コード例 #1
ファイル: hgBam.c プロジェクト: davidhoover/kent
int bamAddOneSamAlignment(const bam1_t *bam, void *data, bam_hdr_t *header)
/* bam_fetch() calls this on each bam alignment retrieved.  Translate each bam
 * into a samAlignment. */
struct bamToSamHelper *helper = (struct bamToSamHelper *)data;
struct lm *lm = helper->lm;
struct samAlignment *sam;
lmAllocVar(lm, sam);
const bam1_core_t *core = &bam->core;
struct dyString *dy = helper->dy;
sam->qName = lmCloneString(lm, bam1_qname(bam));
sam->flag = core->flag;
if (helper->chrom != NULL)
    sam->rName = helper->chrom;
    sam->rName = lmCloneString(lm, header->target_name[core->tid]);
sam->pos = core->pos + 1;
sam->mapQ = core->qual;
bamUnpackCigar(bam, dy);
sam->cigar = lmCloneStringZ(lm, dy->string, dy->stringSize);
if (core->mtid >= 0)
    if (core->tid == core->mtid)
	sam->rNext = "=";
	sam->rNext = lmCloneString(lm, header->target_name[core->mtid]);
    sam->rNext = "*";
sam->pNext = core->mpos + 1;
sam->tLen = core->isize;
sam->seq = lmAlloc(lm, core->l_qseq + 1);
bamUnpackQuerySequence(bam, FALSE, sam->seq);
char *bamQual = (char *)bam1_qual(bam);
if (isAllSameChar(bamQual, core->l_qseq, -1))
    sam->qual = "*";
    sam->qual = lmCloneStringZ(lm, bamQual, core->l_qseq);
    addToChars(sam->qual, core->l_qseq, 33);
bamUnpackAux(bam, dy);
sam->tagTypeVals = lmCloneStringZ(lm, dy->string, dy->stringSize);
slAddHead(&helper->samList, sam);
return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: localmem.c プロジェクト: andrelmartins/bigWig
char *lmCloneString(struct lm *lm, char *string)
/* Return local mem copy of string. */
if (string == NULL)
    return NULL;
    return lmCloneStringZ(lm, string, strlen(string));
コード例 #3
ファイル: localmem.c プロジェクト: andrelmartins/bigWig
char *lmCloneFirstWord(struct lm *lm, char *line)
/* Clone first word in line */
char *startFirstWord = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
if (startFirstWord == NULL)
    return NULL;
char *endFirstWord = skipToSpaces(startFirstWord);
if (endFirstWord == NULL)
    return lmCloneString(lm, startFirstWord);
    return lmCloneStringZ(lm, startFirstWord, endFirstWord - startFirstWord);
コード例 #4
ファイル: vcf.c プロジェクト: vatlab/VariantTools
static inline char *vcfFileCloneStrZ(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *str, size_t size)
/* Use vcff's local mem to allocate memory for a string and copy it. */
return lmCloneStringZ( vcfFileLm(vcff), str, size);
コード例 #5
ファイル: gpFx.c プロジェクト: Nicholas-NVS/kentUtils
static struct gpFx *gpFxChangedCds(struct allele *allele, struct genePred *pred,
				   struct txCoords *txc, int exonIx, boolean predIsNmd,
				   struct dnaSeq *transcriptSequence, struct lm *lm)
/* calculate effect of allele change on coding transcript */
// calculate original and variant coding DNA and AA's
boolean addedBasesForFrame = FALSE;
char *oldCodingSequence = getCodingSequence(pred, transcriptSequence->dna, &addedBasesForFrame, lm);
int startInCds = txc->startInCds, endInCds = txc->endInCds;
if (addedBasesForFrame)
    // The annotated CDS exons were not all in frame, so getCodingSequence added 'N's
    // and now we can't simply use txc->startInCds.
    startInCds = getCorrectedCdsOffset(pred, txc->startInCds);
    endInCds = getCorrectedCdsOffset(pred, txc->endInCds);
int oldCdsLen = strlen(oldCodingSequence);
char *oldaa = lmSimpleTranslate(lm, oldCodingSequence, oldCdsLen);
int cdsBasesAdded = 0;
char *newCodingSequence = gpFxModifyCodingSequence(oldCodingSequence, pred, startInCds, endInCds,
						   allele, &cdsBasesAdded, lm);
int newCdsLen = strlen(newCodingSequence);
char *newaa = lmSimpleTranslate(lm, newCodingSequence, newCdsLen);

// allocate the effect structure - fill in soNumber and details below
struct gpFx *effect = gpFxNew(allele->sequence, pred->name, coding_sequence_variant, codingChange,
struct codingChange *cc = &effect->details.codingChange;
cc->cDnaPosition = txc->startInCdna;
cc->cdsPosition = startInCds;
cc->exonNumber = exonIx;
int pepPos = startInCds / 3;
// At this point we don't use genePredExt's exonFrames field -- we just assume that
// the CDS starts in frame.  That's not always the case (e.g. ensGene has some CDSs
// that begin out of frame), so watch out for early truncation of oldCodingSequence
// due to stop codon in the wrong frame:
if (pepPos >= strlen(oldaa))
    return effect;
cc->pepPosition = pepPos;
if (cdsBasesAdded % 3 == 0)
    // Common case: substitution, same number of old/new codons/peps:
    int numOldCodons = (1 + allele->length / 3), numNewCodons = (1 + allele->length / 3);
    if (cdsBasesAdded > 0)
	// insertion: more new codons than old
	numOldCodons = (cc->cdsPosition % 3) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
	numNewCodons = numOldCodons + (cdsBasesAdded / 3);
    else if (cdsBasesAdded < 0)
	// deletion: more old codons than new
	numNewCodons = (cc->cdsPosition % 3) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
	numOldCodons = numNewCodons + (-cdsBasesAdded / 3);
    cc->codonOld = lmCloneStringZ(lm, oldCodingSequence + pepPos*3, numOldCodons*3);
    cc->codonNew = lmCloneStringZ(lm, newCodingSequence + pepPos*3, numNewCodons*3);
    cc->aaOld = lmCloneStringZ(lm, oldaa + pepPos, numOldCodons);
    cc->aaNew = lmCloneStringZ(lm, newaa + pepPos, numNewCodons);
    // frameshift -- who knows how many codons we can reliably predict...
    cc->codonOld = lmCloneString(lm, oldCodingSequence + pepPos*3);
    cc->codonNew = lmCloneString(lm, newCodingSequence + pepPos*3);
    cc->aaOld = lmCloneString(lm, oldaa + pepPos);
    cc->aaNew = lmCloneString(lm, newaa + pepPos);

if (predIsNmd)
    // This transcript is already subject to nonsense-mediated decay, so the effect
    // is probably not a big deal:
    effect->soNumber = NMD_transcript_variant;
    setSpecificCodingSoTerm(effect, oldaa, newaa, cdsBasesAdded);

return effect;
コード例 #6
ファイル: bigBed.c プロジェクト: andrelmartins/bigWig
struct bigBedInterval *bigBedIntervalQuery(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom,
	bits32 start, bits32 end, int maxItems, struct lm *lm)
/* Get data for interval.  Return list allocated out of lm.  Set maxItems to maximum
 * number of items to return, or to 0 for all items. */
struct bigBedInterval *el, *list = NULL;
int itemCount = 0;
bits32 chromId;
struct fileOffsetSize *blockList = bbiOverlappingBlocks(bbi, bbi->unzoomedCir,
	chrom, start, end, &chromId);
struct fileOffsetSize *block, *beforeGap, *afterGap;
struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc;
boolean isSwapped = bbi->isSwapped;

/* Set up for uncompression optionally. */
char *uncompressBuf = NULL;
if (bbi->uncompressBufSize > 0)
    uncompressBuf = needLargeMem(bbi->uncompressBufSize);

char *mergedBuf = NULL;
for (block = blockList; block != NULL; )
    /* Find contigious blocks and read them into mergedBuf. */
    fileOffsetSizeFindGap(block, &beforeGap, &afterGap);
    bits64 mergedOffset = block->offset;
    bits64 mergedSize = beforeGap->offset + beforeGap->size - mergedOffset;
    udcSeek(udc, mergedOffset);
    mergedBuf = needLargeMem(mergedSize);
    udcMustRead(udc, mergedBuf, mergedSize);
    char *blockBuf = mergedBuf;

    /* Loop through individual blocks within merged section. */
    for (;block != afterGap; block = block->next)
	/* Uncompress if necessary. */
	char *blockPt, *blockEnd;
	if (uncompressBuf)
	    blockPt = uncompressBuf;
	    int uncSize = zUncompress(blockBuf, block->size, uncompressBuf, bbi->uncompressBufSize);
	    blockEnd = blockPt + uncSize;
	    blockPt = blockBuf;
	    blockEnd = blockPt + block->size;

	while (blockPt < blockEnd)
	    /* Read next record into local variables. */
	    bits32 chr = memReadBits32(&blockPt, isSwapped);	// Read and discard chromId
	    bits32 s = memReadBits32(&blockPt, isSwapped);
	    bits32 e = memReadBits32(&blockPt, isSwapped);

	    /* calculate length of rest of bed fields */
	    int restLen = strlen(blockPt);

	    /* If we're actually in range then copy it into a new  element and add to list. */
	    if (chr == chromId && s < end && e > start)
		if (maxItems > 0 && itemCount > maxItems)

		lmAllocVar(lm, el);
		el->start = s;
		el->end = e;
		if (restLen > 0)
		    el->rest = lmCloneStringZ(lm, blockPt, restLen);
		el->chromId = chromId;
		slAddHead(&list, el);

	    // move blockPt pointer to end of previous bed
	    blockPt += restLen + 1;
	if (maxItems > 0 && itemCount > maxItems)
	blockBuf += block->size;
    if (maxItems > 0 && itemCount > maxItems)
return list;
コード例 #7
ファイル: annoGratorGpVar.c プロジェクト: bowhan/kent
char *getGenomicSequence(char *chromSeq, uint start, uint end, struct lm *lm)
/* Return genomic sequence from start to end. */
return lmCloneStringZ(lm, chromSeq+start, (end - start));
コード例 #8
ファイル: vcf.c プロジェクト: bh0085/kent
static char *vcfFileCloneStrZ(struct vcfFile *vcff, char *str, size_t size)
/* allocate memory for a string and copy it */
return lmCloneStringZ(vcff->pool->lm, str, size);