static inline void level3( T &p0, T &p1, T &p2 ) { level2(p0, p1); level2(p1, p2); level2(p0, p1); }
static inline void level4( T &p0, T &p1, T &p2, T &p3 ) { level2(p0, p1); level2(p2, p3); level2(p0, p2); level2(p1, p3); level2(p1, p2); }
static inline void level6( T &p0, T &p1, T &p2, T &p3, T &p4, T &p5) { level3(p0, p1, p2); level3(p3, p4, p5); level2(p0, p3); level2(p2, p5); level4(p1, p2, p3, p4); }
float smallcalc::Parser::level1() { float ans = level2(); TOKEN_TYPE operator_id = token_type; while (operator_id == ADDITION_OP || operator_id == SUBSTRACTION_OP) { next_token(); ans = eval_operator(operator_id, ans, level2()); operator_id = token_type; } return ans; }
void CMPolynomial::level1(double& result) // logical { register int op; double hold; level2(result); while (islogical(token)) { op = token; get_token(); level2(hold); logical(op,result,hold); } }
void mapseq() { switch(next) { case 0:menu();sidemenu();break; case 98:levelskip();break; case 1:level1();break; case 2:level2();break; case 3:level3();break; case 4:level4();break; case 5:level5();break; case 101:levelskip();break; case 6:level6();break; case 7:level7();break; case 8:level8();break; case 9:level9();break; case 10:level10();break; case 102:levelskip();break; case 11:level11();break; case 12:level12();break; case 13:level13();break; case 14:level14();break; case 15:level15();break; case 103:levelskip();break; case 16:win();break; case 99:help();break; case 100:lose();elapsedTime=0;break; } }
//int tracking(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp* interp, int argc, const char** argv) int tracking( int argc, const char** argv) { level1(); level2(); level3(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { std::cout << "I'm such a _deep_ sample" << std::endl; level1(); level2(); return 0; }
/* Entry point into parser. */ void get_exp(double* result){ get_token(); // printf("getexpparser: <%s> level2 \n", bas_token ); if(!*bas_token) { serror(2); return; } level2(result); // printf("Parser: res=<%lf> \n", result ); putback(); /* return last bas_token read to input stream */ }
/* Process parenthesized expression. */ void level6(double* result){ if((*bas_token == '(') && (bas_token_type == DELIMITER)) { get_token(); // printf("level6 <%s>, descending into level2\n", bas_token ); level2(result); // printf("level6 <%s>, back from level2\n", bas_token ); if(*bas_token != ')') serror(1); get_token(); } else primitive(result); }
void pacmanGame() { lcdSetBackgroundColour(BACKGROUND_COLOUR); lcdSetFontColour(FOREGROUND_COLOUR); lcdSetCursor(0, 0); lcdPixelsDraw(240 * 320, BACKGROUND_COLOUR); lcdPrint(10, 10, "PACMAN"); wait(1000000); lcdPrint(50, 10, "MOVE WITH 2,4,5,6"); wait(1000000); lcdPrint(76, 10, "PRESS A TO START"); while (kBuffer != 3) continue; kBuffer = 16; lcdFillWindow(0, 239, 0, 319, BACKGROUND_COLOUR); lcdPrint(112, 80, "LEVEL 1"); wait(1000000); pacman::lifes = 3; while (1) { if (level1()) { pacman::lifes = 3; pacman::score = 0; continue; } if (level2()) { pacman::lifes = 3; pacman::score = 0; continue; } if (level3()) { pacman::lifes = 3; pacman::score = 0; continue; } if (level4()) { pacman::lifes = 3; pacman::score = 0; continue; } } }
void level1_5(double *hold) { char op; op = 0; if (((token_type) == DELIMITER) && *(token) == '!') { op = *(token); get_token(); } level2( hold); if (op) { if (*hold == 0.0) *hold = 1.0; else *hold = 0.0; } }
SeaScene::SeaScene(QObject *parent) : QGraphicsScene(parent) { setItemPointersNull(); paused_ = false; screenLitKeeper_.keepScreenLit(true); QSettings settings; //set background QPixmap waves (":/pix/meri.png"); waves.scaled(20,20); setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(waves)); //set random seed qsrand(QTime::currentTime().msec()+2); //+2 to avoid setting it to 1 //Setup level sets QList<Level> levelList; Level level1(5,10); levelList.append(level1); Level level2(5,10,2,50); levelList.append(level2); Level level3(5,15,2,50); levelList.append(level3); Level level4(5,15,4,50); levelList.append(level4); Level level5(5,15,5,100); levelList.append(level5); Levelset set ("Original",levelList); availableLevelsets_.append(set); //Create another set of levels and place it in the available levelsets list levelList.clear(); Level set2level1(8,15,4,50); levelList.append(set2level1); Level set2level2(8,20,4,50); levelList.append(set2level2); Level set2level3(8,20,5,80); levelList.append(set2level3); Level set2level4(8,20,6,120); levelList.append(set2level4); Level set2level5(8,25,8,150); levelList.append(set2level5); Levelset set2("Difficult",levelList); availableLevelsets_.append(set2); //Setup starting levelset QString levelname = settings.value("levelset","Original").toString(); bool found = false; foreach (Levelset levelset, availableLevelsets_) { if (levelset.getName() == levelname) { levelset_ = levelset; found = true; break; } } if (!found) //The last used level is not available { levelset_ = availableLevelsets_.value(0); } currentLevel_ = 0; totalScore_ = 0; connect(this,SIGNAL(allGhostsPicked()),this,SLOT(nextLevel())); pVibrateAction_ = new QAction(tr("Vibration effects"),this); pVibrateAction_->setCheckable(true); connect(pVibrateAction_,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(vibrationActivate(bool))); pVibrateAction_->setChecked(settings.value("vibration",false).toBool()); pPauseAction_ = new QAction(tr("Pause"),this); pPauseAction_->setCheckable(true); connect(pPauseAction_,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(pause(bool))); deviceLockPollTimer_.setInterval(20*60); connect(&deviceLockPollTimer_,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(pollDeviceLocked())); deviceLockPollTimer_.start(); autopauseTimer.setSingleShot(true); autopauseTimer.setInterval(15*60*1000); connect(&autopauseTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(turnPauseOn())); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); displayWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("Final Project", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 640, 480, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); SDL_GLContext context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(displayWindow); SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(displayWindow, context); #ifdef _WINDOWS glewInit(); #endif ShaderProgram* program = new ShaderProgram(RESOURCE_FOLDER"vertex_textured.glsl", RESOURCE_FOLDER"fragment_textured.glsl"); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glViewport(0, 0, 640, 480); Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096); Matrix modelMatrix; Matrix textMatrix; Matrix viewMatrix; Matrix projectionMatrix; projectionMatrix.setOrthoProjection(-10.0f, 10.0f, -7.5f, 7.5f, -1.0f, 1.0f); std::vector<Entity> entities; int lastWinner; // Load player sprites GLint paddleBlue = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\paddleBlu.png"); GLint paddleRed = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\paddleRed.png"); // Load item sprites GLint coinCopperSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\coinCopper.png"); GLint coinSilverSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\coinSilver.png"); GLint coinGoldSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\coinGold.png"); GLint coinPlatinumSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\coinPlatinum.png"); GLint starCopperSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\starCopper.png"); GLint starSilverSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\starSilver.png"); GLint starGoldSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\starGold.png"); GLint starPlatinumSprite = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\starPlatinum.png"); // Load font GLuint fontSheet = LoadTextureClamp(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\font1.png"); // Load level bg GLint mainBG = LoadTextureRepeat(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\bg_main.png"); GLint levelBG = LoadTextureRepeat(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\bg_level.png"); GLint overBG = LoadTextureRepeat(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\bg_over.png"); // Load music Mix_Music *music1; music1 = Mix_LoadMUS(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\Im Free.mp3"); Mix_Music *music2; music2 = Mix_LoadMUS(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\Lagrima.mp3"); Mix_Music *music3; music3 = Mix_LoadMUS(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\The Old Song.mp3"); Mix_Music *music4; music4 = Mix_LoadMUS(RESOURCE_FOLDER"assets\\FASE.mp3"); // Load sounds Mix_Chunk* itemHit; itemHit = Mix_LoadWAV(RESOURCE_FOLDER"hit.wav"); Mix_Chunk* buttonPress; buttonPress = Mix_LoadWAV(RESOURCE_FOLDER"Menu Selection Click.wav"); // Initialize players Entity playerBlue(ENTITY_PLAYER, paddleBlue, fontSheet, SDL_SCANCODE_A, SDL_SCANCODE_D, -5.0f); Entity playerRed(ENTITY_PLAYER, paddleRed, fontSheet, SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT, SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT, 5.0f); Entity coinCopper(ENTITY_ITEM, coinCopperSprite, fontSheet, 10, buttonPress); Entity coinSilver(ENTITY_ITEM, coinSilverSprite, fontSheet, 25, buttonPress); Entity coinGold(ENTITY_ITEM, coinGoldSprite, fontSheet, 50, buttonPress); Entity coinPlatinum(ENTITY_ITEM, coinPlatinumSprite, fontSheet, 100, buttonPress); Entity starCopper(ENTITY_ITEM, starCopperSprite, fontSheet, 100, buttonPress); Entity starSilver(ENTITY_ITEM, starSilverSprite, fontSheet, 250, buttonPress); Entity starGold(ENTITY_ITEM, starGoldSprite, fontSheet, 500, buttonPress); Entity starPlatinum(ENTITY_ITEM, starPlatinumSprite, fontSheet, 1000, buttonPress); entities.push_back(playerBlue); entities.push_back(playerRed); entities.push_back(coinCopper); entities.push_back(coinSilver); entities.push_back(coinGold); entities.push_back(coinPlatinum); entities.push_back(starCopper); entities.push_back(starSilver); entities.push_back(starGold); entities.push_back(starPlatinum); Level level1(LEVEL_FREEPLAY, fontSheet, levelBG, music3, entities); Level level2(LEVEL_CLOCKED, fontSheet, levelBG, music4, entities); Level level3(LEVEL_SCORED, fontSheet, levelBG, music1, entities); Mix_PlayMusic(music3, -1); SDL_Event event; bool done = false; while (!done) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT || event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE) { done = true; } } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); program->setModelMatrix(modelMatrix); program->setViewMatrix(viewMatrix); program->setProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix); glUseProgram(program->programID); switch (state) { case MAIN_MENU: RenderBG(program, mainBG); if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_1]) { // Press 1 to get into game level state = GAME_LEVEL_1; Mix_PlayChannel(-1, buttonPress, 0); Mix_PlayMusic(level1.getBgm(), -1); } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_2]) { // Press 2 to get into game level state = GAME_LEVEL_2; Mix_PlayChannel(-1, buttonPress, 0); Mix_PlayMusic(level2.getBgm(), -1); } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_3]) { // Press 3 to get into game level state = GAME_LEVEL_3; Mix_PlayChannel(-1, buttonPress, 0); Mix_PlayMusic(level3.getBgm(), -1); } if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE]){ done = true; } break; case GAME_LEVEL_1: if (!level1.isComplete()){ level1.Update(); level1.FixedUpdate(); level1.Render(program); level1.RenderText(program); } else { lastWinner = level1.getWinner(); state = MAIN_MENU; level1.reset(); Mix_PlayMusic(music3, -1); } break; case GAME_LEVEL_2: if (!level2.isComplete()){ level2.Update(); level2.FixedUpdate(); level2.Render(program); level2.RenderText(program); } else { lastWinner = level2.getWinner(); state = GAME_OVER; level2.reset(); Mix_PlayMusic(music3, -1); } break; case GAME_LEVEL_3: if (!level3.isComplete()){ level3.Update(); level3.FixedUpdate(); level3.Render(program); level3.RenderText(program); } else { lastWinner = level3.getWinner(); state = GAME_OVER; level3.reset(); Mix_PlayMusic(music3, -1); } break; case GAME_OVER: RenderBG(program, overBG); program->setModelMatrix(textMatrix); textMatrix.identity(); textMatrix.Translate(-7.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (lastWinner == 0) DrawText(program, fontSheet, "Blue Player wins!", 1.0f, 0.005f); else if (lastWinner == 1) DrawText(program, fontSheet, "Red Player wins!", 1.0f, 0.005f); if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN]) { level1.reset(); level2.reset(); level3.reset(); state = MAIN_MENU; Mix_PlayChannel(-1, buttonPress, 0); } else if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE]) { done = true; } break; } SDL_GL_SwapWindow(displayWindow); } SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
int Tree_Test::execute (TAO_Naming_Client &root_context) { try { // Create a tree of contexts: root->level1->level2. Bind object // foo under context level2. // Bind level1 context under root. CosNaming::Name level1; level1.length (1); level1[0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("level1_context"); CosNaming::NamingContext_var level1_context; level1_context = root_context->bind_new_context (level1); // Create a new context. CosNaming::NamingContext_var level2_context; level2_context = root_context->new_context (); // Instantiate a dummy object and bind it under the new context. My_Test_Object *impl1 = new My_Test_Object (CosNaming_Client::OBJ1_ID); Test_Object_var obj1 = impl1->_this (); impl1->_remove_ref (); CosNaming::Name obj_name; obj_name.length (1); obj_name[0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("foo"); level2_context->bind (obj_name, ()); // Bind the context we just created under level1. CosNaming::Name level2 (level1); level2.length (2); level2[1].id = CORBA::string_dup ("level2_context"); root_context->bind_context (level2, ()); // Resolve and unbind level1/level2/foo, and bind it back. CosNaming::Name test_name (level2); test_name.length (3); test_name[2].id = obj_name[0].id; CORBA::Object_var result_obj_ref = root_context->resolve (test_name); Test_Object_var result_object = Test_Object::_narrow ( ()); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ())) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems with resolving foo in Tree Test - nil object ref.\n"), -1); CORBA::Short id = result_object->id (); if (id != CosNaming_Client::OBJ1_ID) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems with resolving foo in Tree Test - wrong id.\n"), -1); // Unbind the object from the Naming Context and bind it back // in. root_context->unbind (test_name); root_context->bind (test_name, ()); // Create new context and rebind under the name level1/level2. CosNaming::NamingContext_var new_level2_context; new_level2_context = root_context->new_context (); root_context->rebind_context (level2, ()); // Bind, resolve, rebind, and resolve foo under level1/level2. root_context->bind (test_name, ()); result_obj_ref = root_context->resolve (test_name); result_object = Test_Object::_narrow ( ()); CORBA::Short obj_id = result_object->id (); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ()) || !(obj_id == CosNaming_Client::OBJ1_ID)) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems in the Tree Test\n"), -1); My_Test_Object *impl2 = new My_Test_Object (CosNaming_Client::OBJ2_ID); Test_Object_var obj2 = impl2->_this (); impl2->_remove_ref (); root_context->rebind (test_name, ()); result_obj_ref = root_context->resolve (test_name); result_object = Test_Object::_narrow ( ()); obj_id = result_object->id (); if (CORBA::is_nil ( ()) || !( obj_id == CosNaming_Client::OBJ2_ID)) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Problems with rebind in Tree Test\n"), -1); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ( "Unexpected exception in Tree test"); return -1; } ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "All functions work properly\n")); return 0; }
static inline void level2( T *p ) { assert(p); level2(p[0],p[1]); }
/** Inputs: none Returns: the initialized World object ready to be played */ world makeGame(short int level, short int numPlayers,int score){ world gameWorld; gameWorld.nProj = 0; gameWorld.projList = (projectile*)calloc(MAX_PROJECTILES,sizeof(projectile)); gameWorld.currentTime = 0; gameWorld.player1 = (ship*)malloc(sizeof(ship)); gameWorld.player1->AI_routine = NULL; gameWorld.player1->x_pos = (WORLD_X_SIZE/8)*3; gameWorld.player1->y_pos = WORLD_Y_SIZE-15; gameWorld.player1->x_accel = 0; gameWorld.player1->y_accel = UP; gameWorld.player1->isAlive = 1; gameWorld.player1->last_x = 0; gameWorld.player1->last_y = 0; gameWorld.player1->dimensionID = 8; gameWorld.player1->startTime = 0; gameWorld.player1->ID = RESERVED_PLAYER1_ID; gameWorld.player1->drawPixels = drawDIM8; gameWorld.player1->erase = eraseDIM8; gameWorld.player1->drawID = collideDIM8; gameWorld.player1->AI_routine = NULL; gameWorld.player1->health = MAX_HEALTH; gameWorld.player1->lastHit = 0; gameWorld.score = score; if(numPlayers == 1){ gameWorld.player2 = NULL; } else{ gameWorld.player2 = (ship*)malloc(sizeof(ship)); gameWorld.player2->AI_routine = NULL; gameWorld.player2->x_pos = (WORLD_X_SIZE/8)*5; gameWorld.player2->y_pos = WORLD_Y_SIZE-15; gameWorld.player2->x_accel = 0; gameWorld.player2->y_accel = UP; gameWorld.player2->isAlive = 1; gameWorld.player2->last_x = 0; gameWorld.player2->last_y = 0; gameWorld.player2->dimensionID = 8; gameWorld.player2->startTime = 0; gameWorld.player2->ID = RESERVED_PLAYER2_ID; gameWorld.player2->drawPixels = drawDIM7; gameWorld.player2->erase = eraseDIM7; gameWorld.player2->drawID = collideDIM7; gameWorld.player2->AI_routine = NULL; gameWorld.player2->health = MAX_HEALTH; gameWorld.player2->lastHit = 0; } if(level == 1){ return level1(gameWorld); } else if(level == 2){ return level2(gameWorld); } else if(level == 3){ return level3(gameWorld); } else{ return level1(gameWorld); } }
void level1(int t) { level2(t); }
//Returns a full matrix containing the density matrix at the final time inline matrix<std::complex<double> > RobustGrape::GetPopulations (const size_t point, size_t initial_level){ //the measure implemented, phi (PHI_0) is phi = trace[rho_desired* UN-1....U_0 rho_initial U_0\dg ... U_N-1\dg] char outfile[50]; //Some flags to make sure all parameters are set size_t test=0; for(size_t k = 0; k < num_controls_; ++k) { test+=controlsetflag_[k]; if(verbose==yes) { std::cout << k << "th control flag is " << controlsetflag_[k] << std::endl; } } if(test != 0) UFs::MyError("Grape::StateTransfer(): you have not set the drift and all control hamiltonians:\n"); //Set the counters to zero count_ =0; pos_count_ =0; //the power scale for epsilot (epsilon = base_a^power_) power_ =0; // fidelity ranges from 0 to 1 with 0 be orthogonal and 1 being the same time double current_fidelity=0.0, current_delta_fidelity=1.0, last_fidelity=-1.0; // the propagators and the foraward evolution for(size_t j = 0; j < num_time_; ++j){ Htemp_ = H_drift_[point]; for(size_t k = 0; k < num_controls_; ++k){ Htemp_ += controls_[k][j]*H_controls_[point][k]; } // std::cout << Htemp_ << std::endl; Unitaries_[point][j]=ExpM::EigenMethod(Htemp_,-i*h_); if(j==0){ rho_[point][0] = Unitaries_[point][0]*rho_initial_*MOs::Dagger(Unitaries_[point][0]); } else{ rho_[point][j] = Unitaries_[point][j]*rho_[point][j-1]*MOs::Dagger(Unitaries_[point][j]); } } //Initialize the matrices used to compute the populations matrix<std::complex<double> > populations; populations.initialize(num_time_,dim_); matrix<std::complex<double> > level, propagator, currentLevel, level2, step, tempMatrix, tempMatrix2; level.initialize(dim_,dim_); MOs::Null(level); propagator.initialize(dim_,dim_); MOs::Null(propagator); currentLevel.initialize(dim_, 1); MOs::Null(currentLevel); level2.initialize(dim_, 1); MOs::Null(level2); step.initialize(dim_, 1); MOs::Null(step); tempMatrix.initialize(1, 1); MOs::Null(tempMatrix); tempMatrix2.initialize(1, dim_); MOs::Null(tempMatrix2); for (int i=0; i < dim_; i++) { level(i, dim_-i-1)=1; } //Create the initial state selection vector level2(dim_ - initial_level -1, 0)=1; for (int k=0; k < num_time_; k++) //Go through each time step { step=propagator*level2; for (int j=0; j < dim_; j++) //Go through each quantum level { MOs::Null(currentLevel); currentLevel(dim_ -j -1, 0)=1; tempMatrix2=MOs::Dagger(currentLevel * step); tempMatrix=MOs::Dagger(currentLevel * step)*(currentLevel * step); populations(k,j)=tempMatrix(0,0); //Time=row, Level=col //This is the occupancy of each level //populations[j](0,k)=tempMatrix(0,0); //Time=Columns, Level=row } if (k!=num_time_) propagator = rho_[point][k] * propagator; if (verbose==yes) { std::cout << "--------------------Propogator------------------------------" << std::endl; USs::OutputMatrix(propagator); std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; } } return populations; //Output the populations to file // string line; // ofstream moredataout (outfile, ios::app); // for(size_t j = 0; j < num_time_; ++j) //Go through each time step // { // line=j*h_; // for (size_t i=0; i < dim_; i++) //Go through each dimension of the Hilbert space // { // line=line "\t" + populations[i](0,j); // } // //Output line to file // moredataout << line << '\n'; // } // dataout.close(); }
void mainLevel(RenderWindow &window) { //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Level---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Level lvl; lvl.LoadFromFile("map.tmx"); //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Load basic image for level1----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Texture texture; texture.loadFromFile("images/level1empty.jpg"); Sprite level(texture); Texture texture2; texture2.loadFromFile("images/levelShad.png"); Sprite level2(texture2); Texture texture3; texture3.loadFromFile("images/level12.png"); Sprite level3(texture3); //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Music---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Music mainSong; mainSong.openFromFile("music/level1.ogg");; mainSong.setLoop(true); mainSong.setVolume(75); //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Create a cat---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object player = lvl.GetObject("cat"); Player cat("cat.png", lvl, player.rect.left,, 60, 120, 55, 25); Clock clock; //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Sounds----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SoundBuffer buf1, buf2; buf1.loadFromFile("music/meow1.ogg"); buf2.loadFromFile("music/meow2.ogg"); Sound meow1, meow2; meow1.setBuffer(buf1); meow2.setBuffer(buf2); SoundBuffer buf; buf.loadFromFile("music/steklo.ogg"); Sound glass; glass.setBuffer(buf); glass.setVolume(100); //Objects Furniture posters("tayles1.png", 160, 660, 210, 250, 280, 215); Furniture bed("tayles1.png", 420, 80, 280, 310, 250, 440); Furniture toys("tayles1.png", 120, 470, 180, 150, 220, 545); Furniture upShelf("tayles1.png", 700, 652.5, 120, 97.5, 350, 83); Furniture cabinet("tayles1.png", 75, 40, 250, 350, 605, 305); Furniture mop("tayles1.png", 515, 785, 165, 241, 587, 385); Furniture flower("tayles1.png",780, 65, 170, 330, 147, 285); Furniture ball("tayles1.png", 905, 615, 40, 55, 357, 190); Furniture books("tayles1.png", 860, 735, 125, 80, 290, 187); Furniture brokenBall("tayles1.png",920, 540, 90, 42, 430, 430); Furniture door("tayles2.png", 0, 560, 80, 340, 870, 350); Furniture brokenLight("tayles2.png", 10, 110, 50, 70, 795, 430); Furniture light("tayles2.png", 20, 20, 35, 70, 220, 565); Furniture bath("tayles2.png", 80, 50, 320, 380, 1010, 330); Furniture carpet("tayles2.png", 100, 500, 100, 140, 870, 530); Furniture mirror("tayles2.png", 90, 700, 110, 290, 1200, 300); Furniture sink("tayles2.png", 290, 440, 150, 240, 1190, 450); int cntMeow = 0; Object ob = lvl.GetObject("catPlace"); while (window.isOpen()) { float time = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds(); clock.restart(); time = time/500; Vector2i pos = Mouse::getPosition(window); Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); if (event.type == Event::MouseButtonPressed){ if (event.key.code == Mouse::Left) { int cntMeow = meow(meow1, meow2, cat, pos); //>>>>>>BALL<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if(cat.sprite.getGlobalBounds().intersects(ob.rect)) { if(cntMeow == -1) { ball.falling(event, window, pos, lvl, time);; ball.moving(event, window, pos, "ball", lvl); } } cat.clickedThings(window, light); //BOOKS>>>>----<<<<<< if(books.isPlayed == false) { if (books.sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(pos.x, pos.y)) { mainSong.pause(); MiniGame_Books(); books.isPlayed = true;; } } } } toys.moving(event, window, pos, "toys", lvl); if(light.isPlayed == false) light.moving(event, window, pos, "light", lvl); } cat.Update(time); window.clear(Color::Black); lvl.Draw(window); if( == 0) window.draw(level); if( == 1) window.draw(level2); if( == 2) window.draw(level3); window.draw(posters.sprite); window.draw(bed.sprite); window.draw(light.sprite); window.draw(toys.sprite); window.draw(upShelf.sprite); window.draw(cabinet.sprite); window.draw(mop.sprite); window.draw(flower.sprite); if(ball.isPlayed == false) window.draw(ball.sprite); else window.draw(brokenBall.sprite); window.draw(books.sprite); if( == 2){ window.draw(bath.sprite); window.draw(mirror.sprite); window.draw(sink.sprite); } if( == 1 || == 2){ if(light.isPlayed == false) window.draw(brokenLight.sprite); window.draw(carpet.sprite); window.draw(door.sprite); } window.draw(cat.sprite); window.display(); } }
void mainLevel(RenderWindow &window) { //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Level---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Level lvl; lvl.LoadFromFile("map.tmx"); //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Load basic image for level1----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Texture texture; texture.loadFromFile("images/level1empty.jpg"); Sprite level(texture); Texture texture2; texture2.loadFromFile("images/levelShad.png"); Sprite level2(texture2); Texture texture3; texture3.loadFromFile("images/level12.png"); Sprite level3(texture3); //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Music---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Music mainSong; Music skyrim, muse, bathMus; bathMus.openFromFile("music/bath.ogg"); Object mus = lvl.GetObject("muse"); muse.openFromFile("music/synd.ogg"); muse.setVolume(100); skyrim.openFromFile("music/skyrim.ogg"); skyrim.setVolume(100); mainSong.openFromFile("music/level1.ogg");; mainSong.setLoop(true); mainSong.setVolume(75); //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Create a cat---<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object player = lvl.GetObject("cat"); Object fish = lvl.GetObject("fish"); Object mo = lvl.GetObject("mouse"); Object ob = lvl.GetObject("catPlace"); Player cat("cat.png", lvl, 68, 429, 60, 120, player.rect.left,, ELSE); Clock clock; Clock gameTimeClock; int sinkCnt = 0; //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>---Sounds----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SoundBuffer buf1, buf2; buf1.loadFromFile("music/meow1.ogg"); buf2.loadFromFile("music/meow2.ogg"); Sound meow1, meow2; meow1.setBuffer(buf1); meow2.setBuffer(buf2); SoundBuffer buf, buf3; buf.loadFromFile("music/steklo.ogg"); buf3.loadFromFile("music/mouse.ogg"); Sound glass; Sound mouseS; glass.setBuffer(buf); glass.setVolume(100); mouseS.setBuffer(buf3); //Objects Furniture posters("tayles1.png", 160, 660, 210, 250, 280, 215, POSTERS); Furniture bed("tayles1.png", 420, 80, 280, 310, 250, 440, ELSE); Furniture toys("tayles1.png", 120, 470, 180, 150, 220, 545, TOYS); Furniture upShelf("tayles1.png", 700, 652.5, 120, 97.5, 350, 83, SHELF); Furniture cabinet("tayles1.png", 75, 40, 250, 350, 605, 305, CABINET); Furniture mop("tayles1.png", 515, 785, 165, 241, 587, 385, MOP); Furniture flower("tayles1.png",780, 65, 170, 330, 147, 285, ELSE); Furniture ball("tayles1.png", 905, 615, 40, 55, 357, 190, BALL); Furniture books("tayles1.png", 860, 735, 125, 80, 290, 187, BOOKS); Furniture brokenBall("tayles1.png",920, 540, 90, 42, 430, 430, ELSE); Furniture key("tayles1.png", 1, 1, 25, 25, 430, 425, KEY); Furniture cabinetEnd("cabinet.png", 20, 50, 270, 350, 590, 290, ELSE); Furniture girl("girlHair.png", 1,1, 96, 45, 1075, 350, ELSE); Furniture door("tayles2.png", 0, 560, 80, 340, 870, 350, ELSE); Furniture puddle("tayles1.png",789, 1000, 204, 75, 1057, 559, ELSE); Furniture brokenLight("tayles2.png", 10, 110, 50, 70, 795, 430, ELSE); Furniture light("tayles2.png", 20, 20, 35, 70, 220, 565, ELSE); Furniture bath("tayles2.png", 80, 50, 320, 380, 1010, 330, BATH); Furniture openBath("bathr.png", 264, 79, 339, 369, 1015, 315, ELSE); Furniture carpet("tayles2.png", 100, 500, 100, 140, 870, 530, ELSE); Furniture mirror("tayles2.png", 90, 700, 110, 290, 1200, 300, ELSE); Furniture sink("tayles2.png", 290, 440, 150, 240, 1190, 450, SINK); Furniture sinkWater("bathr.png", 22, 180, 197, 427, 1200, 540, ELSE); Furniture mou("mouse.png", 2, 21, 32, 25, mo.rect.left,, ELSE); std::list<Furniture> fList; std::list<Furniture>::iterator it; fList.push_back(posters); fList.push_back(toys); fList.push_back(upShelf); fList.push_back(cabinet); fList.push_back(mop); fList.push_back(ball); fList.push_back(books); fList.push_back(key); fList.push_back(puddle); fList.push_back(brokenLight); fList.push_back(bath); fList.push_back(sink); for(it = fList.begin(); it != fList.end(); it++){ it->setSub((void *)&it, writeMess); } int cntMeow = 1, cntGame = 0, click = 0, clickBath = 1, clickSink = 1; bath.isPlayed = true; sink.isPlayed = true; while (window.isOpen()) { float time = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds(); float sinkTime = gameTimeClock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds(); if(clickSink < 2) gameTimeClock.restart(); clock.restart(); time = time/500; Vector2i pos = Mouse::getPosition(window); Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); if (event.type == Event::MouseButtonPressed) if (event.key.code == Mouse::Left){ if (fish.rect.contains(pos.x, pos.y) && key.isPlayed == true){ mainSong.stop(); finish(); window.close(); } if (cat.sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(pos.x, pos.y)) { cntMeow++; if(cntMeow == 5) {; cntMeow = 0; } else; } toys.trueMove(pos); if(light.isPlayed == false) light.trueMove(pos); if(ball.isPlayed == true && books.isPlayed == true) key.trueMove(pos); if(puddle.isPlayed == true) mop.trueMove(pos); click = light.clickedThings(pos); clickBath = bath.clickedThings(pos); clickSink = sink.clickedThings(pos); if (upShelf.sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(pos.x, pos.y)){; } if (mus.rect.contains(pos.x, pos.y)){; } if (girl.sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(pos.x, pos.y) && == 2){ mainSong.pause(); gameOver();; } if(mou.isPlayed == false) { if (mou.sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(pos.x, pos.y)) { mainSong.pause();; //gameRunning(); mou.isPlayed = true;; } } if(books.isPlayed == false) { if (books.sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(pos.x, pos.y)) { mainSong.pause(); MiniGame_Books(); books.isPlayed = true;; } } } if (event.type == Event::MouseButtonReleased) if (event.key.code == Mouse::Left){ toys.isMove = false; key.isMove = false; if(light.isPlayed == false) light.isMove = false; mop.isMove = false; } } if(sinkTime > 5 && clickSink == 2) puddle.isPlayed = true; if(clickBath == 2 && == 2); if(click == -1){} else if(click == 1 || click == 2) = click; toys.intersect("toys",lvl); toys.move(pos); if(mop.isPlayed == false) { mop.intersect("mop", lvl); mop.move(pos); } if(light.isPlayed == false) { light.intersect("light", lvl); light.move(pos); } if(ball.isPlayed == true && books.isPlayed == true){ if(mop.isPlayed == true) key.intersect("key", lvl); if(key.isPlayed == false) key.move(pos); } if(ball.isPlayed == false && books.isPlayed == true){ if(cat.sprite.getGlobalBounds().intersects(ob.rect)) { if(cntMeow == 0) { ball.falling(event, window, pos, lvl, time);; ball.isPlayed = true; ball.intersect("ball", lvl); } } } cat.Update(time); window.clear(Color::Black); lvl.Draw(window); if( == 0) window.draw(level); if( == 1) window.draw(level2); if( == 2) window.draw(level3); window.draw(posters.sprite); window.draw(bed.sprite); if(key.isPlayed == true) window.draw(cabinetEnd.sprite); else window.draw(cabinet.sprite); window.draw(upShelf.sprite); window.draw(flower.sprite); if(ball.isPlayed == false) window.draw(ball.sprite); else { window.draw(brokenBall.sprite); window.draw(key.sprite); } window.draw(books.sprite); if(mou.isPlayed == false){ window.draw(mou.sprite); } else window.draw(light.sprite); window.draw(toys.sprite); if( == 2){ if(clickBath == 2){ window.draw(girl.sprite); window.draw(openBath.sprite); } else window.draw(bath.sprite); window.draw(mirror.sprite); if(clickSink == 2) window.draw(sinkWater.sprite); else window.draw(sink.sprite); if(puddle.isPlayed == true && mop.isPlayed == false) window.draw(puddle.sprite); } if( == 1 || == 2){ if(light.isPlayed == false) window.draw(brokenLight.sprite); window.draw(carpet.sprite); window.draw(door.sprite); } if(mop.isPlayed == false) window.draw(mop.sprite); window.draw(cat.sprite); for(it = fList.begin(); it != fList.end(); it++) { if(it->sprite.getGlobalBounds().contains(pos.x, pos.y)) { if(it->f.cb_fn != NULL) { cb_fn fn; fn = (cb_fn)it->f.cb_fn; fn(&window, it->type, &pos); } } } window.display(); } }