コード例 #1
pcl::rec_3d_framework::LocalRecognitionPipeline<Distance, PointInT, FeatureT>::initialize (bool force_retrain)
    boost::shared_ptr < std::vector<ModelT> > models;

    if(search_model_.compare("") == 0) {
        models = source_->getModels ();
    } else {
        models = source_->getModels (search_model_);
        //reset cache and flann structures
        if(flann_index_ != 0)
            delete flann_index_;


    std::cout << "Models size:" << models->size () << std::endl;

    if (force_retrain)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < models->size (); i++)
            source_->removeDescDirectory (models->at (i), training_dir_, descr_name_);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < models->size (); i++)
        std::cout << models->at (i).class_ << " " << models->at (i).id_ << std::endl;

        if (!source_->modelAlreadyTrained (models->at (i), training_dir_, descr_name_))
            for (size_t v = 0; v < models->at (i).views_->size (); v++)
                PointInTPtr processed (new pcl::PointCloud<PointInT>);
                typename pcl::PointCloud<FeatureT>::Ptr signatures (new pcl::PointCloud<FeatureT> ());
                PointInTPtr keypoints_pointcloud;

                bool success = estimator_->estimate (models->at (i).views_->at (v), processed, keypoints_pointcloud, signatures);

                if (success)
                    std::string path = source_->getModelDescriptorDir (models->at (i), training_dir_, descr_name_);

                    bf::path desc_dir = path;
                    if (!bf::exists (desc_dir))
                        bf::create_directory (desc_dir);

                    std::stringstream path_view;
                    path_view << path << "/view_" << v << ".pcd";
                    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary (path_view.str (), *processed);

                    std::stringstream path_pose;
                    path_pose << path << "/pose_" << v << ".txt";
                    PersistenceUtils::writeMatrixToFile (path_pose.str (), models->at (i).poses_->at (v));

                    if(v < models->at (i).self_occlusions_->size()) {
                        std::stringstream path_entropy;
                        path_entropy << path << "/entropy_" << v << ".txt";
                        PersistenceUtils::writeFloatToFile (path_entropy.str (), models->at (i).self_occlusions_->at (v));

                    //save keypoints and signatures to disk
                    std::stringstream keypoints_sstr;
                    keypoints_sstr << path << "/keypoint_indices_" << v << ".pcd";

                     * boost::shared_ptr < std::vector<int> > indices (new std::vector<int> ());
                       indices->resize (keypoints.points.size ());
                       for (size_t kk = 0; kk < indices->size (); kk++)
                            (*indices)[kk] = keypoints.points[kk];
                       typename pcl::PointCloud<PointInT> keypoints_pointcloud;
                       pcl::copyPointCloud (*processed, *indices, keypoints_pointcloud);
                    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary (keypoints_sstr.str (), *keypoints_pointcloud);

                    std::stringstream path_descriptor;
                    path_descriptor << path << "/descriptor_" << v << ".pcd";
                    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary (path_descriptor.str (), *signatures);
        } else {
            std::cout << "Model already trained..." << std::endl;
            //there is no need to keep the views in memory once the model has been trained
            models->at (i).views_->clear();

    loadFeaturesAndCreateFLANN ();
コード例 #2
ファイル: local_recognizer.hpp プロジェクト: martin-velas/v4r
LocalRecognitionPipeline<PointT>::initialize (bool force_retrain)
        throw std::runtime_error("Keypoint extractor with feature estimator is not set!");

    descr_name_ = estimator_->getFeatureDescriptorName();

    std::vector<ModelTPtr> models = source_->getModels();

    std::cout << "Models size:" << models.size () << std::endl;

    if (force_retrain)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < models.size (); i++)
            source_->removeDescDirectory (*models[i], models_dir_, descr_name_);

    for (ModelTPtr &m : models)
        const std::string dir = models_dir_ + "/" + m->class_ + "/" + m->id_ + "/" + descr_name_;

        if (!io::existsFolder(dir))
            std::cout << "Model " << m->class_ << " " << m->id_ << " not trained. Training " << estimator_->getFeatureDescriptorName() << " on " << m->view_filenames_.size () << " views..." << std::endl;


            for (size_t v = 0; v < m->view_filenames_.size(); v++)
                std::vector<std::vector<float> > all_signatures;
                std::vector<std::vector<float> > object_signatures;
                typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT> all_keypoints;
                typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT> object_keypoints;
                pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);

                computeNormals<PointT>(m->views_[v], normals, param_.normal_computation_method_);

                std::vector<int> all_kp_indices, obj_kp_indices;
                typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT> foo;
                bool success = estimator_->estimate (*m->views_[v], foo, all_keypoints, all_signatures);
                (void) success;

                // remove signatures and keypoints which do not belong to object
                std::vector<bool> obj_mask = createMaskFromIndices(m->indices_[v].indices, m->views_[v]->points.size());
                obj_kp_indices.resize( all_kp_indices.size() );
                object_signatures.resize( all_kp_indices.size() ) ;
                size_t kept=0;
                for (size_t kp_id = 0; kp_id < all_kp_indices.size(); kp_id++)
                    int idx = all_kp_indices[kp_id];
                    if ( obj_mask[idx] )
                        obj_kp_indices[kept] = idx;
                        object_signatures[kept] = all_signatures[kp_id];
                object_signatures.resize( kept );
                obj_kp_indices.resize( kept );

                pcl::copyPointCloud( *m->views_[v], obj_kp_indices, object_keypoints);

                if (object_keypoints.points.size()) //save descriptors and keypoints to disk
                    std::string descriptor_basename (m->view_filenames_[v]);
                    boost::replace_last(descriptor_basename, source_->getViewPrefix(), "/descriptors_");
                    boost::replace_last(descriptor_basename, ".pcd", ".desc");
                    std::ofstream f(dir + descriptor_basename, std::ofstream::binary );
                    int rows = object_signatures.size();
                    int cols = object_signatures[0].size();
                    f.write((const char*)(&rows), sizeof(rows));
                    f.write((const char*)(&cols), sizeof(cols));
                    for(size_t sig_id=0; sig_id<object_signatures.size(); sig_id++)
                        f.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&object_signatures[sig_id][0]), sizeof(object_signatures[sig_id][0]) * object_signatures[sig_id].size());

                    std::string keypoint_basename (m->view_filenames_[v]);
                    boost::replace_last(keypoint_basename, source_->getViewPrefix(), "/keypoints_");
                    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary (dir + keypoint_basename, object_keypoints);

                    std::string kp_normals_basename (m->view_filenames_[v]);
                    boost::replace_last(kp_normals_basename, source_->getViewPrefix(), "/keypoint_normals_");
                    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals_keypoints(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
                    pcl::copyPointCloud(*normals, obj_kp_indices, *normals_keypoints);
                    pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary (dir + kp_normals_basename, *normals_keypoints);

            std::cout << "Model " << m->class_ << " " << m->id_ << " already trained using " << estimator_->getFeatureDescriptorName() << "." << std::endl;
            m->views_.clear(); //there is no need to keep the views in memory once the model has been trained

    loadFeaturesAndCreateFLANN ();

    if(param_.icp_iterations_ > 0 && param_.icp_type_ == 1)

    return true;
コード例 #3
  pcl::rec_3d_framework::GlobalNNCVFHRecognizer<Distance, PointInT, FeatureT>::initialize (bool force_retrain)

    //use the source to know what has to be trained and what not, checking if the descr_name directory exists
    //unless force_retrain is true, then train everything
    boost::shared_ptr < std::vector<ModelT> > models = source_->getModels ();
    std::cout << "Models size:" << models->size () << std::endl;

    if (force_retrain)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < models->size (); i++)
        source_->removeDescDirectory (models->at (i), training_dir_, descr_name_);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < models->size (); i++)
      if (!source_->modelAlreadyTrained (models->at (i), training_dir_, descr_name_))
        for (size_t v = 0; v < models->at (i).views_->size (); v++)
          PointInTPtr processed (new pcl::PointCloud<PointInT>);
          PointInTPtr view = models->at (i).views_->at (v);

          if (view->points.size () == 0)
            PCL_WARN("View has no points!!!\n");

          if (noisify_)
            double noise_std = noise_;
            boost::posix_time::ptime time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
            boost::posix_time::time_duration duration( time.time_of_day() );
            boost::mt19937 rng;
            rng.seed (static_cast<unsigned int> (duration.total_milliseconds()));
            boost::normal_distribution<> nd (0.0, noise_std);
            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::normal_distribution<> > var_nor (rng, nd);
            // Noisify each point in the dataset
            for (size_t cp = 0; cp < view->points.size (); ++cp)
              view->points[cp].z += static_cast<double> (var_nor ());


          //pro view, compute signatures
          std::vector<pcl::PointCloud<FeatureT>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<pcl::PointCloud<FeatureT> > > signatures;
          std::vector < Eigen::Vector3d > centroids;
          micvfh_estimator_->estimate (view, processed, signatures, centroids);

          std::vector<bool> valid_trans;
          std::vector < Eigen::Matrix4d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix4d> > transforms;

          micvfh_estimator_->getValidTransformsVec (valid_trans);
          micvfh_estimator_->getTransformsVec (transforms);

          std::string path = source_->getModelDescriptorDir (models->at (i), training_dir_, descr_name_);

          bf::path desc_dir = path;
          if (!bf::exists (desc_dir))
            bf::create_directory (desc_dir);

          std::stringstream path_view;
          path_view << path << "/view_" << v << ".pcd";
          pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary (path_view.str (), *processed);

          std::stringstream path_pose;
          path_pose << path << "/pose_" << v << ".txt";
          PersistenceUtils::writeMatrixToFile (path_pose.str (), models->at (i).poses_->at (v));

          std::stringstream path_entropy;
          path_entropy << path << "/entropy_" << v << ".txt";
          PersistenceUtils::writeFloatToFile (path_entropy.str (), models->at (i).self_occlusions_->at (v));

          //save signatures and centroids to disk
          for (size_t j = 0; j < signatures.size (); j++)
            if (valid_trans[j])
              std::stringstream path_centroid;
              path_centroid << path << "/centroid_" << v << "_" << j << ".txt";
              Eigen::Vector3d centroid (centroids[j][0], centroids[j][1], centroids[j][2]);
              PersistenceUtils::writeCentroidToFile (path_centroid.str (), centroid);

              std::stringstream path_descriptor;
              path_descriptor << path << "/descriptor_" << v << "_" << j << ".pcd";
              pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary (path_descriptor.str (), signatures[j]);

              //save roll transform
              std::stringstream path_pose;
              path_pose << path << "/roll_trans_" << v << "_" << j << ".txt";
              PersistenceUtils::writeMatrixToFile (path_pose.str (), transforms[j]);

        //else skip model
        std::cout << "The model has already been trained..." << std::endl;
        //there is no need to keep the views in memory once the model has been trained
        models->at (i).views_->clear ();

    //load features from disk
    //initialize FLANN structure
    loadFeaturesAndCreateFLANN ();