コード例 #1
mcmc_nogrowth::mcmc_nogrowth(std::vector<double> od, std::string l) : mcmc(od, l) 

    dim = 1; 
    parameternames[0] = "y";
    modelname = "No growth";
    bool logsp[] = {0};
    logspace.assign(logsp, logsp+dim);
    double startv[] = {(od[0]+od.back())/2};
    double p[] = {1};
    std::vector<double> startp(startv, startv+dim);
    startparameters = lintolog(startp);
    startvariances.assign(p, p+dim);
コード例 #2
mcmc_logistic::mcmc_logistic(std::vector<double> od, std::string l) : mcmc(od, l)

    dim = 3;
    parameternames[0] = "y0";
    parameternames[1] = "ymax";
    parameternames[2] = "r";
    //parameternames[3] = "t0";
    modelname = "Logistic";
    bool logsp[] = {0,0,1};
    logspace.assign(logsp, logsp+dim);
    double startv[] = {ody0(), odymax(), 0.05};
    double p[] = {0.25,0.25,0.00000025};
    std::vector<double> startp(startv, startv+dim);
    startparameters = lintolog(startp);
    startvariances.assign(p, p+dim);

コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: furrtek/PSGTalk
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	// mallocated stuff
	float * wave_buffer;
	float * aa_buffer;
	float * work_buffer;
	float * frame_buffer;
	float * dft_bins;
	unsigned int * frequencies;
	unsigned int * volumes;
	unsigned char * out_buffer;
	unsigned char consolidate;
	unsigned long wave_size, work_size;
	unsigned int frame_size, frame_inc;
	unsigned int i;
	int ofs;
	unsigned long idx;
	unsigned long c, m, k, t, f;
	unsigned int kmax;
	float max_power;
	float in_r, sum_r, sum_i;
	float ratio;
	unsigned long frame_idx = 0, frames;
	char outfilepath[256];
	unsigned int ext;
	puts("PSGTalk 0.3 - furrtek 2017\n");
	// Overlap = 0
	//   Data: ######################## (24)
	// Frames: AAAAAAAA
	//                 BBBBBBBB
	//                         CCCCCCCC
	//  Count: 3
	// Length: 8 = 24 / 3 * (0 + 1)
	// Offset: 8 = Length * (1 - 0)
	// Overlap = 0.5
	//   Data: ######################## (24)
	//               BBBBBBBBBBBB
	//                     CCCCCCCCCCCC
	//  Count: 3
	// Length: 12 = 24 / 3 * (0.5 + 1)
	// Offset: Length * (1 - 0.5)
	// Defaults
	overlap = 0.25;
	updates_per_frame = 2;
	psg_channels = 3;
	sim = 0;
	mode = MODE_VGM;
	fps = 60;
	freq_res = 64;
	if (parse_args(argc, argv))
		return 1;

	wave_size = load_wav(argv[argc - 1], &wave_buffer);
	if (!wave_size) {
		puts("Can't load wave file.\n");
		return 1;
	// Anti-alias filtering
	aa_buffer = calloc(wave_size, sizeof(float));
	if (aa_buffer == NULL) {
		puts("Memory allocation failed\n");
		return 1;
	lowpass(wave_buffer, aa_buffer, 8192.0, samplerate_in, wave_size);
	// Decimate
	ratio = ((float)samplerate_in / 8192.0);
	work_size = (int)(wave_size / ratio);
	work_buffer = calloc(work_size, sizeof(float));
	if (work_buffer == NULL) {
		puts("Memory allocation failed\n");
		return 1;
	for (i = 0; i < work_size; i++)
		work_buffer[i] = aa_buffer[(int)(i * ratio)];

	update_rate = fps * updates_per_frame;
	frame_size = (8192.0 * (overlap + 1.0)) / update_rate;
	frame_inc = (float)frame_size * (1.0 - overlap);
	m = 1;									// Discrimination between power peaks
	frames = work_size / frame_inc;			// Total number of frames
	freq_step = (8192 / freq_res) / 2;
	frame_buffer = calloc(frame_size, sizeof(float));
	dft_bins = calloc(freq_res, sizeof(float));
	frequencies = calloc(frames * psg_channels, sizeof(unsigned int));
	volumes = calloc(frames * psg_channels, sizeof(unsigned int));
	if ((dft_bins == NULL) || (frame_buffer == NULL) || (frequencies == NULL) || (volumes == NULL)) {
		puts("Memory allocation failed\n");
		return 1;
	if (!make_LUTs(frame_size)) {
		puts("Table generation failed\n");
		return 1;
	// Show recap
	printf("Frames: %lu\n", frames);
	printf("Overlap: %u%%\n", (unsigned int)(overlap * 100.0));
	printf("Samplerate: %luHz -> %uHz\n", samplerate_in, 8192);
	printf("Resolution: %uHz\n", freq_step);
	printf("Update rate: %u/frame (%uHz @ %ufps)\n", updates_per_frame, update_rate, fps);
	printf("PSG channels: %u\n", psg_channels);
	printf("Mode: %s\n", modestr[mode]);
	f = 0;
	do {
		// Copy frame
		memcpy(frame_buffer, &work_buffer[f], frame_size * sizeof(float));
		// Apply window
		for (t = 0; t < frame_size; t++)
			frame_buffer[t] *= window_lut[t];
		// Do DFT
    	for (k = 0; k < freq_res; k++) {		// For each output element
  	      	sum_r = 0;
  	      	sum_i = 0;
        	for (t = 0; t < frame_size; t++) {			// For each input element
            	c = ((32768 * t * k / 2) / frame_size) & 0x7FFF;
            	in_r = frame_buffer[t];
            	sum_r += (in_r * cos_lut[c]);
            	sum_i += (in_r * sin_lut[c]);
            sum_r /= frame_size;
        	sum_i /= frame_size;
        	dft_bins[k] = sqrt((sum_i * sum_i) + (sum_r * sum_r));
    		//if (f == 0) printf("SAMP=%f POW=%f (%uHz)\n", frame_buffer[k], dft_bins[k], k * freq_step);

		// Find highest peaks
		consolidate = 0;
		for (c = 0; c < psg_channels; c++) {
			idx = (frame_idx * psg_channels) + c;
			if (consolidate) {
				max_power -= 0.4;
	    		frequencies[idx] = frequencies[idx - 1];
	    		volumes[idx] = lintolog(max_power);
			} else {
				// Find highest power and its associated frequency (skip DC bin)
		    	max_power = 0;
		    	for (k = 1; k < (frame_size - 1); k++) {
					if (dft_bins[k] > max_power) {
						max_power = dft_bins[k];
						kmax = k;
				// Clear surrounding bins if needed
				for (t = 0; t < m; t++) {
					ofs = kmax - t - 1;
					if (ofs >= 0) dft_bins[ofs] = 0;
					ofs = kmax + t + 1;
					if (ofs < freq_res) dft_bins[ofs] = 0;	
		    	frequencies[idx] = kmax;
		    	volumes[idx] = lintolog(max_power);
			consolidate = (max_power >= 0.4) ? 1 : 0;
			if (frame_idx == 0) printf("C%lu=%uHz\n", c, kmax * freq_step);		// DEBUG
    	f += frame_inc;
    	printf("\rComputing frame %lu/%lu.", frame_idx, frames);

	} while (f < (work_size - frame_size));
	puts(" Done.\n");
	// Generate output file
	strcpy(outfilepath, argv[argc - 1]);
	ext = strlen(outfilepath) - 3;
	if (mode == MODE_VGM) {
		outfilepath[ext++] = 'v';
		outfilepath[ext++] = 'g';
		outfilepath[ext] = 'm';
	} else {
		outfilepath[ext++] = 'b';
		outfilepath[ext++] = 'i';
		outfilepath[ext] = 'n';

	FILE * fo = fopen(outfilepath, "wb");
	if (mode == MODE_RAW) {
		out_raw(&out_buffer, frequencies, volumes, frame_idx, freq_res);
	} else if (mode == MODE_VGM) {
		out_vgm(&out_buffer, frequencies, volumes, frame_idx);
	} else if (mode == MODE_NGP) {
		out_ngp(&out_buffer, frequencies, volumes, frame_idx);

	fwrite(out_buffer, file_length, 1, fo);

	puts("Output file written.");
	printf("Size: %lukB\n", file_length / 1024);

	// Generate simulation file if needed
	if (sim) {
		if (gen_sim(frame_size, frame_idx, psg_channels, frequencies, volumes))
			puts("\nSimulation file written.\n");
    //return 0;

	return 0;