void MsgSMS::init() { if (lineEdit()->text().isEmpty()){ setFocus(); return; } m_edit->m_edit->setFocus(); }
void PosEdit::stepBy(int steps) { int segment = curSegment(); int selPos; int selLen; bool changed = false; int bar, beat, tick; _pos.mbt(&bar, &beat, &tick); int tb = sigmap.ticksBeat(_pos.tick()); unsigned tm = sigmap.ticksMeasure(_pos.tick()); int bm = tm / tb; switch (segment) { case 0: bar += steps; if (bar < 0) bar = 0; selPos = 0; selLen = 4; break; case 1: beat += steps; if (beat < 0) beat = 0; else if (beat >= bm) beat = bm - 1; selPos = 5; selLen = 2; break; case 2: tick += steps; if (tick < 0) tick = 0; else if (tick >= tb) tick = tb - 1; selPos = 8; selLen = 3; break; default: return; } Pos newPos(bar, beat, tick); if (!(newPos == _pos)) { changed = true; _pos = newPos; } if (changed) { updateValue(); emit valueChanged(_pos); } lineEdit()->setSelection(selPos, selLen); }
AddressWidget::AddressWidget(Window *window, QWidget *parent) : QComboBox(parent), m_window(NULL), m_completer(new QCompleter(AddressCompletionModel::getInstance(), this)), m_bookmarkLabel(NULL), m_feedsLabel(NULL), m_loadPluginsLabel(NULL), m_urlIconLabel(NULL), m_removeModelTimer(0), m_isHistoryDropdownEnabled(SettingsManager::getValue(QLatin1String("AddressField/EnableHistoryDropdown")).toBool()), m_isUsingSimpleMode(false), m_wasPopupVisible(false) { m_completer->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); m_completer->setCompletionMode(QCompleter::InlineCompletion); m_completer->setCompletionRole(Qt::DisplayRole); m_completer->setFilterMode(Qt::MatchStartsWith); setEditable(true); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); setMinimumWidth(100); setItemDelegate(new AddressDelegate(this)); setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsert); setWindow(window); lineEdit()->setCompleter(m_completer); lineEdit()->setStyleSheet(QLatin1String("QLineEdit {background:transparent;}")); lineEdit()->setMouseTracking(true); lineEdit()->installEventFilter(this); ToolBarWidget *toolBar = qobject_cast<ToolBarWidget*>(parent); if (toolBar) { optionChanged(QLatin1String("AddressField/ShowBookmarkIcon"), SettingsManager::getValue(QLatin1String("AddressField/ShowBookmarkIcon"))); optionChanged(QLatin1String("AddressField/ShowUrlIcon"), SettingsManager::getValue(QLatin1String("AddressField/ShowUrlIcon"))); lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(tr("Enter address or search…")); connect(SettingsManager::getInstance(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(optionChanged(QString,QVariant))); if (toolBar->getIdentifier() != ToolBarsManager::NavigationBar) { connect(toolBar, SIGNAL(windowChanged(Window*)), this, SLOT(setWindow(Window*))); } }
QString QAccessibleLineEdit::textAtOffset(int offset, QAccessible::TextBoundaryType boundaryType, int *startOffset, int *endOffset) const { if (lineEdit()->echoMode() != QLineEdit::Normal) { *startOffset = *endOffset = -1; return QString(); } return QAccessibleTextInterface::textAtOffset(offset, boundaryType, startOffset, endOffset); }
std::string DateField::createJS(DomElement *inContainer) { std::stringstream result; result << elVar() << " = new Ext.form.DateField(" << configStruct() << ");"; applyToWidget(lineEdit(), result, inContainer); return result.str(); }
/* ToolbarSearch is a very basic search widget that also contains a small history. Searches are turned into urls that use Google to perform search */ ToolbarSearch::ToolbarSearch(QWidget *parent) : SearchLineEdit(parent) , m_autosaver(new AutoSaver(this)) , m_maxSavedSearches(10) , m_stringListModel(new QStringListModel(this)) { QMenu *m = menu(); connect(m, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(aboutToShowMenu())); connect(m, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(triggeredMenuAction(QAction*))); QCompleter *completer = new QCompleter(m_stringListModel, this); completer->setCompletionMode(QCompleter::InlineCompletion); lineEdit()->setCompleter(completer); connect(lineEdit(), SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(searchNow())); setInactiveText(tr("Google")); load(); }
void WindowSelectComboBox::refreshWindowList() { model()->setData(model()->index(0, 0), lineEdit()->text()); while (count() > 1) { removeItem(1); } insertItems(1, autoType()->windowTitles()); }
void SearchComboBox::setSearchStatus(int index, int total) { QPalette plt = lineEdit()->palette(); if ( lineEdit()->text().isEmpty() ) { statusL_->setText(""); plt.setColor(QPalette::Base, QPalette().color(QPalette::Base)); } else { statusL_->setText(tr("%1 of %2").arg(index + 1).arg(total)); if ( total == 0 ) { plt.setColor(QPalette::Base, QColor(255, 180, 180)); } else { plt.setColor(QPalette::Base, QPalette().color(QPalette::Base)); } } lineEdit()->setPalette(plt); }
void WBSearchLineEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { WBExLineEdit::paintEvent(event); if (lineEdit()->text().isEmpty() && !hasFocus() && !mInactiveText.isEmpty()) { QStyleOptionFrameV2 panel; initStyleOption(&panel); QRect r = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &panel, this); QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics(); int horizontalMargin = lineEdit()->x(); QRect lineRect(horizontalMargin + r.x(), r.y() + (r.height() - fm.height() + 1) / 2, r.width() - 2 * horizontalMargin, fm.height()); QPainter painter(this); painter.setPen(palette().brush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text).color()); painter.drawText(lineRect, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, mInactiveText); } }
CSpinBox::CSpinBox(QWidget* parent) : QAbstractSpinBox(parent), min_value(-100), max_value(100), value(0), base(10), num_digits(0) { // TODO: Might be nice to not immediately call the slot. // Think of an address that is being replaced by a different one, in which case a lot // invalid intermediate addresses would be read from during editing. connect(lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(OnEditingFinished())); UpdateText(); }
void QgsDateTimeEdit::showEvent( QShowEvent *event ) { QDateTimeEdit::showEvent( event ); if ( mAllowNull && mIsNull && lineEdit()->text() != QgsApplication::nullRepresentation() ) { displayNull(); } }
void DoubleSpinBox::interpretText() { bool ok = false; double value = locale().toDouble(text(), &ok); if (ok && setValue(value)) emit valueChanged(d_value); else lineEdit()->setText(textFromValue(d_value)); }
void ToolbarSearch::triggeredMenuAction(QAction *action) { QVariant v = action->data(); if (v.canConvert<QString>()) { QString text = v.toString(); lineEdit()->setText(text); searchNow(); } }
void PosEdit::updateValue() { char buffer[64]; int bar, beat; int tick; _pos.mbt(&bar, &beat, &tick); sprintf(buffer, "%04d.%02d.%03d", bar + 1, beat + 1, tick); lineEdit()->setText(buffer); }
void TimestampSpinBox::on_editingFinished() { if (!lineEdit()->isModified()) return; lineEdit()->setModified(false); QRegExp re(R"(\s*([-+]?)\s*([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*).*)"); if (re.exactMatch(text())) { QStringList captures = re.capturedTexts(); captures.removeFirst(); // remove entire match QString str = captures.join(""); setValue(pv::util::Timestamp(str.toStdString())); } else { // replace the malformed entered string with the old value updateEdit(); } }
bool KFileFilterCombo::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( o == lineEdit() && e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) { if ( currentText() != d->lastFilter ) emit filterChanged(); } return KComboBox::eventFilter( o, e ); }
void stepBy(int steps) { if (steps < 0 && (uint32_t)(-1 * steps) > value - minimum) value = minimum; else if (steps > 0 && maximum - value < (uint32_t)steps) value = maximum; else value += steps; lineEdit()->setText(QString::number(value)); }
void DurationSpinBox::stepBy( int steps ) { //kDebug(planDbg())<<steps; int cpos = lineEdit()->cursorPosition(); if ( isOnUnit() ) { // we are in unit if ( steps > 0 ) { stepUnitUp(); } else if ( steps < 0 ) { stepUnitDown(); } lineEdit()->setCursorPosition( cpos ); return; } QDoubleSpinBox::stepBy( steps ); // QDoubleSpinBox selects the whole text and the cursor might end up at the end (in the unit field) lineEdit()->setCursorPosition( cpos ); // also deselects }
void FontSizeSpinBox::setText() { QString text = QString::number(m_value); if (isPointSize()) text.append(" pt"); else text.append(" px"); lineEdit()->setText(text); }
void SpinBox::setReadOnly(bool ro) { if ((int)ro != (int)mReadOnly) { mReadOnly = ro; lineEdit()->setReadOnly(ro); if (ro) setShiftStepping(false, mCurrentButton); } }
void DbItemListComboBox::fetchCompleted(const QString &) { removeItem(0); WidgetHelper::setComboBoxText(this, currentTxt); if(hasSelection){ lineEdit()->selectAll(); } emit loadingCompleted(); }
void WindowSelectComboBox::showPopup() { if (lineEdit()->isReadOnly()) { return; } refreshWindowList(); QComboBox::showPopup(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor that passes parent to the base and sets up height and step. /// Specific focus policy is used to allow the user to hover over the control /// and change its value using the mouse wheel without explicitly having to click /// inside of it. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">The parent widget. Default: nullptr.</param> /// <param name="h">The height of the spin box. Default: 16.</param> /// <param name="step">The step used to increment/decrement the spin box when using the mouse wheel. Default: 1.</param> SpinBox::SpinBox(QWidget* p, int h, int step) : QSpinBox(p) { m_Select = false; m_DoubleClick = false; m_DoubleClickNonZero = 0; m_DoubleClickZero = 1; m_Step = step; m_SmallStep = 1; setSingleStep(step); setFrame(false); setButtonSymbols(QAbstractSpinBox::NoButtons); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); setMinimumHeight(h);//setGeometry() has no effect, so set both of these instead. setMaximumHeight(h); lineEdit()->installEventFilter(this); lineEdit()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); connect(this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onSpinBoxValueChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); }
void KisDoubleParseSpinBox::setErrorStyle() { if (!boolLastValid) { //setStyleSheet(_oldStyleSheet + "Background: red; color: white; padding-left: 18px;"); if (!isOldPaletteSaved) { oldPalette = palette(); } isOldPaletteSaved = true; QPalette nP = oldPalette; nP.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::red); nP.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::red); nP.setColor(QPalette::Text, Qt::white); setPalette(nP); if (!areOldMarginsSaved) { oldMargins = lineEdit()->textMargins(); } areOldMarginsSaved = true; if (width() - height() >= 3*height()) { //if we have twice as much place as needed by the warning icon then display it. QMargins newMargins = oldMargins; newMargins.setLeft( newMargins.left() + height() - 4 ); lineEdit()->setTextMargins(newMargins); int h = warningIcon->height(); int hp = height()-2; if (h != hp) { warningIcon->resize(hp, hp); if (QFile(":/./16_light_warning.svg").exists()) { warningIcon->setPixmap(QIcon(":/./16_light_warning.svg").pixmap(hp-7, hp-7)); } } warningIcon->move(oldMargins.left()+4, 1); warningIcon->setVisible(true); } } }
void WBTabWidget::clear() { // clear the recently closed tabs mRecentlyClosedTabs.clear(); // clear the line edit history for (int i = 0; i < mLineEdits->count(); ++i) { QLineEdit *qLineEdit = lineEdit(i); qLineEdit->setText(qLineEdit->text()); } }
void VariableDoubleSpinBox::stepBy(int steps) { double oldValue = value(); // Default new value int i = -99; double newValue = oldValue + singleStep() * steps; // If a single digit is selected, increment or decrement that digit if (lineEdit()->hasSelectedText()) { if (lineEdit()->selectedText().length() == 1) { if (lineEdit()->selectedText()[0].isDigit()) { i = cleanText().length() - lineEdit()->selectionStart(); int j = cleanText().length() - lineEdit()->selectionStart() - decimals(); if (decimals() > 0) { j--; } if (j >= 0) { j--; } newValue = oldValue + pow(10.0, j) * steps; } } } // Check for out of bounds and set the new value if (newValue < minimum()) { return; } else if (newValue > maximum()) { return; } setValue(newValue); // For unknown reasons, after the new value is set the selected text changes in unpredictable ways // Fix it if (i == -99) { lineEdit()->selectAll(); } else { i = cleanText().length() - i; if (i < 0) { i = 0; } lineEdit()->setSelection(i, 1); } }
void ULongLongSpinBox::setValue(qulonglong value) { qulonglong clampedValue = std::min(m_max, std::max(value, m_min)); if (clampedValue == m_value) return; m_value = clampedValue; lineEdit()->setText(textFromValue(m_value)); emit valueChanged(m_value); }
DoubleSpinBox::DoubleSpinBox(const char format, QWidget *parent) : QAbstractSpinBox(parent), d_format(format), d_min_val(-DBL_MAX), d_max_val(DBL_MAX), d_value(0.0), d_step(0.1), d_prec(14) { if (format == 'f') d_prec = 1; setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); lineEdit()->setText(locale().toString(d_value, d_format, d_prec)); setWrapping(false); connect(this, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(interpretText())); }
void QgsSpinBox::changeEvent( QEvent *event ) { QSpinBox::changeEvent( event ); if ( event->type() == QEvent::FontChange ) { lineEdit()->setFont( font() ); } mLineEdit->setShowClearButton( shouldShowClearForValue( value() ) ); }
/* SearchLineEdit is an enhanced QLineEdit - A Search icon on the left with optional menu - When there is no text and doesn't have focus an "inactive text" is displayed - When there is text a clear button is displayed on the right hand side */ SearchLineEdit::SearchLineEdit(QWidget *parent) : ExLineEdit(parent), m_searchButton(new SearchButton(this)) { connect(lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString))); setLeftWidget(m_searchButton); m_inactiveText = tr("Search"); QSizePolicy policy = sizePolicy(); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, policy.verticalPolicy()); }