コード例 #1
  void GasRecombinationCatalyticWall<Chemistry>::init( const libMesh::FEMSystem& system )

    const std::string r_var_name = std::string("w_"+this->_chemistry.species_name( this->_reactant_species_idx ) );

    const std::string p_var_name = std::string("w_"+this->_chemistry.species_name( this->_product_species_idx ) );

    libmesh_assert( system.has_variable( r_var_name ) );
    libmesh_assert( system.has_variable( p_var_name ) );

    this->_reactant_var_idx = system.variable_number( r_var_name );

    this->_product_var_idx = system.variable_number( p_var_name );
コード例 #2
ファイル: vtk_io.C プロジェクト: gsalaza3/libmesh
 * FIXME: This is known to write nonsense on AMR meshes
 * and it strips the imaginary parts of complex Numbers
void VTKIO::system_vectors_to_vtk(const EquationSystems& es, vtkUnstructuredGrid*& grid)
  if (MeshOutput<MeshBase>::mesh().processor_id() == 0)
      std::map<std::string, std::vector<Number> > vecs;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<es.n_systems(); ++i)
          const System& sys = es.get_system(i);
          System::const_vectors_iterator v_end = sys.vectors_end();
          System::const_vectors_iterator it = sys.vectors_begin();
          for (; it!= v_end; ++it)
              // for all vectors on this system
              std::vector<Number> values;
              // libMesh::out<<"it "<<it->first<<std::endl;

              it->second->localize_to_one(values, 0);
              // libMesh::out<<"finish localize"<<std::endl;
              vecs[it->first] = values;

      std::map<std::string, std::vector<Number> >::iterator it = vecs.begin();

      for (; it!=vecs.end(); ++it)
          vtkDoubleArray *data = vtkDoubleArray::New();
          libmesh_assert_equal_to (it->second.size(), es.get_mesh().n_nodes());

          for (unsigned int i=0; i<it->second.size(); ++i)
              libmesh_do_once (libMesh::err << "Only writing the real part for complex numbers!\n"
                               << "if you need this support contact " << LIBMESH_PACKAGE_BUGREPORT
                               << std::endl);
              data->SetValue(i, it->second[i].real());
              data->SetValue(i, it->second[i]);

コード例 #3
  void GasRecombinationCatalyticWall<Chemistry>::apply_fluxes( AssemblyContext& context,
                                                               const CachedValues& cache,
                                                               const bool request_jacobian )

    libMesh::FEGenericBase<libMesh::Real>* side_fe = NULL;
    context.get_side_fe( _reactant_var_idx, side_fe );

    // The number of local degrees of freedom in each variable.
    const unsigned int n_var_dofs = context.get_dof_indices(_reactant_var_idx).size();

    libmesh_assert_equal_to( n_var_dofs, context.get_dof_indices(_product_var_idx).size() );

    // Element Jacobian * quadrature weight for side integration.
    const std::vector<libMesh::Real> &JxW_side = side_fe->get_JxW();

    // The var shape functions at side quadrature points.
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::Real> >& var_phi_side = side_fe->get_phi();

    // Physical location of the quadrature points
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& var_qpoint = side_fe->get_xyz();

    // reactant residual
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &F_r_var = context.get_elem_residual(_reactant_var_idx);

    // product residual
    libMesh::DenseSubVector<libMesh::Number> &F_p_var = context.get_elem_residual(_product_var_idx);

    unsigned int n_qpoints = context.get_side_qrule().n_points();

    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp != n_qpoints; qp++)
        libMesh::Real jac = JxW_side[qp];

            const libMesh::Number r = var_qpoint[qp](0);
            jac *= r;

        const libMesh::Real rho = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::MIXTURE_DENSITY)[qp];

        const libMesh::Real Y_r = cache.get_cached_vector_values(Cache::MASS_FRACTIONS)[qp][this->_reactant_species_idx];

        const libMesh::Real T = cache.get_cached_values(Cache::TEMPERATURE)[qp];

        const libMesh::Real r_value = this->compute_reactant_mass_flux(rho, Y_r, T);

        const libMesh::Real p_value = -r_value;

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_var_dofs; i++)
            F_r_var(i) += r_value*var_phi_side[i][qp]*jac;

            F_p_var(i) += p_value*var_phi_side[i][qp]*jac;

            if( request_jacobian )
コード例 #4
ファイル: vtk_io.C プロジェクト: borisboutkov/libmesh
void VTKIO::write_nodal_data (const std::string & fname,
                              const std::vector<Number> & soln,
                              const std::vector<std::string> & names)
  const MeshBase & mesh = MeshOutput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  // Warn that the .pvtu file extension should be used.  Paraview
  // recognizes this, and it works in both serial and parallel.  Only
  // warn about this once.
  if (fname.substr(fname.rfind("."), fname.size()) != ".pvtu")
    libmesh_do_once(libMesh::err << "The .pvtu extension should be used when writing VTK files in libMesh.");

  // If there are variable names being written, the solution vector
  // should not be empty, it should have been broadcast to all
  // processors by the MeshOutput base class, since VTK is a parallel
  // format.  Verify this before going further.
  if (!names.empty() && soln.empty())
    libmesh_error_msg("Empty soln vector in VTKIO::write_nodal_data().");

  // we only use Unstructured grids
  _vtk_grid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();

  // add nodes to the grid and update _local_node_map

  // add cells to the grid

  // add nodal solutions to the grid, if solutions are given
  if (names.size() > 0)
      std::size_t num_vars = names.size();
      dof_id_type num_nodes = mesh.n_nodes();

      for (std::size_t variable=0; variable<num_vars; ++variable)
          vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> data = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray>::New();

          // number of local and ghost nodes

          // loop over all nodes and get the solution for the current
          // variable, if the node is in the current partition
          for (dof_id_type k=0; k<num_nodes; ++k)
              std::map<dof_id_type, dof_id_type>::iterator local_node_it = _local_node_map.find(k);
              if (local_node_it == _local_node_map.end())
                continue; // not a local node

              libmesh_do_once (libMesh::err << "Only writing the real part for complex numbers!\n"
                               << "if you need this support contact " << LIBMESH_PACKAGE_BUGREPORT
                               << std::endl);
              data->SetValue(local_node_it->second, soln[k*num_vars + variable].real());
              data->SetValue(local_node_it->second, soln[k*num_vars + variable]);

  // Tell the writer how many partitions exist and on which processor
  // we are currently

  // partitions overlap by one node
  // FIXME: According to this document
  // http://paraview.org/Wiki/images/5/51/SC07_tut107_ParaView_Handouts.pdf
  // the ghosts are cells rather than nodes.

  // Not sure exactly when this changed, but SetInput() is not a
  // method on vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter as of VTK 6.1.0


  // compress the output, if desired (switches also to binary)
  if (this->_compress)
      libmesh_do_once(libMesh::err << "Compression not implemented with old VTK libs!" << std::endl;);
コード例 #5
ファイル: inf_fe.C プロジェクト: YSB330/libmesh
void InfFE<Dim,T_radial,T_map>::init_shape_functions(const Elem * inf_elem)

  // Start logging the radial shape function initialization
  START_LOG("init_shape_functions()", "InfFE");

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // fast access to some const int's for the radial data
  const unsigned int n_radial_mapping_sf =
    cast_int<unsigned int>(radial_map.size());
  const unsigned int n_radial_approx_sf  =
    cast_int<unsigned int>(mode.size());
  const unsigned int n_radial_qp         =
    cast_int<unsigned int>(som.size());

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // initialize most of the things related to mapping

  // The element type and order to use in the base map
  const Order    base_mapping_order     ( base_elem->default_order() );
  const ElemType base_mapping_elem_type ( base_elem->type()          );

  // the number of base shape functions used to construct the map
  // (Lagrange shape functions are used for mapping in the base)
  unsigned int n_base_mapping_shape_functions = Base::n_base_mapping_sf(base_mapping_elem_type,

  const unsigned int n_total_mapping_shape_functions =
    n_radial_mapping_sf * n_base_mapping_shape_functions;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // initialize most of the things related to physical approximation

  unsigned int n_base_approx_shape_functions;
  if (Dim > 1)
    n_base_approx_shape_functions = base_fe->n_shape_functions();
    n_base_approx_shape_functions = 1;

  const unsigned int n_total_approx_shape_functions =
    n_radial_approx_sf * n_base_approx_shape_functions;

  // update class member field
  _n_total_approx_sf = n_total_approx_shape_functions;

  // The number of the base quadrature points.
  const unsigned int        n_base_qp =  base_qrule->n_points();

  // The total number of quadrature points.
  const unsigned int        n_total_qp =  n_radial_qp * n_base_qp;

  // update class member field
  _n_total_qp = n_total_qp;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // initialize the node and shape numbering maps
    // these vectors work as follows: the i-th entry stores
    // the associated base/radial node number
    _radial_node_index.resize    (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);
    _base_node_index.resize      (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);

    // similar for the shapes: the i-th entry stores
    // the associated base/radial shape number
    _radial_shape_index.resize   (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    _base_shape_index.resize     (n_total_approx_shape_functions);

    const ElemType inf_elem_type (inf_elem->type());

    // fill the node index map
    for (unsigned int n=0; n<n_total_mapping_shape_functions; n++)
        compute_node_indices (inf_elem_type,
        libmesh_assert_less (_base_node_index[n], n_base_mapping_shape_functions);
        libmesh_assert_less (_radial_node_index[n], n_radial_mapping_sf);

    // fill the shape index map
    for (unsigned int n=0; n<n_total_approx_shape_functions; n++)
        compute_shape_indices (this->fe_type,
        libmesh_assert_less (_base_shape_index[n], n_base_approx_shape_functions);
        libmesh_assert_less (_radial_shape_index[n], n_radial_approx_sf);

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // resize the base data fields

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // resize the total data fields

  // the phase term varies with xi, eta and zeta(v): store it for _all_ qp
  // when computing the phase, we need the base approximations
  // therefore, initialize the phase here, but evaluate it
  // in combine_base_radial().
  // the weight, though, is only needed at the radial quadrature points, n_radial_qp.
  // but for a uniform interface to the protected data fields
  // the weight data field (which are accessible from the outside) are expanded to n_total_qp.
  weight.resize      (n_total_qp);
  dweightdv.resize   (n_total_qp);
  dweight.resize     (n_total_qp);

  dphase.resize      (n_total_qp);
  dphasedxi.resize   (n_total_qp);
  dphasedeta.resize  (n_total_qp);
  dphasedzeta.resize (n_total_qp);

  // this vector contains the integration weights for the combined quadrature rule

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // InfFE's data fields phi, dphi, dphidx, phi_map etc hold the _total_
  // shape and mapping functions, respectively
    phi.resize     (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    dphi.resize    (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    dphidx.resize  (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    dphidy.resize  (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    dphidz.resize  (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    dphidxi.resize (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    libmesh_do_once(libMesh::err << "Second derivatives for Infinite elements"
                    << " are not yet implemented!"
                    << std::endl);

    d2phi.resize     (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    d2phidx2.resize  (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    d2phidxdy.resize (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    d2phidxdz.resize (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    d2phidy2.resize  (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    d2phidydz.resize (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    d2phidz2.resize  (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
    d2phidxi2.resize (n_total_approx_shape_functions);

    if (Dim > 1)
        d2phidxideta.resize   (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
        d2phideta2.resize     (n_total_approx_shape_functions);

    if (Dim > 2)
        d2phidetadzeta.resize (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
        d2phidxidzeta.resize  (n_total_approx_shape_functions);
        d2phidzeta2.resize    (n_total_approx_shape_functions);

    if (Dim > 1)
      dphideta.resize      (n_total_approx_shape_functions);

    if (Dim == 3)
      dphidzeta.resize     (n_total_approx_shape_functions);

    std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi_map = this->_fe_map->get_phi_map();
    std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & dphidxi_map = this->_fe_map->get_dphidxi_map();

    phi_map.resize         (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);
    dphidxi_map.resize     (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);
    std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidxi2_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidxi2_map();
    d2phidxi2_map.resize   (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);

    if (Dim > 1)
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidxideta_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidxideta_map();
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phideta2_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phideta2_map();
        d2phidxideta_map.resize   (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);
        d2phideta2_map.resize     (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);

    if (Dim == 3)
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidxidzeta_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidxidzeta_map();
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidetadzeta_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidetadzeta_map();
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidzeta2_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidzeta2_map();
        d2phidxidzeta_map.resize  (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);
        d2phidetadzeta_map.resize (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);
        d2phidzeta2_map.resize    (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);

    if (Dim > 1)
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & dphideta_map = this->_fe_map->get_dphideta_map();
        dphideta_map.resize  (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);

    if (Dim == 3)
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & dphidzeta_map = this->_fe_map->get_dphidzeta_map();
        dphidzeta_map.resize (n_total_mapping_shape_functions);

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
  // collect all the for loops, where inner vectors are
  // resized to the appropriate number of quadrature points
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_total_approx_shape_functions; i++)
        phi[i].resize         (n_total_qp);
        dphi[i].resize        (n_total_qp);
        dphidx[i].resize      (n_total_qp);
        dphidy[i].resize      (n_total_qp);
        dphidz[i].resize      (n_total_qp);
        dphidxi[i].resize     (n_total_qp);
        d2phi[i].resize       (n_total_qp);
        d2phidx2[i].resize    (n_total_qp);
        d2phidxdy[i].resize   (n_total_qp);
        d2phidxdz[i].resize   (n_total_qp);
        d2phidy2[i].resize    (n_total_qp);
        d2phidydz[i].resize   (n_total_qp);
        d2phidy2[i].resize    (n_total_qp);
        d2phidxi2[i].resize   (n_total_qp);

        if (Dim > 1)
            d2phidxideta[i].resize   (n_total_qp);
            d2phideta2[i].resize     (n_total_qp);
        if (Dim > 2)
            d2phidxidzeta[i].resize  (n_total_qp);
            d2phidetadzeta[i].resize (n_total_qp);
            d2phidzeta2[i].resize    (n_total_qp);

        if (Dim > 1)
          dphideta[i].resize  (n_total_qp);

        if (Dim == 3)
          dphidzeta[i].resize (n_total_qp);


    for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_total_mapping_shape_functions; i++)
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & phi_map = this->_fe_map->get_phi_map();
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & dphidxi_map = this->_fe_map->get_dphidxi_map();
        phi_map[i].resize         (n_total_qp);
        dphidxi_map[i].resize     (n_total_qp);
        std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidxi2_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidxi2_map();
        d2phidxi2_map[i].resize   (n_total_qp);
        if (Dim > 1)
            std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidxideta_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidxideta_map();
            std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phideta2_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phideta2_map();
            d2phidxideta_map[i].resize   (n_total_qp);
            d2phideta2_map[i].resize     (n_total_qp);

        if (Dim > 2)
            std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidxidzeta_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidxidzeta_map();
            std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidetadzeta_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidetadzeta_map();
            std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & d2phidzeta2_map = this->_fe_map->get_d2phidzeta2_map();
            d2phidxidzeta_map[i].resize  (n_total_qp);
            d2phidetadzeta_map[i].resize (n_total_qp);
            d2phidzeta2_map[i].resize    (n_total_qp);

        if (Dim > 1)
            std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & dphideta_map = this->_fe_map->get_dphideta_map();
            dphideta_map[i].resize  (n_total_qp);

        if (Dim == 3)
            std::vector<std::vector<Real> > & dphidzeta_map = this->_fe_map->get_dphidzeta_map();
            dphidzeta_map[i].resize (n_total_qp);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // (a) compute scalar values at _all_ quadrature points  -- for uniform
    //     access from the outside to these fields
    // (b) form a std::vector<Real> which contains the appropriate weights
    //     of the combined quadrature rule!
    const std::vector<Point> &  radial_qp = radial_qrule->get_points();
    libmesh_assert_equal_to (radial_qp.size(), n_radial_qp);

    const std::vector<Real> &   radial_qw = radial_qrule->get_weights();
    const std::vector<Real> &   base_qw   = base_qrule->get_weights();
    libmesh_assert_equal_to (radial_qw.size(), n_radial_qp);
    libmesh_assert_equal_to (base_qw.size(), n_base_qp);

    for (unsigned int rp=0; rp<n_radial_qp; rp++)
      for (unsigned int bp=0; bp<n_base_qp; bp++)
          weight   [ bp+rp*n_base_qp ] = Radial::D       (radial_qp[rp](0));
          dweightdv[ bp+rp*n_base_qp ] = Radial::D_deriv (radial_qp[rp](0));

          _total_qrule_weights[  bp+rp*n_base_qp ] = radial_qw[rp] * base_qw[bp];

   * Stop logging the radial shape function initialization
  STOP_LOG("init_shape_functions()", "InfFE");
