コード例 #1
void followMap(double map[MAP_SIZE][2])
	int lastindex = 0;
	while(getDistance(xpos, ypos, 3 * SQUARE_DIST, 4 * SQUARE_DIST - START_OFFSET) > PHASE2_STOP)
		//selects target point - the first point in the map that is just above a certain distance away from the robot
		while((getDistance(xpos, ypos, map[lastindex][0], map[lastindex][1]) < PHASE2_GOAL) && (map[lastindex + 1][0] != 0 || map[lastindex + 1][1] != 0))

		double angle_to_point = getAngle(xpos, ypos, map[lastindex][0], map[lastindex][1]); //angle between the robot position, the target point, and the vertical axis 
		if(angle_to_point > 5.5) { angle_to_point -= 2 * M_PI; }
		if(bearing > 5.5) { bearing -= 2 * M_PI; }
		double angle_to_turn = angle_to_point - bearing; //angle needed for the robot to turn so that it heads towards targeted point

		int leftspd = PHASE2_SPEED, rightspd = PHASE2_SPEED;		
		if(angle_to_turn > 0) //targeted point is to the right of robot's current heading
			//turn right
			rightspd = PHASE2_SPEED - (PHASE2_SPEED * angle_to_turn * PHASE2_STEER);
			if(rightspd < 0) { rightspd = 0; }
		else if(angle_to_turn < 0) //targeted point is to the left of robot's current heading
			//turn left
			leftspd = PHASE2_SPEED + (PHASE2_SPEED * angle_to_turn * PHASE2_STEER);
			if(leftspd < 0) { leftspd = 0; }
		set_motors(leftspd, rightspd);

コード例 #2
void slowDown() 
	//code to slow down once the robot nears finish
	int i;
	for(i = PHASE2_STOP; i > 0; i--)
		double slowspeed = PHASE2_SPEED * ((double) i / (double) PHASE2_STOP);
		set_motors(slowspeed, slowspeed);
コード例 #3
char* getPath(int startx, int starty, int destx, int desty)
	//moves the robot from a square to another (in the grid where start = (0, 0)), following left wall, and records the path taken.

	int left, right, index = 0, currentx = startx, currenty = starty; //stores current position of robot in the grid in currentx and currenty 
	int idealBearing = getIdealBearing(); 
	char* path = malloc(sizeof(char) * PATH_MAX_LENGTH);

	while (currentx != destx || currenty != desty)
		get_front_ir_dists(&left, &right);
		int front = get_us_dist();

		/*if(front < MAX_DIST_TO_WALL)

		//checks accurancy of the robot's calculated current position vs its real position
		set_point(xpos, ypos);

		if(left > MAX_DIST_TO_WALL) 
			//turn left
			turnLeft(PHASE1_SPEED, PHASE1_SLOW, 90);
			idealBearing -= 90;
			if(idealBearing < 0) { idealBearing += 360; }
			path[index] = 'L';
		else if(front > MAX_DIST_TO_WALL)
			//go straight
			path[index] = 'S';
		else if(right > MAX_DIST_TO_WALL)
			//turn right
			turnRight(PHASE1_SPEED, PHASE1_SLOW, 90);
			idealBearing += 90;
			if(idealBearing >= 360) { idealBearing -= 360; }
			path[index] = 'R';
			//turn around
			turnRight(PHASE1_SPEED, PHASE1_SLOW, 180);
			idealBearing += 180;
			if(idealBearing >= 360) { idealBearing -= 360; }
			path[index] = 'B';


		//uses robot's idealBearing to figure out which square in the grid the robot is currently in after moving 
			case 0: currenty++; break;
			case 90: currentx++; break;
			case 180: currenty--; break;
			case 270: currentx--; break;
			default: printf("Error: unexpected value for idealBearing\n"); break;

	path[index] = '\0';
	return path;
コード例 #4
ファイル: map.c プロジェクト: rsoultanaev/robotics_maze_race
void followPath(Location path[], int pathLength, Location* currentLocation) {
	// Draw the path formed from collected points
	drawPath(path, pathLength);
	// Initialise the target location
	Location targetLocation = path[40];
	Measurement measurement = {0, 0, 0, 0};
	// Reset the measurements
	// Initialise some variables
	double targetBearing = 0;
	double bearingDifference = 0;
	double closestDistance = 0;
	int closestLocationIndex = 0;
	int speedAddition = 0;
	int speedReduction = 0;
	int changeX = 0;
	int changeY = 0;
	// 120 -> 50, 70
	// 90  -> 40, 70
	int speed = 120;
	int speedLeft = speed;
	int speedRight = speed;
	// Get the robot moving
	set_motors(speed, speed);
	// Main control loop
	while(1) {
		// Take the measurement
		measurement.startLeft = measurement.endLeft;
		measurement.startRight = measurement.endRight;
		get_motor_encoders(&measurement.endLeft, &measurement.endRight);
		// Update the robot's bearing and location
		updateBearingAndLocation(&measurement, currentLocation);
		// Draw out the path taken
		set_point(currentLocation->x, currentLocation->y - 17.0);
		if (speed - speedAddition < 1) {
			speedReduction = speed - 1;
		} else {
			speedReduction = speedAddition;
		if (speed + speedAddition > 127) {
			speedAddition = 127 - speed;
		// Adjust the wheel speeds according to to how wrong the robot's current direction is
		if (bearingDifference < 0) {
			speedLeft = speed - speedReduction;
			speedRight = speed + speedAddition;
		} else {
			speedLeft = speed + speedAddition;
			speedRight = speed - speedReduction;
		set_motors(speedLeft, speedRight);
		// If closer than X cm to the last point in the path, stop the robot
		if (distance(&path[closestLocationIndex], &path[pathLength - 1]) < 23.0 || atFinalSquare(currentLocation)) {
			set_motors(0, 0);
		// Find the point on the path that is closest to the robot
		closestDistance = distance(currentLocation, &path[0]);
		closestLocationIndex = 0;
		int i;
		for (i = 1; i < pathLength; i++) {
			if (closestDistance > distance(currentLocation, &path[i])) {
				closestDistance = distance(currentLocation, &path[i]);
				closestLocationIndex = i;
		// Find the point on the path that is about X cm away from the robot
		targetLocation = path[closestLocationIndex];
		i = 1;
		while (distance(currentLocation, &targetLocation) < 50.0) {
			if (closestLocationIndex + i >= pathLength) {
			targetLocation = path[closestLocationIndex + i];
		// Calculate difference between the current and target
		// location in terms of the x and y components
		//set_point(targetLocation.x, targetLocation.y);
		changeX = targetLocation.x - currentLocation->x;
		changeY = targetLocation.y - currentLocation->y;
		// Determine the target bearing and deal with some edge cases
		double angle = atan2(changeX, changeY);
		if (fabs(angle - currentLocation->bearing) <= fabs((2*M_PI - currentLocation->bearing) + angle)) {
			angle = angle - currentLocation->bearing;
		} else {
			angle = (2*M_PI - currentLocation->bearing) + angle;

		if (angle > M_PI) {
			angle = currentLocation->bearing - 2*M_PI;
		targetBearing = angle;
		// Adjust speed according to how wrong the robots current direction is
		bearingDifference = targetBearing - currentLocation->bearing;
		bearingDifference = angle;
		speedAddition = abs((int) (bearingDifference * 75.0));
		printf("Following the map \n");
		printf("Closest x = %f; y = %f \n", path[closestLocationIndex].x, path[closestLocationIndex].y);
		printf("Setting motor speeds: left = %d; right = %d \n", speedLeft, speedRight);
		printf("Current x = %f; y = %f; bearing %f %f \n", currentLocation->x, currentLocation->y, currentLocation->bearing, currentLocation->bearing * (180/M_PI));
		printf("Target x = %f; y = %f; bearing to target %f %f \n", targetLocation.x, targetLocation.y, targetBearing, targetBearing * (180/M_PI));
		printf("bearingDifference = %f %f; \n", bearingDifference, bearingDifference * (180/M_PI));