コード例 #1
w_players_in_game2::click(int, int) {
    player_entry2	thePlayerEntry;

    // make up a name
/*    int theNameLength = (local_random() % MAXIMUM_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH) + 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < theNameLength; i++)
        thePlayerEntry.player_name[i] = 'a' + (local_random() % ('z' - 'a'));
    thePlayerEntry.player_name[theNameLength] = '\0';
//    strcpy(thePlayerEntry.player_name, "The Big Lebowski");
    strcpy(thePlayerEntry.player_name, sTestingNames[local_random() % 8]);

    // Set the size of the text
    thePlayerEntry.name_width	= text_width(thePlayerEntry.player_name, font, style);
    // Make up a team-color
    int theTeamColor = local_random() % 8;
    // Get the pixel-color for the player's team (for drawing the name)
    thePlayerEntry.name_pixel_color	= get_dialog_player_color(theTeamColor);

    // Set up a player image for the player (funfun)
    thePlayerEntry.player_image = new PlayerImage;


    dirty = true;
コード例 #2
PlayerImage::setRandomFlatteringView() {
    int16 theView;
    do {
        theView = local_random() % 8;
    } while(theView >= 3 && theView <= 5);
コード例 #3
open_network_speaker() {
    // Allocate storage for noise data - assume if pointer not NULL, already have storage.
    if(sNoiseBufferStorage == NULL) {
        assert(kNoiseBufferSize % 2 == 0);
        uint16* theBuffer = new uint16[kNoiseBufferSize / 2];

        // Fill in noise data (use whole width of local_random())
        for(int i = 0; i < kNoiseBufferSize / 2; i++)
            theBuffer[i] = local_random() / 4;

        sNoiseBufferStorage = (byte*) theBuffer;

    // Fill out the noise-buffer descriptor
    sNoiseBufferDesc.mData      = sNoiseBufferStorage;
    sNoiseBufferDesc.mLength    = kNoiseBufferSize;
    sNoiseBufferDesc.mFlags     = 0;

    // Reset the buffer descriptor queue
    // Reset the data buffer queue
    // Allocate storage for audio data buffers
    for(int i = 0; i < kNumSoundDataBuffers; i++) {
        byte* theBuffer = new byte[kSoundDataBufferSize];

    // Reset a couple others to sane values
    sDryDequeues    = 0;
    sSpeakerIsOn    = false;
#ifdef SPEEX
    return 0;
コード例 #4
PlayerImage::updateLegsDrawingInfo() {
    // Remove old data, if applicable
    if(mLegsSurface != NULL) {
        mLegsSurface = NULL;
    if(mLegsData != NULL) {
        mLegsData = NULL;
    mLegsValid = false;

    // Get the player shape definitions
    player_shape_definitions*	theShapeDefinitions	= get_player_shape_definitions();
    // tryAgain tells us whether we made any random choices in the loop.  If so, a failed effort results in
    // another trip through the loop (hopefully with different random choices :) ).
    bool	tryAgain = false;
    // For safety - don't keep looping if we seem not to be finding good data... eventually, give up as invalid.
    int16	theNumberOfTriesLeft = 100;

    do {
        // We're using up one of our attempts...
        // Find the leg action
        // We use a local here (instead of using the member directly) so we still which things to pick randomly if we loop.
        int16 theLegsAction = mLegsAction;
        if(mLegsAction == NONE) {
            theLegsAction = local_random() % NUMBER_OF_PLAYER_ACTIONS;
            tryAgain = true;
        // If the user fed us a bad value, stop (with invalid data)
        else if(theLegsAction < 0 || theLegsAction >= NUMBER_OF_PLAYER_ACTIONS)
        // Find the high-level shape index
        uint16	theLegsHighLevelShapeIndex	= theShapeDefinitions->legs[theLegsAction];
        // Find out how many animation frames there are for the chosen legs
        shape_animation_data*	theLegsAnimationData = get_shape_animation_data(
                                    BUILD_DESCRIPTOR(theShapeDefinitions->collection, theLegsHighLevelShapeIndex));
        // If this failed, either give up or try again
        if(theLegsAnimationData == NULL)
        // Find a view for the legs
        int16 theLegsView = mLegsView;
        if(theLegsView == NONE) {
            theLegsView = local_random() % 8;//theLegsAnimationData->number_of_views;
            tryAgain = true;
        else if(theLegsView < 0 || theLegsView >= 8)
        // Find an animation frame
        int16 theLegsFrame = mLegsFrame;
        if(theLegsFrame == NONE) {
            theLegsFrame = local_random() % theLegsAnimationData->frames_per_view;
            tryAgain = true;
        else if(theLegsFrame < 0 || theLegsFrame >= theLegsAnimationData->frames_per_view)

        // Calculate the low-level shape index index
        uint16 theLegsLowLevelShapeIndexIndex	= theLegsAnimationData->frames_per_view * theLegsView + theLegsFrame;
        // Finally, we can look up the low-level shape index
        uint16 theLegsLowLevelShapeIndex	= theLegsAnimationData->low_level_shape_indexes[theLegsLowLevelShapeIndexIndex];

        // Find a legs color
        int16 theLegsColor = mLegsColor;
        if(theLegsColor == NONE) {
            theLegsColor = local_random() % 8;
            tryAgain = true;
        else if(theLegsColor < 0 || theLegsColor >= 8)
        low_level_shape_definition *theLegsLowLevelShape =
                    get_low_level_shape_definition(theShapeDefinitions->collection, theLegsLowLevelShapeIndex);
        if(theLegsLowLevelShape == NULL)

        // Get the shape surfaces for the given collection, CLUT (according to color/team), and low-level shape index.
	if (bit_depth == 8) continue;
	mLegsSurface	= get_shape_surface(theLegsLowLevelShapeIndex,
                            BUILD_COLLECTION(theShapeDefinitions->collection, theLegsColor), &mLegsData, mLegsBrightness);

        if(mLegsSurface == NULL)

        // Fill in rect information
        mLegsRect.x = -theLegsLowLevelShape->key_x;
        mLegsRect.y = -theLegsLowLevelShape->key_y;
        mLegsRect.w = mLegsSurface->w;
        mLegsRect.h = mLegsSurface->h;

        // We're clear.  Copy our temporary variables into the data members.
        mLegsAction	= theLegsAction;
        mLegsView	= theLegsView;
        mLegsFrame	= theLegsFrame;
        mLegsColor	= theLegsColor;
        // We are _valid_.  Sweet.
        mLegsValid	= true;

        // Success - get me outta here!

    } while(tryAgain && theNumberOfTriesLeft > 0);

    // Valid or not, the legs are no longer dirty.
    mLegsDirty = false;
コード例 #5
PlayerImage::updateTorsoDrawingInfo() {
    // Remove old data, if applicable
    if(mTorsoSurface != NULL) {
        mTorsoSurface = NULL;
    if(mTorsoData != NULL) {
        mTorsoData = NULL;
    mTorsoValid = false;

    // Get the player shape definitions
    player_shape_definitions*	theShapeDefinitions	= get_player_shape_definitions();
    // tryAgain tells us whether we made any random choices in the loop.  If so, a failed effort results in
    // another trip through the loop (hopefully with different random choices :) ).
    bool	tryAgain = false;
    // For safety - don't keep looping if we seem not to be finding good data... eventually, give up as invalid.
    int16	theNumberOfTriesLeft = 100;

    do {
        // We're using up one of our attempts...
        // Find the torso action
        // We use a local here (instead of using the member directly) so we still which things to pick randomly if we loop.
        int16 theTorsoAction = mTorsoAction;
        if(mTorsoAction == NONE) {
            theTorsoAction = local_random() % PLAYER_TORSO_WEAPON_ACTION_COUNT;
            tryAgain = true;
        // If the user fed us a bad value, stop (with invalid data)
        else if(theTorsoAction < 0 || theTorsoAction >= PLAYER_TORSO_WEAPON_ACTION_COUNT)
        // Find a torso pseudo-weapon
        int16 thePseudoWeapon = mPseudoWeapon;
        if(mPseudoWeapon == NONE) {
            thePseudoWeapon = local_random() % PLAYER_TORSO_SHAPE_COUNT;
            tryAgain = true;
        else if(thePseudoWeapon < 0 || thePseudoWeapon >= PLAYER_TORSO_SHAPE_COUNT)
        // Find the high-level shape index
        uint16	theTorsoHighLevelShapeIndex;
        switch(theTorsoAction) {
            case _shape_weapon_firing:
                theTorsoHighLevelShapeIndex = theShapeDefinitions->firing_torsos[thePseudoWeapon];
            case _shape_weapon_idle:
                theTorsoHighLevelShapeIndex = theShapeDefinitions->torsos[thePseudoWeapon];
            case _shape_weapon_charging:
                theTorsoHighLevelShapeIndex = theShapeDefinitions->charging_torsos[thePseudoWeapon];
                // This staves off a compiler warning
                theTorsoHighLevelShapeIndex = 0;

        // Find out how many animation frames there are for the chosen torso
        shape_animation_data*	theTorsoAnimationData = get_shape_animation_data(
                                    BUILD_DESCRIPTOR(theShapeDefinitions->collection, theTorsoHighLevelShapeIndex));
        // If this failed, either give up or try again
        if(theTorsoAnimationData == NULL)
        // Find a view for the torso
        int16 theTorsoView = mTorsoView;
        if(theTorsoView == NONE) {
            theTorsoView = local_random() % 8;//theTorsoAnimationData->number_of_views;
            tryAgain = true;
        else if(theTorsoView < 0 || theTorsoView >= 8)
        // Find an animation frame
        int16 theTorsoFrame = mTorsoFrame;
        if(theTorsoFrame == NONE) {
            theTorsoFrame = local_random() % theTorsoAnimationData->frames_per_view;
            tryAgain = true;
        else if(theTorsoFrame < 0 || theTorsoFrame >= theTorsoAnimationData->frames_per_view)

        // Calculate the low-level shape index index
        uint16 theTorsoLowLevelShapeIndexIndex	= theTorsoAnimationData->frames_per_view * theTorsoView + theTorsoFrame;
        // Finally, we can look up the low-level shape index
        uint16 theTorsoLowLevelShapeIndex	= theTorsoAnimationData->low_level_shape_indexes[theTorsoLowLevelShapeIndexIndex];

        // Find a torso color
        int16 theTorsoColor = mTorsoColor;
        if(theTorsoColor == NONE) {
            theTorsoColor = local_random() % 8;
            tryAgain = true;
        else if(theTorsoColor < 0 || theTorsoColor >= 8)
        low_level_shape_definition *theTorsoLowLevelShape =
                    get_low_level_shape_definition(theShapeDefinitions->collection, theTorsoLowLevelShapeIndex);
        if(theTorsoLowLevelShape == NULL)

        // Get the shape surfaces for the given collection, CLUT (according to color/team), and low-level shape index.
	if (bit_depth == 8) continue;
	mTorsoSurface	= get_shape_surface(theTorsoLowLevelShapeIndex,
                                BUILD_COLLECTION(theShapeDefinitions->collection, theTorsoColor), &mTorsoData, mTorsoBrightness);

        // Argh, it failed.  Why don't we wait for backup?
        if(mTorsoSurface == NULL)

        // Fill in rect information
        mTorsoRect.x = -theTorsoLowLevelShape->origin_x;
        mTorsoRect.y = -theTorsoLowLevelShape->origin_y;
        mTorsoRect.w = mTorsoSurface->w;
        mTorsoRect.h = mTorsoSurface->h;

        // We're clear.  Copy our temporary variables into the data members.
        mTorsoAction	= theTorsoAction;
        mPseudoWeapon	= thePseudoWeapon;
        mTorsoView	= theTorsoView;
        mTorsoFrame	= theTorsoFrame;
        mTorsoColor	= theTorsoColor;
        // We are _valid_.  Sweet.
        mTorsoValid	= true;

        // Success - get me outta here!

    } while(tryAgain && theNumberOfTriesLeft > 0);

    // Valid or not, the torso is no longer dirty.
    mTorsoDirty = false;