コード例 #1
ファイル: euclib_helper.hpp プロジェクト: jmarini/euclib
	point2<T> overlap( const point2<T>& pt, const rect2<T>& rect ) {
		// check if either is null
		if( pt == point2<T>::null( ) || rect == rect2<T>::null( ) ) {
			return point2<T>::null( );
		// general case
		else if( greater_equal( pt.x, rect.l ) &&
		         less_equal( pt.x, rect.r ) &&
		         greater_equal( pt.y, rect.t ) &&
		         less_equal( pt.y, rect.b ) ) {
			return pt;
		else {
			return point2<T>::null( );
コード例 #2
ファイル: less_equal.hpp プロジェクト: GeospatialDaryl/opengv
inline typename disable_if<traits::is_native_fusion_sequence<Seq1>, bool>::type
operator<=(Seq1 const& a, sequence_base<Seq2> const& b)
    return less_equal(a, b.derived());
コード例 #3
ファイル: less_equal.hpp プロジェクト: GeospatialDaryl/opengv
inline bool
operator<=(sequence_base<Seq1> const& a, sequence_base<Seq2> const& b)
    return less_equal(a.derived(), b.derived());
コード例 #4
ファイル: orderable_fwd.hpp プロジェクト: rbock/hana
 constexpr auto operator<=(T t, U u)
 { return less_equal(t, u); }
コード例 #5
ファイル: range.hpp プロジェクト: rbock/hana
namespace boost { namespace hana {
    //! @ingroup group-datatypes
    //! Compile-time half-open interval of `Integral`s.
    //! ## Instance of
    //! `Iterable`, `Foldable`, `Comparable`
    struct Range { };

    namespace range_detail {
        template <typename From, typename To, typename = operators<Comparable>>
        struct range {
            From from;
            To to;
            using hana_datatype = Range;

    //! Creates a `Range` containing the `Integral`s in `[from, to)`.
    //! @relates Range
    //! @hideinitializer
    //! `from` and `to` must be `Integral`s such that `from <= to`. Otherwise,
    //! a compilation error is triggered.
    //! ### Example
    //! @snippet example/range/range.cpp main
    BOOST_HANA_CONSTEXPR_LAMBDA auto range = [](auto from, auto to) {
        // For some reason, Clang 3.5 requires that we create an intermediate
        // variable whose type is dependent so we can use `valid_range` as a
        // constant expression below.
        auto valid_range = less_equal(from, to);
        "invalid usage of boost::hana::range(from, to) with from > to");
        return range_detail::range<decltype(from), decltype(to)>{from, to};

    //! Shorthand to create a `Range` of `Integral`s.
    //! @relates Range
    //! This shorthand is provided for convenience only and it is equivalent
    //! to using `range`. Specifically, `range_c<T, from, to>` is such that
    //! @code
    //!     range_c<T, from, to> == range(integral<T, from>, integral<T, to>)
    //! @endcode
    //! @tparam T
    //! The underlying integral type of the `Integral`s in the created range.
    //! @tparam from
    //! The inclusive lower bound of the created range.
    //! @tparam to
    //! The exclusive upper bound of the created range.
    //! ### Example
    //! @snippet example/range/range_c.cpp main
    template <typename T, T from, T to>
    BOOST_HANA_CONSTEXPR_LAMBDA auto range_c = range(
        integral<T, from>, integral<T, to>

    //! @details
    //! Let `r` be a `Range` containing the `Integral`s in the half-open
    //! interval `[from, to)`. The head of `r` is an `Integral` with value
    //! `from`, its tail is the range representing the `[from + 1, to)`
    //! interval and `r` is empty if and only if `from == to`.
    //! @snippet example/range/iterable.cpp main
    template <>
    struct Iterable::instance<Range> : Iterable::mcd {
        template <typename R>
        static constexpr auto head_impl(R r)
        { return r.from; }

        template <typename R>
        static constexpr auto tail_impl(R r)
        { return range(plus(r.from, int_<1>), r.to); }

        template <typename R>
        static constexpr auto is_empty_impl(R r)
        { return equal(r.from, r.to); }

        template <typename N, typename R>
        static constexpr auto at_impl(N n, R r)
        { return plus(r.from, n); }

        template <typename R>
        static constexpr auto last_impl(R r)
        { return minus(r.to, int_<1>); }

        template <typename N, typename R>
        static constexpr auto drop_impl(N n, R r) {
            auto size = minus(r.to, r.from);
            return range(if_(greater(n, size), r.to, plus(r.from, n)), r.to);

    //! Generic instance for `Iterable`s.
    template <>
    struct Foldable::instance<Range> : detail::FoldableFromIterable {
        template <typename F, typename From, typename T, T ...vs>
        static constexpr auto unpack_helper(F f, From from,
            detail::std::integer_sequence<T, vs...>)
        { return f(integral<T, from() + vs>...); }

        template <typename R, typename F>
        static constexpr auto unpack_impl(R r, F f) {
            auto size = minus(r.to, r.from);
            return unpack_helper(f, r.from,
                detail::std::make_integer_sequence<decltype(r.from()), size()>{});

        template <typename R>
        static constexpr auto length_impl(R r)
        { return minus(r.to, r.from); }

    //! @details
    //! Two ranges are equal if and only if they are both empty or they have
    //! the same `head` and the same length.
    template <>
    struct Comparable::instance<Range, Range> : Comparable::equal_mcd {
        template <typename R1, typename R2>
        static constexpr auto equal_impl(R1 r1, R2 r2) {
            return or_(
                and_(is_empty(r1), is_empty(r2)),
                    equal(r1.from, r2.from),
                    equal(r1.to, r2.to)
}} // end namespace boost::hana
コード例 #6
ファイル: less_equal.hpp プロジェクト: Aantonb/gotham
 inline typename disable_if<detail::is_native_fusion_sequence<Seq2>, bool>::type
 operator<=(sequence_base<Seq1> const& a, Seq2 const& b)
     return less_equal(a.derived(), b);