlrtRSI; eml_error(&st); } = &gw_emlrtRSI; y = TRUE; ialast = 1; exitg3 = FALSE; while ((exitg3 == FALSE) && (ialast < 8)) { guard8 = FALSE; if (b[ialast - 1] <= b[ialast]) { guard8 = TRUE; } else if (muDoubleScalarIsNaN(b[ialast])) { guard8 = TRUE; } else { p = FALSE; } if (guard8 == TRUE) { p = TRUE; } if (!p) { y = FALSE; exitg3 = TRUE; } else { ialast++; } } if (!y) { = &hw_emlrtRSI; b_eml_error(&st); } nc = 0; iafirst = 0; ialast = 0; ibfirst = 0; iblast = 0; while ((ialast + 1 <= a_size[0]) && (iblast + 1 <= 8)) { = &iw_emlrtRSI; b_ialast = ialast + 1; ak = a_data[ialast]; exitg2 = FALSE; while ((exitg2 == FALSE) && (b_ialast < a_size[0])) { absxk = muDoubleScalarAbs(a_data[ialast] / 2.0); if ((!muDoubleScalarIsInf(absxk)) && (!muDoubleScalarIsNaN(absxk))) { if (absxk <= 2.2250738585072014E-308) { absxk = 4.94065645841247E-324; } else { frexp(absxk, &exponent); absxk = ldexp(1.0, exponent - 53); } } else { absxk = rtNaN; } guard6 = FALSE; guard7 = FALSE; if (muDoubleScalarAbs(a_data[ialast] - a_data[b_ialast]) < absxk) { guard7 = TRUE; } else if (muDoubleScalarIsInf(a_data[b_ialast])) { if (muDoubleScalarIsInf(a_data[ialast]) && ((a_data[b_ialast] > 0.0) == (a_data[ialast] > 0.0))) { guard7 = TRUE; } else { guard6 = TRUE; } } else { guard6 = TRUE; } if (guard7 == TRUE) { p = TRUE; } if (guard6 == TRUE) { p = FALSE; } if (p) { b_ialast++; } else { exitg2 = TRUE; } } ialast = b_ialast - 1; = &jw_emlrtRSI; b_iblast = iblast + 1; bk = b[iblast]; exitg1 = FALSE; while ((exitg1 == FALSE) && (b_iblast < 8)) { absxk = muDoubleScalarAbs(b[iblast] / 2.0); if ((!muDoubleScalarIsInf(absxk)) && (!muDoubleScalarIsNaN(absxk))) { if (absxk <= 2.2250738585072014E-308) { absxk = 4.94065645841247E-324; } else { frexp(absxk, &b_exponent); absxk = ldexp(1.0, b_exponent - 53); } } else { absxk = rtNaN; } guard4 = FALSE; guard5 = FALSE; if (muDoubleScalarAbs(b[iblast] - b[b_iblast]) < absxk) { guard5 = TRUE; } else if (muDoubleScalarIsInf(b[b_iblast])) { if (muDoubleScalarIsInf(b[iblast]) && ((b[b_iblast] > 0.0) == (b[iblast] > 0.0))) { guard5 = TRUE; } else { guard4 = TRUE; } } else { guard4 = TRUE; } if (guard5 == TRUE) { p = TRUE; } if (guard4 == TRUE) { p = FALSE; } if (p) { b_iblast++; } else { exitg1 = TRUE; } } iblast = b_iblast - 1; = &kw_emlrtRSI; absxk = muDoubleScalarAbs(bk / 2.0); if ((!muDoubleScalarIsInf(absxk)) && (!muDoubleScalarIsNaN(absxk))) { if (absxk <= 2.2250738585072014E-308) { absxk = 4.94065645841247E-324; } else { frexp(absxk, &c_exponent); absxk = ldexp(1.0, c_exponent - 53); } } else { absxk = rtNaN; } guard2 = FALSE; guard3 = FALSE; if (muDoubleScalarAbs(bk - ak) < absxk) { guard3 = TRUE; } else if (muDoubleScalarIsInf(ak)) { if (muDoubleScalarIsInf(bk) && ((ak > 0.0) == (bk > 0.0))) { guard3 = TRUE; } else { guard2 = TRUE; } } else { guard2 = TRUE; } if (guard3 == TRUE) { p = TRUE; } if (guard2 == TRUE) { p = FALSE; } if (p) { = &lw_emlrtRSI; nc++; c_data[nc - 1] = ak; ia_data[nc - 1] = iafirst + 1; ib_data[nc - 1] = ibfirst + 1; = &mw_emlrtRSI; ialast = b_ialast; iafirst = b_ialast; = &nw_emlrtRSI; iblast = b_iblast; ibfirst = b_iblast; } else { = &ow_emlrtRSI; guard1 = FALSE; if (ak < bk) { guard1 = TRUE; } else if (muDoubleScalarIsNaN(bk)) { guard1 = TRUE; } else { p = FALSE; } if (guard1 == TRUE) { p = TRUE; } if (p) { = &pw_emlrtRSI; ialast = b_ialast; iafirst = b_ialast; } else { = &qw_emlrtRSI; iblast = b_iblast; ibfirst = b_iblast; } } } if (ncmax > 0) { if (nc <= ncmax) { } else { b_y = NULL; m37 = mxCreateString("Assertion failed."); emlrtAssign(&b_y, m37); = &kbb_emlrtRSI; c_error(&st, b_y, &hb_emlrtMCI); } if (1 > nc) { ialast = 0; } else { ialast = nc; } for (iafirst = 0; iafirst < ialast; iafirst++) { b_ia_data[iafirst] = ia_data[iafirst]; } ia_size[0] = ialast; for (iafirst = 0; iafirst < ialast; iafirst++) { ia_data[iafirst] = b_ia_data[iafirst]; } } if (ncmax > 0) { if (nc <= ncmax) { } else { c_y = NULL; m37 = mxCreateString("Assertion failed."); emlrtAssign(&c_y, m37); = &jbb_emlrtRSI; c_error(&st, c_y, &ib_emlrtMCI); } if (1 > nc) { ialast = 0; } else { ialast = nc; } for (iafirst = 0; iafirst < ialast; iafirst++) { b_ia_data[iafirst] = ib_data[iafirst]; } ib_size[0] = ialast; for (iafirst = 0; iafirst < ialast; iafirst++) { ib_data[iafirst] = b_ia_data[iafirst]; } } if (ncmax > 0) { if (nc <= ncmax) { } else { d_y = NULL; m37 = mxCreateString("Assertion failed."); emlrtAssign(&d_y, m37); = &ibb_emlrtRSI; c_error(&st, d_y, &jb_emlrtMCI); } if (1 > nc) { ialast = 0; } else { ialast = nc; } for (iafirst = 0; iafirst < ialast; iafirst++) { b_c_data[iafirst] = c_data[iafirst]; } c_size[0] = ialast; for (iafirst = 0; iafirst < ialast; iafirst++) { c_data[iafirst] = b_c_data[iafirst]; } } }
/* Returns the number of sound data frames or negative on error */ static unsigned int get_aiff_header(AVFormatContext *s, int size, unsigned version) { AVIOContext *pb = s->pb; AVCodecContext *codec = s->streams[0]->codec; AIFFInputContext *aiff = s->priv_data; int exp; uint64_t val; double sample_rate; unsigned int num_frames; if (size & 1) size++; codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; codec->channels = avio_rb16(pb); num_frames = avio_rb32(pb); codec->bits_per_coded_sample = avio_rb16(pb); exp = avio_rb16(pb); val = avio_rb64(pb); sample_rate = ldexp(val, exp - 16383 - 63); codec->sample_rate = sample_rate; size -= 18; /* get codec id for AIFF-C */ if (version == AIFF_C_VERSION1) { codec->codec_tag = avio_rl32(pb); codec->codec_id = ff_codec_get_id(ff_codec_aiff_tags, codec->codec_tag); size -= 4; } if (version != AIFF_C_VERSION1 || codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE) { codec->codec_id = aiff_codec_get_id(codec->bits_per_coded_sample); codec->bits_per_coded_sample = av_get_bits_per_sample(codec->codec_id); aiff->block_duration = 1; } else { switch (codec->codec_id) { case AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F32BE: case AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_F64BE: case AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE: case AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW: case AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW: aiff->block_duration = 1; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_QT: codec->block_align = 34*codec->channels; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_MACE3: codec->block_align = 2*codec->channels; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_MACE6: codec->block_align = 1*codec->channels; break; case AV_CODEC_ID_GSM: codec->block_align = 33; break; default: aiff->block_duration = 1; break; } if (codec->block_align > 0) aiff->block_duration = av_get_audio_frame_duration(codec, codec->block_align); } /* Block align needs to be computed in all cases, as the definition * is specific to applications -> here we use the WAVE format definition */ if (!codec->block_align) codec->block_align = (av_get_bits_per_sample(codec->codec_id) * codec->channels) >> 3; if (aiff->block_duration) { codec->bit_rate = codec->sample_rate * (codec->block_align << 3) / aiff->block_duration; } /* Chunk is over */ if (size) avio_skip(pb, size); return num_frames; }
void test_extra(T) { T t = 1; t = abs(t); t = abs(t*t); t = fabs(t); t = fabs(t*t); t = sqrt(t); t = sqrt(t*t); t = floor(t); t = floor(t*t); t = ceil(t); t = ceil(t*t); t = trunc(t); t = trunc(t*t); t = round(t); t = round(t*t); t = exp(t); t = exp(t*t); t = log(t); t = log(t*t); t = log10(t); t = log10(t*t); t = cos(t); t = cos(t*t); t = sin(t); t = sin(t*t); t = tan(t); t = tan(t*t); t = asin(t); t = asin(t*t); t = atan(t); t = atan(t*t); t = acos(t); t = acos(t*t); t = cosh(t); t = cosh(t*t); t = sinh(t); t = sinh(t*t); t = tanh(t); t = tanh(t*t); double dval = 2; t = pow(t, t); t = pow(t, t*t); t = pow(t, dval); t = pow(t*t, t); t = pow(t*t, t*t); t = pow(t*t, dval); t = pow(dval, t); t = pow(dval, t*t); t = atan2(t, t); t = atan2(t, t*t); t = atan2(t, dval); t = atan2(t*t, t); t = atan2(t*t, t*t); t = atan2(t*t, dval); t = atan2(dval, t); t = atan2(dval, t*t); t = fmod(t, t); t = fmod(t, t*t); t = fmod(t, dval); t = fmod(t*t, t); t = fmod(t*t, t*t); t = fmod(t*t, dval); t = fmod(dval, t); t = fmod(dval, t*t); typedef typename T::backend_type backend_type; typedef typename backend_type::exponent_type exp_type; exp_type e = 0; int i = 0; t = ldexp(t, i); t = ldexp(t*t, i); t = ldexp(t, e); t = ldexp(t*t, e); t = frexp(t, &i); t = frexp(t*t, &i); t = frexp(t, &e); t = frexp(t*t, &e); }