コード例 #1
ファイル: shorten.c プロジェクト: RobBullen/AudioMorphing
int shorten(FOB *stdi, FOB *stdo, int argc, char **argv) {
  static char* copyright = "Copyright (C) 1992,1993 Tony Robinson\n";
  long 	**buffer, *buffer1, **offset;
  long	default_offset;
  int   version = FORMAT_VERSION, extract = 0, bitshift = 0;
  int   hiloint = 1, hilo = !(*((char*) &hiloint));
  int   ftype = hilo ? TYPE_S16HL : TYPE_S16LH;
  char  *magic = MAGIC, *filenamei = NULL, *filenameo = NULL;
  char	*tmpfilename = NULL, *minusstr = "-", *filesuffix = ".shn";
  FOB  *filei, *fileo;
  int	 blocksize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, nchan = DEFAULT_NCHAN;
  int	 i, chan, nwrap, nskip = DEFAULT_NSKIP, ndiscard = DEFAULT_NDISCARD;
  int	*qlpc = NULL, maxnlpc = DEFAULT_MAXNLPC, nmean = DEFAULT_NMEAN;
  int	maxresn = DEFAULT_MAXBITRATE, quanterror = DEFAULT_QUANTERROR;
  int	nfilename;

  /* this block just processes the command line arguments */
  { int c;

/*  while((c = hs_getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:c:d:hm:p:r:t:xv:")) != -1) */
    while((c = hs_getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:c:d:hm:p:t:xv:")) != -1)
      switch(c) {
      case 'a':
	if((nskip = atoi(hs_optarg)) < 0) usage_exit(1);
      case 'b':
	if((blocksize = atoi(hs_optarg)) <= 0) usage_exit(1);
      case 'c':
	if((nchan = atoi(hs_optarg)) <= 0) usage_exit(1);
      case 'd':
	if((ndiscard = atoi(hs_optarg)) < 0) usage_exit(1);
      case 'h':
      case 'm':
	if((nmean = atoi(hs_optarg)) < 0) usage_exit(1);
      case 'p':
	maxnlpc = atoi(hs_optarg);
	if(maxnlpc < 0 || maxnlpc > MAX_LPC_ORDER) usage_exit(1);
      case 'q':
	if((quanterror = atoi(hs_optarg)) < 0) usage_exit(1);
      case 'r':
	if((maxresn = atoi(hs_optarg)) < 0) usage_exit(1);
      case 't':
	if     (!strcmp(hs_optarg, "au"))	ftype = TYPE_AU;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "s8"))	ftype = TYPE_S8;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "u8"))	ftype = TYPE_U8;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "s16")) ftype = hilo ? TYPE_S16HL : TYPE_S16LH;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "u16")) ftype = hilo ? TYPE_U16HL : TYPE_U16LH;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "s16x"))ftype = hilo ? TYPE_S16LH : TYPE_S16HL;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "u16x"))ftype = hilo ? TYPE_U16LH : TYPE_U16HL;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "s16hl"))ftype = TYPE_S16HL;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "u16hl"))ftype = TYPE_U16HL;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "s16lh"))ftype = TYPE_S16LH;
	else if(!strcmp(hs_optarg, "u16lh"))ftype = TYPE_U16LH;
	else usage_exit(1);
      case 'v':
	version = atoi(hs_optarg);
	if(version < 0 || version > FORMAT_VERSION + 1) usage_exit(1);
      case 'x':
	extract = 1;
      case '?':

  if(maxnlpc >= blocksize)
    usage_exit_s(1, "the predictor order must be less than the block size\n");

  /* this chunk just sets up the input and output files */
  nfilename = argc - hs_optind;
  switch(nfilename) {
  case 0:
    filenamei = minusstr;
    filenameo = minusstr;
  case 1: {
    int oldfilelen, suffixlen, maxlen;

    filenamei  = argv[argc - 1];
    oldfilelen = strlen(filenamei);
    suffixlen  = strlen(filesuffix);
    maxlen     = oldfilelen + suffixlen;
    tmpfilename = pmalloc((ulong) (maxlen + 1));
    strcpy(tmpfilename, filenamei);
    if(extract) {
      int newfilelen = oldfilelen - suffixlen;
      if(strcmp(filenamei + newfilelen, filesuffix))
	usage_exit_sss(1,"file name does not end in %s: %s\n", filesuffix,
      tmpfilename[newfilelen] = '\0';
      strcat(tmpfilename, filesuffix);

    filenameo = tmpfilename;
  case 2:
    filenamei = argv[argc - 2];
    filenameo = argv[argc - 1];

  if(strcmp(filenamei, minusstr)) {
    if((filei = fopen(filenamei, readmode)) == NULL)
      usage_exit_ss(1, "can't open: %s\n", filenamei);
  else filei = stdi;

  if(strcmp(filenameo, minusstr)) {
    if((fileo = fopen(filenameo, writemode)) == NULL)
      usage_exit_ss(1, "can't open: %s\n", filenameo);
  else fileo = stdo;

  fileo = stdo;
  filei = stdi;

  /* discard header on input file - can't rely on fseek() here */
  if(ndiscard != 0) {
    char discardbuf[BUFSIZ];

    for(i = 0; i < ndiscard / BUFSIZ; i++)
      if(fread(discardbuf, BUFSIZ, 1, filei) != 1)
	usage_exit_s(1, "EOF on input when discarding header\n");

    if(ndiscard % BUFSIZ != 0)
      if(fread(discardbuf, ndiscard % BUFSIZ, 1, filei) != 1)
	usage_exit_s(1, "EOF on input when discarding header\n");

  if(!extract) {
    float alpha;
    int nread;

    nwrap = MAX(NWRAP, maxnlpc);

    /* grab some space for the input buffers */
    buffer  = long2d((ulong) nchan, (ulong) (blocksize + nwrap));
    buffer1 = (long*) pmalloc((ulong) (blocksize * sizeof(*buffer1)));
    offset  = long2d((ulong) nchan, (ulong) nmean);
    for(chan = 0; chan < nchan; chan++) {
      for(i = 0; i < nwrap; i++) buffer[chan][i] = 0;
      buffer[chan] += nwrap;

    if(maxnlpc > 0)
      qlpc = (int*) pmalloc((ulong) (maxnlpc * sizeof(*qlpc)));
    default_offset = init_offset(offset, nchan, nmean, ftype);

    /* write magic number */
    if(fwrite(magic, strlen(magic), 1, fileo) != 1)
      usage_exit_s(1, "could not write the magic number\n");

    /* write version number */
    if(putc(version, fileo) == EOF)
      usage_exit_s(1, "EOF when writing version number\n");

    /* initialise the variable length mode */

    /* put file type and number of channels */
    UINT_PUT(ftype, TYPESIZE, fileo);
    UINT_PUT(nchan, CHANSIZE, fileo);

    /* put blocksize if version > 0 */
    if(version == 0) {
      alpha = ALPHA0;
      if(blocksize != DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE) {
	uvar_put((ulong) FN_BLOCKSIZE, FNSIZE, fileo);
	UINT_PUT(blocksize, (int) (log((double) DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE) / M_LN2),
    else {
      alpha = ALPHA1;
      UINT_PUT(blocksize, (int) (log((double) DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE) / M_LN2),
      UINT_PUT(maxnlpc, LPCQSIZE, fileo);
      UINT_PUT(nmean, 0, fileo);
      UINT_PUT(nskip, NSKIPSIZE, fileo);
      for(i = 0; i < nskip; i++) {
	int byte = getc(filei);
	if(byte == EOF)
	  usage_exit_s(1, "EOF when reading header\n");
	uvar_put((ulong) byte, XBYTESIZE, fileo);

    while((nread = fread_type(buffer, ftype, nchan, blocksize, filei)) != 0) {
      /* put blocksize if changed */
      if(nread != blocksize) {
	uvar_put((ulong) FN_BLOCKSIZE, FNSIZE, fileo);
	UINT_PUT(nread, (int) (log((double) blocksize) / M_LN2), fileo);
	blocksize = nread;

      for(chan = 0; chan < nchan; chan++) {
	long coffset, *cbuffer = buffer[chan];
	long sum, fnd;
	int  resn;

	/* test for excessive and exploitable quantisation, and exploit!! */
	{ int newbitshift = find_bitshift(cbuffer, blocksize, ftype);
	  if(newbitshift != bitshift) {
	    uvar_put((ulong) FN_BITSHIFT, FNSIZE, fileo);
	    uvar_put((ulong) newbitshift, BITSHIFTSIZE, fileo);
	    bitshift = newbitshift;
	/* deduct mean if appropriate */
	if(nmean == 0) coffset = default_offset;
	else {
	  sum = 0;
	  for(i = 0; i < nmean; i++) sum += offset[chan][i];
	  coffset = sum / nmean;
	  sum = 0;
	  for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
	    sum += cbuffer[i];

	  for(i = 1; i < nmean; i++)
	    offset[chan][i - 1] = offset[chan][i];
	  offset[chan][nmean - 1] = sum / blocksize;
	if(coffset != 0)
	  for(i = -nwrap; i < blocksize; i++)
	    cbuffer[i] -= coffset;

	/* find the best model */
	if(maxnlpc == 0) {
	  long sum0 = 0, sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0, sum3 = 0, last0, last1, last2;

	  last2 = (last1 = (last0 = cbuffer[-1]) - cbuffer[-2]) - (cbuffer[-2]
	  for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) {
	    long diff0, diff1, diff2, diff3;

	    sum0 += abs(diff0 = cbuffer[i]);
	    sum1 += abs(diff1 = diff0 - last0);
	    sum2 += abs(diff2 = diff1 - last1);
	    sum3 += abs(diff3 = diff2 - last2);

	    last0 = diff0;
	    last1 = diff1;
	    last2 = diff2;

	  if(sum0 < MIN(MIN(sum1, sum2), sum3)) {
	    sum = sum0;
	    fnd = FN_DIFF0;
	  else if(sum1 < MIN(sum2, sum3)) {
	    sum = sum1;
	    fnd = FN_DIFF1;
	  else if(sum2 < sum3) {
	    sum = sum2;
	    fnd = FN_DIFF2;
	  else {
	    sum = sum3;
	    fnd = FN_DIFF3;

	  if(alpha * sum < blocksize) resn = 0;
	  else resn = log(alpha * sum / (double) blocksize) / M_LN2 + 0.5;

	  if(resn > maxresn) {
	    bitshift = resn - maxresn;
	    for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) cbuffer[i] >>= bitshift;
	    resn = maxresn;
	  uvar_put(fnd, FNSIZE, fileo);
	  uvar_put((ulong) resn, ENERGYSIZE, fileo);
	  switch(fnd) {
	  case FN_DIFF0:
	    for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
	      VAR_PUT(cbuffer[i], resn, fileo);
	  case FN_DIFF1:
	    for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
	      VAR_PUT(cbuffer[i] - cbuffer[i - 1], resn, fileo);
	  case FN_DIFF2:
	    for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
	      VAR_PUT(cbuffer[i] - 2 * cbuffer[i - 1] + cbuffer[i - 2],
		      resn, fileo);
	  case FN_DIFF3:
	    for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
	      VAR_PUT(cbuffer[i] - 3 * (cbuffer[i - 1] - cbuffer[i - 2]) -
		      cbuffer[i - 3], resn, fileo);
	else { /* maxnlpc > 0 so do lpc analysis */
コード例 #2
ファイル: mkbshift.c プロジェクト: JanX2/AudioFrameworks
int main() {
  FILE *fout;
  char *filename = "bitshift.h", *writemode = "w";
  int shift, i;
  int tab[USIZE];
  slong sample;
  slong **forwardmap = long2d((ulong) SHIFTSIZE, (ulong) USIZE);
  slong **reversemap = long2d((ulong) SHIFTSIZE, (ulong) USIZE);

  fout = fopen(filename, writemode);
  if(fout == NULL)
    perror_exit("fopen(\"%s\", \"%s\")", filename, writemode);

  for(i = 0; i < USIZE; i++) tab[i] = 0;

  /* brute force search of the largest number of zero bits in a linear value */
  for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++)
    for(sample = -(1L << 15); sample < (1L << 15); sample += 1 << (shift + 3))
      tab[Slinear2ulaw(sample)] = shift;

  /* print this out as a lookup table */
  fprintf(fout, "char ulaw_maxshift[%d] = {", USIZE);
  for(i = 0; i < USIZE - 1; i++)
    fprintf(fout, "%d,", tab[i]);
  fprintf(fout, "%d};\n\n", tab[USIZE - 1]);

  /* compute the greatest inward shift compatable with ??? */
  for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) {
    int nused;

    nused = 0;
    for(i = 255; i >= 128; i--)
      if(tab[i] >= shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused++;
    for(i = 255; i >= 128; i--)
      if(tab[i] < shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused++;

    nused = -1;
    for(i = 126; i >= 0; i--)
      if(tab[i] >= shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused--;
    forwardmap[shift][127] = nused--;
    for(i = 126; i >= 0; i--)
      if(tab[i] < shift) forwardmap[shift][i] = nused--;

    for(i = 0; i < USIZE; i++)
      reversemap[shift][forwardmap[shift][i] + HUSIZE] = i;

  /* simple check */
  for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++)
    for(i = 0; i < USIZE; i++)
      if(forwardmap[shift][reversemap[shift][i]] != i - HUSIZE)
       error_exit("identity maping failed for shift: %d\tindex: %d\n",shift,i);

  /* print out the ulaw_inward lookup table */
  fprintf(fout, "schar ulaw_inward[%d][%d] = {\n", SHIFTSIZE, USIZE);
  for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) {
    fprintf(fout, "{");
    for(i = 0; i < USIZE - 1; i++)
      fprintf(fout, "%d,", forwardmap[shift][i]);
    if(shift != SHIFTSIZE - 1)
      fprintf(fout, "%d},\n", forwardmap[shift][USIZE - 1]);
      fprintf(fout, "%d}\n};\n", forwardmap[shift][USIZE - 1]);
  fprintf(fout, "\n");

  /* print out the ulaw_outward lookup table */
  fprintf(fout, "uchar ulaw_outward[%d][%d] = {\n", SHIFTSIZE, USIZE);
  for(shift = 0; shift < SHIFTSIZE; shift++) {
    fprintf(fout, "{");
    for(i = 0; i < USIZE - 1; i++)
      fprintf(fout, "%d,", reversemap[shift][i]);
    if(shift != SHIFTSIZE - 1)
      fprintf(fout, "%d},\n", reversemap[shift][USIZE - 1]);
      fprintf(fout, "%d}\n};\n", reversemap[shift][USIZE - 1]);


  /* exit happy */