コード例 #1
ファイル: utilVishnu.cpp プロジェクト: Ecapo/vishnu
vishnu::string_lc_to_utc_time_t(const std::string& ts,const std::string& utcOffset) {

  // two aliases for convenience
  namespace bps= boost::posix_time;
  namespace bg=boost::gregorian;
  namespace blt=boost::local_time;

  std::cout << " convert " << ts << " " << utcOffset << " in utc time\n";

  boost::local_time::time_zone_ptr tz(new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone(utcOffset));

  bps::ptime t;

  if (std::string::npos==ts.find(":")){

    t= bps::ptime (bps::time_from_string(ts));

  bps::ptime epoch(bg::date(1970,1,1));

  blt::local_date_time ldt(t.date(), t.time_of_day(),tz,blt::local_date_time::NOT_DATE_TIME_ON_ERROR);

  bps::time_duration::sec_type x = (ldt.utc_time() - epoch).total_seconds();

  return std::time_t(x);

コード例 #2
void CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction()
    completeArgs.success = false;
    completeArgs.result = "";
    if (mode == REQUEST_TOKEN || mode == REFRESH_TOKEN) {
        _ssl.setOpt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, ofToDataPath(GetCloudsDataPath(true) + "vhx/cacert.pem"));
        if (mode == REQUEST_TOKEN) {
            _ssl.addFormField("client_id", _clientId);
            _ssl.addFormField("client_secret", _clientSecret);
            _ssl.addFormField("grant_type", "client_credentials");
        else {
            _ssl.addFormField("refresh_token", _refreshToken);
            _ssl.addFormField("grant_type", "refresh_token");
        string response = _ssl.getResponseBody();
        ofLogVerbose("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Response:" << endl << response;
        completeArgs.success = false;
        ofxJSONElement json;
        if (json.parse(response)) {
            if (json.isMember("access_token")) {
                _accessToken = json["access_token"].asString();
                _refreshToken = json["refresh_token"].asString();
                _tokenExpiry = (ofGetSystemTime() / 1000.f) + json["expires_in"].asFloat();
                // Save the tokens to disk.
                CloudsCryptoSaveTokens(_accessToken, _refreshToken, _tokenExpiry, _tokensPath);
                completeArgs.success = true;
                completeArgs.result = _accessToken;
            else {
                ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unexpected JSON format:" << endl << response;
        else {
            ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unable to parse JSON:" << endl << response;
        bNotifyComplete = true;
    else if (mode == REQUEST_CODE) {
        _ssl.setOpt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, ofToDataPath(GetCloudsDataPath(true) + "vhx/cacert.pem"));
        _ssl.addFormField("client_id", _clientId);
        _ssl.addFormField("client_secret", _clientSecret);

        string response = _ssl.getResponseBody();
        ofLogVerbose("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Response:" << endl << response;
        completeArgs.success = false;
        ofxJSONElement json;
        if (json.parse(response)) {
            if (json.isMember("code")) {
                _code = json["code"].asString();
                _codeExpiry = (ofGetSystemTime() / 1000.f) + json["expires_in"].asFloat();
                completeArgs.success = true;
                completeArgs.result = _code;
            else {
                ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unexpected JSON format:" << endl << response;
        else {
            ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unable to parse JSON:" << endl << response;
        bNotifyComplete = true;
    else if (mode == LINK_CODE) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "http://www.vhx.tv/activate/clouds";
        ss << "?client_id=" << _clientId;
        ss << "&code=" << _code;
        ss << "https://api.vhx.tv/oauth/codes/" << _code;
        ss << "?client_id=" << _clientId;
        ss << "&client_secret=" << _clientSecret;
        completeArgs.success = false;

        bool bWaitForLink = true;
        while (bWaitForLink && isThreadRunning()) {
            _ssl.setOpt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, ofToDataPath(GetCloudsDataPath(true) + "vhx/cacert.pem"));
            string response = _ssl.getResponseBody();
            ofLogVerbose("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Response:" << endl << response;

            ofxJSONElement json;
            if (json.parse(response)) {
                if (json.isMember("access_token")) {
                    _accessToken = json["access_token"].asString();
                    _refreshToken = json["refresh_token"].asString();
                    _tokenExpiry = (ofGetSystemTime() / 1000.f) + json["expires_in"].asFloat();
                    // Save the tokens to disk.
                    CloudsCryptoSaveTokens(_accessToken, _refreshToken, _tokenExpiry, _tokensPath);
                    completeArgs.success = true;
                    completeArgs.result = _accessToken;

                    bWaitForLink = false;
                else {
                    ofLogVerbose("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unexpected JSON result:" << endl << response;
            else {
                ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unable to parse JSON:" << endl << response;
                bWaitForLink = false;
        bNotifyComplete = true;
    else if (mode == VERIFY_PACKAGE) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "Authorization: Bearer " << _accessToken;
        _ssl.setOpt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, ofToDataPath(GetCloudsDataPath(true) + "vhx/cacert.pem"));
        string response = _ssl.getResponseBody();
        ofLogVerbose("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Response:" << endl << response;
        cout << "RESPONSE " << response << endl;
        completeArgs.success = false;

        ofxJSONElement json;
        if (json.parse(response)) {
            if (json.isMember("_embedded")) {
                const ofxJSONElement& embedded = json["_embedded"];
                if (embedded.isMember("packages")) {
                    const ofxJSONElement& packages = embedded["packages"];
                    if(packages.size() > 0){
                        for (int i = 0; i < packages.size(); ++i) {
                            const ofxJSONElement& element = packages[i];
                            if (element.isMember("id")) {
                                string packageId = element["id"].asString();
                                if (packageId == _packageId || packageId == "8102") { //hack for rental
                                    // Found matching package, check that purchase is valid.
                                    if (element.isMember("purchase_type")) {
                                        string purchaseType = element["purchase_type"].asString();
                                        if (purchaseType == "purchase") {
                                            state = PURCHASE;
                                            completeArgs.success = true;
                                            completeArgs.result = "purchase";
                                        else if (purchaseType == "rental") {
                                            if (element.isMember("expires_at")) {
                                                if (element["expires_at"].isNull()) {
                                                    // No expiry, assume we're good.
                                                    state = RENTAL;
                                                    completeArgs.success = true;
                                                    completeArgs.result = "rental";
                                                else {
                                                    // Parse the expiry date.
                                                    Poco::DateTime dt;
                                                    int tzd;
                                                    if (Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(element["expires_at"].asString(), dt, tzd)) {
                                                        Poco::LocalDateTime ldt(tzd, dt);
                                                        Poco::Timestamp expiryTime = ldt.timestamp();
                                                        Poco::Timestamp nowTime;
                                                        // Make sure the rental is valid.
                                                        if (nowTime < expiryTime) {
                                                            // Expires in the future, we're good.
                                                            _packageExpiry = expiryTime.epochTime();
                                                            state = RENTAL;
                                                            completeArgs.success = true;
                                                            completeArgs.result = "rental";
                                                        else {
                                                            // Expired, no good.
                                                            state = EXPIRED;
                                                            completeArgs.success = true;
                                                            completeArgs.result = "expired";
                                                            continue; //check other packages
                                                    else {
                                                        // Could not parse expiry, assume no good.
                                                        state = EXPIRED;
                                                        completeArgs.success = true;
                                                        completeArgs.result = "expired";
                                                        continue; //check the other packages
                                            else {
                                                // No expiry, assume we're good.
                                                state = RENTAL;
                                                completeArgs.success = true;
                                                completeArgs.result = "rental";
                                        else {
                                            // Not a rental or purchase, assume no good.
                                            state = INACTIVE;
                                            completeArgs.success = true;
                                            completeArgs.result = "inactive";
                                            continue; //check the other packages
                                    else {
                                        ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unexpected JSON result, 'purchase_type' not found:" << endl << response;
                                else {
                                    ofLogNotice("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Skipping package " << packageId;
                            else {
                                ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unexpected JSON result, 'id' not found:" << endl << response;
                    else {
                        state = INACTIVE;
                        completeArgs.success = true;
                        completeArgs.result = "inactive";
                else {
                    ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unexpected JSON result, 'packages' not found:" << endl << response;
            else {
                ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unexpected JSON result, '_embedded' not found:" << endl << response;
        else {
            ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Unable to parse JSON:" << endl << response;
        bNotifyComplete = true;
    else {
        ofLogError("CloudsVHXAuth::threadedFunction") << "Mode " << mode << " is unrecongized!";
コード例 #3
ファイル: Extractor.cpp プロジェクト: ruffsl/CS7495P2
void Extractor::readGeoData(const string& filepath)
#ifdef DEBUG
    ofstream debug_log("debug_log_readGeoData.txt");
    // Open text file
    ifstream myfile(filepath.c_str());
    if (!myfile.is_open())
        cerr << "Could not open " << filepath << endl;
    // cout << "Parsing " << filepath << " for time stamps and GPS locations." << endl;
    string line;
    // Parse line by line
    while ( getline(myfile, line) )
        // Skip empty lines
        if ( line.compare("") == 0)
        // Tokenize line
        vector<string> tokens = split(line, ' ');
        // If line starts with 'T'
        if (tokens[0].compare("T") == 0)
            // 1. Add time stamp
            string timestamp = "";
            timestamp += tokens[1] + " " + tokens[2] + " UTC+4";
            // Set up the input datetime format.
            string format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%f %ZP";
            if (split(tokens[2], '.').size() < 2)
                format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %ZP";
            local_time_input_facet *input_facet = new local_time_input_facet(format.c_str());
            // Read time
            stringstream ss;
            ss.imbue(std::locale(ss.getloc(), input_facet));
            local_date_time ldt(not_a_date_time);
            ss >> ldt;
            if (ldt.is_not_a_date_time())
                cout << "Warning: " << ss << " could not be read correctly." << endl;
                cout << "\tFormat is " << format << endl;
                cout << "\tDate: " << tokens[2] << endl;
            // Insert boost local_time into list

            // 2. Add GPS coordinates
            vector<double> coord;
#ifdef DEBUG
            debug_log << "Time: " << ldt.local_time() << ", GPS: " << fixed << coord[0] << ", " << coord[1] << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG