/* * makeRangeVarFromNameList * Utility routine to convert a qualified-name list into RangeVar form. * * Copied from backend/catalog/namespace.c */ RangeVar * makeRangeVarFromNameList(List *names) { RangeVar *rel = makeRangeVar(NULL, NULL, -1); switch (list_length(names)) { case 1: rel->relname = strVal(linitial(names)); break; case 2: rel->schemaname = strVal(linitial(names)); rel->relname = strVal(lsecond(names)); break; case 3: rel->catalogname = strVal(linitial(names)); rel->schemaname = strVal(lsecond(names)); rel->relname = strVal(lthird(names)); break; default: ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("invalid relation name, too many indirections, while converting from table name to RangeVar"))); break; } return rel; }
/* * makeRangeVarFromNameList * Utility routine to convert a qualified-name list into RangeVar form. * * Copied from backend/catalog/namespace.c */ RangeVar * makeRangeVarFromNameList(List *names) { RangeVar *rel = makeRangeVar(NULL, NULL, -1); switch (list_length(names)) { case 1: rel->relname = strVal(linitial(names)); break; case 2: rel->schemaname = strVal(linitial(names)); rel->relname = strVal(lsecond(names)); break; case 3: rel->catalogname = strVal(linitial(names)); rel->schemaname = strVal(lsecond(names)); rel->relname = strVal(lthird(names)); break; default: pool_error("improper relation name (too many dotted names)"); break; } return rel; }
/* * LookupOperWithArgs * Like LookupOperName, but the argument types are specified by * a ObjectWithArg node. */ Oid LookupOperWithArgs(ObjectWithArgs *oper, bool noError) { TypeName *oprleft, *oprright; Oid leftoid, rightoid; Assert(list_length(oper->objargs) == 2); oprleft = linitial(oper->objargs); oprright = lsecond(oper->objargs); if (oprleft == NULL) leftoid = InvalidOid; else leftoid = LookupTypeNameOid(NULL, oprleft, noError); if (oprright == NULL) rightoid = InvalidOid; else rightoid = LookupTypeNameOid(NULL, oprright, noError); return LookupOperName(NULL, oper->objname, leftoid, rightoid, noError, -1); }
/* * BeginStreamScan */ void BeginStreamScan(ForeignScanState *node, int eflags) { ForeignScan *plan = (ForeignScan *) node->ss.ps.plan; StreamScanState *state; ListCell *lc; List *colnames = (List *) linitial(plan->fdw_private); List *physical_tlist = (List *) lsecond(plan->fdw_private); Value *sample_cutoff = (Value *) lthird(plan->fdw_private); int i = 0; state = palloc0(sizeof(StreamScanState)); state->pi = palloc(sizeof(StreamProjectionInfo)); state->pi->mcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "ExecProjectContext", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MINSIZE, ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_INITSIZE, ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE); state->pi->ecxt = CreateStandaloneExprContext(); state->pi->outdesc = ExecTypeFromTL(physical_tlist, false); state->pi->indesc = NULL; state->sample_cutoff = sample_cutoff ? intVal(sample_cutoff) : -1; Assert(state->pi->outdesc->natts == list_length(colnames)); foreach(lc, colnames) { Value *v = (Value *) lfirst(lc); namestrcpy(&(state->pi->outdesc->attrs[i++]->attname), strVal(v)); }
/* * Walker function to find a function call which is supposed to write * database. */ static bool function_call_walker(Node *node, void *context) { SelectContext *ctx = (SelectContext *) context; if (node == NULL) return false; if (IsA(node, FuncCall)) { FuncCall *fcall = (FuncCall *)node; char *fname; int length = list_length(fcall->funcname); if (length > 0) { if (length == 1) /* no schema qualification? */ { fname = strVal(linitial(fcall->funcname)); } else { fname = strVal(lsecond(fcall->funcname)); /* with schema qualification */ } pool_debug("function_call_walker: function name: %s", fname); /* * Check white list if any. */ if (pool_config->num_white_function_list > 0) { /* Search function in the white list regex patterns */ if (pattern_compare(fname, WHITELIST, "white_function_list") == 1) { /* If the function is found in the white list, we can ignore it */ return raw_expression_tree_walker(node, function_call_walker, context); } /* * Since the function was not found in white list, we * have found a writing function. */ ctx->has_function_call = true; return false; } /* * Check black list if any. */ if (pool_config->num_black_function_list > 0) { /* Search function in the black list regex patterns */ if (pattern_compare(fname, BLACKLIST, "black_function_list") == 1) { /* Found. */ ctx->has_function_call = true; return false; } } } } return raw_expression_tree_walker(node, function_call_walker, context); }
/* * Walker function to find non immutable function call. */ static bool non_immutable_function_call_walker(Node *node, void *context) { SelectContext *ctx = (SelectContext *) context; if (node == NULL) return false; if (IsA(node, FuncCall)) { FuncCall *fcall = (FuncCall *) node; char *fname; int length = list_length(fcall->funcname); if (length > 0) { if (length == 1) /* no schema qualification? */ { fname = strVal(linitial(fcall->funcname)); } else { fname = strVal(lsecond(fcall->funcname)); /* with schema * qualification */ } ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("non immutable function walker. checking function \"%s\"", fname))); /* Check system catalog if the function is immutable */ if (is_immutable_function(fname) == false) { /* Non immutable function call found */ ctx->has_non_immutable_function_call = true; return false; } } } else if (IsA(node, TypeCast)) { /* CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, LOCALTIMESTAMP, LOCALTIME etc. */ TypeCast *tc = (TypeCast *) node; if ((isSystemType((Node *) tc->typeName, "date") || isSystemType((Node *) tc->typeName, "timestamp") || isSystemType((Node *) tc->typeName, "timestamptz") || isSystemType((Node *) tc->typeName, "time") || isSystemType((Node *) tc->typeName, "timetz"))) { ctx->has_non_immutable_function_call = true; return false; } } return raw_expression_tree_walker(node, non_immutable_function_call_walker, context); }
/* * Executes an ALTER OBJECT / OWNER TO statement. Based on the object * type, the function appropriate to that type is executed. */ void ExecAlterOwnerStmt(AlterOwnerStmt *stmt) { Oid newowner = get_roleid_checked(stmt->newowner); switch (stmt->objectType) { case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: AlterAggregateOwner(stmt->object, (TypeName *) linitial(stmt->objarg), newowner); break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: AlterConversionOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: AlterDatabaseOwner((char *) linitial(stmt->object), newowner); break; case OBJECT_FUNCTION: AlterFunctionOwner(stmt->object, stmt->objarg, newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: AlterOperatorOwner(stmt->object, (TypeName *) linitial(stmt->objarg), (TypeName *) lsecond(stmt->objarg), newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPCLASS: AlterOpClassOwner(stmt->object, stmt->addname, newowner); break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: AlterSchemaOwner((char *) linitial(stmt->object), newowner); break; case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: AlterTableSpaceOwner((char *) linitial(stmt->object), newowner); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: case OBJECT_DOMAIN: /* same as TYPE */ AlterTypeOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized AlterOwnerStmt type: %d", (int) stmt->objectType); } }
/* * keyed_trans_startup * * Get type information for the key and value based on argument types */ static KeyValue * keyed_trans_startup(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo) { List *args = NIL; KeyedAggState *state; Node *node; Oid type; MemoryContext old; KeyValue *result; if (AggGetAggref(fcinfo)) args = AggGetAggref(fcinfo)->args; else if (AggGetWindowFunc(fcinfo)) args = AggGetWindowFunc(fcinfo)->args; else elog(ERROR, "fcinfo must be an aggregate function call"); node = linitial(args); type = IsA(node, TargetEntry) ? exprType((Node *) ((TargetEntry *) node)->expr) : exprType(node); old = MemoryContextSwitchTo(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt); state = palloc0(sizeof(KeyedAggState)); state->key_type = lookup_type_cache(type, TYPECACHE_CMP_PROC_FINFO); if (!OidIsValid(state->key_type->cmp_proc)) elog(ERROR, "could not determine key type"); node = lsecond(args); type = IsA(node, TargetEntry) ? exprType((Node *) ((TargetEntry *) node)->expr) : exprType(node); state->value_type = lookup_type_cache(type, 0); fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = state; MemoryContextSwitchTo(old); result = set_kv(state, NULL, PG_GETARG_DATUM(1), PG_ARGISNULL(1), PG_GETARG_DATUM(2), PG_ARGISNULL(2)); result->key_type = state->key_type->type_id; result->value_type = state->value_type->type_id; result->key_collation = PG_GET_COLLATION(); return result; }
/** * Get weight associated with queue. See queue.c. * * Attention is paid in order to avoid catalog lookups when not allowed. The * superuser() function performs catalog lookups in certain cases. Also the * GetResqueueCapabilityEntry will always do a catalog lookup. In such cases * use the default weight. */ static int ResourceQueueGetPriorityWeight(Oid queueId) { List *capabilitiesList = NULL; List *entry = NULL; ListCell *le = NULL; int weight = BackoffDefaultWeight(); if (!IsTransactionState()) return weight; if (superuser()) return BackoffSuperuserStatementWeight(); if (queueId == InvalidOid) return weight; capabilitiesList = GetResqueueCapabilityEntry(queueId); /* This is a list of * lists */ if (!capabilitiesList) return weight; foreach(le, capabilitiesList) { Value *key = NULL; entry = (List *) lfirst(le); Assert(entry); key = (Value *) linitial(entry); Assert(key->type == T_Integer); /* This is resource type id */ if (intVal(key) == PG_RESRCTYPE_PRIORITY) { Value *val = lsecond(entry); Assert(val->type == T_String); weight = BackoffPriorityValueToInt(strVal(val)); } }
/* * Translate an object name and arguments (as passed by the parser) to an * ObjectAddress. * * The returned object will be locked using the specified lockmode. If a * sub-object is looked up, the parent object will be locked instead. * * If the object is a relation or a child object of a relation (e.g. an * attribute or contraint), the relation is also opened and *relp receives * the open relcache entry pointer; otherwise, *relp is set to NULL. This * is a bit grotty but it makes life simpler, since the caller will * typically need the relcache entry too. Caller must close the relcache * entry when done with it. The relation is locked with the specified lockmode * if the target object is the relation itself or an attribute, but for other * child objects, only ACCESS_SHR_LOCK is acquired on the relation. * * We don't currently provide a function to release the locks acquired here; * typically, the lock must be held until commit to guard against a concurrent * drop operation. */ struct objaddr get_object_address( objtype_e objtype, struct list* objname, struct list* objargs, struct relation** relp, lockmode_t lockmode) { struct objaddr address; struct relation* relation = NULL; /* Some kind of lock must be taken. */ ASSERT(lockmode != NO_LOCK); switch (objtype) { case OBJECT_INDEX: case OBJECT_SEQUENCE: case OBJECT_TABLE: case OBJECT_VIEW: case OBJECT_FOREIGN_TABLE: relation = get_rel_by_qualified_name(objtype, objname, lockmode); address.classId = RelationRelationId; address.objectId = REL_ID(relation); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_COLUMN: address = get_objaddr_attr(objtype, objname, &relation, lockmode); break; case OBJECT_RULE: case OBJECT_TRIGGER: case OBJECT_CONSTRAINT: address = get_objaddr_relobj(objtype, objname, &relation); break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: case OBJECT_EXTENSION: case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: case OBJECT_ROLE: case OBJECT_SCHEMA: case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: case OBJECT_FDW: case OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER: address = get_objaddr_unqualified(objtype, objname); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: case OBJECT_DOMAIN: address.classId = TypeRelationId; address.objectId = typename_to_oid(NULL, makeTypeNameFromNameList(objname)); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: address.classId = ProcedureRelationId; address.objectId = LookupAggNameTypeNames(objname, objargs, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_FUNCTION: address.classId = ProcedureRelationId; address.objectId = LookupFuncNameTypeNames(objname, objargs, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: ASSERT(list_length(objargs) == 2); address.classId = OperatorRelationId; address.objectId = lookup_opr_name_type_names( NULL, objname, (type_name_n*) linitial(objargs), (type_name_n*) lsecond(objargs), false, -1); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_COLLATION: address.classId = CollationRelationId; address.objectId = get_collation_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: address.classId = ConversionRelationId; address.objectId = get_conversion_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_OPCLASS: case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: address = get_objaddr_opcf(objtype, objname, objargs); break; case OBJECT_LARGEOBJECT: ASSERT(list_length(objname) == 1); address.classId = LargeObjectRelationId; address.objectId = oidparse(linitial(objname)); address.objectSubId = 0; if (!large_obj_exists(address.objectId)) { ereport(ERROR, ( errcode(E_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("large object %u does not exist", address.objectId))); } break; case OBJECT_CAST: { type_name_n* sourcetype; type_name_n* targettype; oid_t sourcetypeid; oid_t targettypeid; sourcetype = (type_name_n*) linitial(objname); targettype = (type_name_n*) linitial(objargs); sourcetypeid = typename_to_oid(NULL, sourcetype); targettypeid = typename_to_oid(NULL, targettype); address.classId = CastRelationId; address.objectId = get_cast_oid(sourcetypeid, targettypeid, false); address.objectSubId = 0; } break; case OBJECT_TSPARSER: address.classId = TSParserRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_parser_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY: address.classId = TSDictionaryRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_dict_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TSTEMPLATE: address.classId = TSTemplateRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_template_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION: address.classId = TSConfigRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_config_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized objtype: %d", (int) objtype); /* placate compiler, in case it thinks elog might return */ address.classId = INVALID_OID; address.objectId = INVALID_OID; address.objectSubId = 0; } /* * If we're dealing with a relation or attribute, then the relation is * already locked. If we're dealing with any other type of object, we * need to lock it and then verify that it still exists. */ if (address.classId != RelationRelationId) { if (is_shared_rel(address.classId)) lock_sobj(address.classId, address.objectId, 0, lockmode); else lock_db_obj(address.classId, address.objectId, 0, lockmode); /* Did it go away while we were waiting for the lock? */ if (!object_exists(address)) { elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for class %u object %u subobj %d", address.classId, address.objectId, address.objectSubId); } } /* Return the object address and the relation. */ *relp = relation; return address; }
/* * ExtractRangeTblExtraData extracts extra data stored for a range table entry * that previously has been stored with * Set/ModifyRangeTblExtraData. Parameters can be NULL if unintersting. It is * valid to use the function on a RTE without extra data. */ void ExtractRangeTblExtraData(RangeTblEntry *rte, CitusRTEKind *rteKind, char **fragmentSchemaName, char **fragmentTableName, List **tableIdList) { RangeTblFunction *fauxFunction = NULL; FuncExpr *fauxFuncExpr = NULL; Const *tmpConst = NULL; /* set base rte kind first, so this can be used for 'non-extended' RTEs as well */ if (rteKind != NULL) { *rteKind = (CitusRTEKind) rte->rtekind; } /* reset values of optionally-present fields, will later be overwritten, if present */ if (fragmentSchemaName != NULL) { *fragmentSchemaName = NULL; } if (fragmentTableName != NULL) { *fragmentTableName = NULL; } if (tableIdList != NULL) { *tableIdList = NIL; } /* only function RTEs have our special extra data */ if (rte->rtekind != RTE_FUNCTION) { return; } /* we only ever generate one argument */ if (list_length(rte->functions) != 1) { return; } /* should pretty much always be a FuncExpr, but be liberal in what we expect... */ fauxFunction = linitial(rte->functions); if (!IsA(fauxFunction->funcexpr, FuncExpr)) { return; } fauxFuncExpr = (FuncExpr *) fauxFunction->funcexpr; /* * There will never be a range table entry with this function id, but for * the purpose of this file. */ if (fauxFuncExpr->funcid != CitusExtraDataContainerFuncId()) { return; } /* * Extra data for rtes is stored in the function arguments. The first * argument stores the rtekind, second fragmentSchemaName, third * fragmentTableName, fourth tableIdList. */ if (list_length(fauxFuncExpr->args) != 4) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("unexpected number of function arguments to " "citus_extradata_container"))); return; } /* extract rteKind */ tmpConst = (Const *) linitial(fauxFuncExpr->args); Assert(IsA(tmpConst, Const)); Assert(tmpConst->consttype == INT4OID); if (rteKind != NULL) { *rteKind = DatumGetInt32(tmpConst->constvalue); } /* extract fragmentSchemaName */ tmpConst = (Const *) lsecond(fauxFuncExpr->args); Assert(IsA(tmpConst, Const)); Assert(tmpConst->consttype == CSTRINGOID); if (fragmentSchemaName != NULL && !tmpConst->constisnull) { *fragmentSchemaName = DatumGetCString(tmpConst->constvalue); } /* extract fragmentTableName */ tmpConst = (Const *) lthird(fauxFuncExpr->args); Assert(IsA(tmpConst, Const)); Assert(tmpConst->consttype == CSTRINGOID); if (fragmentTableName != NULL && !tmpConst->constisnull) { *fragmentTableName = DatumGetCString(tmpConst->constvalue); } /* extract tableIdList, stored as a serialized integer list */ tmpConst = (Const *) lfourth(fauxFuncExpr->args); Assert(IsA(tmpConst, Const)); Assert(tmpConst->consttype == CSTRINGOID); if (tableIdList != NULL && !tmpConst->constisnull) { Node *deserializedList = stringToNode(DatumGetCString(tmpConst->constvalue)); Assert(IsA(deserializedList, IntList)); *tableIdList = (List *) deserializedList; } }
Datum test_support_func(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Node *rawreq = (Node *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); Node *ret = NULL; if (IsA(rawreq, SupportRequestSelectivity)) { /* * Assume that the target is int4eq; that's safe as long as we don't * attach this to any other boolean-returning function. */ SupportRequestSelectivity *req = (SupportRequestSelectivity *) rawreq; Selectivity s1; if (req->is_join) s1 = join_selectivity(req->root, Int4EqualOperator, req->args, req->inputcollid, req->jointype, req->sjinfo); else s1 = restriction_selectivity(req->root, Int4EqualOperator, req->args, req->inputcollid, req->varRelid); req->selectivity = s1; ret = (Node *) req; } if (IsA(rawreq, SupportRequestCost)) { /* Provide some generic estimate */ SupportRequestCost *req = (SupportRequestCost *) rawreq; req->startup = 0; req->per_tuple = 2 * cpu_operator_cost; ret = (Node *) req; } if (IsA(rawreq, SupportRequestRows)) { /* * Assume that the target is generate_series_int4; that's safe as long * as we don't attach this to any other set-returning function. */ SupportRequestRows *req = (SupportRequestRows *) rawreq; if (req->node && IsA(req->node, FuncExpr)) /* be paranoid */ { List *args = ((FuncExpr *) req->node)->args; Node *arg1 = linitial(args); Node *arg2 = lsecond(args); if (IsA(arg1, Const) && !((Const *) arg1)->constisnull && IsA(arg2, Const) && !((Const *) arg2)->constisnull) { int32 val1 = DatumGetInt32(((Const *) arg1)->constvalue); int32 val2 = DatumGetInt32(((Const *) arg2)->constvalue); req->rows = val2 - val1 + 1; ret = (Node *) req; } } } PG_RETURN_POINTER(ret); }
/* * Executes an ALTER OBJECT / OWNER TO statement. Based on the object * type, the function appropriate to that type is executed. */ void ExecAlterOwnerStmt(AlterOwnerStmt *stmt) { Oid newowner = get_roleid_checked(stmt->newowner); switch (stmt->objectType) { case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: AlterAggregateOwner(stmt->object, stmt->objarg, newowner); break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: AlterConversionOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: AlterDatabaseOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_FUNCTION: AlterFunctionOwner(stmt->object, stmt->objarg, newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: Assert(list_length(stmt->objarg) == 2); AlterOperatorOwner(stmt->object, (TypeName *) linitial(stmt->objarg), (TypeName *) lsecond(stmt->objarg), newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPCLASS: AlterOpClassOwner(stmt->object, stmt->addname, newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: AlterOpFamilyOwner(stmt->object, stmt->addname, newowner); break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: AlterSchemaOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: AlterTableSpaceOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_FILESPACE: AlterFileSpaceOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: case OBJECT_DOMAIN: /* same as TYPE */ AlterTypeOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_EXTPROTOCOL: AlterExtProtocolOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized AlterOwnerStmt type: %d", (int) stmt->objectType); } if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH) { CdbDispatchUtilityStatement((Node *) stmt, "ExecAlterOwnerStmt"); } }
/* * Compute the list of TIDs to be visited, by evaluating the expressions * for them. * * (The result is actually an array, not a list.) */ static void TidListCreate(TidScanState *tidstate) { List *evalList = tidstate->tss_tidquals; ExprContext *econtext = tidstate->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext; BlockNumber nblocks; ItemPointerData *tidList; int numAllocTids; int numTids; ListCell *l; /* * We silently discard any TIDs that are out of range at the time of scan * start. (Since we hold at least AccessShareLock on the table, it won't * be possible for someone to truncate away the blocks we intend to * visit.) */ nblocks = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(tidstate->ss.ss_currentRelation); /* * We initialize the array with enough slots for the case that all quals * are simple OpExprs or CurrentOfExprs. If there are any * ScalarArrayOpExprs, we may have to enlarge the array. */ numAllocTids = list_length(evalList); tidList = (ItemPointerData *) palloc(numAllocTids * sizeof(ItemPointerData)); numTids = 0; tidstate->tss_isCurrentOf = false; foreach(l, evalList) { ExprState *exstate = (ExprState *) lfirst(l); Expr *expr = exstate->expr; ItemPointer itemptr; bool isNull; if (is_opclause(expr)) { FuncExprState *fexstate = (FuncExprState *) exstate; Node *arg1; Node *arg2; arg1 = get_leftop(expr); arg2 = get_rightop(expr); if (IsCTIDVar(arg1)) exstate = (ExprState *) lsecond(fexstate->args); else if (IsCTIDVar(arg2)) exstate = (ExprState *) linitial(fexstate->args); else elog(ERROR, "could not identify CTID variable"); itemptr = (ItemPointer) DatumGetPointer(ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(exstate, econtext, &isNull, NULL)); if (!isNull && ItemPointerIsValid(itemptr) && ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(itemptr) < nblocks) { if (numTids >= numAllocTids) { numAllocTids *= 2; tidList = (ItemPointerData *) repalloc(tidList, numAllocTids * sizeof(ItemPointerData)); } tidList[numTids++] = *itemptr; } } else if (expr && IsA(expr, ScalarArrayOpExpr)) { ScalarArrayOpExprState *saexstate = (ScalarArrayOpExprState *) exstate; Datum arraydatum; ArrayType *itemarray; Datum *ipdatums; bool *ipnulls; int ndatums; int i; exstate = (ExprState *) lsecond(saexstate->fxprstate.args); arraydatum = ExecEvalExprSwitchContext(exstate, econtext, &isNull, NULL); if (isNull) continue; itemarray = DatumGetArrayTypeP(arraydatum); deconstruct_array(itemarray, TIDOID, SizeOfIptrData, false, 's', &ipdatums, &ipnulls, &ndatums); if (numTids + ndatums > numAllocTids) { numAllocTids = numTids + ndatums; tidList = (ItemPointerData *) repalloc(tidList, numAllocTids * sizeof(ItemPointerData)); } for (i = 0; i < ndatums; i++) { if (!ipnulls[i]) { itemptr = (ItemPointer) DatumGetPointer(ipdatums[i]); if (ItemPointerIsValid(itemptr) && ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(itemptr) < nblocks) tidList[numTids++] = *itemptr; } } pfree(ipdatums); pfree(ipnulls); } else if (expr && IsA(expr, CurrentOfExpr)) { CurrentOfExpr *cexpr = (CurrentOfExpr *) expr; ItemPointerData cursor_tid; if (execCurrentOf(cexpr, econtext, RelationGetRelid(tidstate->ss.ss_currentRelation), &cursor_tid)) { if (numTids >= numAllocTids) { numAllocTids *= 2; tidList = (ItemPointerData *) repalloc(tidList, numAllocTids * sizeof(ItemPointerData)); } tidList[numTids++] = cursor_tid; tidstate->tss_isCurrentOf = true; } } else elog(ERROR, "could not identify CTID expression"); }
/* * clauselist_selectivity - * Compute the selectivity of an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean * expression clauses. The list can be empty, in which case 1.0 * must be returned. List elements may be either RestrictInfos * or bare expression clauses --- the former is preferred since * it allows caching of results. * * See clause_selectivity() for the meaning of the additional parameters. * * Our basic approach is to take the product of the selectivities of the * subclauses. However, that's only right if the subclauses have independent * probabilities, and in reality they are often NOT independent. So, * we want to be smarter where we can. * Currently, the only extra smarts we have is to recognize "range queries", * such as "x > 34 AND x < 42". Clauses are recognized as possible range * query components if they are restriction opclauses whose operators have * scalarltsel() or scalargtsel() as their restriction selectivity estimator. * We pair up clauses of this form that refer to the same variable. An * unpairable clause of this kind is simply multiplied into the selectivity * product in the normal way. But when we find a pair, we know that the * selectivities represent the relative positions of the low and high bounds * within the column's range, so instead of figuring the selectivity as * hisel * losel, we can figure it as hisel + losel - 1. (To visualize this, * see that hisel is the fraction of the range below the high bound, while * losel is the fraction above the low bound; so hisel can be interpreted * directly as a 0..1 value but we need to convert losel to 1-losel before * interpreting it as a value. Then the available range is 1-losel to hisel. * However, this calculation double-excludes nulls, so really we need * hisel + losel + null_frac - 1.) * * If either selectivity is exactly DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL, we forget this equation * and instead use DEFAULT_RANGE_INEQ_SEL. The same applies if the equation * yields an impossible (negative) result. * * A free side-effect is that we can recognize redundant inequalities such * as "x < 4 AND x < 5"; only the tighter constraint will be counted. * * Of course this is all very dependent on the behavior of * scalarltsel/scalargtsel; perhaps some day we can generalize the approach. */ Selectivity clauselist_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype, SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo, bool use_damping) { Selectivity s1 = 1.0; Selectivity *rgsel = NULL; RangeQueryClause *rqlist = NULL; ListCell *l; int pos = 0; int i = 0; /* allocate array to hold all selectivity factors */ rgsel = (Selectivity *) palloc(sizeof(Selectivity) * list_length(clauses)); /* * If there's exactly one clause, then no use in trying to match up pairs, * so just go directly to clause_selectivity(). */ if (list_length(clauses) == 1) return clause_selectivity(root, (Node *) linitial(clauses), varRelid, jointype, sjinfo, use_damping); /* * Initial scan over clauses. Anything that doesn't look like a potential * rangequery clause gets directly added as selectivity factor. Anything that * does gets inserted into an rqlist entry. */ foreach(l, clauses) { Node *clause = (Node *) lfirst(l); RestrictInfo *rinfo; Selectivity s2; /* Always compute the selectivity using clause_selectivity */ s2 = clause_selectivity(root, clause, varRelid, jointype, sjinfo, use_damping); /* * Check for being passed a RestrictInfo. * * If it's a pseudoconstant RestrictInfo, then s2 is either 1.0 or * 0.0; just use that rather than looking for range pairs. */ if (IsA(clause, RestrictInfo)) { rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) clause; if (rinfo->pseudoconstant) { rgsel[pos++] = s2; continue; } clause = (Node *) rinfo->clause; } else rinfo = NULL; /* * See if it looks like a restriction clause with a pseudoconstant on * one side. (Anything more complicated than that might not behave in * the simple way we are expecting.) Most of the tests here can be * done more efficiently with rinfo than without. */ if (is_opclause(clause) && list_length(((OpExpr *) clause)->args) == 2) { OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr *) clause; bool varonleft = true; bool ok; if (rinfo) { ok = (bms_membership(rinfo->clause_relids) == BMS_SINGLETON) && (is_pseudo_constant_clause_relids(lsecond(expr->args), rinfo->right_relids) || (varonleft = false, is_pseudo_constant_clause_relids(linitial(expr->args), rinfo->left_relids))); } else { ok = (NumRelids(clause) == 1) && (is_pseudo_constant_clause(lsecond(expr->args)) || (varonleft = false, is_pseudo_constant_clause(linitial(expr->args)))); } if (ok) { /* * If it's not a "<" or ">" operator, just merge the * selectivity in generically. But if it's the right oprrest, * add the clause to rqlist for later processing. */ switch (get_oprrest(expr->opno)) { case F_SCALARLTSEL: addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause, varonleft, true, s2); break; case F_SCALARGTSEL: addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause, varonleft, false, s2); break; default: /* Just merge the selectivity in generically */ rgsel[pos++] = s2; break; } continue; /* drop to loop bottom */ } } /* Not the right form, so treat it generically. */ rgsel[pos++] = s2; }
/* * Translate an object name and arguments (as passed by the parser) to an * ObjectAddress. * * The returned object will be locked using the specified lockmode. If a * sub-object is looked up, the parent object will be locked instead. * * If the object is a relation or a child object of a relation (e.g. an * attribute or contraint), the relation is also opened and *relp receives * the open relcache entry pointer; otherwise, *relp is set to NULL. This * is a bit grotty but it makes life simpler, since the caller will * typically need the relcache entry too. Caller must close the relcache * entry when done with it. The relation is locked with the specified lockmode * if the target object is the relation itself or an attribute, but for other * child objects, only AccessShareLock is acquired on the relation. * * We don't currently provide a function to release the locks acquired here; * typically, the lock must be held until commit to guard against a concurrent * drop operation. */ ObjectAddress get_object_address(ObjectType objtype, List *objname, List *objargs, Relation *relp, LOCKMODE lockmode) { ObjectAddress address; Relation relation = NULL; /* Some kind of lock must be taken. */ Assert(lockmode != NoLock); switch (objtype) { case OBJECT_INDEX: case OBJECT_SEQUENCE: case OBJECT_TABLE: case OBJECT_VIEW: case OBJECT_FOREIGN_TABLE: relation = get_relation_by_qualified_name(objtype, objname, lockmode); address.classId = RelationRelationId; address.objectId = RelationGetRelid(relation); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_COLUMN: address = get_object_address_attribute(objtype, objname, &relation, lockmode); break; case OBJECT_RULE: case OBJECT_TRIGGER: case OBJECT_CONSTRAINT: address = get_object_address_relobject(objtype, objname, &relation); break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: case OBJECT_EXTENSION: case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: case OBJECT_ROLE: case OBJECT_SCHEMA: case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: case OBJECT_FDW: case OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER: address = get_object_address_unqualified(objtype, objname); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: case OBJECT_DOMAIN: address.classId = TypeRelationId; address.objectId = typenameTypeId(NULL, makeTypeNameFromNameList(objname)); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: address.classId = ProcedureRelationId; address.objectId = LookupAggNameTypeNames(objname, objargs, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_FUNCTION: address.classId = ProcedureRelationId; address.objectId = LookupFuncNameTypeNames(objname, objargs, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: Assert(list_length(objargs) == 2); address.classId = OperatorRelationId; address.objectId = LookupOperNameTypeNames(NULL, objname, (TypeName *) linitial(objargs), (TypeName *) lsecond(objargs), false, -1); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_COLLATION: address.classId = CollationRelationId; address.objectId = get_collation_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: address.classId = ConversionRelationId; address.objectId = get_conversion_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_OPCLASS: case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: address = get_object_address_opcf(objtype, objname, objargs); break; case OBJECT_LARGEOBJECT: Assert(list_length(objname) == 1); address.classId = LargeObjectRelationId; address.objectId = oidparse(linitial(objname)); address.objectSubId = 0; if (!LargeObjectExists(address.objectId)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("large object %u does not exist", address.objectId))); break; case OBJECT_CAST: { TypeName *sourcetype = (TypeName *) linitial(objname); TypeName *targettype = (TypeName *) linitial(objargs); Oid sourcetypeid = typenameTypeId(NULL, sourcetype); Oid targettypeid = typenameTypeId(NULL, targettype); address.classId = CastRelationId; address.objectId = get_cast_oid(sourcetypeid, targettypeid, false); address.objectSubId = 0; } break; case OBJECT_TSPARSER: address.classId = TSParserRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_parser_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY: address.classId = TSDictionaryRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_dict_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TSTEMPLATE: address.classId = TSTemplateRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_template_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; case OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION: address.classId = TSConfigRelationId; address.objectId = get_ts_config_oid(objname, false); address.objectSubId = 0; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized objtype: %d", (int) objtype); /* placate compiler, in case it thinks elog might return */ address.classId = InvalidOid; address.objectId = InvalidOid; address.objectSubId = 0; } /* * If we're dealing with a relation or attribute, then the relation is * already locked. If we're dealing with any other type of object, we need * to lock it and then verify that it still exists. */ if (address.classId != RelationRelationId) { if (IsSharedRelation(address.classId)) LockSharedObject(address.classId, address.objectId, 0, lockmode); else LockDatabaseObject(address.classId, address.objectId, 0, lockmode); /* Did it go away while we were waiting for the lock? */ if (!object_exists(address)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for class %u object %u subobj %d", address.classId, address.objectId, address.objectSubId); } /* Return the object address and the relation. */ *relp = relation; return address; }
Datum geography_gist_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */ List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2); /* int varRelid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3); */ Oid relid; HeapTuple stats_tuple; GEOG_STATS *geogstats; /* * This is to avoid casting the corresponding * "type-punned" pointer, which would break * "strict-aliasing rules". */ GEOG_STATS **gsptr=&geogstats; int geogstats_nvalues = 0; Node *other; Var *self; GBOX search_box; float8 selectivity = 0; POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "geography_gist_selectivity called"); /* Fail if not a binary opclause (probably shouldn't happen) */ if (list_length(args) != 2) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "geography_gist_selectivity: not a binary opclause"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } /* * This selectivity function is invoked by a clause of the form <arg> && <arg> * * In typical usage, one argument will be a column reference, while the other will * be a geography constant; set self to point to the column argument and other * to point to the constant argument. */ other = (Node *) linitial(args); if ( ! IsA(other, Const) ) { self = (Var *)other; other = (Node *) lsecond(args); } else { self = (Var *) lsecond(args); } if ( ! IsA(other, Const) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no constant arguments - returning default selectivity"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } /* * We don't have a nice <const> && <var> or <var> && <const> * situation here. <const> && <const> would probably get evaluated * away by PgSQL earlier on. <func> && <const> is harder, and the * case we get often is <const> && ST_Expand(<var>), which does * actually have a subtly different selectivity than a bae * <const> && <var> call. It's calculatable though, by expanding * every cell in the histgram appropriately. * * Discussion: http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1828 * * To do? Do variable selectivity based on the <func> node. */ if ( ! IsA(self, Var) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no bare variable argument ? - returning a moderate selectivity"); // PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.33333); } /* Convert coordinates to 3D geodesic */ search_box.flags = 1; FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(search_box.flags, 1); if ( ! gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(((Const*)other)->constvalue, &search_box) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search box cannot be calculated"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.0); } POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " requested search box is : %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g", search_box.xmin, search_box.ymin, search_box.zmin, search_box.xmax, search_box.ymax, search_box.zmax); /* * Get pg_statistic row */ relid = getrelid(self->varno, root->parse->rtable); stats_tuple = SearchSysCache(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), Int16GetDatum(self->varattno), 0, 0); if ( ! stats_tuple ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default estimate"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL, #if POSTGIS_PGSQL_VERSION >= 85 NULL, #endif (float4 **)gsptr, &geogstats_nvalues) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY stats not found - returning default geography selectivity"); ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " %d read from stats", geogstats_nvalues); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmin,ymin,zmin: %f,%f,%f", geogstats->xmin, geogstats->ymin, geogstats->zmin); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmax,ymax: %f,%f,%f", geogstats->xmax, geogstats->ymax, geogstats->zmax); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: unitsx: %f", geogstats->unitsx); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: unitsy: %f", geogstats->unitsy); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: unitsz: %f", geogstats->unitsz); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureCoverage: %f", geogstats->avgFeatureCoverage); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geogstats->avgFeatureCells); /* * Do the estimation */ selectivity = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geogstats); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " returning computed value: %f", selectivity); free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats, geogstats_nvalues); ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity); }
/* * dependency_is_compatible_clause * Determines if the clause is compatible with functional dependencies * * Only clauses that have the form of equality to a pseudoconstant, or can be * interpreted that way, are currently accepted. Furthermore the variable * part of the clause must be a simple Var belonging to the specified * relation, whose attribute number we return in *attnum on success. */ static bool dependency_is_compatible_clause(Node *clause, Index relid, AttrNumber *attnum) { RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) clause; Var *var; if (!IsA(rinfo, RestrictInfo)) return false; /* Pseudoconstants are not interesting (they couldn't contain a Var) */ if (rinfo->pseudoconstant) return false; /* Clauses referencing multiple, or no, varnos are incompatible */ if (bms_membership(rinfo->clause_relids) != BMS_SINGLETON) return false; if (is_opclause(rinfo->clause)) { /* If it's an opclause, check for Var = Const or Const = Var. */ OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr *) rinfo->clause; /* Only expressions with two arguments are candidates. */ if (list_length(expr->args) != 2) return false; /* Make sure non-selected argument is a pseudoconstant. */ if (is_pseudo_constant_clause(lsecond(expr->args))) var = linitial(expr->args); else if (is_pseudo_constant_clause(linitial(expr->args))) var = lsecond(expr->args); else return false; /* * If it's not an "=" operator, just ignore the clause, as it's not * compatible with functional dependencies. * * This uses the function for estimating selectivity, not the operator * directly (a bit awkward, but well ...). * * XXX this is pretty dubious; probably it'd be better to check btree * or hash opclass membership, so as not to be fooled by custom * selectivity functions, and to be more consistent with decisions * elsewhere in the planner. */ if (get_oprrest(expr->opno) != F_EQSEL) return false; /* OK to proceed with checking "var" */ } else if (not_clause((Node *) rinfo->clause)) { /* * "NOT x" can be interpreted as "x = false", so get the argument and * proceed with seeing if it's a suitable Var. */ var = (Var *) get_notclausearg(rinfo->clause); } else { /* * A boolean expression "x" can be interpreted as "x = true", so * proceed with seeing if it's a suitable Var. */ var = (Var *) rinfo->clause; } /* * We may ignore any RelabelType node above the operand. (There won't be * more than one, since eval_const_expressions has been applied already.) */ if (IsA(var, RelabelType)) var = (Var *) ((RelabelType *) var)->arg; /* We only support plain Vars for now */ if (!IsA(var, Var)) return false; /* Ensure Var is from the correct relation */ if (var->varno != relid) return false; /* We also better ensure the Var is from the current level */ if (var->varlevelsup != 0) return false; /* Also ignore system attributes (we don't allow stats on those) */ if (!AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr(var->varattno)) return false; *attnum = var->varattno; return true; }
Datum geography_gist_join_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */ List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2); JoinType jointype = (JoinType) PG_GETARG_INT16(3); Node *arg1, *arg2; Var *var1, *var2; Oid relid1, relid2; HeapTuple stats1_tuple, stats2_tuple; GEOG_STATS *geogstats1, *geogstats2; /* * These are to avoid casting the corresponding * "type-punned" pointers, which would break * "strict-aliasing rules". */ GEOG_STATS **gs1ptr=&geogstats1, **gs2ptr=&geogstats2; int geogstats1_nvalues = 0, geogstats2_nvalues = 0; float8 selectivity1 = 0.0, selectivity2 = 0.0; float4 num1_tuples = 0.0, num2_tuples = 0.0; float4 total_tuples = 0.0, rows_returned = 0.0; GBOX search_box; /** * Join selectivity algorithm. To calculation the selectivity we * calculate the intersection of the two column sample extents, * sum the results, and then multiply by two since for each * geometry in col 1 that intersects a geometry in col 2, the same * will also be true. */ POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "geography_gist_join_selectivity called with jointype %d", jointype); /* * We'll only respond to an inner join/unknown context join */ if (jointype != JOIN_INNER) { elog(NOTICE, "geography_gist_join_selectivity called with incorrect join type"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } /* * Determine the oids of the geometry columns we are working with */ arg1 = (Node *) linitial(args); arg2 = (Node *) lsecond(args); if (!IsA(arg1, Var) || !IsA(arg2, Var)) { elog(DEBUG1, "geography_gist_join_selectivity called with arguments that are not column references"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } var1 = (Var *)arg1; var2 = (Var *)arg2; relid1 = getrelid(var1->varno, root->parse->rtable); relid2 = getrelid(var2->varno, root->parse->rtable); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Working with relations oids: %d %d", relid1, relid2); /* Read the stats tuple from the first column */ stats1_tuple = SearchSysCache(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid1), Int16GetDatum(var1->varattno), 0, 0); if ( ! stats1_tuple ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default geometry join selectivity"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats1_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL, #if POSTGIS_PGSQL_VERSION >= 85 NULL, #endif (float4 **)gs1ptr, &geogstats1_nvalues) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY stats not found - returning default geometry join selectivity"); ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } /* Read the stats tuple from the second column */ stats2_tuple = SearchSysCache(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid2), Int16GetDatum(var2->varattno), 0, 0); if ( ! stats2_tuple ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default geometry join selectivity"); free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats1, geogstats1_nvalues); ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats2_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL, #if POSTGIS_PGSQL_VERSION >= 85 NULL, #endif (float4 **)gs2ptr, &geogstats2_nvalues) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY stats not found - returning default geometry join selectivity"); free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats1, geogstats1_nvalues); ReleaseSysCache(stats2_tuple); ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } /** * Setup the search box - this is the intersection of the two column * extents. */ search_box.xmin = Max(geogstats1->xmin, geogstats2->xmin); search_box.ymin = Max(geogstats1->ymin, geogstats2->ymin); search_box.zmin = Max(geogstats1->zmin, geogstats2->zmin); search_box.xmax = Min(geogstats1->xmax, geogstats2->xmax); search_box.ymax = Min(geogstats1->ymax, geogstats2->ymax); search_box.zmax = Min(geogstats1->zmax, geogstats2->zmax); /* If the extents of the two columns don't intersect, return zero */ if (search_box.xmin > search_box.xmax || search_box.ymin > search_box.ymax || search_box.zmin > search_box.zmax) PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.0); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- geomstats1 box: %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g", geogstats1->xmin, geogstats1->ymin, geogstats1->zmin, geogstats1->xmax, geogstats1->ymax, geogstats1->zmax); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- geomstats2 box: %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g", geogstats2->xmin, geogstats2->ymin, geogstats2->zmin, geogstats2->xmax, geogstats2->ymax, geogstats2->zmax); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- calculated intersection box is : %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g", search_box.xmin, search_box.ymin, search_box.zmin, search_box.xmax, search_box.ymax, search_box.zmax); /* Do the selectivity */ selectivity1 = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geogstats1); selectivity2 = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geogstats2); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "selectivity1: %.15g selectivity2: %.15g", selectivity1, selectivity2); /* * OK, so before we calculate the join selectivity we also need to * know the number of tuples in each of the columns since * estimate_selectivity returns the number of estimated tuples * divided by the total number of tuples. */ num1_tuples = geogstats1->totalrows; num2_tuples = geogstats2->totalrows; /* Free the statistic tuples */ free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats1, geogstats1_nvalues); ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple); free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats2, geogstats2_nvalues); ReleaseSysCache(stats2_tuple); /* * Finally calculate the estimate of the number of rows returned * * = 2 * (nrows from col1 + nrows from col2) / * total nrows in col1 x total nrows in col2 * * The factor of 2 accounts for the fact that for each tuple in * col 1 matching col 2, * there will be another match in col 2 matching col 1 */ total_tuples = num1_tuples * num2_tuples; rows_returned = 2 * ((num1_tuples * selectivity1) + (num2_tuples * selectivity2)); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Rows from rel1: %f", num1_tuples * selectivity1); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Rows from rel2: %f", num2_tuples * selectivity2); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Estimated rows returned: %f", rows_returned); /* * One (or both) tuple count is zero... * We return default selectivity estimate. * We could probably attempt at an estimate * w/out looking at tables tuple count, with * a function of selectivity1, selectivity2. */ if ( ! total_tuples ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "Total tuples == 0, returning default join selectivity"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL); } if ( rows_returned > total_tuples ) PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(1.0); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(rows_returned / total_tuples); }
/* * Walker function to find a function call which is supposed to write * database. */ static bool function_call_walker(Node *node, void *context) { SelectContext *ctx = (SelectContext *) context; if (node == NULL) return false; if (IsA(node, FuncCall)) { FuncCall *fcall = (FuncCall *) node; char *fname; int length = list_length(fcall->funcname); if (length > 0) { if (length == 1) /* no schema qualification? */ { fname = strVal(linitial(fcall->funcname)); } else { fname = strVal(lsecond(fcall->funcname)); /* with schema * qualification */ } ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("function call walker, function name: \"%s\"", fname))); if (ctx->pg_terminate_backend_pid == 0 && strcmp("pg_terminate_backend", fname) == 0) { if (list_length(fcall->args) == 1) { Node *arg = linitial(fcall->args); if (IsA(arg, A_Const) && ((A_Const *) arg)->val.type == T_Integer) { ctx->pg_terminate_backend_pid = ((A_Const *) arg)->val.val.ival; ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("pg_terminate_backend pid = %d", ctx->pg_terminate_backend_pid))); } } } /* * Check white list if any. */ if (pool_config->num_white_function_list > 0) { /* Search function in the white list regex patterns */ if (pattern_compare(fname, WHITELIST, "white_function_list") == 1) { /* * If the function is found in the white list, we can * ignore it */ return raw_expression_tree_walker(node, function_call_walker, context); } /* * Since the function was not found in white list, we have * found a writing function. */ ctx->has_function_call = true; return false; } /* * Check black list if any. */ if (pool_config->num_black_function_list > 0) { /* Search function in the black list regex patterns */ if (pattern_compare(fname, BLACKLIST, "black_function_list") == 1) { /* Found. */ ctx->has_function_call = true; return false; } } } } return raw_expression_tree_walker(node, function_call_walker, context); }
/* * clauselist_selectivity - * Compute the selectivity of an implicitly-ANDed list of boolean * expression clauses. The list can be empty, in which case 1.0 * must be returned. * * See clause_selectivity() for the meaning of the additional parameters. * * Our basic approach is to take the product of the selectivities of the * subclauses. However, that's only right if the subclauses have independent * probabilities, and in reality they are often NOT independent. So, * we want to be smarter where we can. * Currently, the only extra smarts we have is to recognize "range queries", * such as "x > 34 AND x < 42". Clauses are recognized as possible range * query components if they are restriction opclauses whose operators have * scalarltsel() or scalargtsel() as their restriction selectivity estimator. * We pair up clauses of this form that refer to the same variable. An * unpairable clause of this kind is simply multiplied into the selectivity * product in the normal way. But when we find a pair, we know that the * selectivities represent the relative positions of the low and high bounds * within the column's range, so instead of figuring the selectivity as * hisel * losel, we can figure it as hisel + losel - 1. (To visualize this, * see that hisel is the fraction of the range below the high bound, while * losel is the fraction above the low bound; so hisel can be interpreted * directly as a 0..1 value but we need to convert losel to 1-losel before * interpreting it as a value. Then the available range is 1-losel to hisel. * However, this calculation double-excludes nulls, so really we need * hisel + losel + null_frac - 1.) * If the calculation yields zero or negative, however, we chicken out and * use a default estimate; that probably means that one or both * selectivities is a default estimate rather than an actual range value. * Of course this is all very dependent on the behavior of * scalarltsel/scalargtsel; perhaps some day we can generalize the approach. */ Selectivity clauselist_selectivity(Query *root, List *clauses, int varRelid, JoinType jointype) { Selectivity s1 = 1.0; RangeQueryClause *rqlist = NULL; List *clist; /* * Initial scan over clauses. Anything that doesn't look like a * potential rangequery clause gets multiplied into s1 and forgotten. * Anything that does gets inserted into an rqlist entry. */ foreach(clist, clauses) { Node *clause = (Node *) lfirst(clist); Selectivity s2; /* * See if it looks like a restriction clause with a pseudoconstant * on one side. (Anything more complicated than that might not * behave in the simple way we are expecting.) * * NB: for consistency of results, this fragment of code had better * match what clause_selectivity() would do in the cases it * handles. */ if (is_opclause(clause) && (varRelid != 0 || NumRelids(clause) == 1)) { OpExpr *expr = (OpExpr *) clause; if (length(expr->args) == 2) { bool varonleft = true; if (is_pseudo_constant_clause(lsecond(expr->args)) || (varonleft = false, is_pseudo_constant_clause(lfirst(expr->args)))) { Oid opno = expr->opno; RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(opno); s2 = restriction_selectivity(root, opno, expr->args, varRelid); /* * If we reach here, we have computed the same result * that clause_selectivity would, so we can just use * s2 if it's the wrong oprrest. But if it's the * right oprrest, add the clause to rqlist for later * processing. */ switch (oprrest) { case F_SCALARLTSEL: addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause, varonleft, true, s2); break; case F_SCALARGTSEL: addRangeClause(&rqlist, clause, varonleft, false, s2); break; default: /* Just merge the selectivity in generically */ s1 = s1 * s2; break; } continue; /* drop to loop bottom */ } } } /* Not the right form, so treat it generically. */ s2 = clause_selectivity(root, clause, varRelid, jointype); s1 = s1 * s2; }
/* * DefineAggregate * * "oldstyle" signals the old (pre-8.2) style where the aggregate input type * is specified by a BASETYPE element in the parameters. Otherwise, * "args" is a pair, whose first element is a list of FunctionParameter structs * defining the agg's arguments (both direct and aggregated), and whose second * element is an Integer node with the number of direct args, or -1 if this * isn't an ordered-set aggregate. * "parameters" is a list of DefElem representing the agg's definition clauses. */ ObjectAddress DefineAggregate(List *name, List *args, bool oldstyle, List *parameters, const char *queryString) { char *aggName; Oid aggNamespace; AclResult aclresult; char aggKind = AGGKIND_NORMAL; List *transfuncName = NIL; List *finalfuncName = NIL; List *combinefuncName = NIL; List *serialfuncName = NIL; List *deserialfuncName = NIL; List *mtransfuncName = NIL; List *minvtransfuncName = NIL; List *mfinalfuncName = NIL; bool finalfuncExtraArgs = false; bool mfinalfuncExtraArgs = false; List *sortoperatorName = NIL; TypeName *baseType = NULL; TypeName *transType = NULL; TypeName *serialType = NULL; TypeName *mtransType = NULL; int32 transSpace = 0; int32 mtransSpace = 0; char *initval = NULL; char *minitval = NULL; char *parallel = NULL; int numArgs; int numDirectArgs = 0; oidvector *parameterTypes; ArrayType *allParameterTypes; ArrayType *parameterModes; ArrayType *parameterNames; List *parameterDefaults; Oid variadicArgType; Oid transTypeId; Oid serialTypeId = InvalidOid; Oid mtransTypeId = InvalidOid; char transTypeType; char mtransTypeType = 0; char proparallel = PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE; ListCell *pl; /* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */ aggNamespace = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(name, &aggName); /* Check we have creation rights in target namespace */ aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(aggNamespace, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, get_namespace_name(aggNamespace)); /* Deconstruct the output of the aggr_args grammar production */ if (!oldstyle) { Assert(list_length(args) == 2); numDirectArgs = intVal(lsecond(args)); if (numDirectArgs >= 0) aggKind = AGGKIND_ORDERED_SET; else numDirectArgs = 0; args = (List *) linitial(args); } /* Examine aggregate's definition clauses */ foreach(pl, parameters) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl); /* * sfunc1, stype1, and initcond1 are accepted as obsolete spellings * for sfunc, stype, initcond. */ if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc") == 0) transfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc1") == 0) transfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "finalfunc") == 0) finalfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "combinefunc") == 0) combinefuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "serialfunc") == 0) serialfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "deserialfunc") == 0) deserialfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "msfunc") == 0) mtransfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "minvfunc") == 0) minvtransfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "mfinalfunc") == 0) mfinalfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "finalfunc_extra") == 0) finalfuncExtraArgs = defGetBoolean(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "mfinalfunc_extra") == 0) mfinalfuncExtraArgs = defGetBoolean(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sortop") == 0) sortoperatorName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "basetype") == 0) baseType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "hypothetical") == 0) { if (defGetBoolean(defel)) { if (aggKind == AGGKIND_NORMAL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION), errmsg("only ordered-set aggregates can be hypothetical"))); aggKind = AGGKIND_HYPOTHETICAL; } } else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype") == 0) transType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "serialtype") == 0) serialType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype1") == 0) transType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sspace") == 0) transSpace = defGetInt32(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "mstype") == 0) mtransType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "msspace") == 0) mtransSpace = defGetInt32(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond") == 0) initval = defGetString(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond1") == 0) initval = defGetString(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "minitcond") == 0) minitval = defGetString(defel); else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "parallel") == 0) parallel = defGetString(defel); else ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("aggregate attribute \"%s\" not recognized", defel->defname))); }
/* * Executes an ALTER OBJECT / OWNER TO statement. Based on the object * type, the function appropriate to that type is executed. */ void ExecAlterOwnerStmt(AlterOwnerStmt *stmt) { Oid newowner = get_role_oid(stmt->newowner, false); switch (stmt->objectType) { case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: AlterAggregateOwner(stmt->object, stmt->objarg, newowner); break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: AlterConversionOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: AlterDatabaseOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_FUNCTION: AlterFunctionOwner(stmt->object, stmt->objarg, newowner); break; case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: AlterLanguageOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_LARGEOBJECT: LargeObjectAlterOwner(oidparse(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: Assert(list_length(stmt->objarg) == 2); AlterOperatorOwner(stmt->object, (TypeName *) linitial(stmt->objarg), (TypeName *) lsecond(stmt->objarg), newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPCLASS: AlterOpClassOwner(stmt->object, stmt->addname, newowner); break; case OBJECT_OPFAMILY: AlterOpFamilyOwner(stmt->object, stmt->addname, newowner); break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: AlterSchemaOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: AlterTableSpaceOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: case OBJECT_DOMAIN: /* same as TYPE */ AlterTypeOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_TSDICTIONARY: AlterTSDictionaryOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_TSCONFIGURATION: AlterTSConfigurationOwner(stmt->object, newowner); break; case OBJECT_FDW: AlterForeignDataWrapperOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; case OBJECT_FOREIGN_SERVER: AlterForeignServerOwner(strVal(linitial(stmt->object)), newowner); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized AlterOwnerStmt type: %d", (int) stmt->objectType); } }
/* * ExecIndexBuildScanKeys * Build the index scan keys from the index qualification expressions * * The index quals are passed to the index AM in the form of a ScanKey array. * This routine sets up the ScanKeys, fills in all constant fields of the * ScanKeys, and prepares information about the keys that have non-constant * comparison values. We divide index qual expressions into five types: * * 1. Simple operator with constant comparison value ("indexkey op constant"). * For these, we just fill in a ScanKey containing the constant value. * * 2. Simple operator with non-constant value ("indexkey op expression"). * For these, we create a ScanKey with everything filled in except the * expression value, and set up an IndexRuntimeKeyInfo struct to drive * evaluation of the expression at the right times. * * 3. RowCompareExpr ("(indexkey, indexkey, ...) op (expr, expr, ...)"). * For these, we create a header ScanKey plus a subsidiary ScanKey array, * as specified in access/skey.h. The elements of the row comparison * can have either constant or non-constant comparison values. * * 4. ScalarArrayOpExpr ("indexkey op ANY (array-expression)"). For these, * we create a ScanKey with everything filled in except the comparison value, * and set up an IndexArrayKeyInfo struct to drive processing of the qual. * (Note that we treat all array-expressions as requiring runtime evaluation, * even if they happen to be constants.) * * 5. NullTest ("indexkey IS NULL"). We just fill in the ScanKey properly. * * Input params are: * * planstate: executor state node we are working for * index: the index we are building scan keys for * scanrelid: varno of the index's relation within current query * quals: indexquals expressions * * Output params are: * * *scanKeys: receives ptr to array of ScanKeys * *numScanKeys: receives number of scankeys * *runtimeKeys: receives ptr to array of IndexRuntimeKeyInfos, or NULL if none * *numRuntimeKeys: receives number of runtime keys * *arrayKeys: receives ptr to array of IndexArrayKeyInfos, or NULL if none * *numArrayKeys: receives number of array keys * * Caller may pass NULL for arrayKeys and numArrayKeys to indicate that * ScalarArrayOpExpr quals are not supported. */ void ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(PlanState *planstate, Relation index, Index scanrelid, List *quals, ScanKey *scanKeys, int *numScanKeys, IndexRuntimeKeyInfo **runtimeKeys, int *numRuntimeKeys, IndexArrayKeyInfo **arrayKeys, int *numArrayKeys) { ListCell *qual_cell; ScanKey scan_keys; IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *runtime_keys; IndexArrayKeyInfo *array_keys; int n_scan_keys; int extra_scan_keys; int n_runtime_keys; int n_array_keys; int j; /* * If there are any RowCompareExpr quals, we need extra ScanKey entries * for them, and possibly extra runtime-key entries. Count up what's * needed. (The subsidiary ScanKey arrays for the RowCompareExprs could * be allocated as separate chunks, but we have to count anyway to make * runtime_keys large enough, so might as well just do one palloc.) */ n_scan_keys = list_length(quals); extra_scan_keys = 0; foreach(qual_cell, quals) { if (IsA(lfirst(qual_cell), RowCompareExpr)) extra_scan_keys += list_length(((RowCompareExpr *) lfirst(qual_cell))->opnos); } scan_keys = (ScanKey) palloc((n_scan_keys + extra_scan_keys) * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); /* Allocate these arrays as large as they could possibly need to be */ runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *) palloc((n_scan_keys + extra_scan_keys) * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo)); array_keys = (IndexArrayKeyInfo *) palloc0(n_scan_keys * sizeof(IndexArrayKeyInfo)); n_runtime_keys = 0; n_array_keys = 0; /* * Below here, extra_scan_keys is index of first cell to use for next * RowCompareExpr */ extra_scan_keys = n_scan_keys; /* * for each opclause in the given qual, convert the opclause into a single * scan key */ j = 0; foreach(qual_cell, quals) { Expr *clause = (Expr *) lfirst(qual_cell); ScanKey this_scan_key = &scan_keys[j++]; Oid opno; /* operator's OID */ RegProcedure opfuncid; /* operator proc id used in scan */ Oid opfamily; /* opfamily of index column */ int op_strategy; /* operator's strategy number */ Oid op_lefttype; /* operator's declared input types */ Oid op_righttype; Expr *leftop; /* expr on lhs of operator */ Expr *rightop; /* expr on rhs ... */ AttrNumber varattno; /* att number used in scan */ if (IsA(clause, OpExpr)) { /* indexkey op const or indexkey op expression */ int flags = 0; Datum scanvalue; opno = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opno; opfuncid = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opfuncid; /* * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = (Expr *) get_leftop(clause); if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; if (varattno < 1 || varattno > index->rd_index->indnatts) elog(ERROR, "bogus index qualification"); /* * We have to look up the operator's strategy number. This * provides a cross-check that the operator does match the index. */ opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1]; get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, &op_strategy, &op_lefttype, &op_righttype); /* * rightop is the constant or variable comparison value */ rightop = (Expr *) get_rightop(clause); if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType)) rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg; Assert(rightop != NULL); if (IsA(rightop, Const)) { /* OK, simple constant comparison value */ scanvalue = ((Const *) rightop)->constvalue; if (((Const *) rightop)->constisnull) flags |= SK_ISNULL; } else { /* Need to treat this one as a runtime key */ runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].scan_key = this_scan_key; runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_expr = ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate); n_runtime_keys++; scanvalue = (Datum) 0; } /* * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately */ ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_scan_key, flags, varattno, /* attribute number to scan */ op_strategy, /* op's strategy */ op_righttype, /* strategy subtype */ opfuncid, /* reg proc to use */ scanvalue); /* constant */ } else if (IsA(clause, RowCompareExpr)) { /* (indexkey, indexkey, ...) op (expression, expression, ...) */ RowCompareExpr *rc = (RowCompareExpr *) clause; ListCell *largs_cell = list_head(rc->largs); ListCell *rargs_cell = list_head(rc->rargs); ListCell *opnos_cell = list_head(rc->opnos); ScanKey first_sub_key = &scan_keys[extra_scan_keys]; /* Scan RowCompare columns and generate subsidiary ScanKey items */ while (opnos_cell != NULL) { ScanKey this_sub_key = &scan_keys[extra_scan_keys]; int flags = SK_ROW_MEMBER; Datum scanvalue; /* * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = (Expr *) lfirst(largs_cell); largs_cell = lnext(largs_cell); if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; /* * rightop is the constant or variable comparison value */ rightop = (Expr *) lfirst(rargs_cell); rargs_cell = lnext(rargs_cell); if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType)) rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg; Assert(rightop != NULL); if (IsA(rightop, Const)) { /* OK, simple constant comparison value */ scanvalue = ((Const *) rightop)->constvalue; if (((Const *) rightop)->constisnull) flags |= SK_ISNULL; } else { /* Need to treat this one as a runtime key */ runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].scan_key = this_sub_key; runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_expr = ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate); n_runtime_keys++; scanvalue = (Datum) 0; } /* * We have to look up the operator's associated btree support * function */ opno = lfirst_oid(opnos_cell); opnos_cell = lnext(opnos_cell); if (index->rd_rel->relam != BTREE_AM_OID || varattno < 1 || varattno > index->rd_index->indnatts) elog(ERROR, "bogus RowCompare index qualification"); opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1]; get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, &op_strategy, &op_lefttype, &op_righttype); if (op_strategy != rc->rctype) elog(ERROR, "RowCompare index qualification contains wrong operator"); opfuncid = get_opfamily_proc(opfamily, op_lefttype, op_righttype, BTORDER_PROC); /* * initialize the subsidiary scan key's fields appropriately */ ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_sub_key, flags, varattno, /* attribute number */ op_strategy, /* op's strategy */ op_righttype, /* strategy subtype */ opfuncid, /* reg proc to use */ scanvalue); /* constant */ extra_scan_keys++; } /* Mark the last subsidiary scankey correctly */ scan_keys[extra_scan_keys - 1].sk_flags |= SK_ROW_END; /* * We don't use ScanKeyEntryInitialize for the header because it * isn't going to contain a valid sk_func pointer. */ MemSet(this_scan_key, 0, sizeof(ScanKeyData)); this_scan_key->sk_flags = SK_ROW_HEADER; this_scan_key->sk_attno = first_sub_key->sk_attno; this_scan_key->sk_strategy = rc->rctype; /* sk_subtype, sk_func not used in a header */ this_scan_key->sk_argument = PointerGetDatum(first_sub_key); } else if (IsA(clause, ScalarArrayOpExpr)) { /* indexkey op ANY (array-expression) */ ScalarArrayOpExpr *saop = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) clause; Assert(saop->useOr); opno = saop->opno; opfuncid = saop->opfuncid; /* * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = (Expr *) linitial(saop->args); if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; if (varattno < 1 || varattno > index->rd_index->indnatts) elog(ERROR, "bogus index qualification"); /* * We have to look up the operator's strategy number. This * provides a cross-check that the operator does match the index. */ opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1]; get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, &op_strategy, &op_lefttype, &op_righttype); /* * rightop is the constant or variable array value */ rightop = (Expr *) lsecond(saop->args); if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType)) rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg; Assert(rightop != NULL); array_keys[n_array_keys].scan_key = this_scan_key; array_keys[n_array_keys].array_expr = ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate); /* the remaining fields were zeroed by palloc0 */ n_array_keys++; /* * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately */ ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_scan_key, 0, /* flags */ varattno, /* attribute number to scan */ op_strategy, /* op's strategy */ op_righttype, /* strategy subtype */ opfuncid, /* reg proc to use */ (Datum) 0); /* constant */ } else if (IsA(clause, NullTest)) { /* indexkey IS NULL */ Assert(((NullTest *) clause)->nulltesttype == IS_NULL); /* * argument should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = ((NullTest *) clause)->arg; if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "NullTest indexqual has wrong key"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; /* * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately */ ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_scan_key, SK_ISNULL | SK_SEARCHNULL, varattno, /* attribute number to scan */ InvalidStrategy, /* no strategy */ InvalidOid, /* no strategy subtype */ InvalidOid, /* no reg proc for this */ (Datum) 0); /* constant */ } else elog(ERROR, "unsupported indexqual type: %d", (int) nodeTag(clause)); }
/* * refresh_matview_datafill */ static void refresh_matview_datafill(DestReceiver *dest, Query *query, const char *queryString) { List *rewritten; PlannedStmt *plan; QueryDesc *queryDesc; List *rtable; RangeTblEntry *initial_rte; RangeTblEntry *second_rte; rewritten = QueryRewrite((Query *) copyObject(query)); /* SELECT should never rewrite to more or less than one SELECT query */ if (list_length(rewritten) != 1) elog(ERROR, "unexpected rewrite result for REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW"); query = (Query *) linitial(rewritten); /* Check for user-requested abort. */ CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* * Kludge here to allow refresh of a materialized view which is invalid * (that is, it was created or refreshed WITH NO DATA. We flag the first * two RangeTblEntry list elements, which were added to the front of the * rewritten Query to keep the rules system happy, with the isResultRel * flag to indicate that it is OK if they are flagged as invalid. See * UpdateRangeTableOfViewParse() for details. * * NOTE: The rewrite has switched the frist two RTEs, but they are still * in the first two positions. If that behavior changes, the asserts here * will fail. */ rtable = query->rtable; initial_rte = ((RangeTblEntry *) linitial(rtable)); Assert(strcmp(initial_rte->alias->aliasname, "new")); initial_rte->isResultRel = true; second_rte = ((RangeTblEntry *) lsecond(rtable)); Assert(strcmp(second_rte->alias->aliasname, "old")); second_rte->isResultRel = true; /* Plan the query which will generate data for the refresh. */ plan = pg_plan_query(query, 0, NULL); /* * Use a snapshot with an updated command ID to ensure this query sees * results of any previously executed queries. (This could only matter if * the planner executed an allegedly-stable function that changed the * database contents, but let's do it anyway to be safe.) */ PushCopiedSnapshot(GetActiveSnapshot()); UpdateActiveSnapshotCommandId(); /* Create a QueryDesc, redirecting output to our tuple receiver */ queryDesc = CreateQueryDesc(plan, queryString, GetActiveSnapshot(), InvalidSnapshot, dest, NULL, 0); /* call ExecutorStart to prepare the plan for execution */ ExecutorStart(queryDesc, EXEC_FLAG_WITHOUT_OIDS); /* run the plan */ ExecutorRun(queryDesc, ForwardScanDirection, 0L); /* and clean up */ ExecutorFinish(queryDesc); ExecutorEnd(queryDesc); FreeQueryDesc(queryDesc); PopActiveSnapshot(); }
/* * ExecIndexBuildScanKeys * Build the index scan keys from the index qualification expressions * * The index quals are passed to the index AM in the form of a ScanKey array. * This routine sets up the ScanKeys, fills in all constant fields of the * ScanKeys, and prepares information about the keys that have non-constant * comparison values. We divide index qual expressions into five types: * * 1. Simple operator with constant comparison value ("indexkey op constant"). * For these, we just fill in a ScanKey containing the constant value. * * 2. Simple operator with non-constant value ("indexkey op expression"). * For these, we create a ScanKey with everything filled in except the * expression value, and set up an IndexRuntimeKeyInfo struct to drive * evaluation of the expression at the right times. * * 3. RowCompareExpr ("(indexkey, indexkey, ...) op (expr, expr, ...)"). * For these, we create a header ScanKey plus a subsidiary ScanKey array, * as specified in access/skey.h. The elements of the row comparison * can have either constant or non-constant comparison values. * * 4. ScalarArrayOpExpr ("indexkey op ANY (array-expression)"). For these, * we create a ScanKey with everything filled in except the comparison value, * and set up an IndexArrayKeyInfo struct to drive processing of the qual. * (Note that we treat all array-expressions as requiring runtime evaluation, * even if they happen to be constants.) * * 5. NullTest ("indexkey IS NULL/IS NOT NULL"). We just fill in the * ScanKey properly. * * This code is also used to prepare ORDER BY expressions for amcanorderbyop * indexes. The behavior is exactly the same, except that we have to look up * the operator differently. Note that only cases 1 and 2 are currently * possible for ORDER BY. * * Input params are: * * planstate: executor state node we are working for * index: the index we are building scan keys for * scanrelid: varno of the index's relation within current query * quals: indexquals (or indexorderbys) expressions * isorderby: true if processing ORDER BY exprs, false if processing quals * *runtimeKeys: ptr to pre-existing IndexRuntimeKeyInfos, or NULL if none * *numRuntimeKeys: number of pre-existing runtime keys * * Output params are: * * *scanKeys: receives ptr to array of ScanKeys * *numScanKeys: receives number of scankeys * *runtimeKeys: receives ptr to array of IndexRuntimeKeyInfos, or NULL if none * *numRuntimeKeys: receives number of runtime keys * *arrayKeys: receives ptr to array of IndexArrayKeyInfos, or NULL if none * *numArrayKeys: receives number of array keys * * Caller may pass NULL for arrayKeys and numArrayKeys to indicate that * ScalarArrayOpExpr quals are not supported. */ void ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(PlanState *planstate, Relation index, Index scanrelid, List *quals, bool isorderby, ScanKey *scanKeys, int *numScanKeys, IndexRuntimeKeyInfo **runtimeKeys, int *numRuntimeKeys, IndexArrayKeyInfo **arrayKeys, int *numArrayKeys) { ListCell *qual_cell; ScanKey scan_keys; IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *runtime_keys; IndexArrayKeyInfo *array_keys; int n_scan_keys; int n_runtime_keys; int max_runtime_keys; int n_array_keys; int j; /* Allocate array for ScanKey structs: one per qual */ n_scan_keys = list_length(quals); scan_keys = (ScanKey) palloc(n_scan_keys * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); /* * runtime_keys array is dynamically resized as needed. We handle it this * way so that the same runtime keys array can be shared between * indexquals and indexorderbys, which will be processed in separate calls * of this function. Caller must be sure to pass in NULL/0 for first * call. */ runtime_keys = *runtimeKeys; n_runtime_keys = max_runtime_keys = *numRuntimeKeys; /* Allocate array_keys as large as it could possibly need to be */ array_keys = (IndexArrayKeyInfo *) palloc0(n_scan_keys * sizeof(IndexArrayKeyInfo)); n_array_keys = 0; /* * for each opclause in the given qual, convert the opclause into a single * scan key */ j = 0; foreach(qual_cell, quals) { Expr *clause = (Expr *) lfirst(qual_cell); ScanKey this_scan_key = &scan_keys[j++]; Oid opno; /* operator's OID */ RegProcedure opfuncid; /* operator proc id used in scan */ Oid opfamily; /* opfamily of index column */ int op_strategy; /* operator's strategy number */ Oid op_lefttype; /* operator's declared input types */ Oid op_righttype; Expr *leftop; /* expr on lhs of operator */ Expr *rightop; /* expr on rhs ... */ AttrNumber varattno; /* att number used in scan */ if (IsA(clause, OpExpr)) { /* indexkey op const or indexkey op expression */ int flags = 0; Datum scanvalue; opno = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opno; opfuncid = ((OpExpr *) clause)->opfuncid; /* * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = (Expr *) get_leftop(clause); if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; if (varattno < 1 || varattno > index->rd_index->indnatts) elog(ERROR, "bogus index qualification"); /* * We have to look up the operator's strategy number. This * provides a cross-check that the operator does match the index. */ opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1]; get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, isorderby, &op_strategy, &op_lefttype, &op_righttype); if (isorderby) flags |= SK_ORDER_BY; /* * rightop is the constant or variable comparison value */ rightop = (Expr *) get_rightop(clause); if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType)) rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg; Assert(rightop != NULL); if (IsA(rightop, Const)) { /* OK, simple constant comparison value */ scanvalue = ((Const *) rightop)->constvalue; if (((Const *) rightop)->constisnull) flags |= SK_ISNULL; } else { /* Need to treat this one as a runtime key */ if (n_runtime_keys >= max_runtime_keys) { if (max_runtime_keys == 0) { max_runtime_keys = 8; runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *) palloc(max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo)); } else { max_runtime_keys *= 2; runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *) repalloc(runtime_keys, max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo)); } } runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].scan_key = this_scan_key; runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_expr = ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate); runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_toastable = TypeIsToastable(op_righttype); n_runtime_keys++; scanvalue = (Datum) 0; } /* * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately */ ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_scan_key, flags, varattno, /* attribute number to scan */ op_strategy, /* op's strategy */ op_righttype, /* strategy subtype */ ((OpExpr *) clause)->inputcollid, /* collation */ opfuncid, /* reg proc to use */ scanvalue); /* constant */ } else if (IsA(clause, RowCompareExpr)) { /* (indexkey, indexkey, ...) op (expression, expression, ...) */ RowCompareExpr *rc = (RowCompareExpr *) clause; ListCell *largs_cell = list_head(rc->largs); ListCell *rargs_cell = list_head(rc->rargs); ListCell *opnos_cell = list_head(rc->opnos); ListCell *collids_cell = list_head(rc->inputcollids); ScanKey first_sub_key; int n_sub_key; Assert(!isorderby); first_sub_key = (ScanKey) palloc(list_length(rc->opnos) * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); n_sub_key = 0; /* Scan RowCompare columns and generate subsidiary ScanKey items */ while (opnos_cell != NULL) { ScanKey this_sub_key = &first_sub_key[n_sub_key]; int flags = SK_ROW_MEMBER; Datum scanvalue; Oid inputcollation; /* * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = (Expr *) lfirst(largs_cell); largs_cell = lnext(largs_cell); if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; /* * We have to look up the operator's associated btree support * function */ opno = lfirst_oid(opnos_cell); opnos_cell = lnext(opnos_cell); if (index->rd_rel->relam != BTREE_AM_OID || varattno < 1 || varattno > index->rd_index->indnatts) elog(ERROR, "bogus RowCompare index qualification"); opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1]; get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, isorderby, &op_strategy, &op_lefttype, &op_righttype); if (op_strategy != rc->rctype) elog(ERROR, "RowCompare index qualification contains wrong operator"); opfuncid = get_opfamily_proc(opfamily, op_lefttype, op_righttype, BTORDER_PROC); inputcollation = lfirst_oid(collids_cell); collids_cell = lnext(collids_cell); /* * rightop is the constant or variable comparison value */ rightop = (Expr *) lfirst(rargs_cell); rargs_cell = lnext(rargs_cell); if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType)) rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg; Assert(rightop != NULL); if (IsA(rightop, Const)) { /* OK, simple constant comparison value */ scanvalue = ((Const *) rightop)->constvalue; if (((Const *) rightop)->constisnull) flags |= SK_ISNULL; } else { /* Need to treat this one as a runtime key */ if (n_runtime_keys >= max_runtime_keys) { if (max_runtime_keys == 0) { max_runtime_keys = 8; runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *) palloc(max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo)); } else { max_runtime_keys *= 2; runtime_keys = (IndexRuntimeKeyInfo *) repalloc(runtime_keys, max_runtime_keys * sizeof(IndexRuntimeKeyInfo)); } } runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].scan_key = this_sub_key; runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_expr = ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate); runtime_keys[n_runtime_keys].key_toastable = TypeIsToastable(op_righttype); n_runtime_keys++; scanvalue = (Datum) 0; } /* * initialize the subsidiary scan key's fields appropriately */ ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_sub_key, flags, varattno, /* attribute number */ op_strategy, /* op's strategy */ op_righttype, /* strategy subtype */ inputcollation, /* collation */ opfuncid, /* reg proc to use */ scanvalue); /* constant */ n_sub_key++; } /* Mark the last subsidiary scankey correctly */ first_sub_key[n_sub_key - 1].sk_flags |= SK_ROW_END; /* * We don't use ScanKeyEntryInitialize for the header because it * isn't going to contain a valid sk_func pointer. */ MemSet(this_scan_key, 0, sizeof(ScanKeyData)); this_scan_key->sk_flags = SK_ROW_HEADER; this_scan_key->sk_attno = first_sub_key->sk_attno; this_scan_key->sk_strategy = rc->rctype; /* sk_subtype, sk_collation, sk_func not used in a header */ this_scan_key->sk_argument = PointerGetDatum(first_sub_key); } else if (IsA(clause, ScalarArrayOpExpr)) { /* indexkey op ANY (array-expression) */ ScalarArrayOpExpr *saop = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) clause; Assert(!isorderby); Assert(saop->useOr); opno = saop->opno; opfuncid = saop->opfuncid; /* * leftop should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = (Expr *) linitial(saop->args); if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "indexqual doesn't have key on left side"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; if (varattno < 1 || varattno > index->rd_index->indnatts) elog(ERROR, "bogus index qualification"); /* * We have to look up the operator's strategy number. This * provides a cross-check that the operator does match the index. */ opfamily = index->rd_opfamily[varattno - 1]; get_op_opfamily_properties(opno, opfamily, isorderby, &op_strategy, &op_lefttype, &op_righttype); /* * rightop is the constant or variable array value */ rightop = (Expr *) lsecond(saop->args); if (rightop && IsA(rightop, RelabelType)) rightop = ((RelabelType *) rightop)->arg; Assert(rightop != NULL); array_keys[n_array_keys].scan_key = this_scan_key; array_keys[n_array_keys].array_expr = ExecInitExpr(rightop, planstate); /* the remaining fields were zeroed by palloc0 */ n_array_keys++; /* * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately */ ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_scan_key, 0, /* flags */ varattno, /* attribute number to scan */ op_strategy, /* op's strategy */ op_righttype, /* strategy subtype */ saop->inputcollid, /* collation */ opfuncid, /* reg proc to use */ (Datum) 0); /* constant */ } else if (IsA(clause, NullTest)) { /* indexkey IS NULL or indexkey IS NOT NULL */ NullTest *ntest = (NullTest *) clause; int flags; Assert(!isorderby); /* * argument should be the index key Var, possibly relabeled */ leftop = ntest->arg; if (leftop && IsA(leftop, RelabelType)) leftop = ((RelabelType *) leftop)->arg; Assert(leftop != NULL); if (!(IsA(leftop, Var) && ((Var *) leftop)->varno == scanrelid)) elog(ERROR, "NullTest indexqual has wrong key"); varattno = ((Var *) leftop)->varattno; /* * initialize the scan key's fields appropriately */ switch (ntest->nulltesttype) { case IS_NULL: flags = SK_ISNULL | SK_SEARCHNULL; break; case IS_NOT_NULL: flags = SK_ISNULL | SK_SEARCHNOTNULL; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized nulltesttype: %d", (int) ntest->nulltesttype); flags = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } ScanKeyEntryInitialize(this_scan_key, flags, varattno, /* attribute number to scan */ InvalidStrategy, /* no strategy */ InvalidOid, /* no strategy subtype */ InvalidOid, /* no collation */ InvalidOid, /* no reg proc for this */ (Datum) 0); /* constant */ } else elog(ERROR, "unsupported indexqual type: %d", (int) nodeTag(clause)); }
Datum geometry_gist_sel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */ List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2); /* int varRelid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3); */ Oid relid; HeapTuple stats_tuple; GEOM_STATS *geomstats; /* * This is to avoid casting the corresponding * "type-punned" pointer, which would break * "strict-aliasing rules". */ GEOM_STATS **gsptr=&geomstats; int geomstats_nvalues=0; Node *other; Var *self; GBOX search_box; float8 selectivity=0; POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "geometry_gist_sel called"); /* Fail if not a binary opclause (probably shouldn't happen) */ if (list_length(args) != 2) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "geometry_gist_sel: not a binary opclause"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL); } /* * Find the constant part */ other = (Node *) linitial(args); if ( ! IsA(other, Const) ) { self = (Var *)other; other = (Node *) lsecond(args); } else { self = (Var *) lsecond(args); } if ( ! IsA(other, Const) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no constant arguments - returning default selectivity"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL); } /* * We are working on two constants.. * TODO: check if expression is true, * returned set would be either * the whole or none. */ if ( ! IsA(self, Var) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no variable argument ? - returning default selectivity"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL); } /* * Convert the constant to a BOX */ if( ! gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(((Const*)other)->constvalue, &search_box) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "search box is EMPTY"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.0); } POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " requested search box is : %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g",search_box.xmin,search_box.ymin,search_box.xmax,search_box.ymax); /* * Get pg_statistic row */ relid = getrelid(self->varno, root->parse->rtable); stats_tuple = SearchSysCache(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), Int16GetDatum(self->varattno), 0, 0); if ( ! stats_tuple ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default estimate"); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL); } if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL, #if POSTGIS_PGSQL_VERSION >= 85 NULL, #endif (float4 **)gsptr, &geomstats_nvalues) ) { POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY stats not found - returning default geometry selectivity"); ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL); } POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " %d read from stats", geomstats_nvalues); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmin,ymin: %f,%f", geomstats->xmin, geomstats->ymin); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmax,ymax: %f,%f", geomstats->xmax, geomstats->ymax); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: cols: %f", geomstats->rows); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: rows: %f", geomstats->cols); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureArea: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureArea); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureCells); /* * Do the estimation */ selectivity = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geomstats); POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " returning computed value: %f", selectivity); free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geomstats, geomstats_nvalues); ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity); }