コード例 #1
ファイル: ppl_help.c プロジェクト: dcf21/pyxplot8
void directive_help(Dict *command, int interactive)
  List    *TopicWords   = NULL; // A list of the help topic words supplied by the user
  char    *TopicString  = NULL; // The string of help topic words supplied by the user
  char     filename[FNAME_LENGTH]; // The filename of ppl_help.xml
  char    *HelpPosition[MAX_HELP_DEPTH]; // A list of xml tags, used to keep track of our position as we traverse the xml hierarchy
  char    *HelpTexts   [MAX_HELP_HITS ]; // A list of all of the help topics which have matched the user's request
  xmlDoc  *doc          = NULL; // The XML document ppl_help.xml
  xmlNode *root_element = NULL; // The root element of the above
  xmlNode *MatchNode    = NULL; // The XML node which best fits the user's request
  int      MatchTextPos = -1; // The position within HelpTexts of the node pointed to by MatchNode
  int      ambiguous    = 0; // Becomes one if we find that the user's request matches multiple help pages
  int      Nmatches     = 0; // Counts the number of pages the user's request matches
  int      i;

  DictLookup(command, "topic", NULL, (void *)&TopicString); // Make a list of the requested topic words in TopicWords
  TopicWords = StrSplit( TopicString );

  sprintf(filename, "%s%s%s", SRCDIR, PATHLINK, "ppl_help.xml"); // Find ppl_help.xml

  doc = xmlReadFile(filename, NULL, 0);

  if (doc==NULL)
    sprintf(temp_err_string, "Help command cannot find help data in expected location of '%s'.", filename);
    ppl_error(ERR_INTERNAL, -1, -1, temp_err_string);

  for (i=0;i<MAX_HELP_DEPTH;i++) if ((HelpPosition[i]=(char *)lt_malloc(SSTR_LENGTH*sizeof(char)) )==NULL) return;
  for (i=0;i<MAX_HELP_HITS ;i++) if ((HelpTexts   [i]=(char *)lt_malloc(SSTR_LENGTH*sizeof(char)) )==NULL) return;

  root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
  help_explore(root_element, &MatchNode, TopicWords, &MatchTextPos, &Nmatches, &ambiguous, HelpPosition, HelpTexts, 0);

  if (ambiguous == 1)
    ppl_report("Ambiguous help request. The following help topics were matched:");
    for(i=0;i<Nmatches;i++) ppl_report( HelpTexts[i] );
    ppl_report("Please make your help request more specific, and try again.");
  else if (MatchNode == NULL)
    ppl_report("Please make your help request more specific, and try again.");
    help_PagerDisplay( HelpTexts[MatchTextPos] , MatchNode , interactive );

  xmlFreeDoc(doc); // Tidy up
コード例 #2
ファイル: lt_dict.c プロジェクト: dcf21/pyxplot8
Dict *DictInit(int HashSize)
  Dict *out;
  out = (Dict *)lt_malloc(sizeof(Dict));
  if (out==NULL) return NULL;
  out->first     = NULL;
  out->last      = NULL;
  out->length    = 0;
  out->HashSize  = HashSize;
  out->HashTable = (DictItem **)lt_malloc(HashSize * sizeof(DictItem *));
  memset(out->HashTable, 0, HashSize * sizeof(DictItem *));
  if (out->HashTable==NULL) return NULL;
  out->memory_context = lt_GetMemContext();
  return out;
コード例 #3
ファイル: wbxml_mem.c プロジェクト: aymerick/libwbxml-0.9.3
WBXML_DECLARE(void *) wbxml_malloc(size_t size)
    return lt_malloc(size);
    return malloc(size);
コード例 #4
ファイル: lt_list.c プロジェクト: dcf21/pyxplot8
List *ListInit()
  List *out;
  out = (List *)lt_malloc(sizeof(List));
  out->first  = NULL;
  out->last   = NULL;
  out->length = 0;
  out->memory_context = lt_GetMemContext();
  return out;
コード例 #5
ファイル: klog.c プロジェクト: AlainODea/illumos-gate
lt_klog_log(int level, pid_t pid, char *stack,
	lt_stat_type_t type, uint64_t value)
	lt_stat_data_t *entry = NULL;
	char *psargs;
	char *str;
	int str_len;

	if ((level & klog_level) == 0) {

	g_assert(klog_table != NULL && proc_table != NULL);
	psargs = (char *)g_hash_table_lookup(proc_table,

	if (psargs == NULL) {
		psargs = lt_get_proc_field(pid, LT_FIELD_PSARGS);

		if (psargs == NULL) {
			psargs = lt_get_proc_field(pid, LT_FIELD_FNAME);

		if (psargs == NULL) {

		    LT_INT_TO_POINTER(pid), psargs);

	str_len = strlen(stack) + 20;
	str = lt_malloc(str_len);
	(void) snprintf(str, str_len, "%ld, \"%s\"", pid, stack);
	entry = (lt_stat_data_t *)g_hash_table_lookup(klog_table, str);

	if (entry == NULL) {
		entry = (lt_stat_data_t *)lt_zalloc(sizeof (lt_stat_data_t));
		g_hash_table_insert(klog_table, str, entry);
	} else {

	lt_update_stat_value(entry, type, value);
コード例 #6
ファイル: eps_point.c プロジェクト: dcf21/pyxplot8
void eps_point_YieldUpText(EPSComm *x)
  CanvasTextItem *i;

  if (x->current->text != NULL)
    x->current->FirstTextID = x->NTextItems;
    if (x->current->text[0]=='\0') return;

    i = (CanvasTextItem *)lt_malloc(sizeof(CanvasTextItem));
    if (i==NULL) { ppl_error(ERR_MEMORY, -1, -1, "Out of memory"); *(x->status) = 1; return; }
    i->text              = x->current->text;
    i->CanvasMultiplotID = x->current->id;
    ListAppendPtr(x->TextItems, i, sizeof(CanvasTextItem), 0, DATATYPE_VOID);
コード例 #7
ファイル: eps_image.c プロジェクト: dcf21/pyxplot8
void eps_image_RenderEPS(EPSComm *x)
  bitmap_data   data;
  FILE         *infile;
  int           ImageType, i, j;
  double        xscale, yscale, r;
  unsigned char buff[10], *imagez;
  char         *filename;
  uLongf        zlen; // Length of buffer passed to zlib
  static unsigned char transparency_buff[3];

  data.data = data.palette = data.trans = NULL;
  data.type = 0;
  data.XDPI = data.YDPI = 180;
  data.TargetCompression = BMP_ENCODING_FLATE;

  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "%% Canvas item %d [bitmap image]\n", x->current->id);

  // Expand filename if it contains wildcards
  filename = ppl_glob_oneresult(x->current->text);
  if (filename == NULL) { *(x->status) = 1; return; }

  // Open input data file
  infile = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (infile==NULL) { sprintf(temp_err_string, "Could not open input file '%s'", filename); ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1, temp_err_string); *(x->status) = 1; return; }

  // Use magic to determine file type
  for (i=0; i<3; i++)
    j = fgetc(infile);
    if (j==EOF) { sprintf(temp_err_string, "Could not read any image data from the input file '%s'", filename); ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1, temp_err_string); *(x->status) = 1; fclose(infile); return; }
    buff[i] = (unsigned char)j;
  if      ((buff[0]=='G' )&&(buff[1]=='I' )&&(buff[2]=='F' )) ImageType = SW_BITMAP_GIF;
  else if ((buff[0]==0xff)&&(buff[1]==0xd8)&&(buff[2]==0xff)) ImageType = SW_BITMAP_JPG;
  else if ((buff[0]=='B' )&&(buff[1]=='M' )                 ) ImageType = SW_BITMAP_BMP;
  else if ((buff[0]==137 )&&(buff[1]=='P' )&&(buff[2]=='N' )) ImageType = SW_BITMAP_PNG;
    sprintf(temp_err_string, "Could not determine the file type of input file '%s'. The image command only supports bmp, gif, jpeg and png images. The supplied image does not appear to be in any of these formats.", filename);
    ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1, temp_err_string);
    *(x->status) = 1;

  // Read data from file using appropriate input filter
  switch (ImageType)
    case SW_BITMAP_BMP: bmp_bmpread (infile , &data); break;
    case SW_BITMAP_GIF: bmp_gifread (infile , &data); break;
    case SW_BITMAP_JPG: bmp_jpegread(infile , &data); break;
    case SW_BITMAP_PNG: bmp_pngread (infile , &data); break;
    default: ppl_error(ERR_INTERNAL, -1, -1, "Unrecognised image type"); *(x->status) = 1; fclose(infile); return;

  // Check to see whether reading of data failed
  if (data.data == NULL) { *(x->status) = 1; return; }

  // Apply palette optimisations to images if possible
  if ((data.depth ==  8) && (data.type==BMP_COLOUR_PALETTE)) bmp_palette_check(&data); // If we did not construct palette, check for trailing unused entries
  if ((data.depth == 24) && (data.type==BMP_COLOUR_BMP    )) bmp_colour_count(&data);  // Check full colour image to ensure more than 256 colours
  if ((data.depth ==  8) && (data.type==BMP_COLOUR_PALETTE)) bmp_grey_check(&data);    // Check paletted images for greyscale conversion
  if ((data.type == BMP_COLOUR_PALETTE) && (data.pal_len <= 16) && (data.depth == 8)) bmp_compact(&data); // Compact images with few palette entries

  // If user has specified a transparent colour, change transparency properties now
  if (x->current->CustomTransparency)
    data.trans = NULL; // Turn off any transparency which may have been present in the original image
    if (data.colour == BMP_COLOUR_PALETTE)
      for(i=0; i<data.pal_len; i++)
       if ( ((unsigned char)x->current->TransColR == data.palette[3*i  ]) &&
            ((unsigned char)x->current->TransColG == data.palette[3*i+1]) &&
            ((unsigned char)x->current->TransColB == data.palette[3*i+2])    )
         data.trans  = transparency_buff;
         *data.trans = (unsigned char)i;
    else if (data.colour == BMP_COLOUR_RGB) // RGB
      data.trans    = transparency_buff;
      data.trans[0] = (unsigned char)x->current->TransColR;
      data.trans[1] = (unsigned char)x->current->TransColG;
      data.trans[2] = (unsigned char)x->current->TransColB;
    else if ((data.colour == BMP_COLOUR_GREY) && (x->current->TransColR==x->current->TransColG) && (x->current->TransColR==x->current->TransColB)) // Greyscale
      int magic;

      if      (data.depth == 1) { magic=255   ; } //   2-colour greyscale
      else if (data.depth == 2) { magic=255/ 3; } //   4-colour greyscale
      else if (data.depth == 4) { magic=255/15; } //  16-colour greyscale
      else                      { magic=  1   ; } // 256-colour greyscale

      if ((x->current->TransColR % magic)==0)
        data.trans    = transparency_buff;
        data.trans[0] = (unsigned char)(x->current->TransColR / magic);

if (data.TargetCompression==BMP_ENCODING_FLATE) data.TargetCompression=BMP_ENCODING_NULL;

  // Apply compression to image data
  switch (data.TargetCompression)
    case BMP_ENCODING_NULL: break; // No image compression
    case BMP_ENCODING_DCT: break; // Special case: JPEG data is encoded in DCT, but is already supplied from bmp_jpegread() in encoded form
      zlen   = data.data_len*1.01+12; // Nasty guess at size of buffer needed.
      imagez = (unsigned char *)lt_malloc(zlen);
      if (imagez == NULL) { ppl_error(ERR_MEMORY, -1, -1,"Out of memory"); return; }
      if (DEBUG) { ppl_log("Calling zlib to compress image data"); }
      j = compress2(imagez,&zlen,data.data,data.data_len,9); // Call zlib to do deflation

      if (j!=0)
        if (DEBUG) { sprintf(temp_err_string, "zlib returned error code %d\n",j); ppl_log(temp_err_string); }
        data.TargetCompression = BMP_ENCODING_NULL; // Give up trying to compress data
      if (DEBUG) { sprintf(temp_err_string, "zlib has completed compression. Before flate: %ld bytes. After flate: %ld bytes", data.data_len, (long)zlen); ppl_log(temp_err_string); }
      if (zlen >= data.data_len)
        if (DEBUG) { ppl_log("Using original uncompressed data since zlib made it bigger than it was to start with"); }
        data.TargetCompression = BMP_ENCODING_NULL; // Give up trying to compress data; result was larger than original data size
      data.data = imagez; // Replace old data with new compressed data
      data.data_len = zlen;
      ppl_error(ERR_INTERNAL, -1, -1, "Unrecognised image compression type requested"); *(x->status) = 1; return;

  // Work out dimensions of image
  if ((x->current->xpos2set) && (x->current->ypos2set)) // Both width and height have been specified
    xscale = x->current->xpos2 * M_TO_PS;
    yscale = x->current->ypos2 * M_TO_PS;
  else if (x->current->xpos2set) // Only width has been set
    xscale = x->current->xpos2 * M_TO_PS;
    yscale = x->current->xpos2 * M_TO_PS * ((double)data.height / (double)data.width);
  else if (x->current->ypos2set) // Only height has been set
    xscale = x->current->ypos2 * M_TO_PS * ((double)data.width / (double)data.height);
    yscale = x->current->ypos2 * M_TO_PS;
  else // Neither height nor width has been set; use DPI information to work out how big image should be
    xscale = ((double)data.width ) / data.XDPI * 72;
    yscale = ((double)data.height) / data.YDPI * 72;

  // Make it into postscript
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "gsave\n");
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "%.2f %.2f translate\n", x->current->xpos * M_TO_PS, x->current->ypos * M_TO_PS);
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "%.2f rotate\n", x->current->rotation * 180 / M_PI);
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "%.2f %.2f scale\n", xscale, yscale); // We render image onto a unit square; use scale to make it the size we actually want

  if      (data.colour == BMP_COLOUR_RGB ) fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "/DeviceRGB setcolorspace\n");  // RGB palette
  else if (data.colour == BMP_COLOUR_GREY) fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "/DeviceGray setcolorspace\n"); // Greyscale palette
  else if (data.colour == BMP_COLOUR_PALETTE) // Indexed palette
    fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "[/Indexed /DeviceRGB %d <~\n", data.pal_len-1);
    bmp_A85(x->epsbuffer, data.palette, 3*data.pal_len);
    fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "] setcolorspace\n\n");

  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "<<\n /ImageType %d\n /Width %d\n /Height %d\n /ImageMatrix [%d 0 0 %d 0 %d]\n", ((!x->current->NoTransparency) && (data.trans!=NULL))?4:1, data.width, data.height, data.width, -data.height, data.height);
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, " /DataSource currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter"); // Image data is stored in currentfile, but need to apply filters to decode it
  if      (data.TargetCompression == BMP_ENCODING_DCT  ) fprintf(x->epsbuffer, " /DCTDecode filter");
  else if (data.TargetCompression == BMP_ENCODING_FLATE) fprintf(x->epsbuffer, " /FlateDecode filter");
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "\n /BitsPerComponent %d\n /Decode [0 %d%s]\n", (data.colour==BMP_COLOUR_RGB)?(data.depth/3):(data.depth),
                                                                        (data.colour==BMP_COLOUR_RGB)?" 0 1 0 1":"");
  if ((!x->current->NoTransparency) && (data.trans != NULL)) // If image has transparency, set mask colour
    fprintf(x->epsbuffer," /MaskColor [");
    if (data.colour == BMP_COLOUR_RGB) fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "%d %d %d]\n",(int)data.trans[0], (int)data.trans[1], (int)data.trans[2]);
    else                               fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "%d]\n"      ,(int)data.trans[0]);
  if (x->current->smooth) fprintf(x->epsbuffer, " /Interpolate true\n"); // If image has smooth flag set, tell postscript interpretter to interpolate image
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, ">> image\n");
  bmp_A85(x->epsbuffer, data.data, data.data_len);
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "grestore\n");

  // Update postscript bounding box
  r = x->current->rotation;
  eps_core_BoundingBox(x, x->current->xpos*M_TO_PS                                  , x->current->ypos*M_TO_PS                                 , 0);
  eps_core_BoundingBox(x, x->current->xpos*M_TO_PS + xscale*cos(r)                  , x->current->ypos*M_TO_PS + xscale*sin(r)                 , 0);
  eps_core_BoundingBox(x, x->current->xpos*M_TO_PS                 + yscale*-sin(r) , x->current->ypos*M_TO_PS                 + yscale*cos(r) , 0);
  eps_core_BoundingBox(x, x->current->xpos*M_TO_PS + xscale*cos(r) + yscale*-sin(r) , x->current->ypos*M_TO_PS + xscale*sin(r) + yscale*cos(r) , 0);

  // Final newline at end of canvas item
  fprintf(x->epsbuffer, "\n");
コード例 #8
ファイル: bmp_jpegread.c プロジェクト: dcf21/pyxplot8
void bmp_jpegread(FILE *jpeg, bitmap_data *image)
  int  comps=0, prec=0;
  long i, j, len, chunk=64*1024;

  unsigned int width=0, height=0, save;
  unsigned char *buff, *header, *headp, *headendp, type=0, comp=0, *p;

  buff     = (unsigned char *)lt_malloc(chunk);
  header   = (unsigned char *)lt_malloc(HEADLEN);
  headp    = header;
  headendp = header + HEADLEN - 8;

  if (DEBUG) ppl_log("Beginning to decode JPEG image file");

  if ((buff == NULL)||(header == NULL)) { ppl_error(ERR_MEMORY, -1, -1,"Out of memory"); return; }

  if (fread(buff,3,1,jpeg)!=1) { ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1,"This JPEG image file appears to be corrupted"); return; }
  if (i<0xe0) { ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1, "In supplied JPEG image, first marker is not APPn. Aborting."); return; }

  if (fread(buff,len,1,jpeg)!=1) { ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1,"This JPEG image file appears to be corrupted"); return; }

  if (DEBUG)
    if (!strcmp((char*)buff,"JFIF")&&(i=0xe0))
      sprintf(temp_err_string,"JPEG version %d.%02d",(int)buff[5],(int)buff[6]);   ppl_log(temp_err_string);
      sprintf(temp_err_string,"Thumbnail size %dx%d",(int)buff[12],(int)buff[13]); ppl_log(temp_err_string);
      sprintf(temp_err_string,"JFIF APP0 entry length 0x%x",(int)len+2);           ppl_log(temp_err_string);
      switch ((int)buff[7])
        case 0:
         ppl_log("No DPI information available");
        case 1:
          sprintf(temp_err_string,"DPI specified as %dx%d dots per inch",(256*((int)buff[ 8])+((int)buff[ 9])),
                                                                         (256*((int)buff[10])+((int)buff[11])) );
          image->XDPI = (256*((int)buff[ 8])+((int)buff[ 9]));
          image->YDPI = (256*((int)buff[10])+((int)buff[11]));
        case 2:
          sprintf(temp_err_string,"DPI specified as %dx%d dots per cm"  ,(256*((int)buff[ 8])+((int)buff[ 9])),
                                                                         (256*((int)buff[10])+((int)buff[11])) );
          image->XDPI = (256*((int)buff[ 8])+((int)buff[ 9])) * 100 * GSL_CONST_MKSA_INCH;
          image->YDPI = (256*((int)buff[10])+((int)buff[11])) * 100 * GSL_CONST_MKSA_INCH;
          sprintf(temp_err_string,"DPI specified in unrecognised unit number %d",(int)buff[7]);
     } else if (!strcmp((char*)buff,"Exif")&&(i=0xe1)) {
      sprintf(temp_err_string,"Exif JPEG file\n");                                 ppl_log(temp_err_string);
      sprintf(temp_err_string,"Exif APP1 entry length 0x%x",(int)len+2);           ppl_log(temp_err_string);

  *(headp++) = 0xff;
  *(headp++) = 0xd8;

  if (DEBUG) { sprintf(temp_err_string, "JFIF APP%d entry discarded", (int)i-0xe0); ppl_log(temp_err_string); }

  while ((type!=0xda) && fread(buff,1,1,jpeg) && (buff[0]=0xff))
    if (fread(buff,3,1,jpeg)!=1) { ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1,"This JPEG image file appears to be corrupted"); return; }
    type = buff[0];
    len  = buff[1]*256+buff[2]-2;
    save = 0;
    if (fread(buff,len,1,jpeg)!=1) { ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1,"This JPEG image file appears to be corrupted"); return; }

    if (DEBUG) { sprintf(temp_err_string, "Entry type %x length 0x%x",(int)type,(int)len+2); ppl_log(temp_err_string); }

    if (((type&0xf0)==0xc0) && (type!=0xc4) && (type!=0xcc))
      if (comp) { ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1, "Cannot decode JPEG image file: it contains multiple images?"); return; }
      comp   = type;
      prec   = buff[0];
      height = 256*buff[1]+buff[2];
      width  = 256*buff[3]+buff[4];
      comps  = buff[5];
      save   = 1;

    if ((type==0xfe) && (DEBUG)) { buff[len]=0; sprintf(temp_err_string,"JPEG Comment: %s",buff); ppl_log(temp_err_string); }
    if ((type==0xe0) && (DEBUG)) { sprintf(temp_err_string,"APP0 Marker: %s",buff); ppl_log(temp_err_string); }

    if ((type==0xdb)||(type==0xc4)||(type==0xda)||(type==0xdd)) save=1;
    if (save)
      *(headp++) = 0xff;
      *(headp++) = type;
      *(headp++) = (len+2)>>8;
      *(headp++) = (len+2)&0xff;
      if (headp+len>headendp) { ppl_error(ERR_FILE, -1, -1,"Header storage for JPEG image exhausted"); return; }
      for (i=0; i<len; i++) *(headp++) = buff[i];
    else if (DEBUG) ppl_log("Discarding section of JPEG image file");