CMouseCursor::CMouseCursor(CScreenManager *screenManager) : _screenManager(screenManager), _cursorId(CURSOR_HOURGLASS), _hideCounter(0), _hiddenCount(0), _cursorSuppressed(false), _setCursorCount(0), _inputEnabled(true), _fieldE8(0) { loadCursorImages(); setCursor(CURSOR_ARROW); CursorMan.showMouse(true); }
Isoeng::Isoeng(char* caption) { int img_init; srand(time(NULL)); m_x = m_y = x_offset = y_offset = 0; /* initialize SDL`*/ putenv("SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS"); putenv("SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=1"); if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) < 0) { err = new char[256]; sprintf(err, "Unable to initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); throw CException("isoeng.cpp", err); } /* create main window SDL drawing surface */ window_main = SDL_SetVideoMode(WM_WIDTH, WM_HEIGHT, 32, SDL_DOUBLEBUF); if(window_main == NULL) { err = new char[256]; sprintf(err, "Unable to set %dx%d video mode: %s", WM_WIDTH, WM_HEIGHT, SDL_GetError()); throw CException("isoeng.cpp", err); } SDL_WM_SetCaption(caption, caption); /* initialize SDL_Image */ img_init = IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG); if((img_init & IMG_INIT_PNG) != IMG_INIT_PNG) { err = new char[256]; sprintf(err, "Failed to initialize PNG support: %s", IMG_GetError()); throw CException("isoeng.cpp", err); } loadCursorImages(); loadTileImages(); IMG_Quit(); createSurfaces(); alive = true; }
CMouseCursor::CMouseCursor(CScreenManager *screenManager) : _screenManager(screenManager), _cursorId(CURSOR_HOURGLASS), _setCursorCount(0), _fieldE4(0), _fieldE8(0) { loadCursorImages(); setCursor(CURSOR_ARROW); }