コード例 #1
ファイル: Custom.cpp プロジェクト: huellif/symbian-example
void CSmiley::DrawEyes(CWindowGc &aGc) const
		// Draw the eyes
	TPoint leftEye(iSmileyWidth / 3, iSmileyHeight / 3);
	TPoint rightEye(iSmileyWidth * 2 / 3, iSmileyHeight / 3);
	aGc.SetPenSize(TSize(5, 5));
	aGc.Plot(iSmileyRect.iTl + leftEye);
	aGc.Plot(iSmileyRect.iTl + rightEye);
コード例 #2
bool FaceAlignment::alignStasm4(cv::Mat& inputImg, std::vector<cv::Mat>& alignedImg, std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d> >& landmarkPoints, std::vector<cv::Point2d>& centersOfLandmarks) {

    //cv::Mat im_gray;

    //commonTool.log("Performing Active Shape Models with Stasm 4.0 to find features in face.");

    //cv::namedWindow( "test", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL );
    //cv::imshow( "test", inputImg );

    std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d> > landmarkList;
    bool success = detectLandmarks(inputImg, landmarkList, centersOfLandmarks);
    if (!success) {
        return false;

    int numberOfFaces = landmarkList.size();
    //commonTool.log(QString("Found number of faces in a single frame --> %1").arg(numberOfFaces));

    for (int i=0;i<numberOfFaces;i++) {
        std::vector<cv::Point2d> points = landmarkList.at(i);

        //commonTool.log(QString("Extracted %1 landmarks.").arg(points.size()));

        //commonTool.showImageAndLandMarks(QString("Before Alignment"), inputImg, points, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), *mutex);

        cv::Mat resizedImg;
        cv::Mat rotatedImg = cv::Mat( 250, 200, inputImg.type() );
        double ratio = 50/sqrt(pow(points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEXV4).x - points.at(RIGHT_EYE_INDEXV4).x, 2) + pow(points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEXV4).y - points.at(RIGHT_EYE_INDEXV4).y, 2));
        cv::resize(inputImg, resizedImg, cv::Size(), ratio, ratio, CV_INTER_LINEAR );
        //resize all the point
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); i++){
            points.at(i) = points.at(i) * ratio;

        //commonTool.showImageAndLandMarks(QString("Scaling: %1").arg(ratio), inputImg, points);

        /* for rotation */
        double degree = (atan((points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEXV4).y - points.at(RIGHT_EYE_INDEXV4).y)/(points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEXV4).x - points.at(RIGHT_EYE_INDEXV4).x)) * 180)/PI;
        cv::Mat rotationMat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(points.at(NOSE_INDEXV4), degree, 1.0);
        warpAffine( resizedImg, rotatedImg, rotationMat, cv::Size(resizedImg.cols, resizedImg.rows) , cv::INTER_LINEAR, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE);

        //rotation all the point
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); i++){
            points.at(i) = rotatePoint(points.at(i), rotationMat);

        //commonTool.showImageAndLandMarks(QString("after rotation"), inputImg, points);

        //make sure the small image will not outside
        cv::copyMakeBorder(rotatedImg, rotatedImg, IMAGE_ROW, IMAGE_ROW, IMAGE_COL, IMAGE_COL, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); i++){
            points.at(i).x = points.at(i).x + IMAGE_COL;
            points.at(i).y = points.at(i).y + IMAGE_ROW;

    // Mo did this: bad way, not checking all points!
    //    cv::circle(rotatedImg, points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEX), 5, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0));
    //    cv::circle(rotatedImg, points.at(RIGHT_EYE_INDEX), 5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));
    //    cv::circle(rotatedImg, points.at(NOSE_INDEX), 5, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    //    cv::imshow("rotatedImg", rotatedImg);
    //    cv::waitKey(0);

        //commonTool.showImageAndLandMarks(QString("after copymakeborder"), rotatedImg, points);
        cv::Rect ROI = cv::Rect(points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEXV4).x - 75.0, points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEXV4).y - 125.0, IMAGE_COL, IMAGE_ROW);
        //There was a bug here previously
        cv::Point2d leftEye(points.at(LEFT_EYE_INDEXV4));
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); i++){
            points.at(i).x = points.at(i).x - (leftEye.x - 75.0);
            points.at(i).y = points.at(i).y - (leftEye.y - 125.0);
        //commonTool.showImageAndLandMarks(QString("After Alignment"), alignedImg, points);

    return true;
