コード例 #1
ファイル: lua_vmprep.c プロジェクト: githubzenganiu/toekn
static apr_status_t vm_construct(lua_State **vm, void *params, apr_pool_t *lifecycle_pool)
    lua_State* L;

    ap_lua_vm_spec *spec = params;

    L = luaL_newstate();
    if (spec->package_paths) {
                   "path", "?.lua", "./?.lua", 
    if (spec->package_cpaths) {
                   "cpath", "?" AP_LUA_MODULE_EXT, "./?" AP_LUA_MODULE_EXT,

    if (spec->cb) {
        spec->cb(L, lifecycle_pool, spec->cb_arg);

    if (spec->bytecode && spec->bytecode_len > 0) {
        luaL_loadbuffer(L, spec->bytecode, spec->bytecode_len, spec->file);
        lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
    else {
        int rc;
        ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, lifecycle_pool, APLOGNO(01481)
            "loading lua file %s", spec->file);
        rc = luaL_loadfile(L, spec->file);
        if (rc != 0) {
            ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, lifecycle_pool, APLOGNO(01482)
                          "Error loading %s: %s", spec->file,
                          rc == LUA_ERRMEM ? "memory allocation error"
                                           : lua_tostring(L, 0));
            return APR_EBADF;
        if ( lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0) == LUA_ERRRUN ) {
            ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, lifecycle_pool, APLOGNO(02613)
                          "Error loading %s: %s", spec->file,
                            lua_tostring(L, -1));
            return APR_EBADF;

    loadjitmodule(L, lifecycle_pool);
    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, lifecycle_pool);
    lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "Apache2.Wombat.pool");
    *vm = L;

    return APR_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: lua.util.c プロジェクト: kidaa/Synthesis
//should report error if no Lua and kill object creation
void lua_setup_lua(t_jit_gl_lua *x)
	//load lua_listener class

	x->lua = lua_open();
	luaL_openlibs(x->lua);			//standard Lua libs
	// get traceback function
	lua_getglobal(x->lua, "debug");
		lua_pushliteral(x->lua, "traceback");
		lua_gettable(x->lua, -2);

	lua_pop(x->lua, 1);
	//append package search path
		char path[1024];
		char new_cpath[1024];
		const char *cpath;
		lua_getglobal(x->lua, "package");
		lua_pushstring(x->lua, "cpath");
		lua_rawget(x->lua, -2);
		cpath = lua_tostring(x->lua, -1);
		strcpy(new_cpath, cpath);
		strcat(new_cpath, ";");				//add delimiter
		strcat(new_cpath, path);			//add module path

		strcat(new_cpath, "?.so");			//add so matcher
		strcat(new_cpath, "?.dll");			//add dll matcher
		lua_pop(x->lua, 1);					//get rid of old cpath
		lua_pushstring(x->lua, "cpath");
		lua_pushstring(x->lua, new_cpath);
		lua_rawset(x->lua, -3);
		lua_pop(x->lua, 1);				//pop table from stack
	luaopen_opengl(x->lua);			//LuaGL for OpenGL API bindings
	luaopen_glu(x->lua);			//LuaGLU for glu* OpenGL functions
	luaopen_jit(x->lua);			//Jitlib bindings jit.*
	luaopen_vecmath(x->lua);		//jit.vecmath.c bindings vec2.*/vec3.*/vec4.*/quat.*/mat3.*/mat4.*
	//print function from Lua that uses post()
	lua_pushcfunction(x->lua, lua_post);
	lua_setglobal(x->lua, "print");
	//outlet() function
	lua_pushcfunction(x->lua, lua_outlet);
	lua_setglobal(x->lua, "outlet");
	//importfile() function for loading in scripts within scripts
	lua_pushcfunction(x->lua, lua_importfile);
	lua_setglobal(x->lua, "importfile");
	//stackdump for printing the Lua stack
//	lua_pushcfunction(x->lua, stackDump);
//	lua_setglobal(x->lua, "stackdump");
	//setting global "this" variable to this instance of jit.gl.lua
	Jitobj_push(x->lua, x, 0);
	lua_setglobal(x->lua, "this");
	//put "this" in the global registry so it wont be garbage collected
	lua_pushstring(x->lua, x->lua_unique_name->s_name);
	lua_getglobal(x->lua, "this");
	lua_settable(x->lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
	//create a meta-patcher-message handler
	lua_getglobal(x->lua, "_G");					//get globals table
	luaL_newmetatable(x->lua, "_G_meta");			//create a new metatable
	lua_setmetatable(x->lua, -2);					//set the new metatable to be the globals metatable
	lua_pop(x->lua, 1);								//pop globals table from stack
コード例 #3
ファイル: extends.c プロジェクト: zhaozg/mod_luaex
const char *luaex_cmd_Reslist(cmd_parms *cmd,
                              void *dcfg,
                              const char *resource, const char *script)
  struct dir_config *conf = dcfg;
  const char *err = ap_check_cmd_context(cmd, NOT_IN_LIMIT);
  module* lua_module = ml_find_module(cmd->server, "lua_module");

  if (err != NULL)
    return err;

  if (conf->resource == NULL)
    conf->resource = apr_hash_make(cmd->pool);
  if (conf->L == NULL)
    conf->L = luaL_newstate();

  if (apr_hash_get(conf->resource, resource, strlen(resource)) == NULL)
    lua_State *L = conf->L;
    int err = luaL_loadfile(L, script);
    if (err == LUA_ERRFILE)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "cannot open/read: %s. ", script);
    if (err == LUA_ERRSYNTAX)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "syntax error during pre-compilation for: %s. ", script);
    if (err == LUA_ERRMEM)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "memory allocation error for load: %s. ", script);
    if (err)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "unknown error)(%d) for load: %s. ", err, script);

    err = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
    if (err == LUA_ERRRUN)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "a runtime error. %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
    if (err == LUA_ERRMEM)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "memory allocation error. %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
    if (err == LUA_ERRERR)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "error while running the error handler function. %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
    if (err)
      return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "unknown error(%d:%s) for load: %s. ", err, lua_tostring(L, -1), script);

      int min, smax, hmax, ttl;
      apr_reslist_t* reslist;
      reslist_cb_t* cb = apr_palloc(cmd->pool, sizeof(reslist_cb_t));

      luaL_getmetatable(L, resource);
      if (lua_isnil(L, -1))
        return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "%s not support %s object(metatable)", script, resource);
      cb->name = resource;
      lua_pop(L, 1);

      if (!lua_istable(L, -1))
        return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "%s not return a table which makes a reslist for %s", script, resource);

      cb->L = conf->L;
      lua_getfield(L, -1, "constructor");
      if (!lua_isfunction(L, -1))
        return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "%s not have a table field(constructor) function", script);
      cb->constructor_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

      lua_getfield(L, -1, "destructor");
      if (!lua_isfunction(L, -1))
        return apr_psprintf(cmd->pool, "%s not have a table field(destructor) function", script);
      cb->destructor_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);

      lua_getfield(L, -1, "min");
      min = luaL_optint(L, -1, 0);
      lua_pop(L, 1);

      lua_getfield(L, -1, "smax");
      smax = luaL_optint(L, -1, 16);
      lua_pop(L, 1);

      lua_getfield(L, -1, "hmax");
      hmax = luaL_optint(L, -1, 16);
      lua_pop(L, 1);

      lua_getfield(L, -1, "ttl");
      ttl = luaL_optint(L, -1, 0);
      lua_pop(L, 1);

      if (apr_reslist_create(&reslist, min, smax, hmax, ttl, ml_apr_reslist_constructor, ml_apr_reslist_destructor, cb, cmd->pool)
          == APR_SUCCESS)
        apr_hash_set(conf->resource, resource, strlen(resource), reslist);
        return "apr_reslist_create failed";

  if (conf->resource == NULL)
    return "Out of memory";

  return NULL;