コード例 #1
ファイル: sender.c プロジェクト: s4byun/SWP
void handle_input_cmds(Sender * sender,
        LLnode ** outgoing_frames_head_ptr)
    int input_cmd_length = ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head);

    //Split the message if it's too long
    ll_split_head(&sender->input_cmdlist_head, FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1);

    //Recheck the command queue length to see if stdin_thread dumped a command on us
    input_cmd_length = ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head);

    while (input_cmd_length > 0) 
        //Pop a node off and update the input_cmd_length
        LLnode * ll_input_cmd_node = ll_pop_node(&sender->input_cmdlist_head);
        input_cmd_length = ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head);

        //Cast to Cmd type and free up the memory for the node
        Cmd * outgoing_cmd = (Cmd *) ll_input_cmd_node->value;

        //Convert uint16_t to string
        char* src = malloc(MAC_ADDR_SIZE);
        char* dst = malloc(MAC_ADDR_SIZE);
        sprintf(src, "%u", outgoing_cmd->src_id);
        sprintf(dst, "%u", outgoing_cmd->dst_id);

        int id = atoi(dst);

        if(send_q_size(sender, id) < WS)
            Frame * outgoing_frame = (Frame *) malloc (sizeof(Frame));

            //Populate the outgoing frame's fields
            strncpy(outgoing_frame->receiver_addr, dst, MAC_ADDR_SIZE);
            strncpy(outgoing_frame->sender_addr, src, MAC_ADDR_SIZE);
            strncpy(outgoing_frame->data, outgoing_cmd->message, FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE);

            //Assign seqnum to the outgoing frame
            outgoing_frame->seqnum = sender->seqnum[id];

            char* raw_char_buf = convert_frame_to_char(outgoing_frame); 

            //Assign crc to the outgoing frame
            outgoing_frame->crc = crc8(raw_char_buf, MAX_FRAME_SIZE);


            //At this point, we don't need the outgoing_cmd

            //Update LFS
            sender->LFS[id] = sender->seqnum[id];

            //Convert the message to the outgoing_charbuf and send it
            char * outgoing_charbuf = convert_frame_to_char(outgoing_frame);
            //fprintf(stderr, "MESSAGE %s SENT\n", outgoing_frame->data);
            ll_append_node(outgoing_frames_head_ptr, outgoing_charbuf);

            sender->send_q_head[id][sender->seqnum[id] % WS]->frame = malloc(sizeof(Frame));

            //Store the sent frame in the sent queue
            memcpy(sender->send_q_head[id][sender->seqnum[id] % WS]->frame, outgoing_frame, sizeof(Frame)); 
            sender->send_q_head[id][sender->seqnum[id] % WS]->frame_timeout = NULL;

            sender->seqnum[id] = (sender->seqnum[id] == 255) ? 0 : sender->seqnum[id] + 1;
            ll_append_node_at_front(&sender->input_cmdlist_head, outgoing_cmd);
            input_cmd_length = ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head);
コード例 #2
void handle_input_cmds(Sender * sender,
                       LLnode ** outgoing_frames_head_ptr)
    //TODO: Suggested steps for handling input cmd
    //    1) Dequeue the Cmd from sender->input_cmdlist_head
    //    2) Convert to Frame
    //    3) Set up the frame according to the sliding window protocol
    //    4) Compute CRC and add CRC to Frame

    int input_cmd_length = ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head);
    //Recheck the command queue length to see if stdin_thread dumped a command on us
    input_cmd_length = ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head);
    ll_split_head(&sender->input_cmdlist_head, FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1);
    while (input_cmd_length > 0 && sender->sendQSize <= SWS)
    //    fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", input_cmd_length, ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head));
        unsigned char upper = sender->LAR + SWS - 1;
        //printf("%d %d %d ", sender->LAR, upper, sender->seqNum);
        if (!((sender->LAR <= upper && 
               sender->seqNum >= sender->LAR &&
               sender->seqNum <= upper) ||
              (sender->LAR > upper &&
              (sender->seqNum >= sender->LAR ||
               sender->seqNum <= upper))))
        //Pop a node off and update the input_cmd_length
        LLnode * ll_input_cmd_node = ll_pop_node(&sender->input_cmdlist_head);
        input_cmd_length = ll_get_length(sender->input_cmdlist_head);

        //Cast to Cmd type and free up the memory for the node
        Cmd * outgoing_cmd = (Cmd *) ll_input_cmd_node->value;

        //DUMMY CODE: Add the raw char buf to the outgoing_frames list
        //NOTE: You should not blindly send this message out!
        //      Ask yourself: Is this message actually going to the right receiver (recall that default behavior of send is to broadcast to all receivers)?
        //                    Does the receiver have enough space in in it's input queue to handle this message?
        //                    Were the previous messages sent to this receiver ACTUALLY delivered to the receiver?
        int msg_length = strlen(outgoing_cmd->message);
        if (msg_length > MAX_FRAME_SIZE)
            //Do something about messages that exceed the frame size
            printf("<SEND_%d>: sending messages of length greater than %d is not implemented\n", sender->send_id, MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
            //This is probably ONLY one step you want
            Frame * outgoing_frame = (Frame *) malloc (sizeof(Frame));
            strcpy(outgoing_frame->data, outgoing_cmd->message);
            outgoing_frame->src_id = outgoing_cmd->src_id;
            outgoing_frame->dst_id = outgoing_cmd->dst_id;
            outgoing_frame->seqNum = sender->seqNum;
            //if (sender->seqNum >= SWS)
            //    sender->seqNum = 0;
            //if (sender->seqNum == 5)
            //    sender->seqNum++;

            //At this point, we don't need the outgoing_cmd

            //Convert the message to the outgoing_charbuf
            char * outgoing_charbuf = convert_frame_to_char(outgoing_frame);
            append_crc(outgoing_charbuf, MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
            //fprintf(stderr, "Sending %d with data %s\n", outgoing_frame->seqNum,outgoing_frame->data);
            int i = 0;
            for (; i < SWS; i++) {
                if (sender->sendQ[i].inuse == 0) {
                    struct timeval * timeout = malloc(sizeof(struct timeval));
                    sender->sendQ[i].inuse = 1;
                    sender->sendQ[i].timeout = timeout;
                    sender->sendQ[i].msg =(Frame *)malloc(MAX_FRAME_SIZE);