int main( int argc, char * const argv[] ) #endif { libcstring_system_character_t acquiry_operating_system[ 32 ]; libcstring_system_character_t input_buffer[ EWFEXPORT_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ]; libcstring_system_character_t * const *argv_filenames = NULL; liberror_error_t *error = NULL; #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) libsystem_glob_t *glob = NULL; #endif libcstring_system_character_t *acquiry_software_version = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *log_filename = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_additional_digest_types = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_compression_level = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_format = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_header_codepage = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_maximum_segment_size = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_offset = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_process_buffer_size = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_sectors_per_chunk = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_size = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_target_filename = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *program = _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "ewfexport" ); libcstring_system_character_t *request_string = NULL; log_handle_t *log_handle = NULL; libcstring_system_integer_t option = 0; size64_t media_size = 0; size_t string_length = 0; uint8_t calculate_md5 = 1; uint8_t print_status_information = 1; uint8_t swap_byte_pairs = 0; uint8_t verbose = 0; uint8_t zero_chunk_on_error = 0; int interactive_mode = 1; int number_of_filenames = 0; int result = 1; libsystem_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); libsystem_notify_set_verbose( 1 ); if( libsystem_initialize( "ewftools", &error ) != 1 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize system values.\n" ); goto on_error; } #if defined( WINAPI ) && !defined( __CYGWIN__ ) #if defined( _MSC_VER ) if( _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY ) == -1 ) #else if( setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY ) == -1 ) #endif { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set stdout to binary mode.\n" ); usage_fprint( stdout ); goto on_error; } #endif while( ( option = libsystem_getopt( argc, argv, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "A:b:B:c:d:f:hl:o:p:qsS:t:uvVw" ) ) ) != (libcstring_system_integer_t) -1 ) { switch( option ) { case (libcstring_system_integer_t) '?': default: ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ".\n", argv[ optind - 1 ] ); usage_fprint( stderr ); goto on_error; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'A': option_header_codepage = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'b': option_sectors_per_chunk = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'B': option_size = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'c': option_compression_level = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'd': option_additional_digest_types = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'f': option_format = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'h': ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); usage_fprint( stderr ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'l': log_filename = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'o': option_offset = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'p': option_process_buffer_size = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'q': print_status_information = 0; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 's': swap_byte_pairs = 1; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'S': option_maximum_segment_size = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 't': option_target_filename = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'u': interactive_mode = 0; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'v': verbose = 1; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'V': ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); ewfoutput_copyright_fprint( stderr ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'w': zero_chunk_on_error = 1; break; } } if( optind == argc ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Missing EWF image file(s).\n" ); usage_fprint( stderr ); goto on_error; } ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); libsystem_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); libewf_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); libewf_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) if( libsystem_glob_initialize( &glob, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize glob.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libsystem_glob_resolve( glob, &( argv[ optind ] ), argc - optind, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to resolve glob.\n" ); goto on_error; } argv_filenames = glob->result; number_of_filenames = glob->number_of_results; #else argv_filenames = &( argv[ optind ] ); number_of_filenames = argc - optind; #endif if( export_handle_initialize( &ewfexport_export_handle, calculate_md5, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create export handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libsystem_signal_attach( ewfexport_signal_handler, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to attach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } result = export_handle_open_input( ewfexport_export_handle, argv_filenames, number_of_filenames, &error ); if( ewfexport_abort != 0 ) { goto on_abort; } if( result != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open EWF file(s).\n" ); goto on_error; } #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) if( libsystem_glob_free( &glob, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free glob.\n" ); goto on_error; } #endif if( export_handle_get_input_media_size( ewfexport_export_handle, &media_size, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to retrieve input media size.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( option_header_codepage != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_header_codepage( ewfexport_export_handle, option_header_codepage, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set header codepage.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported header codepage defaulting to: ascii.\n" ); } } if( option_target_filename != NULL ) { if( export_handle_set_string( ewfexport_export_handle, option_target_filename, &( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename ), &( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename_size ), &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set target filename.\n" ); goto on_error; } } else if( interactive_mode == 0 ) { /* Make sure the target filename is set in unattended mode */ if( export_handle_set_string( ewfexport_export_handle, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "export" ), &( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename ), &( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename_size ), &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set target filename.\n" ); goto on_error; } } if( option_compression_level != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_compression_values( ewfexport_export_handle, option_compression_level, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set compression values.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported compression level defaulting to: none.\n" ); } } if( option_format != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_format( ewfexport_export_handle, option_format, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set format.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported output format defaulting to: raw.\n" ); } } if( option_sectors_per_chunk != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_sectors_per_chunk( ewfexport_export_handle, option_sectors_per_chunk, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set sectors per chunk.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported sectors per chunk defaulting to: 64.\n" ); } } if( option_maximum_segment_size != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_maximum_segment_size( ewfexport_export_handle, option_maximum_segment_size, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set maximum segment size.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_EWF ) { if( ( result == 0 ) || ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size < EWFCOMMON_MINIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE ) || ( ( ewfexport_export_handle->ewf_format == LIBEWF_FORMAT_ENCASE6 ) && ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size >= (uint64_t) EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_64BIT ) ) || ( ( ewfexport_export_handle->ewf_format != LIBEWF_FORMAT_ENCASE6 ) && ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size >= (uint64_t) EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_32BIT ) ) ) { ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size = EWFCOMMON_DEFAULT_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported maximum segment size defaulting to: %" PRIu64 ".\n", ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size ); } } else if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RAW ) { if( ( result == 0 ) || ( ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size != 0 ) && ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size >= (uint64_t) EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_64BIT ) ) ) { ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size = EWFCOMMON_DEFAULT_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported maximum segment size defaulting to: %" PRIu64 ".\n", ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size ); } } } if( option_offset != NULL ) { string_length = libcstring_system_string_length( option_offset ); if( libsystem_string_to_uint64( option_offset, string_length + 1, &ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset, &error ) != 1 ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset = 0; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported export offset defaulting to: %" PRIu64 ".\n", ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset ); } } if( option_size != NULL ) { string_length = libcstring_system_string_length( option_size ); if( libsystem_string_to_uint64( option_size, string_length + 1, &ewfexport_export_handle->export_size, &error ) != 1 ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); ewfexport_export_handle->export_size = 0; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported export size defaulting to: all bytes.\n" ); } } if( option_process_buffer_size != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_process_buffer_size( ewfexport_export_handle, option_process_buffer_size, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set process buffer size.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( ( result == 0 ) || ( ewfexport_export_handle->process_buffer_size > (size_t) SSIZE_MAX ) ) { ewfexport_export_handle->process_buffer_size = 0; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported process buffer size defaulting to: chunk size.\n" ); } } if( option_additional_digest_types != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_additional_digest_types( ewfexport_export_handle, option_additional_digest_types, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set additional digest types.\n" ); goto on_error; } } /* Initialize values */ if( ( ewfexport_export_handle->export_size == 0 ) || ( ewfexport_export_handle->export_size > ( media_size - ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset ) ) ) { ewfexport_export_handle->export_size = media_size - ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset; } /* Request the necessary case data */ if( interactive_mode != 0 ) { if( libsystem_signal_detach( &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to detach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } fprintf( stderr, "Information for export required, please provide the necessary input\n" ); if( option_format == NULL ) { result = export_handle_prompt_for_format( ewfexport_export_handle, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Export to format" ), &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine format.\n" ); goto on_error; } } if( option_target_filename == NULL ) { if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_EWF ) { request_string = _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Target path and filename without extension" ); } else if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_FILES ) { request_string = _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Target path" ); } else if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RAW ) { request_string = _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Target path and filename without extension or - for stdout" ); } } if( request_string != NULL ) { do { result = export_handle_prompt_for_string( ewfexport_export_handle, request_string, &( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename ), &( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename_size ), &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine target.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "Target is required, please try again or terminate using Ctrl^C.\n" ); } } while( result != 1 ); } if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_EWF ) { if( option_compression_level == NULL ) { result = export_handle_prompt_for_compression_level( ewfexport_export_handle, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Use compression" ), &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine compression level.\n" ); goto on_error; } } if( option_maximum_segment_size == NULL ) { result = export_handle_prompt_for_maximum_segment_size( ewfexport_export_handle, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Evidence segment file size in bytes" ), &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine maximum segment size.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size < EWFCOMMON_MINIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE ) || ( ( ewfexport_export_handle->ewf_format == LIBEWF_FORMAT_ENCASE6 ) && ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size >= (uint64_t) EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_64BIT ) ) || ( ( ewfexport_export_handle->ewf_format != LIBEWF_FORMAT_ENCASE6 ) && ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size >= (uint64_t) EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_32BIT ) ) ) { ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size = EWFCOMMON_DEFAULT_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported maximum segment size defaulting to: %" PRIu64 ".\n", ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size ); } } if( option_sectors_per_chunk == NULL ) { result = export_handle_prompt_for_sectors_per_chunk( ewfexport_export_handle, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "The number of sectors to read at once" ), &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine sectors per chunk.\n" ); goto on_error; } } } else if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RAW ) { if( ( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename != NULL ) && ( ( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename )[ 0 ] == (libcstring_system_character_t) '-' ) && ( ( ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename )[ 1 ] == 0 ) ) { /* No need for segment files when exporting to stdout */ } else if( option_maximum_segment_size == NULL ) { result = export_handle_prompt_for_maximum_segment_size( ewfexport_export_handle, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Evidence segment file size in bytes (0 is unlimited)" ), &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine maximum segment size.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size != 0 ) && ( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size >= (uint64_t) EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_64BIT ) ) { ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size = EWFCOMMON_DEFAULT_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported maximum segment size defaulting to: %" PRIu64 ".\n", ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size ); } } } if( ( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_EWF ) || ( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RAW ) ) { if( option_offset == NULL ) { if( ewfinput_get_size_variable( stderr, input_buffer, EWFEXPORT_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Start export at offset" ), 0, media_size, ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset, &( ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset ), &error ) == -1 ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset = 0; fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine export offset defaulting to: %" PRIu64 ".\n", ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset ); } } if( option_size == NULL ) { if( ewfinput_get_size_variable( stderr, input_buffer, EWFEXPORT_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "Number of bytes to export" ), 0, media_size - ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset, ewfexport_export_handle->export_size, &( ewfexport_export_handle->export_size ), &error ) == -1 ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); ewfexport_export_handle->export_size = media_size - ewfexport_export_handle->export_offset; fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine export size defaulting to: %" PRIu64 ".\n", ewfexport_export_handle->export_size ); } } } if( libsystem_signal_attach( ewfexport_signal_handler, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to attach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } } else { if( ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size == 0 ) { if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_EWF ) { if( ewfexport_export_handle->ewf_format == LIBEWF_FORMAT_ENCASE6 ) { ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size = EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_64BIT; } else { ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size = EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_32BIT; } } else if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_RAW ) { ewfexport_export_handle->maximum_segment_size = EWFCOMMON_MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_FILE_SIZE_64BIT; } } } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); if( log_filename != NULL ) { if( log_handle_initialize( &log_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create log handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( log_handle_open( log_handle, log_filename, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open log file: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ".\n", log_filename ); goto on_error; } } if( ewfexport_export_handle->output_format == EXPORT_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_FILES ) { result = export_handle_export_single_files( ewfexport_export_handle, ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename, print_status_information, log_handle, &error ); if( result != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to export single files.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } } else { if( export_handle_open_output( ewfexport_export_handle, ewfexport_export_handle->target_filename, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open output.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( platform_get_operating_system( acquiry_operating_system, 32, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine operating system.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); acquiry_operating_system[ 0 ] = 0; } acquiry_software_version = _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( LIBEWF_VERSION_STRING ); if( export_handle_set_output_values( ewfexport_export_handle, acquiry_operating_system, program, acquiry_software_version, zero_chunk_on_error, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set output values.\n" ); goto on_error; } result = export_handle_export_input( ewfexport_export_handle, swap_byte_pairs, print_status_information, log_handle, &error ); if( result != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to export input.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } } if( log_handle != NULL ) { if( log_handle_close( log_handle, &error ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close log file: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ".\n", log_filename ); goto on_error; } if( log_handle_free( &log_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free log handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } } on_abort: if( export_handle_close( ewfexport_export_handle, &error ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close export handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libsystem_signal_detach( &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to detach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( export_handle_free( &ewfexport_export_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free export handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( ewfexport_abort != 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "%" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ": ABORTED\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if( result != 1 ) { fprintf( stdout, "%" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ": FAILURE\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } fprintf( stdout, "%" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ": SUCCESS\n", program ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); on_error: if( error != NULL ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( log_handle != NULL ) { log_handle_close( log_handle, NULL ); log_handle_free( &log_handle, NULL ); } if( ewfexport_export_handle != NULL ) { export_handle_close( ewfexport_export_handle, NULL ); export_handle_free( &ewfexport_export_handle, NULL ); } #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) if( glob != NULL ) { libsystem_glob_free( &glob, NULL ); } #endif return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
int main( int argc, char * const argv[] ) #endif { libcstring_system_character_t * const *argv_filenames = NULL; #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) libsystem_glob_t *glob = NULL; #endif liberror_error_t *error = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_date_format = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_header_codepage = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_output_format = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *program = _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "ewfinfo" ); libcstring_system_integer_t option = 0; uint8_t verbose = 0; char info_option = 'a'; int number_of_filenames = 0; int print_header = 1; int result = 0; libsystem_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); libsystem_notify_set_verbose( 1 ); if( libsystem_initialize( "ewftools", _IONBF, &error ) != 1 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize system values.\n" ); goto on_error; } while( ( option = libsystem_getopt( argc, argv, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "A:d:ef:himvV" ) ) ) != (libcstring_system_integer_t) -1 ) { switch( option ) { case (libcstring_system_integer_t) '?': default: ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM "\n", argv[ optind - 1 ] ); usage_fprint( stdout ); goto on_error; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'A': option_header_codepage = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'd': option_date_format = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'e': if( info_option != 'a' ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Conflicting options: %" PRIc_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM " and %c\n", option, info_option ); usage_fprint( stdout ); goto on_error; } info_option = 'e'; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'f': option_output_format = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'h': ewfoutput_version_fprint( stdout, program ); usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'i': if( info_option != 'a' ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Conflicting options: %" PRIc_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM " and %c\n", option, info_option ); usage_fprint( stdout ); goto on_error; } info_option = 'i'; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'm': if( info_option != 'a' ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Conflicting options: %" PRIc_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM " and %c\n", option, info_option ); usage_fprint( stdout ); goto on_error; } info_option = 'm'; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'v': verbose = 1; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'V': ewfoutput_version_fprint( stdout, program ); ewfoutput_copyright_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } } if( optind == argc ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Missing EWF image file(s).\n" ); usage_fprint( stdout ); goto on_error; } libsystem_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); libewf_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); libewf_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); if( info_handle_initialize( &ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create info handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( option_output_format != NULL ) { result = info_handle_set_output_format( ewfinfo_info_handle, option_output_format, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set output format.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported output format defaulting to: text.\n" ); } } if( ewfinfo_info_handle->output_format == INFO_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DFXML ) { if( info_handle_dfxml_header_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print header.\n" ); goto on_error; } } else if( ewfinfo_info_handle->output_format == INFO_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_TEXT ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stdout, program ); print_header = 0; } if( ( option_output_format == NULL ) && ( option_date_format != NULL ) ) { result = info_handle_set_date_format( ewfinfo_info_handle, option_date_format, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set date format.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported date format defaulting to: ctime.\n" ); } } if( option_header_codepage != NULL ) { result = info_handle_set_header_codepage( ewfinfo_info_handle, option_header_codepage, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set header codepage in info handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported header codepage defaulting to: ascii.\n" ); } } #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) if( libsystem_glob_initialize( &glob, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize glob.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libsystem_glob_resolve( glob, &( argv[ optind ] ), argc - optind, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to resolve glob.\n" ); goto on_error; } argv_filenames = glob->result; number_of_filenames = glob->number_of_results; #else argv_filenames = &( argv[ optind ] ); number_of_filenames = argc - optind; #endif if( libsystem_signal_attach( ewfinfo_signal_handler, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to attach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } result = info_handle_open_input( ewfinfo_info_handle, argv_filenames, number_of_filenames, &error ); if( ewfinfo_abort != 0 ) { goto on_abort; } if( result != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open EWF file(s).\n" ); goto on_error; } #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) if( libsystem_glob_free( &glob, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free glob.\n" ); goto on_error; } #endif if( ( info_option == 'a' ) || ( info_option == 'i' ) ) { if( info_handle_header_values_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print header values.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } } if( ( info_option == 'a' ) || ( info_option == 'm' ) ) { if( info_handle_media_information_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print media information.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( info_handle_hash_values_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print hash values.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( info_handle_sessions_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print sessions.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( info_handle_tracks_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print tracks.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } } if( ( info_option == 'a' ) || ( info_option == 'e' ) ) { if( info_handle_acquiry_errors_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print acquiry errors.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } } if( info_handle_single_files_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print single files.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( ewfinfo_info_handle->output_format == INFO_HANDLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DFXML ) { if( info_handle_dfxml_footer_fprint( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print footer.\n" ); goto on_error; } } on_abort: if( info_handle_close( ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 0 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close info handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( libsystem_signal_detach( &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to detach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( info_handle_free( &ewfinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free info handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( ewfinfo_abort != 0 ) { if( print_header != 0 ) { ewfoutput_version_fprint( stderr, program ); print_header = 0; } fprintf( stdout, "%" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ": ABORTED\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); on_error: if( error != NULL ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( ewfinfo_info_handle != NULL ) { info_handle_free( &ewfinfo_info_handle, NULL ); } #if !defined( LIBSYSTEM_HAVE_GLOB ) if( glob != NULL ) { libsystem_glob_free( &glob, NULL ); } #endif return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
int main( int argc, char * const argv[] ) #endif { libesedb_error_t *error = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *source = NULL; char *program = "esedbinfo"; libcstring_system_integer_t option = 0; int verbose = 0; libsystem_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); libsystem_notify_set_verbose( 1 ); if( libsystem_initialize( "esedbtools", _IONBF, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize system values.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } esedboutput_version_fprint( stdout, program ); while( ( option = libsystem_getopt( argc, argv, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "hvV" ) ) ) != (libcstring_system_integer_t) -1 ) { switch( option ) { case (libcstring_system_integer_t) '?': default: fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM "\n", argv[ optind - 1 ] ); usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'h': usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'v': verbose = 1; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'V': esedboutput_copyright_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } } if( optind == argc ) { fprintf( stderr, "Missing source file.\n" ); usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } source = argv[ optind ]; libsystem_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); libesedb_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); libesedb_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); if( info_handle_initialize( &esedbinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize info handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( info_handle_open( esedbinfo_info_handle, source, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ".\n", source ); goto on_error; } if( info_handle_file_fprint( esedbinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to print file information.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( info_handle_close( esedbinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close info handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( info_handle_free( &esedbinfo_info_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free info handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); on_error: if( error != NULL ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( esedbinfo_info_handle != NULL ) { info_handle_free( &esedbinfo_info_handle, NULL ); } return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
int main( int argc, char * const argv[] ) #endif { libcstring_system_character_t *log_filename = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_ascii_codepage = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_export_mode = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_table_name = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *option_target_path = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *path_separator = NULL; libcstring_system_character_t *source = NULL; liberror_error_t *error = NULL; log_handle_t *log_handle = NULL; char *program = "esedbexport"; size_t source_length = 0; size_t option_table_name_length = 0; libcstring_system_integer_t option = 0; int result = 0; int verbose = 0; libsystem_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); libsystem_notify_set_verbose( 1 ); if( libsystem_initialize( "esedbtools", _IONBF, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize system values.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } esedboutput_version_fprint( stdout, program ); while( ( option = libsystem_getopt( argc, argv, _LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM_STRING( "c:hl:m:t:T:vV" ) ) ) != (libcstring_system_integer_t) -1 ) { switch( option ) { case (libcstring_system_integer_t) '?': default: fprintf( stderr, "Invalid argument: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM "\n", argv[ optind - 1 ] ); usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'c': option_ascii_codepage = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'h': usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'l': log_filename = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'm': option_export_mode = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 't': option_target_path = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'T': option_table_name = optarg; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'v': verbose = 1; break; case (libcstring_system_integer_t) 'V': esedboutput_copyright_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } } if( optind == argc ) { fprintf( stderr, "Missing source file.\n" ); usage_fprint( stdout ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } source = argv[ optind ]; if( option_target_path == NULL ) { source_length = libcstring_system_string_length( source ); path_separator = libcstring_system_string_search_character_reverse( source, (libcstring_system_character_t) LIBSYSTEM_PATH_SEPARATOR, source_length ); if( path_separator == NULL ) { path_separator = source; } else { path_separator++; } option_target_path = path_separator; } if( option_table_name != NULL ) { option_table_name_length = libcstring_system_string_length( option_table_name ); } libsystem_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); libesedb_notify_set_stream( stderr, NULL ); libesedb_notify_set_verbose( verbose ); if( log_handle_initialize( &log_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize log handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( export_handle_initialize( &esedbexport_export_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to initialize export handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } /* TODO esedbexport_export_handle->print_status_information = print_status_information; */ if( option_export_mode != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_export_mode( esedbexport_export_handle, option_export_mode, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set export mode.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported export mode defaulting to: tables.\n" ); } } if( option_ascii_codepage != NULL ) { result = export_handle_set_ascii_codepage( esedbexport_export_handle, option_ascii_codepage, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set ASCII codepage in export handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported ASCII codepage defaulting to: windows-1252.\n" ); } } if( export_handle_set_target_path( esedbexport_export_handle, option_target_path, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to set target path.\n" ); goto on_error; } result = export_handle_create_items_export_path( esedbexport_export_handle, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create items export path.\n" ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM " already exists.\n", esedbexport_export_handle->items_export_path ); goto on_error; } if( log_handle_open( log_handle, log_filename, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open log file: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ".\n", log_filename ); goto on_error; } fprintf( stdout, "Opening file.\n" ); #ifdef TODO_SIGNAL_ABORT if( libsystem_signal_attach( esedbexport_signal_handler, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to attach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } #endif if( export_handle_open( esedbexport_export_handle, source, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open: %" PRIs_LIBCSTRING_SYSTEM ".\n", source ); goto on_error; } /* TODO fprintf( stdout, "Exporting aliases.\n" ); */ result = export_handle_export_file( esedbexport_export_handle, option_table_name, option_table_name_length, log_handle, &error ); if( result == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to export file.\n" ); goto on_error; } #ifdef TODO_SIGNAL_ABORT if( libsystem_signal_detach( &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to detach signal handler.\n" ); libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } #endif if( export_handle_close( esedbexport_export_handle, &error ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close export handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( export_handle_free( &esedbexport_export_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free export handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( log_handle_close( log_handle, &error ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to close log handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( log_handle_free( &log_handle, &error ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to free log handle.\n" ); goto on_error; } if( esedbexport_abort != 0 ) { fprintf( stdout, "Export aborted.\n" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } /* TODO export FAILED ? */ fprintf( stdout, "Export completed.\n" ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); on_error: if( error != NULL ) { libsystem_notify_print_error_backtrace( error ); liberror_error_free( &error ); } if( esedbexport_export_handle != NULL ) { export_handle_free( &esedbexport_export_handle, NULL ); } if( log_handle != NULL ) { log_handle_free( &log_handle, NULL ); } return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }