コード例 #1
 void test_matches(const std::string& proto_key, const LLSD& possibles,
                   const char** begin, const char** end)
     std::set<std::string> succeed(begin, end);
     LLSD prototype(possibles[proto_key]);
     for (LLSD::map_const_iterator pi(possibles.beginMap()), pend(possibles.endMap());
          pi != pend; ++pi)
         std::string match(llsd_matches(prototype, pi->second));
         std::set<std::string>::const_iterator found = succeed.find(pi->first);
         if (found != succeed.end())
             // This test is supposed to succeed. Comparing to the
             // empty string ensures that if the test fails, it will
             // display the string received so we can tell what failed.
             ensure_equals("match", match, "");
             // This test is supposed to fail. If we get a false match,
             // the string 'match' will be empty, which doesn't tell us
             // much about which case went awry. So construct a more
             // detailed description string.
             ensure(proto_key + " shouldn't match " + pi->first, ! match.empty());
コード例 #2
    LLSD validateResponse(const std::string& pumpName, const LLSD& response)
        // Validate the response. If we don't recognize it, things
        // could get ugly.
        std::string mismatch(llsd_matches(mValidAuthResponse, response));
        if (! mismatch.empty())
            LL_ERRS("LLLogin") << "Received unrecognized event (" << mismatch << ") on "
                               << pumpName << "pump: " << response
                               << LL_ENDL;
            return LLSD();

        return response;
コード例 #3
bool LLEventDispatcher::attemptCall(const std::string& name, const LLSD& event) const
    DispatchMap::const_iterator found = mDispatch.find(name);
    if (found == mDispatch.end())
        // The reason we only return false, leaving it up to our caller to die
        // with LL_ERRS, is that different callers have different amounts of
        // available information.
        return false;
    // Found the name, so it's plausible to even attempt the call. But first,
    // validate the syntax of the event itself.
    std::string mismatch(llsd_matches(found->second.mRequired, event));
    if (! mismatch.empty())
        LL_ERRS("LLEventDispatcher") << "LLEventDispatcher(" << mDesc << ") calling '" << name
                                     << "': bad request: " << mismatch << LL_ENDL;
    // Event syntax looks good, go for it!
    return true;                    // tell caller we were able to call
コード例 #4
bool LLWebSharing::validateConfig()
	// Check the OpenID Cookie has been set.
	if (mOpenIDCookie.empty())
		mEnabled = false;
		return mEnabled;

	if (!mConfig.isMap())
		mEnabled = false;
		return mEnabled;

	// Template to match the received config against.
	LLSD required(LLSD::emptyMap());
	required["gadgetSpecUrl"] = "";
	required["loginTokenUrl"] = "";
	required["openIdAuthUrl"] = "";
	required["photoPageUrlTemplate"] = "";
	required["openSocialRpcUrlTemplate"] = "";
	required["securityTokenUrl"] = "";
	required["tokenBasedLoginUrlTemplate"] = "";
	required["viewerIdUrl"] = "";

	std::string mismatch(llsd_matches(required, mConfig));
	if (!mismatch.empty())
		LL_WARNS("WebSharing") << "Malformed config data response: " << mismatch << LL_ENDL;
		mEnabled = false;
		return mEnabled;

	mEnabled = true;
	return mEnabled;
コード例 #5
    void llsdutil_object::test<9>()

        // for this test, construct a map of all possible LLSD types
        LLSD map;
        map.insert("empty",     LLSD());
        map.insert("Boolean",   LLSD::Boolean());
        map.insert("Integer",   LLSD::Integer(0));
        map.insert("Real",      LLSD::Real(0.0));
        map.insert("String",    LLSD::String("bah"));
        map.insert("NumString", LLSD::String("1"));
        map.insert("UUID",      LLSD::UUID());
        map.insert("Date",      LLSD::Date());
        map.insert("URI",       LLSD::URI());
        map.insert("Binary",    LLSD::Binary());
        map.insert("Map",       LLSD().with("foo", LLSD()));
        // Only an empty array can be constructed on the fly
        LLSD array;
        map.insert("Array",     array);

        // These iterators are declared outside our various for loops to avoid
        // fatal MSVC warning: "I used to be broken, but I'm all better now!"
        LLSD::map_const_iterator mi, mend(map.endMap());

        /*-------------------------- llsd_matches --------------------------*/

        // empty prototype matches anything
        for (mi = map.beginMap(); mi != mend; ++mi)
            ensure_equals(std::string("empty matches ") + mi->first, llsd_matches(LLSD(), mi->second), "");

        LLSD proto_array, data_array;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)

        // prototype array matches only array
        for (mi = map.beginMap(); mi != mend; ++mi)
            ensure(std::string("array doesn't match ") + mi->first,
                   ! llsd_matches(proto_array, mi->second).empty());

        // data array must be at least as long as prototype array
        ensure_equals("data array too short", llsd_matches(proto_array, data_array),
                      "Array size 4 required instead of Array size 3");
        ensure_equals("data array just right", llsd_matches(proto_array, data_array), "");
        ensure_equals("data array longer", llsd_matches(proto_array, data_array), "");

        // array element matching
        data_array[0] = LLSD::String();
        ensure_equals("undefined prototype array entry", llsd_matches(proto_array, data_array), "");
        proto_array[0] = LLSD::Binary();
        ensure_equals("scalar prototype array entry", llsd_matches(proto_array, data_array),
                      "[0]: Binary required instead of String");
        data_array[0] = LLSD::Binary();
        ensure_equals("matching prototype array entry", llsd_matches(proto_array, data_array), "");

        // build a coupla maps
        LLSD proto_map, data_map;
        data_map["got"] = LLSD();
        data_map["found"] = LLSD();
        for (LLSD::map_const_iterator dmi(data_map.beginMap()), dmend(data_map.endMap());
             dmi != dmend; ++dmi)
            proto_map[dmi->first] = dmi->second;
        proto_map["foo"] = LLSD();
        proto_map["bar"] = LLSD();

        // prototype map matches only map
        for (mi = map.beginMap(); mi != mend; ++mi)
            ensure(std::string("map doesn't match ") + mi->first,
                   ! llsd_matches(proto_map, mi->second).empty());

        // data map must contain all keys in prototype map
        std::string error(llsd_matches(proto_map, data_map));
        ensure_contains("missing keys", error, "missing keys");
        ensure_contains("missing foo", error, "foo");
        ensure_contains("missing bar", error, "bar");
        ensure_does_not_contain("found found", error, "found");
        ensure_does_not_contain("got got", error, "got");
        data_map["bar"] = LLSD();
        error = llsd_matches(proto_map, data_map);
        ensure_contains("missing foo", error, "foo");
        ensure_does_not_contain("got bar", error, "bar");
        data_map["foo"] = LLSD();
        ensure_equals("data map just right", llsd_matches(proto_map, data_map), "");
        data_map["extra"] = LLSD();
        ensure_equals("data map with extra", llsd_matches(proto_map, data_map), "");

        // map element matching
        data_map["foo"] = LLSD::String();
        ensure_equals("undefined prototype map entry", llsd_matches(proto_map, data_map), "");
        proto_map["foo"] = LLSD::Binary();
        ensure_equals("scalar prototype map entry", llsd_matches(proto_map, data_map),
                      "['foo']: Binary required instead of String");
        data_map["foo"] = LLSD::Binary();
        ensure_equals("matching prototype map entry", llsd_matches(proto_map, data_map), "");

        // String
            static const char* matches[] = { "String", "NumString", "Boolean", "Integer",
                                             "Real", "UUID", "Date", "URI" };
            test_matches("String", map, boost::begin(matches), boost::end(matches));

        // Boolean, Integer, Real
        static const char* numerics[] = { "Boolean", "Integer", "Real" };
        for (const char **ni = boost::begin(numerics), **nend = boost::end(numerics);
             ni != nend; ++ni)
            static const char* matches[] = { "Boolean", "Integer", "Real", "String", "NumString" };
            test_matches(*ni, map, boost::begin(matches), boost::end(matches));

        // UUID
            static const char* matches[] = { "UUID", "String", "NumString" };
            test_matches("UUID", map, boost::begin(matches), boost::end(matches));

        // Date
            static const char* matches[] = { "Date", "String", "NumString" };
            test_matches("Date", map, boost::begin(matches), boost::end(matches));

        // URI
            static const char* matches[] = { "URI", "String", "NumString" };
            test_matches("URI", map, boost::begin(matches), boost::end(matches));

        // Binary
            static const char* matches[] = { "Binary" };
            test_matches("Binary", map, boost::begin(matches), boost::end(matches));

        /*-------------------------- llsd_equals ---------------------------*/

        // Cross-product of each LLSD type with every other
        for (LLSD::map_const_iterator lmi(map.beginMap()), lmend(map.endMap());
             lmi != lmend; ++lmi)
            for (LLSD::map_const_iterator rmi(map.beginMap()), rmend(map.endMap());
                 rmi != rmend; ++rmi)
                // Name this test based on the map keys naming the types of
                // interest, e.g "String::Integer".
                // We expect the values (xmi->second) to be equal if and only
                // if the type names (xmi->first) are equal.
                ensure(STRINGIZE(lmi->first << "::" << rmi->first),
                       bool(lmi->first == rmi->first) ==
                       bool(llsd_equals(lmi->second, rmi->second)));

        // Array cases
        LLSD rarray;
        LLSD larray(rarray);
        ensure("llsd_equals(equal arrays)", llsd_equals(larray, rarray));
        rarray[2] = "4";
        ensure("llsd_equals(different [2])", ! llsd_equals(larray, rarray));
        rarray = larray;
        ensure("llsd_equals(longer right array)", ! llsd_equals(larray, rarray));
        rarray = larray;
        ensure("llsd_equals(shorter right array)", ! llsd_equals(larray, rarray));

        // Map cases
        LLSD rmap;
        rmap["San Francisco"] = 65;
        rmap["Phoenix"] = 92;
        rmap["Boston"] = 77;
        LLSD lmap(rmap);
        ensure("llsd_equals(equal maps)", llsd_equals(lmap, rmap));
        rmap["Boston"] = 80;
        ensure("llsd_equals(different [\"Boston\"])", ! llsd_equals(lmap, rmap));
        rmap = lmap;
        rmap["Atlanta"] = 95;
        ensure("llsd_equals(superset right map)", ! llsd_equals(lmap, rmap));
        rmap = lmap;
        lmap["Seattle"] = 72;
        ensure("llsd_equals(superset left map)", ! llsd_equals(lmap, rmap));
コード例 #6
// see docstring in .h file
std::string llsd_matches(const LLSD& prototype, const LLSD& data, const std::string& pfx)
    // An undefined prototype means that any data is valid.
    // An undefined slot in an array or map prototype means that any data
    // may fill that slot.
    if (prototype.isUndefined())
        return "";
    // A prototype array must match a data array with at least as many
    // entries. Moreover, every prototype entry must match the
    // corresponding data entry.
    if (prototype.isArray())
        if (! data.isArray())
            return STRINGIZE(colon(pfx) << "Array" << op << sTypes.lookup(data.type()));
        if (data.size() < prototype.size())
            return STRINGIZE(colon(pfx) << "Array size " << prototype.size() << op
                             << "Array size " << data.size());
        for (LLSD::Integer i = 0; i < prototype.size(); ++i)
            std::string match(llsd_matches(prototype[i], data[i], STRINGIZE('[' << i << ']')));
            if (! match.empty())
                return match;
        return "";
    // A prototype map must match a data map. Every key in the prototype
    // must have a corresponding key in the data map; every value in the
    // prototype must match the corresponding key's value in the data.
    if (prototype.isMap())
        if (! data.isMap())
            return STRINGIZE(colon(pfx) << "Map" << op << sTypes.lookup(data.type()));
        // If there are a number of keys missing from the data, it would be
        // frustrating to a coder to discover them one at a time, with a big
        // build each time. Enumerate all missing keys.
        std::ostringstream out;
        out << colon(pfx);
        const char* init = "Map missing keys: ";
        const char* sep = init;
        for (LLSD::map_const_iterator mi = prototype.beginMap(); mi != prototype.endMap(); ++mi)
            if (! data.has(mi->first))
                out << sep << mi->first;
                sep = ", ";
        // So... are we missing any keys?
        if (sep != init)
            return out.str();
        // Good, the data block contains all the keys required by the
        // prototype. Now match the prototype entries.
        for (LLSD::map_const_iterator mi2 = prototype.beginMap(); mi2 != prototype.endMap(); ++mi2)
            std::string match(llsd_matches(mi2->second, data[mi2->first],
                                           STRINGIZE("['" << mi2->first << "']")));
            if (! match.empty())
                return match;
        return "";
    // A String prototype can match String, Boolean, Integer, Real, UUID,
    // Date and URI, because any of these can be converted to String.
    if (prototype.isString())
        static LLSD::Type accept[] =
        return match_types(prototype.type(),
                           TypeVector(boost::begin(accept), boost::end(accept)),
    // Boolean, Integer, Real match each other or String. TBD: ensure that
    // a String value is numeric.
    if (prototype.isBoolean() || prototype.isInteger() || prototype.isReal())
        static LLSD::Type all[] =
        // Funny business: shuffle the set of acceptable types to include all
        // but the prototype's type. Get the acceptable types in a set.
        std::set<LLSD::Type> rest(boost::begin(all), boost::end(all));
        // Remove the prototype's type because we pass that separately.
        return match_types(prototype.type(),
                           TypeVector(rest.begin(), rest.end()),
    // UUID, Date and URI match themselves or String.
    if (prototype.isUUID() || prototype.isDate() || prototype.isURI())
        static LLSD::Type accept[] =
        return match_types(prototype.type(),
                           TypeVector(boost::begin(accept), boost::end(accept)),
    // We don't yet know the conversion semantics associated with any new LLSD
    // data type that might be added, so until we've been extended to handle
    // them, assume it's strict: the new type matches only itself. (This is
    // true of Binary, which is why we don't handle that case separately.) Too
    // bad LLSD doesn't define isConvertible(Type to, Type from).
    return match_types(prototype.type(), TypeVector(), data.type(), pfx);