コード例 #1
ファイル: api_general.cpp プロジェクト: ChaosPower/opentx
@function getFieldInfo(name)

Return detailed information about field (source)

The list of valid sources is available:
* for OpenTX 2.0.x at http://downloads-20.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields.txt
* for OpenTX 2.1.x at http://downloads-21.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields.txt (depreciated)
* for OpenTX 2.1.x Taranis and Taranis Plus at http://downloads-21.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields_taranis.txt
* for OpenTX 2.1.x Taranis X9E at http://downloads-21.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields_taranis_x9e.txt

In OpenTX 2.1.x the telemetry sources no longer have a predefined name. 
To get a telemetry value simply use it's sensor name. For example:
 * Altitude sensor has a name "Alt"
 * to get the current altitude use the source "Alt"
 * to get the minimum altitude use the source "Alt-", to get the maximum use "Alt+"

@param name (string) name of the field

@retval table information about requested field, table elements:
 * `id`   (number) field identifier 
 * `name` (string) field name 
 * `desc` (string) field description 

@retval nil the requested field was not found

@status current Introduced in 2.0.8
static int luaGetFieldInfo(lua_State *L)
  const char * what = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
  LuaField field;
  bool found = luaFindFieldByName(what, field, FIND_FIELD_DESC);
  if (found) {
    lua_pushtableinteger(L, "id", field.id);
    lua_pushtablestring(L, "name", what);
    lua_pushtablestring(L, "desc", field.desc);
    return 1;
  return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: api_general.cpp プロジェクト: ChaosPower/opentx
@function getValue(source)

Returns the value of a source. 

The list of valid sources is available:
* for OpenTX 2.0.x at http://downloads-20.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields.txt
* for OpenTX 2.1.x at http://downloads-21.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields.txt (depreciated)
* for OpenTX 2.1.x Taranis and Taranis Plus at http://downloads-21.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields_taranis.txt
* for OpenTX 2.1.x Taranis X9E at http://downloads-21.open-tx.org/firmware/lua_fields_taranis_x9e.txt

In OpenTX 2.1.x the telemetry sources no longer have a predefined name. 
To get a telemetry value simply use it's sensor name. For example:
 * Altitude sensor has a name "Alt"
 * to get the current altitude use the source "Alt"
 * to get the minimum altitude use the source "Alt-", to get the maximum use "Alt+"

@param source  can be an identifier (number) (which was obtained by the getFieldInfo())
or a name (string) of the source.

@retval value current source value (number). Zero is returned for:
 * non-existing sources
 * for all telemetry source when the telemetry stream is not received

@retval table GPS position is returned in a table:
 * `lat` (number) latitude, positive is North 
 * `lon` (number) longitude, positive is East
 * `pilot-lat` (number) pilot latitude, positive is North 
 * `pilot-lon` (number) pilot longitude, positive is East

@retval table GPS date/time, see getDateTime()

@retval table Cells are returned in a table 
(except where no cells were detected in which 
case the returned value is 0):
 * table has one item for each detected cell:
  * key (number) cell number (1 to number of cells)
  * value (number) current cell voltage

@status current Introduced in 2.0.0, changed in 2.1.0

@notice Getting a value by its numerical identifier is faster then by its name.
static int luaGetValue(lua_State *L)
  int src = 0;
  if (lua_isnumber(L, 1)) {
    src = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
  else {
    // convert from field name to its id
    const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
    LuaField field;
    bool found = luaFindFieldByName(name, field);
    if (found) {
      src = field.id;
  return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: api_lcd.cpp プロジェクト: uavcam/opentx
@function lcd.drawChannel(x, y, source, flags)

Display a telemetry value at (x,y)

@param x,y (positive numbers) starting coordinate

@param source can be a source identifier (number) or a source name (string).
See getValue()

@param flags (unsigned number) drawing flags

@status current Introduced in 2.0.6, changed in 2.1.0 (only telemetry sources are valid)
static int luaLcdDrawChannel(lua_State *L)
    if (!luaLcdAllowed) return 0;
    int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
    int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
    int channel = -1;
    if (lua_isnumber(L, 3)) {
        channel = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
    else {
        const char * what = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
        LuaField field;
        bool found = luaFindFieldByName(what, field);
        if (found) {
            channel = field.id;
    unsigned int att = luaL_optunsigned(L, 4, 0);
    getvalue_t value = getValue(channel);
    putsTelemetryChannelValue(x, y, (channel-MIXSRC_FIRST_TELEM)/3, value, att);
    return 0;