コード例 #1
void DisplayBuffer::setChar(int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c, uint8_t color)
    uint16_t displayIdx = y*NUM_CHAR_COLUMNS + x; 
    m_displayBuffer[displayIdx] = c;
    m_colorBuffer[displayIdx] = color;
    if(m_pOutputDisplay != NULL)
        //Serial.println((int)color, 16);
        uint16_t fg = lookupColor((color >> 4) & 0x0F);
        uint16_t bg = lookupColor(color & 0x0F);

        m_pOutputDisplay->drawFastChar(x*CHAR_WIDTH, y*CHAR_HEIGHT, c, fg, bg);
コード例 #2
ファイル: elistboxcontent.cpp プロジェクト: Akki01/enigma2
void eListboxPythonMultiContent::paint(gPainter &painter, eWindowStyle &style, const ePoint &offset, int selected)
	gRegion itemregion(eRect(offset, m_itemsize));
	eListboxStyle *local_style = 0;
	eRect sel_clip(m_selection_clip);
	bool cursorValid = this->cursorValid();
	gRGB border_color;
	int border_size = 0;

	if (sel_clip.valid())

		/* get local listbox style, if present */
	if (m_listbox)
		local_style = m_listbox->getLocalStyle();
		border_size = local_style->m_border_size;
		border_color = local_style->m_border_color;

	clearRegion(painter, style, local_style, ePyObject(), ePyObject(), ePyObject(), ePyObject(), selected, itemregion, sel_clip, offset, cursorValid);

	ePyObject items, buildfunc_ret;

	if (m_list && cursorValid)
			/* a multicontent list can be used in two ways:
				either each item is a list of (TYPE,...)-tuples,
				or there is a template defined, which is a list of (TYPE,...)-tuples,
				and the list is an unformatted tuple. The template then references items from the list.
		items = PyList_GET_ITEM(m_list, m_cursor); // borrowed reference!

		if (m_buildFunc)
			if (PyCallable_Check(m_buildFunc))  // when we have a buildFunc then call it
				if (PyTuple_Check(items))
					buildfunc_ret = items = PyObject_CallObject(m_buildFunc, items);
					eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] items is no tuple");
				eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] buildfunc is not callable");

		if (!items)
			eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] error getting item %d", m_cursor);
			goto error_out;

		if (!m_template)
			if (!PyList_Check(items))
				eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] list entry %d is not a list (non-templated)", m_cursor);
				goto error_out;
		} else
			if (!PyTuple_Check(items))
				eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] list entry %d is not a tuple (templated)", m_cursor);
				goto error_out;

		ePyObject data;

			/* if we have a template, use the template for the actual formatting.
				we will later detect that "data" is present, and refer to that, instead
				of the immediate value. */
		int start = 1;
		if (m_template)
			data = items;
			items = m_template;
			start = 0;

		int size = PyList_Size(items);
		for (int i = start; i < size; ++i)
			ePyObject item = PyList_GET_ITEM(items, i); // borrowed reference!

			if (!item)
				eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] ?");
				goto error_out;

			if (!PyTuple_Check(item))
				eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] did not receive a tuple.");
				goto error_out;

			int size = PyTuple_Size(item);

			if (!size)
				eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] receive empty tuple.");
				goto error_out;

			int type = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 0));

			switch (type)
			case TYPE_TEXT: // text
				(0, x, y, width, height, fnt, flags, "bla" [, color, colorSelected, backColor, backColorSelected, borderWidth, borderColor] )
				ePyObject px = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 1),
							py = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 2),
							pwidth = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 3),
							pheight = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 4),
							pfnt = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 5),
							pflags = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 6),
							pstring = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 7),
							pforeColor, pforeColorSelected, pbackColor, pbackColorSelected, pborderWidth, pborderColor;

				if (!(px && py && pwidth && pheight && pfnt && pflags && pstring))
					eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] received too small tuple (must be (TYPE_TEXT, x, y, width, height, fnt, flags, string [, color, backColor, backColorSelected, borderWidth, borderColor])");
					goto error_out;

				if (size > 8)
					pforeColor = lookupColor(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 8), data);

				if (size > 9)
					pforeColorSelected = lookupColor(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 9), data);

				if (size > 10)
					pbackColor = lookupColor(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 10), data);

				if (size > 11)
					pbackColorSelected = lookupColor(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 11), data);

				if (size > 12)
					pborderWidth = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 12);
					if (pborderWidth == Py_None)
				if (size > 13)
					pborderColor = lookupColor(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 13), data);

				if (PyInt_Check(pstring) && data) /* if the string is in fact a number, it refers to the 'data' list. */
					pstring = PyTuple_GetItem(data, PyInt_AsLong(pstring));

							/* don't do anything if we have 'None' as string */
				if (pstring == Py_None)

				const char *string = (PyString_Check(pstring)) ? PyString_AsString(pstring) : "<not-a-string>";
				int x = PyInt_AsLong(px) + offset.x();
				int y = PyInt_AsLong(py) + offset.y();
				int width = PyInt_AsLong(pwidth);
				int height = PyInt_AsLong(pheight);
				int flags = PyInt_AsLong(pflags);
				int fnt = PyInt_AsLong(pfnt);
				int bwidth = pborderWidth ? PyInt_AsLong(pborderWidth) : 0;

				if (m_font.find(fnt) == m_font.end())
					eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] specified font %d was not found!", fnt);
					goto error_out;

				eRect rect(x+bwidth, y+bwidth, width-bwidth*2, height-bwidth*2);

					gRegion rc(rect);
					bool mustClear = (selected && pbackColorSelected) || (!selected && pbackColor);
					clearRegion(painter, style, local_style, pforeColor, pforeColorSelected, pbackColor, pbackColorSelected, selected, rc, sel_clip, offset, cursorValid, mustClear);

				painter.renderText(rect, string, flags,
				 border_color, border_size);

				// draw border
				if (bwidth)
					eRect rect(eRect(x, y, width, height));
					if (pborderColor)
						unsigned int color = PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask(pborderColor);

					rect.setRect(x, y, width, bwidth);

					rect.setRect(x, y+bwidth, bwidth, height-bwidth);

					rect.setRect(x+bwidth, y+height-bwidth, width-bwidth, bwidth);

					rect.setRect(x+width-bwidth, y+bwidth, bwidth, height-bwidth);

			case TYPE_PROGRESS_PIXMAP: // Progress
				(1, x, y, width, height, filled_percent, pixmap [, borderWidth, foreColor, foreColorSelected, backColor, backColorSelected] )
			case TYPE_PROGRESS: // Progress
				(1, x, y, width, height, filled_percent [, borderWidth, foreColor, foreColorSelected, backColor, backColorSelected] )
				ePyObject px = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 1),
							py = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 2),
							pwidth = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 3),
							pheight = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 4),
							pfilled_perc = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 5),
							ppixmap, pborderWidth, pforeColor, pforeColorSelected, pbackColor, pbackColorSelected;
				int idx = 6;
				if (type == TYPE_PROGRESS)
					if (!(px && py && pwidth && pheight && pfilled_perc))
						eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] received too small tuple (must be (TYPE_PROGRESS, x, y, width, height, filled percent [,border width, foreColor, backColor, backColorSelected]))");
						goto error_out;
					ppixmap = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, idx++);
					if (ppixmap == Py_None)
					if (!(px && py && pwidth && pheight && pfilled_perc, ppixmap))
						eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] received too small tuple (must be (TYPE_PROGRESS_PIXMAP, x, y, width, height, filled percent, pixmap, [,border width, foreColor, backColor, backColorSelected]))");
						goto error_out;

				if (size > idx)
					pborderWidth = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, idx++);
					if (pborderWidth == Py_None)
						pborderWidth = ePyObject();
				if (size > idx)
					pforeColor = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, idx++);
					if (pforeColor == Py_None)
						pforeColor = ePyObject();
				if (size > idx)
					pforeColorSelected = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, idx++);
					if (pforeColorSelected == Py_None)
				if (size > idx)
					pbackColor = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, idx++);
					if (pbackColor == Py_None)
				if (size > idx)
					pbackColorSelected = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, idx++);
					if (pbackColorSelected == Py_None)

				int x = PyInt_AsLong(px) + offset.x();
				int y = PyInt_AsLong(py) + offset.y();
				int width = PyInt_AsLong(pwidth);
				int height = PyInt_AsLong(pheight);
				int filled = PyInt_AsLong(pfilled_perc);

				if ((filled < 0) && data) /* if the string is in a negative number, it refers to the 'data' list. */
					filled = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(data, -filled));

							/* don't do anything if percent out of range */
				if ((filled < 0) || (filled > 100))

				int bwidth = pborderWidth ? PyInt_AsLong(pborderWidth) : 2;

				eRect rect(x, y, width, height);

					gRegion rc(rect);
					bool mustClear = (selected && pbackColorSelected) || (!selected && pbackColor);
					clearRegion(painter, style, local_style, pforeColor, pforeColorSelected, pbackColor, pbackColorSelected, selected, rc, sel_clip, offset, cursorValid, mustClear);

				// border
				if (bwidth) {
					rect.setRect(x, y, width, bwidth);

					rect.setRect(x, y+bwidth, bwidth, height-bwidth);

					rect.setRect(x+bwidth, y+height-bwidth, width-bwidth, bwidth);

					rect.setRect(x+width-bwidth, y+bwidth, bwidth, height-bwidth);

				rect.setRect(x+bwidth, y+bwidth, (width-bwidth*2) * filled / 100, height-bwidth*2);

				// progress
				if (ppixmap)
					ePtr<gPixmap> pixmap;
					if (PyInt_Check(ppixmap) && data) /* if the pixmap is in fact a number, it refers to the data list */
						ppixmap = PyTuple_GetItem(data, PyInt_AsLong(ppixmap));

					if (SwigFromPython(pixmap, ppixmap))
						eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] (Pixmap) get pixmap failed");
					painter.blit(pixmap, rect.topLeft(), rect, 0);

			case TYPE_PIXMAP: // pixmap
				(2, x, y, width, height, pixmap [, backColor, backColorSelected] )

				ePyObject px = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 1),
							py = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 2),
							pwidth = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 3),
							pheight = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 4),
							ppixmap = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 5),
							pbackColor, pbackColorSelected;

				if (!(px && py && pwidth && pheight && ppixmap))
					eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] received too small tuple (must be (TYPE_PIXMAP, x, y, width, height, pixmap [, backColor, backColorSelected] ))");
					goto error_out;

				if (PyInt_Check(ppixmap) && data) /* if the pixemap is in fact a number, it refers to the 'data' list. */
					ppixmap = PyTuple_GetItem(data, PyInt_AsLong(ppixmap));

							/* don't do anything if we have 'None' as pixmap */
				if (ppixmap == Py_None)

				int x = PyInt_AsLong(px) + offset.x();
				int y = PyInt_AsLong(py) + offset.y();
				int width = PyInt_AsLong(pwidth);
				int height = PyInt_AsLong(pheight);
				int flags = 0;
				ePtr<gPixmap> pixmap;
				if (SwigFromPython(pixmap, ppixmap))
					eDebug("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] (Pixmap) get pixmap failed");
					goto error_out;

				if (size > 6)
					pbackColor = lookupColor(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 6), data);

				if (size > 7)
					pbackColorSelected = lookupColor(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 7), data);

				if (size > 8)
					flags = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(item, 8));

				eRect rect(x, y, width, height);

					gRegion rc(rect);
					bool mustClear = (selected && pbackColorSelected) || (!selected && pbackColor);
					clearRegion(painter, style, local_style, ePyObject(), ePyObject(), pbackColor, pbackColorSelected, selected, rc, sel_clip, offset, cursorValid, mustClear);
				flags |= (type == TYPE_PIXMAP_ALPHATEST) ? gPainter::BT_ALPHATEST : (type == TYPE_PIXMAP_ALPHABLEND) ? gPainter::BT_ALPHABLEND : 0;
				if (flags & gPainter::BT_SCALE)
					painter.blitScale(pixmap, rect, rect, flags);
					painter.blit(pixmap, rect.topLeft(), rect, flags);
				eWarning("[eListboxPythonMultiContent] received unknown type (%d)", type);
				goto error_out;

	if (selected && !sel_clip.valid() && (!local_style || !local_style->m_selection))
		style.drawFrame(painter, eRect(offset, m_itemsize), eWindowStyle::frameListboxEntry);

	if (buildfunc_ret)

コード例 #3
ファイル: drawmap.cpp プロジェクト: xbackupx/showeqx
void loadFileMap (const char *filename)
  FILE * fh;
  char line[16384];
  char tempstr[16384];
  char* tmpStr;
  int fileLines = 0;
  int globHeight = 0;

  maxX = 0;
  minX = 0;
  maxY = 0;
  minY = 0;
#ifdef ZBTEMP
  maxZ = 0;
  minZ = 0;

  numLocations = 0;
  numLines = 0;
  int numPoints = 0;

  if ((fh = fopen (filename, "r")) != NULL)
    fgets (line, 4095, fh);
    tmpStr = strtok (line, ",");
    if (tmpStr == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Map '%s' appears to be seriously messed up! No Zone Name!\n", filename);
    strcpy (zoneLong, tmpStr);	// Zone name
    tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",");
    if (tmpStr == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Map '%s' appears to be seriously messed up! No Short Zone Name!\n", filename);
    strcpy (zoneShort, tmpStr);	// Zone short name

    while (fgets (line, 16383, fh))
      strcpy (tempstr, strtok (line, ","));
      switch (tempstr[0])
      case 'H':
	tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",\n");
	if (tmpStr == NULL)
	  fprintf(stderr, "Line %d in map '%s' has an H marker with no Z!\n",
		  fileLines, filename);
	globHeight = atoi(tmpStr);
      case 'L':
      case 'M': // don't know if this is right, but what the hell...
	// L = 0, M = 1
	lineType[numLines] = tempstr[0] - 'L';
	// Line name
	tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",");	
	if (tmpStr == NULL)
	  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading line name on line %d in map '%s'\n", fileLines, filename);
	// Line color
	tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",");
	if (tmpStr == NULL)
	  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading line color on line %d in map '%s'\n", fileLines, filename);
	lineColor[numLines] = lookupColor (tmpStr);
	// Number of points
	tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",");
	if (tmpStr == NULL)
	  fprintf(stderr, "Error reading number of points on line %d in map '%s'\n", fileLines, filename);
	linePoints[numLines] = atoi (tmpStr);	
	if (linePoints[numLines] > maxPoints)
	  maxPoints = linePoints[numLines];

	numPoints = 0;
	while (1)
	  tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",\n");
	  if (tmpStr == NULL)

	  lineX[numLines][numPoints] = atoi (tmpStr);
	  tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",\n");
	  if (tmpStr == NULL)
		    "Line %d in map '%s' has point %d with an X coordinate with no Y!\n",
		    fileLines, filename, numPoints);    
	  lineY[numLines][numPoints] = atoi (tmpStr);
	  // currently if it's type M, just eat the Z coord
	  if (lineType[numLines] == 1)
	    tmpStr = strtok (NULL, ",\n");
	    if (tmpStr == NULL)
		      "Line %d in map '%s' has point %d with an X & Y coordinates with no Z with lineType = M!\n",
		      fileLines, filename, numPoints);
	      // should probably abort, here, but hey, see if it works...
	      lineZ[numLines][numPoints] = globHeight;	     
	      lineZ[numLines][numPoints] = atoi (tmpStr);
	    lineZ[numLines][numPoints] = globHeight;
	  if (lineX[numLines][numPoints] > maxX)
	    maxX = lineX[numLines][numPoints];
	  if (lineY[numLines][numPoints] > maxY)
	    maxY = lineY[numLines][numPoints];
	  if (lineX[numLines][numPoints] < minX)
	    minX = lineX[numLines][numPoints];
	  if (lineY[numLines][numPoints] < minY)
	    minY = lineY[numLines][numPoints];

#ifdef ZBTEMP
	  if (lineZ[numLines][numPoints] > maxY)
	    maxZ = lineZ[numLines][numPoints];
	  if (lineZ[numLines][numPoints] < minY)
	    minZ = lineZ[numLines][numPoints];

	if (numPoints > maxPointsReal)
	  maxPointsReal = numPoints;

	if (numPoints > linePoints[numLines])
	  fprintf(stderr, "Line %d in map '%s' has more points (%d > %d) then specified!\n", fileLines, filename, numPoints, linePoints[numLines]);
	  linePoints[numLines] = numPoints;
	else if (numPoints < linePoints[numLines])
	  fprintf(stderr, "Line %d in map '%s' has fewer points (%d < %d) then specified!\n", fileLines, filename, numPoints, linePoints[numLines]);
	  linePoints[numLines] = numPoints;

      case 'P':
	// Location name
	locationName[numLocations] = strtok (NULL, ",");	
	// Location color
	locationColor[numLocations] = lookupColor(strtok (NULL, ","));
	locationX[numLocations] = atoi (strtok (NULL, ",\n"));
	locationY[numLocations] = atoi (strtok (NULL, ",\n"));

	// if map label isn't inside map dimensions, change map size
	if (locationX[numLocations] > maxX)
	  maxX = locationX[numLocations];
	if (locationY[numLocations] > maxY)
	  maxY = locationY[numLocations];
	if (locationX[numLocations] < minX)
	  minX = locationX[numLocations];
	if (locationY[numLocations] < minY)
	  minY = locationY[numLocations];

    fclose (fh);
    char message[128];
    sprintf (message, "%s [%s]", zoneLong, zoneShort);
    reAdjust ();
#ifdef ZBTEMP
  fprintf(stderr, "Max Points theoretically in any Line: %d\n", maxPoints);
  fprintf(stderr, "Max Points really in any Line: %d\n", maxPointsReal);
  fprintf(stderr, "Min Z in Zone: %d\n", minZ);
  fprintf(stderr, "Max Z in Zone: %d\n", maxZ);
コード例 #4
ファイル: refRenderer.cpp プロジェクト: AthelasCo/Athelas
// shadePixel --
// Computes the contribution of the specified circle to the
// given pixel.  All values are provided in normalized space, where
// the screen spans [0,2]^2.  The color/opacity of the circle is
// computed at the pixel center.
    int circleIndex,
    float pixelCenterX, float pixelCenterY,
    float px, float py, float pz,
    float* pixelData)
    float diffX = px - pixelCenterX;
    float diffY = py - pixelCenterY;
    float pixelDist = diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY;

    float rad = radius[circleIndex];
    float maxDist = rad * rad;

    // circle does not contribute to the image
    if (pixelDist > maxDist)

    float colR, colG, colB;
    float alpha;

    // there is a non-zero contribution.  Now compute the shading
    if (sceneName == SNOWFLAKES || sceneName == SNOWFLAKES_SINGLE_FRAME) {

        // Snowflake opacity falls off with distance from center.
        // Snowflake color is determined by distance from center and
        // radially symmetric.  The color value f(dist) is looked up
        // from a table.

        const float kCircleMaxAlpha = .5f;
        const float falloffScale = 4.f;

        float normPixelDist = sqrt(pixelDist) / rad;
        lookupColor(normPixelDist, colR, colG, colB);

        float maxAlpha = kCircleMaxAlpha * CLAMP(.6f + .4f * (1.f-pz), 0.f, 1.f);
        alpha = maxAlpha * exp(-1.f * falloffScale * normPixelDist * normPixelDist);

    } else {

        // simple: each circle has an assigned color
        int index3 = 3 * circleIndex;
        colR = color[index3];
        colG = color[index3+1];
        colB = color[index3+2];
        alpha = .5f;

    // The following code is *very important*: it blends the
    // contribution of the circle primitive with the current state
    // of the output image pixel.  This is a read-modify-write
    // operation on the image, and it needs to be atomic.  Moreover,
    // (and even more challenging) all writes to this pixel must be
    // performed in same order as when the circles are processed
    // serially.
    // That is, if circle 1 and circle 2 both write to pixel P.
    // circle 1's contribution *must* be blended in first, then
    // circle 2's.  If this invariant is not preserved, the
    // rendering of transparent circles will not be correct.

    float oneMinusAlpha = 1.f - alpha;
    pixelData[0] = alpha * colR + oneMinusAlpha * pixelData[0];
    pixelData[1] = alpha * colG + oneMinusAlpha * pixelData[1];
    pixelData[2] = alpha * colB + oneMinusAlpha * pixelData[2];
    pixelData[3] += alpha;