コード例 #1
ファイル: Hello_SenderImpl.cpp プロジェクト: SEDS/CUTS
 // PeriodicEvent: trigger
 void Sender::periodic_trigger (void)
   local_message("Trigger Hello");
   ::Hello::TimeOut_var __event_100000026__ = this->ctx_->new_click_out_event ();
   __event_100000026__->data (local_message());
   this->ctx_->push_click_out (__event_100000026__.in ());
コード例 #2
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
int parse_port(char * arg) {
	char * d1;
	char * d2;

	d1 = strchr(arg, ':');
	if (d1)	d2 = strchr(d1+1, ':');
	if (!d1 || !d2) {
		local_message ("\n   Wrong format of port specification. 'BAUD:PARITY:COMPORT' expected\n");
		return -1;
	arg_com_port = d2+1;
	if (sscanf(arg, "%d:%d:", &arg_baud_rate, &arg_parity) != 2) {
		local_message ("\n   Natural numbers expected in Baud Rate and Parity.\n");
		return -1;
	if (arg_baud_rate <= 0) {
		local_message ("\n   Baud rate should be positive.\n");
		return -1;
	if (arg_parity != EVENPARITY &&
		arg_parity != MARKPARITY &&
		arg_parity != NOPARITY &&
		arg_parity != ODDPARITY &&
		arg_parity != SPACEPARITY) {
		local_message ("\n   Invalid parity code.\n");
		return -1;

	// No error
	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
 * Wait for LC3 to be ready
int wait_lc3_ready(HANDLE hCom) {
	DWORD bytesRead;
	int ready;
	const int nbuff_words = 1024;
	unsigned char buff[nbuff_words*2];
	int respSize = strlen(LC3_READY_RESPONSE);

	do {
		local_message("Quering device...");
		PurgeComm(hCom, PURGE_RXCLEAR);
		if (send_serial(hCom, LC3_CMD_QUERY, 2) < 2) {
			return -1;
		// Wait some time to allow device to respond
		ready = ReadFile(hCom, buff, respSize, &bytesRead, NULL) &&
			      bytesRead==respSize &&
           	   strncmp(buff, LC3_READY_RESPONSE, respSize)==0;
		//		local_message("debug: need:%d[%s], got: %d[%s]\n", respSize, LC3_READY_RESPONSE, bytesRead, buff);
		if (!ready) {
			local_message(" Device not ready.\n"
				"Press PROGRAM push-button (LEFT on the FPGA main board)!\n");
	} while (!ready);

	return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
void usage(const char *progname) {
			"   %s [-p][-n][-c CHUNK_SIZE] [-s BAUD:PARITY:COMPORT] [LC3_OBJ_FILES]\n"
					  "  -p: program only. Don't ask LC3 to start uploaded program,\n"
					  "      and don't launch terminal.\n"
					  "  -n: no program check. Don't ask LC3 to send back uploaded program,\n"
					  "  -c: upload files in chunks (given number of bytes) instead of whole file at a time,\n"
					  "  -s: Change default serial settings (3 colon separated fields)\n"
					  "      Valid parity codes: (%d: EVENPARITY, %d: MARKPARITY, %d: NOPARITY, %d: ODDPARITY, %d: SPACEPARITY)\n"
					  "      Default port settings:     -s %d:%d:%s\n"
					  "  -x: Download and hexdump part of LC3 memory\n"
					  "      Valid formats of LC3_MEMORY_RANGE are:\n"
					  "          START_ADDRESS:STOP_ADDRESS (for example: 0x0200:0x02FF)\n"
					  "          START_ADDRESS+WORD_COUNT (for example: 0x0200+0x100)\n"
					  "  if LC3_OBJ_FILES are missing programming step is skipped.\n"
					  "  if -p is missing, the last object file specified is started after upload.\n"

		"When invoking from Windows file explorer, use following:\n"
		"  * \"Open with\" dialog on the obj file, or\n"
		"  * \"SendTo\" menu on the obj file, or\n"
		"  * Drag&Drop the obj file onto this program.\n");
コード例 #5
ファイル: Hello_SenderImpl.cpp プロジェクト: SEDS/CUTS
  // sink: read_message
  void Sender::push_read_message (::Hello::ReadMessage * ev)
    local_message("Hello again");
    ::Hello::PushMessage_var __event_100000028__ = this->ctx_->new_push_message_event ();
    __event_100000028__->data (local_message());
    this->ctx_->push_push_message (__event_100000028__.in ());

    ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ev);
コード例 #6
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
void wait_and_quit() {
	local_message("\npress Enter...");

コード例 #7
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
 * Upload part of the file
int send_file_chunk(HANDLE hCom, HANDLE hProg, int file_offset, int lc3_offset, int chunk_size, int progress_done, int progress_whole) {
	const int nbuff_words = 1024;
	unsigned char buff[nbuff_words*2];
	DWORD bytesRead, bytesWritten;
	DWORD remain;	// how many bytes of this chunk remaining to send
	DWORD part;	// how many bytes to send in one go (limited by buffer size and remaining data)

	//// Send Upload command:
	// Header:
	buff[0] = LC3_CMD_UPLOAD[0];
	buff[1] = LC3_CMD_UPLOAD[1];
	// Transmission size: Network order (big-endian) in LC3 words
	buff[2] = (char)(chunk_size/2 / 256);
	buff[3] = (char)(chunk_size/2 % 256);
	// Offset: Network order (big-endian) in LC3 words
	buff[4] = (char)(lc3_offset/2 / 256);
	buff[5] = (char)(lc3_offset/2 % 256);
	if (send_serial(hCom, buff, 6) < 6) {
		return -1;

	SetFilePointer(hProg, file_offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
	remain = chunk_size;
	part = min(nbuff_words*2, remain);
	while (remain &&
			ReadFile(hProg, buff, part, &bytesRead, NULL)
			&& bytesRead!=0) {
		if (bytesRead < part) {
			local_message("Warning: ReadFile() returned only some of requested data\n");
		if ((bytesWritten=send_serial(hCom, buff, bytesRead)) < bytesRead) {
			// send_serial should have send all requested data
			return -1;
		} else {
			remain -= bytesWritten;
			local_message("\r%3d%% complete     --  %5lu of %5lu bytes send              ",
				       (int)((progress_done+chunk_size-remain)*100/progress_whole), (progress_done+chunk_size-remain), progress_whole);
		part = min(nbuff_words*2, remain);

	return (remain) ? -1 : 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
int send_serial(HANDLE hCom, char * data, int size) {
	DWORD bytesWritten;

	if (!WriteFile(hCom, data, size, &bytesWritten, NULL)
			 || bytesWritten<size) {
			local_message("Write to serial failed (written %lu of %d, error: %lu)\n",
					 bytesWritten, size, GetLastError());
			return -1;

	return bytesWritten;
コード例 #9
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
HANDLE open_serial(char *port) {
	COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts={0};
	DCB dcb;
	HANDLE hCom = CreateFile( port,
			0, // must be opened with exclusive-access
			NULL, // no security attributes
			0, // not overlapped I/O
			NULL // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
		local_message("Unable to open serial port \"%s\" (error: %lu)\n", port, GetLastError());
		local_message("Close all programs which are using serial port and try again.\n");
		return NULL;

	// Build on the current configuration, and skip setting the size
	// of the input and output buffers with SetupComm.

	if (!GetCommState(hCom, &dcb)) {
		local_message("GetCommState failed with error %lu.\n", GetLastError());
		return NULL;

	// Fill in DCB: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, rest according to commandline
	dcb.ByteSize = 8; // data size, xmit, and rcv
	dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
	dcb.BaudRate = arg_baud_rate;
	dcb.Parity = arg_parity;

	if (!SetCommState(hCom, &dcb)) {
		local_message("SetCommState failed with error %d.\n", (int)GetLastError());
		return NULL;

   /* Wait on reads */
	if(!SetCommTimeouts(hCom, &timeouts)){
		local_message("SetCommTimeouts failed with error %lu\n", GetLastError());
		return NULL;

	local_message("Serial port %s successfully configured.\n", port);
	return hCom;
コード例 #10
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
int program_device(HANDLE hCom, const char *program_file) {
	int err_cnt, chunk_err_cnt, try, failed_chunks;
	const int nbuff_words = 1024;
	unsigned char buff[nbuff_words*2];
	unsigned short progStart;
	DWORD progSize;
	HANDLE hProg;
	DWORD bytesRead;
	DWORD chunk_size, file_pos, lc3_pos, part, remain;

	hProg = CreateFile(program_file, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
		local_message("Unable to open \"%s\" for reading (error: %lu)\n", program_file, GetLastError());

	progSize = GetFileSize(hProg, NULL);
	progSize = progSize-2; // lc3_offset from file is counted separately

	if (progSize % 2 || progSize > 0x10000) {
		local_message("Error: Obj file's size has to be even and fit into LC3 memory\n");
		return -1;

	if (!ReadFile(hProg, buff, 4, &bytesRead, NULL)
          || bytesRead<4) {
		local_message("Error: unable to read \"%s\"\n", program_file);
		return -1;

	// This is obj file, need to calculate transmission size
	progStart = (buff[0] << 8) + buff[1];
	opt_start_address = progStart;

	if (wait_lc3_ready(hCom) < 0) {
		return -1;

	local_message("\nUploading \"%s\":\n\t%u words starting from x%04x\n",
		      program_file, progSize/2, progStart);

	remain = progSize;
	err_cnt = failed_chunks = 0;
	chunk_size = (arg_chunk_size) ? arg_chunk_size : remain;
	file_pos = 2;
	lc3_pos = progStart*2;  // scale LC3 offset from words to bytes
	while (remain) {
		part = min(remain, chunk_size);

		try = 0;
		if (send_file_chunk(hCom, hProg, file_pos, lc3_pos, part, progSize-remain, progSize) < 0) {
			return -1;
		local_message("\r%3d%% complete     --  %5lu of %5lu bytes send              ",
				   (int)((progSize-remain+part)*100/progSize), progSize-remain+part, progSize);
		if (!opt_no_program_check) {
			chunk_err_cnt = 0;
			if (check_file_chunk(hCom, hProg, file_pos, lc3_pos, part, &chunk_err_cnt, progSize-remain, progSize) < 0) {
				return -1;
			} else if (chunk_err_cnt != 0) {
				if (try < arg_retransmit_retry) {
					local_message("\r%d errors discovered in chunk. Trying to retransmit (%d time)\n", chunk_err_cnt, try);
					goto Retry;
				} else {
					local_message("\r%d errors discovered in chunk. %d retransmissions failed.\n", chunk_err_cnt, try);
					err_cnt += chunk_err_cnt;
			} else {
				local_message( (try
								? "\rRetransmission successful.                                      \n"
								: "\r%3d%% complete     --  %5lu of %5lu bytes verified              "),
						(int)((progSize-remain+part)*100/progSize), (progSize-remain+part), progSize);

		remain -= part;
		file_pos += part;
		lc3_pos += part;

コード例 #11
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
 * Check for transmission errors
int check_file_chunk(HANDLE hCom, HANDLE hProg, int file_offset, int lc3_offset, int chunk_size, int *pErr_cnt, int progress_done, int progress_whole) {
	const int nbuff_words = 1024;
	unsigned char buff[nbuff_words*2];
	DWORD bytesRead;
	DWORD remain;	// how many bytes of this chunk remaining to send
	DWORD part;	// how many bytes to send in one go (limited by buffer size and remaining data)

	// Wait some time to allow device to respond
	PurgeComm(hCom, PURGE_RXCLEAR);

	//// Send Memory Download command:
	// Header:
	buff[0] = LC3_CMD_GET_MEM[0];
	buff[1] = LC3_CMD_GET_MEM[1];
	// Transmission size: Network order (big-endian) in LC3 words
	buff[2] = (char)(chunk_size/2 / 256);
	buff[3] = (char)(chunk_size/2 % 256);
	// Offset: Network order (big-endian) in LC3 words
	buff[4] = (char)(lc3_offset/2 / 256);
	buff[5] = (char)(lc3_offset/2 % 256);
	if (send_serial(hCom, buff, 6) < 6) {
		return -1;

	*pErr_cnt = 0;
		unsigned char lc3_buff[nbuff_words*2];
		DWORD lc3_bytesRead;
		int i;

		// Wait some time to allow device to respond
		SetFilePointer(hProg, file_offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); // Set file pointer at the start of the program (omit offset)
		remain = chunk_size;
		part = min(nbuff_words*2, remain);
		while (remain &&
				ReadFile(hProg, buff, part, &bytesRead, NULL)
				&& bytesRead!=0) {
			if (bytesRead < part) {
				local_message("Warning: ReadFile() returned only some of requested data\n");
			if (!ReadFile(hCom, lc3_buff, bytesRead, &lc3_bytesRead, NULL)
					|| lc3_bytesRead < bytesRead){
				local_message("Read from serial failed (received %lu of %d, error: %lu)\n",
						lc3_bytesRead, bytesRead, GetLastError());
				return -1;
			for (i=0; i < bytesRead; i++) {
				if (buff[i] != lc3_buff[i]) {
					if (*pErr_cnt < NUMBER_OF_CHUNK_ERRORS_TO_SHOW) {
						local_message("\r Error at byte %d (send:0x%02x, received:0x%02x)                 \n",
								file_offset+(chunk_size-remain)+i, buff[i], lc3_buff[i]);
					} else if (*pErr_cnt == NUMBER_OF_CHUNK_ERRORS_TO_SHOW) {
						local_message("\r Error at byte %d (send:0x%02x, received:0x%02x) (next errors will not be reported)\n",
								file_offset+(chunk_size-remain)+i, buff[i], lc3_buff[i]);


			remain -= bytesRead;
			local_message("\r%3d%% complete     --  %5lu of %5lu bytes verified      ",
				       (int)((progress_done+chunk_size-remain)*100/progress_whole), (progress_done+chunk_size-remain), progress_whole);
			part = min(nbuff_words*2, remain);

	return 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: lc3Terminal.c プロジェクト: edga/lc3
void parse_options(int argc, char **argv){
	char * ext;
	int usage_error = 0;
	int ap = 1;  // argument position

	// Parse options
	while (!usage_error && ap < argc &&
			(argv[ap][0] == '-' || argv[ap][0] == '/')) {
		if (argv[ap][1] == 'p' && !argv[ap][2]) {
			opt_program_only = 1;
		} else if (argv[ap][1] == 'n' && !argv[ap][2]) {
			opt_no_program_check = 1;
		} else if (argv[ap][1] == 'c' && !argv[ap][2]) {
			if (sscanf(argv[ap+1], "%d", &arg_chunk_size) != 1) {
				local_message("Error: option -c expects natural number as CHUNK_SIZE\n\n");
				usage_error = 1;
			ap +=2;
		} else if (argv[ap][1] == 's' && !argv[ap][2]) {
			if (parse_port(argv[ap+1])) {
				usage_error = 1;
			ap +=2;
		} else if (argv[ap][1] == 'x' && !argv[ap][2]) {
			char *arg1 = argv[ap+1];
			char *arg2, *end;

			arg_dump_start = strtol (arg1, &arg2, 0);
			arg_dump_stop = strtol (arg2+1, &end, 0);
			if (*arg2 == '+') {
				// Convert second argument from WORD_COUNT to STOP_ADDRESS
				arg_dump_stop += arg_dump_start - 1;
			if (*end != 0 || (*arg2 != ':' && *arg2 != '+')) {
				local_message("Error: option -x expects pair of natural numbers as LC3_MEMORY_RANGE\n\n");
				usage_error = 1;
			} else if (arg_dump_start < 0 ||
					arg_dump_stop < arg_dump_start ||
					arg_dump_stop > 0xffff) {
				local_message("Error: option -x, wrong address (expected: 0 < START_ADDRESS <= STOP_ADDRESS <= 0xFFFF\n\n");
				usage_error = 1;
			ap +=2;
		} else {
			local_message("Error: unrecognized option %s \n\n", argv[ap]);
			usage_error = 1;

	if (arg_dump_start >= 0 && (arg_chunk_size > 0 ||  opt_program_only || opt_no_program_check || argc > ap)) {
		local_message("Error: \"-x\" can only be used with \"-s\" \n\n");
		usage_error = 1;
	if (opt_program_only && argc <= ap) {
		local_message("Error: \"-p\" without files to program doesn't make sense\n\n");
		usage_error = 1;

	// The rest is object files
	for (; !usage_error && ap < argc; ap++) {
		ext = strrchr(argv[ap], '.');
		if (ext && strcasecmp(ext+1, "obj")==0) {
			arg_program_files[arg_files_count++] = argv[ap];
		} else {
			local_message("Error: Must be invoked with obj file (\"%s\" specified).\n", argv[ap]);
			usage_error = 1;

	if (usage_error) {